Women of Grace - Jan 20 , 2021 - Johnnette Williams

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women of grace with johnnette williams starts now this is women of grace live discussing issues important to your life and faith spiritual insight practical wisdom join us as we transform the world one woman at a time women of grace for such a time as this now here's your host johnette williams good morning everyone and welcome to women of grace live i am john at williams absolutely delighted to be with you today certainly certainly am happy uh to have this opportunity to use the airwaves for the greater honor and glory of god to have holy conversation with you to talk about issues that are very important in your life of faith we're certainly hoping that you will share with us through the course of our program today and i'm going to give you that 800 number to use that number is toll-free obviously for you right here in north america it's 83 288 ewtn that's 833 288 3986 let me give it to you again give you an opportunity to jot it down there so that you can join us it's 833 288 e wt and easy breezy and free so we're excited for you to join us today it is a wacky wednesday for oh so very many reasons sue brinkman is with us today we're going to be talking about some wacky things hoping that you pick up the phone and do give us a call and interact with us here your questions and comments are always welcome we receive them obviously through the phone lines if you're a first time caller let ryan penny know and i ring my first time caller bell for you to uh you know give you a great big hello on your first call to us and we hope it's not the last by the way also inviting you to get out there to ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page you can use the chat feature there that chat feature permits you to put your question comment inside inspiration or word of encouragement in there jeff burson our producer and social media manager will dash on out there retrieve that question get it up on the board and we'll be able to address it if you're a first time submitter let him know that in that little chat feature so we can also welcome you as a first timer with that ding-a-ling ling of our bell here all kinds of good things happening at women of grace i love to catch you up on stuff that's going on there uh because we want you to join us i'll tell you what mission has never been very been more important you know i guess every day and time can say that there are moments in their day and time when mission is absolutely essential well this is one of the moments in our generation in our day and time when mission is absolutely essential there is so much coming at us there is so much going on there is so much controversy about so many things there is such a a a a diabolical disorientation that is part of our culture unfortunately part of our mindset even reaching into the minds of catholics the challenges facing us are real and some of those challenges are dangerous and you say oh gee john that's not very good news to start the program off with but i'm going to tell you you got to know the truth because it's the truth that sets you free right so when we know what the truth is then we know how it is that we turn to our lord jesus christ and obtain from him through his salvific action all of the spiritual blessings that we need to be those more than conquerors in our day and time and god's raising you up i'm telling you right now he's raising you up i you know i had a beautiful prayer time this morning and i just sent so very strongly that we are about something new that even though it seems as though all is lost all is not lost even though it might seem as though all is lost in your personal life all is not lost even though it might seem as though your marriage is going down the tubes all is not lost even though you might be having problems with your children all is not lost even though your financial position might not be where you want it to be all is not lost because god is with us and where god is grace is and where grace is we have capacity if we employ the grace that's being offered to us so it is the devil who wants us to believe that all is lost but we've got to let go of that diabolical disorientation and say to ourselves oh no i know exactly who i am i am a more than conqueror in christ jesus that is who i am i am a child of god that is who i am the deepest part of my identity is that that eternal life has been won for me by our lord jesus christ and the fact of the matter is i am a child of prediction by the father who is going to receive all of those blessings and move them forward into this moment and that's who you are and so we stand tall we do not cower we stand tall we don't stand tall in our own boots we stand tall in the footwear of of the the gift of the holy spirit ephesians six you know we we shot our feet with the zeal to propagate the gospel and zeal is a is a gift of the holy spirit so we stand in the gift of the holy spirit and we move forward not cowering but moving forward in courage in steadfastness in perseverance in openness of heart in receptivity and trust of the lord in surrender to his holy will and then we begin to see signs and wonders happening amen we begin to see those signs and those wonders happening so i don't care what's going on in your personal life i don't care what's going on corporately in our life in the church i don't care what's going on in the world at large i don't care what's taking place in the united states of america today we are more than conquerors in christ jesus and if we give up that identity the devil wins if we walk in that identity he loses and let me tell you what his head is already crushed by the heel of the woman all we're doing is crushing it with her right so if you want to be a serpent smiter if you want to grind the head of the evil one into the dust of the earth i say let's move let's move forward let's move forward enlivened emboldened encouraged by all that comes from heaven and i want you to know that the lord is with us our blessed mother has prepared the path we simply need to follow in the way in which she's leading and it all starts with that fiat it all starts with that fiat voluntars touah be it done unto me be it done unto me according to your word lord be it done unto me your will be done in me lord and i move in that will i move in your will i surrender