Women of Faith Conference 2021

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[Music] we are thankful for the world that's what it is [Music] [Music] amen hallelujah somebody shout hallelujah hallelujah if you're excited to be in god's presence shout hallelujah hallelujah glory to sammy said one thing have i desired of the lord and that will i ever seek after that i may dwell in his presence and abide in his cause i was glad when they said let us go into the house of the lord this is the house of the lord this morning and your your attitude and your disposition will show how serious you take god this morning so if you're happy to be alive in the land of the living if you're excited to be part of god's family and if you have your worship and your praise to give to god this morning i just want you to stand to your feet if your feet can carry you [Music] and begin to bless the name of the lord for his faithfulness for his grace for his goodness is there anybody here that is grateful for the mercies of god if you are part of the candidate of of the recipients of the mercies of god just lift your right hand and begin to give it to jesus worship and give him glory he is an awesome god my soul is saying yes to you this morning let everything that has spread bless the lord set my spirit free to worshipping you set my soul free to respond to you this morning for as a dare pants for the waters in a dry [Music] my soul says yes says yes [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] where you lead me i will follow when you call me i will answer all my lord my lord teach me how to know your way whatever it is whenever you want what moment you choose whatever you plan oh my lord let your will be done in me lift your hands are waving to jesus so be my light be my guide [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my soul said yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] what moment you choose whatever you plan oh my lord let your will be done how many of us are ready to do the will of god in this house whatever it is whatever you want what more makes you choose [Music] my yes my spirit [Music] hallelujah hallelujah somebody said yes lord somebody say yes lord come on say it like you mean it somebody say yes lord to your will and to your way hallelujah hallelujah somebody got a yes in their spirit this morning come on and say yes hallelujah thank you jesus we give you glory god we give you glory god yes in the morning yes in the evening yes at night yes at noonday thank you lord come on and just acknowledge his presence right now where you are [Music] take a minute and just acknowledge his presence come on lift your hands right where you are just welcome the lord welcoming into your space right now as we read the word of the lord hallelujah thank you jesus the scripture reading comes to us this morning from psalm 91 psalm 91 thank you jesus glory to your name jesus hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus i'll be reading from the new living translation hallelujah [Music] psalm 91 it reads us those who live in the shelter of the most high will find rest in the shadow of the almighty this i declare about the lord he alone is my refuge he alone is my place of safety he is my god and i trust him for he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease we could talk about that like it's the truth deadly disease are we protected this morning he will cover you with his feathers he will shelter you with his wings his faithful promises are your armor and protection do not be afraid of the tremors by night nor the arrow that flies in the day do not dread the diseases that stalks in darkness nor the disaster that strikes at midday don't they strike don't they strike yeah don't fear them though a thousand though a thousand fall how many people fell in coronavirus though a thousand fall at your side though ten thousands are dying around you whoa these evils will not touch you this is the word of the lord this is the word of the lord you got it you got to believe it just open your eyes and see how the wicked are punished if you make the lord your refuge if you make the lord the most high your shelter no evil will conquer you just like that just like that no plague will come near your home for he will order he can you imagine he gets up every morning and he takes his pen out in his pad and he says this is the order for the day for my child he will order he will order his angels to keep us in all of our ways hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah for he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go they will hold you up with their hands so you won't even hurt your foot on a stone you will trample upon lions and cobras you will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet the lord says i will rescue those who love me i will protect those who trust in my name i when they call on me i will answer i will be with them in trouble i will rescue and honor them i will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation we have any covenant keeping people in the house today come on and give the god of heaven the god of ours all the praise this morning is that all right is that all right are we gonna worship the god that covers us under his wings are we gonna worship the god this morning that keeps us from pestilence and disease he is worthy to be praised this morning and this morning i'm gonna ask everyone to go before the lord in prayer everyone we're talking about this women's conference and we're talking about in his presence and collectively as a body we can meet him this morning he is already here i know he's already here i i sense this present before before i got here and i know that everybody that's here that's destined to be here today to lift our hands to join our hearts to have one mind and worship god this morning whatever reason you came here today if you're visiting whatever reason you are not here by accident so we're all going to get together we're all going to open up our mouths we're all going to lift our hands we're gonna focus on glory this morning because this is where the presence is gonna come down today heavenly father heavenly father come on open up your mouth and start to pray heavenly father we thank you this morning this moment that you have given unto us we don't take it for granted we acknowledge you god as the head of our lives we acknowledge you god as king of kings and lord of lords we acknowledge your presence in this place right now [Music] god we adore you we honor you we magnify you we glorify you we give you praise we exalt you we extol you you are lord of lords you are king of kings there is nobody like you in all the entire universe and for this we give you praise because you are god and god alone you are sovereign you are god all by yourself and you don't need us but god you have called us into your presence and god we are we lord jesus we understand that before we can come god we know god that we must cleanse ourselves read us god of things that are not like you this morning present us god faultless before the father present us to him o god so we can now come boldly into your presence and worship you because you see true worshipers this morning [Music] god we are here with no other agenda no agenda god but to worship you we're not looking to the left we're not looking to the right but we're looking to the hills this morning from what's cometh our health because we know our help comes from you jesus hide not your faith from us this morning show yourself strong in this place so god come on jesus move up and down these aisles roll by roll lord jesus those that came for healing i pray that it be granted unto them those that came for deliverance i pray that it is theirs right now by the power of the holy ghost whatever the need is this morning this moment lord jesus we lay it down at your feet and we give you praise because we know that when the praises go up that the blesser will come down and bless us so we clear everything out of the way we move everything out of the way we have a program lord jesus but our program is you this morning have your way god have your way jesus we want to see you god we want to see you god high and lift it up and your train filled this temple only you oh god this is our desire this is our purpose this is our will we fix our will to yours we join our will with yours your will be done on earth as it is in heaven this morning right now right now right now right now we lay aside every burden we lay aside every weight that so easily beset us and we give you worship and we give you praise and we give you glory right now in this moment in this moment in this moment thank you god for allowing us to have this moment with you thank you god for the bodies that will be healed today thank you god for the might that will be set free today thank you god for your presence that is felt that will be eminent throughout this entire service breathe on us oh god breathe into us the breath of life this morning saturate our hearts open up our hearts so that we can receive you those that have heart of stone turn them into a heart of flesh right now and god another reason the reason why we're here this morning to worship you god to worship you in spirit and in truth but i'm asking you oh god that if someone doesn't know you today [Music] that you will lead them to the kingdom this morning let the word of god penetrate their hearts penetrate their beings penetrate the evil that is holding them back from having a relationship with you let learning who is life eternal we give you praise god we give you glory god we send everyone everything right before you god touch them give us action lord jesus we know we can do nothing without you anyway so we ask god that you will empower us to worship you this morning empower us to give you praise we talk to our souls and we say song praise the lord we say to our hearts and praise the lord we say to our feet speak praise the lord we say to our bodies body praise the lord and for this lord we give you all the praise we give you all the glory and we tell you that but the name of jesus [Music] [Music] when you have no one to say come on [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] we will [Music] when every other voice is silent [Music] i release my praise in your presence in your presence in your presence [Music] in your presence there is fullness of joy in your presence there is liberty somebody take advantage of god's presence this morning lift your hands to heaven abandoned when i have lost my words and i don't know what to say [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's all about your prayers is [Music] [Music] is [Music] wow [Music] somebody turned those hands together for jesus oh clap your hands only people come on did you know that your god is lighting give him some praise [Music] hallelujah what a mighty god we said come on talk to your neighbor say what a mighty god we said repeat after me what almighty god will serve angels by before him come on preach to me this morning angels by before him heaven and earth adore him he is greater than the greatest he is higher than the highest he is [Music] [Music] we serve everybody say what a mighty god [Music] i wake excellent is your name in on the air you set your glory above the [Applause] the moon and the stars [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] [Music] angels [Music] me [Music] [Music] please me [Music] sir hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] um [Music] me [Music] put your hands together hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my [Music] god before put your hands together [Music] [Music] lord your mind [Music] lord your mind know me somebody give him all the glory [Music] so i'm gonna lift your hands to heaven everybody needs your hands to heaven worry to jesus what a mighty god what a mighty god what a mighty god everybody say what a mighty god he's a mighty god he is [Applause] god [Music] [Music] worship somebody raise hallelujah come on somebody come on this women's conference in his presence if you know you're feeling the presence of god since the week just give him a shout of hallelujah [Music] there is nothing like god's presence the psalmist had an understanding of this when he wrote as the