Odd Story from 9-Year-Old Girl Convicts Woman 27 Years After Murder | Annette Cahill Case Analysis

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hello this is Dr Grande today's question is can I analyze the case of Annette kahill just a reminder I'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon I will put the link to patreon in the description for this video first I'll look at the background of this case move to the timeline of the crime then offer my analysis anet DK Hill was born on December 9 1962 and lived in the state of Iowa she married had two children and divorced at a young age she moved in with her brother Denny Hazen and his wife Jackie in a farmhouse near the small town of adelissa this is about an hour southeast of Cedar Rapids sometime around 1986 she met a 16-year-old named Corey Lee Weeki he had been born on March 25 1970 Anette and Corey had romantic contact but did not have sex at that time 3 years later they started an on again off again romance which did involve sex and that was not Corey's Only Lover he was engaged to a woman named jod Hots and having sex with another woman named Wendy in July 1992 Wendy had Corey's child Cory and his fiance jod lived together outside West Liberty in a house just off a gravel wrote West Liberty is 5 Mi west of adalisa Cory worked as a bartender at a family-owned bar and that worked in the same bar now moving to the timeline of the crime on October 13 1992 at around 6:30 p.m. jod Hots called 911 and reported that she found her fiance dead in the house they shared when the police arrived they confirmed Jody's suspicions here's what they found during the course of their investigation Cory's body was faed down on the carpeted floor of the master bedroom blood was everywhere the sheets and comforter were wrapped around his legs and he was only wearing his underwear it looked like he was attacked in bed Cory had sustained 13 blunt force injuries four of those were to his head the Fatal blow was to the back of his skull four strands of hair were found in one of his hands but the owner of the hair was never identified a baseball bat was found on the side of a gravel road about a half mile from Cory's house it was covered in blood which matched Cory's blood type this investigation was conducted before DNA testing was available a local farmer had driven by the location where the bat was found at 9:30 a.m. on the day of the murder he did not remember seeing a bat there at that time when he drove by again at 1:30 p.m. the bat was there this meant that Cory was probably killed during this 4-Hour window jod said that she last Saw Corey on the day he died he was still asleep in bed when she left the house at 8:00 a.m. for her job at a bank when she returned home at about 6:30 p.m. Corey was dead the police were able to confirm Jody's Alibi she later moved out of the state and gave birth to Cory's daughter later she married one of Corey's friends as one of Cory's lovers Annette Cahill was a potential suspect and was interviewed by the police she told them that in the months leading up to Corey's death their sexual relationship had intensified they were having sex three or four times a week essentially whenever the opportunity presented itself the couple had sex outdoors in Motor Vehicles in the bar where they both worked in an apartment above the bar in the Hazen Farmhouse where net lived and in other places the use of cocaine and alcohol was part of their relationship despite Corey having other lovers Annette indicated that their romance was serious they had big plans for the future including running off to Branson Missouri and buying a bar on October 12 1992 the day before the murder Annette worked the morning shift at the bar and Cory worked the evening shift they had planned to get together after the bar closed at 2: a.m. on October 133 Annette waited in the passenger seat of Cory's Cadillac as he closed the bar when Cory walked out of the bar Wendy was with him his plan was to drop Annette off and then go spend time with Wendy not surprisingly Annette was Furious about this development she had a heated discussion with Corey after he dropped Wendy off at her vehicle Cory went back to the Hazen Farmhouse and had angry sex with Annette she did not see him after he left The Farmhouse the police were able to determine that Cory arrived at Wendy's house sometime around 3: or 4: a.m. he then went back to the house he shared with his fiance jod Cory was still asleep when his fiance left for work at 8:00 a.m. as I mentioned as far as anette's Alibi on October 13 sometime between 7 and 7:30 a.m. she visited a former sexual partner named Lester at a roofing job site in West Liberty Lester told his cooworker that Annette would be helping them that day Annette had no experience with Roofing and it showed for about an hour and a half she did a poor job removing shingles at this point her sister-in-law Jackie picked her up and they went to the residence of Corey wiek andette said she wanted to drop off a letter or a book or something there was no answer when Annette knocked on the door so she and Jackie left a few minutes later the the two of them ran errands in Iowa City for a few hours the police considered Anette to be a suspect but Corey had made many enemies due to his frequent and indiscriminate sexual activity any number of people wanted to kill him without any other leads to follow the case went cold and stayed that way until 2017 when a police officer investigating an unrelated case visited a hospital where a woman named Jessica Becker worked as a nurse when Jessica was younger she was friends with Jackie's daughter Kayla again Jackie is anette's sister-in-law so Kaya is Annette's niece Jessica had spent a lot of time with Annette through the friendship with kaayla as the officer was hanging around the hospital waiting to interview a victim Jessica started a conversation with him and mentioned that she had information about the Wii murder here is the story that Jessica Becker supply to the police One Night in October 1992 just after Cory's murder Jessica then 9 years old was over at the Hazen Farmhouse for a sleepover with her friend Kayla after Jessica and Kayla went to bed they decided to sneak downstairs when they reached the bottom of the steps they heard a noise and saw Ann nette in the dining room lighting black candles Anette did not see them because she was facing in the other way the girls noticed that Anette was crying and heard her make several statements including Cory I never meant to hurt you Corey I'm so sorry I never meant to kill you Corey and Corey I love you Jessica said they went back upstairs but Kayla did not want to talk about what they just witnessed later when Jessica went home she told her mother Cynthia about what she had witnessed Cynthia advised her daughter to let the police handled the case later Cynthia explained how she was concerned for their safety her ex-husband was friends with the Hazen family and Annette's uncle was the sheriff at the time she didn't think anyone would believe a story from a 9-year-old armed with this new claim by Jessica the police paid a visit to Annette by this time she had children and grandchildren and worked proofreading online courses for police officers Anette repeated the story she had provided years earlier and