my will to your will and move in that will and it's there that i find the sustenance that i find the grace of perseverance that i find everything that i need to move forward in this moment in the history of man you have entrusted this moment to me father and i accept that entrustment and i will not turn my back on you i will turn my face to you and i will move underneath the light that comes from your holy presence amen so that's i guess i guess that god is calling us to a big and mighty mission today and uh you know we we've got to determine who it is that we are and we've got to ask our blessed lady to lead us and to guide us she is there for us i'm telling you she is right there she is so very real and so very present right now and she wants to give you everything you need because all grace comes by way of her she doesn't create the grace grace is is the divine life itself a participation in that that god determines we have that he gives to our blessed lady to distribute upon us she is mediatrix of all grace distributrix of all grace and so our blessed mother is our general she is we go under her banner we go underneath her flag and we trust completely and totally because she teaches us how to trust she teaches us how to have faith she teaches us how to have hope that's what she wants to do she wants to teach you as a mother and sometimes those lessons are taught ojt most typically those lessons are taught ojt they're taught on the job right so we want for you we want for you uh to get on the job here ojt otj i don't know it's on the job training that's what it is og ojt on the job training so be trained up in the way you should go underneath the tutelage of our blessed mother and let's do it let's get about the business we're going to be right back with you sue brinkman is with us on this a wacky wednesday let me give you those numbers again eight three three two eight eight ewtn that's eight three three two eight eight three nine eight six yippee kyo we're on our way yes we are we're gonna be right back stay tuned [Music] [Applause] [Music] catholic answers live one of the things that we often think about in our spiritual lives is how to do something big for god but really most of the time we should focus on how we can do something small for god it's these small things that help us consecrate our ordinary daily activities and help us do everything for jesus christ catholic answers live tonight 6 eastern on ewtn radio the power of prayer simply means that words have an effect for example when a couple says i do it literally changes two people to becoming one in marriage when you say i love you it changes us and it gives us value the power of prayer is in the words and in the sentiment but it's also in the fact that god who is omnipotent all-powerful answers our prayers [Music] and now the ewtn family prayer with father joseph family a prayer that we pray together is a powerful prayer so please pray together with me our ewtn family prayer [Music] today we pray for marriage almighty god and father we adore you you are the author of marriage and have made it a covenant of faithful exclusive and enduring love between one man and one woman protect this sacred institution from those who are working to deform it bring to conversion those who cohabitate and restore the dignity of marriage and family life to our land strengthen those who are struggling in their marriages and protect our children from neglect and divorce we ask us through christ our lord amen transforming the world one woman at a time let's return to women of grace with john ed williams well welcome back everybody you are listening to women of grace live i am john at williams we want to hear from you today let me give you that toll-free number it's 833 288 e wtn that's 833 288 3986 we're looking forward to being with you right here you can also join us via the chat feature at ewtn radio's youtube channel facebook page in either case if you're a first timer let us know so we can ring our bell to welcome you to the program today sue brinkman is with us it is wednesday that's when we talk about weird and wacky things right here on women of grace life so if you've got something weird and wacky going on we want to know about it and we invite you to call us hopefully uh you know we'll be able to give you some direction and guidance regarding it again that toll-free number 833 288 ewtn hey sue how are you i am doing great after that intro from you john and i'm here cheering you on let's go girl let's go let's go you are so right you are so right you know we have to remember who we are we're catholics that's right we're catholics we've been thrown to the lions roasted on the gridiron blown up buried alive hung quartered burned beheaded skinned alive we can we can manage what's going on our lives right now there's no question with that kind of history there is no question that's exactly right you know and the grace is in the present moment i just want to say that really fast we've got a caller from spain and i want to get to our caller from spain but i just want to say you know the grace is in the present moment we worry too much about what am i going to do should this happen well you don't know what you're going to do but i can tell you one thing when that thing happens if it should happen god will give you the grace in the moment it doesn't come before it comes in the moment and the struggle is always right before you give fiat the evil one fights with you so that you won't give fiat but as soon as you give fiat heaven opens up for you and you have to know that so struggle through that fiat give your yes and heaven opens up well we're going to open up our phone line we have ann with us and she's in malaga spain via youtube today good morning to you ann how are you good morning i'm well uh it's very bad weather here it's raining and um for that reason i i'm very worried about a young man a young indian man that has been staying in my home and i just can't keep him because he's very unstable and he'd on occasion he drinks and get abusive in his behavior verbally and occasionally physical so i had to throw him out i tried to get him to a place where a christian organization where he can be taken care of but he doesn't want to go and the point is that he's totally messed up because of his family that has a very very hard control on him he's sick and he has hindered neighbors back