day pants for the waters in a dry and tussy land my soul longed after me i don't know what your soul is longing for in a time such as this but i long to go deeper i long to go deeper in god i long to go higher in the mountains of his presence the bible says who shall ascend into the hills of the lord and who shall stand in his holy place he the husky heads and of a pure heart who have not listened to his soul against vanity or sworn he shall receive blessings from the lord and righteousness from the god of our salvation this is the generation of them that seek the face of jacob lift up your heads all you get and be lifted up he everlasting does not the king of glory are coming i want to know you i want to know him do you want to know the lord do you want to know his presence [Music] i [Music] i want to touch you i want to see your face i want you jesus [Music] jesus i want more [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign take me higher than i've been before jesus i want more jesus i need more [Music] come on if you need more lift your hands and wave it to jesus hallelujah [Music] [Music] take advantage of his presence [Music] [Music] i want you jesus she me is keep us deeper [Music] me i need you jesus i need you jesus i need you lord [Music] [Music] somebody you are all i need [Music] i don't [Music] i want you jesus [Music] oh you jesus [Applause] me [Music] need me me [Music] jesus i want more [Music] she does [Music] everybody lift your hands and worship if you can jesus i want more [Music] bye [Music] your presence [Music] more of your presence [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] one your presence makes a difference [Music] come on how many one more in the house you want more of him lift your hands and worship we worship you jesus [Music] worship him worship him the presence of god is strong in his heart don't just be unexpected to worship him come on worship him there is nothing that can stand the presence of god [Music] sunday left behind somebody drink drink from the fountain that can never run dry jesus is that fountain and it flows by the influence of the holy ghost worship [Music] oh we worship we will worship you jesus [Music] we will worship you [Music] there's not been one more that will ever come nothing can [Music] your presence [Music] all the sweetness [Music] is [Music] [Music] your glory god is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] presence holy spirit [Music] is is is your prayers every season of everyday every [Applause] [Music] [Music] somebody help me worship the we worship lord jesus yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let us [Music] glory god is your friends [Music] we said prayers ready [Music] [Applause] let me hear the voices receive one more time [Music] come on ask him [Music] he said behold i stand at the door and knock come on ask him [Music] we welcome you father [Music] feel the atmosphere [Music] [Applause] by your presence [Music] [Applause] [Music] your [Music] we find rest in your presence lord your [Music] there's healing in your presence god your [Music] salvation is here hallelujah [Music] and certainly the presence of the lord is in this place do you feel him do you feel him do you feel him come on somebody shout hallelujah come on shout hallelujah say thank you for your presence lord thank you for your presence god thank you for your presence god hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah you may take your seats of the presence of the lord hallelujah i stand here to extend a warm welcome to all the visitors and friends and members of living word christian center international ministries thank you so much for joining us on this beautiful sunday morning amen we thank god that he has brought us throughout another week today is the first day of this week and many people didn't make it they didn't cross over so we are grateful any grateful people in this house i'm grateful i'm grateful i'm grateful to be alive and i'm grateful to be in a country where i have the freedom to worship god in a house such as this isn't it beautiful amen so welcome on behalf of the leadership of this house on behalf of our pastors or ministers and all the members and friends of this ministry we thank you so much for your support throughout the years and your support in this conference we've had such a spectacular time in this conference um started on thursday night with minister barnett joycelyn vernon and she really pulled on the house thursday and friday night we had an awesome time in the presence of the lord and so woman i know you have you have gotten refreshed and you feel revived and we know god has nothing less for us today amen and so i pray that your heart will be in a position to receive that which the lord has for you this morning and for those that are viewing by live internet welcome to the house welcome thank you for tuning in i want to make special mention of pastor pusey thank you so much pastor fusey for joining us this morning god bless you woman of god god bless you mother walters thank you so much god bless you and i i i want us to stand them and give a rounding applause to our leaders or angels of this house none other than bishop oral walters and pastor sandra walters who is the host of this awesome conference [Music] and pastor sandra never let us down every year she does she gets better and better and i know she takes time to seek the lord about who she should invite to minister to her woman because she really loves us she loves us a whole lot and i appreciate you woman of god thank you so much and sitting beside us beside her is the woman who will be preaching to us this morning you're going to get an official welcome but apostle smith thank you so much for coming we know that god has a word for us that he has dropped in your spirit and i just want to tell you to be free and just allow god to use you any way he pleases any way he pleases amen so god bless you god bless you do you feel welcome turn to the person next to you and say welcome welcome and if they ain't worshiping just pinch them and say come on come on you're in the house of the lord we out of worship we ought to worship and at this time we have a visiting dance team heart of compassion ministry they're gonna come and present to us put your hands together for them [Music] [Music] we honor who he is tonight we've come with a ready ready to give him glory ready to give him honor come on whatever you do be found giving god the best offering that you can give him because he's such a worthy god he's such an awesome god he's so holy and righteous and we owe him our best so if you would all over the room just lift up your voices unto god give him a sacrifice of praise all over the room come on lift up your voice [Music] it's our desire to bless you desire to give you glow we love you tonight god we love you tonight lord [Music] you will just open up your mouths all over the room and let heaven hear you oh jesus [Music] you provide the fire [Music] and i'll provide the sacrifice you provide the spirit [Music] and i will open up inside [Music] and i'll provide for [Music] sacrifice and i will open up inside fill me up god fill me up god fill me up god fill me up fill me [Music] me up god fill me [Music] is [Music] let's say that again all over the room [Music] you provide the spirit [Music] fill me up [Music] that's my desire tonight [Music] fill me up fill me up [Music] say fill me lord we need you to [Music] [Applause] fill me [Music] come on [Music] fill everybody [Music] [Applause] me [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] fill us tonight [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] fill me [Music] fill me up [Music] [Music] fill me [Music] some of us are running on empty [Music] fill us up tonight we'll give your sacrifice a grace offer sacrifices of joy [Music] fill us up more [Music] like the woman at the well and then i heard my savior speaking [Music] trump from my well that never shall run dry i [Music] calm and quench [Music] [Music] fill my cup [Music] fill it up fill my cup [Music] fill it up fill my cup fill it up and make me whole fill my applause all hands raised i lift it up long come and quench this thirsty on my shoulder [Music] feel my car fill it up and make me whole so fill me up [Music] feel me [Music] my [Music] i am me [Music] feel us all hands raised god we acknowledge your presence [Music] and we know that you're able to do it but right now we offer you sacrifices of praise and sacrifices of joy [Music] we're grateful for your filling us but right now just receive our offering tonight and it is our desire that you're pleased with us that you recognize this offering [Music] [Music] hallelujah come on you ought to stand up on your feet give him a round of applause hallelujah was absolutely beautiful [Music] come on everybody open their mouth and give god a shout of praise come on let's make some noise we can do better but we can do much better than that [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah turn to your neighbors and neighbor i got a hallelujah in my spirit and i'm about to let it out right now come on on the count of three let's just shout hallelujah one two three hallelujah glory hallelujah hallelujah glory to god hallelujah you may be seated we certainly give god thanks for hosm heart of compassion ministries a beautiful dance a beautiful interpretation and movement um for that song and so we all always thankful always grateful for them when they come to share with us amen amen praise god thank god we have a stage big enough now that we could accommodate dancers and we have our own dancers in the houses waiting for them to their first production under the leadership of uh phoenicia and caller so we're looking forward to them amen praise the lord what we give to god how many of you have been here all week come on clap your hands you've been here all week it's on thursday night we've been having some awesome times awesome times in the lord thursday night and friday night with um pastor [Music] barnett praise the lord awesome woman of god and we certainly want to give god thanks for her she's been with us over the years um from 10 to 50 west sample rope to 74.93 now we're here at 3301 riverside driving so we're thankful for all those that god has used and stuck with us through every season of our existence amen god is a good god isn't he a good god amen turn to your neighbor said neighbor if you don't know it yet god is a good god [Music] yes he is he's a come on turn back look behind say yes he is he's he's a good guy hallelujah how anybody just want to just take just one moment just lift your hands one more time acknowledge his presence and say lord thank you for your goodness thank you for your love thank you for your mercy thank you for your grace thank you because there's nobody like you you're a god all by yourself hallelujah glory hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus i don't want to spend too much time up here because we got the preacher to come on and we're so happy to have with us once again bishop marilyn smith come on put your hands together for her awesome moment of god yes it's just always a pleasure to have her great expounder of the word woman that you want to listen when she comes up god uses her magnificently mightily this is not her first time with us she's been with us on many occasions and we love and appreciate her so we invite her back not only that we love the anointing of god upon her amen and i'm gonna let you all into a secret i don't invite back everybody who comes here to preach let me say it again i don't invite back everybody all right i'm just going to leave that alone right there praise god amen [Music] and i want to congratulate pastor sandra for an awesome woman [Music] yeah yeah i was i was kind of worried this year because you know of covered and all that stuff some people are afraid to come but i think this is the best attended conference that we've ever had i think it's the best attended conference that we've ever had and so god has continued blessing us and blessing the efforts of pastor sandra amen put your hands together for her one more time my prayer is that one day she will be one of the speakers in her conference [Music] that's just my prayer let me say