Downsizing To A Gorgeous Tiny House On Wheels - Their Forever Home

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hey this is uh brad and stephanie wilmert we this is our home it's a timber craft tiny home created by doug schroeder in gunnersville alabama welcome inside we're in the kitchen area and i'm just going to kind of walk you through our kitchen here wanted to start with the cabinets maybe here let you guys know that doug schroeder our builder with timber craft tiny homes they actually build these cabinets in-house and so that's pretty cool about that and we picked our colors for our cabinets picked our cabinet hardware and everything he's got a little bit of things um nice about these is that their grace craftsmanship here um cloth soft closed doors here cabinet the drawers here there's all dovetail here nice workmanship here when we talk to people we always say this is a craftsmanship here um doug schroeder will let you pick whatever kind of stuff you want for your for your kitchen um within within reason you know you have a four burner two burner whatever we were with a little more minimalist because we wanted to have more countertop here so we went with two burners here and then also here i was asking doug i was like hey you know where you're going to put your microwave and he's like i'll hover in that corner over there and i'm like ah it's gonna take up some more space for my microwave so i decided to go with a convection microwave oven and i love it it does everything that an oven does it's even got a broiler in it and everything and then i can also microwave so um bacon crispy bacon bagels and then cook whatever you want and then also it's a space saver there and then we have a dishwasher a tiny little dishwasher here but one nonetheless and this is like actually one of my favorite features in the house because i can have pristine clean um dishes all the time um and then we have the butcher block this is real butcher block so none of this is like particle board or anything that's really nice and you can actually choose whatever you want doug will allow you to choose granite or anything you want for your free and we chose butcher block we went to the farmhouse sink got to have the farmhouse sink love the farmhouse sink a lot and then we love our our fixtures here we have a full-size refrigerator so lots of room here we like having their freezer on the bottom it's pretty handy with drawers that come out we have these beautiful windows that actually open up here these open up both of these open up here and then i have this window here that opens up and these are sierra pacific windows they're actually windows you actually would put into a residential house yeah i at first whenever i was thinking about going small um in my regular home i have a i had lots and lots of uh coffee mugs i'm a coffee mugaholic and i had many many generations of dishes in my house too so that's one of the main concerns was that am i going to have enough storage so downsizing to that and getting just enough just for my husband and i brad and i was a little in a date and i'm like i don't have storage so but in here i have i whittled down to my favorite coffee mugs these are my favorite coffee mugs and then i have drinks you know i got to think i don't need 3 000 pint glasses and i did have about 3 000 pint glasses so i don't need that many and then over here i have all my dishes because i didn't really want to go so tiny tiny that i had to have like just like two or three so i got my favorite things these are some of my favorite things that i have the sugar the creamer and then my plates and there's more space back here that i'm not even using right now then in my other home one of my favorite things in my other home was a drawer that had all of my pots and pans and i was like i loved that drawer i could just pull out and so i have it here so here's my drawer where some of my pots and pans are the ones that i use most often are here and then i have a place here notice it's not full yet still working on that and then here i have all of my you know pot holders and things like that and it's i'm not even probably gonna use all that and then here's where the serverware is plenty of space for something like that so we have a lot of room and then even over here i have i'm a big coffee person as you can tell so i have lots of coffee and other things condiments things like that and then on the back side of this there's some space also that i store like things to be put in the oven for cookware and stuff let's see we're to talk about the the fun things that are in here well our fireplace so we asked if we could have a fireplace because we we loved that that that's one of the things we wanted um this area you know if we're in here sitting in our front and sitting here and think it's a little little chilly we'll just turn that on in a heat step no problem pretty pretty nice matter of fact the house is so kept warm that in the evenings when we go to bed we don't even keep our heater on in our bedroom because it's such well insulated it's all spray foam insulated inside the walls and built like a nice house he built us a ladder to get up in the attic too so all that's custom made for us this attic right now is just storage for us but it's 15 feet long so we have plans that we'll probably just get a little small little bed up there and for people who want to kind of hang out and with us and stay up there we have a we have three boys and we'd like for them to come hang out with us or anybody else who wants to hang out with us and come and ride bikes with us or or see the area this is the length of the the countertop space right here so bigger items there bigger pots and pans and then we have another storage space here for other stuff so we have quite a bit of space for storage that was one of the things and then this whole entire attic benefit that also the attic also serves as my little office because right there my printer up there is hooked up wi-fi and then my laptop's up there so i'll sit up there and work a little bit when i'm having to work from home or do some other things like that [Music] it was a big process to go it took us about two years mentally of preparing for this this is not something you would just do i don't there's no way not for someone like me who had if you had come into my home you could have seen oh gregory grandmother's this grandmother's dad dad's this mom's that sister's this um it wasn't anything you could go into into a store and go find because it was just piecemealed and so that was hard and then um even though we had a townhouse and we'd already had downside a little bit we still had two bedrooms we never even used we had a bathroom we never used but it was fully stocked one thing that helped the process for us is we had to sell the house it went in a week so we lived in our 30-foot toy hauler camper rv for what was it three months four months three months so that was a that was a hundred square feet so by the time this was done so that by by the time this house was done we moved from 100 square feet into almost 400 square feet so for me it felt like we were moving into a mansion literally that's how he tricked me he's like oh we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna be in this foreign square footage but first we're gonna be in a water square foot so when you move to the forehead it's gonna be like a mansion right it did it felt that way we did uh