Women of Grace - May 8 2020 - Healing for Life's sorrow

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[Music] [Music] hello everyone I'm Janet Williams and welcome to a specialized simulcast presentation of women of grace it's great to be with you on both EWTN television and radio and we'll be taking your calls in the second half of our program today I'll do my best to get you on the air when you call in we're also ready to receive your comments by way of the chat feature on ewtn radios YouTube channel and Facebook page well my dear friend in Christ today begins a very special five-part series of programs journey to joy healing for Life sorrows is its name and it will be airing for you consecutively over the next five Fridays I hope you'll join us for all five weeks because I am confident God has abundant blessings for you to receive and journey is a good word to describe what we will be about I anticipate we will travel together toward a greater in filling of joy a fruit of the Holy Spirit that increases within us as we experience healing and restoration I also have supplemental study materials available for you for each of the segments of this series you'll find them at women of grace comm just click on the slide in the slideshow and it will take you right there I encourage you to make use of the material scripture passage is to pray as well as select articles and essays to read will reinforce the work God is doing within you and help you mind healing treasures of grace He desires you receive you may want to invite some friends to travel with you on this journey toward hope and renewal it's a great way to experience together the healing love of God now the best way to begin any journey is with prayer father John Palmeri Zeller is with us today to lead us father is a member of the Franciscan missionaries of the Eternal Word Father would you please pray for us and of the Holy Spirit dear Heavenly Father as your children gathered together to discover the wonders of your healing love I pray that they be given the gift of receptivity an openness of heart that encourages them to receive every spiritual blessing in the heavens I ask you to remove from them any doubt every fear so that they become imbued with your love and your life may the study provide a time of growth and healing it may each of your children experience the transforming effects of your Holy Spirit Mary our mother I ask your prayerful intercession for each of our gathered here may they imitate you in your openness to the movement of God and may your Fiat become their own I pray this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen thank you Father let the healing begin is the name of this first part of our series journey to joy healing for life sorrows the focus or theme is God's desire to bring us to a deeper level of healing and wholeness in him so let us pray for the grace of expectant faith demonstrated by receptivity of heart trust in God and surrender to his holy will as we commence our journey I want to draw your attention to the image of Our Lady of Sorrows here with us on our set devotion to Our Lady under this title has roots dating back to the very beginning of Christianity you will recall that our Blessed Mother was present to the passion and death her son Jesus Christ was Saint John the Evangelist at her side she stood there for three long hours beholding her son as he was tortured to death the Apostle witnessed firsthand Our Lady's holy grief and affliction but he witnessed something more as well he witnessed her steadfast love and her maternal entrance endure son's sufferings this witness must have made a deep impression on him so much so that he records it in his gospel account you will find it there in John's Gospel chapter 19 verses 25 to 27 this moment on Calvary's Hill was the fulfillment of simians prophecy remember the words he spoke when Mary and Joseph preachers ended Jesus to the Father in the temple Simeon said Behold this child is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel and to be a sign that will be contradicted and you yourself a sword will pierce so that the secret thoughts of many hearts may be revealed now we don't know what Mary thought in that moment but I'm sure she must not have been surprised she remembered the angels greeting to her and her subsequent overshadowing of the Holy Spirit Mary was washed gold in the faith her people she understood that her ascent to God would mean that she was to be the mother of the Messiah the one the prophet Isaiah referred to is the suffering servant theologians tell us that Mary's Fiat to God her ascent to his holy will at the moment of the Annunciation was also her Fiat to all of the contradictions and sorrows that would accompany her motherhood and it was the grace filled strength of that ascent that held her under the cross as she kept vigil during her son's agonizing death devotion to the Blessed Virgin under the title of Our Lady of Sorrows grew during the Middle Ages an artwork depicting her grew as well most typically Our Lady of Sorrows is shown with seven swords piercing her exposed heart just as we see depicted here in our image these seven swords represent the seven main Sorrows of Our Lady's life while the list has varied through time since the 14th century these seven chief sorrows of Mary also called her $7 have predominated they are the prophecy of Simeon the flight into Egypt the loss of the Child Jesus for three days meeting Jesus on the way to Calvary the crucifixion and death of Jesus Jesus taken down from the cross and finally Jesus laid in the tomb you know I've often thought however that there might be another significance to the number seven in Scripture seven is the number that represents perfection as well as completion Mary entered more perfectly and more completely into the sufferings of her son than any other human person who has ever been or ever will be father Frederick William Faber a 19th century priest who converted to the Catholic Church from