Women's Bible Study Thirst Series 9 16 15

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so I want to ask you a question and you can shout it out I'll probably hear some of you I want you to take about ten seconds it shouldn't take that long and I want you to think about a time in your life where you felt very close to God you just felt like I know if he is breathing to the left I'm going to deliver I already know I already know I'm just in it that nobody can distract me I feel so connected to God I want you to think about what that time was now I want to ask a quick question for if that time in your life when you felt closest to that was a high mountain tap like life was great kind of season I want to see your hand okay if that time where you feel closest to God was more like a valley like life was falling apart but you knew God was there I want y'all to look around just look around let me tell you why that's true it's because in those moments you allow God to use your thirst to set the stage for worship it is in our thirsty dry places that God can meet us turn our hearts toward him and we can experience some of the most life-changing communion with God that we ever will I could probably also ask you even if you're not musically inclined I probably could ask you what were the songs that you were listening to during that time can y'all tell me come on tell me something oceans right Here I am to worship before you oh yeah for your glory just sling laughs lay out this layout right take me to the king say that again the battle is not yours Amazing Grace to God be the glory ala best about somebody said I told the storm let me tell y'all that took y'all about two seconds didn't it you know why because they don't matter if you're a singer or not there is something about worship in the thirsty place and forever the next time you hear that song you know the opening chords you like whoo well that's he brought me out I know that song that's a soundtrack that song becomes a soundtrack to your life okay well in Psalm 63 guess what David has beat us all to the punch because he was singing songs in thirsty places way before we ever were so we're gonna find David in Psalm 63 in a really thirsty place but showing us how to go from the wilderness and set the stage for worship that's exactly what happens in Psalm 63 so I'm gonna read that for you can join with me if you have the NASB that's the version I'm reading from now the opening line says a psalm of David when he was in the wilderness of Judah they we don't talk about that but he's everybody's trying to let you know okay this song and all this poetry was let me tell you where he was when this came about first one says oh god you are my god I shall seek you earnestly my soul thirsts for you my flesh yearns for you in a dry and weary land where there is no water thus I have seen you in the sanctuary to see your power and your glory because your loving-kindness is better than life my lips will praise you so I will bless you as long as I live I will lift up my hands in your name my soul is satisfied with marrow and fatness and my mouth offers praises with joyful lips when I remember you on my bed I meditate on you in the night watches for you have been my help and in the shadow of your wings I sing for joy verse 8 our last verse says my soul clings to you your right hand upholds me my soul clings to you your right hand upholds me now let me tell you there's a lot going on in this song but y'all he lays for us a road map to how we can go from our thirsty place and find the sweetest worship that you would ever experience so we start off looking at what the set the the background the scene that David finds himself in and this as a psalm of David when he was in the wilderness of Judah right and I'ma tell you some life-changing stuff happens in the wilderness it's not the path we would ever choose but some life-changing stuff happens in there okay and a lot of times the Lord I want to say a lot of times if it's wilderness if it's if it's a Holy Spirit experience every time the Lord has led you there okay now sometimes he entices you into the wilderness through a Red Sea experience a miracle working God yes favor blessing you like the water close up you look around like what huh and the Lord is like yeah it's still me he was me at the Red Sea is me here so don't worry about it or maybe your life has been like what Jesus Christ experienced was that as soon as he was baptized in the spirit descended upon him it says the Holy Spirit led him up into the wilderness because the Spirit will take you that because there's some amazing things that happen in the wilderness well David finds himself in the wilderness there not for any light reason okay he wasn't camping and got lost he was being chased down by his own son his son who wanted his kingship now David had a lot of complicated family issues that he brought upon himself because he started his family with some foolishness and he had to reap the consequences of that it's not always gonna be consequences now no Jesus don't keep us from stuff that's our fault all right there's always gonna be consequences grace just keeps those consequences from being haled amen all right so consequences David had a lot of drama I mean his family stuff was there is no reality show like what was going on in David's family so he's in the wilderness hiding from his own son right it's not a great place to be and in this place like he did so many times before in the Book of Psalms he's inspired to write to write a song unto the Lord to sing a song of worship and praise and so the first verse sets the stage for what David is about to show us and he says oh god you are my god and I will seek you earnestly now here's what's amazing about that phrase oh god you are my god that kind of phrase tells us right off the bat that David has full possession of God the Father he's like no I'm in a dry place but you are still my god like he's claiming him you know it's