Woodturning - The Turquoise Bowl

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hi everybody my name is jim i'm the owner of sprague attorney welcome to my channel this week we're going to satisfy the natural inlay people it's turquoise time now we haven't done any turquoise on the channel and of course this come from comes from jim d thanks again for sending along this beautiful inlay material along with all the other inlay materials that you sent that's totally awesome and what we're going to do we're going to we're going to inlay this in the rim of this beautiful black walnut bowl and the two of them together should be quite striking so that's this week's video if you haven't subscribed please consider doing so and of course anytime i get a thumbs up on my videos certainly helps out the analytics and of course sharing my videos on your social media platforms is a big bonus as well and don't forget for the 25 000 subscriber giveaway bowl we're going to be picking from the comments so please leave a comment and i will answer every and all comments that come in so okay before we get a glue block on the bottom of this i want to get this mounted on the lathe and i want to anyway i want to show you what i want to do with this to make sure that we can get the widest possible rim that we can end up with so as you can see i am marking this so that i can mount it between centers i usually don't do this uh there happened to be a center mark on the bottom of the bowl so that worked out just perfectly and um i just wanted to really maximize how big the inlay could be so uh that's why i mounted this between centers and i figured i'd just trim up the bowl a little bit too on the outside here i'm just putting indexing marks on the bottom of the bowl so that when i put the glue block on there i can judge it better and i also you know i'm just i thought i'd show this is how i get rid of that little nub of course this is hot melt glue that's an electric frying pan and it's very strong 500 500 i get a slot so that's why i'm starting to incorporate this um when i'm turning uh but really the way that i like to do it is i mount the ball on the lathe i turn i have the luxury of a variable speed lathe i crank up the speed uh once it starts to vibrate i back the speed off until it stops vibrating and then that's it that's the speed that i turn at there is no set speed that um i can that i turn at now if you watch the gouge you'll see that i twist it back and forth if the bevel is so when i first engage the bowl with the tool you see how it tilted so what i'm doing is i'm letting the bevel run rub and then i'm just rotating the flutes upwards until it starts cutting as long as that bevel is hitting the wood and not the cutting surface you're not going to get a catch but if you come in and you're too far to the right then you're going to have problems big ones and of course my index finger is also controlling the depth so that i'm not too aggressive with it as well as long as you follow these practices um when you're using like a swept back grind like this like a you know like a david ellsworth bowl gouge you shouldn't have any issues moving to the inside of the bowl start the bowl gouge on its side that way you get a little shoulder for that bevel to run on if you don't have that bevel um again this could be a very devastating catch so as long as you have a bevel or an area for the bevel to run on you're fine and you can do it both ways you i'd sometimes i do a little pull cut just to get a little shoulder there sometimes that's easier it just depends on how the wood is behaving not all bowls are the same and i don't know if you noticed it there or not but again i'm rotating the bowl gouge back to the left and then the bevel is running on the wood and then eventually you rotate it to the right and then it will start um cutting the wood uh you know that that's probably i i do it instinctively i don't even think about i know there's a lot of beginners follow my channel and i don't even think about sharing that knowledge with them because to me it's just it's the bowl gouge is just an extension of my hand i don't even think about it anymore but anyway if you follow these practices you should have some some success but even you know i've been doing this a long time and every now and then things are going to happen you're going to send shrapnel throughout the shop so just be aware of that and this little pole cut you see coming up i've got the handle drop down so that it's almost like a sheer cut on the inside of the bowl so here i'm sanding from 60 to 320. again you know i'm using a three and a half inch dimple discs from sandpaper.ca again there's a link in the description for 10 off your next order just use code inlay gym all right so i thought i would show this uh this is eventually going to happen to your sanding pad i've used a lot of these over the years and eventually they just degrade and fall apart it's kind of the cost of doing bowls so i just got a new one in not too long ago from sandpaper.ca and when it comes the arbor is separated from the actual sanding pad and because i sand forward in reverse these can unscrew so what i would like to do is just