in delhi in india but he wants to become christian and he's totally totally messed up his sister is christian and encourage him she married amanda and they converted christianity but his mother is very very aggressive about this and now it's totally crazy because now the mother has arranged an engagement she put his photo or beside a girl and they had a engagement party so now he's supposed supposedly engaged to someone he never met and someone he never spoken to mother just sent pictures to him not unusual in that culture anne right no no so marriage is not the same thing everywhere and anyway i noticed that every more or less every evening about eight o'clock his mood change it can change like you flip a coin or something and then i googled what was and i was thinking what's going on eight o'clock what's going on in india and i found that out when i google i found that eight o'clock here in spain is midnight in india and apparently people do special spells and prayer because midnight is a powerful hour and i want to ask subrinkman about this if she knows anything and if there can be some kind of demonic influence in in this crazy behavior and also i want to ask for prayers sure go ahead too please yes um yes there could be some demonic influences in that depending on what those those things are if there are spells uh and invocations to uh any any of the hindu guys i'm not sure what these prayers are that that you're referring to but if it is to the hindu gods and it is to work spells put the evil eye to curse people and that sort of things of course that's direct interaction with with the occult with demonic forces um if that's that kind of thing was being done in your house you want to make sure that you have holy water on hand that you sprinkle at your house with holy water and if you if you have any kind of disturbances that that crop up after this having been done in your house every night uh just go to your priest and ask them come and bless your house you should be fine especially if you're in a state of grace you'll be all right but you certainly don't want to have these kind of things going on in your house does that help you in i can't have him in the house right okay then you're all right and um but i'm very worried about this uh this man city about what's going on and he also told me that when he decided to be more european and cut his hair he auntie took his hair who took his hair and i don't know if they're doing something yeah there's a lot of different occult practices that that do that especially curses they use objects or personal things that belong to somebody the object of whatever they're going to put it doesn't necessarily mean a curse could be a spell of some kind you know to try to get him a love interest or or something like that they will use personal things such as hair nail clippings that sort of thing from the person so uh yeah that culture very much is involved in those things and he sounds to me as if he's like between two worlds and he's been in some way he's kind of wanting does he does he personally want to become a christian yes okay so he does want to become very devoted to the handel carmen and virgin mary oh well for some reason i don't know why but so let me ask you a question ann is he is he is he currently living in your home no i had to i i tried to ma i arranged three times for him to find another place but he comes back and he wants to stay here and i can't have him no of course he's not stable that's right and and and i think it breaks my heart and today it's raining it's horrible and uh i just refused to take him back in he stayed in my car this night and i just can't i can't allow him to get back in you know i think that that's advisable given his mental condition and with him out of the house this would be a good time to have that your home blessed as sue recommends to bring a priest in to bless your home and i think that also it's very charitable of you to work hard to find him a place to live uh you know i would make certain that um you know you you strive to the best of your ability to to keep a distance from him because you just don't know what he's going to do and i think that it's very hard and i i can hear the cry in your heart you know because you do care about this person in the best way i think that that you can help him is through your continued prayers and i would pray the rosary i think that's the strongest weapon that we have next to the holy sacrifice of the mass and you might ask a priest at your local parish if you know you could have some masses prayed for him you could just even say for a special intention i would keep his his uh you know privacy or anonymity intact but you might ask to have a couple of masses prayed for him and and i think that that is fulfilling that beautiful gift of of love that god would have you um you know extend to him the fact is that he is in your life for a reason but it's not necessarily to live with you it might be for you to spiritually mother him from afar through your prayers and through having masses prayed for him what do you think sue i absolutely do believe that and he has a devotion to our lady i would absolutely pray a rosary for him every day but you might actually give him a gift of a rosary and ask him if he would do that if he would pray the rosary every day to our lady for help in all the different areas of his life that she would come to say because you know she will do that she will do that i hope that that helps you in okay yeah thank you so why don't we say you would also ask for a prayer so let's just pray right now and we're going to pray for you and we'll pray for him so father we begin this prayer in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen father we do come before you in this moment and we lift up to you your daughter anne and also we lift up to you your son this young man who is so disturbed and unstable and who is suffering mentally and maybe lord he's even suffering uh you know biochemically we don't know what we do know is that his behavior is irrational and yet in the midst of it all lord he has a desire for you in the midst of it all he has some type of love for our blessed lady for your mother and so it is that we would ask that through her intercession that he would come to healing and he would come to the fullness of life that you desire for him father god we know the internal conflict he must