"No matter what you're confronted with, STAND!" - Prophet Antonio D. Rocquemore

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hi everyone this your boy prophet antonio d roquemore i'm excited to be announcing today the prophetic conference 2021 yes it's back and we are looking forward to god moving like never before you do not want to miss this great event july the 15th through the 18th you heard it here first so you need to go register for this awesome conference that's getting ready to take place entitled manifest yes god is getting ready to allow your prophecy to manifest and we're looking forward to what god is going to do with us and through us on this year so go right now log on to www.adrministries.com and register the registration is only 99 that will cover not only your t-shirt but everything that takes place during the day you do not want to miss it on thursday will be the prophetic reception on friday you can attend both classes that will take place saturday at 12 noon the prophetic brunch you will get a chance not only to attend all of these events but if you have any kids while you're at the brunch they can be at the prophetic carnival so go on and register going in log on now and we got something brand new for you this year if you want vip seating you can upgrade your registration from 99 to 150 that will get you a secure seat for the entire conference so don't log on right now just go go log on www.adr ministries ministries.com and not only are you going to secure this great event you can upgrade and secure your seat seats this year is very limited so you need to log on right now don't wait got an awesome line up for you the bishop todd m hall senior will be our special guest speaker and you do not want to miss our special guest that's going to minister in song the entire conference you know her yes miss tiffany andrews so don't log on right now we're going to have an amazing time this year i am so looking forward to seeing your face in the place so i'm gonna stop talking and you're gonna start typing www.adr ministry i look forward to seeing you there it's your boy prophet rock i love you let's have a good time wow everyone standing god we love you we thank you we give you glory honor and praise god for this the day that you have made we yet rejoice and we're glad in it now god we ask that you would have your way of disservice we ask that you were moved by your spirit in the name of jesus we pray that a supernatural wind of the holy ghost will come through this house yet again in the name of jesus and god we thank you now for our leader touch him oh god as he gets ready to bring the word of god to the people of god strengthen his body in the name of jesus we come against every demonic force every warlock every witch every imps every demonic seed that will come to scramble the message and scramble the boob of god and will be found given your name the glory the honor and the praise in jesus name and every glad heart shout amen you're listening to the sunday night experience at powerhouse international ministries we invite you to continue to join us for this service and any of our others including our sunday high noon service also meet us right here every thursday at 7 p.m for thursday night live where we believe that anything that is dead shall come to life as always we thank each and every one of you that are viewing us live on our facebook page stop what you are doing and share this video we want you to give the word of god to each and every one of your followers and as always meet us for these services every sunday and thursday central standard time now please welcome once again the powerhouse praise team as they come ministering to you in song how many came to give god glory tonight come on jump up on your feet with us we came to celebrate the king of kings and the lord of lords come on john and open your mouth come on somebody make some noise in this place we came to give him glory honor and all the praise hallelujah will you celebrate the ruler of everything come on jump up on your feet and make some noise he's awesome and glorious oh we're gone we pray tonight god he's a great guy hey a great gun is uh almighty rule um glorious ever victorious he's raining over us he's a great guy delivered my mind is the angels bowed down holy holy holy holy is oh tell me tell me when we call on jehovah's continues will we call the lord now will we call on the strong almighty god great is the lord jesus and greatly is let's rejoice forgive him pray one more day he's a great alone yes to you oh come on somebody give god yes he's oh if you serve a great god this is a good place to give up some praise if you know god to be your keeper this is a good place to give us some praise if he's kept your mind at any point this year this is a good place to give up some praise robert can i tell you something i don't like i mean this is not nobody business but me and you but i don't like when you gotta remind people why they got to give god praise but i understand sometimes you do sometimes we take for granted the activities of our lives sometimes we take for granted that he's keeping our mind even now so when somebody comes up here and says this is a good place to give him some praise that's a good place to clap your hands nonetheless the prophetic conference is right around the corner july 15th through the 18th you don't want to miss it it's gonna be right here at powerhouse international ministries in case you have not heard we've got a new location 8908 south ashland avenue in chicago illinois and who is the pastor of this church i'm glad you asked it's none other than overseer prophet dr antonio d roquemore and tonight is a night that we're calling promises manifested because he is indeed a promise of god manifested right before your eyes so get ready to have good church amen amen look at y'all ready for the lord now please welcome once again powerhouse praise team immediately following you'll be in the most capable hands of our shepherd overseer and kanye g roquemore you what yeah the greatest praise to the lord what is hallelujah tap give god is you wanna be glad about it hallelujah hallelujah hey what's the matter with you what's wrong with you what's the matter with you what's wrong with you come on praise the lord come on praise the lord come on praise the lord come on praise the lord glory you ought to come on oh hallelujah god i love you hallelujah god i praise you hallelujah kill god the glory lift your voice give god 15 real good hallelujah is thank you oh give you the hallelujah hallelujah oh you've got praise all over the building everybody for i will bless the lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth with your hands uplifted if you're grateful on tonight on another sunday night that god have brought you he didn't have to do it but he did a lot of people lost their lives over the weekend but god kept you here for that with uplifted hands tell god thank you i often say what a mighty god we serve angel bow before him heaven and earth adores him what a mighty god what a mighty god what almighty god we serve with them saying hand clapton's hands you are real quick come on we worship you are worthy lord have mercy you are come on what do we come to do you are worthy we give you all we give you all we give you all we give you all ah you are worthy you turn around you you are clap your hands look at somebody next to yourself but you're not leaving here the same way you came come on speak prophetically said god's getting ready to overturn some stuff in your life on your behalf that screaming to say is already done hallelujah hallelujah big city real quick that's a special kind of night because you've overcame some stuff that should have took you out so that's why it's a special kind of night we we honor the lady of this house under my wife can we honor the church mother tonight can we honor all the mothers my mom is over there under the mother they look good too they ready i want to hold on tony i want to uh well it got me sad don't push me they got me set tonight i don't know if we'll get to it but i'm sad no no no i'm sad i'm sick mama they got me sad tonight they they said they said i'm spoiled i don't believe that jasmine what do you say i'm spoiled so i get what i want from the lord yeah why y'all trying to push me hey listen listen i'm a grown man i don't let other men push me i'm grateful tonight because god is up to something and you'll find out who i'm talking to uh tonight uh just tell one neighbor and see how they respond to that neighbor there's a shift happening in your life hey bishop how you doing sir uh look on the other side maybe you're gonna get the right response and just tell them and see how they see how they see how they respond to you say neighborhood as of now there's a shift happening in your life now now let me see one two three four they still ain't called it bishop pleasant i wish they would catch it tell one more person one more person said neighbor you don't even know what's happening there's a taking place right now on your behalf now wait now if i say this and y'all behind me don't move go and have a