Word Impact Gathering | April 1st, 2020

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise praise the Lord everybody welcome to another midweek and gathering we're so glad that you can join us this evening as we continue to celebrate the Lord we understand that this is a difficult time this having charged distant thing you know we're making it work but we can't wait for you to be back in the house of the Lord but God didn't see fit for that to happen tonight so we are going to celebrate again right where we are and continue to believe God that his word his presence the worship will transcend time and space we're going to continue to believe God that as these services are going on online somebody's going to be saved a backslider is gonna come home someone's going to join the church your life will be blessed you will be delivered you will be healed you will be set free you will get the knowledge that is needed to hear what God has to say that your ears will be open to be able to receive the Word of God and to understand that we walk by revelation not just by information the news can say one thing but what does God say we go to be in the form but we go to the scriptures to believe so we're going to continue to talk about the Word of God share the word with you pop that word in you like steroids so that your faith can be built up trying times right now and we're going to continue to pray for each other for our nation in the world before the service we found out some people have lost some loved ones due to this particular virus and we're praying for you and we're believing God for a strength for comfort right where you are and we're believing God that his presence would overwhelm you with his calm with his comfort during this time and we're going to pray for each other because this is the house of prayer for all people this is the house of intercession the house of worship the place where we talk to God Jacob said this is the gate of heaven this is the place that connects heaven to earth it comes through the church the house of God we are in the house of God you are the house of God and God has created you to be a gateway to his presence God is in you if you know him if you have a relationship with him you know him if you don't know him we're gonna believe that you're gonna be saved today if you walked away from him we believe you want to rededicate your life if you to church home we're going to believe that you'll connect to this house wherever you are we're gonna believe God for you do us a favor hit that share button whatever platform you're on share with somebody let them know to tune into the midweek gathering today as we gather online if you're on YouTube share the Twitter Twitter shared here Instagram Facebook share wherever share as much as possible periscope whatever platform you're on let people know there's a word from the Lord tonight and that worship is gonna go up praise is gonna go up and God is gonna get all the glory and he is gonna get all the honor he's gonna get all the praise because all praise belongs to him all worship is due to his name and even in this God is still worthy to be praised we're gonna praise Him in the storm praise him in the struggle praise Him in everything let's pray father we thank you again for this time we appreciate you for this moment thank you Lord for this day thank you Lord for how you have allowed us to come together even virtually this evening our faith can still connect to each other even though physically we can every day we're continue to be reminded about the story of the man where he just said send the word and heal my servant that scripture keeps echoing echoing in me believing that Lord even tonight you can send your word and heal that Lord your word is your presence being traveled to meet somebody right where they are send your word and heal today thank you Lord for what you're doing point right to that place focus that place Lord and begin to heal in Jesus name I pray that you would encourage hearts and minds strengthen our faith tonight speak to us we need to hear a word from you in an era where there's a whole lot of confusion a whole lot of messages help us to hold on to your one message help us to hold on to your truth because it is your truth that makes us free and I pray this you have blessed this night tonight bless the worst show bless the praise as we connect in our faith do something so strong that testimonies will come that from this service lies were turned around we believe you to do it we expect you to do it we know that you can and we know that you're willing and by faith we receive it in Jesus name Amen god bless you brother chris is gonna come and sing at this time we trust you O God and we do what we created to do we come to bless you and lift you up there's no one above you there's no one that compares to you our God is worthy to be praised yeah yes come wonderful s the Lord with me yeah yeah bless the Lord with me hey come on bless the Lord with me war bless the Lord wisbeach come on moaning flap your hands with me yeah yeah that your hands with me whoa clap your hands with me hallelujah your hands with the Lord with me yeah the Lord the Lord the Lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're worthy given this time we still if your book glory for eat is to you I give the glove and need assure you I give the praise you've done so much so much for me and I would let your Holy Name and I will bless your name and we will bless your name and we will bless your name forever [Music] we give the print lord you happened so bad for me and I will let your Holy Name [Music] and I will [Music] Jesus and we say your name Laurie - darling glory to your name we worship a weirdo you we bow before you [Music] hey-oh [Music] [Music] yes we do [Music] yeah [Music] Oh God [Music] praise the Lord everybody we're back welcome streaming live again Bethany Baptist Church again we asked you guys hit the share button of course Bishop Evans how y'all doing the nice here with us I'm so honored you've taken the time to join us again and hopefully once again we'll be able to bring some refreshing some encouragement impact your faith so that it increases and that you may begin to see the fruit of God's Word in a brand new season I'm I'm believing that you have a season called suddenly that it's coming upon your life yeah that right now season that that faith that causes things to happen now believe in God that you will not hear the word of God and decide later because when you and I decide we're going to obey the word later we delay and sometimes eliminate what God wants to do right now now faith is the substance things hoped for the evidence of things not seeing that later faith would now faith so I want you to the pastor Nick has prayed that powerful prayer today I want you to get ready for the Word of God as we take a walk and have this conversation and bring you the unique view that God has given both past and making myself of its word and once you get ready for the truth of God's Word to make a difference in your life man it's good to see it's good to see you too I know you're ready to rock and roll oh boy so can we go to Psalms 4 no no you got two songs for verses driving I'm right okay okay I like to call these discussions the alley I just thought of all up tall the tall center yeah throw it up there Psalms 4 verse 3 when I think looking you starting there yeah verse 3 is good unless you see something to head you wanna go ahead Psalms 4 verse 3 says but know that the Lord has set apart him that is godly for himself the Lord will hear when I call unto Him yeah now strange title we can use it since it is April 1st okay we gonna call this April Fool's all right all right maple fool April Fool's okay take a look okay journey route yeah it's a to it and Psalms for something that we talked about last week that you really set apart talking about the Passover right and the blood making a we'll talk about a lot a distinction right between God's people okay in the people of the world right and I think that in this environment I think we forget that we go through the same thing as the world does we just go through differently that's right it doesn't mean we don't have struggles heartaches people don't get sick those things happen but I think sometimes something you said earlier we start identifying with the wrong Kingdom absolutely so can you talk to especially especially since God saying you know I'm a sets you apart if you choose me actually and somehow we have to kind of get our minds out of the funk of identifying with everything that's going on in the world with everything that's going on with the kingdom of God I think when we look at the timing of God we're talking about that quite a bit yeah look about that at the time when was that when I want to look at what's happening around the world right now when I look at at hail yesterday tremendous Thunder that I hadn't heard before locust in Africa yeah the plague in other parts of the world and here comes the Passover yeah it is hard to ignore that these events have some biblical history s'ti to them some some validation in the timing of God and that what was going on with Israel it was what I think is going on with the church pastor Nick and that is this why would God have to tell his people to mark their houses with blood yeah I I've been reading and I've been saved a long time now and for the first time the Holy Spirit questioned me about why would God have to have his people identify themselves yeah with blood on the doorpost right God knew who they are but he didn't needed them to identify themselves yes yes why