Woman Cannot Remember Where She Gave Birth to Mysterious Infant | Heidi Broussard Case Analysis

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hello this is Dr Grande today's question is can I analyze the case of Heidi brousard and Megan farra Muska just a reminder I'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what it could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon I will put the link to patreon in the description for this video first I'll look at the background of this case move to the timeline of the crime then offer my analysis Heidi brousard was born on June 15 1986 and lived in Lake Charles Louisiana when she was a teenager she attended a church camp in Columbus Texas called the Texas Bible Institute there she met another teenager named Megan fusa Megan was 6 months older than Heidi having been born on January 13 1986 Heidi and Megan were close friends despite Megan being so awkward and not fitting in with many of her peers Megan tended to be possessive of Heidi in kind of a creepy way the pair remained friends after leaving the church camp Heidi worked at a casino in Lake Charles there she met a man named Shane Cary they became romantically involved and in 2013 had a son in 2014 the family moved to Austin Texas where they lived in an apartment on the 700 block of West William Canon Drive the relationship between Heidi and Shane was tumultuous it was described as on again off again on several occasions Heidi intended on leaving Shane permanently but she kept coming back to him in 2019 the couple once again ran into problems this time Heidi was going to move back to Louisiana and give up on the relationship forever her plans changed however after discovering that she was pregnant as all this was happening Megan was living in Houston Texas with her boyfriend Christopher green the couple had a lot of difficulties in their relationship in 2019 they broke up but continued to live in the same house not long after Heidi told Megan that she was pregnant Megan also claimed to be pregnant this was surprising considering that Megan and Christopher were no longer together as a couple however Megan was very excited about the preg y she told Heidi that she was due in late 2019 which was the same time when Heidi was due the women even talked about the possibility of delivering on the same date on November 16 2019 Heidi gave birth to a daughter named Margot KY Megan had driven from Houston to the hospital in Austin to visit Heidi she arrived prior to the delivery and held Heidi's hand as Heidi gave birth to Margo Heidi and Shane gave Megan a key to their apartment to prevent Megan from having to drive back to Houston that same day on December 6 2019 1 and A2 weeks after Heidi gave birth Megan announced that she had given birth to a daughter as well she named her daughter Luna although she did not send photographs of Luna to anyone now moving to the timeline of the crime on December 12th 2019 at 7:31 p.m. Heidi boyfriend Shane reported her missing to the police he also reported his daughter Margot missing on December 13 Shane gave a formal statement to the place here is what he told them on the morning of December 12th Heidi planned on taking their six-year-old son to elementary school Shane had to go to work that day as usual he worked for a moving company in North Austin the last time Shane saw Heidi and Margot was at 6:30 a.m. he spoke to Heidi on the phone at 8:30 a.m. they talked about how she had dropped off their son at school so Shane knew that Heidi completed this task after Shane was done work he drove back to the family apartment arriving at 2:50 p.m. he noticed that Heidi's white 2012 Honda Fit was in the parking lot for the apartment complex when Shane went to the front door of the apartment he discovered it was unlocked this was out of the ordinary Shane looked around the apartment nothing appeared to be out of place but Heidi and their newborn daughter were not there assuming that Heidi had taken their daughter to visit another apartment or had gone to the park Shane did not worry in order to pick up his son from after school activities Shane made his way to the elementary school arriving at 5:50 p.m. he expected to see Heidi there but she was not 10 minutes later Shane left the school and went back to the apartment he checked Heidi's car and found that it was unlocked her purse was in the vehicle nothing appeared to be missing from the purse inside the apartment he noticed that Heidi's cell phone and her keys were missing all the items necessary to care for their newborn like formula the car seat and diapers were still inside the apartment the police checked the video surveillance at the elementary school and saw that Heidi dropped off her son on December 12th at 8:12 a.m. the attention of the police soon turned to Megan Shane had mentioned how Megan had a key to his apartment Megan had told him that she would leave the key on the counter inside but Shane and Heidi were never able to find the key the police discovered that Megan drove a gray 2015 Nissan Versa video surveillance captured a vehicle matching that description driving near the rear of Heidi's apartment complex on December 12th at 9:05 a.m. this is the same same day that Heidi went missing also on December 12th a witness spotted someone who looked like Megan in a vehicle in the parking lot of the apartment complex this woman greeted another woman who was carrying a newborn child the woman with the newborn climbed into the rear seat and the vehicle Departed the police conducted surveillance on the house in Houston shared by Megan and her boyfriend Christopher they noticed that Megan's Nissan Versa was parked behind the house as if she was trying to conceal it on December 19 Christopher drove to a Target store in a black Nissan Armada SUV the police watched him as he purchased baby clothes and baby formula when Christopher exited the store investigators approached him and asked him a few questions Christopher explained how he had been in a romantic relationship with Megan since 2016 they broke up in March of 2019 but remained in the same house Megan told him that she was pregnant and he noticed her stomach grow during the course of the year he did not see her without clothing given the state of their relationship therefore he never actually observed her bare stomach Christopher assumed that Megan was telling the truth about being pregnant and he believed that she had given birth when investigators showed him a picture of Heidi's daughter Margot Christopher said that's the baby at my house at this point the police were pretty confident that Megan had murdered Heidi and taken Heidi's daughter Margo to raise as her own at 1:17 p.m. the police entered Megan's home without a warrant and confronted her they were