seat don't stand behind me no more all right here we go because the people all over the world watching y'all here we go here we go the ship that's happening now god is taking somebody off of work but the new employees is getting ready to clock in touch your name and say i've been waiting on my turn baby there's a shift happening now look at somebody don't care they call you arrogant or not look at somebody it's my turn now yeah don't tell them how to dance for everybody else i celebrated everybody else it's my turn now be seated be seated it's my turn now be seated because some of y'all still ain't jumping be seated they see this cause i'm only talking to people tonight that that that that's gonna jump when i say this right here you're getting ready to experience how it feels to just walk in any store and say i want that and i want that and i won't you ain't got to give me no price now look at somebody say it's my turn now baby i'm tired of watching the celebrity wives and i'm tired of watching if i don't know if i quit it's my turn robert i'll say this to you and you jump up and dance for me only for seven seconds just for me hold on the other day i was in my car and uh i i got hungry right and so i pulled over i said you know what i haven't had chicken in a while been offered so long until i don't know how to field i said but i'm gonna test it out and i pulled my car in there in the chicken place and when i ordered you know you can't stay in you got to come out back out so i ordered and i came out and i was going to get in the car but then i stood outside the car and i started looking at all the places and there was a chicken place and it was a it was a cell phone place then next to that was a jerk chicken place next to that was a barber shop next to that was a tattoo shop and next to that it was just a vacant place and i said and i then i turned back around and then i heard a voice says if you speak something i'll put it in motion and i'm like what let me see then it dawned on me my dream and i said oh lord i said you know what it's time for me to own a whole strip mall that's just so i'm gonna prophesy to some people tonight that says it's time for me watch this not to be clocking in but i'm gonna do the payroll for my own business and i want to see how i feel to come in and open my own door and so i'll say this you ready to dance for seven seconds just for me seven no music just dance seven seconds here we go here we go um so when i walked off this is what i said you dad's for me but you too here we go this is what i say it's already done that's what i said that's what i said one two three four five six seven that's it seven seven seven sir seven seven look at somebody who said neighbor i prophesied over your business over your dream over your vision here's your prophecy it's already done quit seated they say that let me this that kind of night this that kind of night that sit down listen friend it's okay let me see it this that kind of night that if you speak it i'm trying to watch my voice but i don't know what role god talking to but look down your rope and only worry about your road tonight look down your road said neighbor we not gonna look around the church tonight we only gonna worry about who on this road say tonight god said whatever you speak he's gonna back it up whatever you speak he gonna send help for it whatever you speak the money gonna be released whatever you speak whatever you speak whatever you speak you better speak it tonight hey good tonight i know it's one of them you feel real good they see this let me um so tonight if you say i want the house god some of y'all scared to speak it open up your mouth and say god i want that now now hold out what you want just highlight what you want i give you three options all three of neighbors name all three right now i dare you if you name it you shall claim it if your name is yours is yours is yours speak those things i shop speak those things speak those things speak those things we see this so be careful what you speak tonight be seated let me let me do this holy music good to see you bishop simmons good to see all y'all out here tonight bc georgina y'all sit down friend it's okay we got we got guests have a seat we got we got special guests we got bishop pleasant special guest we gotta act right gotta act right let me we got we gotta get can anybody look at your phone real quick look at your phone real quick y'all have to be quick with me tell me when is june 9th june 9th this wednesday i don't know who it is but somebody got a special miracle coming june 9th i'm just telling you god said i'll get ready to blow your mind with this miracle i'm getting ready to show no i heard june 9th june 9th i'm going to blow your mind with this miracle that's how i heard it i'm going to blow your mind with this miracle july be seated bishop have a seat it's okay he said june 9th so y'all write it down and you say that's a wednesday gonna blow your mind with this miracle they're gonna blow your mind with this miracle uh june 9th june 9th so you think the devil mad at you now wait till june 9. somebody say hallelujah somebody say hallelujah devil you can look but you can't touch um yeah you can look but you can't touch stay close to me all right okay all right yeah the devil can look all right let me go back to you osha i'm sorry i'm i'm back i had to wrestle with a spirit that's trying to kill you i had to wrestle with the spirit that's trying to keep you so when i heard the lord said for me to say look but don't touch the devil is looking for you but it won't touch you oh no i'm sorry i'm a real prophet i see things that y'all see you ain't you ain't used to prophets that see houses and cars but i see death i see traps i see witches and warlocks and i see there's a bunch of demons that want you because you decided to change how and hell is upset because they almost had you but you ran into a church called powerhouse so the devil said all the way we could get him we got to kill him but god said tonight gotcha uh the assignment that was out on you and the contract just been canceled y'all wait a minute let me hallelujah and who wouldn't want to sit under authentic prophet you'll be a fool be seated stay close to me keep serving it's okay the devil is mad now i'm gonna tell you something if you don't move you don't even have to move because there's some people on this side of the church that's gonna move for you um they're supposed to found you dead june 9. hallelujah but god said because you received the prophecy i'll let who's looking to kill you that first okay y'all wait a minute somebody say hallelujah be seated let me carry the book hallelujah let me finish what i started i started the trouble i want to finish it because i promised you i'll finish it i promise you that i finish it um it's good to be in the presence of somebody that can pick up everything if your heart is right i'll pick it up if your heart is not right i can't when you when you when you have a heart i'll pick it up uh so mama go to sleep you ain't been sleeping a couple days god heard your prayer go to sleep your baby is protected oh yeah now y'all ain't got to get happy because it ain't your son but that ain't my relative well you should get happy anyway now the crazy part is if they would have found him dead wednesday all y'all would have been crying and we are we feel for you mama and all that but you sitting here now he alive and you ain't saying nothing are you mad because the devil not gonna kill him let me read but i'll start attention if i just break out with that was good jeffrey that was real good let me let me continue to hallelujah hallelujah hold on jeff let me let me say something and i really hope 50 of y'all in the building catch it i hope 50 of y'all in the building catch it the other 50 just watched the other 50. here we go most of us know why we're alive most of us is alive because watch this not because we've been so good not because we dotted every eye and crossed every t but i'll say this and watch the 50 jump and the other 50 gonna watch us this is why we still alive because our praise is for real that's why some of y'all didn't jump because you only got a church praise but my praise is on monday and i'll say this to people that was never taught the right way nephew praise don't start and your feet is supposed to end there see i didn't want to say no because they thought out to my dears no no that ends the praise but praise starts with your let everything that have praised so that's why i got a problem with people that come to church and they're quiet because everything in the bible through genesis to revelation is connected to your voice he said i require for you to make noise make a who said the church is too loud no your party was too loud see anybody talking cause you come to church to do this and you looking around no no i can't look around i have to look to the with coming all of my help sit down attention people y'all causing tension sit down look like i'm gonna like like this side look better tonight i don't know but please see let me see that because this is my favorite side over here but but i don't