take a little bit of thin ca glue and just put it down inside not very much screw the arbor in there let that set up and then you don't have to worry about ever unscrewing using the 3 16 parting tool from crown to define the inlay area the best part of woodturning first gold finish i've yet to meet a person that says oh i love sanding sure brings that wallet alive this bowl is pretty much flawless there's not there's no cracks there's no knots it's actually a very very nice piece of wood now i'm going to use a starbond thin to hold this inlay in so that's why i'm sealing this up good i don't want any glue wicking through the end grain and ruining our bowl anyway i will get this in the clean room and we will see you tomorrow so it's the next day now i've got i believe that's probably medium and fine and what i want to do is mix these together i think that'll give us a more natural look i'm just going to put it in here and then we'll mix it together let's define the medium and what i'll do is i'll just shake this up and uh you know there's nothing if you've been here before you certainly have seen this before there's nothing special here just put it in around the groove you can already tell this is i mean this is just such a striking color it's beautiful so really nice in this walnut i think we're gonna have to get the other pack there looks like we got a good level there i'm using this star bond thin no resin this week and i recommend only using thin stuff to do this that way it wicks down through the inlay if you try to use medium or thick you're probably going to have a lot of voids so i only recommend using the thin stuff and when i get my glue i get it in 16 ounce containers and then i transfer it into these smaller bottles it's easier to use that way there the entire inlay looks wet that's exactly what you want so it's 11 o'clock so i'll have a look at this later on in the day but i might probably leave this until tomorrow to make sure that that ca glue has fully set up but uh either way i'll see you when it's ready it's the next day because it sure is blue i'm going to try and use the carbide on this i don't know what kind of success we're going to have though after i've got the inlay cut back to where i figure it's probably best to stop before filling i like to use the six inch 60 grit random orbital air powered sander before the next inlay get ready for second filling probably see it there actually quite surprising how how this cut it's the first time that i've well first time it's probably the second time that i've worked with turquoise but um i figured a larger inlay like this would be a lot harder to work with because i could have swore that the stuff that i used before was uh quite hard so we're just going to give this a second filling just fill in any little areas that there there are that for whatever reason didn't get filled yesterday we'll use the thin ca glue again i put down a piece of paper today to catch all the overflow i find it's just way easier to pick up that way now you see me tapping on the side of the bowl with a screwdriver i get lots of comments about oh you should be using some sort of a vibrating device and you know the problem with that is if you try and use some vibrating device on the side of this thing it's probably just going to kick the material out of it and the other problem is if you vibrate this so that it's really packed in tightly the glue is not going to penetrate through the inlay so that's why i just use a screwdriver all right well this is after the second filling and man is it ever vibrant really really stunning zoom in here so anyway we're going to use the 60 grit to cut this back and may have to give it another coating of ca glue uh hopefully there's no more big voids and then we can get the finishing from this point on i typically only sand the inlay back i don't tool it back uh you know the the rim is flat so i don't really see the need to do that i don't know if you can see that or not anyway i've sent it to uh 220 and there's a few little pockets here that need to be filled um there is some some pieces of of um you know turquoise is hard to get in this color that's a solid color so you know there's some small pieces of other black material in here that came with it which i was expecting anyway gives it a more natural look anyway i'll just fill these and then we'll be back and sand this again to 320 actually i'll probably go to 400 on this and then some finish all right this is the second coat of salad bowl finish by general finishes so sand it to 400 and i sanded the inside and the outside of the bowl again just to make sure there's no little um glue bits if you will so that first coat should be still embedded in the gradient of the wood so hopefully this only takes three but it might take four the turquoise is so clear backside of the bowl it's beauty see you uh actually probably put the third one on later on today see you later all right so this is the third and hopefully last coat for this bowl of general finishes salad bowl finish all right we'll see you when i do the bottom so there may be a few you that want to try this method but you're scared to actually part piece off because you're