because they had blended into the culture yes sir that was hosting them at the time yes sir and he's saying I knew who you are but you are not standing out in the culture that you're in you have changed your brand yeah watch this Egypt means human reason Israel was slipping into less faith and more human reason okay every year so God have to remind them yeah this is the Passover sit out and tell your kids who I am what I've done who I've been to you let them see your distinction let them see that you're not supposed to blend into the culture of reason but just will to be the kingdom culture of faith yes sir this is the distinction yes we're in the world but not of the world right we're here we're just soldiers here he says come out from among them and be separate from me yes sir so there's this identity that we're changing what we're known for because we want to look more Egyptian than we do distinct among Christian I think oh you all have been dismissed as already if you didn't talk about this no a looping yeah this is good um I want I don't wonder why the Church Universal has lost some of its power and authority great because we're not distinct absolutely okay and and we forgot that like you said we're in the kingdom but we serve a greater Kingdom mhm and I think what we're seeing is it's something you just said we forget what the kingdom of God is and I think we hear these buzzwords glory faith grace and we say image Church of people sure we think people think they know what they mean and they respond any response whole kingdom oh and but kingdom basically is God have it has a way of doing things that's right God has a system that's right he has a method yes right and the kingdom of God is God's methods his way of doing things how he wants his economy how his kingdom to thrive I was talking to a preacher yesterday and he was under the impression that not following a system or a set process was more holy than following okay so I took him to Israel I took him to the fact that God said every time you build this tabernacle every time you want me to visit you yes I need you to build this the same way right all right and then I took the pastor up to the New Testament when it says come boldly before the throne of grace right so they could not get God's attention until they built a structure that he was comfortable with right and they dared not alter it yeah because they didn't want to take a chance on missing gun and that is not saying that there are ministry methods that can't be changed sure it's not saying that we can't adjust to the culture what God is saying don't change me yes to change your method yes so so if I come boldly to the throne it's not any way I want to right it's how he says yes he wants to be a prominent yes takes me back to the tabernacle build it the way I told you to build it right and I'll come yes sir and and I and what in biblical terms for those you know like this you're basically just saying there's a way that seems right mhm which means that there's a way that is right and the way that seems right is tempting to go through mmm because but it changes your identity and takes you off the path that is right well we already out there so we miles will keep going okay I don't wonder why our prayers are ineffective right I don't know I don't I don't wonder why God is not able to answer our prayers I don't wonder anymore how much we limit go yeah because the Bible says we limit the Holy One of Israel right we limit the Holy One of Israel yeah and let us know this protocol to approach it right so we have this thing where we like to take God's thing and change it so it looks like our thing right we wonder why prayers are not answered prayers are not effective Bible says you know how to pray just I'm not a preacher oh yeah so Jesus takes the time to teach us how to pray yeah he says when you pray pray like this right what do we do yes sir and expect him to move right he's the big brother tells the little brothers and sisters how the father responds right that can cut out a whole lot of learning curve absolutely you know but we have this we don't want to do it the way somebody told us right because prayer has personal jesus knew that when he taught it yes sir I'm telling you how to personally get to him yes sir you can tell them how to distinguish your voice from all the other voices in the universe yes sir okay so there are a lot of voices out there mm-hmm but God is listening for that distinct noise the way that is right absolutely could it be possible that you taught us a long time ago that iniquities an invert crookedness there's a bent in us and for some strange reason every time we you know the little thing of doing this right that bent gets in the way and that crookedness gets us from walking in a straight line and we just have to divert it's that negative dominating emotion that we talk there you go the the thing that iniquity that bent that tendency right that we I don't know what's wrong with this we apply the bent to everything God tells us right and then a frustrated and the thing he tells us doesn't work right but I want to change the instruction yeah because something in me wants to do it my way now here's the thing because I'm created in the image and likeness of God I have a tendency to think that I'm right by talking to you today that's what got Adam and Eve in trouble yes sir in the garden I believed he didn't the devil the serpent didn't appeal to the flesh he appealed to their image and their lack of understanding how to operate it yeah so you know you'll be like God oh that appeals to me I'm gonna made in the image and likeness of God yeah so so let me try this even though they knew the rule said don't do it yes sir but that Ben guy tendency my god image I'm tempted by the magnificence of the image I'm created in you nobody talked about it again I only know I can say I marked it on the ground but it is it's mine yes it's them it's the the possibility of all things being possible right that causes me at times to become so secure and how has created me that I start coloring outside the lines yes Jesus right I I want to be distinct yeah but I need to be distinct the way he says I could be absolutely and therein lies the test were the child of God since I have this ego that goes along with being created in His image and part of my flesh you know now that my flesh has been energized by the Spirit of God you know my flesh feels as though it can do its own thing yeah but the Bible says you know the end of that is not gonna be something you like right that's good so since you already jumped into Adam and Eve then please no no Sookie stay annoyed no trust me no no you actually okay so I think you brought two things okay that part in the tabernacle part I think when we read Genesis chapter one we think we're just reading a story about creation no when you're actually reading a story about God establishing a kingdom and the church and church he's setting up a system absolutely from the begin from the beginning you go you stay here and you got to stay there how do we miss the systematic God yeah when Genesis 1 through when Genesis 1 through 3 is him setting up his system on earth yeah it's him setting up the reflection not only of himself but of his kingdom on earth yes sir how do we miss that he's a God of process absolutely seasons in that guard you know man participates in them provisions in the garden sacrifices in the garden work is in the garden worship is in the garden it's all there it's a system by which God says man can maximize his crew is being yes but Adam and Eve have to play we've got to play with it so let's go to Genesis 2 okay let's go Genesis chapter 2 we will look at verse thing all right it's to birthday so I got my cute Bible out here hold up let me sign it I got it so let's I started for a 7 7 8 so the Lord verse 7 the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground breathe into his nostrils the breath of life man became a living soul whilst the wording here y'all the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he formed so the first thing we notice not the first thing is that God did not create Adam in the garden he created him outside of the garden hmm right mm-hmm we also noticed that the garden isn't all of Eden no the guard is just a part of Eden so we see that God is creating a distinction mm-hmm from Eden the world in the garden and God put the man in a place of distinction created the system the kingdom and then put the person in it who contains his life his breath you have just explained how Eden quote-unquote creation was a reflection of him okay the kingdom is three-dimensional yeah so God had to make even three - but I don't think we I didn't I never saw that until you said yeah okay so it's a part of Eden but then there's this wilderness outside so you've got you've got earth heaven and hell all indicated right here before hell was ever needed that's amazing hasn't it yeah so so he puts him in the garden yeah and everything that's in the garden benefits him and what's going on outside of the garden is it negatively impacting him right as long as he does the right thing to stay in the distinction and that staying in his will stay in his will stay in the kingdom and stay distinct so stay distinct so the garden was distinct from everything else he was in the world but he was not of the world and man's distinct from everything else God has created yes sir okay yes sir so as long as you follow principle we stayed in distinction so let's go down to verse 16 okay we're going somewhere y'all this so he says so the start of 15 15 - 15 says the Lord God took the man put