know but this side might let me down tonight because this looks like the lazy side this the side with the swollen ankles i think i think most of them over here they said my ankles my knees is aching but while you dancing the ankles will go down y'all wait a minute look at your neighbor said neighbor if you tap into a real praise tonight while you praising whatever's bothering you will disappear well prophet i got a headache but if you start praising him now be seated be seated all right let me be seated um i wanna cause be seated i wanna cause you see that drain y'all act right over here y'all act right let me let me cause tension because what should have killed you kept you see let me let me do this let me do this let me be seated i got these bishops here let me give a text let me see that let me read no i got the bishops here i got to read something let me i don't know i got to read something i got to show simmons i can preach a little bit let me let me read so the bible says here in be seated i'll finish when we started ephesians ephesians this ephesians the sixth chapter ephesians 6. ephesians 6 and 10 it starts off by saying these words and i'll finish what we started at it says finally my brother be strong in the lord and in the power of his might let me take it from here lady dee put on the whole arm of god that he may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil the 12th verse we caused tension there earlier for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against power against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places 13 says but wherefore take unto you the whole honor of god that he may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stan 14 picks it up and says stand therefore having your lungs gird about with truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness can i take something from 14 and we'll close it up and allow me to do a little surgery on that particular verse um look at a neighbor and said neighbor that was weak talk to somebody that got a voice said neighbor no matter what you confronted with stan let me be seated i i want to cause tension here pleasant no no i don't have that much i want to cause tension because um beneath i'll talk to you because i know you're not scared of nothing to nobody and you'll jump when i say this here we go i know you will already but here we go i'm tired of people acting like they got it but when the real storm presents itself you fold it's gonna get quiet so kyla y'all got to cause tension back there and if you get on a nerve on the road that mean you're doing good we living now in a time where we're surrounded around so many fake people i like you already it's okay come on that it'll get on your nerve when when when the authentic things show up i'mma say this and all the bougie girls they gonna get mad they ain't gonna push me for the rest of the night no more watch what i tell you when i say this right here here we go uh all of your look look fake louis vuitton and gucci look real unto real show up see that we know you bought that out of somebody's house that ain't real you got that from new york now nobody it only look real until real they see that i linda this is how people are people i'm about to cause attention simmons here we go i'ma need you to push me people can fool other fake people and they will hang out with other fake people watch this and they will get the approval of other fake people but you can tell when somebody fake because when somebody real confront them they can't handle the truth you need one friend in the group that keep it real with you no matter if it hurt or not now ain't nobody want to talk to me because i'm causing tension you need to stop hanging around all these yes mans and yes girl you need a girl that said girl your hair is bogus who did that it don't fit you why ain't nobody oh i'm about to make him real mad cause i know it's about to get hot it's the summertime you need a friend that said don't you put that on take that off your stomach ain't fit for that outfit take it off oh no i got on the purple that's what see how they looking and the first thing the fake people say girl you hating on me that ain't hating let me i'm gonna go read a few notes i ain't gonna know i ain't gonna read all of them i ain't gonna read all of them but being real hurts because most people is used to everybody agreeing with a mess lord have mercy but who do you have in your group that's telling you watch this you're better than that why not who in your group telling you he ain't no good why y'all okay i'm causing note that these girls ain't look damn moving who in your group that's telling you he's a whole y'all ain't saying that who in the group they gonna watch you get hurt because they fake these are what we call surface people in this season you need to get away from surface people surface people only look good chris i'm almost done so y'all going to push me because i'm almost done but when the deal go down they can't stand a real storm surface people get wiped out when the storm comes uh oh they ain't heard this word one get ready to say and so long that grandmom used to say it so they ain't gonna say nothing but you need some friends in this season that's rooted and grounded i need friends that when the storm comes we may be in i wish i had a church they can't they can't stand the storm you have too many they're gonna get quiet front row push me fair weather friends how come i got so many friends in the summer but in the winter of my life i confined boy's getting tight up in here the bougie girls ain't saying no oh no pam i'm gonna call some attention i'm gonna need y'all to jump but this is the time you ought to get rid of fair weather friends friends that only got you when things are going good for you i knew they were going to jump in the back keep on pushing me for way back there in the balcony but what about the friends when all hell break loose in my life what okay i thought somebody was gonna talk what about the friends when i i'm about to lose my mind what about the friends when i lose my job and what about the friends that my family is breaking up but i got a friend that's sticking right there with me we we uh somebody on this side say they don't make them no more we but we have new set of friends now they go detention y'all ready to brush me all right we got a new set of friends in this generation pleasant we got smoking friends i didn't lost my crowd over here no i'm gonna find out what section is the smoking section in a minute don't worry about it you got friends you only could call when it's time to smoke okay look at it looking at me i don't know what probably talking about you sitting next to her right now he right there no you pushing me but you want to take a puff you pushing me but i wish this service hurry up so i'm going to get it on did that ain't nobody talking to me now i wish he would rush this service along because we got a session tonight that's not a friend that's a person only around you got what they call a party friend that's the twerk friend uh why get could y'all check the temperature over here that friend only show up when it's time to twerk why no you have the kick it friend don't call me unless it's time to kick you i want to hear your problems let's just kick it can i cause tension you have the sex friend simmons you got to help me because i'm in it now so yo you got to help me because you only call that boot and that bait when it's time to get it on i only call you why nobod see y'all oh y'all gonna get deep on me no you keeping that number because you ain't found nobody that can do it like them see i'm just saying you i don't want you but i need you see okay y'all no don't want you don't want to call you babe or baby but i just need you because i ain't found nobody not everybody looking at me mama like they don't even know what i'm talking about you know i hate when they forget the church they're like what is he talking about a sex friend okay that's called a sneaky link see that's that about they'll never be seen in public why nobody talk okay y'all see y'all made me go there i'm trying not to go there most of y'all at church got some sneaky links y'all it oh lord why nobody saying nothing now why anybody talking to me now and it's nasty when all y'all sneaky linking up with the same man see that's a problem that why ain't nobody talking to me you so thirsty you don't care if they gay or straight just give me something why ain't nobody talking now the women are having sex with the gay man why y'all i can change him you can't change him god has to deliver him don't be so hot until you start laying down with everything come on now hold on and here's my question and i hope some of y'all rush me and all you hoes that's mad stay and you'll see let me just say it right here just because a new man joined the church don't mean all y'all got to screw him i'm just saying can you just join and be a man you so hot you going out of the first thing you see oh no this generation crazy because this generation fight over it let me see if they're gonna rush me lady because ain't nobody rushing me now then they see