continued to deny any involvement in Corey's murder on May 31 2018 Anette kahill was arrested and charged with first-degree murder she went to trial in March 2019 it was held in the basement of a building because the courthouse was under construction the unrefined nature of the venue reflected the quality of the state's case on March 12th a mistrial was declared after the jury deadlocked they had voted 11 to1 in favor of a little before two jurors changed their vote which made it 9 to3 despite clear problems with the case and nearly having an acquittal the state decided to retry a net investigators managed to find a new witness for the second trial a man named Scott Payne claimed that he saw a net pull bloodstained clothing out of a vehicle's trunk on the Hazen Family Farm Annette then put the clothing in a burn barrel and set it on fire using gasoline in September of 2019 Anette went on trial for first degree murder for the second time the jury told the judge that they were hopelessly deadlocked but the judge asked them to sleep on it and come back the next day when the jury returned on September 19 they found Annette guilty of second deegree murder they were not convinced the crime was premeditated Annette was sentenced to 50 years in prison she could be released as early as 2042 somewhere around the age of 80 Annette had dreamed of owning a bar with the murder victim now she will have to settle for being behind bars now moving to my analysis Anette kah Hill maintains her innocence and she has many supporters they argue that there was simply no credible evidence against her the state of course disagrees and believes that Annette was guilty despite their inability to present any clear rationale for that assertion this brings me to the question was Annette kahill guilty of murder let's take a look at the evidence both foreign against the idea that she was guilty starting with the inculpatory factors Corey weiki was viciously attacked while in bed the nature of the murder is consistent with a killer who possessed a personal motive Annette admitted to being involved in a sexual relationship with Corey she claimed that he was committed to her and they were going to run away together this does not appear to be true based on Cory's their extracurricular activities during the early morning hours on the day of the murder Annette and Corey were involved in an argument because he had another lover with him later that day Annette stopped by Corey's house Jessica Becker claimed that when she was 9 years old she witnessed Annette talking to herself about killing Corey a man named Scott Payne claimed that he saw Annette burn Blood Stained clothing moving to the exculpatory factors Annette had no criminal record before being convicted of murder most people who commit murder have other run-ins with the law there is no physical evidence connecting Anette to the crime no Witnesses no video crimes involving a woman beating a man to death with a baseball bat are exceedingly rare it would have been a difficult crime for net to perpetrate even with catching Corey off guard he was 22 years old a former High School football player and in good physical condition Jessica's story about the Black Candle incident does doesn't make a lot of sense she just happens to walk downstairs and witness a confession out of all the things that Anette could have said to herself in that moment she just happens to apologize for the murder and even mentions the victim by name she repeatedly mentioned his name according to Jessica this seems incredibly convenient anette's niece Kayla was right next to Jessica when this incident supposedly occurred yet Kayla said she did not remember anything like that happening maybe Jessica was dreaming at the time like she truly believed that she witnessed this bizarre confession it's also possible that Jessica was lying there's a strange connection between several players in the story which supports this Theory as I mentioned Annette had once been involved in a sexual relationship with a roofer named Lester this is the man who oversaw her failed attempt to enter the roofing business on the day of the murder Lester was married to Jessica's mother Cynthia when Annette was having sex with him it's possible that Jessica blamed Annette for Cynthia and Lester getting a divorce maybe this Black Candle story was designed to burn Annette as far as Scott Payne who supposedly witnessed an nette burning Blood Stained clothing he has zero credibility four years after the murder Scott told the police that he had heard from someone else that a nette had been seen burning stuff after Cory's death his testimony during the trial represented a significant change in his story now he was saying that he personally saw the clothing being burned furthermore he admitted that he was using alcohol and drugs at the time of the alleged burning Cory weiki had made several enemies due to his romantic Behavior there was practically a line forming of people who wanted to kill him after Corey was murdered the husband of one woman with whom he had cheated killed her before bringing an end to his own life maybe this man killed Corey when considering all the evidence in this case do I think that Annette Cahill was guilty I believe she was guilty in reality but I am not convinced Beyond a reasonable doubt the state had just about nothing to go on I'm surprised they took this case to trial what do I think happened in this case this is just a theory my opinion Cory Weeki was immature charismatic gregarious shallow obnoxious arrogant loud self-centered grandiose impulsive irresponsible hedonistic cold callous excitement-seeking intensely interested in sex and a prankster he had difficulty regulating his intake of substances and had a sense of entitlement in order to satisfy his unbelievably High desire for sex he surrounded himself with women who had very low partner selection standards this included in that kill the behavior of Cory and Annette can be summarized in this way Cory promised each of the women that they were a single but his love life was more like a triple play Anette was looking for a home run but when Cory failed to step up to the plate she felt like she struck out given the way Cory was stealing bases Annette should not have viewed his behavior as out of left field but to her somehow it was still a curveball she decided it it was time to move up to the big leagues and remove Cory from the playing field she retrieved a baseball bat and knocked him out of the park andette pitched a perfect game she did not leave much evidence of the murder behind however the state threw a wild pitch which pushed the case into Extra Innings they managed to hit a grand slam but it really should have been called a foul ball these wood League prosecutors made an error which should have led to their induction into the Hall of Shame those are my thoughts in the case of Annette kahill please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always I hope you found my analysis of this topic to be informative thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 148,495
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Id: X-nVhApxdwU
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Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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