him in the Garden of Eden to dress it to keep it to work the kingdom to work the system 16 the Lord God commanded man you may eat of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat every tree of the garden thou mayst freely but the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt not surely die as long as you stay in Kingdom principle as long as you follow the principle you will stay the state right and like you said our issue is we for some reason get bored with distinction yes and don't want to follow principle so God creates Adam and Eve gives them a system right gives them an identity they allowed a snake to come along and challenge their identity yes the way God said so the way the sake the way the serpent was their life the servant was described seemed right yes yes but the end of it they lost their position yes sir and they lost their distinction right so now instead of dwelling continually in promise their dwelling continually in stress and labor yes and strife and thorns and thickets so they lost the comfort of God's will yeah but the comfort of God's will is not without challenges right so in God's will Satan Satan that's the question yes sir because it's not a matter of you it's not so much Kings have kingdoms right they got separated from their kingdom yes sir so so the serpent is after your identity and your distinction yes he wants to make you like everything else yes because they no longer had a garden to work right right and you're right the first thing he challenges is identity yep did you did God say you touch of it because why he doesn't want you to be like him he wants to he was to change how you see yourself and you notice to me he felt too easy I'm sorry that was just do you think she felt because the conversation was just dis dis dis dis and she was like okay yeah but you know we know he appealed to who she was yes because because temptation starts with it yeah but he whispered to it in one loud he whispered yeah he whispered he he connected to something cuz my first question is if um schools have not messed with this tree why am i around in the first place he posed the question because Kings search out a matter okay you'll catch that in a minute so he knew who she was even more thoroughly than she did so he poses a question that's really Kingdom and proverbs tells us that Kings like looking into things her curiosity got a mr. mm-hmm so all of a sudden now she starts questioning what is what God has said yeah based upon what someone else has said to him right now tell me that's not a modern Christian know what it's about at a Christian cuz you notice in the text Satan goes quiet and she keeps talking to herself we can't even visit churches safer without coming back with a new doctor he's true so each one has to establish a doctrine in the garden and she bites yeah she takes it it starts talking to herself what did you say years ago you locked up in your mind as the UM oh the biggest enemy you had is you in your mind unsupervised there you go she was unsupervised in her mind actually because the Bible says she looked at the tree he saw was good desires and she was talking to herself it doesn't look good it does yeah and she said if I eat this I'll become just like him she kicked supervision to the curb absolutely and that was the Word of God for you what blows my mind they didn't have a one commandment good one something you said years ago principles are predictable yes sir they're simple in their predictable do you think we get caught up in the simplicity of it we just gotta complicate the situation when God just says do this we had to find a way to make it harder than what it is like what is it about us to complicate God's simple rules the temptation always seems more powerful than the commandment right because the commandment is always so simplistic but not simple but simplistic way then it does not appear to contain the power that God promises but manifestation always looks more powerful than faith right yes yes so so so so he so he temps her with what she can see right and he conquers what she knows right that made me the problem that we have yeah you just said so Wow because the world is what we can see yeah what we believe is invisible effective what she do so the world has more it seems to have more power unless we're operating in faith right right and we step out of faith because someone asks us a question about something we knew long before the temptation of a game yeah yeah yeah so what happened she became they became secure in the predictability of the guard right and predictability produced at time so people security makes us crazy predictability produces security security if you're not careful births curiosity right so they win the security of the garden and got curly yes sir yep and he made her feel less than who she was in fat and tried to find an alternate route to become it's funny she was already like God already mmm-hmm but if the enemy can mess with how you see yourself your identity make you feel less than you'll search after all the wrong trees to build your identity up and end up losing yourself because you're trying to find your identification and all the wrong things as pastors we run into this all the time we have people come to the church and get built up in the spirit and suddenly decide I'm curious I got to go somewhere else right the next time we see him they look like they've been through right why they did not cherish the foundations and the fundamentals yeah I'm talking a couple pro ballplayers and they tell me that the problem with the professional league now in football basketball hockey all of you is a lack of funding nose yep go to basics so everybody's doing their own thing based on their idea of the fundamentals not master in front of them so what am I saying a lot of times Christians will learn the basics of God and then suddenly start hearing get itchy ears yeah start hearing different things and step away from the very thing that was nurturing them right into something they weren't ready for yeah and really that that according to the Bible starts producing emotions and stresses they had no experience yep so I get out here and I'm getting all messed up mm-hmm you know and but then God covers them but it does not prevent the stresses that come along with being out of God's Word yeah absolutely okay so so the guy kicks them out the kingdom gone out they eat it they kicks him out he puts a jewel with a sword at the gate mm-hmm so they won't go back in and eat of the true slice that tell you well he the reason why I'm throwing you the ball oh you start here to do so so so he puts the angel there with a flaming sword yeah to keep them out because he says if they eat of the Tree of Life they're going to live forever in that sinful condition I agree cuz the fruit on that tree doesn't change their nature absolutely but gives them life absolutely so God puts the angel to keep them out of him but gives them a promise that somebody's going to come that's gonna take all the judgment the swore to the angel at the gate okay kick the door open yeah in that that fruit that hangs on that tree yeah will make you live forever yeah and will change your names right Jesus on the cross this is the one that takes on the judgment yes sir kicks open the door and brings us back into the kingdom of God if we eat of him on the cross will live forever after our conscious move absolutely do you think that is that the the Lord knew as soon as they stepped through that gateway they were gonna want to get back yes sir hey guys shut about it's had to put armed not just an angel yeah but an armed danger yep which tells me the kind of power they had right yes you tells me the kind of power they had they didn't even realize because they weren't in the Garden long enough yeah to be shown that revelation of themselves yeah well they were wonderful that provision wonderful that work in the promise but evidently the only person that could stop them from going back let's go was a manifestation of God armed so it reminds me of when Moses God knew Moses so well that he had to send that angels to lock the gates yeah because Moses was gonna start praying and they will have to let their prayer throughout it say he can't I can't let him come to the promise that he's gonna ask me can he go yeah y'all go down there lock the gates but Moses starts talking to me I have to respond that was a good funeral miss oh so no you good let's go to mark chapter 1 mark chapter 1 okay now I'm a mess with some theologians real quick okay let's do that if I let's get some lettuce some lettuce mark chapter 1 yes look at a couple days might get us a couple phone calls to me mark chapter 1 okay verse number of 14 and 15 okay so we took Jesus comes to kick open to Kingdom he says in verse 14 mark 1:14 says now after John was put in prison Jesus came to Galilee watch this preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God and saying the time is fulfilled the kingdom of God is at hand repent and believe the gospel yes now jesus's primary message was not get saved no his primary message was been kingdom of God is here yep he didn't say y'all come get saved now he does say that at times but his main message was the kingdom of God because his job was to get back into the place where God created us and he preached the gospel of the kingdom that's why you noticed majority zhis preaching was the kingdom of heaven is as the kingdom of heaven and watch this he says the way to get in is through salvation the good news of the heaven yeah okay of the kingdom includes salvation yes sir it's in there can't participate without it