legally permitted to do this because of the emergent circumstances Margot KY was located safe in the house and was turned over to Child Protective Services Megan claimed that the baby was hers she gave birth on December 13 2019 at a birthing center in a town just north of Houston this was seven days after the date she had given to other people Megan had originally said that she gave birth on December 6 the details about the delivery had slipped from Megan's memory she could not remember the name of the birthing center and the only people present during the delivery were employees of that facility the police found this incredibly difficult to believe they waited for hours at Megan's house until they secured a search warrant at this point they looked in the trunk of Megan's Nissan Versa and found a duffel bag in the bag was Heidi's body her cause of death was strangulation the theory of the crime was fairly straightforward Megan strangled Heidi with a dog leash sometime after Heidi entered Megan's Nissan Versa on December 12th kidnapping Margo was the motive for the murder the police concluded that Megan's boyfriend Christopher did not know anything about the crime and was not involved in any way on February 22 2023 37-year-old Megan fusa pleaded guilty to murder in accordance with a plea bargain she received 55 years in prison Megan will be eligible for prole after serving about half her sentence and she received credit for three years served prior to her conviction this means that Megan could be released in 26 years when she is 63 years old now moving to my analysis here are my thoughts on a few areas that stood out to be in this case item number one when Megan and Heidi first met at the church camp in Texas Megan was a bit of an outsider she didn't fit in with the other teenagers and would have been left out of many activities if not for Heidi for some reason Heidi could tolerate Megan even though the other attendees could not over time Megan grew possessive of Heidi like she was always with her at the church camp one critical element of the educational program that the teenagers were exposed to is that they should abstain from sex until marriage they were taught this Behavior would bring them closer to God if this message was accurate then many of the teenagers were maintaining a long-distance relationship with the almighty item number two were there any warning signs of Megan's treacherous Behavior could this have been prevented there were a few signs but they were relatively Insidious for example example there was the possessive component to Megan's attitude toward Heidi when Megan claimed that she gave birth she didn't send photographs of her daughter to anyone and Megan behaved in a bizarre fashion at the hospital when visiting Heidi when Shane's father was handed Heidi's newborn daughter Margo Megan interfered and asked to hold Margo because she had to leave the other visitors were astonished that anyone would be so rude and insensitive as to interfere with a grandfather holding his granddaughter for the first time after this boundary Crossing Behavior Megan left the hospital without saying goodbye despite these signs there's really no way Heidi or anyone else could have predicted Megan's Behavior the signs could have pointed to any number of problems most of which were non-homicidal item number three before it became clear that Megan was the perpetrator some of Heidi's friends were suspicious of Shane when he was being interviewed by the media he awkwardly laughed a few times this led to the theory that he was not authentic as it turns out Shane was innocent this is yet one more example of how there is no such thing as an incorrect emotional reaction when dealing with a stressful situation unusual emotional Expressions do not indicate guilt item number four non-family Abduction of an infant is a rare crime but there are studies on this topic here are the characteristics of a typical offender according to the research the offender is usually a female between the ages of 14 and 48 she is of average height and overweight violent offenders tend to have a higher weight to height ratio than nonviolent offenders perpetrators over the age of 31 are much more likely to use violence in the kidnapping 75% of the time the offender commits the crime to cement a relationship with a romantic partner about 91% of the perpetrators fabricate a pregnancy as part of their crime this makes sense because otherwise they would have difficulty explaining how they gained custody of an infant 26% of offenders have a prior mental health history and 33% use a mental health defense at trial these defense efforts are almost always unsuccessful they frequently include disorders like dissociative identity disorder and disorders involving delusions like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder certain mental disorders are over represented among perpetrators with a mental health history including schizophrenia intellectual disability and personality pathology antisocial narcissistic borderline and histrionic personality traits are common when looking at all the characteristics of a typical perpetrator Megan lines up pretty well with the information reported in the research now moving to my final item number five what do I think happened in this case this is just a theory my opinion years ago many perpetrators intent on infant abduction would Target hospitals like they would try to kidnap an infant directly from the labor and delivery unit this has become difficult due to increased security therefore these days more perpetrators t women outside the hospital they may try to befriend a woman who is getting ready to have a baby in Megan's case she was already friends with Heidi Megan was probably Overjoyed when she heard that Heidi was pregnant and she immediately decided to fake a pregnancy in preparation for the murder and kidnapping Megan was going to make that baby hers one way or the other she was patient and kept up the criminal scheme for 9 months which supports the theory that she was sadistic self-centered and had a sense of entitlement Heidi had no idea that throughout her entire pregnancy Megan was eagerly and gleefully looking forward to murder from Megan's perspective Heidi was just an object the only value the Friendship had was how it permitted Megan to get exactly what she wanted those are my thoughts on the case of Heidi brousard and Megan fusa please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always I hope you found my analysis of this topic to be informative thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 110,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0uMGiUv8Fbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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