an ownership it's a it's a claiming it's an association kind of thing that David is setting us up for because a lot of times when we're in dry places you know he's not my God he's like the God you know what I'm talking about so you have this reference but it's like a disconnected distant that God out there if he could just meet me where I am I feel far from him because I know he is God he's the Living God but I don't always feel like he's my god and David says you know what God even in my dry place I will claim ownership you possess me and you are my god and then he goes on to say I will seek you earnestly I will seek you earnestly now some of your versions may say early because the idea there is that he was so desperate after God that it was the priority for him he says the first thing whether it's the top of the day the most important thing in my life he says I'm gonna seek you honestly because this is belonging when you belong to someone or something you it breeds desire okay so once you associate yourself with someone or something it could be a hobby that you really love well you start becoming really good at it because it starts to take up a lot of your time and you enjoy it and maybe you're learning a new instrument or learning a new craft or whatever the case may be and you decide this is my thing and all of a sudden your friends can't find you because you online looking up new ways to do it and you're enrolled in classes and you kinda are starting to become the expert on that thing and and no one has to wake you up to do that thing and no one has to tell you when there's opportunities because you're always looking for because now you have found something that's your thing you know what I'm saying and so David is saying okay god you're my god and because I belong to you that stirs up desire in me so so I have to ask the question where is the disconnect between the belonging and the desire because a lot of us would say he's our God but we couldn't follow up and say I seek him earnestly see the two go together he doesn't say I seek you conveniently he says I seek you earnestly he doesn't even say I seek you weakly he says I seek you earnestly with my whole being with everything that's in me I'm going after him and he goes on to say the end of verse one he says my soul thirsts for you my flesh yearns for you in a dry and weary land where there is no water so he gives us two kinds of thirst here but the first one is the most important one whatever you say first is always the most important so he says my soul thirsts for you remember last week and even the time before that we touched on a little bit about the difference between a surface thirst and a soul thirst so David is already acknowledging that look this is not some poopoo on the surface I'm having a bad day he's saying my innermost being is craving you so the path the first thing that we're learning here and what David is showing us as we're moving toward making thirst and opportunity for worship is that we have to face reality we have to face reality that's the first thing we have to do David's reality was that God was his God that he sought him earnestly then he says my soul thirsts for you now if you know that's not your reality don't claim it because facing reality from an honest place is going to be key to opening your heart to authentic worship if you say oh me and God are cool in a great place I know I'm seeking Him and yes he is my deepest desire right now and you know that he is way down on your list of priorities you setting up a false worship experience you need to be able to say god you're my god and I love you and I know you love me but right now you're probably about fourth on my list of priorities that's a hard thing to say but we can fake like we're spiritual and he can say well you don't seek me earnestly because I know what you do first thing in the morning it's not talked to me I know what you do before you lay your head down at night it's not talk to me I know the things that you're willing to lose sleep over and it's not me I know things that keep you up late I know the things that you'll go out of your way to make sure it's not me so either you can tell me honestly where I am on your list because then we can start moving up that list or you can act like I'm number one and we can just have fake worship nobody will ever know your hands will still be lifted you'll still know all the lyrics but God will know that this is not true devotion so the first thing that we have to do if we want to turn our thirsty place into a place of worship is we have to face reality David says you're my god I seek you honestly then he says my soul thirsts for you this idea of thirst y'all it's a significant metaphor that we're gonna continue to see throughout the scriptures that we're gonna talk about because as I talked about in our last lesson there is there's a little bit of difference between hunger and thirst you know you can go longer without food than you can with our water and and truthfully you can go all day if you're busy maybe you're a young mom maybe you work a bunch of jobs maybe you're entrepreneur whatever the case may be you new grandparents and you watching the kids all the time whatever season if I've you in as women we know how to be busy right you can get to the end of the day and forget to eat anybody ever forgotten to eat and you just get to an eland why do I have a headache oh my gosh in my stomach and then you write you literally can get to the end of the day and forgot to eat and forget to eat right but have you ever gotten to the end of the day and didn't drink all day it's pretty hard it's pretty hard to do because that's a craving that I don't care how strong and how smart and how strategic and how busy you are your body's gonna yield to that thirst craving and that's why the bible uses that metaphor and our craving for God not only will you yield to that you're gonna yield to it immediately see if you're hungry you might like