Woke Journalists TARGET EndymionTv + Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League Failure is YOUR Fault?!

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what's up everyone it's IND demion and I was sitting here naked on my couch drinking some coffee watching some good old YouTube when I came across some very interesting Revelations I thought the suicide squad kill the Justice League storm was over that I could move on and pursue other stories and yet here I am making another one because it turns out the suicide squad and more importantly gaming journalism in general actually is not done with me Beyond this I'll also speak on a damning report about how live service title are devouring the entire Western gaming Market at alarming rates and a story that resurfaced where job interviews were determined whether you would cancel characters like Batman for being white or not I'm not kidding by the way that's a real story to begin I was watching a recent video from yellow flash who's a friend of the channel he's a good guy and he makes great stuff so I'm drinking my coffee and Flash links this article and it turns out these weirdos are aware of me specifically let me explain the article in question is from the gamer.com and it's titled gamers are already calling Suicide Squad kill the Justice League woke after a major spoiler was shared online gamers are shouting about Progressive lunatics and calling Suicide Squad a woke disaster the article also calls out another person who's manga lawyer or learning the law who's over on Twitter the article tries to paint people like lawyer and myself as hateful bigots and that we are what's wrong with The Gaming Community and online disc course in general they attack lawyer first by linking to a tweet they said where the reason why Rocksteady is garbage now is because the company is full of diversity hires and people who are hired based on gender rather than their skill lawyer made this tweet with this huge photo that you can see on screen now detailing the stark contrast between Rocksteady and the good old Arkham days compared to the culturally outof touch diversity hired group they are now some images criticized here are how the rockstead that made the Batman Arkham games are predominantly a team of white men which may seem racist to some people but that's only if you're an idiot of course Rocksteady being predominantly white back then was not a red flag since Rocksteady is of course located in England and the reviews of those Batman Arkham games like I previously mentioned in my last video range from 87 to the highs of 94 when it came to games like Batman Arkham City as you can see below here pretty much anyone shown in pre-release hype vide For Suicide Squad are liberal white women women of color or men of color a big difference compared to the group that made those Batman Arkham games that this new rock steady is riding the coattails of and while I'm not saying people of color can't make great games or people who aren't white in general since broadly speaking you have the entire Japanese gaming Market out there being made by people who are very clearly not European white men but it is funny how they almost only promote people in Rocksteady in these videos that are not white men why is that then I got curious all of these people that Rocksteady has been promoting in their videos when it came to Suicide Squad I wondered had any of these people worked on the previous Batman Arkham games so I went ahead and I found the credits for the most recent Batman title rocket made which is of course Arkham Knight I then ran these people's names through the credits and not a single one of them was found to be involved in the creation of Arkham Knight leading me to believe anyone way that all of these people joined Rock Steady during suicide squad's development so then when I was playing grand blue fantasy yesterday the PlayStation Store of course was promoting the hell out of Suicide Squad and now seeing that none of these people that they're promoting had worked on the Batman Arkham games it made it even more disingenuous when this Suicide Squad game is being promoted by saying that it's from the creators of the Batman Arkham series when I'm sure there are still some of the old guard left at Rocksteady but clearly anyone they're actually promoting or showing off when they talk about this game has not had a single hand in the creation of that Studio's Legacy and the review scores confirm it too because like I said the Arkham Trilogy scored very high and Suicide Squad is sitting currently as of the making of this video at a low score of 62 on Metacritic so while the gamer.com or any of the gaming press that tries to run damage control for Suicide Squad may attempt to pain squad's failures as being at the hands of right-wing psychos which they always say let's be real the truth is that not even the gaming journalists are liking this game either since IGN gave it a five out of 10 and if you take everything I just said it's clear that the gamer.com attempted gacha at lawyer is all for not as well and actually lawyer is right since their post prove that anyone they showcasing as Rock City these days or are the creators of the Batman Arkham series is just plain lies this is not the same Rock Steady not even close and the reviews reflect that because there's no way the Rock Steady of before would be capable of making a game with that low of a Metacritic score it's just impossible for them they were industry leaders now the company is just Rocksteady and name and may I add hyping up this person in particular who's apparently your head of user interface is also not a good look since suicide squad's interface looks like that one unironic meme of that elen ring image where it's just information diarrhea all over the screen and when you compare the user interface or even the graphics or how the water looks in Suicide Squad compared to Arkham Knight outside of facial animation somehow Suicide Squad looks much worse than Batman Arkham Knight did