be in with his desire for you and knowledge of your son and love of our lady versus the faith of his culture in india and the prevailing uh attitude and prevailing uh uh interaction of his of his family in his life we asked lord that that this knot would be untied by our blessed lady this takes heavenly power lord it's something that might be bigger than our capacities but not bigger than yours because you are infinitely powerful and you give to our blessed lady a share in your omnipotence a great share as a matter of fact she is all-powerful with you because she desires only your will and so we ask that through this grace now that these knots might begin to be untangled might begin to be undone we pray for the safety and well-being of this young man we pray that one of the places that ann has arranged for him to stay will be revisited by him and that he will find a comfort there a piece there and will be able to establish himself father with some kind of footing and with some kind of rootedness father i thank you for the generosity of heart that your daughter anne has demonstrated for him for her maternal love for him her spiritual motherhood of him and i pray that you meet all of her needs lord god that you give her peace and you give her comfort you give her solace and also confirmation that she's moving in the right way through prayer uh through the offering of of masses for him and and through the gift of a rosary should that be something she is able to uh to do father we ask that you would continue to guide her and to lead her and do not let the enemy prevail upon her in any way with some kind of morbid guilt or or feelings of abandonment uh toward him or any of that lord that the evil one might try to stir up within her but we ask that over all of this our blessed lady would put a mantle on your daughter's soul to keep there that peace and that comfort that surpasses all understanding we offer this prayer to you in the name of your son our lord jesus christ by the merits of his cross through the power of the holy spirit and with an eternal beatitude and intercession of our blessed lady amen and i just want to tell you anne right at the end of that prayer i got just a little image and the image that i got in my mind was a wet sidewalk and the pavement was cracked and coming up through that crack was a flower so i don't know what that means except that maybe out of this this uh you know interior lack of integrity uh through this through this through the the the the crevices and the cracks that are in this young man's uh framework interiorly in his soul as well as in his mind uh that that something new is going to happen that new life will come forth from this and so we'll just continue to pray for him in that way that new life comes forth from the uh from from the misery of his condition only god can work all things to the good this is what we know god can work this to the good okay amen amen thank you very much and you're welcome god bless you sweetheart bye-bye now oh boy oh boy sue i'll tell you you know it's it's uh this diabolical disorientation and the interference from the evil one is is universal and we are the mystical body of christ and we do stand together as one uh throughout the world and we are those more than conquerors in christ jesus that's so true we are but we have to remember that when we're going through things like what anne's going through it's a very very stormy time it sounds like not just in the weather over there but also in the life of that young man and when you're you know really steeped in all those storms it's hard to see that it's hard to remember that and that's why it's good that we remind each other and that we have like-minded friends um and we listen to like like-minded you know shows and and we read like-minded material to keep ourselves pumped up we need each other and we've always been that way since the very beginning of this church we hung together and and slowly but surely we grew into really the greatest church and the greatest movement ever seen in the history of the earth right and the gates of hell will not prevail against the church and this is something we have to remind ourselves jesus says you know uh the and the gates of hell will not prevail against her when he when he's founding his church on the back of peter and he says that for only one reason he says it because the gates of hell will try to prevail against her and but he's giving us a word they will not succeed and we're not going to let them succeed because we are the church and so we have to prevail uh with that beautiful prophetic word of our lord and stand in that grace we're inviting you to give us a call here 833 288 ewtn that's 833-288-3986 it's wednesday that means it's all about the wacky and the weird and we've got sue brinkman with us to talk about it we have james out there on youtube i'm going to read this so we can get into it and we'll go to a break and finish it up if we need to james asks this what is the church's teaching on witchcraft and spiritism how should a catholic christian fight against such forces especially when suffering from the effects of enemies using such to fight him or her wow that's a big question but let's start with the first part what about the church's teaching and stuff it comes straight from scripture i'm just going to say deuteronomy 18 10 is the first one to look at out there you can look up on online i'll give you all kinds of of scripture where the lord calls these things witchcraft and sorcerers and diviners and people who read their dreams that they are an abomination to him people who consult the dead like spirit mediums and that sort of thing so the uh god has been quite clear that this is not to be dabbled in by by christians and also the catechism you read sections two one one five through two and one eight and that pretty much covers it runs the whole gambit from uh from superstition all the way through to using you know tarot cards and talismans and and all that kind of stuff so um the church is very clear that this is evil it is from the evil one we are forbidden to to uh dabble in it for our own good i might add he's doing that because he wants to protect us from these evil forces they are very very powerful and the second part of that question was what do we do when people are praying against us well the number one thing you do is you make sure you are in a state