I need to go grab something to eat you know in 30 minutes becomes an hour comes two hours then you when you thirsty you like hold on yeah and you can be talking no keep talking yeah because that needs to be satisfied immediately right and when I'm thirsty I don't decide you know what I'm really thirsty right now let's see it is 750 think I'm gonna get something to drink about 10:00 p.m. that doesn't even make sense if I'm thirsty I'm about to get something to drink right now and so David is saying look I thirst for you and because that I seek you earnestly so when he says he thirst for God it's an immediate urgent thing like right now all the time I need to be in the presence of God so you can't say I thirst for God but he's relegated to certain time slots on your calendar that just doesn't make sense you can say I really like God and I'm getting to know God maybe that's your reality but you can't say I thirst for him I crave him and I have to look and see when's the last time you spent some time with him and I have to ask you how often do you do it because if it's at your convenience then that's not a real thirst it's just kind of something you could do without do with it's like the cake after the meal you're like I could have it I could not have it it's nice but sometimes I'm watching myself so huh that's how it is sometimes that and we treat God that way but we want to claim that he's our number-one priority and so a lot of times from the very beginning we get ourselves on a false path of worship and then we start there and wonder why by the time the experience comes all the way around we feel far away from God than we did to begin with and he's like because back here you wasn't telling the truth back here you weren't telling the truth so David is saying my soul thirsts for you then he goes on to say my flesh yearns for you in a dry and weary land where there is no water see he is giving us the epitome of all kind of cravings right so he's saying first my soul thirsts for you then he says my flesh you for you as well now if you think about that the New Testament really kind of explains to us that the flesh is usually in opposition to anything of the Spirit right this the flesh hates the spirit the flesh hates anything good the spirits always fighting the flesh so we can live right okay and so for David to say not only does my soul thirsts for you but my flesh thirsts for you he is showing us how deep that desire is because there are times where your souls thirst is so deep it can subject the flesh to what it needs now those times can be rare and precious if we're not seeking Him earnestly but David is saying even though my flesh is bent my flesh is inclination it's not that my flesh is nature too long for you my soul is so thirsty that it controls my body and even though I'm in this dry and weary land while I am physically thirsty even my body wants you more than it wants water have you ever been in a situation where something has been so moving it forced a physical reaction in your body have you ever been at a sporting event and cheering on someone that you love or knew or maybe just your favorite team and they do the right thing and you jump up out of your seat it's just a reaction right something has happened in your mind that has been so pleasing it subjected your body to whatever made you happy and David is saying look god you so fill me that even though it's not really normal even though it's not in my nature for my flesh to crave you even my flesh yearns for you and I'm in a dry and weary place and so really he should say my soul thirsts for you my flesh yearns for water that's what he should be saying because he's in the wilderness but he's saying my soul thirsts for you and my flesh thirsts for you even in a dry and weary land he's setting the stage this is David's reality he's saying God things are not great right now but you you're the focus of my thirst he goes on to say give us the second step toward setting the stage for worship not only do we have to face reality he says then it's time to reflect so in verse two he says this I have seen you in the sanctuary I have seen your power in your glory this is the time where David says okay here's my reality my soul is thirsting for you you're my god I seek you earnestly my flesh is longing for you and in the moment in that moment after he sits the stage and kind of defines his reality that his mind kind of goes back to the last time he had an encounter with God like a significant encounters while he talks about the sanctuary see because in the Old Testament the sanctuary was the special place that gathering place where the power and glory of God would descend and amazing things would happen well the beauty is now in the New Testament we are all the sanctuary we're the temple of God that's what first Corinthians tells us and so we have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us we don't have to wait til we get to the physical place to experience this kind of power in this kind of glory but in this moment David is recalling he's reflecting because remember you're thirsty you when you're thirsty thirsty situation can kind of alter your memory so Exodus in our last lesson it made the children of Israel forget they forgot all that God had just done for them but they made David remember now here's the question when you're in you're thirsty place does it make you forget God's goodness or reflect on God's goodness sees because the children when they were thirsty they were like Moses water get your life what are you doing leader you chose be leading us you brought us out here so we can die of thirst that's what their response was nobody said you know what Moses we are thirsty but we just want you to know we are grateful for the Red Sea we are grateful that we were once slaves and now we're free nobody said that they demanded water and they wanted it immediately and they begin to grumble David finds himself in a thirsty situation and he says man I