Woman Discovers Four Personalities After Stabbing 'Creepy' Man | Sarah Gonzales-McLinn Case Analysis

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hello this is Dr Grande today's question is can I analyze the case of Sarah Gonzalez mlin just a reminder I'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon I will put the link to patreon in the description for this video first I'll look at the background of this case move to the timeline of the crime then offer my analysis Sarah G ales mcglinn was born on July 9 1994 in Topeka Kansas her father's name was Robert mcginn and her mother's name was Michelle Gonzalez when Sarah was 14 years old she went to work for a man named Harold sasco she worked at one of three pizza restaurants that he owned Harold went by the name how and was 33 years older than Sarah after Sarah left the pizza restaurant for another job Hal stayed in touch with her when Sarah was 16 her parents divorced and she became displeased with her living arrangements at the age of 17 she moved into house condominium supposedly they had a fatherdaughter type relationship when Hal moved into a house in Lawrence Kansas about a half hour east of Topeka Sarah moved with him according to Sarah she used substances during her time in the house including alcohol cocaine marijuana and ecstasy Sarah claimed that 6 months into the living arrangement how professed his love for her she rejected him but he kept pressuring her after she turned 18 they started having sex and this activity became a condition of staying in the house how bragged to family members and said how it was amazing to have an 18-year-old but he wished she was more attractive in August of 2012 Hal paid $6,000 for Sarah to have cosmetic surgery on her nose about a year later he paid for Sarah to get implant an and her buttocks these backside balloons came with an inflated price tag of $10,000 according to Sarah she and Hal had sex on a regular basis during her time in his house now moving to the timeline of the crime on January 17 2014 the police visited Hal's house looking for Sarah after receiving a report from Sarah's family that she was missing through a window officers could see 52-year-old Hal sasco on the floor not moving they forced entry into the house and discovered that how was dead from a severe injury to his neck he had nearly been decapitated it appeared as though the injury was caused by a knife there were no defensive wounds on his body his wrists and ankles were bound with zip ties and three beer cans that were near him contained traces of ambian a 2008 Nissan Ultima owned by how was missing and Sarah's cell phone was found on the kitchen counter the police discovered that 2 days earlier on January 15 House's car entered the Kansas Turnpike early in the morning and exited near the Oklahoma border later that morning it became clear that Sarah was on the run and may have been the killer on January 25 19-year-old Sarah was arrested near Miami Florida during an interview with the police she confessed to killing Hal on January 14th 3 days before his body was discovered here is the story that she supplied to the place Sarah had been fantasizing about committing murder for a couple of years she killed a pet rabbit with a knife but wanted to kill a human being she selected how as a Target because she believed that he was depressed and wanted to die Sarah convinced herself that she was doing him a favor she crushed the ambient pills and put the drug in house beer after he passed out she zip tied his wrists and ankles then murdered him with a hunting knife Sarah was charged with first-degree murder she pleaded Not Guilty by reason of mental disease or defect the state offered her a plea deal life in prison with the possibility of parole after 25 years Sarah turned down the offer and went to trial her defense was based on the idea that she had dissociative identity disorder on March 20 2015 Sarah was convicted of first-degree murder 3 days later she was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 50 years which the state referred to as a hard 50 sentence the jury had found that Sarah murdered how in an especially heinous atrocious or cruel manner 6 years later in 2021 Sarah reached an agreement with the state she would drop an appeal that she had made based on ineffective counsel during her trial in exchange for life in prison with the possibility Pro after 25 years Sarah could be released as as early as February 1 2039 when she will be 44 years old now moving to my analysis Sarah Gonzalez mlin maintains her innocence and she has many supporters initially her defense was based on the idea that she had the associative identity disorder but many of her supporters have given up on promoting that strategy the focus now is based on the idea that Hal was a terrible man who manipulated Sarah into having sex he was controlling her her in various ways including financially essentially the argument is that Sarah engaged in some type of slow-moving self-defense she had to kill in order to escape the grasp of how the state of course disagrees arguing that Sarah admitted she murdered how because she wanted to know what it felt like to kill before moving to the analysis of guilt let's take a look at Sarah's creative defense strategy based on the mental disorder dissociative identity disorder this used to be called multiple personality disorder a mental health professional hired by the defense indicated that Sarah had four different personalities they went by the names Vanessa Alysa Mila and no name each altar had different traits Vanessa was softspoken tearful apologetic scared quiet depressed anxious weak nervous and immature Alyssa was strong witty confident irresponsible and Ang angry Milo was feminine nice and like people no name had a simple personality she held the memories of trauma the theory of the defense is that Alyssa killed how to prevent Vanessa from engaging in self harm activity evidently Mila and noname just watched on the sidelines in horror noname probably felt like a