of grace that's the very first thing that you need to do um only god knows if you are truly in a state of grace but there's a lot of things you can do to increase your odds such as do not be in a state of mortal sin make sure that you go to confession regularly always attend mass as you should have a nice strong daily prayer life stay close to god stay in union with him he protects his own and you can count on him for that so those are just some of the things you can do when we come back from the break we'll talk about more of those we want to hear from you 833 288 ewtn that's 833 288 3986 give us a call we're coming right back to you stay tuned [Music] ewtn is everywhere check out all your favorites on facebook it's easy just go to facebook and search for ewtn catholic radio [Music] father john ricardo in our culture the commandments are looked at as burdens because for many of us we only learn the commandments by rote memorization well the commandments change drastically when a child or an adult learns that do you know where the israelites were before they got the commandments they were slaves in a desert making bricks god dramatically rescued them from there released them from the tyranny of pharaoh through great signs and wonders brought them out of that land of affliction parted the red sea so that they could go through it and escape pharaoh's armies that were pursuing brought them into the promised land after feeding them with man in the desert and on the way to the promised land stopped at sinai and gave them the ten commandments now if you really think god wanted to keep us in slavery and that the commandments are restrictions to our freedom he would have just left him in egypt to then bring him to a mountain and say okay well i really don't want you that happy the people you know and trust are on ewtn he is honored by the church as one of the greatest enemies of clergy sexual abuse matthew bunsen and the doctors of the church in his time saint peter damien fought against the many vices of contemporary clergy especially sexual abuses among the clergy in 1051 he wrote the book of gomorrah that is still considered essential reading for fighting abuse today he died in 1072 for more about the doctors of the church visit doctors of doctorsofthechurch.com [Music] hi this is dr david anders do you have questions about the catholic faith get the answers on call to communion coming up this afternoon 2 p.m eastern on ewtn radio now back to women of grace with donette williams transforming the world one woman at a time let's return to women of grace with johnette williams well howdy do everybody we're back from our break very happy to be with you today inviting you to give us a call let me give you that toll free number it's 833 288 ewtn that's 833.288.3986 there is no question uh that you know we don't want to hear from you with regard to the things that are a little wacky out there today we're looking forward to hearing from you here sue brinkman is with us it is wednesday and that's when we talk about all kinds of things that are off center uh from the teachings of the church as well as things that are taking place culturally 833 288 3986 also available for you out there at ewtn radio's youtube channel and facebook page please use the chat feature there to put in your question or comment let us know uh both via phone and uh via you know the chat feature if you are a first timer with us and we will ring our first time caller bell for you we were talking about a question that came into us from youtube from james and he was asking about you know what the church teaches on spiritism etc and the last part of his question was what can he do to fight against such forces especially when suffering from the effects of enemies using such to fight him or her and sue you were talking about the fact staying in a state of grace making certain that you're using uh all that the church gives us you know going to mass on sundays the sacrament of confession um also a regular prayer life all of that but what about sacramentals and other things like this would it be beneficial for us to uh have those at the ready oh absolutely especially the brown scapular of our lady mount carmel um that that does require investiture by a priest is the only scapula that requires that um but that once you enroll yourself which they call there you roll yourself in the browns capital of a lady in mount carmel you enter into an agreement so to speak with our lady that she is going to protect you in exchange for your devotion and faithfulness to her so this is kind of like a a really good deal a sweet deal that you're making with our lady but you must wear the scapular um you don't hang it off your rear-view mirror or hang it off your bed but you wear it you wear the brown scapular caramel you can wear a metal if you have some allergic reaction to wool because they are always made out of brown wool that's one of the requirements on that they be made or have or have wool in there somewhere even if it's just in the strings so that is one of them but of course to have blessed objects either on your person or in your house is another very good thing to do and and also to remember that by staying close to god and having a good personal relationship with jesus he takes care of his own and most curses and this is this comes from you know father remorse and other exercises most curses never amount to anything because god doesn't allow them the devil can't just do whatever he wants and someone might be invoking a curse on another person but but the devil is the one who would carry that out and god doesn't allow it he doesn't allow it um so most of those curses fall by the wayside so don't live in fear of it i guess is what i'm getting at don't live in fear that oh gosh could i be getting cursed i mean nobody look at me and what i do for my for a living and that and i really don't worry about that i i know that i have a very good father who takes care of me and i trust him just implicitly with everything and i do the work that he's assigned me to do and and you know what he's never let me down he's never let me down i have a a peaceful and a happy life and and um so don't fear it don't fear it but take the precautions uh use what the church has given us too sacramentals you know attending the sacraments stay in that state of grace and you'll be fine you'll be just fine you know before we