that that's just my prayer all right all right but this is our opportunity for prosperity come on clap your hands give god praise [Music] how many know that our given is not just a natural act but it's a supernatural act of god in your life amen amen it's god's grace and god's love that gives us the ability to produce wealth if he had not given you the strength if he did not let you breath you could not do anything amen so when we give we give because we are delighted to give and to share what god has allowed us to have in our lives amen how many know that without god given to you you can't give to anyone or anything it is god who gives it is he who blesses and the thing about it is when god blesses us he adds no sorrow to it the blessing of god make it rich adds no sorrow to it second corinthians 9 verse 7 says god loves a cheerful giver what that means that we're cheerful it means hilarious god loves when people are hilarious when it's time to give back to him and a lot of people been you know because of all that has happened in the world and things that happened in the pulpit and happen different places many people are reluctant to give because they think they're given to a person you're giving it to the kingdom of god god is the greatest accountant in the universe every sparrow is counted for every hair on your head every strand has a number god knows how he has blessed you jesus said we must restore treasures up on the earth but store it up in heaven how do we do it by giving into the house of god god counts what you give the bible says that as they were bringing an offering jesus stood and watched what people are bringing and one one widow came and gave one might and he testified he says she has given more than everybody why because she gave all that she had god knows what you have and he knows the proportion that you give and your blessing will be according to that proportion amen the bibles are given it shall be given unto you good measure press down shaking together running over for with the same measure that you need it will be measured to you again amen so i'm ask everybody to stand one more time just stand one more time [Music] every time we give we acknowledge our total and complete dependence on god as our heavenly father when we give and when we bring our tithe we are saying that we are trusting the word of god and god will honor his word in our lives he said when we bring the tithe into the storehouse he would open the windows of heaven and pour out pour out a blessing that we will not even have room to receive he also said he will rebuke the devourer for our sake that is the word of god so when we tithe we're saying yes lord we honor your word and we know that you will honor your word towards us and we're trusting god hallelujah that when we time heaven opens and i don't know about you but i want to live on the open heaven that's why i can never stop timing amen amen [Music] many people run out of money because they don't tithe but the tithe that never run out of money hello god always makes a way for a tiger it may not come in the way you think it should come but he's gonna make a way for you amen god always keeps his word you know one of the things that people don't understand is that you think you can rebuke the devourer from your life you know you can't there's one prayer you cannot pray and god will answer that's the rebuke the divine from your life god says when you tithe i will rebuke the devourer who is the devout the seed eater he's the one who put holes in your pockets whenever god but when you're blessed with something he's the one who comes and causes you to lose it that's the devourer when somebody bless you with and 600 of a sudden your engine blows up and it's cost six hundred dollars to fix it and you know what you say well thank you jesus i got the money to fix it no that money was for you to to enjoy but the devourer comes and causes these things to happen and cause you to lose what you just have so don't stop giving trust god and he will bless you anybody been blessed by god are there any tithers in the house that could say i'm a witness to what you're saying pastor all that you say is true because i have experienced it in my life hallelujah hallelujah now how many know that if you're going to work with god you got to work with what why because everything is held together by what words everything is trained everything in the universe everything in your world is trained to respond to words so what you speak what you say what you continuously speak will manifest but jesus said you will have whatever you say you got to ask yourself the question what have i been saying am i speaking the right things when you wake up in the morning you look yourself in the mirror say you are blessed you are highly favored by god today is a good day today is a great day somebody gonna bless you to speak to yourself prophesy over your life listen this is one thing you cannot be bashful about and that is speaking the word of god over your life don't worry about how people what people got to say you speak the word over your life you say i'm blessed i'm highly favored by god i'm successful i'm good looking i'm healthy i'm wealthy i'm strong everything that i need god has supplied it speak it over your life and watch what you say will come to pass hallelujah hallelujah how many know that given this part of worship do you feel the anointing to worship right now in your giving come on open your mouth and say lord thank you for the ability to give come on say thank you lord for the ability to give thank you for blessing me that i may be a blessing come on say lord thank you for blessing me that i may be a blessing now open your mouth and give god a praise hallelujah go over to your name jesus hallelujah now come on we're gonna make a declaration i want everybody to say after me lord according to my faith and because of the principle of sowing seeds i receive my overflow my abundance and my prosperity i believe so i decree and i declare that i am empowered to do in this season what i've not been able to accomplish thus far in my lifetime i agree that you have honored my seed and have sent your angels to lead me into your divine presence and it's a full manifestation of my purpose and my destiny i wanted to shout this out loud father i praise you and i proclaim that it is established watch us now whatever you want to establish speaking right now whatever blessing you need from god speaking right now right now in the name of jesus some of you need to say i'm debt free my mortgage is paid my car know this paid off come on speak it up i'm getting a raise on my job i'm getting promoted speak what you want to see decree it declare it the bible said it will be established father we thank you for the opportunity to give thank you for the blessing that comes with your word you said father we decree a thing and it shall be established so we speak overflow we speak abundance we speak anointing our cups running over we speak that every needs supplied we speak that there's not a fever one among us but we are healthy we are wealthy we are strong in the lord and in the power of his might we speak that we are warriors in your kingdom we speak that we above and never beneath that we are blessed and not cursed we speak over our families our families are blessed for the seed of the upright shall be mighty on the earth i speak it over us right now in the name of jesus and we thank you father god for causing our decrees and our declarations to be established for in jesus name i pray and we all say amen you be seated and you will be served by your body ushers god bless you [Music] shall we continue to worship the lord [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] left and right [Music] and if tears we're only raindrops the universe will be floating now so lord i call you today please don't pass [Music] all the way please [Music] please [Music] [Music] surrounds heart is me i see broken dreams with painful memories [Music] lord i call you today [Applause] please [Music] all the way please [Music] [Music] please [Music] i want a minute to somebody this morning who may feel discouraged and you don't feel the presence of god a storm of fear now surrounds me a failing heart is on i see broken dreams with painful memories today please [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] please guide my steps please [Music] please walk me through this [Music] hallelujah come on stand to your feet as we get our hearts ready for the word for the word this morning let's just stand to our feet and lift our hands towards heaven we came for a presence of god we came for a presence of god hallelujah come on worship the lord hallelujah thank you hallelujah of god hallelujah there are some songs you know were birthed by jesus lord agar i just stand quickly to introduce our speaker this morning she is again no stranger to this house glory to jesus bishop marilyn smith is recognized nationally and internationally as a dynamic speaker whose radical delivery of the word of god inspires spiritual progression and confidence in the providence of almighty god anointed to bring about transformation and spiritual empowerment she motivates facilitates and stimulates individuals to lead a lifestyle guided by kingdom principles encouraging them to maximize their fullness for fullest potential in christ her early years in ministry has revolutionized her into an inspiring and motivating leader involving in the pastorate alongside her spouse pastor von smith at shiloh faith worship center in florida in the grace of her womanhood she balances the role of a wife mother grandmother church administrator counselor teacher and evangelist many lives have been touched and transformed as they have sat under the powerful delivery and demonstration of power of the word of god's chosen handmaiden of grace bishop marilyn smith bishop smith is the author of several publications namely passing through the clouds preparing for the next season and what do you do in the day of trouble i ask that you stand now to receive the woman of god in jesus name [Music] [Music] praise the lord let's give him glory let's honor him let's bless him let's appreciate him let's love him come on he's our god he's good he's great he's marvelous he's wonderful come on he deserves all of the hallelujahs all of the glory and all of the praise belongs to him come on bless the lord on today hallelujah look what the lord has done hallelujah come on open up your mouth and shout hallelujah come on shout glory oh he's good he's good he's good he's good he's good he's good glory to god look at somebody and tell him look what the lord has done oh my my my my my come on let them have a good look come on if you got a model in front of them if you gotta turn around six times tell them look what the lord has done and look at them tell them you ain't seen nothing yet there's more to come so i'm just gonna praise him for what he is about to well i feel like praising him already my god my god my i thought you all came to church [Music] glory to god i don't know what you came to do [Music] hallelujah glory to god when you go to the bank you do your transaction when you go to publix wherever you shop bless god you go when you do your shop when you come to church you just come to worship come on somebody hallelujah it's not a strange event to worship god when you come in the house of the lord glory to god amen turn your bibles to psalm 91 and verse 1. that's where we are today psalm 91 verse 1 and while you are thumbing through the bible and going through your tablets whatever you use amen to find that word we just want to honor god and just thank him for where he has brought us we just want to thank god for being standing here in this capacity on today glory to god amen i so appreciate your pastors your leaders amen bishop oral walters bless the lord amen and his beautiful bride hallelujah glory to god pastor sandra god bless you both amen we love and appreciate you we thank you for giving us another chance to come back and to share with you after a year and a half or so praise god amen we just thank god for all the leaders mother walters amen all the leaders holiday preachers teachers reachers amen of the gospel we thank god for all of you amen the priest