remember your power in your glory in the sanctuary I wonder how many times God allows us to be in a wilderness just to see where our minds would go when I allow you to be thirsty daughter are you gonna wonder if I've ever come through for you gonna question my whole track record or are you gonna reflect on the last thing I did for you which probably wasn't that long ago I wondered where your minds are gonna go in the thirsty place when you get thirsty are you gonna just show me what she has and what everybody else has and that you don't have a chit or are you gonna be grateful for what you do have that you don't deserve and just say if I never give you another thing you'll be okay cuz see where your mind goes in your thirsty place is the next step towards setting the stage for worship it's not just establishing the reality now it's about reflection he's saying I need to recall and think about God's goodness let me tell you it kind of touches a little bit on when we talked about captive mind last year and we're talking about that again at our conference you have to be there dr. Caroline leaf talks about the power of the mind over the body and right here David is saying you know what I need to get my mind right first Colossians 3 says set your mind on things above when you're in your thirstiest place that's not the time to look around and be like man it sure is dry out here I mean I don't see any water I mean what is day 12 because what we do we start taking an assessment and taking into account how bad the situation really is and that's why when people come and say how can I pray for you we have a long list of things we need to pray for and when they come and ask us what are you grateful for we're like what God's been good and God is like wait a minute my goodness don't get all the detail in the description that your prayer request gets as a matter of fact you know what's more important to us because when we're desperate for God to do something for us once he does it I don't know how many people go back and try to think how long did I ask about this what did I ask to pray for me I want to make sure and go back that they know that God has done something miraculous in my life I need to make sure that I cover all the places that I asked for prayer with praise because God has come through for me or do you just say thank you God let's get to the next thing on my list how much time just praise take up in your mind how much time you know what your mind wanders to and David is saying look it has to be reflecting on God's presence that's the priority he says I remember you in the sanctuary glory in your power he goes on to say this is the idea because your loving-kindness is better than life guys hmm some phrases you know can get overused but when you think about that God's loving-kindness is better than life David is like look God you know there's some things I need for here here's the beauty in this whole Psalm he never asked God for what he needs never you never asked he's just like look here's the situation I think about you in the sanctuary your power and your glory which is basically God's strength and God splendor and what he's saying is instead of thinking about where I am right now I just want to think about the God who raises the Sun every morning and brings the seasons and continues to amaze me and has protected me anointed me when I was just a shepherd and had no business being King nobody thought I was qualified had adultery then committed murder and God you still continue to use me if I can just recall a little bit what your power and your glory have looked like in my life it might change my perspective it might help me set the stage for worship I wonder if we need to do a little bit of reflecting because after he reflected he came to this conclusion he said your love and kindness better than life he didn't say it's better than a rough life better than a good life better than life today he said that to be a beneficiary of your love it's better than the next breath that I take he's saying your goodness to me is so severe that it is enough that if I died today I still win do you believe that God's loving-kindness is better than life see this perspective is critical because 10 times out of 10 whatever you're thirsty for is something of this life whatever you're craving is something of this life and if you cannot say your loving-kindness will sustain me if I never get that thing you have missed the mark you have missed the mark David says your loving-kindness your goodness to me it's better than life and then he goes on to say my lips will praise you so we've moved from the reality to the reflection of God's goodness his power and glory in the sanctuary this reflection that God's loving-kindness is better than life and then and then comes the response this is the place of worship see after I have established my reality after I have been honest with myself about where God fits in my life let me tell you why it's important that reality that first step establishing reality if God is your God but you don't seek him earnestly that's important because he can he can change your heart over that thing he can be like you know what stop worrying about trying to find a husband just seek me earnestly let's worry about that stop worry about your next job stop worrying about what the kids are doing let's just work on seeking me earnestly but let's start at the top of the list because he can change your priorities if you're honest with him but if you're not and you're like oh god you know I'm there you me and you yes my priority I seek you all the time and he's just like okay when you're ready to face reality then we can start moving toward some worship that reality part is so huge and then the reflection to stay where I am today I'm not gonna dwell I'm not gonna assess I'm not gonna recount everything that I already see God already knows where I am but I need to remind myself of who he is his character his goodness that he's