go on uh to tracy i i do want to say one thing i want to underscore something you said because i think it's so very important you know the the the devil cannot do everything that he wants to do you know and and he is not stronger than god and he is not as strong as god and god only uh permits the devil to do things in other words the fact of the matter is he he god uses the devil to work great good isn't that funny i mean the devil will prevail against strive to prevail against god strive to prevail against us and if god permits that action it's because he's going to work a great good out of it and you know he's we're going to grow in virtue or we're going to grow in trust or or you know the very thing itself is going to fall apart which redounds to god's glory and honor and to our eternal salvation so we don't have anything to fear and i think it's beautiful what you said you know even in light of of the work that you do you have a peaceful and happy life and that's the fruit of the holy spirit you know that that's what comes by living in the spirit and living according to the plan of god so that's that's the that is the first you know that is the first and primary thing that we need to do and you started off with it you started off in the answer there with that so you know we don't have to run in fear uh it is important to discern it is important to know what's at work but once we know it's at work we know exactly what we have to do so thanks uh for that uh answer sue an excellent answer we have tracy with us she's in conneautville pa listening to us via station of the cross good morning to you tracy how are you good morning join that um i'm fine and how about yourself very well thanks for asking okay um thank you for taking my call um i'm just calling because i've got a question about a certain video series um i don't know if you're familiar with the walk away the pounds uh videos but they they have a one that in particular it's called the walk away the pound express video and they use stretchy bands in this and on one of the one in the series because they come in there's like four parts to this and the second part they say about using yoga-like moves they don't say specifically that they are yoga but they say yoga-like and um and doing the video i haven't really noticed anything with that i mean as in context to any of the regular type of yoga things like downward dog or anything like that but i i just i'm just curious about if if you have heard anything about that or um or if using the stretchy bands themselves as a part of yoga okay good those are good questions um probably what they're saying yoga like they're referring to isometric exercises but yoga right now has taken over everything in the fitness field you notice that you know an exercise mat is now a yoga mat stretch pants are all yoga pants and every time you do a certain stretch that's one of them they call it the child pose which is a very common stretch that we've been doing since time immemorial that's now a yoga move so uh no it's it's not don't worry about that if the yoga-like moves the body can only move in certain and in a certain amount of directions and forms and just because some of them might look like yoga doesn't mean that they are yoga and as far as stretchy bands are concerned no i've used them myself both in teaching when i was still in fitness and i use them myself now and that's a very very good resistance exercise and and um there's nothing at all wrong with them now some of these videos and i though the walk away the pounds videos i haven't watched them personally but as long as you're just exercising you're not getting into all this other stuff you're fine you don't you don't have to worry about it and in fact she does have she does have ones that were older ones from her series that were like faith videos and she would she would talk about different things about you know about about uh about taking care of your body because it's it's it's the temple of the lord and such like that so well that's good that's a good sign right there right there so i wouldn't worry about it unless she's really doing some things in there perhaps chanting leading you into some sort of meditation you know in order to prepare for the class or something other than that i wouldn't worry about it i think you're probably okay that's a great question though now tracy i have a question for you is it working yeah i love to walk i have my fitbit on i always i try to get my 10 000 steps in every day yeah yes uh well well for me i um i used to do like when i worked um for my longer hours i used to do like walking around the area on my lunch but um because i've been cut in hours and also because uh my health condition i i haven't been able to do much outside so these walk walk away videos are much much easier for me so well that sounds interesting i i you know i've been an exerciser for years and years and years in the last couple of years i've fallen off of the wagon and it's like okay girlfriend you got to get yourself back here you feel so much better you know god made the body to move so we've got to keep moving yes and and and the thing is with with her with the uh instructor her name is leslie sansone and in fact i think she is from like originally from like the pittsburgh area so oh really well you know yeah i i are you're near conneaut on the lake up there right uh well we are uh well we are uh south of erie pennsylvania yeah yeah it's it it's always funny because people have a hard time pronouncing pronouncing kanyeville so i you know i always say uh with the name claudia i say con like an ex-con uh me as in your knee and then ought as you as you ought to be doing something well that's very clever that's very very clever well i hear a little pittsburgh ease in in your in your in your voice there you know you can't quite get you that that accent carries carries along well i think i've been influenced by my one sister-in-law she was she was originally from the pittsburgh area so there you go well tracy thanks so much for your call and for your very good question so uh walk on girlfriend walk on all right thank you very much god bless bye-bye you too bye-bye we have shannon with us out there on youtube sue she says how can we as catholics inform on the dangers of the evil eye in jewelry etc please explain it oh yes the evil eye the evil eye is a form of a curse and it's uh it