so it's very clear to me anyway that the gamer.com Shilling for their corporate Masters has done nothing but expose them even further into why this game is bad and why players are right to reject it so lawyer was right with their post that's clear but the gamer.com then decided to double down further by attacking none other than myself in the same article where they said this of course it's not just Gamers on Twitter who are riled up some YouTubers have been quick to make videos labeling the game as a woke disaster such as Inon TV who said that the pandering is implemented at the molecular level thank you the gamer.com it's good to know you guys actually watch what I do and I stand by what I said by the way the pandering is absolutely drench in this game right down to its DNA and it's true the Metacritic score is abysmal this game took just as long to make as the entire Batman Trilogy combined and currently the player base counts on Steam are not looking good at all as of the making of this video Squad is sitting around the 12 to 13,000 player Mark on opening day this is abysmal for a live service game that took this long to make and likely costed hundreds of millions of dollars I guarantee you right now Rock Steady behind the scenes is scrambling and I would wager Morales at an all-time low for the studio sadly what they've done here is all but sign sign their own death warrant and I guarantee you within a month or two we'll absolutely see layoffs if not the entire Studio crumbling to the ground they can try to blame it on toxic players as they like to say or whatever other typical excuse they can find but the truth is that this is their own fault they drove away their best talent and when the creators of Rock City left they took all the best people with them and for good reason because their talents and time would be wasted on something like this The Saga of Suicide Squad is the event Horizon of woke modern gaming it's a video game made for nobody that fails at everything it sets out to do and alienates its core Audience by creating something that feels both dated and completely out of touch with what the paying customer wants and also in retrospect when I think about it Suicide Squad doesn't make much sense as a live service anyway why would you make a game designed to be played by multiple people at once to be this cutscene heavy most people who play Live service games whether it's fortnite Destiny Apex or more the last thing they want to be doing is watching cutscenes and having control taken away from them the core fundamentals of what makes a successful live service is to eliminate as much barrier as possible between the player and their objectives in loot by constantly stopping your live service game to have minutes at a time long cutscenes makes this game feel as if it's living between two different identities you want a cutscene heavy cinematic game yet you advertise your game for live service players who are almost unanimously the kind of players who don't care about story at all they just want to level up get Loot and make builds this entire game feels at odds with itself they actually made a game that forces you to sit still and watch stuff more than you're playing at times so it's no wonder that this game is bombing this is like cooking a steak and roasting some garlic potatoes in front of your paying customer and then taking everything you just made and throwing it into a blender in front of their eyes and then giving them a steak potato smoothie instead they shot themselves in both feet with this and somehow managed to burn the entire house down while they were at it these can't be industry-leading veterans that made this because this amount of foresight would be easily caught and remedied by people who were actually competent at their jobs games like Destiny have cut scenes as well sure but they are sprinkled sparingly throughout the experience because while yes Destiny is struggling now the truth is that it's still one of the more successful live service games out there Destiny and stuff like fortnite know that their player base doesn't care as much about story they're playing for the gameplay and the rewards if Destiny stopped you every 5 to 10 minutes to give you a 3-minute cut scene the game would have died already or simply the majority of people would just skip it that's not to say players are dumb or something but we need to realize that certain genres cater to different kinds of players someone who enjoys gpgs for example is totally fine with long cut scenes mostly because it's a staple of the genre but a live service game is built on upon its momentto moment gameplay the frequency of Loot and the variety of the builds and ensuring that players can rack up play time because they're too busy having fun shooting and looting Suicide Squad is just made for no one really and the gamer.com trying to pay me as some right-wing bigot is just hilarious because I wouldn't have the platform that I do if people weren't resonating with it on some level the majority of the people watching this right now I guarantee you they just want escapism in their media they sick of being talked down to forc political messaging down their throats and being told that they're bigots if they don't accept things I'm not some bigot or racist because I roll my eyes every time I see pandering or social messaging in my media I've become so accustomed to seeing it that when I don't see it I genuinely feel weird as if I stumbled into the Twilight Zone and entered a world where everything is not as stupid as it is here Suicide Squad is full of nonsense that I covered already in my other videos on it and it actively goes out of its way way to make every male character a joke while propping up the female ones only we're not bigots because we don't accept your ideology and we're not hateful because we demand better products these companies these developers and gaming journalists are simply angry and spiteful because their agenda and messaging is being met with so much push back and I truly