that's the Nicodemus lesson yes it's got to be born again so so the the kingdom includes salvation is the entry way the gate just sir is your salvation that's why they don't call it the message of the kingdom they call it the gospel of good news of the kingdom yeah okay no we were gonna go there if you want to but it was but it was the person was repent and believe you driving it you driving the bus let's go there on three let's go John three cuz he says repent yep Wow so therein lies the invitation to the realm of the invisible yes sir you can't get in there without repentance you can't reinter without a pen yes sir yeah because if I don't repent there's an angel with a sword standing at the gateway of the answered prayer to keep me from entering yep yep okay let's keep good let's go to John 3 cos John 3 John 3 yeah okay we hope y'all getting this things man we're going somewhere so great John 3 first one wait there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus a ruler of the Jews the same came Jesus by night said unto him rabbi we know you're a teacher come from God for no man can do these miracles that you do except God be with him yeah I love Jesus response Jesus answer sentence him verily verily I say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God there you go now the interesting thing is Jesus does not go through a process of telling him who he is the answer was they know who the answer was he the answer was you're not gonna see it unless you've been born that's right something's got to go on so you can enter into write what you are speculating about talking about this year a rabba mm-hmm right and Nicodemus said how can I made me born when his old can he enter the second time into his mother's womb he won't be born here comes the repentance again there you go since the ends of the accept may be born a warning the spirit you cannot enter into the kingdom of God I'm not talking about a physical rebirth talking about a spiritual rebirth for you to see it and also for you to enter into it that starts with repentance repentance now you did something on repentance though we could go right here yeah yeah he talked to us about well I think that what we we don't get is that your story we feel like something we repent to God right and then we're supposed to change the way we think and change what we do right alright and but we don't realize that repentance is the way I enter the invisible realm of God right that I get reconnected with the supernatural when I repent right a lack of repentance keeps me restricted right so we normally look at repentance is just a dialogue right when actually it is a facilitator yeah into supernatural things yes sir so so it's a door opener it is it is it is god of me getting God's full attention again yes it is me and God on a good vibe again that's flowing all over again yeah is that repentance works right and and I don't think all the people of God look at repentance as an empowerment right or as a shifting into the supernatural brain because watch this Who am I repenting to yeah I'm talking to God right which means I've entered a conversation with the Lord which means I've slipped unknowingly yeah into a spiritual realm right cuz I'm not just talking I'm repenting yeah and God is looking at this thing differently yeah God is looking at me saying okay I'm looking at what was wrong I'm turning away and running back to you right you know and then God tells the angel to get out of the way so you can get back into the intimacy I guess yeah back into the sisters back into distinction so that was good so he says six that was one of the flesh is flesh that was born of the Spirit is spirit mm-hmm he's not talking about a physical rebirth now oftentimes hear people say if I can go back with the knowledge I had yeah I will go back and change things no I would do the same thing here's the problem with that premise because we're flesh if God physically started your life all over again with all the current knowledge you have now we would fix the problems that we created in our past right but because we're sinful we would create some new problems and be stuck in the cycle of having to keep going back changing it going back and changing because the being reborn in the flesh you going back to when you were two is not going to change who you are at sixty-five because you create some new mistakes in that alternate universe that that's that's why the book of Judges is always in treatment yeah and it didn't intrigue me as much until I realized that Israel was this God cause of a son yeah so we're watching the son we go through falling yeah getting rescued getting up you know doing well falling again yeah does that not describe the cycle of life in all of us yes sir in all of us and faithfully and and blessedly God provided Jesus so we don't need a new deliver to be born every century we have a deliverer it is with us all right and that's all the judge was was a delivery that God birthed within the culture to deliver the culture that he was in which is another reason Jesus had to come down here because it couldn't be the Redeemer and deliverer unless he lived among us yes sir okay yeah salvation gets us back absolutely absolutely all right so now we go to second Corinthians six okay we go on somewhere y'all y'all stay with second Corinthians six okay and just look at verse 14 let's start there for some context you like Corinthians a lot I know I noticed you go there a lot the books are just so interested to me would you pretend oh I don't know why we fall to certain parts of otherwise you know some people don't read Isaiah much I think Isaiah so it's the amazing you know and I think we've gotten used to the psalm so much that we kind of minimize the power they're incredible and proverbs is off-the-chain absolutely absolutely you know and then we know Genesis it's just but I think because we become familiar with them mmm we sometimes don't tell ya see the power of you especially those of us that grew up in church oh you think Psalms 23 is is a children's song yeah there's something you recited and Sunday school is something in there okay so second Corinthians 6:14 be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers straight for principle okay well fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness mm-hmm what communion light with darkness okay that doesn't mean that you know God's saying you got a completely disconnect from everybody that's not saying okay he's talking about influence correct right influence influence 15 what Concord hath Christ with Belial what part hath he that believeth with an infidel right what agreement at the temple of God with idols around the temple the Living God for you the temple living God for as God has said I will dwell in them mm-hmm walking them I will be their God they'll be my people distinction mm-hmm and like you said earlier wherefore come out from among there you go and be separate you have to choose to be distinct saith the Lord don't touch the unclean thing and I will receive you I will be a father unto you and you will be my sons and daughters saith the Lord Almighty so God is showing us when we choose distinction again changing our identity it sounds like you're saying and I think this is worth talking about it sounds like you're saying that that distinction on our part is not just because we're saying that distinction must be displayed intentionally yes sir so we're back again to the reason God has to tell his church captive in Israel I mean in Egypt I need to put blood on you on your doorpost because right now I can't see you all it stinks my says death is gonna come through and not be able to distinguish yeah yeah so so so what was God thinking Israel probably reasoned that they looked okay to themselves the question for us today and for everybody watching us is how is God perceiving us yeah you know how does he see us as distinct yeah because and I'm part of the modern day Church we're spending a lot of time on the age of blending in oh yeah you know we we we all of a sudden we became ashamed of a church looking like a church right a lot of churches are being built looked and I'm not criticize I'm just saying in an effort that we reasoned ourselves until we need to be more like the culture rather than distinct from the course and there's a way to be distinct maintain your identity yeah and still be relevant right if that makes sense it does alright so and I look at that example of Jesus coming to the earth never losing his distinction but functioning well in various cultures yes sir yeah okay no you're right okay sometimes I wonder if some of our colleagues are more interested in building an audience than building disciples I think you're right I don't know if that was - no no no you said you said it right you're allowed to say okay okay everybody has opinions about what you and I say so we are cool because if some of the stuff that we see that's it's not showing much distinction they got a big online audience but are you building disciples during this month well I don't know how you can if you're busy trying to tell people that you know the things of God that God requires are no longer required right right you know and what happens is men and women of God who teach him preach become afraid of teaching the gospel in his simplicity yeah and its power yeah and then wonder why many of our services have very high emotion but not high powers yeah yeah because sometimes you know you people can shout for an hour and watch this now this is how judging and nobody's getting healed in the midst of the praise yeah nobody gets saved in the service oh so to