and worship team the musicians the dancers bless god amen everybody in the house look at somebody tell them i so appreciate you [Music] hallelujah i so appreciate you amen we thank god for his love towards us hallelujah glory to god i bring you greetings from my holy husband amen of 37 years god has been good to us bless the lord amen god has been kind to us hallelujah bishop von d smith amen and he wanted to be here but you know it's sunday morning so he's got to be where he's got to be glory to god amen but uh we just want to thank god amen for the opportunity to come and to share amen and and to be here in this woman's conference i tell her pastor sandra she doesn't give up persistence it pays off all the time bless the lord amen and i said i'm not going to disappoint her i'll be here amen if it's even to say the benediction glory to god amen but so good to see everyone bless the lord i think a lot of us have learned a lot of lessons for the past year or so just to love everybody people who you could have put up with all of a sudden you see them oh i love you so it much you want to appreciate everybody no matter what praise god so we just thank god amen we like to say for journeying mercies amen bless god i i think a lot of people have been so locked in amen that that they they just been marinating amen and all the all songs see when trouble comes your way you remember the old rugged cross come on somebody when trouble comes your way come on amen close to thee thou my everlasting portion glory to god hallelujah amen those songs don't ever get old you know amen they they stay with you glory to god through the thick and thin bless the lord some of y'all couldn't remember some of all the contemporary songs he was singing bless god amen you are so deep in the god you're like oh yes lord hallelujah but we praise the lord this morning i said we praise him this morning i say we praise him i say we praise him hallelujah i love your new home amen [Music] thank you for inviting me amen i love your new home bless the lord amen i i just love to see when god do things when people least expect it you see we could have celebrated any other time but you see in this time for this to happen oh lord oh lord oh lord oh lord oh lord i feel the old song in my spirit when i look around and see oh you all know that dude sorry all right psalm 91 verse 1. yes jesus i love you lord i appreciate your god you're honored in this house thank you holy ghost psalm 91 one he that dwelleth do you have it so let's read together he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty slap your hands together and say thank you lord come on say thank you jesus to god amen take your seat very quickly look at someone sitting before you beside you or behind you and tell them i am all in [Music] look at them again and tell them i'm going all the way in oh yes i'm all in today glory to god all in hallelujah we want to be inspired by the word of god we want to understand who we are especially as women that we are outstanding kingdom citizens we're set in this time to show forth the glory of god when we are fully engulfed in the presence of god then we will walk differently we stand and we walk and we live by faith by faith and so we want to progress and be successful in life so that we can give god the glory it's not of works lest any of us should boast glory to god hallelujah we've got a lot to deal with in this life a guy walks past a sign he reads in the door outside the door it says talking dog for sale he's intrigued that would be too a talking dog for sale so he walks in so he sees the dog he's amazed he said so what have you done with your life and the dog answers and said well i've led a very full life i've lived in the alps rescuing avalanche victims then i served my country in iraq and now i spend my days reading to the residents of a retirement home and the guy is flagger flap flabbergasted he's like wow this dog has done so much so out comes the owner and he says to the owner why on earth would you want to get rid of such an incredible dog like that and the owner says because he's a liar he never did any of that i was even convinced myself we got to deal with a lot of stuff in life contrasting ideas truths and lies secrets and justifications you'll deal with a lot of stuff in life who's beneath the mask you've got to deal with a lot of things in life every thought or every mind focused intention is filled with one desire and that is to be manifested every thought that you have in your head it's only looking for an opportunity to manifest itself it wants to get out it's looking for an outlet waiting for the right moment good or bad thoughts are always seeking a means to express themselves and that is why the bible said lots of things are true and honest and a good of good rapport what do you do you think on these things because today the truths we have seen nor mind the imagined thoughts they will be discovered they will be uncovered they will be disclosed but remember this that when you have a thought that comes from god it will never go wasted a god-given thought that is infused in your mind will never go away stead every after thought syndrome you have must end every in hindsight regret that you have must end when you keep sitting in this mode i wish it could have been whatever belongs to you will be yours and today you will go beyond the imagination of your frivolous fictitious characterization of what you think you should have had what you think should have happened you're trying to force something to happen that god said will never happen uh somebody raise your hand and say oh lord it will not happen glory to god begin to see those thoughts becoming a fading shadow glory to god that man ain't never gonna be your husband forget it glory to god you'll never have his six children he's already somebody else's husband i want to help somebody let it fade away hey glory hallelujah you're wasting time be assured that time makes amen your life better not worse glory to god why because god has designed time that your life will be better glory to god hallelujah when i do weddings i say for better for better ain't no worse than this thing glory to god hallelujah bless god amen it must get better will not get worse this is what we call the hope of the soul ah glory to god this is what we call the anchor that we have in god hey that no matter how a situation looked now that time will make things get better glory to god and the apostle paul said this hope will never bring you to shame my god you'll never be embarrassed when you hold on to the hope that you have in christ jesus so look at somebody and point at the direction and tell them it's time for you to move in the direction of progress oh glory to god i said look at them bless god and point in the direction and tell them god says it's time for you to move in a direction of progress hey glory to god this direction of progress this path you have to take it may take you down a zigzag path it may take you up and down around and about but it's taking you somewhere better than where you have been see success is aligned with your destiny glory to god and give amen when we give god the glory we give him the praise the more you praise him is the more he opens your eyes to make you see that you're walking in divine destiny ah listen to what moses blessed god said hallelujah amen when he received the word from the lord it says in leviticus 7 verses 11 through 15 not gonna read it bless god but what he did is he implored them to give god a thanksgiving offering and not to leave anything for tomorrow look at somebody tell him i'm gonna praise god right now and i'm not gonna leave any for tomorrow because when tomorrow comes i'll have a fresh expression of praise oh while i have a chance if i shout to her i'm going to praise him right now glory to god come on shout shouted i am symmetrically aligned hey glory to god oh yes yes i'm symmetrically alive which means what's happening in heaven is happening in me now what's happening in me now is happening in heaven glory to god we are seen to bless god together so when i praise god there's a glory happening in the atmosphere oh glory hallelujah and that is why bless god as much as esther thought she was all that blessed god sitting amen bless god in the king's palace she did not understand bless god that there was a greater need for her to be in the palace see it takes a voice sometimes to prop you up to remind you of who you are her uncle mordecai the guardian that god had given to her sent a word to her and say listen here little girl don't you feel that you're all grown up now but you have come into the kingdom for such a time as this forget about him and your frivolous thoughts about you gonna be the queen forget bless god that you're gonna have it all together god's got greater purposes for you somebody raise your hand and shout there's a greater purpose for my life see there are some events in life that you receive no preparation for am i right so since there's some things that happened to you in life that you didn't expect bless god that this would have happened to you my god here you are bless god you're sitting before a pre-marital counselor his counsel you bless god and he's not counseling you so you can fail in your marriage i know he's counseling you that so that things will go well that you're going to live the cinderella life happily ever after but here you are now bless god nobody prepared you for a divorce nobody prepared you to go through this whole process of dealing with a broken heart oh my god see there's some things you are prepared for but there are some things that are unexpected that you did not have any time to prepare for now i know i threw you something bless god that seemed like it's a bad scenario but even some good things in life that's coming to you oh god israel said we felt like we were in a dream oh my god when it happened we weren't prepared for this we know that the god of abraham isaac and jacob was with us but we never expected we would have been in captivity and he brought us out like this we never thought it would have happened just like that and some things you are not prepared for but god would send a voice to you just to tell you that he is with you and he has strategically organized it that this would have happened now bless god you've got to do the balancing act oh glory to god if you went through a bad situation you got to do the balancing act you got a smile in the face of everybody and in private you got to be bawling hollering with snot coming out of your nose and tears bless god that you can bathe in oh glory to god in private bless god when god does the good thing for you you are there worshiping your praising and bless god you're spinning around oh my god in public you're trying to keep it together but on the inside you really want to boast my god in the joy of the lord which is your strength look at somebody and tell them i know i'm chosen yes i know i'm chosen i'm about to preach today i feel the preach on me hey god bless the name of my garden see esther knew one thing she knew who blessed god that she was in the kingdom but now glory to god she understand that she is chosen you're not just positioned you're not just here but you have to know that you are chosen see the request for her to be the queen elect must have startled her see when god sends a request for you to come into the kingdom you may be shocked because you're thinking i don't think i deserve to have a place in the kingdom but when he sends for you and tell you yes it's all right this is an invitation to worship you look at yourself and you said who me i'm a sinner i don't even deserve a savior but he invites you to worship when the praise leaders get up in your face and start to invoke the presence of god and you feel the invitation to come up higher and to come into worship sometimes you're startled because you're thinking i was clubbing last night i just told the lie i just threatened to kill somebody but now i hear the lord calling me to come and to lift up holy hands because my hands look dirty but he said raise them up and open your mouth and i will fill them with words it's when blessed god the praises and the worship go for until it invokes the presence of god and there's an invitation