have a custom shower built he was uh going to put a like a plastic shower in here but he couldn't find the right size so we were forced to get a custom shower built for us so we twisted our arms something i wanted anyway so we got to pick out the tile at home depot and it looks pricey but it's like 85 cents a tile so it's like a 500 shower it turned out great our incinerator toilet here you just push a button and it burns everything and uh it allows us to not have to have a a gray tank or a black tank we work he was gonna hook us up with a washer dryer that's all in one but we've heard bad things about those washer dryers so he was able to take a little room out of our closet and give a stackable washer and dryer so we doug would never really said no to us on all the stuff that we were requesting which was really nice so going down the hallway another thing that we got to get was this our pantry here so most of the food goes up here and then we have you know some small appliances and things when we sold our house we realized that we had things in our pantry like um cream of mushroom and stuff that we hadn't had for like five years so we really have tried working really hard on making no more than a seven day to two week on our food which makes no waste like we have a whole lot less waste yeah at first we weren't really sure about the stairs kissing i wasn't went sure wasn't sold on having stuff in storage like i wasn't really some of the tiny homes that had storage in their stairs but i love these so anything that i don't have in there you know like baggies and stuff go in here and this is huge and i use this all the time and it's handy to this it's close and then um you know we have other storage here and they go all the way up so when we were when we were looking at tiny homes and we were trying to decide okay what kind of tiny home we wanted we want to rv or want a tiny hunk one of the things is i told my husband i'm not sleeping on the floor for the rest of my life and i wanted to be able to walk around my bedroom my bed because if you're a woman and you know whoever's making the bed it's horrific to make a bed all the time on the floor or not be able to get around the bed so this is one of the beds that i had at our home so this comes from our home it's a bed that i redid my dad gave it to me and i refinished it so it's special meaning it's a one we can have in our home and everyone's like do you do you miss we had a california king in our bedroom our bedroom was massive or the california king and we don't miss any of that not at all i mean a matter of fact we stayed at a vrbo that had a massive king side bed and i felt like we were in the ocean and so we just gotten back used to i guess you get used to whatever you are but i love our bedroom love it so when we wake up in the mornings it's like we're in this cabin and you look out these windows and europe and the trees were two stories uh you know above everybody else same thing on the windows you know you have all of these windows that these actually actually open out as well so these all of these open out you get a nice cross breeze at night so like i said we hardly ever have our heater on in here we just matter of fact we open our windows up we have a nice cross cross breeze this is a one of our favorites beautiful beautiful windows and then of course because it is a rv here is our emergency exit which is nice one thing also i wanted is i wanted to be able to have a closet now it's not as big as my walk-in closet that i had at my house but i have hanging space up here i have hanging space down here and then i also made myself a a dresser over to the side and then we have our office and stuff like that as long as we physically can do it yeah we're going to live in this house this is the reason why we bought this home because this is our forever home this is the home we're going to live in forever and when we get to the point where we can no longer pull it and bride can't manually crank all the cranks then we're going to find some land but we don't know where we want to stay yet we don't know if it wants to be at the beach or we want to be in the mountains or if we want to be in the desert or which state we want to be in so i mean we're in our 50s and i haven't seen two-thirds of this country i've never been to canada so we'd like to see all those places before we settle down on a one spot [Music] so this is the front of our home here we got our mini split up front um so nothing is up on the roof is a big important thing we've had issues with leaky roofs in the past so it's important to me that nothing was on the roof so uh we have our propane up front here for when we're off grid here's uh where all the important stuff happens here we got our battery our inverter the two 30 gallon water tanks and then uh over here is our insta hot water and then you have a circuit board just like you'd have in a regular home the same kind of plumbing you'd have in a normal house same kind of luck electrical so it's a really good system and then down here we have our cable 50 amp plug in so it's set up just like an rv we have our little outdoor shower here so we can set this up just like that and it's got hot water as well so if you're dirty after mountain biking stuff we like to do it can all go on the ground and not be in your house and then this was a the corner of the kitchen that was wasted space he put a door on the outside for us so we can put tools and you know cords and you know water hoses and stuff like that so it's been a really good thing he we did uh hand crank jacks on all all four corners so i didn't i purposely didn't want anything electrical or hydraulic anything that would uh leave us stranded this is all man you know manpower stuff so other than that i mean that's the the basics of the out outside it's like typical rv it's just made better so [Music] timbercraft tiny homes i can't tell you um how much we've loved working with doug schroeder and his team and um matter of fact we did we were probably pestered him a lot and he was so good to us we went there every week or every two weeks during the build because we were so excited about the house and we took we um i guess photo the whole process and he never once he and we felt kind of bothersome because when we go there he'd spend three hours with us i mean this i don't know why you know he didn't feel like we were bothering him he wanted to share the experience with us he wanted to make us his goal is to make you happy in your home actually actually if you ever see us you know um come to the far pit and hang out with us because we love chatting about our home we love showing people our house and we love people and bring your bikes bring your kayaks come sit on the fireplace ditto that's what i like to do [Music] you
Channel: Tiny Home Tours
Views: 600,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house, tiny house on wheels, living big in a tiny house, tiny house movement, tiny home, small house, small spaces, small house design, architecture, affordable home, off the grid, small space living, tiny house life, diy tiny house, diy home, tiny house tour, tiny house build, tiny house nation, tiny house giant journey, tiny home village, tiny home tour, tiny house big living, tiny home living, tiny house on wheels tour, tiny house on wheels off grid, tiny homes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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