anglicanism reflected on this in his classic work the foot of the cross in it he tells us we should seek to see our Lord's passion through the loving eyes of his mother he describes the depth of her maternal travail this way he writes her sorrows went up into regions of sublimity of which we can form only the vaguest conceptions they went down into the profound depths of the soul which we cannot explore because they have no parallel in ourselves they were heightened by the UH appreciable perfection of her nature by the exuberant and pundants of her grace by the exceeding beauty of Jesus and above all by his divinity are these amazing words how very poignant are they let me say them again and this time let them resonate within you see which word or phrase strikes you most it may be that the Holy Spirit is impressing something on your hearts a special word just for you here again her sorrows went up into regions of sublimity of which we can form only the vaguest conceptions they went down into profound depths of the soul which we cannot explore because they have no parallel in ourselves they were heightened by the UH appreciable perfection of her nature by the exuberant abundance of her grace by the exceeding beauty of Jesus and above all by his divinity I must tell you Father Faber is eloquent description reminds me of the most sorrowful time in my own life I was already consecrated to Jesus through Mary and had been striving to live a life of fidelity to her as my mother for many years but in 2004 when my 25 year old son was killed in a vehicular accident a whole new depth in my relationship with her opened up a soldier in the United States Army Simon had recently come home from Iraq words cannot express the gut-wrenching devastation my late husband Anthony and I experienced when the Florida State Highway patrolman told us that he was dead anyone who has lost a child will understand psychologists say it is the one grief for which there is no healing and that is true Oh in time we hopefully learn to accommodate life around the loss but the finality of it never leaves without warning or apparent provocation it will continue to assault the heart and the initial pain will have life again if only for a few moments but my brothers and sisters in Christ and that first season of grief those early days the pain is almost unbearable like the raychel of Jeremiah 31 in that early season I was wailing for my child because he was no more I remember one day when I was about to pray the rosary it couldn't have been much more than a week or so after the funeral and in sight or perhaps an illumination of the Holy Spirit I don't know which broke through my tortured thoughts and brought with it a healing grace if my pain was this great so searing that even taking a deep breath was an affliction what must it have been like for our Blessed Mother she who is icon of God's perfection spotless sinless immaculate my sort of suffering was dogged by the debris of my soul by all of my imperfections and sinfulness allowing it to penetrate only so far but her sword her sword was razor sharp unblended scalpel like as it bore down deeply separating bone and marrow severing flesh and sinew slicing the delicate fibers of her most in violet heart this I think is what father Faber so eloquently alludes to in the quote I cited from his book the foot of the cross it was the final piercing sword of simians prophecy penetrating her death's and what made up the depths of this mother suffering simply stated it was her union with Jesus Christ her son so intricately woven was their union that some theologians say their hearts beat as one heart Mary it was not only at the foot of her son's cross as a grieving mother though she surely was that but she was his Azir connect doe she was a warrior fighting with him in his mission not side-to-side as soldiers do but rather - soul spirit - spirit her heart in his heart his heart in her heart as the battle for souls raged on atop Calvary's hell no Mary was not incidental to Jesus mission as so many claim far from it she was essential to it from its nation beginning and her womb to its culmination on his cross she was one with him this was why her pain was so intense it wasn't only the pain of grief of the impending loss of him it was the pain of the redemptive act itself mystically lived out in her depths and what was the pain of the redemptive act can we ever know the true measure of the suffering our Lord and George for our sake was it only physical the beatings and buffets the slaps and scourge as the thorns and nails the derision and taunting was it really just that no it was more far more it was the pressing weight of sins effect on all of creation the disorder disintegration caused by the fall of man in the garden at civilizations dawn the horror of man's corruption and the misery forsaken astray veil and burden that is its noxious fruit it was the full measure of the atrocities man commits murder incest licentiousness greed all of the sins of the flesh and of the heart all of the violence man does against himself and against others it was the crushing sorrow every soul would suffer in time it was the bitterness of all of our pain the disappointments reversals betrayals losses griefs sinful decisions of all of your pain all of my pain it was the pain I experienced at my son's death and the neverending finality it in this life I brothers and sisters in crisis the pain you are experiencing right now and the pain you may experience tomorrow it was the torture of all of this taken on by Christ physically emotionally psychologically do you find this too fantastic to believe listen to what scripture tells us in Isaiah 53 verses 4 & 5 about Jesus the suffering servant the Prophet declares yet it was our pain that he bore our sufferings hindered we thought of him as stricken struck down by God and afflicted but he was pierced for our sins crushed for our iniquity he bore the punishment that makes us whole by his wounds we were healed now I just want