that goes forth corporately that now you must enter into worship so as much as you want to look cute and you want to cross your legs and you want to act as if you are the best thing that ever happened to the planet all of a sudden you find yourself entering into a place called worship it's when the presence of the lord is involved until it becomes infectious until you can't help yourself but you enter into what we call the presence of god now i want you to understand this that you can be invited by the worship team to come into worship you can be pumped and primed by a preacher a pastor prophet an apostle to come on in into worship but if you are not amen pulled by the spirit of god you will never get there and that is why for some people coming into worship it's only a temporary state it only lasts as long as the song is being sung and as soon as the song is finished they're back to doing what they're doing but for others even when there's no music playing for others even when nobody's saying hallelujah they're somewhere in the back and somebody got to go and try to quiet them down because they have entered in to the glory to the glory of god and look at somebody and tell them i hear an invitation to come bowling to the throne of grace i hear an invitation to come on up a little bit higher she asked the blessed god when she went in glory to god her name would have had sir but when she went into the king the king said your name is going to be esther oh my god you see here's what the bible says the bible says a woman should not wear that which pertaineth to a man let me help somebody and so we preach in our church for years a woman shouldn't wear pants foolishness oh my god see when it's said to wear something that pertaineth to a man it means they meant the material amen that the man's garment is made of should not be something a woman should be caught in which means his garment is made for warfare his garment is made so thick that he can go out on the battlefield and be a protector shakoma sander hey glory to god he should be at the front of every battle but now we find that the women are forced to be at the front of the battle we're not wearing your garments we're going out with what we have on we're going out bless god with how the lord have prepared us and he have prepared us from that look at your neighbor and tell the neighbor there's no competition my kosher messiah oh glory to god because in every warfare we do we we know that they'll be victory in every warfare we declare it already that we are more than conquerors through him who loved us hallelujah look at somebody tell them i know who i am oh yes yes yes yes and that is why bless god you got to know who is with you you got to know who stands beside you you got to know who is the voice that's speaking in your hearing you have to understand you can't walk with everybody in the season you have to know bless god and you've got to discern their spirit and you've got to know whether they're of god or not oh glory to god why because you're going to need somebody to look at you and said well they might have power you down and get you ready to go in but there's a garment that you're going to wear i may be mordecai and i should have been the one protecting you but now the role is reversed since you are already in you're going to have to be the one that's going to be protecting me somebody raise your hand in this house and shout i'm ready for god's strategy i'm gonna work with what god has given to me my god my god my god see now listen here there's some people that will compete with you and competition is healthy bless god that's why amen we allow our children and men to participate in sports come on we encourage them to go in the spelling bee come on because competition is healthy it helps them to understand amen how life is and that they'll be challenges praise god they can develop their skills and become the best amen of who they are glory to god so there's nothing wrong with competition amen competition amen bless god is healthy and when you have a competitor it's all right come on why because amen competition will check out your strategy competition him and seeks amen to outdo you or to do as good as you come on glory it's all right it's all right bless god we're all at the starting line in the race and we are getting ready we see the finish line and we look right across the line at the starting line and i know bless god that you probably have a better record than me and you can run faster than me but it's competition come on already god so we are ready to go amen whenever amen you find somebody is competing with you glory god don't get mad glory god why because they actually like what you have ah come on glory to god they actually amen admire who you are my god oh yes yes yes and in that admiration process here's what they're saying i can be as good as you if not better come on and it's all right it's all right watch us now see competition has similar interest therefore they only seek to be as good as you are better than you and nothing more amen they're not malicious they're not hateful come on glory to god they just trying to measure up and go beyond glory to god but whenever competition seeks to shut you down when competition starts oh come on now hallelujah to assassinate you when competition comes to kill you when competition wants your business to close down when competition don't want you to exist anymore that person is no longer a competitor that person is an opposer and have become the opposition to all the good god wants to do in your life so what do you do in proverbs 27 12 it says the prudent will see danger lord and take refuge look at your neighbor tell them i'm going to take cover i'm going to take cover my god i'm not going to let them take me out elijah said i'll go to a cave i'm going to take cover shack on my sunday oh glory to god the prudence sees the danger and the prudent takes refuge but the simple will go on and pay the price i came by to tell you today that you've been paying the price for too long because you're trying to put up with people that's trying to kill you and you need to run and go take shelter and go take some cover and hide yourself look at your neighbor tell them neighbor i gotta be in hiding yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i said i've got to be in hiding i gotta go hide myself because i've got divine purpose i've got destiny calling my name and i cannot afford to let the devil wipe me out now somebody clap your hands put the devil between both hands and [Music] hide yourself shut the messiah hide you in the blood for the storms are raging higher you've got to hide [Music] i'm hiding i'm hiding in thee so when they call her hadassah that was all right because that's her name meaning i'm righteous but then they called her esther she said it's all right i'm just hiding in here already god call me esther but there's an hadassah on the inside that almost that you don't know about i know i look pretty i know you chose me because you think i'm esther but there is an hadassah down on the inside you see when you got a maid of mine because she got dressed she said if i perish i perish but i'm going in oh yeah yeah i'm dressed and ready i'm going in when you have a maid of mind a mind that's not easily swayed a mind that's not easily blessed god deterred from what you're going to do bless god you will accomplish much when you focus look at your neighbor tell me you got to focus tell them you've got to focus yes you've got to focus when you focus bless god it means you take intentional control over your thoughts i'm intentionally controlling my thoughts i'm not gonna let the news that mordecai told me that they're gonna wipe out the juice i'm not gonna let that get me depressed but i'm gonna focus and she said i'm going in and if i perish hey my god then i perish but i'm going in oh look at somebody and tell them it's time for you to take action it's time for you to take action because action must be taken if you are going to accomplish anything you must always be doing something let me help somebody give every moment an assignment i hate it when people say i'm not doing anything are you crazy always be doing something oh my god every second of your life give every moment an assignment that i must be doing something if i'm relaxing that's what i'm doing but i'm doing something but there's never time i'm doing nothing oh glory to god sometimes when people call you by name and call you out of your character tell them that's all right because i'm gonna stay focused oh glory to god they call jesus a wine bible they call him bless god a worker of witchcraft my god see when people don't understand the authenticity of your anointing when people don't understand that god makes you a prophet when people don't understand how you can move and flow in the holy ghost they ask all kind of question they said to jesus well who are you where you come from you must have cast out these spirits by the spirit of the elizabeth jesus said are you crazy how am i going to cast out theirs about bibles about when they asked them the question was bless god jesus said to them listen here you won't know what the power is mark 11 30 30 by what power do you do these things then explain to me what oil do you have rubbing up with my god what kind of power you're working with jesus said listen here i ask you a simple question was the baptism of john from men or from heaven and they couldn't answer it jesus said a simple question you cannot answer then i won't tell you by what power i do these things glory to god if you can tell night from day i cannot explain to you what power i am using gloria because you have no discerning that is why when you take action don't let my god these crazy people talk you out of your purpose my god don't let these silly people my god try to talk you out of doing god's will when god has appalling on your life let them chat to let them talk make them chow up by your name or you ought to hear me you've got to do what god called you to do somebody raise your hand and shout i'm gonna keep focus i'm gonna i'm gonna keep focus i'm gonna i'm gonna keep focus i'm gonna keep focus i'm gonna keep focused glory god because action amen impresses energy on any circumstance when you start to act less god there's energy that's impressed amen upon the circumstance it pushed the circumstance away that's why you've got to train yourself to be decisive that you make a decision stop struggling with making decisions a person that does not know how to be decisive will always struggle in life my god when you are decisive you take responsibility oh glory to god you are not afraid of whatever the outcome or the results may be because you made a decision and no matter what the outcome is whether good or bad i will brace my back i will lift my chin and say yes i made that decision oh my god do not be afraid but step out by faith look at somebody tell him i'm going to do it yes yes i'm going to do it i'm going to do it i'm going to do it oh yes yes yes i'm going to do it i'm going all the way in this morning i am going to do it glory to god i'm not going to be shy i'm not going to back away and if they laugh at me at the end of the service if i become the laughingstock that's all right but i'm going all all the way in oh yay because when you're prepared raise your hand and shout i'm prepared come on shout out prepared shout i am i am prepared yes i am because when you are prepared bless god you strengthen the core my god of your belief system and we call that your faith you are strengthened on the inside and faith only works with those who are prepared faith only works with a person who takes action grace only works with the one who is ready to take responsibility when you make an informed decision every result will be undeniable success when you make up in your mind that this is what i'm going to do you need to fix yourself right now get yourself ready oh hallelujah because great time is coming oh hallelujah i said position yourself get yourself ready living word because great time is coming oh glory to god listen to what moses said in exodus 15 and verse 2. he said the lord is my strength and the lord is my son and he has become my salvation he is my god somebody holler he's my god