me there's an issue there yep absolutely you know so is is God observing what we're doing or is it participating all right and I think that draws a distinction yeah okay let's go let's go to Roman's to hell I mean hurt anybody's feelings just talking there well we didn't jumping into stuff Romans 12 and let's look at verse 2 it's kind of what we've been sons 12 Romans 12 okay what's well why don't I fall in verse 8 for summary you have to eat for something go ahead Romans 12:2 and be not conformed to this world it is a principle that is again stop-stop adjusting to the world system but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so our thoughts have to be renewed the distinction has to start in our thought process yep that we may prove what is good and acceptable in the perfect will of God so God is talking about the difference between blending in fitting in yeah and being okay with being distinct in the culture and the Passover table was about reminding the entire family especially the current generation coming who we are in God right so they would recite the great miracles of God and the great journey of Israel maybe they cook they wanted the next generation to understand clearly this is who we are and we need you we don't want you to have oh we don't want you to have to paint your doorpost like we did we don't we don't we want you to know who you are so that when I send judgment in judgment knows to pass over you we want we would like you to regain your identity so the stuff that's bothering other people doesn't bother you we want you to be obviously blood-stained yeah yeah but now that blood is in my heart yeah yeah now it's an invisible shield over my life right I'm clear that we may be in danger of losing our brand right because some of us some of us I say that some of us universally are trying so hard to fit into the reasoning of men yeah that we're losing our identity in God absolutely okay perfect let's go to first Peter chapter 2 okay first Peter - I notice it it's a lot of pagesturning no it's good we need to turn on you first Peter chapter 2 they've been sitting at home all day when you watch watching the news watching the news getting scared so just come just just come on just let's get the good news amen yes first Peter chapter 2 verse 9 okay go ahead but you are a chosen or identity generation all right you are my chosen generation a royal priesthood mm-hmm a holy nation god reminding you who you are a peculiar people mm-hmm not weird different yeah distinct watch this I need you to be this we should show forth the praises of him mm-hmm who called you out of that other Kingdom right out of that darkness into the marvelous light out of one system into the end out of one system into a hill I need you to shine that light on darkness mm-hmm to show that we are the stakes so that were peculiar Oh was this the years ago the draw a circle or a means to create a thing yeah and draw a circle around it so the first peculiar people that we saw were Adam and Eve because the inflection of the the intimation of the garden is that it's a circular place yeah so so you you know so we see this circular their peculiar they're created with a circle drawn around then we see Joe enemy can't get to him yeah because God has put a hedge around him it's yes so he's peculiar yeah not that he's strange but he's mightily blessed because God has created him and put the circle of protection provision promise preservation all around here and Jesus comes along cause a sheep puts us in the sheepfold yes sir most people think that's a wooden fence it's not it's a it's a set of hedges that has a break in them that's a circular in fashion that's thick and thorned so the enemy just can't work his way through but there's no door on it that's why Jesus says I am the door yes sir I'm going to lay across the threshold yes and nothing's gonna cross me together sir but I've got to stay in the circle yes because these are peculiar yes they're sheep they represent my people they're smart but they're stubborn they can be laid but I have to feed them they've got wool but then when they get older they start producing less I still love them and you know some got all this stuff going on and he says I need you to stay in the circle the whole point of even was to get them to stay in the circle but the reason the thing that blows my mind is as soon as they stepped out they know what they know and they want to get back in oh yeah but the guard implies they want it back anyway they turn around say what their great right because the test didn't look connected to the results absolutely absolutely the test that's small whatever it is mango Apple whatever you want to call it you did not look connected to their security right because God test you with something it looks totally unrelated to what he wants to bless you yes sir so that Apple didn't look nothing like it held the security of the promise yes sir do we mess up over little things absolutely okay Kim can we go to with you man go to Malachi 3 it's so funny you leave me all this stuff I got three the Holy Ghost managed all the girls yeah they think we line they think we talked about this but I'll ban it wouldn't it wouldn't be nearly this spontaneous if we had sat down in planners it's like you know let's talk about this night yeah I'm glad I'm glad I can still catch the ball Malachi 3 okay and um you know just just for some context let's look at verse eight eight yeah that's okay will a man Rob God yes yeah yeah you have robbed me ask you a questions I know the answer yes consistently you robbed me but you said word have we robbed thee in tithes and offering okay so you're cursed with a curse you have the hindrance on you mm-hmm because you've robbed me even this whole nation okay bring all the ties not nothing big but I'd the tenth something small into the storehouse we tripled with a small thing we strip over small stuff bring bring bring the tithe into the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house prove me now herewith saith Lord of Hosts if I will not pour oh I will open you the windows of heaven pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive small principle now rebuke the Devourer for your sakes he shall destroy the fruits of your ground now sure your vine Castle fruit see for the time the field saith Lord of hosts and all nations shall call you blessed for your delightsome you shall be a delightsome Lance and Lord of hosts here we go into verse 13 and your words have been stout against me saith the Lord mmm-hmm yet you say what have we spoken so much against thee you've been talking trash about me what you mean what we say you've said it is vain to serve God oh my what profit is it that we have kept his for toises his principles and that we have walked mournfully before the Lord of hosts I feel like I'm serving you for nothing mmm 15 and now we call the proud happy yay they that work that work wickedness are set up yeah that our temp God are even delivered so he's saying you're talking trash about because it looks like those that aren't serving me are prospering more than you okay but you're not prospering because you tripping over the small thing the small principle so I'm leaving as I'm as I'm complaining I conveniently leave out what I'm not doing yes and I actually want God to bless me in spite of the fact that I've taken myself out of that flow of God right it's nothing major it's not even the devil that's the problem right it's not we've decided that this small thing from what great God is too much right but we want him to do great things yeah he can't be asking too much I heard now if we go to a restaurant they're putting a 15% gratuity on your business oh here's a moment do already yeah they don't trust people God ain't even asking for a small thing they treat the food the whole garden the ties consistent kiss insisted the Lord he always with holds a part of something for himself if the fruit and the lack of observance disconnects you from the whole garden then the fruit your tithe disconnects you from the size of the promise God wants you to have you but I think the other thing that's really amazing fascinating as I think the Saints confuse provision and blessing for you they're two different things absolutely blessing includes the desire of your heart according to Deuteronomy whatever your heart desires so the desires of my heart are connected to my time his love for me is connected to my provision right did I just say that yeah okay look the rain falls are adjusted the unjust mm-hmm so he expresses his love for me by providing and I watch this cuz I'm not blessing him with the tithe I'm providing him with one so he shows his love for me by providing for me and I show my love for him by providing for him because me giving him a tenth is not blessing him yeah he's just giving him back what he gave me yes sir okay go ahead oh you got some more stuff go ahead so verse 16 he said you get in his way he says and then they that fear of the Lord speak often to another the the Lord hearkened and heard it and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared below oh my and that thought upon his name oh my and watch this and they shall be mine saying Lord of hosts in that day when I make up my jewels I will spare them as a man spareth his own son that serveth him Wow and here it is in verse 18 then shall he return and discern between the righteous and the wicked between him that serveth God and absurd with him not well that word discern is not just looking into right in the Hebrew it actually reads then you shall return and a distinction shall be made between the righteous