already proven himself to me even though he doesn't need to and that will bring me to a place of saying God's goodness is better than life then the third thing the response and that's the worship David says after I have established that this is my truth even in a dry place I thirst for you after I have reflected on your goodness after I have come to this life-altering conclusion that your loving-kindness which I already have is greater than whatever it is I want then he goes on to say my lips will praise you but my lips will praise you because your loving-kindness is better than life that realization creates that response for David not because God has fixed it or changed it or made it better but because his goodness is greater than what David wants he goes on to say lips will praise you because he's not gonna depend on the personal benefits that God may give him but just the power and the presence and the person of God first for more worship this is also the response I will bless you as long as I live I will lift up my hands in your name verse 4 starts with this this important word so so I will bless you so I will bless you your loving-kindness is better than life that is the hypothesis that's the statement then he says because of that my lips are gonna praise you soul and because of that then he says I will bless you as long as I live in my hands will be lifted now what's interesting here even though it's still a response to loving-kindness he's declaring what he will do my lips will praise and I will bless and my hands will be lifted because worship is a choice of the will worship is a choice of the will and that is why you can have the greatest emotional experience and you can have a talented set of musicians and singers who know how to take you somewhere and you walk away thinking I have been changed you came up to the altar for deliverance and you went back home and you were undelivered and you came up here for rededication and he went back home and you were Undead ik ated and you're like how in the world did all of that get undone because I'm telling you I was not bubbling crying faced in the carpet prostrate I know the Spirit came in that place well the spirits presence is only the starting point you have to make a decision of the will if you're going to live a lifestyle of worship you have to say because your loving-kindness is better than life Lord then my lips will praise you and I will bless you as long as I live and my hands will be lifted up and let me tell you something about all of this that's happening these are three very physical expressive statements my lips will praise you my life is gonna bless you when people look at me they gonna be like must be God must be God right when you get a little promotion on when you do something well must be the Lord which means you can't take credit right it's another message so my my lips will praise you I'm gonna bless you as long as I believe me says imma lift my hands these are all very physical reactions to what God is doing let me tell you something this is not about denomination or personality this is about when the soul is so thirsty for something and it becomes a realization that God is beginning to quench the deepest thirst in our soul our bodies become subject to whatever our souls cannot outwardly express and so when our souls are full our hands do lift and our lips do praise and it doesn't matter how you grew up if you are a fan of anything if it's your child playing that game and they score our promise sure you getting out that seat and when the old trial scores and you just look like this you're not gonna be like that's not my denomination somebody would think something is wrong with you in somebody that you loved and cared about what's successful when you have somebody there's a first and your family to graduate you know you act a fool at graduation you know you do they call their name it becomes a worship service oh thank you just because you know that something might some milestone for your family and if you saw someone you care about have an achievement accomplish something and you sit there and your body didn't respond you could not explain your love for them to someone else so David says look this is not about you being shy it's not about you growing up Catholic he's saying when you realize that his loving kindness look when you realize that his goodness is greater than whatever is on your list your lips will praise you will bless him as long as you live and your hands are gonna be lifted it is the natural response it's the natural response and you know it's a natural response to God's goodness because it can happen anywhere y'all know what I'm talking about you know you know when you in your bathroom you know what I'm talking about you cooking you just cook oh yes it can happen anywhere because sometimes God will allow all that reflection and recollection to just come upon you at some moment and you cannot help but respond you can't help it there are times where you know you're in worship and you want to lift your hands and he's like no get on the floor get on the floor get on y'all haven't been that let me tell you let me tell you the hardest thing about being up here on the weekends is to keep singing because there are some times when you're like I need to put this mic now they gonna have to figure it out Lord because I need to be right here I need to carpet right here there are times where I've been in my car I had to pull over anybody ready pull over you know what I'm talking about you know tell my you like look at him the car came containing the glory I got to get out something is look here and I know it's the Lord because I didn't grow up charismatic I didn't grow up coach I grew up in a strict conservative Bible teaching Church I know the Word of God I never grew up like that but when I think about his love it comes it is better than life it is better than life and in you so tired and know how to breath you came in what you want you