you to think about this for a moment if Mary mystically experienced every suffering of her son and his suffering was the cumulative reality of the suffering of every soul including mine and yours then she experienced in her maternal Immaculate Heart our suffering - this was the insight I received as I made my way to the statue of Our Lady in my garden to pray the rosary striving to bear the most aggrieved moment of my life in a flash I knew that our mother wanted to be in union with me just as she had been in union with Jesus her son as she had entered into his passion she wanted to enter into mine she wanted to be my as Eirik an egg dough - to stand with me and my travail she wanted to give me her consolation comfort strength and joy just as she had given to Jesus at the foot of his cross Mary the Blessed Mother wanted to share my burden and with tears of joy I gave Fiat my dear brothers and sisters in Christ Mary wants to do the same for you I want you to know that I want you to know it in the depths of your soul I want you to experience it flowing in you right this moment she loves you as she loves Jesus for the God life is in her and God's love for you is her own it's really not hard to understand why the title of Our Lady of Sorrows then has felt a home in so many hearts is it and I hope it finds a home in yours too I am imploring our Blessed Mother under her title of Our Lady of Sorrows to be our special patron and intercessor for our journey over these next few weeks I know she will make the way sweet paving it with roses and honey because that's just what she does and I know something more as well God wants to bring you healing and hope through the redemptive grace of Jesus Christ now I can say this because it's what he wants for every one of us in fact Jesus describes his own mission in words that express exactly that in John's Gospel chapter 10 verse 10 he says I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly and in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 we read these fabulous words the pasal tells us that God chose us in him before the very foundations of the world were laid in place you me we are the chosen children of the Most High God and he loved you into life and desires that you know his love that you be set free through that love that you be healed by way of that love and that you live life abundantly in that love that's what God has in mind for you so for this reason I want to encourage you to be receptive to the workings of the Holy Spirit to be open to all that God wants to do in you and through you I want you to view this time a time of visitation a moment in your own personal history infused with the presence of God a unique moment filled with divine beatitude a Kairos moment if you will a moment intended by God to be shot through with Grace and new life for you so what attitude of heart should you bring to this special time of visitation well there's a phrase and I think it's the appropriate one for this the phrase is expecting faith it describes it well expecting faith displays confidence in God expended faith anticipates his will and it anticipates that we will see him acting we should have every confidence in God because scripture says so that's all just because scripture says so recall what Jesus tells us in st. Matthew's Gospel in chapter 7 verses 7 through 11 this is what we read and listen up these are great words ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be open to you for everyone who asks receives he who seeks finds and to him who knocks the door will be opened if you then the verse continues who are wicked know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him God delights in us when we have confidence in him it thrills him when we hold him to his word with childlike trust he desires that we come to him with everything st. Paul speaks of this in his letter to the Hebrews he encourages them to approach the throne of grace with confidence approach the throne of grace with confidence approach the throne of grace with confidence to receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need you see there seems to be a connection between our confidence and trust in God and the capacity we have to receive the mercy and grace he wants us to have in prayer then and with confidence let us ask God to heal us of our life's afflictions be receptive to the workings of his holy spirit let us trust him as we seek his movements of grace in us and our everyday circumstances and let us surrender to his holy will in all things so what do we need receptivity trust and surrender these are the stepping stones to walk on our journey to joy and when the going gets tough let's call upon the intercession and maternal beatitude of our Blessed Mother under her title of Our Lady of Sorrows to a us on our way it's another question is what what are these afflictions of the heart these maladies of the soul that caused such interior pain and suffering again and again we hear them named in Sacred Scripture this verse from Psalm 25 states them succinctly the psalmist cries out to God relieve the troubles of my heart and bring me out of my distress consider my affliction and my trouble and forgive all my sins troubles of the heart distress sin are all part of the woundedness we experienced deep in the inner confines of our being according to the writer of Surak worse of all wounds is that of the heart in Sacred Scripture the heart most often refers to the inner life of the person his thoughts emotions intellect and will a person's inner life his heart is formed by a number of influences including his family of origin his life circumstances his personal experiences and decisions and his interactions with others individually or corporately they work toward a person's benefit or detriment to the extent they affect a person negatively a wound to the heart can result a wound of the heart affects the way a person sees himself the way he sees others and the way in which he sees the world in general the