shouted he is my god he is my god he is my god hey glory hallelujah he says he is he's my god and i will prepare him and habitation i will make preparation what you're making preparation for i know i'm gonna go up that hill i know i'm going to go up that mountain i know i'm going to go up to see him he said i make preparation for his my god my father's god so how do i make preparation he said i will exalt him i start to praise him before i make my accent i started giving glory i start to celebrate the change see god does not change he's too constant to change but he upgrades us so when we talk about change that god's making a change it means he's upgrading your life he's changing your status he's transforming you into another purpose a person for purpose can be revealed so when blessed god they call hadassah esther she said it's all right i'm prepared to go in because something greater is coming out of this oh glory to god esther bless god hallelujah goes in front of your one name means and that's a means that she's sweet it means bless god that she's the righteousness of god or hallelujah but she must deal with some bitter situation so she gotta be called esther and that's all right because she's representing god incognito she's representing god in disguise look at your neighbor tell the neighbor when i hide myself i hide myself in god and people don't even know who you are on the job they're pushing you around they taught you any old way but there is a righteousness of god on the inside like a volcano that's getting ready to erupt slap somebody and tell them neighbor i'm going all in today in the mighty name of jesus because when god hides you he hides you in his presence when god hides you he hides you into himself when god hides you he doesn't hide you in the crowd of people but you may be in the crowd but when you're hidden you're locked up in god when he hides you behind you to protect you to preserve you to give you maximum security you're overshadowed by the power of god he puts you in his presence i'm going all in i'm going all in i'm going all in i refuse to stay on the outside come on raise your hand and shout glory i sensed our glory shall glory shall glory there is a place on the inside on the inside of god there's a place on the inside of this holy ghost we boast about hey my lord there's a place deep on the inside when we get into the nucleus when we get all the way in god there's a glory that's on the inside right from the shutter that is revealed there's a glory that is seen on the inside you can't see it when you're in the outer court you cannot see it when you're in the inner court you got to take some more steps and you come to worship and you said i'm in the worship service but you're still in the outer court i know everybody in here is in the worship's harris but some people have gone beyond the outer court shout i'm going all the way i'm going all the way i'm going all the way in my standard hallelujah 2019 you might have played the game i'm just coming in the outer corner look at who's coming in with who who is wearing what who don't have money who can give a seed offering who don't have a seed offering 2019 you might have played that but announcement this is 2021 and i am going all the way all the way in so say yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] inside of god when you get on the inside you feel comfortable because you know you're safe because you know you're in the safe place when you get inside you can make your request known glory abides there it produces increase when the ark of the covenant was in the house of open edem his family increased when you have the glory with you there is increase on your life whatever when you walk into the presence and into the glory success must happen you can't walk around with your face sad you'll be happy all the time and don't let church folks play with your mind and talk about well joy i got joy i didn't have happiness baby if you have joy you will be happy if you have joy there's going to be a smile on my right pastor darby when you have joy you can't have a being happy so don't tell me don't say i'm happy i am happy because i got the joy joy joy joy darling all the way in come on look at three people tell them all the way in all the way all the way in all the way all the way all the way all the way all the way in all the way in all the way in all the way in i gotta close when you come all the way in you're not judged oh glory hallelujah he tells you he said come boldly hallelujah you're not judged hallelujah bless god people that's so scared i'm scared to come to what are you scared to come to church or hey glory to god amen free yourself come all the way again hallelujah hallelujah come all the way i'm afraid of the prophet come all the way in that shot glory to god when you come all the way and there's no fear when you come on the right hand glory my shepherd the messiah you're free my messiah hallelujah when you come on the way in their joy and rest and hope there is no fear in love for perfect love casting away all fear when you're all the way in you don't fear no disease when you're all the way in no sickness from egypt will come upon your body when you'll come all the way in or somebody's gonna help somebody today i said come all the way in you will never suffer when you come all the way [Music] all the way in all the way all the way all the way all the way all the way here already gone and she made up her mind she went all the way i want you to hear me in the holy ghost because this place in god that we get to it is so sacred that it's not even mentioned in the bible it's called shakina it is so sacred until it is only alluded to just an insinuation but they would not even include it because it's such a sacred place to be on the inside of god oh that i might know him the apostle paul said and the power of his resurrection to go all the way in to have such a close and intimate relationship with god to be shut in with god to go all the way in the woman took her alabaster box and even though the pharisees were criticizing even though they did not know who jesus was if he'd be a prophet he wouldn't know who this woman was glory to god i tell you when they don't understand your calling all of you they question you but she went all the way in hallelujah glory god received her pardon receive bless god her deliverance when you go all the way in bless god you understand amen the new class of god who god is he who dwells in the secret place of the most high god hallelujah what's in there in timothy he writes paul writes to timothy which in times past he will show who is the blessed and only portimate and the potentiate and king of kings and lord of lords who is who only have immortality glory god dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto makkah whom whom no man hath seen nor can see to whom he honor be honor and power everlasting amen it's a sacred place come on when you talk about going all the way into the presence you don't handle the presence of god lightly able shut up when you go all the way in bless god it's a place bless god that even paul warns timothy bless god amen that in this place no man even dare to enter which means no flesh can stand in the presence of god echo that when you enter into this presence bless god you become drunk in the holy ghost that you can't even drive yourself home you'll be knocked out for weeks when you enter into this presence into the glory when solomon offered up to the lord and when he had finished consecrating the temple when the shakiness seeped in under that's the only way you can see it you've got to be on your face because it doesn't come down it seeps under the door shaykh under messiah while he's laying prostrate shall kind of glory enters into the space where he is the shekinah glory came bless god through jesus christ because when jesus came to the earth the bible said he's the express image of god to stand hollywood in the presence of the holy ghost your results will not lie let me say it again the results you will achieve from being in the presence of god will never lie any results at all don't lie let me say it again it doesn't matter what kind of results you get a result does not tell a lie oh glory to god so when you're in the presence the result holiday will be seen your life will be changed your attitude will change your walk will change your worship will change your my god your outlook will change your perception will change when you enter into the presence of the living god oh hallelujah there is a place inside of the presence that becomes visible oh glory hallelujah you begin to see things that's why jesus christ take on emotion just oh my god hallelujah he don't need a cell he don't need no nothing nothing nothing nothing for mary hallelujah the bible said god had already prepared him a body [Music] i want to help you to understand when you come into the presence of god hallelujah that what god has already prepared for you he may channel it through somebody hey glory hallelujah he may give them a million dollars to give you come on somebody the only but he already prepared it hey glory to god hallelujah hallelujah mary is only a conduit but the body of jesus was already already prepared and so much that the apostles wrote they said when we see them with our eyes holly are we touching we handle them goodness word of life holy news for you men news for you men that before man my god male man could touch him a woman carried him let me help somebody gloria i said before a male man could touch him ah glory a man man could touch him because they boast in their riding we handled them we touched them glory the glory disciples before you could touch and handle him a woman already didn't just touch him she carried him hey glory michael hey glory god she carried him for nine months and you tell me a woman shouldn't preach oh god help me don't let me run in here you tell me a woman must be silent in the church my god hallelujah come on woman say we're going all the way in come on snap somebody in the way tell them we're going all the way in come on look at them tell them we're going and we're going in we're going and we're going and we refuse to let anybody stop us at the door come on woman of god we are going all the way in with our giftings with our callings with our anointing we are going all the way all the way in we will be unstoppable we will be unbreakable we will be a force to be reckoned with i'm going all the way all the way in come on raise your hand put your head back and holla i'm coming lord all the way all the way all the way all the way come on stand with me everywhere i'm not getting them hallelujah stand with me everywhere come on raise your hand hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on nothing but worship you see on the outskirts on the outside you receive miracles yeah you can get a miracle in the outer court but when you're all the way in you receive manifestation [Music] so you see a miracle needs something tangible here to work with a miracle is something that you can see you need water so it can be turned to wine you need a dead body [Music] behind that stone to be raised but a manifestation [Music] doesn't need to see anything physical [Music] and manifestation happens when god's creative force goes to work see god is shifting you from miracles to manifestations he's shifting you from the natural to the supernatural [Music] we paul we cry every day for a miracle [Music] but when you get all the way in you call the things which are not as though they are you don't get a miracle then you get a manifestation glory to god hallelujah things take shape and form ah that no man had ever seen with his eyes eyes have not seen his ear that i heard it had not entered the heart of man the thing that god had prepared for them hey glory when you're all the way in my in the presence of god jesus unzipped himself and showed them his glory on the mount of transfiguration while at the bottom of the hill they could not heal an epileptic boy while somebody's waiting for a miracle you are seeing the glory of god you are receiving manifestation oh hallelujah glory to god when you're coming this morning when you're coming come on raise your hand right where you are [Music] come on stretch them all the way