Woman Blacksmiths DIY Tiny House - Incredible Design W/ Custom Art

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hi everyone my name is liz and this is my tiny home i've been living here for about two years um built from scratch by myself and my family everything inside curated just for me [Music] welcome to the inside of the tiny home uh we are standing in the living room probably the least planned room of the entire place i found my couch on craigslist went across to vancouver to pick it up um it was really affordable and uh but a cool cb2 brand these pillows given to me by my friend nicole and this is a textile from myanmar burma i was there a couple years ago doing a silent retreat this table is essentially what we call free it was made from a piece of live edge lying around in my parents garage and i had made these legs years ago in metal work school doing blacksmithing and bronze casting so i don't know if you noticed but there's sort of a color theme to the home that's one thing that i decided on to sort of guide my decisions because i wanted to the house to feel harmonious originally i thought i was like all white everything's me white and super organized really hard to do especially when you like black like i do as you'll see so anyway the color i chose was honey that was sort of the guiding principle um this is a yeah these windows are amazing they all open and they have these really sweet pull down blinds for privacy what you see here is some baseboard heating i have a wood stove and i wanted to only have a wood stove but luckily my parents that's not their thing so they're like no we're gonna put some baseboard heating in here and it's great in the spring and fall when it's kind of too warm to have the wood burning and it's really convenient if you're in a hurry in the morning rug came from craigslist and then there's this kind of interesting sculpture here it's a inflated beehive with a textured crescent moon some dancing bees and some bull horns all of which i made at ksa when i was learning blacksmithing and bronze casting i was fed up with the blacksmith studio in the dungeon of the school and went up to the pottery class for one day and learned about ancient civilization civilizations and mythology and this is about regeneration uh the myth goes if you kill a bull come back in five days and you'll find bees and bees of course with their honey were very prized at the time so bees apparently would nest in the cavity of the dead bull and well it went through many names one myth life crisis and of course the horny hive my favorite spot about this space is this very wonderful functional piece of furniture that i have here it folds out kind of like an 80s lawn chair into a bed that is super comfortable the reason i love it is it swivels so you can face the fire in the winter it can be a shade lounge if the couch is too small for cuddling and uh and that all completely folds out with legs for a bed okay and so we have here the wood fireplace i had originally wanted something that was much tinier um made in canada um but now but it wasn't insurable and so i'm really happy i ended up with this one because cutting tiny pieces of kindling and wood just short enough to fit in there is already a challenge if i had something smaller it would be hours just chipping away the floor again sticking with my honey theme and i'm wanting things that looked really natural um i was super excited to find these tiles on sale at our local tile shop i originally had put in a tan colored grout but it just kind of washed out all the rocks so i kind of repainted over the grout in the charcoal and it stood out and it's definitely one of my favorite parts of the tiny home something i really like about the tiny home is the fan it kind of gets the most comments from people which is surprising to me i didn't really realize that but it is a centerpiece and it's something that we spent more money on um but sometimes you have to kind of choose what you're gonna is gonna be most visible or not [Music] i've been living here for about two years and i feel very lucky to have original diyers for parents they built everything from scratch designed everything themselves and i got to tell them what to do i guess going tiny was one of the quickest ways for having my own space i grew up with parents who designed a lot of their own spaces and i saw when i rented other places i'd always look around i'm like why is this like this why is that like that it's just so frustrating um when you can't build your own space um i like i mean now that i'm in a tiny home i like having less things it's sort of a journey having less i knew i was going to be moving into a tiny home eventually so i you know started reducing things over the years and something still to revisit because you always accumulate i guess i just like having a unique little space just for me [Music] the kitchen obviously the centerpiece of the home it's a big one for a tiny home i when we were building this i was really into food projects fermenting dehydrating and i just wanted it i wanted some space to do all that um what's really great with this space is there's a lot of storage ample enough for me um [Music] yeah just easy roll away drawers big sink tons of counter space we really tried to maximize the counter space so yeah what's great about this is the kitchen is it has some real luxuries like a dishwasher pretty great and a full-size fridge we've got the hot water tank for the bathroom hiding in here and no gas stove but this one works great as well really easy to get cupboards from ikea for tiny homes super interchangeable you can find what you need found some had some live edge uh shelves that my dad made and uh this um fur table was also made by him these chairs were free and i refurbished them and came out from the neighbors when she was cleaning out her garage this i like to get things when i travel i love homewares so this i picked up when i was in bali a couple winters ago my favorite part of the kitchen is the windows this is a tiny home with 18 windows these ones don't open they were reused from another renovation on the property and i get to basically feel like i'm outside which i love yeah i ended up putting blinds on the back wall just for for full privacy because i do run a business out in the back something i feel very lucky to have is a washer and dryer i mean they work great they do shake the whole house and sometimes the the fitted sheet ends up in a huge tight ball when you're trying to dry it but it's just uh one of the things with having a small washer dryer um so this is a great place to have storage i hide brooms back here i hide bubble wrap i can't bear to throw away and um lots of jars and pretty much anything else that i need in these drawers the bathroom is one of my personal favorite spots in the tiny home it has a lot of things in here that i like that maybe wouldn't be for other people such as the large window i love that it looks out at the tree and there's something i really adore about outdoor bathing so this was sort of my chance to have that but be indoors i picked out the tile searched long and hard but found them in my local some of my local shops we have this fur here it matches the fur in the bedroom and in the kitchen the kitchen table and the shelves so kind of the whole place works together having these sort of flat handles is really great because you don't it just maximum helps maximize your space um this is probably my ideal drawer they don't all look like that but having the little baskets for organization was a great find i believe that porcelain isn't a given so i was super excited when i got sent this link for um these beautiful handmade brass sink and taps um found them on etsy shipped from morocco