Woman Meets Biological Father She Didn't Know About Through DNA Test

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(audience applauding) - Three weeks ago, My next guest received news that turned her world upside down. A simple DNA test connected her to a family she never knew existed, and a father she never knew she had. The news has brought both joy and trepidation. But most importantly, it's brought a sense of relief from knowing the truth. She's here today to share this incredible story. Y'all please welcome Christy along with her daughters, Taylor and Maddie. (audience applauding) - This all started with a Christmas gift from your girls, right? - Absolutely. They bought me a DNA kit for Christmas. We were hoping with the DNA kit, we could find out some information like on my mom, - Wow! My mom left me at birth. - [Kelly] Yeah. Well. - Ah, I'm gonna cry. - Yeah, no, that never stops hurting. We get that. - So, we thought, it brought other news. And um-- - What happened when you did the test though? - So I got a message from this guy. And he said (quavering voice) he was my brother. And then I was like, "oh, this is real. "Like, it's really happening." - Wow. - 'Cause we were hoping since my mom left me at such a young age, and she was young as well. So I was thinking maybe like, you know, she had six kids. She left when she was young, she probably has more. But the surprise was, is that it wasn't my mom. It was my dad. - That's so crazy. - And so, I-- - And did he-- - He's he said, I'm sorry. - No, you go. - So he said that we were connected by his father. And I was like, that's impossible, because I already have a dad. - 'Cause your whole life you've thought this man that's raised you as your father. - Yeah, yeah. - That is nuts! - Yeah. So from that we, um, he called me, he sent me a few pictures of himself and his dad and I was like, "wow, we look alike. "So maybe this is real. " | - Oh gosh! - Then he called me and he's like, "here is my dad's number. "Call him." - Did you reach out to him? - So I did. So I called him and I was like, "hey, I know you don't know me, but I think "I may be your daughter." - (laughing) Oh gosh! - And so he's like... I was like, "do you remember a lady named Patricia? " And he's like, "um, I'm gonna need to think about this. "I'm gonna have to call you tomorrow." - Yeah. That's a lot! - Yeah. - (laughing) Yes. And so, the next day he called me and he's like, "Christie, I think I'm your father." And so, I was like, "well, we need to be sure."" Like, I really want to be sure like this is you know, it links me to Brandon. My half brother, but I need to be sure. - Yeah. - So I sent him a paternity test. He took it he sent it back to me. I took it and send it in and 99.99% . (audience amazed voices) - It is, that is... This is the craziest. - Exactly. - This should be made into a movie. - I know. - This is the craziest thing ever. But Christy, you said you already had a debt. Tell us about the family that raised you. - So-- - And did he... He thought he was your dad right? - He did, yeah. - Oh, that's heartbreaking. - It is. Um, yeah, I was raised in a pretty big family. I was the baby of six. - Yeah. - You know, growing up, I always had that sense of disconnect, like, "who am I?" Because I didn't share similarities with my family. Like we didn't (sighs) We didn't share anything. - Yeah. - I'm very strong in my faith. So, they are not. And so that was like huge for me too. But the biggest thing is, like, growing up, not having that self belonging or feeling like something's missing. Like, you always have that-- - Something's off. - Yeah, like you have that toggling, "why don't I mean, there's five of you. "I don't look like any of the five." "I don't look..." And I certainly didn't look like the man who raised me. It was just that... Just always had that, "who am I? "Do I belong? "Is this where I belong?" - Yeah. Did you ever get to talk to your mom at all? - No, not at all. She, obviously she made some bad decisions. She made a lot of bad choices. The only one time that I did get to talk with her when I was 27 years old, she called me. And she wanted to make amends. But I wasn't in a good place for that. 