more intense the wound the greater the interior pain the more distorted a person's perspective can become this can lead to dysfunctional behavior in numbers of ways some of which we are going to be exploring in upcoming weeks but for now know this God wants us to see ourselves as he sees us and how does God see us he sees us made in His image and likeness imbued with goodness invested with talents and potential lovely to behold he wants us to see others in this same way as brothers and sisters who likewise have dignity and Worth and value because of God's selection of them and he desires we see the created world as a reflection of his majesty his glory his providential care for us a place to be nourished a place to be enjoyed a place to be explored a place to love and be loved God wants to heal us of our afflictions he wants to bring us to wholeness in her life he desires restoration for us he does he wants us to be renewed he wants us to be transformed he wants us to be set free scripture tells us when the Lord frees us we are free indeed he tells us all of this through the Prophet Jeremiah when he says for I know well the plans I have in mind for you plans for your welfare not your woe plans for a future full of hope and listen to what he says in Joel chapter 2 verse 25 then I'm going to tell you this is really one of my favorite passages when things are going very difficult ly for me when I come underneath the the press of the effects of my sin and the sins of others against us Joel springs into my mind it gives me hope to hold on to it gives me a new way of looking at the moment it causes me to dig a little bit more deeply into that present trial to find there the grace that God wants me to know listen to these words and see if they don't resonate in your own heart and I would encourage you to open your Bible after our time together today and and to go to Joel 2 verse 2 or excuse me to a chapter 2 verse 25 and to underscore it you know highlighted put stars around it put a bookmark there so that when travail begins to really really become an immovable force in your life you can remember what God says he says and I will repay you for the years which the locust has eaten listen to that I will repay you for the years which the locust has eaten I will repay you says the Lord for the years which the locust has eaten you shall praise the name of the Lord your God because he has doubt wondrously with you there is that promise and that hope of freedom there is that promise and that hope that God will make a way out for us of the misery and the affliction we might be experiencing right at this very moment and listen to this promise that comes to us in Malachi listen to these words but for you who fear my name the Sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings I love that healing in his wings you shall go forth leaping like calves can't you just picture that in your mind it's going to be you rising because of justice of God yes my dear friends God does want to heal you he can heal you and he will heal you all according to His divine and holy plan for you and I want you to remember that that God has a plan for you we can look back at Ephesians 1 verse 3 there where we read that we praise be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has bestowed on us in Christ every spiritual blessing in the heavens and then verse 4 God chose us remember you are the chosen the chosen daughter of the Most High God God chose you in him before the very foundations of the world were laid in place to be holy and blameless in his sight to be full of love he's got a plan for you you were chosen by him and so was the plan that he has in mind for you to receive now we're going to take a break and when we come back I'll be taking your phone calls I am inviting you to stay with us right here on this very special simulcast of women of grace live [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] hello friends I am happy to invite you to become a member of women of grace exclusive that's right an exclusive membership by becoming a women of grace exclusive member you will have anytime anywhere access to a vast library of resources including our television programs radio shows and podcasts our archived webinars by outstanding presenters church documents and articles and so much more it's affordable educational and inspirational with one click more than 25 years of resources are yours on an exclusive basis it's a membership program for such a time as this visit our website at triple W women of grace comm for more information again that's triple W women of grace calm [Music] Meryem Teresa believed with all her heart that every single person was called to holiness she was generous she would do anything to help anybody it was a wonderfully joyous occasion that a Bayonne girl a Jersey girl could actually rise to this level in the church [Music] it hasn't even entered into your wildest imagination what heaven is possibly EWTN presents mother Angelica's most talked about and timeless lesson her seven part teaching series on heaven it's the most heavenly insight we'll get this side of the kingdom eternal heaven classic talks from Mother Angelica a gift from our mother to yours beginning Mother's Day at 1:30 p.m. Eastern on EWTN [Applause] [Music] welcome back friends it's so good to be with you on this very special live simulcast as we journey to joy and find out the healing that God has in mind for us to receive for life's sorrows eight three three two eight eight EWTN is the number that you can use to join us today again that's a three three two eight eight three nine eight six it's toll-free for you right here in North America lots of colors with us we're going to go straight to the phone lines right now we have Genevieve with us and Genovese is giving us a call from oh excuse me we have Margaret with us and she is with us from Ontario good morning Margaret how are you hello Jeanette thank you very much for taking my call I'm very flattered that you did actually