nobody in the grand scheme of things the defense expert spent 17 and 1 12 hours with the Lista over the course of several months in order to make this diagnosis during this time she made a few observations that led her to believe that there were multiple personalities for example Sarah had unusual language patterns sometimes she referred to herself in the plural and there were gaps in her memory the clinician claimed that Sarah did not have the ability to form intent because she did not have access to all the parts of her that would go into making a rational choice a mental health CL for the state said that Sarah did not have mental health symptoms that Rose to a level where they would prevent her from forming intent a clinician at a state hospital determined that Sarah had Borderline Personality Disorder with antisocial Tendencies and was exaggerating her symptoms during her interview with the police Sarah made no mention of other personalities and the police did not see any evidence that there were other personalities one could argue that there is no reason to believe that Sarah had dissociative identity disorder especially considering the disorder itself may not exist as I mentioned even many of her supporters have given up on this defense rejecting this defense doesn't mean that Sarah was guilty it just means that her defense attorneys selected a poor strategy this brings me to the question was Sarah guilty of murder let's take a look at the evidence both for and against the idea that she was guilty starting with the inculpatory factors Sarah admitted that she had thoughts of killing someone for 2 years to satisfy her urge to kill she killed a pet rabbit by penetrating its neck with a knife Sarah decided to murder Hal 5 days before following through after killing him she left her cell phone in the house so she could not be tracked during her interview with the police Sarah denied ever having sex with how Sarah claimed that she had been the victim of horrible crimes when she was young but did not present evidence supporting these claims furthermore even if she was telling the truth about her early traumatic experiences how does that justify the killing of how moving to the exculpatory factors at the time of the killing Sarah was 19 and Hal was 52 the age difference could suggest that Hal was in a position of power and looking for sex a few days before the killing Hal sent a message to Sarah apologizing for trying to have sex with a few people who knew how said that he had a strong interest in young women the police found that how had visited websites containing videos and images of sexual activity involving females who were near Sarah's age how paid for Sarah to get two cosmetic surgeries including a rear area expansion which is inconsistent with the father figure role that he supposedly adopted Sarah claimed that Hal took her money to pay bills and he threatened to file a lawsuit against her if she tried to leave she made it seem as though he had Financial control over her and was manipulating her the police found that Hal deposited at least one of Sarah's paychecks in an account that only he had access to after initially denying that sex occurred Sarah changed her story and said that how pressured her to have sex he was so revolting and disgusting that consuming substances was the only way that Sarah could get through it Sarah appeared to have mental health symptoms not long before the murder for example she conducted a search on the internet for the question why do I think so differently and she sent a text message to her sister which read I feel like a caged animal right now and it's making me crazy when considering the evidence do I think that Sarah was guilty of murder yes I believe she was guilty Beyond A Reasonable Doubt what do I think happened in this case this is just a theory my opinion both Sarah and how had problems Sarah was depressed had unstable mood and was unwilling to discontinue her intake of substances how invited Sarah to live with him in part because he was hoping to have sex with her if there was a sexual relationship it was technically consensual despite there being a power and balance perhaps they were both taking advantage of each other like Sarah wanted drugs and surgeries and how wanted sex maybe Sarah was just being aist when she implied that how was creepy Sarah was probably telling the truth when she explained her motive for the killing to the police namely she murdered how because she wanted to know what it felt like to kill a human being why would she have killed a rabbit beforeand if this was really about self-defense after spending some time in prison Sarah decided that being incarcerated was inconsistent with her life goals despite being a killer she decided to transform herself into the victim she magically remembered that Hal did all kinds of terrible things to her when she was living with him maybe these were so-called repressed memories but it's more likely they were non-existent memories these are claims that Sarah had never made before the story that she offered whether it's true or not attracted a lot of attention and support for Sarah but it has not led to her Freedom now moving to my final thoughts how put himself into a difficult position and he was not a sympathetic victim he left himself wide open to be described as a creepy man who was obsessed with sex despite this he did not deserve to die even if Hal did all the awful things that Sarah claimed murder was not the answer legitimate self-defense is reserved for situations involving an immediate danger regardless of how many personalities a person claims to have those are my thoughts in the case of Sarah Gonzalez mlin please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always I hope you found my analysis of this topic to be informative thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 66,125
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Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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