My CCW Review on the Flashbang Holster

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I have my LTC which is a license to carry and I live in Houston Texas so I carry 100% of the time I'm lucky Celeste and I'm going to give you my feedback my experience is with the flashbang holster it fits in your bra between the straps and it needs about five inches this leather strap would clip around the center of any bra and it would attach to the Kydex holster and we would be able to slide anytime you would hear it clip in this part with the clip would go against your chest like this and the handle would hang down see you would just reach up under your shirt flash bang non-acute and it fits in any bra in it even fits in sports bras and bikini tops which I've tried and there's no difference you can actually wear it like that just in case you never know they have about 90 models that they make guns for I mean that they make the holsters for on the flashbang website and they are about 49.95 para holster now I've got three of these I've got one for my baby that I always wear which is my safety 38 this is a smallest gun at home so this is usually the one on me I've got one for my brush the fender on me and I don't really wear that I won't piss it's a versa and then I've got one for my Glock and I don't really wear that as often as I wear my sig mostly because this is a smaller gun and it's just more comfortable for me to hold so if you've seen my Instagram stories or my snapchat stories you'll know that all of the other time our holsters by 3i holsters I say that because I've kind of gotten spoiled because they've been so secure and durable I'm a pretty rough latina so I am not too graceful kind of like a rhino and they've never broken I've never had issues and 3i is a veteran owned company so I know that they pride themselves on their creativity their work their and they give a lifetime guarantee all of that brings me to this few days ago yeah shake it don't follow my holster yeah don't want to use all the time pieces everywhere in downtown Houston screws both needles everywhere so I'm going to contact flashbang tomorrow and see what they can do to get me the pieces that are in the streets of Houston at this point now I'm wearing the Versa fender on me and as you can tell from the front of the t-shirt it's t-shirt you're not gonna be able to tell much from the side then not so much and I'm gonna show you what it looks like from a thinner shirt which would be a more fitted shirt that you can you can see the imprint of it from the front a little you can see it right here from the side you would be able to tell it sticks out a little bit it's not completely hidden and then from the side you can see a little bit better that this is the handle the barrel is on this side again it's sitting like this in my shirt if it did push it up yeah and it's still a little visible not much though so um I know that two concerns that I've heard from people regarding the way that this is an option to carry is one you don't want to shoot you boobs off and two if you don't have room for anything else in here I understand the first concern is easily put to rest when you realize that any time you carry you need to be at the range practicing you need a dry fire at night with the weapon you need to pretend that you're in a situation where you needed it immediately could you get it you want to make sure that you are familiar with your holster and with the gun that you carry especially if it's on your body or you can and daily and the guns are not magical so triggers not gonna pull itself the Kydex has a cover over the trigger so the guard wouldn't make it hard to actually while it's in there the trigger is not accessible when it's inside my shirt when I pull it out as it comes out the finger falls in a place on the barrel so even then it would be about 80% out of the holster before you would have access to the trigger which is why you should practice the holster that you use daily but the second concern is there's no room in here I understand completely you would think there's not room for a gun this size are larger especially a Glock to fit in here but it doesn't move shake or bounce anything any more than life normally does ladies you'd be surprised how quickly you can get used to carrying there took me about a week to wear this daily to figure out that it's normal that's its home it goes there I am safe now I also carry appendix carry and in the waistband carry and again even with those you would need to get used to it by practicing so I don't personally carry in my purse because my thought is if I'm in a situation somebody is going to try to take something from me or hurt me what would they do what it is it easier to take all of this and you lift me up no it's easier to steal my purse which is where my gun would be which I would be devastated if that happened and then now I've given a gun to a horrible person that just jacked me you know that's why I carry on me this is also the reason I advise not carrying in your car unless absolutely necessary you have a LTC you have you know knowledge of gun safety carry on you use that to a right that you have in the US I have in the waistband carry from three i appendix carry from three high but this is my other option that I use like I said for two years it's been a great help with different options for my outfits a lot of times with dressier clothes I'll wear this option I am hoping to get this fixed quickly because this is a much lighter gun than the first offender and let me show you what it looks like to remove it you would stick your hand at the bottom of your shirt yank down and just like that BAM your gun comes out your fingers on the barrel fall in place to the trigger you didn't have to remove everything and it's actually pretty hidden nobody would think that you would pull a gun out of your shirt which is why it's called flashbang I've been called the designated distraction so that's my job [ __ ] goes down things go wrong I am going to look like I'm flashing somebody and pull out the weapon that's in my shirt I know that um it's been another option and a great help for me to have different varieties of guns to carry and I hope that you carry daily and wish you best of luck with all of your time at the gun range thanks
Channel: Letti Celeste
Views: 16,924
Rating: 4.8188682 out of 5
Keywords: 2a, gun, girls, weapon, edc, ltc, texas, houston, carry, safe, gunhub, relentless defender, tee, review, holster, shoot, range, girls and guns, instagram, pew
Id: g_iEFc_IAT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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