but the point that I wanted to make with you and your audience is how I know very well that Mary is very active in our life she is all of our mothers and I was given that gift they got later before after I knew that there was a God and that I was on this planet for a purpose when my daughter was told I was told my daughter on the eve of her first birthday was going to die and but the doctor said there was very little he could do for her and I went and I broke down of course as he would as anybody would and I was prayed and prayed to please God don't take her please God let her live please God please please please and all of a sudden without any it was the light this warm light and this beautiful woman's voice spoke within my soul and she said Oh Margie don't you know that no one could love and protect and love your baby more than I and I was given an infused knowledge of this overwhelming love beyond any measure of heaven and what it would be and I knew at that moment that my baby was better served would be better sir than anything I could ever done anything in this life could do because in heaven she would have nothing but beauty and love that I couldn't even put a word on so I understand your pain because I've had to experience what to paint over it since then fortunately for me I was granted a miracle that day as I said to my Lord and my lady please take my baby because I know I could never be as good to her as you I also knew that I was loved and that's so important especially now when so many people are suffering them and passing into their next beautiful life if they could only just know how how beautiful and how warm and loving this whole journey is meant to be for us and I grew I'm grateful to God I'm grateful to Mary our mother and I'm also grateful to EWTN whom I support very in everything in my life I never stopped talking in Canada as you know we have a lot of obstacles to overcome when it comes to faiths life so I'm just praying in very hard right now I'm bedridden but I'm very grateful and full of joy because whatever happens in my life is meant for a reason and I know it and you know I want to underscore Margaret the beautiful realities that you're speaking about with our Blessed lady as I mentioned earlier you know I'm consecrated to Jesus through Mary and happen for many many years via the de Montfort consecration and I love st. Louie de Montford I consider him to be my spiritual father and in his treatise on true devotion he writes about the fact that this blessed lady our mother wants to give us the very consolations of her soul the consolations that she received from God himself she wants to impart to us and she wants to make divine exchanges with us she wants for us to operate out of her strength out of her confidence in God she comes to fortify and strengthen us spiritually just as a mother makes herself available to her children to give them all that they need so I thank you so much for that beautiful testimony I know that it has been a great deal of encouragement to so very many today so thank you Margaret and that's one of the beauties that we have friends when we enter into dialogue together and have holy conversation together about the things of the Lord a 33 to 88 EWTN that's a three three two eight eight three nine eight six that's the way you can join us we've got lots of people up there with us right now and we're gonna go to Denise she's in Syracuse New York good morning Denise how are you good morning how are you I'm doing well thank you for asking I love this program I love what you're doing right now my question is I hit kind of a spiritual brick wall okay are you still there Denise yes yes how do you I pray my rosary mm-hmm I'm very Marian but I also feel like Jesus is in the background right now mm-hmm so you know let's just talk about this for a moment we all go through dry times in prayer and we all go through different seasons in our life of prayer and there are moments when you know our Lord is very predominant we receive consolations we we have that that beautiful sense of his presence with us all of the time and then there are those times when he withdraws those now I have often found in my own life that when those Grace's those consolations are withdrawn the Lord puts me in the desert and he puts me in the desert for a reason most typically when we are in the desert it's a time of preparation just as Jesus went to the desert to prepare for his public ministry when our prayer life is in a desert place it's because he's preparing us for something else it might be but he's preparing us for our next you know what would you want to his step or development in a spiritual life you know spring off to the next level of union with him or it very well could be that he's preparing us for some mission and he's looking for us to grow in a certain virtue to grow in our trust of him our faith in Him even when we don't see him you know to you you may be to live out that scripture passage where it says that we walk by faith not by sight there's also seasons in our life of prayer and remember you know God God lives in the eternal moment so for us everything is based on time but not for him so there are those moments in our life where he would want for perhaps our Blessed lady to be a more predominant image not not not to you know that that Jesus is never working but there might be something that he wants us to learn for through our ladies so he puts our front and center or there might be a saint that is going to be very important to us by way of example so you know Jesus you know will cast a light in that direction but it's never never at him abandoning us and it's always meant to increase to increase our faith our trust our hope in him so you know just like we have tutelage in a classroom and the main teachers there but then every once in a while the teacher will say well you know I am a special guest here today that wants to teach you a little bit and and the special guest comes in and the teacher sits down