and the others so when I choose God he makes a distinction between me and everybody else fundamental principle wheat from the tares human beings from animal in the garden chaff from the wheat he's always working in distinction yes sir so God does not want us to blend in in this way that we take on the morals the appearance the language the lifestyle he expects us to be distinct I think of how distinct job wasn't his lifestyle yeah people probably called him corny but they couldn't deny he was blessed absolutely you know you bless when the devil starts talking about yes sir right come on now when the devil starts complaining God look what you've done for him yeah and you can't let you want you let me touch no you let me put my hand on it and then you trick me and when I do put my hand on I released double in his life yes sir April Fool's [Laughter] okay let's go to Exodus 11 okay about two more scriptures that movie Exodus 11 Thanks 11 you've you're closing yeah coming around the mouth then you close on okay Exodus 11 and let's look at verse number seven okay Exodus chapter 11 verse 7 it reason you know that's this go up a little business you talked about okay let's go up to verse 4 got it and Moses said thus saith the Lord about midnight mm-hmm I will go out of the midst of Egypt and all the firstborn of the land of Egypt shall die from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne even into the firstborn of the maidservant that that is behind the mill yeah first one of the bees yeah and there shall be a great cry throughout all the land of Egypt such as there was none like it nor shall be like it any more but against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue against man or beast that ye may know how the Lord doth put a difference a distinction between Egyptians and Israel Wow going back to God is going to show the world that there's a difference between my children and everybody else yep Wow and when I bring them out the dogs got to be quiet the night the dogs refused to bark them three times while they were going through the plagues I'm gonna make you distinct I'm gonna make you distinct i'ma show Egypt you are my people so much so that the created will recognize that they come from God yes sir the image will be restored mm-hmm and the dogs that world trained to bark and escaping yes sir would refuse to do something yes sir my st. distinction so Israel went through the plagues but not like everybody else did right that's right there's a distinction there mm-hmm so so I think our issue now coming around to this thing is that God is looking at you said it how are we acting when the plague is going on that's right that's right what's up are we following principle doing it but I had somebody asked me um this week you know during this crisis you know you know was tithing like I'm like what you mean was tired of like there's the kingdom principles they don't change they don't change matter of fact to me they're actually put on notice st i think they're more significant now yes sir because you really are depending on your source of faith to provide yes sir and for many that source of faith has laid them off yeah you're not hearing what I'm saying God is not laying off in this season God is continuing to prove himself but out of fear and not faith do we step out of the will of God and believe that this this plague means God is not going to take care of us but I must stay in his care yeah so we're back to rebelling and still accept the expecting to be blessed yeah I don't know about you I've been feeling a hankering to pray more I mean more like more Rhema Bible I'm having I'm having random conversations with okay just just what you think about this yeah and he's dropping do stuff on me and in this time he said it this for me has replaced my walks on the beach when I go away okay well my my 10 miles a day when I'm walking when I'm away for a conference because doing the walk is when he starts losing stuff up and I have to record my phone but now because of this thing and I'm still coming in everyday I'm starting to get I'm getting this fresh revelation during what people would call a wilderness time or a storm I think some of us want to make sure that we're listening for God yeah it's like i s'posed it something today that provision has a voice okay and I one of the Facebook friends reminded me that I said it almost 15 years ago okay well that we we look around us and don't listen for what God has provided right right I mean you know I said that provision has a void and we miss God because we don't hear it absolutely absolutely and and this is really Shawn who had a prayer life before the crisis happened absolutely who needs to create one in this moment and so so you know I think we were talking the other day about how the the boy that was possessed yes and the disciples can't move it and Jesus gives them a lifestyle answer Jesus didn't say y'all wait right here I'm gonna go fast right you said this thing is only moved by prayer and fasting meaning it has to be part of your lifestyle to maintain this dimension of power to move this type of obstacle yes sir so so one of the reasons as a church we fast during the year say so because it's a part of our lifestyle some people fast one day a week yeah to maintain that this kind of power yes sir because Jesus says this kind doesn't move with just prayer yeah some stuff you need to be a fasting prayer way yes sir as a lifestyle as a lifestyle and I think these principles are lifestyle things now do you think the power of fasting is missed because sometimes when we call a fast people are fasting out of obligation and that opportunity absolutely when fasting is an opportunity to step up to the next dimension of intimacy entrance into the supernatural and manifested powell yeah but i'm running sometime do we just ok the church is fasting so I got a fast yeah what what joy and what power can you get out of it when you feel obligated to do it yes sir and you miss God completely with your hearts not right mm-hmm during the fashion yeah let's go to Matthew 7 okay just seen Matthew 7 Matthew 7 yes sir Matthew said okay just trying to get something in your spirit that it doesn't matter what's going on in the world our obedience will make us distinct Matthew 7:24 and that's because we're part of us superior Kings are superior Kingdom yes sir and we follow Kingdom principles over everything mm-hmm Matthew 7:24 therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them I like it into a wise man built his house upon a rock mm-hmm the rain is gonna come absolutely the floods are gonna come absolutely the winds are gonna blow absolutely they're gonna beat upon the house that is but your house is not gonna fall yeah because you chose to build your house on Iraq obedience doesn't stop the storm from coming that's right but it gives you a firm foundation when the storm comes mm-hmm and I think for us the temptation is when the storm comes to pull back on our obedience absolutely and to start doing something else when of Jesus saying I'm testing your obedience during the storm not before the storm because the storm ask your question who you gonna choose yes sir disciples going across the water Jesus comes walking on a boat on the water says come then call him by his name just kind of one guy steps out the rest stand back and watch waiting for him to sink number one waiting to see if what Jesus is telling him he can do is able to do but also hoping that because there's a majority of them they've made the right decision not to obey the commandment because during a storm you have to tap into your faith and your courage yeah yeah and there are times when we have faith but lack courage right and the storm didn't stop when he stepped out he had to walk in the story and if you walk what opportunities are being presented to you what God has tell you to come what write the book come start the business no you have the time yeah but the storm has you I just don't feel like doing anything I'm just a word I was talking somebody today they said this is just too much this is just too much I'm looking at I'm like okay you're watching more news than you reading the Bible yes sir yep mm-hmm you watch them 1 news yet and the the CNN's at my MSNBC's and Fox has become your gospel yeah yep and they're meditating on it day and night yeah yeah yep how can you have that stuff playing while you're sleeping right and think you're not going to wake up yeah troubled yeah we helped on a bunch of people right now you are what you eat we are consuming voraciously every bad thing but we're not consuming with equal voracious Ness every good thing every pastor that I've talked to in the past two weeks for some reason had missed the connection between Easter and the Passover coming and the plagues that we're dealing with right now okay without exception so is that just not being able to apply modern events to biblical events is that not having a prophetic quality to your ministry that you can see you know the now in the then yes tell me since yes okay and how many people actually pray for a lord give me us were specific for this I'm not sure I think some of us may be succumbing to the threat that this time period in history is placing on our ministries over you know we're succumbing to how bad it is but is my church the same church jesus says is his and that church is built upon the rock yes sir yes sir and the gates of hell would not prevail against not one bit of it they can make all the plans they want yep but if you don't have faith in that it can't become reality in your life yep that's so true so that's good so 2026 