Woman is in a NURSING HOME and the city POSTED THIS NOTICE in her yard

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do you own this house no oh you're just chilling here yeah I live across the street is it vacant yeah it's been vacant for like years I have a YouTube channel where I like clean up overgrown yards for people for free and so I was thinking about doing it but if it's vacant I might just do it for the neighborhood you know yeah no it's vacant I know the lady was like in a nursing home for a long time and it was just her so she still owns it though and just doesn't get cut or uh I think they have like a family member come like once every 3 months maybe oh jeez I was going to say it looks like in pretty bad shape yeah well I appreciate it thank [Music] [Music] you m full diapers hey everyone Spencer here with s SP Mowing and I have a really special yard for you today my wife and I drove past this yard and saw that it was crazy overgrown and we saw that there was a car in the driveway with a person inside of it so I parked my truck and hopped out to go talk to the person I was really hoping it was the homeowner but turns out it was just a neighbor sitting there for a little bit I'm not sure why he was there but he said he lived two doors down he did have some information on that property though which was really helpful he told me it's currently sitting vacant because the lady that used to live here got put in a nursing home and no one has come by to take care of it the city ended up boarding up the windows because people kept breaking in and the lawn got out of control there's also a steak right in the front of the yard with a big blue note that says it was in violation of city ordinance and there were three specific violations the first one was that the grass was over a certain height the second one were that the curbs and the sidewalks were completely covered and the third one was that there was standing trash on the property so we got all those completely cleaned up but I was in for a lot more work than I thought at first I got all the edges cleaned up with my marama equipment and started clean the driveway up when I realized that it just kept on going behind the fence into the backyard the driveway went all the way back there to what used to be a carport and it was completely covered up with volunteer trees and super tall grass so we got all that cleared and it was so satisfying to watch also towards the end of this video I have a really special announcement with something that I've been working really hard on lately so be sure to stay till the end to hear that and to see the awesome before and after photos and if you haven't done so yet be sure to click that subscribe button for me as it's the best way to support this work that I do I hope you all have a great rest of your day a great rest of your week and I'll see you next time SB mowing out yes [Music] what's up man how you doing man doing good hey we were just driving down the street with my niece and I saw the lawn and I said I can't believe somebody's actually touching this place and she that's the famous YouTuber we went around the block came and wanted to say hi and well thanks for stopping yeah it's awesome has this been like this for a while yeah yeah this is about the worst I've seen and I couldn't like I said I couldn't believe somebody was actually and then with the weed eater I was like wow it's going to be here forever but it's going to take me a while wow well nice to meet you man nice to meet you man get a picture you want to get a selfie or something or [Laughter] all right nice to meet [Music] [Music] yall [Music] oh m [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] d [Laughter] is [Music] [Music] w [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh than M full diapers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] oh f [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh did you know that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated and onethird of us aren't getting enough 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crazy long driveway that I had no idea was even here in the first place but before we get to the mowing I wanted to announce something super special I get a lot of comments on the channel about SB mowing merch well I have had a merch store but it hasn't been kind of up to my standards and I haven't been happy with it so I put a lot of work into it and partnered with The Local Company not far from my house to do all the merch for me it's super high quality stuff and it's done locally so I know I'm supporting a local business and along with the classic be mowing shirt where I've got the logo in the front and then big on the back I've also got two new designs if you've seen the front license plate on my truck I've been rocking it for a while so I knew I had to use something with that saying we've got the m69 Moet shirt and we've also got one brand new design that I'm really excited about and there's a lot of dads out there that could really use this shirt the grass daddy shirt and my wife and I wanted to do something really special for the launching of our new merch store so if you guys go to sbm mo.com and order any one piece of my merch to help support me we're going to pick some lucky winners that are going to get some silver coins some silver bar and some awesome Visa gift cards in their order I can't thank all of you my viewers enough for your support because I couldn't do this type of work without you all so be sure to go to SB moo.com or click the link in the description to buy a piece of my merch I really appreciate it [Music] everybody [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh now [Music] to [Music] the [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a all [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] all right everyone that was a crazy one it's a beautiful but windy day today and the Sun is setting so this literally took me from sunrise to sunset so I'm super glad I could do this one and clean it up for the neighborhood I just want to thank each and every one of you watching this video I couldn't do it without your support this is literally my dream job I love what I do and I cannot do it with each and every single one of you so I really really appreciate your support and thank you so much for watching my videos anyways we're going to take some after pictures of this and get the before and after pictures rolling so that you guys can see the awesome transformation of this job until next time we'll see [Music] you [Music] I got [Music] you [Music] [Music] heyyy [Music] I [Music] got I got [Music] you I [Music] I I got [Music] you [Music] oh
Channel: SB Mowing
Views: 2,393,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SB Mowing, SBMowing, Wichita Lawn Care, Wichita Lawn Service, 67235 Lawn Care, Kansas Lawn Care, Spencer Mowing, Spencer Lawn Care, Spencer Lawn Service, Spencer Free Lawn Care, Spencer Free Mowing, SB Free Mowing, SB Free Lawn, Spencer Lawn, SB Pressure Washing, SB Power Washing, Overgrown lawn, tall lawn being cut, overgrown edging, edging lawn, S&B Mowing, S&B, Lawn Care
Id: bjlzyvrmwMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 34sec (2614 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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