Wood Burning Test Of 5 Methods! Wood Cooking Camp Stove Performance Test!

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for this video I'm going to be trying something new I'm gonna be giving away some of the items that I'll be using in the video now this is actually the firebox that I'm gonna be giving away so for the first 500 subscribers or followers who like comment and share on this video we'll do a drawing and you'll have a chance to win this firebox or one of the three new zebra loop handle pots I've got all five pots with exactly three quarts of water in them and I actually use the scale to verify that these are all exactly the same I did weigh all of these different fuels for the different stoves and they're all exactly the same for each of these different fueling methods that I'm gonna be testing today I'm going to start them all with the EZ Lite fire starter just so that they'll all kind of get going at really close to the same time I'm going to lock the handles up on all of these so that I'll have free access to the lids we'll be able to see the steam come out so that'll give us an idea of when they start boiling okay I have 14 grams of fire starter that I'm going to be using with each sample like I say I don't want too much going in there cuz I don't want to block off the airflow but I need to keep moving so that this will be a fair fight get these going alright he's gone just adjust that a little bit okay that should have worked though that should get the stuff going for me okay I'm gonna go ahead and put my three quarts of water on and let's make sure these are all get these all going here I'm just kind of spread this around so fire will get going here everywhere that should get that moving pretty good ready put that pot on okay this one's looks like it's doing well and push some of that down in alright let's see what's going on here this looks like it could use a little additional fuel down there once again I don't want to block airflow but I want to give it plenty of fuel to get rip snortin and that's moving a little bit slow right now but it will catch up fast okay so one more pot to put on and I think I'm gonna move some more of this a fire starter down in not how to work good okay so we have good fires going in both of these samples and you know we'll see what we can learn from this experiment if your fire is struggling because of moisture high elevations or different circumstances just graduate down to a smaller diameter stick and try that and if that doesn't still work then even go a little smaller and eventually you'll get it to where you kind of have the right balance and everything will work really nicely for you okay the wood pellets aren't quite rip-roaring yet but they look like the actual wood pellets have started and this is all the same kind of wood with the exception of the wood pellets and the wood I am using is a scrub oak so it's not the really nice red oak or white oak that people have back east but it is still somewhat of a hardwood and it's still a pretty good wood you can see this one's really going well okay so I can see I'd really need to keep track of my top feed and my side feed you know it's easy for me to forget that I need to keep feeding these because I've been doing the the Swedish fire torched so much lately and I've kind of gotten used to not needing to tend my fires you can see the side feed is really going well now but it's time to go ahead and push these sticks in you can see they're going in quite a way so I've pretty much burnt that hole you know about four inches of stick and so I'm sure that I've got some nice hot coals that are breaking off in there and we'll have a nice bed of hot coals to work with and then once I have a nice bed of hot coals you can see I've used kind of smaller sticks here once I have a nice bed of hot coals I'll graduate up to the to the larger diameter sticks and then that will give me more of a controlled burn instead of this really fast burn just a really great fire coming out of that side feed sample so the wood pellets are still kind of getting going not a real strong fire there yet this one is going to go and it's you know it's looking really nice actually that's gonna be a nice strong fire here very quickly okay it's 746 I'm actually gonna start a timer though I'm gonna go ahead and actually pull out a couple of these sticks so I can conserve some fuel and I just want to maintain enough of a flame in there to keep it to keep a cooking temperature going maybe run one large stick in each side these are both making noise I think this one's making the most noise this one's making noise this one and the side feed are making the most noise so far you don't want an extremely hot temperature so this burning a little bit slower is kind of a good thing because you want you want kind of an even temperature stretched out for a long period of time [Music] having the two larger diameter sticks is proving to be pretty effective just giving just the right amount of flame hmm let's just go do some more observing here just enough flame to be keeping the project moving forward but it is gobbling these sticks up pretty fast and there's our top feed sample it's doing really well also there's a wood pellet sample and it's probably the furthest behind it's having a little bit of a struggle getting going my four separate sticks fire torch method is kind of rip-roaring right now there's quite a bit of heat underneath that sample no doubt about that and I think similar situation here you know that's quite a bit of heat going on in that sample [Music] okay so that's the side feed sample I don't know if you can see that steam everyone smile you can kind of see it coming out of that hole there it is okay this is the top feed sample and it has steam coming out as well but not quite as much as the side feed sample the side feed samples got a pretty good flow of steam coming out of it now I'm surprised I'm not seeing more of that you can see steam coming out of this one as well this is the separate sticks fire torch and these are making noise but they're not quite boiling okay this one is full blown steam now so I'm gonna go ahead and take off its lid like I had said I would so that one is a full boil okay lid is off we'll be able to watch that boil and observe that boil now when I took that lid off the boil really slowed down a lot but you can see the movement of the water that is boiling now I do need to push those sticks in but now I can really slow down on the amount of fuel that I'm putting in this sample so I think what I'll do is just just do a single stick this kind of I let this go a little too long and it actually kind of almost went out but it's still boiling there's still enough heat from the hot coals okay this one is boiling now so I'm gonna go ahead