don't even know what you were asking for you like whatever Lord yes that's fine that's fine whatever you say yes yes you have to have it there is going to be an outward expression when you worship and it don't have to be I'm not trying to say what you got to do on Sunday morning I'm saying when you see somebody else do it just no see see hmm this is not my message look see see sometimes a lot of people come into Church and they not thinking about God they just know they need to go to church and so they come in cuz I'm like what's a good thing to go to church talking about like right gentlemen for Jesus come to church see some friends then I'll feel better by myself and and those people oftentimes worship is in exercise because they didn't worship God yes all-star save yep it's my damn I'll let it something yeah yeah there's some people that when they come into church they already know that reality they've already been reflected on God and the first chord you know look the worship they look at you don't matter what the worship leader says it no matter how they sing it they not listening for any notes they don't know about the parts they just like oh thank you it's just the show right so so I'm really not trying to make you feel bad if you don't do that on Sunday and Saturday what I'm trying to say is if you are aware enough of your reality and if you think about the goodness of God long enough and the longer you know him the less you have to think about it before the reality hits but if you think about it long enough there is going to be a visceral response I don't care what it is if you're real quiet and proper yours might just be like but it's something and they know what happened and somebody think I thought you were cold uhmm and I'm not go y'all look it is the way to worship but let me tell you something he did not get to that place just because someone else told him about God's goodness he didn't get to that place only coming in time for the sermon he didn't get to that place just because he grew up in church he got to that place not because he was a theologian not because he knew every scripture but in his own life he had his own story and he's like look I don't care what happens today I don't care what y'all do there is nothing that can happen when I walk into this place that makes me question if his loving-kindness is better than life come on this come on it's alright it's alright I don't have to finish I don't have to finish come on it's alright it's alright it's alright yes Lord yes it's alright just a little bit of reflection and let me tell you if it can make you respond here it can make you respond at work it can make you respond in the home with your family it don't matter where it is all it is that I need to stop and think about the goodness of God and maybe you need to go sit in your car in the garage go to the bathroom and close the door and give yourself a few minutes so that you can remember that his loving kindness it's better than life it's better than life hallelujah - your name - it's better than life y'all the enemy and the flesh they want you to think that life is better than his loving kindness your flashes and cahoots with the enemy to make you think that whatever that thing is you're wanting so bad it's better than what you already have and God is like my loving-kindness I'd give it to you freely I overwhelm you with it it is in abundance you have excess of it the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want there's nothing can't be anything that I want so bad that I can forget that God's loving-kindness is better than life it's better than life so we get to this place of worship just thinking about the goodness of God just thinking about it you're not powerful that is his lips didn't praise in his hands when lifted because something changed God didn't reveal a stream the weather didn't change just thinking about the can you look here I want you to get in your mind if it's not already there whatever the things are that you're kind of desperate for get it in your mind now won't you stack that up and try to compare what if God granted every request but took away his loving-kindness which one would you want just get that in your mind for a minute because perspectives will change everything and so those things kind of become icing it's nice on the side but God your loving-kindness that's all I really that's all David did here he kind of stacked up everything and said no it doesn't really compare and when we forget y'all we are susceptible to foolish thoughts foolish behavior we do all kind of stupid things because we have forgotten about his loving-kindness and then we come into worship and : hmm and God is trying to use us in Supernatural ways and our hearts are closed and we can't be used greatly and we don't walk in our calling and we can't love other sacrificially because we are so stuck on life life I wish my life was different I wish my life was better and God said but you already have my loving-kindness I need you to unstick from life I need you to get stuck on my loving-kindness it's so huge it's so huge I have to move on oh my gosh it's so huge so we have to remember that our response after reflecting on God's goodness acknowledging our reality is to worship and here is the result and I'm gonna try to go through these pretty quickly here is the result in verse 5 he says my soul is satisfied as with marrow and fatness now the Hebrews like fat okay that was a big deal in in their meal time and and anybody know you know who cook soul food it means your cook soul food let me tell you something you don't there's no such thing as diet soul food you don't even try right you're even truck you just know look I'm cooking my aunty's cooking my grandmother's cooking we offer diets today because I can't cook this right like everything in here needs some meat in it so it need like a piece of fat is something in it and it don't matter that you own this okay I'm on the cleanse whatever