and everyone that hears these things are buying don't do it you'd like them to a foolish man cooks house upon the sand yeah the same rain come same flood comes when ya beach upon house and it falls that the station is the one that follows that you instill you go and God was the biggest distinct there's a difference there's a huge difference yeah now some of us need to go to let's go to mark for last scripture okay going back to mark lark for verse 26 okay and this is for those of us who have issues yeah doing the right thing yeah it being patient with the outcome they come verse 26 and he said this was the kingdom of God as a man should cast seed into the ground and his first thing is go to sleep he rises day and night and lets the spring Dukla see spring for growth and don't think he doesn't even know how because why it's not his job to make the seed produce that's right it's not his job to worry about it producing he just goes to sleep and our job is to obey God go to sleep and could that be why Jesus fell asleep on the boat obey God go to sleep we look in there yep if we're worrying about how it's going to develop we're gonna panic and lose our minds well because part of the development happens in the invisible yes like a seed begins to grow beneath the dirt yeah before you see the fruit indication that it's moving at all you you wait a whole year for a rosebush to produce roses again but you have to have faith in the fact that you've pruned it and cared for it yeah you know so what is God saying here this this Jesus is saying something so tremendous it's blowing my mind that that my job is to cast the seed in the ground and nurture it in the ground God is in charge of increases there you go I have to trust God for the increase but what I want to do with Mike in the image and likeness of God self is control the increase that's not my s not my area of authority five area of authority is the sewing watch this and believing which waters my scene yes sir okay yeah good so as we're following principal I think I don't think we see obedience as a CD no we don't I don't I think we think of obedience is silent okay it is silent to people but it's not to go right obedience actually speaks to God yeah obedience can tell God whether I believe him or with I doubt him yeah yeah so if I if I if I realized that my expressions my actions are actually having a conversation with God I might be careful of the attitudes that I purvey and the way that I carry myself yeah okay thanks 28 for the earth bring forth fruit of herself that's the sower didn't do anything about it it brings it up we just nursery mm-hmm patient y'all first the blade the whole thing doesn't come up stages little sign comes up yep then the ear that doesn't look like what is finally gonna come there you go after the fourth quarter the ear and when the fruit is brought forward they immediately put in a sickle because the harvest is calm the blade looks unrelated to the ear yes sir so a lot of our people watching us may not know much about farming and and the amazing thing about an ear of corn is that the shell of the corner what they call the husk actually is on the stalk before the ear develops in it yeah so you can walk up to it and pull that thing off and find it's empty yeah because because the outer husk gets developed but the inner ear of corn is not so many people prematurely pulled thing off thinking that the outward is what indicates what's inward and pull it off and stop the whole process because they move too quickly right so God is requiring patience from us which is faith for us but with an expectation I'm still watering it I'm still believing I'm still trusting God I'm still worshiping God I'm still praising God I'm still sacrificing because I'm watering my see how many prayers have failed because we sit amen and stop taking care of the request does that make sense to you you know I say Amen and think okay it's all up to God now know the Bible says believe you receive it wait a minute I have to believe this say it and then believe I receive it yes sir so I'm nurturing it or escorting it or guarding it while it's coming to me yeah that's faith right okay hey King the principle yes sir because jesus said so is the kingdom yes sir works just like this yes it's rule you follow this principle this will be the result system yes process because principles are predictable and we say predictable detectability produces security yes sir that's why it doesn't yeah and that is the kingdom of God absolutely and I think we kind of laid out this a brief platform of what type of distinction God wants us to have during this time and and we are people of faith that means that we know that the sowing principle is environmentally protected right that that principle a kingdom principle does not go away that it works no matter what the world is going through yes sir back to Eden if we understood that Eden was not the whole earth Eden was a garden in the middle of a wilderness and God was providing regardless of the circumstance that was going on around it will understand that when Adam and Eve were in there they were they were almost in a hothouse effect they were they were they were in a protected place where God was providing and it didn't matter what was going on around them as long as they worked the promise I worked the principles that God had put in place a lot of times we will lose faith because of the environment what's going on around us no no that's when you hold on to it because God is looking for a chance to prove to somebody that this is how I work yes when things are not going well what's that thing about him him are very present help in times of trouble meaning he's closer than the trouble is yes sir mean and I have to have some kind of vision that allows me to see the real army of God like Elijah and and his servant dear young guy goes out and says we surround it I said no look again we are surrounded but you you're looking at the wrong circle my enemies surrounded along with me yes sir you know so I'm in this time we need to express our faith in such a way that we are distinct among those and here's the thing we have to be distinct among believers right because not all believers hold on the principles in time of testing so you and I have to be people of God who no matter we're not seasonal Christians and we don't have seasonal faith we're believing God in good times and bad times so we don't we don't we don't we don't hold up and that is we don't have later faith we have now faith so so because when you say later the moment you say I'm going to do it later you have destroyed the moment that God is trying to bless you with it's as simple as I don't know about you but a lot of times I don't feel like doing something and I'm not sure you understand what I'm saying what I've learned about myself is if I don't feel like doing it it's important yeah and the times that I didn't feel like doing it that I succumb to that mindset I missed an opportunity yeah so so so here I am I had to fix a mechanism in my head pastor Nick at the moment I feel like I don't want to do it I'm moving out of my city getting up out of the bed moving from the desk pulling out because the things I don't want to do always important absolutely absolutely they're always important some you know how did you come to church and not feel like praising God how do you miss the opportunity yeah how do you say there's a I just don't feel like worship today with what insane part of our brain does that come from you know I don't I don't I don't want to serve in the kingdom I don't want to sacrifice I don't want to give I you know like you said I'm all this is for nothing yeah because that invitation has been rejected by the child of God when he sends opportunity because we've been saying it for the last 30 years divine opportunity is normally inconvenient absolutely it's normally inconvenient it's it God does not ask a miracle to be attached to a convenient moment yeah so right now we're in this moment that requires an act of faith on our parts I got a letter earlier today a card from a young lady that I had mentored who I encouraged to go a back to school and be try her hand a professional basketball and she wrote me today I got a card right before I came into the sanctuary and her card was talking about how from the Word of God had built her faith not only to go to school and complete her schooling but she had gone and gotten a walk on one got an agent and got a walk-on in an NBA WNBA contract and she she said that I appreciate that you taught me that I could do this that God was going to empower me to do what I didn't think I could do so she you know so I'm reading the card out drops this this this piece of paper I open it up and it's $1,000 see that she has sewn out of appreciation for how the word has become a reality in her life that the that the that she pushed past her doubts that she could do it and she said this is just the beginning of what I'm going to do based on what I've been able to accomplish because of what the Word of God has produced in my life I set back in my in my in my chair and I was like wow you know and then it took a minute for me to remember the conversation and the young lady and and thinking is always blind she was so tall yeah but she was young and she was told she couldn't do it okay and and we said no you can do two things you're gonna go back and get your degree and you're gonna do this basketball thing and she was able to do it and now the fruit of that faith and and she does not want this thing to stop so she has kept on going yeah and she said I'm gonna I'm gonna bless God because