and take its lid off and I'll drop another stick in it and keep its momentum up [Music] okay that's actually boiling steam wasn't quite bellowing out of that like I expected it to say it is boiling so that one is boiling and that's a nice fast boil going there but our wood pellets are struggling now I don't know where I went wrong I haven't really had this problem in the past but I'm just not keeping these wood pellets going very well okay is able to get the wood pellets stoked back up what I'm going to do is close this damper door and just see if I can keep a little more heat going in there and see if I can keep that running a little bit better looks like I let my top feed go out messing around with the other so we'll get it go on here put a few smaller sticks in there to get it gone one and our side feed will be out pretty shortly if I don't keep some fuel going into it but it's still maintaining a boil okay I think those wood pellets are finally going going good now you sure took a little while to get going our separate sticks has got a really strong nice boil going on you can see it's got plenty of heat under there and same with the split wood seems to be burning a little bit more slowly a little more controlled you can see that it's not just gangbusters boiling there and the flame is not quite as big you see the flame is really coming out of the sides of this separate stick sample so that's a lot more heat I would be lifting the pan if I were cooking on that setup right there and this one I might be lifting the pan but probably not I mean it's really kind of nice okay so our side feed has flared back up and we've got a nice flame going in there again and you can see the boil just gently rolling there so that's a really nice simmer that's a really nice cooking temperature and same with the top feed not too hot but still doing its job here we have the split wood Swedish fire torch and it's really looking nice really looking nice I'm gonna go ahead and peel the sticker off for whoever wins this it was a good time to do it and here's our separate would separate stick Swedish fire torch there's another pot that will be given away and this one seems to be kind of decreasing the amount of flame is is decreasing so we still have a really strong flame coming from the split wood this would be a good cooking simmering temperature even though there's just a small amount of flame in there you know that's for a lot of projects that's exactly what you want just a small amount of flame [Music] still providing a nice simmer temperature and what I'm gonna do is I'm actually going to move these sticks closer to each other so let me show you what we have and just kind of pushed those coals together so that they will maintain better heat okay my split wood Swedish fire torch is it's just hot coals now as well that you can see it's got a very nice simmering temperature going very perfect for cooking or now you could be putting your steak on and grilling it you'd have plenty of heat for those types of activities I mean there's really a lot of heat coming out of that and those are really big coals so they'll be very long-lasting very long-lasting grilling type temperatures for that same thing with the with the cut wood or the separate pieces very nice grilling kind of setup there so I think we can start identifying some of the pros and cons of these different methods so the side feed method is a very good way of controlling your temperature and making your fuel last right it get adds some convenience because you can leave your sticks long and just push them in a little bit at a time so it's been very efficient I have quite a bit of fuel left and same thing with the top feed now you don't quite have the the the ease of use that you have with the side feed because you do have to cut or break your sticks up to shorter lengths so pretty similar in these two as far as efficiency goes and as far as temperature control goes but with the side feed you do have some convenience with being able to just push the wood and slowly as you go so the cons for this method would be that you wouldn't be able to grill with this heat I mean you could but I like grilling with hot coals rather than with a flame because a flame ends up being quite smoky and I don't I just don't like all that smoke on my food and I know some people really like that but but I don't personally the pros and cons with the Swedish fire torch so it's not as fuel-efficient okay you do have to do some bushcraft in cutting your larger sticks or cutting your larger log and then splitting it so there is a little more bushcraft involved in getting this method to work it's not as fuel-efficient but it does leave you with some beautiful hot coals and so we can keep these boiling as long as possible so the other pro to the Swedish fire torches you don't have to tend your fire hot coals are still providing really nice Heat and you could still grill a whole steak with that set up right there you could put the grill plate on that right now and finish off a steak because that's such a nice long-lasting type of hot coal because those coals are so big I really enjoy tending a fire you know but if you're doing a complicated cooking project it gets to be it gets to be a lot of stuff going on at the same time [Music] okay just for the record let's go take a look at the Swedish fire torch setups here and both of them are you know you can still see the bubbles are forming but they're not really rising as much no it's still rising a little bit this one's more just making bubbles but they're not coming to the surface so they basically stopped boiling our wood pellets are still going now so once you finally do get them going and I think where I made my mistake as I needed to have used more fire starter to get those going so I was trying to use the same amount of fire starter for all the samples and that's kind of where I made my mistake these two samples seem to be the most efficient use of fuel I'm just gonna follow this through until these have all kind of gone cold and then we will weigh the contents of each pot to see which one burned off the most water with that same amount of fuel and that's not quite two pounds of fuel it was let's see one pound 14 ounces of fuel for each sample because you're not having one stick it kind of burns the fuel out of that whole stick then when you push it forward it's got that whole stick has to get hot before it really starts producing a good flame and one tip for for this is you don't want to wait till your flame is actually dying down before you put another stick in because the stick you put in it needs to heat up before it starts contributing to the fire so if you wait till that's actually going out you'll put your stick in and it will continue to die down maybe even go