these greens these greens need a piece of pork hammer right not no turkey bacon they need a piece of Port in the right because you don't matter where you are nutritionally there's something significant because fat adds flavor right so when he's say this he's trying to paint a picture he's saying in the way that my body is full with richness from all of these rich foods that's the way my soul feels right now now I don't know if you anybody go to Rudy's barbecue am I gonna lose now here's the here's the trick if you order the brisket there's two options y'all know the office would risk it the first option is lean the second option they don't say fat they say moist so you can either get the lean brisket but what they're trying to tell you what they trying to tell you is look here if you want it to be lean don't be in expect it to be moist okay because the fat serves a purpose so you can get the lean biscuit lean brisket it's probably some barbecue sauce and smother it heat it up and or you can get this moist brisket and it's gonna be good five days from now when you reheat it because it's gonna still have flavor and it's gonna still be moist and you know what you might pull off the fact you might not eat it what boy had changed the taste it didn't meet on it I'm telling you Jan I look every time and I'm like I don't even know what it's a choice but anyway I know I understand so when I read that I thought about that I said yes moist I mean he said my soul is so deeply satisfied this is such a change because remember the first verse he says my soul thirsts for you and you know what nothing changed between that and his satisfaction nothing changed he just thought about his loving-kindness he's like nevermind I'm good gosh Lord I'm thirsty for you in this dry place come and meet me my soul is thirsty my flesh is Thursday is dry and is wearied your loving-kindness is better than life I remember Lord your power and your glory in the sanctuary whoo makes me want to worship my lips my hands my life is gonna bless you mmm my soul is satisfied my soul is satisfied let me tell you when you make the decision of the will to worship God you have all the satisfaction you need it's not in the act of worship but whatever drove the worship reconnects you to God in such a way you will forget whatever you were thirsty for all of a sudden nothing has changed he's like my soul is satisfied and not just kind of satisfied with marylin with fatness I want y'all to understand it is like I'm at the buffet of satisfaction and my soul just has more than what I can bear it's more than what I can take in his soul is suddenly satisfied and that's what will happen when we worship in the midst of our thirst he says I'm satisfied and then he goes on to say and my mouth offers praises with joyful lips again we have this outward expression so it's like worship then I'm satisfied oh please to more worship at least a more worship he says I want to praise You Lord so it's not just the inward satisfaction but it demands and outward expression he moves on to say when I remember you on my bed I meditate on you in the night my thoughts are on you so let me tell you something a lot of kind of crazy stuff happen at night you know that right when a day kind of the Sun Goes Down there's a nobody has pillow talk at 10:00 a.m. right the crazy stuff happens at night and so David is like a look-in 27 and it's quiet nobody's looking nobody's around I still gravitate towards you God when my mind kind of has freedom to do whatever and I'm in my place there's rest and relaxation sometimes the nighttime is a place where we fantasize dream wish something was different whatever the case may be David says when I'm on my bed I'm still thinking about you he's saying I'm thinking about you in the morning cuz member he earnestly seeks him early first thing you're my priority I think about you at night I'm meditating on you Psalm 1:1 tells me already what the result of that meditation is he said if you delight yourself in the law of the Lord you'll be like a tree firmly planted by the water and you bear fruit they understand look I'm meditating on the Lord and so this result we have response and worship is our response but then we have five results out of that and the first one is satisfaction verse 5 my soul is satisfied first one is satisfaction the second one is expression my mouth offers praises with the joy lips the third one meditation he remembers him on his bed he said I meditate on you in the night watches and the night watches that was a ceremony that the Levitical priests held in the sanctuary David was like I'm not even near the sanctuary but I know what's going on right now and I'm thinking about you Lord it just makes me think about you know when something's going on in the sanctuary and the fort and the fourth one is celebration cuz verse seven says you have been my help and in the shadow of your wings I sing for joy out of this worship this is what has come soul is satisfied mouths offers praise meditation is he thinks about God then he celebrates he said you know you have been my help I'm starting see here's the difference the first time he thought about God he said man I remember the sanctuary your power and your glory and God that is true God does give us this powerful and glorious and Splinter's and strength idea of who he is when he's in the sanctuary but sometimes that can feel far away and David says you know what it's not just in the sanctuary in the big place but everybody else you have been my help see because now my reflections of God have become personal so I can think about the goodness of God god you're faithful and you create the sunsets and you keep the earth spinning but then there's sometimes I'm like God I'm still married I still love my husband he still love me I'm healthy I got a child I can go through the list of things you have done for me you've been my help might have so much so that I want to hide under the shadow of your wings in that