of how good he's been to me and he resurrected my life I want you to think about how good god has been to you this afternoon when I was thinking about you know wondering what pastor Nick was going to throw at me when we were gonna do this Bible study and I have this conversation Lord started laying with my heart he said you know this is what I want you to do tonight I want you to make sure you do this and it wasn't something big that's what kind of blew my mind because usually when he says I need you to do something it's one I'm uncomfortable you know couldn't have picked a lower number Christ here you know that and I have those conversations for God me too okay so you know I might go oh really that kind of thing and um so we he told me I need you to sold $50 C to dinner and I'm like okay god I was kind of relieved because it felt like another thousand-dollar moment but he said no I just need you to store $50 see today I need you to sort an appreciation I need you to sort an anticipation appreciation for what I've already done anticipation for what I'm going to do appreciation for everything that I've done anticipating what I'm gonna do for you I'm gonna take that career that you thought was a dead end and when we come back from this crisis they will have created a new position for you I'm gonna take your business that seems to be trying to Plateau and I'm gonna prepare it and you for another mighty push so you become distinct in the field that you've chosen to compete in I'm going to take that relationship that you're caring about so much and push it to a level that is going to be pleasing to him I'm gonna do what I promised to do for you I'm gonna put my hand on you and release the kind of favor you've only heard about but what I need from you is an act of faith I need you to be able to trust me even though circumstances are speaking against the existence of God I need you to know that this plague that we're going through is me asking you a question will you choose me will you choose faith and will you choose to be distinct because you're a person that is loyal that is faithful to Kingdom principles I want you to go to the icon on the screen right now those are you watching us all around the world all around the country I want you to go to the icon on the screen and and and so this see of at least $50 with me I want you to do it right now I want you thinking about anticipation I want to think about expectation I what you think about what God has done and what you're believing God to do I want you to look at where your life was three years ago and where it is right now and say to yourself like the old folks you say look how far God has brought me I don't want you to measure this journey by the mountains you've had to conquer watch my words the mountains that you conquer I don't you look at the mountains it's look at the ones you've conquered once that people thought you never ever there's some people that are still amazed you are who you are in God and what's amazing about that God's not finished with you yet that business that that promotion you've been waiting for I believe this seed of faith is attached to that outcome talking to a pastor today he said he was he was um he was in his church and a lady came up and he heard the mailbox rattle and he happened to get to the door before she walked away and a little Hispanic lady and she gave him an offer and he said he went into the finance room and the Lord tell him I open it up and it was like two dollars and 22 cents that was the widow's Mike he prayed over it was appreciative about it she didn't know that was her seed I told him I said next time you see her you tell her that her support of your ministry is going to cause her Philippians 4:13 blessing to be released in her life God shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory did you know that that sure was a response to the men and women of God who support God's work Paul teaching the Philippian Church because you've done this for the kingdom because you've done this for the ministry God's gonna supply all your needs according to his riches he prayed over he said I wonder what God's gonna do with this widows my guy calls him on the phone he says I know things are rough right now I need to know what you guys need he says okay I'll tell you what I need he says well what I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna send you $10,000 check during this family so because I said I stir pastors you got happy to me yeah he said and five days later a check arrived he said we're gonna be able to do some things with this and we've been taught my keeping ministry strong during this time your seeds are gonna help God do that for you he never gives you a seed whose benefit is for anyone but you but he requires that for that seed to bless you it has to pass through his hands so he gives it he gives it to you so you can express faith so you can pass it through his hands and bless it you remember the miracle when they were out in the wilderness and it was time to eat and there was no food and not enough money and Jesus says before you feed them let me touch it let it pass through my hands it passed through his hand and it began to multiply 5000 men told her 15000 people get fed merely because what the lad gave him passed through his hands I want you with your mind focused right now to soul to God put it in his hands caused him to take hold of it put it in the process and return it to you 30 60 and 104 go to the icon on the screen the directions are on the screen give the five texts to give your so technological I just praise God for you those of you who don't work on social media you don't even have a debit card you carry money like I do you can bring it by the church but don't say later say now it got too dark for you senior citizen you don't drive at night first thing in the morning I'm bringing this to God but I want you to sow the seed tonight in faith and watch God will be distinct allow God to be able to see you in the midst of this tempest through a season that we're presently endure that offering will make you distinct tonight pastor Nick I'm so glad we did this again now somebody may want to get saved in that yes sir man has complicated this room mm-hmm Bible is so clear says any man be in crisis a new creature old things are passed away behold all things become new thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus confessed say the same thing as God says about sin believe in that heart that God has raised him from they did say the same thing about Jesus that God says about him you shall be saved if you want to make that decision for us for the Lord tonight before we go past Nick's gonna pray for your salvation then Chris is gonna come and take us out I want you to have a blessed night allow this world to take root in your heart and produce action that God would be pleased with it be distinct because your obedience to the Word of God will speak to God today so you see and watch God work don't pester and if you were getting saved to make sure you put your name in the comment section or send us an email on Facebook wherever platform you're on shoot us an email so we can give you a call talk to you get you connected after this is over salvation is a very simple prayer it's a very simple thing that God asked us to do Romans 10:9 if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus believe in your heart that God has raised from the dead you shall be saved you got to believe that Jesus Lord died for your sins God uh and can save you for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son whoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life just repeat after me real quick say Lord Jesus I believe in my heart but I am a sinner I believe that you are lord you are Savior I believe that you died for my sins you rose from the dead and also believed that you could save me forgive me of my sins come into my heart and save me in Jesus name Amen simple as that get connected to a church who would love to be connected with us again put your information not the information all your information your name in the comments section we'll reach out to you and give you some instructions after this Father we thank you again for tonight thank you for calling us your children thank you that you are our Father you reminded us that you're bringing the hearts of the father's to the sons and sons to the Father thank you today that we are your children we are distinct now I pray that you would allow your children to be a light to this world if you let this light shine to show others that they need to be your child also I pray this U of covers as we leave this place help us to meditate on the Scriptures and not on whistle the news help us to go to the news for information but your work for truth and power your word will set us free thank you Lord for what you're going to do for us in Jesus name Amen come on Chrissa don't leave Donald this words for you Miriam this words for you Mary Ann this word is for you Nadine this word is for you Peter this word is for you somebody named Archie Archibald this word is for you Andrew it's for you Bart is for you Benjamin is for you [Music] estelle it's for you God will do what he said he would [Music] what do [Music] [Music] forgive me [Music] [Music] [Music] what is me [Music] [Music] no sickness [Music]
Channel: Bethany Baptist Church
Views: 1,429
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Id: g5vNSAG_K20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 37sec (6397 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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