'Cause I was mad. And I was angry (quavering tone) And then she died two years later. - Do you feel like you missed that opportunity? - I do. I feel like, if I would have known she was sick, I would have been different. But-- - Yeah. - (sniffs) I know, here we go. - I cry a lot. (all laughing) I have a mic here on standby. I'm just throwing 'em. It's like-- - So, that's the beauty of this though, is because when I called my biological father, Steven, he was just so nice. - Yeah. This must have been just crazy for you too. I haven't even addressed you. (all laughing) I can't imagine you being like, "yeah, let's find out about your mom." And then it's like, a completely different story. You just changed your entire family's trajectory. That's crazy. How are y'all feeling about it? - Well, at first we were like, very shocked and didn't really know how to respond. But all in all, we were really excited and really happy for my mom. Because my mom just been the best mom with no role mode, (crying) And she was able to really push herself through everything. And always be there for us. She never had that... It's just awesome that she's able to do that for us. (sighs) - Okay, you and your words are killing me Taylor. (all laughing) Taylor wants me to break me. - Hey can I get some tissue here? (all laughing) - Come on I'm like, come on! I'm just like, "|I can't, oh yes, yes."" That's the last one share it. - With this. - Well enough, here you go. - Share it. (audience applauding) - I know that you said that y'all had talked to your biological father, but it's a big move, one to make that phone call is brave and like scary, but Have you all met yet? - We have not. - Are you planning on it? Are you scared or? - No, no, I'm not scared at all. He has been like the kindest man through this whole process. So like-- - Yeah. - Literally, he had the opportunity to say to me like, "no, like, I already have a family "don't come in interrupting my life." - Yeah. - But instead he took the opposite approach and has been just the sweetest person. - Did he know about you at all? He never did. - No, no, it was just like a little summer fling. - [Kelly] So crazy (whispering) - Um, we do have... I do have plans to meet him hopefully next month. - [Kelly] Oh really? - Hopefully. - Well, Christy won't have to wait that long because he's here. - What! (excited tone) - So Steven come out now! (bright upbeat music) - Oh my gosh. I can't believe it's you. - Oh my gosh! Hi! - Hi Kelly! - I mean, that's gonna be the craziest call. - It is. - Oh wow, have a seat. - Meet my daddy. - Meet your granddaughters. - Yeah. - Wow! - I've never been a part of anything like this. - This is crazy (audience applauding) - That's so crazy! - I just thought that your first family photos will be here.(laughs) Once you get good pictures... Yes get down. I will make room here we go. Um, okay. - Oh gosh! So I mean, Steven were you shocked? - I was plenty shocked. - Yeah. - Yeah (sniffs) - Had your son giving you any warning? - Um, he had texted my daughter and said, "hey, I think we might have a half sister." - [Kelly] Wow! - (sniffs) And shortly after that, Christy called me. - What is that like? I mean, 'cause you had no idea she existed right? - No, no. - That's got to be the nuttiest thing. - Oh, man, it was... You know, it was so exciting to hear it. Yet, part of me was sad that I had missed out. - Yeah, that's pretty sad. Steven, do you have something you maybe you want to say to Christie? - I love you. - Oh I love you daddy. (audience applauding) oh my gosh! Thank you so much daddy. - I am, maybe as excited as you are. The coolest thing I've ever... We've been able to witness. I mean, especially coming from a kid like, "I have my own like issues." What a beautiful thing to find a daddy that's kind, have similar things with you, that's the coolest moment. For all of us that didn't get that. I'm glad you ended up with it. - Me too. - Thank you. - It really was a blessing from God. He really was the whole thing and I have faith too and I know Christy does. And it's just an amazing thing that happened. Really was. I have this for you Christy. It's a family tree. - Oh my god! - [Kelly] Oh my gosh, you're killing me with this. (audience applauding) I mean are you-- - Cannot believe that I'm witnessing this happen. (Kelly laughing) This is just beautiful thing I've ever seen. Really incredible. I'm very happy for you. - Thank you. - Have you ever witnessed anything like this? - No, no, this is... Like you said it's a movie. - Yeah. - And real life doesn't happen when movies happen. - Yeah it does. - They do. - We are witness to this. - Yeah. - I love your New York accent by the way. (all laughing) - So Maddie and Taylor, is this even crazier? - [Both] Yeah. - I'm really excited. This is something that's like really new you guys to have, like this from my mom's side of the family. So I'm looking forward to see what the future holds for us. - Oh my gosh, that's... And so well said, okay eighteen, (all laughing) I see you down there.
Channel: The Kelly Clarkson Show
Views: 985,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kelly Clarkson, Entertainment, Music, Daytime, Lucy Hale, Neil deGrasse Tyson, The Kelly Clarkson Show, NBC, talk show, American Idol, The Voice, singer, musician, NBC TV, Television, Funny, comedic, humor, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, songs, ancestry, DNA, DNA kit, adoption, adopting, babies, pregnancy, children, kids, motivational, inspirational, #rad, #327
Id: tSHsItU7kFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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