place there is shelter and there's comfort and their safety and you know what he says I sing for joy there is more worship it's worship on top of worship on top of worship he says what I think about not just who you are but what you have done for me you have been my help and those kind of things nobody else can tell you about there isn't a worship song that can tell your story so you have to bring that to your mind all by yourself that's some things that nobody even knows that the enemy don't want you to think about but God says if you would just stop for a few minutes think about those things that nobody knows think about that part of your testimony where I walk with you and I am the only reason you alive today and and have some kind of sanity about you you know you should have taken a different course think about that how I have been your help and let them you draw near to me under the shadow of my wings under my wings in that shadow you will be able to sing for joy that's what David says celebration v one v result satisfaction expression meditation celebration the fifth one is connection verse eight yah he says my soul cleans my soul clings to you your right hand upholds me the work clings there means to follow hard after to be glued to there cannot be a separation if you've ever tried to pick up toddler and they're starting to develop their leg muscles you know you pick them up and hold them and then you let go and they're like I mean like they are just they're holding on until you're right cuz they know how to get that death grip with their legs and their arms when my son knows how to I'm like I can breathe but just know he knows how to hold he said oh you want to carry me just get me up here and I'm a clean to you and so you're trying to do stuff when I was kid when he was eight months but now he's two so I'm like choking so he's like oh no no no and if he happens to slide down you know where get stuck right there so then you in the kitchen trying to get things done he's gonna cling to you that's what David is saying I'm not gonna be separated for you because when I'm separate from you I cannot find satisfaction in my soul he said my soul needs to cling to you I've gone from thirsty to satisfied I don't want to go back I want to cling to you I am desperate for you they're going to get sick of me talking about you my friends are gonna say you've changed too much and everybody I know is gonna say you can come over but please enough about Jesus and I'm gonna say I can't help it because if I don't if I don't keep my mind on him the satisfaction in my soul might slip away and I cannot risk it he says I'm clinging to you with everything that I have been he says your right hand which is the symbol of strength the utmost strength my Jesus sits at the right hand it is a symbol of strength he says your right hand upholds me your right hand upholds me cuz as strong as my little one thinks he is at the age of two after a while his muscles are going to get tired and I have to put my hand on I'm gonna keep him up there and God says look you do your part you clean you clean you got to get it started because after the wheel I will praise I will bless you I will lift my hands it's an act of the wheel you started you choose to cling to me but when you do I'll help you stay there I will uphold you with my right hand there will not be any room for foolishness because if you are so held tightly to me we can keep out the foolishness of this world that wants to separate you from communion with God so if you want to find worship in your wilderness place you can do it face that reality reflect on God's goodness let that drive your response to worship and guess what the result will be satisfaction meditation celebration expression connection God says if you cling to me we won't even have to talk about thirst anymore and here's the thing it's a cycle because we're gonna mess up but when I get thirsty again I go right back to reflecting I think about his loving-kindness right back to responding in worship I get the same results I get thirsty again I go right back to thinking about his loving-kindness I go right back to my worship and I know that he's gonna give me the same results so you can write this down and when the enemy tries to tell you look here all your little praying and meditating is not gonna work this time you're gonna be like boom yes it does it works every time every single time it is guarantee that if I focus on the person and presence of God he will take a thirsty soul and make it a satisfied one every single time because his loving-kindness is better than father we thank you thank you thank you for tonight Lord we just thank you there is someone here tonight probably several of us guys who just need to remember that your loving-kindness is better than life better than life and so god we give you our deepest desires and the things that we think we're thirsty for when truly our soul is yearning for you and so god I just pray that you would show us that path so that we can find worship in our wilderness place we give you glory we thank you for the truth of your word you are God and God alone God we just hand over anything that's lesser anything that makes us think that we have to have it to enjoy life we have already been gifted with the goodness of your love and your loving-kindness is better than life give us the freedom God to celebrate to express to not care what anybody says to know that worship is the natural response when I reflect on the goodness of God it's the natural response so I God make us women who are genuine who are honest and who can find worship in the wilderness place we love you and we thank you in Jesus name Amen
Channel: One Community Church
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Id: yvbkEnJ1Uyo
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Length: 53min 19sec (3199 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2016
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