but they peeking at me but i'm saying like if everybody can't sleep with the drama that's all i'm saying and you want to be married you ain't going to be no good for your husband and some of y'all best friends have fell out over a man why y'all ain't talking y'all used to be cool until both of y'all wanted the same man well let me help y'all they making other men in california they got more men overseas somebody ain't gonna say it but look at somebody else that said neighbor i ain't thirsty y'all know come on if you want them you can have i promise you that why y'all cause i'm better than that and i ain't gonna fight over no negro because if that negro don't know my word they know who i am if you want to go sleep with trash leave me alone i'll grab my bag that's all i'm saying look at all the girls they grown but they're girls they ain't saying no because a real woman ain't fighting over nothing y'all they talk i'm not confronting nobody y'all ain't talking to me girl i heard that she was here she was with him but he had to allow it so instead of you confront her you ought to be confronting him y'all don't want no real preaching don't worry about it i'll take out my robe and go home you proven your love to somebody that don't appreciate it and you're gonna miss who god really got for you cause you playing with the wrong people can i say this and i hope i cause tension don't ever get yourself in a position that you get so desperate until you settle for something that you know is not for you well i know he's sleeping around but maybe no no no ain't no no nothin can i talk can i bring it to church it's a shame y'all come to church to link up when you should be coming to church to look up see y'all like what ain't nobody saying nothing now this is the house of god you made it a house of thieves that's what the bible said you sit in your seat and you talk about people in your seat of the church they're getting quiet but it's in here this is a favorite saying why my name is always in some because you always in some some of y'all so anointed and i'll be praying for some of the people that's anointed that you don't link up with people that really on the inside don't like you they dance with you but they don't like you why nobody they worshipping with you but they don't like you and your crazy tale you keep doing everything with these folk that don't like you so what happened you get so drunk you get so twisted until they put you all on social media looking like a fool but they was never on there oh you have certain friends friends that want to see you fail are not friends that's an enemy that's jealous of where you're going can i help somebody they're not jealous of where you are stop saying they jealous of my hair no they're jealous because i look better than them no they jealous of my shape no that's not what they jealous of they see you going somewhere that they know they will never be able to take that trip so if they can't take the trip that you're going on their job is to delay your trip god i with somebody and instead of you just standing you keep moving so when you hear something over here about you you go over there you hear something over here you go over there why ain't nobody talking now they got a party going on right here you go but you should say who at the party okay i know it's an innocent kickback but who's there some of y'all don't even bother by asking and some people are so bogus y'all better hear me right here since you're standing this close please hear me some people so bogus until they know the people that don't like you they will invite them on purpose but won't even tell you they coming to the thing and you show up like whoa who was i i didn't know oh lymph was going now you got to fix your face like hi and some of y'all know what i'm talking about cause you're gonna scream it's hard for you to be phony your face expressed you'd be like some of y'all face is terrible even in church it's hard some people practice alone to be fake they can do it like hey girl oh my god but you can't you be like hey girl it's hard because everybody can't handle your realness i've learned in my circle i can't hang with people that can't handle truth and sometimes i test people on purpose and i just give them a little sum and they go i'm like and that's why i laugh at people that god sent me here to work with you god said that i should be right next to you i said i said oh y'all looking at my smile the laugh i'm humble and we oh that's what you're looking at you wouldn't last a week no i don't play at all i'm a straight shooter and i believe that you shouldn't say things behind people back say it in their face see why y'all some of y'all on this side of the church i'm out he's so mean well i'd rather for you to tell me how you feel about me didn't tell me behind me don't talk about it behind my back tell me cause you give me the option on how i'm gonna treat you don't have no beatings about me tell me prophet i don't like how you run the church and i i appreciate that and i'm gonna say you don't you said what i don't like how you run the church i'm so i'm grateful that she was honest i'm gonna say you see them the doors that you came in but here's the problem can i can i use you come up here and i'm closing come on kendrick all right now here's the problem you see this towel that's your miracle all right but you got to follow instructions follow instructions all right follow instructions all right that was a game that we played the game said i think it was simon simon said and simon would give you instructions pleasant now don't act like you're 21. now we know that we was all out as kids somehow can i you know you simon said and then simon said take one step simon said take two steps and then you have to pay attention right all right i don't know if you was born were you born okay simon says take a step forward simon says take a step back simon says take two steps forward simon says take one step back simon says take one step forward now take two steps back look at all the old school he out now i'mma ask the old school the young kids just look at us old school why did he lose at that particular point he should have stood right he should have stood come back jamal it's okay i'll give you another chance we gonna change simon name to god all right god said take one step back guys why are you scared he's okay he like god said take two steps up god said take one step up god take one step back god said another one step back god say turn to the left god say turn to the right now for those don't know he lost now i'm gonna tell you why he lost i'm gonna tell you why he lost because wait a minute god said turn to the left and all god was doing was trying to put him back in position he said turn to the right but he let what he thought he knew that the right was all the way around but if he just would have turned to the right he would have been back in position i hope y'all catching it cause this is why you ain't getting your prophecy now wait go back over there god say one step forward god said two step back god say two step forward god say two step back god said one step forward god say one step back he lost again now i'm gonna tell you why he lost this is why he lost and for those of y'all that catch it you jump up he lost because he only thought god can speak to one voice but but god will use your baby to talk to you you can't get so caught up into one voice until you miss the voice of god wow look at somebody and see if they call this a neighbor don't get so caught up into people until you miss the voice he was so focused on me until god decided to use somebody else remember he said god said you can't get so caught up until you only think god speak to your favorite prophet and let me say this i don't care if you don't agree or not but it's true and you can holla back at you boy if you don't agree don't say nothing uh you do not have to have a title of a prophet for god to use you gotta use a baby you only talk god or use whoever he wanted you deja how do you get our way up here oh okay well no you just prove one of my points because sometimes you have to move out of your comfort zone you put one of my points no you put through one of my points sometimes you got to get away from people why y'all they talking do you know the devil would distract you in church you trying to hear the word they tapping you why y'all is that look at her look look look at him look look look look girl look at they doing that girl look a girl i don't care what they're doing i'm going through something in my life and i need a word now you tell me one more time there's gonna be a problem on this road in fact you know what you stay here i'ma move on up a little close we're folding we're moving watch this and we taking ourselves out of position oh based on what we see we allow it to make us discouraged mama i'mma give my last point and i'm done the reason why a lot of y'all dreams haven't come to pass because the line looked too long and some of y'all god gave the vision to you should be much farther in life than you is now but you keep getting discouraged based on what you see god why i can't