rock was a place i went to when i was young and had a profound impact on me so it's something that you know is a personal touch for me um i think the mirror was on sale you know uh these are pretty cool bronze hands made by my classmate when i was in metal work school and i just love the opportunity to showcase these sort of unique pieces that come to me as part of my life so as you can see i'm in the breezeway actually a really exciting part of the home and one of my favorites um because i love these extra windows when deciding to build uh this tiny home this the bedroom was already here it was actually a garden shed and um so it's on a slab which is awesome in the summer because it stays really cold and so we put a window where the door was and uh took off the siding and it exposed this beautiful shiplap siding that's part of the original garage and what i got with this was basically a separate room which is kind of the most exciting thing um it separates separate a room bedroom separate from the rest of the house and so you step up and had to create this breezeway so that you then go into the rest of the home which is basically a rectangle one of the decisions to maximize space was to use under the bed and so the bed is quite higher than most beds and um got space for tons of baskets and any sort of storage i don't really didn't really want to buy new plastic tubs for storing so we made these beautiful wooden boxes which i store things i access on a regular basis like a lot of my camping gear some emergency dehydrated meals and things like helmets and whatever season it is um for doing outdoor adventures plenty of storage um these units came from ikea and then my dad built this in it's definitely higher than i thought i wanted just to maximize storage space um but i don't like really having trinkets around and this way i can hide them in a cupboard i don't like things that collect dust personally [Music] i think about my own home as if somebody else is going to rent it in a way so i think about how do i think about it it's like it's like designing like an airbnb or something or it helps me keep it the things minimal and tidy and that's actually like how i want to live but it's hard for me to think about doing that for myself when i think about sharing it with other people it encourages me to actually follow through with how i want to live you know i've grown really fond of this tiny home and i could live here for a few more years i think i would always stay tiny i like the idea of having separate buildings for other things that you need to do like you're having your own bedroom building or your kitchen building um although can i imagine myself going big probably but i would want to keep the same principles of a tiny home so this outdoor space is also what makes this uh tiny home in the whole space incredible like an incredible place to be um having the wraparound deck really just added so much uh spa living space this is a refurbished swinging chair so the whole thing folds out into a bed um but it's now just kind of been put onto a box and then you can see the cable hanging there i have that to hang a mosquito net from you can see these this kind of sort of roller up above the windows it kind of rolls down and is uh blocks the heat from the sun so on the really hot days i have them on both sides just kind of roll them down keep the heat out i'm really passionate about plants and foods that you can find um in the wild and i'm really lucky that there were still some woodland plants here on the property and they're ones that i'm really trying to encourage to grow like the salal here with delicious edible berries that taste like blueberries this rose plant was also here and in the first year that i was here i fed it all the seaweed water from the baths and it grew like crazy this is where i run my business i offer outdoor seaweed baths for people to come and soak it's sort of a healing relaxing experience where you really get to know seaweed and um bathe with it so this is this is the lounge deck this is when people show up they come and sit here and they get to choose the essential oils that they want for their tubs i really love these louvers that we've put in there to maximize privacy welcome to my business it is called avacena it's a seaweed bath experience these are two tubs that i found on craigslist and i refurbished them and set them up here in this in the spring i harvest local seaweed and uh take it home and dry it in a large dehydrator that i have and store it for the baths throughout a couple seasons following one of the main seaweed that i harvest is called fucus this is all this is basically this is all the goodness that comes out of the seaweed yeah sure it's slimy but think aloe vera it's really great and nutritious for your skin seaweed absorbs all vitamins and minerals and micronutrients from the ocean and when you sit in a hot seaweed bath you're able to absorb all that in to your skin and started off with this stack and i'm like well what are people going to do when they get here ended up with a lounge jack so what if it happens if it rains ended up with a covered semi-enclosed change room so this is the semi-enclosed change room for the baths um one of my favorite things to talk about is in here for all you diyers out there in tiny vehicles and homes it's compost toilet time this was a big project that we did this spring and i was inspired by a lot of um bus conversions and looked at what they did for uh composting toilets and so i figured out everything that i wanted and worked with my dad and we developed this what i wanted was a bench a toilet that looked like a bench and so when you open the bench you have a very normal looking toilet seat key for i feel like for it being inviting and um this opens up i have the urine diverter highly recommend it and so the urine diverts out into a pit on the other side of this wall here and then i do a bucket composting for the rest on this side there is an outdoor shower i recommend that people have cold showers during their baths for circulation and feeling really revitalized also i just think it's really sexy to have an outdoor shower when deciding about what wood to use and the spacing i didn't commit to like an even spacing of any kind i kept things a little bit closer together during the mid for the mid body section and then space further apart so you can see out when people come to avicenna they soak in the baths for about 40 minutes they have an hour and a half of time to get ready and change and enjoy the changing room and yeah do whatever else they'd like this tiny home provides me with a space to have a quiet place to come to it's my home and i can [Music] yeah it's my place where i calm my mind and have a clear mind and [Music] that's important to me so if you're ever interested in having a luxurious seaweed bath you can find me on vancouver island um great ready to follow me is on instagram at avacena baths there's a website the website is avasena.com thanks for coming to visit my tiny home i hope all of your tiny dreams come true [Music] you
Channel: Tiny Home Tours
Views: 434,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house, tiny house on wheels, living big in a tiny house, tiny house movement, tiny home, small house, small spaces, small house design, alternative living, architecture, affordable home, off the grid, small space living, tiny house life, diy tiny house, diy home, tiny house tour, tiny houses, off grid tiny house, tiny house building, simple living, interior design, tiny homes, tiny house living, tiny house build, modern tiny house, tiny house designs, van life
Id: lUdSF9d1Clg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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