out before that other stick starts contributing so you want to overlap your fuel just a little bit too maintain a good heat good consistent heat maybe we should just go ahead and put the wind dampers up on these side feed and top feed I'm go ahead and put the wind damper up on that one that was our top feed sample this wind a little stiff this is the newer stove and the wind dampers go through a little bit of a break-in period sometimes this is only the second time I've used this stove so there's this slot on the wind damper and that's so that you can leverage it with a fire stick like this without tipping over your whole stove you can kind of leverage that even when it's a little bit stiff and like I say after about three cycles and you work it back and forth a little bit in between you can get that bottle loose enough I did let that fire get a little low so I'm gonna put in a couple of these smaller sticks in here they take less time to heat up and therefore less time to burst into flames okay we finally got a boil and I don't know when this exactly happened but we finally got a boil with our wood pellets once they get going they're great now we'll just let that go and yeah it didn't really work out as far as comparison with the other ones but you will still get to see kind of the cycle of the fire with wood pellets and wood pellets do produce a nice bed of hot coals as well I've grilled on the hot coals left behind from wood pellets before and they work very very nicely you can see the wood pellet a very very nice controlled flame it's you know it's not huge it's just a very nice controlled flame a little over an hour so far we've been running these and we haven't had any ash buildup problems I mean you can see they're all still maintaining a very healthy flame and they're all functioning very well and that's one of the key attributes of the firebox stove is maintaining a very nice airflow through a long-duration burn and some of my competitors can't make that same claim they will actually clog up with ash and and you won't be able to get an hour long duration burn without needing to dump it out and start over again definitely a very nice cooking temperature here on our wood pellet sample and I still have a bunch of wood pellets I can add into that but it got a very late start [Music] this is pretty interesting because you can see the way the level of the wood pellets has gone down a lot okay so you can see how the bottom is ashes so there's actually hot coals on the bottom of this it's burning on this back edge I'm just going to see if I can get it to kind of burn forward it might be a real efficient way to do this this wood pellet sample is actually running really nicely that idea of putting the fuel on the one side I think is going to work really well just put a little more here's an update on the top feed and the side feed stick samples you can see that the top feed I've run out of fuel now there's still some bubbles forming but they're not rising at all and then this one is still boiling but all of the fuel has been put in now so it still has that last stick that it's chewing on and so that gives you an idea of how long the fuel lasted you know comparing the side feed and the top feed okay so now both of these samples have stopped boiling I'm gonna go back to showing you the wood pellet fire I think it's just awesome I love the way it's working it's you know very nice flame under there just the right amount for cooking or boiling so now this sample has all its fuel [Music] so the flame just barely went out the flame is out on all the samples and what I'm gonna do is just let everything cool okay it's been two hours since I last filmed and all the water has cooled down now the stoves have cooled down so let's just take a look at what's inside so this is the one that had the split wood split log Swedish fire torch and there's nothing really very solid in here a couple of very small black coals are left behind mostly just ash this is the four separate sticks and it's real similar I can see one black coal there right there this is the wood pellets and there's still heat coming off of this there's still quite a bit of heat coming off of this but the water is not steaming so it's not gonna be evaporating a whole lot faster so I'm gonna go ahead and call it done you know even though this is gonna continue to put off heat probably for another half hour okay so this was the top feed just small pieces of sticks and wood and I don't even see any black coals in here at all so this is pretty much just a really light fluffy ash nothing solid at all this is the side feed sample and I see one small black coal right in the corner but that a couple more in this corner but pretty much just light fluffy ashes nothing very solid other than two of the corners had a little bit of solid material in them first we'll go ahead and take the side feed then I have this set to grams just cuz I think it's a little more precise that way but it's 2654 2674 two thousand six hundred and ten separate sticks Swedish fire torch two thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight the split log fire torch this is 2824 wood pellets requires a little bit more finesse but they are you know a great emergency preparedness fuel so if you can work with the fire cycles of the Swedish fire torch it's a very effective way of fueling your stove and you don't have to tend your fire at all if you need very good control then top feeding or side feeding or a combination of both is a really great way to go and a very efficient way to fuel your stove thank you everybody for watching remember like comment and share to be entered into the drawing to win one of these three pots the three brand new pots well they're not brand new anymore and then the one stove that's only been used twice and I'm gonna clean them all up and make them nice for you before I send them to you but the stove does include some other accessory items it's kind of a upgraded deluxe combo kit so make sure to visit my web site firebox stove comm where everything that you've seen here is available thank you everybody bye-bye
Channel: Firebox Stove
Views: 81,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firebox, Folding firebox, Folding firebox Nano, Nano stove, ultra-light stove, ultra-light, Folding firebox stove, quickstove, fuel disk, stove, camping, camp stove, twig stove, stick stove, hobo cooker, Camp cooking, outdoor cooking, campstove, survival, Prepper, emergency preparedness, food storage, hiking, backpacking, disaster readiness, hobo stove, brazier, wood burning, Bushcraft, hunting, fishing
Id: 6eQCKCSu5vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 26sec (1886 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2016
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