help nobody tonight you keep looking at the line and the line looks so long until you don't even bother to wait but i'll say this and i hope somebody's screaming but good things come to those surround i feel trouble just make me heavy in the house it's something something it didn't happen but you got to stop being discouraged it all jasmine i hope you jump right here uh sometimes it has to determine how bad do you want it sometimes you got to make up your mind jamal i'ma camp out here but i can't leave oh lord oh lord and the devil keep making y'all get out of line cause you looking at me i made up my mind uh uh jazz i'll talk to you because you understand this language i i wanted something real bad and i didn't feel like uh ordering it online so i called around to a few stores all the stores didn't have what i'm looking for but i found this one store that had it and i said good i can get it today i ain't got to wait i can get it right well i go to the store and of course it's the gucci store and this only store that got it in illinois but the line why y'all okay i know y'all they've never been but if the line was wrapped around no the store was over there but the line so i said oh lord i said oh lord jesus i said wait a minute let me let me see so i went to the door and i know i wasn't going to have no pull at the door but i want to check some i said screaming can you come and the folk all in line look at me like who is he and i was like i ain't trying to button hold on i said i was looking for this particular item another i just want to know do i have it here before i wait in this line do you all have it i don't want to waste my time let me check he said we got it okay i said hold on let me go to let me go to stop up y'all gonna miss all this i said let me go get me a refresher let me go find me some i got me a drink some snacks y'all missing all this they missing it i thought see see what what i was saying is i'm making up my mind that i want that item so bad that i'm willing to wait but oh lord that murder but i got to get myself in position to wait lord have mercy and after i got my refreshment i want to stood in line and i stayed there and it got to the first hour we moved a little close the second hour we moved a little closer the third hour yeah y'all look you always been got discouraged dude little closer and i said oh wait a minute the fourth hour came i got a little close to the door now i didn't got i hope you catch it so close there's no way because now they look back and see how far i said i said i'm getting there i'm getting there and now i got to the door i got to the door and then the devil said i'm going to get you get you mom i waited four and a half hours and i get in there and i say oh i want to see the same man i said yeah my i remember i told you he said it's gone i said huh now what no holy ghost so y'all thought i said he shut up i said hold on bro no he was brought in i said now i just asked you you made me feel like it was here i said and it's gone say yeah my flesh said don't you come back here and it's over i said okay i hope i bless somebody on this side of church that'll jump that's gonna be a millionaire i hope i help you watch this i was getting ready to go off on the man but something said no it's okay i said whoa i waited four and a half hours i said it's okay i said so the item is gone i said they said the guy before you right before you got your item i said that's fine and the manager overheard me and i said that's fine i said this and the man said how long you waited i said four and a half hours i said but it's cool i'll just you know you know order or do something but i'm boiling but i'll do something so i'm walking out the store and the manager said hold up i said yes and he said you've been waiting how long i said four and a half hours i hope i help somebody don't drip they're gonna jump on this side i said four and a half hours he said what item did he want they showed him the item and i said he said you said you talked to him i said yeah but he said it was here and he said i did tell him it was here but it's gone he said okay he said can you come back tomorrow now can you come back tomorrow i said uh like explain and he said because you waited four and a half hours i'm not gonna make you wait again wait y'all y'all missing it he said he said but i got a company that i work with they don't know they got this item he said allow me to go get it for you myself i'll meet you back here tomorrow and we'll call it an appointment so now when you have an appointment all you have to do is now prophesy to somebody and i hope somebody catches you you'll be a millionaire prophesy i said neighbor you've already waited don't get discouraged you have an appointment so the next day till i show up he recognized me and the line was longer but but i looked at the line i had a different walk they was all looking at me i walked past all of them and and then one girl said what are you doing and the man said he have an appointment and i walked in and went in there for five minutes cause my item was already wrapped it was waiting for me to show up can i can i talk to somebody tonight what you've been praying for is already wrapped god have already banged it up for you it's in process for you to show up and pick it up if you ain't gonna handle your neighbor talk to him said neighbor you got to speak with authority because you don't know who you're talking to said neighbor god said on june 9th when you get the call pick it up and let the devil know what i'm picking up i've already waited for it oh some people looking at what you picking up but they want that when you had to wait they want that when you cried yourself to sleep they went down when you was up all night long they only looking at the new car you driving they looking at the new house you living in but they haven't seen the suffering that you have to go through but find somebody that's talking to you and said neither if i'm not around and you hear my name come up can you explain the right story can you tell the people that's talking about me that what i got coming i've already paid for her what i got coming i suffered for it telling the new car driving i had to take an uber first i had to ride the bus first but look at me now if it had not from the lord who was on my side can i preach for five more minutes this broke your neighbor and said neighbor i know they talking about you i know they laughing at you say but you stand still and listen to what god says and if god say move that's when you move and if god don't say move don't go nowhere who am i preaching to the title look at your neighbor said name your miracle is right around the corner now if you ain't scared to touch nobody touch him and say hang on in there just to look while longer cause god's getting ready to shift your life you ain't seen nothing yet but encourage your neighbor look at him and said let the liar keep lying let the dick sticker keep digging let the back fighter keep fighting cause when it's all said and done they gonna need to borrow money from you when it's all said and done they gonna need to use one of your cars when it's when it's all said and done they don't have to rent one of your apartments look what god got for you it illustrate you feel that same excited neighbor said ava i speak over your life money coming to you right now said neighbor i speak now that you're a millionaire and he's elevating everything in your life tell them you can't stay here you've got to move a little bit higher now ain't your neighbor are you ready to shift gears if they said yes tell them come on get out of that place get out of lonely park get out of that depression get out of the dead field get them coming home let's get out of here let's go to a new place hey i feel like preaching on the first sunday night in the six months god's getting ready to shift your life get out of your seat go this one five people and tell them you're next in line don't be hating on them tell us your next god said you're next hold your head up stick your chest out let the devil know because separate me from the land of christ tell your neighbor come on neighbor hold your head up stick your chest out said i speak over your life i'll see you in the future and you look a whole lot better you look better neighbor now get out of that place you don't need to hang with them get out of that area you don't need to be around them get out of the neighborhood tell your neighbor come on they passing out millions on the other side if they ready to go tell your neighbor let's take one step and let's go to the other side hey we might as well go we have to go there because the devil is mad because your future is playing within your past god's got miracles with your name on it can i prophesy and tell somebody something i haven't seen here haven't had neither has it hinted into the hearts of man the beings that god got in store this brought got you got you god can't you tell your neighbor god got you hang on in there god can't you hold on hold on neighbor hold on neighbor it's gonna get better hold on people it's gonna get better hang on in there just a little