up glory to god all the way in all the way and maybe you've just been taking baby steps taking your time saying you know this god thing i'm not so sure about it i'm not so certain glory to god [Music] maybe maybe you come but then you're like you know what if it works it works if it doesn't it doesn't [Music] today the god of abraham isaac and jacob reveals himself to you today inspiration hits your heart opens up your spirit so you will see the things of god you'll hear the voice of god shout out no more lingering no more baby steps you've been saved for 20 years you've been in the church maybe five years you need the holy ghost [Music] you can't be in the kingdom and not speak in tongues you can be in the kingdom of god and not speak the language of the kingdom the only way you see things in the spirit and understand things in the spirit is when you release the language of god and you are there in the supernatural [Music] you begin to see you're going to understand you begin to hear things are unveiled [Music] glory to god so the psalmist says this he says he that dwelleth in the secret place [Music] of the most high god [Music] he said you shall abide under the shadow of the almighty it means once you enter in you can never come out and be the same woman of god what are you carrying with you hey after this conference what are you walking away with you cannot come in and walk away empty-handed hallelujah glory to god when you enter into this presence you're consumed by the glory marco remo under the messiah your lives will never be the same you'll never sing the same you'll never pray the same you'll never talk the same everything about you will change you'll walk away with the essence of god upon your life i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him will i trust the elohim hallelujah your confidence level will be all the way up i believe god no matter how many notices you get they're going to repossess this they don't take that your confidence is in god no matter how they tell you bless god you're going to lose your job you'll lose your business you'll never amount to anything bless god all your finances ain't going to be depleted in six months no it doesn't matter bless god hallelujah in him will i trust when you come all the way here [Music] i want you to stop praying right where you are i want you to stop praying right where you are i want you to stop praying right where you are i see changes happening in your household already hallelujah glory to god i see a shift already taking place hallelujah glory god in your family glory god your family relationships bless god an estranged son glory to god economists heart is broken [Music] i see god healing i see god healing recover all of them all of them all of them all of them all and i see the blood stain i see the blood stain on their life my god a blood stain that cannot be washed off a blood stain that cannot be scrubbed off i see the blood stain they mushing up they're marked [Music] [Music] i see a complete reversal i see a complete reversal please got a judgment and an order that's been placed against you but i see a complete reversal right now shannon [Music] [Music] the white top yes in the white top all the way in the back yes raise your hand right there yes somebody go help work with me somebody gonna help her my dad [Music] a god encounter a god encounter a god encounter of god encounter a god encounter [Music] your troubles have subsided your troubles have subsided this daughter right here sitting down just raise your hand [Music] up [Music] i just see it just now bless god like feathers like feathers bless god what i saw in the spirit it's like a pillow that was opened up and all the feathers were scattered and god said all your troubles i call hey somebody help her somebody help her make sure shut up [Music] [Music] glory to god that's daughter in the red dress waving your hand like this that's the sos you're calling for help that's more than worship there that's a help me lord that i said glory help has located you by sight glory god do you mind do you mind i'm going to ask you do something just step out in the aisle for me do you mind shut up [Music] glory come right in front of the camera right there stand right there stand right there glory stay right there help has just located you glory to god so much help you're saying god i know i can go higher i know i can succeed i know i can do better makarov you celebrate your successes but you're not stuck at any accomplishment but where you are right now it's like you're at the seam [Music] but the seam is about to break because god says it's time for expansion [Music] limitless supply is your portion [Music] and the reason is is because where you are you have done all that you know how to do and it has worked out for you but god says now i must stand as a captain of the lord's host because you must go into a greater place and you're saying god i see i see i see giants i see opposition no more competition why do i see that it's no more competition but now you're starting to see its opposition they're trying to take everything from you including your mind [Music] recall that somebody help her quickly somebody help her quickly watch god watch god give restoration watch god give you help what god strengthened you in this process [Music] in the mighty name of jesus we declare your victory today in jesus name somebody prays the name of our god somebody bless them somebody praise them somebody are doing somebody somebody glorified somebody [Applause] all the way in all the way in all the way in that daughter in the pink right there with your hands raised up [Music] thank you holy ghost thank you holy ghost [Music] hallelujah hallelujah you've got to make a decision right here i hear the lord said you've been you've been going back and forth vacillating there's a decision that you need to make you've been struggling but i hear the lord said today glory to god in the split moment even now ma shandala i hear a yes in your belly i hear a yes i hear a yes i hear a yes there's something that you need to do and you have been delaying it for months but today there's a yes hallelujah i hear the lord said trust me in the process trust me in that somebody help her quickly trust me in the process trust me in the process it may be painful glory to god but the rewards are going to be sweet you're going to be like a esther and a hadasser you're going to be blessed god hallelujah that light that seems to be hidden but you're shining bright in the mighty name of jesus before you leave this house today my god my god there's a turn around because i see you making that decision right now i see you making up your mind you said once and for all gloria you are thinking by the time i get back by the time i get home this is what i'm going to do but because you made that decision now shake whatever there's a turn around and evolution of ourselves your struggles will no longer delay you my dad or somebody celebrate with her quickly so already celebrate with her quickly somebody say break with her quickly in the name of jesus in the name of jesus no more delays and no more setbacks [Applause] i feel the holy ghost fire whatever you need god hasn't yes in the black yes with your head raised like a floral skirt glory to god can you help her who's that standing next to you who is that your son i thought so bring him with you shout out [Music] thank you jesus your prayer just now was not just for you was for him and there's more connection with him too but your prayer was going forward because what i was seeing it's like a domino effect like things were falling and as you stood there you were praying that god hold it all up hold it all up hold it all up god hold it all up god tell me if i'm wrong you are saying lord hold it all up i don't want it all to go down like this jesus hallelujah but can i tell it's not going to go down like that hallelujah i hear hope hope in my spirit hope hope thou and god hope that we've gone home now with god hope that we've gone home [Music] not going to destroy you in the name of jesus i call good out of this situation every good out of it now in the name of jesus and your sorrow be turned the name do me a favor come here quickly [Music] you got release in your hand put your hand on her belly [Music] hallelujah don't hesitate don't quickly [Music] for one night but your joy your joy your joy your joy your joy your joy your joy your joy your joy your joy comes now good morning i said your joy comes now we remove sadness from this family in the name of jesus god turns the bitter into sweet now he never young man raise your hand raise your hand baby hallelujah the thing with shakaina is the shakaida is known in the feminine sense of god it's a feminine expression of the spirit of god so the thing with shekinah is that shekinah is a comforting spirit shekinah when we say shekinah glory is a nurturing it's a motherless spirit and a and that's what you're feeling right now oh glory come on man come on man just lay hands on him glory to god embrace him he need he really needs a manpower he really needs a manhunt he really needs a manhattan he really needs a manhattan from brokenness to wholeness from brokenness to wholeness the lord thank you whole the lord make you whole the lord make you whole i'm ashamed [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus i hear i hear the name shireen who is sharing i hear that name shireen i hear that name sharing amen i know that name just rang out in my spirit glory to god [Music] sharing who's attached to a sharing [Music] because i see a basket i don't know why i see a basket with shireen who is sheree you're your son she's your friend and she has three boys glory to god i see baskets i don't know what it is with the basket god's gonna reveal it to me shortly glory to god hallelujah but whatever has been taken from her whatever she doesn't have god's gonna supply and see those baskets glory to god god's gonna supply every need she will not be without she will not lack can you call her now call her right now [Music] jesus jesus and she's going to tell you that she was just thinking about you [Music] oh glory to god i wish i wish i could stay here all day [Music] i want everybody grab a seed offering in your hand glory to god hallelujah and i want you to walk with it today glory to god i know it's a lot of us glory to god but i want you to grab it and walk with it quickly glory to god i'll tell you about hallelujah glory to god i'm gonna put my seed in glory to god i'm gonna put two hundred dollars in i'm gonna double up it's gonna see this morning glory and if you want to match that 200 come match it with me glory to god hey come here come here come here come here come here hallelujah do you know what's going to happen with that seed do you know what's going to happen with it you know you already got it right because your purpose in your heart before you came that you were gonna sow the seed you made up in your mind that something must change [Music] in less than 24 hours everything will become affordable for you are you hearing me everything will become affordable for you in less than 24 hours give god praise give god praise give god praise give god praise reach my wallet mr clark glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus glory to god hallelujah bless the lord thank you jesus glory hallelujah god is good god is good god is good god is good glory to god thank you jesus hallelujah come on come on receiving amen hallelujah glory walk with it quickly bless god amen and you can give up to a thousand dollars this morning i know you can see some of you all living off a pandemic blessing don't play with me here amen [Music] glory to god you you you took your little stimulus money and invested it and working out for you so don't play with me now glory to god hallelujah [Music] when people say how you can ask me for a thousand dollars in this time glory to god people are more blessed now than they were before come on told the truth speak the truth and shape the devil hallelujah glory to god thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord within six months six of you are gonna come back and you're gonna tell bishop how god opened up a door for you and you're not gonna come and tell him