describes really someone who casts a spell by looking at you with the intention of causing them harm so sort of like they're just wishing you bad luck and and cursing you just by looking at you and what's happened with this evil eye is a very it's a cultural thing very very big um among the portuguese turks egyptians um especially in the middle east and that's where it's believed to have originated uh the evil eye and the whole concept of this that you can look at someone and just curse them just by looking at them but a whole cottage industry has grown up to protect ourselves from the evil eye so that's now resorting to talismans and good luck charms this is what you're doing it's this is now you're moving into the realm of superstition um the italian horn is one of the devices that's that's used for that the hampshire hand the nasar amulets like i said there's tons of them out there there's pictures you can hang on your wall that supposedly are going to help you to to ward off the evil eye some people believe that you can put a drop of oil in a glass of water and you and you place that before a person who's suspected of being afflicted by the curse and if the oil dissolves then they've been cursed if it floats and they have not been cursed i mean there's it goes on and on and on i have a whole blog on this in fact i i updated it uh december the 8th i just i just put another one up there on the evil eye because it's very very prevalent very prominent middle east and with us now in the united states becoming more and more secular and allowing some of these other spiritualities into our lives it's now bringing in some of this riffraff such as the evil eye that's not getting into our culture and we're getting questions at women of grace about the evil eye do i need to be afraid of this and that sort of thing and should i i get some kind of a trinket to protect me it's like no no no the only thing you you want to protect you is a blessed crucifix worn around your neck but born because you believe in jesus christ's power to protect you and his power over evil not because you think it's an amulet that's going to ward off something no but do not get into some of these superstitious talismans that's right i was going to say one is superstitious and you're not going to use another superstitious thing to to combat it so that's good information we invite you to get out to womenofgrace.com sue's blog is there underneath the blog so you'll see the word blog in the nav bar there just uh you know scroll over that it'll open up and click on it there's a search feature there if you're interested in more information on this topic or any topic that has to do with a new age or anything that has to do with you call it just put it in there and articles that sue has published there will crop up so we they'll come up for you so we invite you to do that also invite you to check out all of the events that are going on there women of grace there's a whole bunch of them and we're looking forward to having you join us for all of them uh we did want to talk about one thing and then we've just got a few minutes here sue uh left about 50 under 15 i guess at this point but i want to talk about this because it's a big deal right now a disney's movie called soul s-o-u-l and getting a lot of attention out there uh tell us what you think about it and why you think about it that way yeah i was i looked this up because one of our callers that we didn't get to last week that this was her call this is her question she wanted to know what about the disney's new soul movie is this okay for families and according to christian reviewers it is not a very good family movie it it uh kind of bypasses the the opportunity to teach some good solid information to the public about the afterlife but instead it riddles it with all kinds of hindu and new age ideas about life after death and there's some imagery in this it is an animated film but there is imagery that they believe could be frightening it's violent and it could be frightening uh to children as well as mislead children um the the movie is about a jazz and aspiring jazz musician who finally you know makes it big and and he's walking home one day and falls through a manhole and dies and he ends up in this place um he falls into what's called the great before which is where baby souls are given their personalities and a series of events you know make this this make-believe after world uh find joe being assigned as a mentor for a difficult baby soul who's named 22. and that's what this whole thing is about 22 rejected other mentorship like from mother teresa and mahatma gandhi and carl young so it's all into reincarnation uh you can see all the hindu stuff in here it's it's really not a good i'm not a good movie as far as teaching your children about the afterlife it gives you that typical mishmash i want to say typical because disney's done this before in 2017 they put out right around the same time christmas um they put out coco which was another uh film that had a very pagan view of the afterlife but they mixed it in with the christian and it's a mishmash and it misleads children it really does mislead them and i think that when it comes to people's perception of the afterlife that can very much determine the way they live it's a very important subject and you shouldn't be dabbling around with it like that because you know for instance an atheist who doesn't believe in anything they're going to live a certain way you know do whatever you want to do here now you don't have to save your money just go ahead and spend it have a good time but then you have those who do believe in an afterlife and and they're going to try to live moral upright lives so that they can reach heaven so it really might it has a lot to do with how we live our lives it's not just some silly little subject that you make it you know a comedy move this is supposedly a comedy uh even though there are some dark moments in it and movie guide is is the the one that i relied upon here um they're saying that although some moments in seoul are very imaginative they raise important questions about the afterlife but they are marred irreparably by the movie's preponderance of hindu and new age references and by the very ugly events that occur in the zone which is one of the other areas in the supposedly in the afterlife and even on earth yeah so it is not getting a