while longer because we've been paid in two for a night is coming in the morning you better just hug your neighbor booger with your elbow and tell them you're next in line for a miracle leave it alone come on tell somebody you're next in line for a mirror oh you're next in line for a mirror hey in life you better fit from somebody and tell them you're next in line you next in line for a miracle he said stand still stand still stand still well god why are we standing stand still but god they coming after us stand still but god i hear the chariots stand still but i see the armies stand still well why am i standing and see the salvation of the lord because the enemies that you see today you shall see let them keep talking let them keep lying tell them i'm standing and i'm gonna show them that what god got for me it is for me you ain't gotta like me to be blessed i still got a blessing coming i still got a miracle coming because can't nobody human like the lord can't tell somebody stand still stand still stand still don't see man but see the salvation you notice god didn't tell them to look at the enemy he said stand still and see so the salvation was i'mma open up something for you watch this that should never open you know what i wanted to hoop this but i was scared they gonna miss it here we go you you ready all right here we go god bro catch it you look like you're gonna catch it all right here we go because if you know god you're going to scream if you don't you're not i'm about i'm about to help you all you people that's looking for doors wait god don't just open up doors you see how some of them said you see i ain't get a lot of response watch this mama here we go if he was just a door opening guard a lot of us would have been there including moses and the children of israel for those that have jumped jamal that love good teaching he don't just open up doors he opened up water too the bible said and the seed opened and they was able to walk through wait wait one more you start dancing for me one more because this was getting ready to happen by wednesday here we go the bible said they was able to walk through let me help somebody i hope they dance on this side what you getting ready to experience by wednesday you're not walking in because to walk in something simply means you ain't coming out okay y'all so your next wave of miracle is gonna take you i hope somebody catches on this side of the church i'll prophesy to you you getting ready to walk through a lot of major cities so that means somebody over here ought to scream because god said get your passport you give me the travel like never before you ain't walking in you're walking now simmers in pleasant y'all to be the only one catching real fast but let me preach it you're preaching one day better than me the rest of the church um they'll try to catch it and all the evangelists i hope they'll hold on to it here we go they was excited about walking through the red sea but the red sea wasn't really the miracle lord have mercy they were shocked because water opened and allowed them to walk through but that wasn't a miracle they was only walking through to walk through something you going to something so the miracle wasn't for them walking through the miracle really came in with what god was trying to take them to and what he was trying to take them to he had to first walk them through and so through one the miracle it was two because where they was ended up supposed to be they were supposed to be in a place called jordan y'all and he said and i'ma give you a land that flows with milk and honey so the miracle was flow can i prophesy to everybody to jump right now and they'll catch prophecy they don't care who looking at them if you don't jump you're gonna hurt my feelings because you shouldn't be in your flesh anyway you should already be in the spirit in church and so let me say it like this and i hope that whole row in the back catch it and you jump right here watch this for the rest of the year your money get ready to flow that's how that's gonna flow just gonna flow and anything that flows simply means it never runs out won't you fist bump somebody scream and say it'll never run out come on tell him every time your money looks like it's getting low something else will flow he told him imma give you a land that flow what simply means it never i don't know who i'm preaching to let me see let me see just tell somebody your money ain't gonna never run out some of y'all said it's so weak your money then ran out tonight you're done but look at somebody who prophesized that neighbor i don't care what my family didn't get tell them i'm getting ready to walk into some loan money that money gonna be so long baby if you want it i think they took your money because that back row back there is dangerous see some people over here waiting on a bump when you should be jumping off confirmation before you move your feet you got to what use your sound i told y'all that now use your voice and say god is talking to me say god i'm not gonna move until you tell me to move say god i won't be like jamal tonight no jamal showed most of y'all what y'all been doing y'all laughing but that's what y'all been doing and he been speaking through somebody else for you and you like uh only my prophet well i want to i want to dance so bad but i'm trying to help you i want to dance about cause i want to dance off the fact that it's getting ready to flow who told you to dance hold on them spitties is crazy it's getting ready to flow whisper to somebody whisper let's whisper cause we all live said neighbor whisper say neighbor he's about to give you so much money you're gonna pay other people house off jasmine can i tell you something let me just let me just help you i'll tell you this it's more than the business you have to write the book you can't just lean on the business it's the book that gonna put you on tv you have a story going and writing hallelujah i know you noticed god talking to you but i'm just going to give this for somebody that don't believe that god is talking to you it was never meant for you to relocate god is that what you want to be no no but i did want you to go check out land and property and different things but not live you just gonna be the one that run different business in different cities hallelujah i'm about to mess you up because i'm just gonna mess you up here because i i understand and i love your business i know i love it i love it i love the strawberries i love all of that i love all of that i love all of that i don't want you to just get me wrong i absolutely love it but there's a clothing store style that you running from you ought to be running to because young girls look up to you and you're going to have to mentor them now gonna see if i can say this lady name right because god given me the name and so i'm gonna try to say the name right now the name that he's given me is this famous lady and her name is rasheelah rasheeda rasheeda did i say it right rasheeda you have a rock sheet of glow i'll say this two women in here gonna get jealous they ain't gonna say nothing but block out the two women don't worry about that god said you about to have some rasheeda money i know they all want to celebrate you they you mean huh yep huh but you got to look into this style this fashion you have to invest it's something that that you just have to invest in you have to invest in it because uh it's going to work for your good right it's gonna work for your good right it's gonna work for your good okay i don't tell my business because i want people to think what they think and i love that i want them to think what they think assume what they assume and i'm good i'm good but i can peek a little bit of it out now because what i did i i i invested in something and it hit you can't tell too much because then people being lying can i borrow something i don't tell my business but i was led by god to do something to one thing that was it it worked for my good invest i can't wait to sit down with a few of y'all because i want to i want to i want to teach you how to make money come to your direction see all of y'all going around here and y'all in these white council live chick-fil-a line pop-out chicken line kfc line but you need to be invested in some of these businesses i want to sit down with some of you all and just put the money into it put the money into it because all he's gonna do when it hit see church is more than dancing our people perish because of the lack of knowledge there's a millionaire sitting right here right now and the money waiting on you but you won't go get it cause you ain't looking into one thing no get up get up go get some more money that's going to invest in this money that's going to invest in this money so make that money pay for this thing and this thing he paid for that thing i just gave y'all a whole business plan you're working on one business in my business my business no this money got to go pay for this thing and then this thing will eventually pay for that thing some of y'all said no i don't need no job no no you need one right now because your business is struggling so go get the job