worried about it flying off the lathe and losing your project uh this was suggested by a subscriber and so what i'm going to do is just heat up this putty knife with a torch and i'll drive it down between the glue joint and bring the bowl off of the waste block and you know yeah you um you save your waste block i don't really see that as a thing i mean it's called a waste block for a reason i mean this is just old whatever laying around i think that's maple so anyway i'll show that um i don't do this i don't typically see the need for it but i'll show it for you guys in there in case you're uh scared to try this method so i've just parted in a little bit there's still plenty of glue there's no way you can knock that bowl off this waste block right now there you go just be aware there is a risk of fire but other than that that's a safe way to do it if you're uh worried about parting it off the lathe and it going flying so i've been um asked to cover this again this is the vacuum chuck system so that's a vacuum pump in the back yeah it's a marathon and a gassed um vacuum pump and um so obviously here's your gauge you've got um this this valve here so when it's in this configuration here the air just gets pulled in through here uh by the by the pump when it's down then the vacuum comes through here and this is the adapter that just one-handed sorry this is the adapter that goes on your lathe you can get the different size adapters for every lathe see if i can do this one-handed anyway you get screwed on the end of the lathe here maybe there it is it gets screwed on the lathe like that this free spools in the back right it's on a bearing you have to have a hollow arbor so the vacuum comes through to the back to the uh to the chuck itself this is the five and a half inch i believe one way makes a smaller one and a larger one and of course the adapters you get different adapters to fit your lady that's all at one way as well um limitations with this so if you've got a bowl on here and it you know you're limited by how much this is which is probably around five inches or so um i really wish that this was a couple inches further out it certainly would alleviate probably mostly issues that i encounter with larger bowls i'm thinking about getting the bigger one so of course the bigger one in theory should maybe push the bowl further off of the headstock so and the other thing too is uh the bigger one will give you uh greater holding power as well if you're if you're working on large bowls that are say 24 inches or larger then you definitely would want a very large um chuck to do that anyway it's a great system uh if you do bowls i highly recommend getting one and um yeah it works great uh one thing that you should be concerned about uh and this happened to me i was doing this during a storm and we lost the power and that was it the vacuum pump shut off and my bowl went that way so probably don't do it in a storm or if you're worried about losing power anyway it's pretty cool um i've been using this now for nine years without any maintenance issues the neoprene seals here are replaceable as well and this entire system i got from oneway.ca um it's not cheap but you know what it's a great uh great thing to have side dope here's next week's project we're going to do some carrying should be beauty all right back to jim d's bowl if you're curious that's uh i think that's a richard raffin spear point tool is what that is just to give the bowl a little you know a little flare all right let's have a little last look at our bowl here that turquoise is just amazing uh the uh the contrast between it and the black walnut is absolutely spectacular love it here's the very base ended up being um twelve and three quarters by five and a half tall i think is what the final dimensions are outside dimensions uh three coats of salad bowl finished by general finish again a beautiful finish i'm gonna be sorry when i run out of it and um you know this is a really good contrast uh that dark wood and that beautiful turquoise is absolutely stunning so whoever gets this is certainly going to love it ah don't forget about our 25 000 subscriber giveaway bowl and that's pearl red with aluminum nuggets and of course black mullet as well once i hit 25 000 subscribers i will pick from the comments uh from the videos and i will ship this worldwide to the winner so don't forget to comment also don't forget about our sponsors down below designer epoxy sandpaper dot ca starbound adhesives and hunter tool systems they're all in the description down below for discount discount codes so uh don't forget to check them out anyway next week will be another resin project and uh it's looking really spectacular so make sure you come on back for that until then take care stay safe don't forget that bell and don't forget that thumbs up it certainly helps in the analytics see you next week you
Channel: Sprague Woodturning
Views: 5,038
Rating: 4.9372549 out of 5
Keywords: starbond, ca glue, petawawa, ottawa, toronto, ontario, walnut, turquiose, inlay, resin, sandpaper.ca, designer epoxy
Id: OwnjFAuIA3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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