you're gonna show him you're gonna show him glory to god because 2022 is going to be a phenomenal year 2021 is just a trial air yeah this is a year of trial just try i already told them bless god amen from this thing started glory god told them amen it wasn't going to be in two weeks i told they all looked at me crazy in our congregation my husband thought i was losing it i said honey and i tell you what 20 21 is going to be worse than 2020. he said why you prophesying that kind of prophecy no you know one thing is gonna be better because they ain't ain't about us but it's what god says everybody talking about going back they know going back to go back right bishop they know going back we don't pass that why you want to go back to what you pass we already done ministry like that we did everything like that already we we don't want to go back come on somebody hallelujah stop joining with the world but we want to go back go back go back to normal we done past normal we on the way in glory to god come on bring your seed bring your seed bring your seed glory to god thank you jesus bring your seed glory to god and declare as for me and my house will serve the lord come on bring it bring it bring it glory to god bring it glory to god hallelujah a great door is opened up a great door a great door is open a great door is open receive an evangelist michelle receive it a great door you ain't seen nothing yet girl you have not seen the half of what god has for you yet every time i come the lord just drop a word in my spirit for you glory to god you ever seen what god has laid up for you when you jump on that private jet i see it happening [Music] when you jump at that private jet because you're gonna have a meeting you're gonna have a meeting with a very important person [Music] and you're gonna keep saying is this really me for all the hell you've been through [Music] god said you can't go through hell and not come out resurrected come on now [Music] there's a joy that's set before you hallelujah you talk about sacrifice giving [Music] glory to god god is going to strengthen you and restore to you he's going to restore he's good that's the word he put my spirit just he's going to restore to everything thank you jesus and when he repays you it'll be more than what you had before this craziness started [Music] god's gonna restore to you joy and peace all those sleepless nights you had god's gonna restore to you plenty of sleep and within that sleep you're going to have dreams [Music] hallelujah glory to god and in that dream you're gonna soar just now bless god i saw something like oil dropped off your hand are you a pastor here yes right here sitting down yes could you stay could you stand for me i i just saw oil dropped from her hand and dropped from you so and the lord said what's happening for her is happening for you my god jesus jesus you didn't just come he didn't just come because you wanted to visit you just come because you want to come you say lord i need something today lord i need something today and the lord said there's a fresh anointing being poured out on you now oh glory to god oh somebody start to praise god somebody start to praise god somebody start a praise god somebody started praise god i got to release this microphone somebody start to praise god [Music] i gotta release this microphone i gotta let go of this microphone [Music] oh for the manifestation i received [Music] [Music] sure [Music] tell me come on everybody up on your feet come on everybody up on your feet let's just take a few moments just keep going to work me come on open your mouth three [Music] yes [Music] yes so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus hallelujah bring the music down just a little bit everybody all over this building what can we say to these things when the spirit of the lord moves upon us when the spirit of the lord moves in our midst what can we say to these things all we can do is lift our hands and worship and just enter all the way in come on everybody if you've got hands and you can lift them lift those hands right now i know this is not as usual but we want to move from the usual thing and we want god to move on a whole nother level we want to do what we have not been doing hallelujah we want to move from the natural and the things we're used to seeing we want the manifestation we want god to pour out of his spirit hallelujah come on now open your mouth one more time and just give god some praise come on everybody all over this building come on all over this building come on all over this building come on get go to praise hallelujah hallelujah glory to god hallelujah bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus we certainly want to give god thanks for the woman of god who delivered such a powerful word come on we can do better than that we're giving god thanks for his chosen vessel come on open your mouth and say thank you lord come on say thank you lord thank you jesus hallelujah thank you for bishop marilyn smith thank you for the anointing that's on her life thank you for the grace that you have poured upon her the favor that you have attached to her and so now we speak the blessings of god being multiplied upon her come on stretch forth your hand and release some anointed words to this woman of god father we thank you for her thank you for the blessing that she is she's an asset to the kingdom of god and for this god we give you praise for this we bless your name i pray you will strengthen her now and the virtue she has poured out father i pray god you will feel her fill her to a place where she's running over use your mightily god and every pulpit that she stands in let there be manifestation let there be deliverance let there be an outpouring of your spirit let there be a supernatural shifting every time she stands to deliver your word father we thank you for doing it bless her going out bless her coming in bless her husband bless her children bless the church he pastors god and everything she put a hand to father god let your blessings be attached to it father we give you thanks and we give you praise for in jesus name we pray and all in agreement say hallelujah come on clap those hands one more time come on clap those hands one more time hallelujah [Applause] [Music] hallelujah certainly the spirit of the lord is in this place hallelujah and so we give god thanks of what he has done today and we thank you for all that he's doing somebody say thank you jesus [Music] do your work in her god do you work in her release what needs to be released shift what needs to be shift change and transform what needs to be changed what needs to be transformed let your perfect work be completed today father god let there be no more delay fix what needs to be fixed make every crooked path straight in the name of jesus hallelujah we turn it over to you father god we turn it over to you lord we turn it over to you right now in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah you know before we go before we go i want to give somebody the opportunity to receive jesus christ as your lord and savior if you're in the house or you're not saved the spirit of the lord is speaking to you right now would you raise your hand so we can pray with you if you're here you're not saved raise your hand that we can pray with you hallelujah glory to god is there one that will come said pastor i'm ready to submit my life [Music] to the lord if you're here raise your hand we'll pray with thank you jesus those of you watching online if you're watching online and the word of lord has come to your heart i want you to pray this prayer say after me father i come to you in the name of jesus a sinner in need of your saving grace i ask you lord to forgive me of my sins wash me and cleanse me i repent of my sinful ways and i turn my life over to jesus i accept the free gift of salvation and i thank you father for this moment for jesus name i pray amen if you have prayed that prayer and you believe it bible say if you confess with your mouth the lord jesus christ and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved so we welcome you to the kingdom we ask you to send us a word send us a text send us a message an email to info church of choice.com and we will quickly respond to you may god bless you you continue to watch amen praise the lord hallelujah glory to god hallelujah what a great culmination of our conference women of faith conference 2021 in his presence come on celebrate give god a praise hallelujah glory thank you jesus thank you jesus we want to say a big hearty welcome to our first time visitors so good to see pastor beverly pusey with us pastor peasy god bless you good to see you god bless you god bless you we also have first time visitors chanel ramble horse a chanel still here ken boza tristan whittaker nadine whitaker are you here raise your hand so we can see you cortine crooks and nervous are you still here praise god dwayne grant tamara younger romaine morris his nephew brother scarlett alethea anderson this is our second time visited sharika scarlett minister veronica kerr where is she raise your hand let me see veronica kirk she left avery fernar and pastor sonja lee and her dancers were here so we give god thanks for all of you that were here god bless you god bless you the folks who got baptized on last week we have your baptism certificates so i want you to please see past um sister sherry for your baptism sharon raise your hand so everybody could see you you'll receive your baptism certificate from sister sherry um hey just come and grab them right after the services grabbed them from prison or folks got baptized last week praise god we also somebody has lost a ring i'm not sure you came to the altar check your finger and see if you still have your ring on it looks like a man's ring i couldn't it's like a man's ring is this a man's ring no hmm [Music] oh okay i'm not sure if the preachers though but okay come on let's stand we're gonna close hallelujah we certainly give god thanks for an awesome woman of faith conference in his presence lord how many feel that change has come over your life that you have been touched during this conference amen praise god father we thank you again for the privilege of standing in your presence you gave us an invitation that we ought to come boldly into your throne room and cry our father your word said he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty so father we thank you god for the word that says we ought to go all the way in withholding nothing but god going all the way in that your presence that your power may transform us i pray god that everyone under the sound of our voices today everyone that have heard that word today and everyone that would hear this word in the future on youtube or facebook or wherever they listen god that their lives be continuously changed and transformed as they seek to go further in to your presence we thank you for doing this god we commit ourselves we convene our lives to you and all that we are we submit it to you for we belong to you for in you we live move when we have our being thank you again for the anointing today thank you for keeping us making away from us so father i speak divine protection over your children once again father you said no plague shall come nigh i'll dwell then it is you who keep us in your house god it is your hand that has protected us god sends this whole pandemic story and we will not give up on you god we will not back down we will not turn around we will not change our hearts but father we will continue to stand in faith and no fear but now unto him that is able to keep us unfold and to present us faultless for the presence of his glory to exceed enjoy to the only wise god our savior be glory majesty dominion and power both now and evermore and all say amen huckabee neighbor tell him you love him with the love of the lord and god bless you [Music] you
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 459
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Keywords: Living Word Christian Center, Church, Worship, Praise, Coral Springs, FL., LWCCIMFL
Id: zVu2UxcPPiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 56sec (13196 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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