to pay for that thing then once this thing blow up quit the job then go take this thing and pay for that thing i just gave you a whole business plan that people charge money to come to a conference i'm the business gonna drop in my lap no no no no then it feels good to come to church and dance because all your bills is paid ain't number money around you nothing but money like i'll be a land profit let me tell you how close money is to you money's so close to you that you really uh uh have it all by june 24th hallelujah hallelujah when your next day at work tomorrow when you when you go to work follow these instructions okay you you work eight hours okay that's that's a lot of hours for what god get ready to tell you it's a lot of hours for what god can retain i want to run so bad because i want your prophecy now i ain't never said this y'all know i don't say this i want your prophecy i want your prophecy but let me just say it like this because it's eight hours and i can't believe god is telling me to tell you this for eight hours this is crazy but he said uh when you go to work every time you count money say lord i thank you but say it unto your brother i'll say this and i'll see if seven women gonna jump he said tell her everything she counts tomorrow that's what he's gonna give her y'all now what are seven women that's screaming with her she gonna lose count but heaven don't lose count y'all somebody say hallelujah she gonna lose count but heaven don't lose count just say lord thank you for eight hours man eight albums sounds like over a million lord i think thank you so much lord i thank you lord i thank you lord i thank you lord thank you now you see why i wanted her prophecy i wanted that prophecy somebody screamed and said it is so on this side of the building who's looking for jobs on this side who looking for a new job looking for a job let me see your hand okay step out in the hour if you don't believe in this stuff sit down i ain't studying you you don't believe in what prophecy have a seat on this side of the building step out in the middle out come to the middle out come to the middle out come to the middle up now why am i picking up a couple of y'all in the middle i got a job you want a better job right that's what i'm picking up okay who got a job because i'm not a fake prophet right you have a job see i said who didn't have no job but you got in because you said you want a better job okay i picked it up one how many two three four five six seven okay so you want to better set me you don't like your job okay now uh either a you don't like the job you're not making enough money okay but most of y'all don't like it you just don't like it okay and it's okay it's okay but here's your instructions you got 91 seconds to dance wait a minute wait you gonna dance for 91 seconds for this side of the building if i'm a lion prophet don't move your feet don't move your feet if you move your feet sincerely and have it in your heart not because you're free and dancer if you have it in your heart god say the call is coming and when the call comes watch this not only is this going to be a job it's going to be the job that you desire he said see this is why i love you because bands don't supposed to go behind me they're supposed to go before me because if you didn't heard me say what i'ma say why not kick it up see this is why i like you because you're already in tune you don't wait till i say one dude no you're already there okay let me go back over here no i don't like that foolishness you're not supposed to be behind me but be in front of me after i already spoke i spoke it why are you sitting there all right now this is about now here's your instructions god said start tomorrow he said i'm not letting no job dropping your lap you dancing for the fact that you're gonna go get what your heart desire when you get there they'll be waiting on you and god said they'll ask you these questions how much you want to make i wish i was getting this prophecy too because i because i worked a job that i didn't like at all but they're going to give you about kusha why am i looking at three managers okay three managers three managers so you gonna dance for the job hold on wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait wait wait son i prophesied to you this morning what did you say you was doing for a living you working for the golf company right mike hold on hold on what did you say this morning you were doing you working for the golf the golf right what you want to do what'd he say you want to be a caddy for the golf that's a lot of money oh see y'all don't know about gold that's why y'all saying huh oh no to be a caddy to carry a bag and you only carry bags for millionaires well if god did it for him mike i heard golf when i looked at you if god did it for him he gonna do it for you if you pick your feet up and put him down just go apply and it's yours y'all better dance y'all better dance now you better dance danger wait a minute everybody that want to increase in money god said the next 91 seconds is yours if you don't want it don't dance move your feet if you want wanted oh do my so done do do so there's key so we gotta get out we have to get out it is past 10 30. i hate to cut it off but we have to get out we yeah it's been a long sunday we have to get out it's been a long sunday it's been a long sunday listen this is what we gonna do all right listen we we've been in church uh all day it's been a long day for us uh chameleon day and all of that some of us have to get home and relax listen so this is what we gonna do all right now so what's gonna happen do oh fall down me oh drop drops truck drop rock so so oh so so so so so hmm hallelujah hallelujah that is yeah lay your hands shut out yeah that's it that is daddy thank you hallelujah hallelujah mean you're my soul love jesus my soul love jesus love jesus bless his name my soul my soul love jesus jesus he's a wonder don't don't push me we're just calming you down in my soul we just calming you down he's a wonder in my soul in my soul bless in my in my soul he's the one down in my he's a wonder in my bless his nerves yes yes yes my my soul there's another friend no not one no not one let me we're we've been here too late and bishop we apologize for holding so long we've been here too long and to all of our visitors we apologize for holding so long it is now going on 11 o'clock we've been in church since 8. three hours worth of church we apologize nephew i apologize for being in church this long let me i want to we want to move swiftly so we can get the people out hallelujah only god can do stuff so so so let us let us get a seed all over the building everybody everybody let's get a seed two sets of seeds in the building two sets of seeds in the building there's a group of people that's gonna sow forty dollars and the other group gonna sow twenty one group that's going to sold 40 and the other group that's known so 20. you already know what group you're in god i don't have to explain it to you because he's already showed you who you are somebody say hallelujah there one group that's going to sow 40 you start coming now you come now you saw him by your phone come and tap the basket with your phone tap the basket with your credit card tap the basket you saw it by way of cash out sale that's it you know where you at you know what category you've been here start moving now come on stop moving just move just move now come and touch the basket let's go it's not moving it's the group that's sowing the 40 dollar seed come on i'm sorry my 40 and i'm believing god i'm believing god i believe in god thank you bishop i'm believing god hallelujah hallelujah glory be to god wonderful savior you know the group that's on the 20 scene stop moving now come on just start moving just stop moving move towards the basket let's go come on come on um so if you do from the top again i want to hear that again if y'all know the second verse hmm y'all sound so good come on grab your bars no music just a drum it for you do it again with no music if you one more time on the music i'm feeling good come on i can't wait to the choir more time i'm gonna do so they don't do no mo don't sing it moaning no music um i'm on that again it sounds so good one time we gotta go clap your hand man i can sing that all day i can say that all day thank you cassandra because his first sunday we opened the doors of the church only because his first sunday we're doing it tonight you want to be a member of this church come on down y'all too quiet why y'all understand that one more time if you ever anybody else want to be a member come on down if you this is what god leaves you come on down well dj are we still on live oh my well i gotta sing it one more time for him y'all see one time okay we'll just do it like this clap your hands we accept him he is a member of the powerhouse international they're gonna get your information later don't take a seat cause you bout to cry you're about to fall one more time if you oh bishop simmons come in for just one second just one second just one second just one second you will only trust me trust me trust me oh trust