for a moment while the special guest teaches us what it is the that the main teacher would have us know it can kind of be like that in our spiritual life the best thing for you to do is to remain steadfast remain firm get before the Blessed Sacrament as often as you possibly can and don't let the evil one try to dissuade you or worry you unnecessarily I hope that that helps you thank you for your call Denise and we're going to move forward we have Nancy with us and she is in Philadelphia Pennsylvania today good morning Nancy how are you good morning Jeannette well I don't know that I should be presenting this even but this is where I am I'm in a long-term care facility all right and my husband is just a Crossway in in our nursing home section and of course with corona and the numbers were seeing I'm just worried to death about him and I seem to have in my life such issues with trusts you know I say I trust but do I really I feel that I'm responsible you know for him in a way and and where do you draw the line between trusting and God and what he expects you to contribute to a situation I'm just so messed up in my head that it's even difficult to pray because if I have to put one more thought in between my two ears I think my head is going to explode well today we're well I'll tell you what we're gonna do right now and then see we're going to pray for you and then I'll share a few words with you so father God here is your daughter Nancy and she comes before you and you know the affliction that she is experiencing right now father you know the pressure and and the pain of her suffering as she is separated from her husband and is unable to attend to him in the way in which she would desire but father God we know one more thing what the Evil One wants to use for our destruction you want to use for our good and so now in this moment I ask that your Holy Spirit would descend upon her and that your Holy Spirit would infuse her with a greater trust in your divine and holy action in her life I ask that you removed from her all fear and I ask that you take worry away because worry will tie us up in knots Lord and you desire for us to know the freedom that comes by way of your providential care for us and those we love Mary our mother I ask that you attend to your daughter right now I asked mother that you present to hurt your most immaculate heart that she might hear it beating just for her and from it draw the comfort and consolation she needs in every moment of this time until she and her husband can be rejoined again together we offer this prayer to your father in the name of your son our Lord Jesus Christ by the merits of his cross through the power of the Holy Spirit and with the maternal be attitude and intercept of our Blessed lady amen so what is trust you know there's a big question Jesus tells us that Nancy that that fear is useless what is needed is trust and we know that the kind of fear that the evil one seeks to prevail upon us is that fear that is false evidence appearing real he wants to make things bigger than they are he wants us to to become outrageously concerned about things that might never happen he magnifies the smallest of things and makes them seem large he takes large things and makes them see seem gigantic but that's what he does but Jesus says no that's fear that's not going to help you what you need is trust what is trust it's true resolve under severe testing you're being sorely tested right now on my guess is that the Lord wants you to grow in trust but within that little acronym for trust we find what is the the impetus for trust it's not an emotion that we feel rather it's an act of the will we choose to trust we have resolve to trust it's true resolve under severe testing true resolve to trust God so here's my suggestion for you when the evil one is prevailing upon you when the worry and the concern just just begins to rise up in you when as you say if you put another thought on your head it's really going to explode when we're in that state this is the time when we really dig deeply down and we choose trust we choose it and sometimes we need to convince ourselves that we're choosing it and for me the best way for me to enter into that and and to get the consolation that I need and and to let myself know that I am trusting is by quoting Sacred Scripture so I want you to have it the ready just small little verses that you can use fear is useless what does need a distrust and I trust in you Almighty God and father no matter what is going on in this moment I trust in you do you see me trusting Lord I'm trusting in you right now I greater is He Who is in me than he was in the world I know that you are in me Lord so right this very moment I am choosing to trust in You amen I am choosing to trust in you because you dwell in me I am relying upon your divine and holy Providence Oh Lord I know that nothing can prevail against me nothing can prevail against me because I am your chosen daughter this kind of Prayer for me often vocally just as I'm doing right now helps me to begin to move forward to the next step that I have to take which becomes an act of faith demonstrating trust in God so I put that before you know that this is not of God know that he has graces in mind for you to receive Thank You Nancy and I'm going to be tucking you and all of our callers into my rosary today so be assured of my continuing prayers for you throughout the course of our time together we're gonna get to UM who is next here we are going to get to Evette she is in California let's go to a vet good morning about how are you hi good morning thank you for taking the call you're welcome first I'm calling a I'm always watching EWTN saying meadows there is an mess and so forth thank you for taking that call and their time I am in you know just spiritually totally in trouble my 45 year old son he lives in Australia right now he is diagnosed with stage 4 cancer he's been battling it for four years it was 41 at the age of age 41 when he was diagnosed with