good recommendation for family watching you know uh it's interesting because uh this concept of reincarnation has really uh invaded catholic mindsets i am surprised of the number of catholics that believe in reincarnation in some fashion now i don't know if it's because it's convenient to believe that you know and it can be convenient for all kinds of reasons but the fact of the matter is it is irreconcilable with our catholic faith and there's even uh in the catechism of the catholic faith a paragraph devoted to it talking about the fact that it is irreconcilable and we do not believe this hebrews tells us so it is appointed to man to live once and then die but there is even more uh you know reason why we would not believe in reincarnation and that's because of the resurrection of the dead at some point in time the body and the soul when jesus comes again are going to be reunited so there's only one body we only get one body and we only get one soul and and they're meant to be together and they will be uh when jesus comes again death was never in god's intention and the separation of the body and the soul was never in god's intention uh and he will at the end of time reunite them so you know we're not we transmigration another thought that that comes from reincarnation that you can become an insect or a an animal in in a life to come no that's not agreeable with the revealed truth of sacred scripture and the teachings of the church and we have to reject it so anything that puts those thoughts into children's minds and even into parents minds because parents can watch this and come away now with a confused notion it will invade their thinking process even if they don't get it and i just wanted to share this story uh years ago when we did the uh series for ewtn on the new age it was called the new age satan's counterfeit years ago now back in the early 90s we did this show and i interviewed a woman uh who had had an abortion and she justified having the abortion because she believed that her the baby would be immediately reincarnated and would end up in a better situation than she could provide so you can see how that thinking does exactly what you said it leads to how you live your life and the decisions you make oh that and it could be so misleading but mostly because people don't even understand what reincarnation is but they also don't understand what we teach about this subject and it's something that we we should really all sit down and study it's it's it is in the catechism it's not difficult to understand it um it we have a beautiful teaching on the afterlife on the particular judgment and that sort of thing and we don't really need to drift off into these you know i don't know what you want to call them these different forms of or different beliefs about about the afterlife um what we have is is very beautiful it's been revealed to us in scripture and and i think it's something that um when you put out a movie like this all you're doing is introducing ambiguity in that subject to people and they don't understand it enough they're not well catechized enough to develop teaching right right and even you know even reincarnation there's a difference between buddhist the buddhist belief in reincarnation and the new age belief in the buddhist um version of it their theirs is all about karma and the assumption that a person's actions have both a positive and negative consequences and and this is going to come back and haunt you um if you if you don't live right the new ager doesn't they believe that they have control over how and when they they can become reincarnated whereas you know the buddhists and the hindu believe that that this is just something that happens as a result of the way you lived your life so there's different things out there and people are not well educated on it don't dabble around in it don't start to read up on it um just forget about it it's it's it's just not something someplace that we want to go and it is going to impact the way we live our life just like this woman she thought okay well it's okay to have an abortion because my baby is going to come back to life anyway look at look at how that misperception about the afterlife flavored her decision and impacted her decision about abortion so it's this important subject is more important than i think people think um and especially i get upset when i see movies like pixar you know disney putting stuff out like this that is misleading that does make a mishmash of christian hindu new age so that people out there don't have any idea what they're watching is this catholic is it not catholic they don't know that so the audience is misled and unfortunately because it's animated parents are going to think well i can bring my children to this no they really do not even though it is an animated film um as movieguy did say there is some violence in it that could be very disturbing uh yeah well you know i that the whole buddhist concept is based on that law of retribution and and that's what karma is you know that if you committed a bad action in in a previous life then your life is not going to go well the next when you're reincarnated again and the whole idea of reincarnation is ultimately to get to the point where you are perfected it's like a never-ending groundhog day in a certain way until you get perfected and then you know you don't need any more incarnations and you become an ascended master and a spirit guide and all these other things it is so far removed from our catholic understanding a good book to read on on all of this in light of warning about what the church teaches is what really happens when we die by jim papandrea i mentioned it yesterday he's going to be a guest on women of grace television uh just fantastic book it will straighten things out for you if you're a little confused on this subject so it's been great thank you so much for being with us today as always on our wacky wednesdays thanks for having me oh you're so welcome and so we'll be back next uh next week she is our researcher for the new age get out to womenofgrace.com check out the blog god bless you all bye-bye now
Channel: EWTN
Views: 1,625
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television
Id: NEVflZwO2kY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 5sec (3245 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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