me trust trust me if you would only trust trust me trust me ah trust me who trust me trust me if you to ask me who trusts me trust me who trusts me we gotta go clap your hands if you trust him listen thank you so much for coming out on tonight we have one of the biggest prophetic conference getting ready to hit this city in just a month from now you do not want to miss it we're going to give you more details throughout the week so tune in to facebook tune in to facebook and they're going to give you all kind of details that's coming up you do not want to miss this year prophetic conference uh last year we was locked down but we're not locked down this year this year we're going to be in the brick and mortar and it's going to be amazing this year prophetic conference is going to be amazing i promise you i promise you when the registration starts which is this week you want to go on and register right away because once we get to a certain limit we're going to cut the registration off we're going to cut it off this year we're going to cut it off this year because we know it's going to be sold out we're going to be packed the things that we are offering uh i promise you i promise you not only you're going to enjoy it but your family your kids everybody's going to enjoy this year prophetic conference gonna be here right here at the powerhouse international ministry we've got a whole week full of fun festivities ministries singing dancing that's going to take place in this auditorium even with the classes that we're offering the youth carnival that we're offering it's so much stuff the prophetic branch that's going to take place so much is going to happen this year and so you're going to get all the details you're going to get all the details and all the information all this week and then the registration will be open you can log on to www.adr ministries.com that's www.adrministries.com and start securing everything that you need to do once we cut it off it is cut because we're not at the tinny part convention center so we have to cut it we have to cut it because due to where we at we're gonna have to cut it and so first come first serve you register gonna lock it in right away don't hesitate don't pause don't wait but go right on and register 99 for your registration 150 extra registration for your vip if you want vip seating only if you want vip seating in this year conference that's going to go out first i already know that's going to go first because that's only limited seating so that's going to go first the vip so you go online and register and secure that starting tomorrow somebody say tomorrow starting tomorrow log on get it over with go right to www.adrministries.com and get that in and out of the way so your kids can have a awesome time you're going to have an amazing time at this year prophetic conference how many are excited about 2021 prophetic conferences getting ready to take place in this place i'm so grateful i've had an amazing day first time standing in my podium as an overseer on today and i had also we had awesome church and it felt good it felt good preaching in purple amen it felt good preaching in purple after 15 years of pastoring god saw fit for the elevation when you move in the timing of god when you're moving the timing of god god make ways out of no way and my dad texts me after the morning service and said i'm proud of you he said you look real good he said but where was your hat i told him i marched in with it no i did no i didn't i marched in with it but it didn't tarry the hat didn't make it and it didn't make it but i appreciate all of you all that went to florida can i salute you all and thank you all so much it was a powerhouse takeover down in florida man powerhouse was everywhere you could go nowhere without running into somebody from powerhouse ain't no need you trying to dip off at a hotel because somebody from powerhouse was at that hotel too they was all over the place powerhouse took over florida for almost a week and you talk about some church down there we had some church every night it was amazing to walk out and see my people to see my people in the place and can i can i give honor to my beautiful wife can i honor her i want to honor my wife the lady of the powerhouse international ministries i want to honor her she pushed me 15 years to get to this place and i was a little nervous she said you can do it you can do it you can do it she even told me i look like a bishop i said hold on don't start that no stop that and i said lord have mercy you know but i appreciate i appreciate her i appreciate my mother can y'all clap for my mom this is why you ought to really clap for my mom that was my mom first flight simmons first time getting on the plane my mother finally get we talked her into getting she want to drive everywhere my momma said i drive 32 hours don't care whether she just like whoopi goldberg they won't get on no plane they just want to drive i said mama we can't drive to florida and mama first time getting on the flight flew there and back and my mama did well y'all saying my mom was like oh it wasn't that bad i said mommy one bad let's go to vegas she said uh too soon that's like too long i'm gonna get her to vegas so i got to get her to go to vegas i gotta get my mom to go to vegas because people have told her where vegas is and it's not what they told her and so that's why i want her to go see it for herself because people told my mama you know vegas you know you know they're going to hell in vegas well they going to hell in chicago too see you got to go there because now those that talk they've been there those that don't talk hold on do you know there's more than gambling in vegas and if you're a sore loser you don't want to gamble anyway i'm just saying it's so much to do in vegas you'll forget all about gambling and so they told my mama ain't nothing but gambling there i said mama take you and you're going to enjoy yourself mama they got some of the best food the best restaurants have y'all ever been to any of these shows they got the best oh my god museums it's just so much to do i'm gonna take my mom there so she can see that she don't have to pull the wheel you know my mama stick is a wheel everywhere she said this is everywhere i said mama is not everywhere it's not everywhere mama there's some clean places in vegas you know but they gotta old saying what goes on to say make sure you don't bring it back here just stay there everyone huh what am i doing are y'all still on live i thank you so much and i appreciate you thank y'all for staying welcome y'all stay walk all this time we appreciate you our e-church members and all of our visitors can y'all clap for facebook and let them hear you cuz i thank y'all for staying up now go to bed get up and work in the morning we love y'all everyone's standing hi everyone this your boy prophet antonio d roquemore i'm excited to be announcing today the prophetic conference 2021 yes it's back and we are looking forward to god moving like never before you do not want to miss this great event july the 15th through the 18th you heard it here first so you need to go register for this awesome conference that's getting ready to take place entitled manifest yes god is getting ready to allow your prophecy to manifest and we're looking forward to what god is going to do with us and through us on this year so go right now log on to www.adrministries.com and register the registration is only 99 that will cover not only your t-shirt but everything that takes place during the day you do not want to miss it on thursday will be the prophetic reception on friday you can attend both classes that will take place saturday at 12 noon the prophetic brunch you will get a chance not only to attend all of these events but if you have any kids while you're at the brunch they can be at the prophetic carnival so go on and register go on and log on now and we got something brand new for you this year if you want vip seating you can upgrade your registration from 99 to 150 that will get you a secure seat for the entire conference so don't log on right now just go go log on www.adrministries.com and not only are you going to secure this great event you can upgrade and secure your seat seats this year is very limited so you need to log on right now don't wait got an awesome line up for you the bishop todd m hall senior will be our special guest speaker and you do not want to miss our special guest that's going to minister in song the entire conference you know her yes miss tiffany andrews so going to log on right now we're going to have an amazing time this year i am so looking forward to seeing your face in the place so i'm going to stop talking and you're going to start typing www.adrministries.com i look forward to seeing you there it's your boy prophet rock i love you let's have a good time you
Channel: Power House International Ministries
Views: 1,843
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: KZyfJqyMjmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 21sec (12381 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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