colon cancer and every since then he had couple loans of chemotherapy and that every time the single PET scans and what we go through we hear nothing but bad news every time pray for her so many people are praying all over the the community in the church I used to go to Mass and pray the patient's there all the church people and my sister is a nun back home back in India and her congregation Mother Teresa's congregation because they are very close to each other I met mother Teresa so I pray for her all the time to make a miracle and has a four and a half years we have not seen any miracle a kid is suffering a lot yes beautiful children and latest news last Friday we heard that it's all over his in his lung he has to go to another round of chemo he's a very good churchgoer you can activate it in the church and you know faithful rosaries and masses so my question is why why is this happening why a 45 year old who is a really good churchgoer prayerful person has to suffer this much and every time I said again I bought my hope and my faith just get destroyed when I hear the the news of his birth and I was also a nun quality nurse for 25 years have so many patients so it's just spiritually just bringing me down though I say my prayers and this for a minute Yvette it's a very difficult thing and having lost a child I understand just the tremendous weight that you are under right now as you are not seeing any progress in his situation and you know whether the age-old question is well why does God let us suffer and say Thomas Aquinas answers it for us and he tells us that God lets us suffer because he is going to work a greater good out of this than could have been worked had the suffering not occurred or he's preventing an even greater suffering from happening now here is your son he's living a holy life and you wonder why why this then well because in the providential care of our God he knows precisely the right moment for us to return to Him and he uses the brokenness of this world as an instrument to bring us back to him we're all going to die some younger than others some older than others but God's wisdom is what does it work here he knows and he knows what is best for your son as a mother your heart is breaking most surely so I want to encourage you to ask our Blessed lady to take you mystically into her most immaculate heart that you might experience their once again this maternal beatitude that she wants for each and every one of us to know she knows what it's like to know that her son is going to die now we don't know about your son he could get a healing at any moment which should continue to pray for healing for heaven's sakes but should that not be the case then we trust and we know that God's will is perfect and he works all things to the ultimate good and the ultimate good for your son is his eternal salvation when God knows is the best time for that salvation to be achieved that's when he says come back to me my good and faithful servant well done you have done well and so though it's difficult use this time and the suffering of your maternal heart to be a prayer to the Father God in union with a cross of his son our Lord Jesus Christ to effect even greater Grace's for your son I know that our Blessed lady is with you I know the Holy Spirit is and I want to tell all of you that I know that God is with you in all things we're not going to be able to get to the rest of our callers today but I certainly do hope that you will join us after this program we're going to be on EWTN Facebook we're going to do a live chat out there and it's going to be after the show with Johnette and we'll try to get to your questions to show up there for us but now we have father John Palmeri Zeller with us again and he is going to lead us in a beautiful prayer of closing I do want for you to remember to take advantage of the supplemental materials that are out there on our website women of grace comm to continue the good work that God is doing in you I am so grateful to have father with us I am so grateful that he can lead us in our closing prayer father in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen dear lord it is with joy that you look upon a receptive heart and with love that you seek to enter into its inner confines your children have much today heard much today about the way in which you desire to work within them to bring them healing and wholeness I pray that through the power of the holy spirit their hearts may be welcoming hearts hearts that are open and receptive to the mysteries of your healing love may they be freed from the wounds of the past and find in you the refuge they seek to discover dears Mary our mother please intercede for your children that they may receive an experience every grace God has in mind for them and may Almighty God bless you the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit amen amen father thank you so very much for that very beautiful prayer and let us make this the prayer of our heart today let us take the sentiment of it and begin to live it out let us then seek to be of service to others perhaps bringing them the healing graces that God would have them receive as well once again I want to invite you to join us on EWTN Facebook for a live chat session there your questions can continue to be answer there or you can just jump to chat with me out there on EWTN s Facebook page we're looking forward to being with you right there we're looking forward to being with you back again the next time that we are together live which is going to be next Friday and so until we have that opportunity may the abundant life of Jesus Christ be yours and may God richly bless you bye-bye now [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: EWTN
Views: 2,452
Rating: 4.8285713 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: fawEA1eVLe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 37sec (3277 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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