believe Rock Steady dying like this doesn't help anyone because this company is going to die because of their moronic choices and inability to retain key talents all we want is great games that are worth what we pay for and it's clear from a western gaming perspective at least that nothing being made these days is reaching that bar of quality instead every bad decision poor game design or lack of quality is Caked Up and painted over with woke nonsense in order to protect their work from being targeted for being garbage and if the suicide squad's failure says anything it's that the majority of the players out there whether it's the vocal minority like myself or lawyer or the silent majority are simply sick of this and yet these companies are doubling down here's this article from Insider gaming titled the future of gaming hinges on live service titles as this article States in a recent report published by Griffin gaming Partners it was revealed that a staggering 95% of studios and developers are working on creating or supporting a live service game in some capacity the report surveyed 537 Studios on a series of topics and claimed that 66% of all Studios questioned agreed that live service games are necessary for long-term title success the article further states that the definition of live service is Broad and can be applied to games that get stuff like DLC outfit packs or character updates so stuff like Tekken 8 for example is technically a part of this as well since when they add new characters or costumes that defines the game as live service so that term is obviously very broad on purpose and you could even say by definition that new games like Grand blue fantasy relink are somewhat live service simply because you can pay money to buy outfits for characters but the actual game itself has no microtransactions that are tied to say gameplay or anything as of now anyway so clearly this article is titled a little weird on purpose it's not that 95% of all modern gaming studios are making stuff exactly like suicide squad or fortnite but as the article further States here that 77% of studios are saying costs are increasing when making games and that 65% are actively working on a live service title and more of course I do believe this article that a ton of live service games are still in the pipeline but the reality is outside of a very small minority of titles like fortnite Destiny or stuff like Call of Duty the majority of live service titles will tank because not only is it just highly competitive but it's incredibly saturated as well and Suicide Squad falls into that mass grave of dead games or soon to be dead Games 2 cuz realistically people aren't just tired of these sorts of games but they just demand too much of your time many of them want their games to become your part-time job or your lifestyle and let's be real some of these games are people's full-time jobs or Lifestyles due to how much they play them it's unhealthy and they pray on your loyalty to further spend by monetizing you further Suicide Squad is a latest game to try this and it will fail and I guarantee you its death is making other Studios shaking their boots cuz if a game with such a license attached to it like DC Comics can fail what hope do these other people have if any of these studios are smart they'll cut the live service elements entirely but we also know there's still a plenty out there who genuinely believe that they won't fail like suicide squad when they absolutely will regardless Insider gaming quoted Sasha Shams who works at Riot games who said they genuinely believe that live service is the future for everyone they said in a world of live service games game teams stay competitive by building trust with their players through a consistent stream of content updates and balance adjustments to keep the game fresh to keep up with player expectations development teams are under increased pressure to continuously deliver new content while also juggling updates to quickly respond to player feedback or fix a gamebreaking bug while this may be true for some it isn't for many others and I think if anything it'll lead to a modern gaming crash it'll be a deluge of live service titles that end up flooding the market because there just simply won't be enough people or time to go around to play all of these games and I fear so many developers and Studios will lose their jobs and close down if they continue to push for this nonsense at all costs sure there will be the occasional success story in the space but for every win in Live service there's like 50 or more that will fail and implode and it doesn't help when a lot of these games are not only expensive but these companies are ran by morons too remember G4 tech TV the network that tried to come back and then that woke feminist fros killed the entire op operation with her feminism and gaming speech well an older article from 2022 resurfaced where a streamer explained how they were being interviewed to work at G4 during his Revival the streamer whose name is missclick said that when she was interviewed for a hosting position at G4 she was actively asked by the recruiter to argue in favor of cancelling characters like Batman for being white and Rich basically G4 was vetting their potential host for this revival by seeing which of their options were po ically aligned with the sort of narrative and ideology that G4 wanted to push they wanted only people who hated white men and genuinely believe that white male characters were the devil I'm not kidding I figure instead of explaining it all let's watch a clip instead so this is from YouTube channel r gt85 on their stream spawncast where they had misclick on so let's watch okay so like I thought a bunch of people were hat apparently there's like a whole like Brigade of people like hating on wanting to cancel Batman or whatever and I didn't didn't like know about it so what okay so like people are always like yo G4 shut down because of this or that and I'm like bro I was already Suess with G4 shutting down from the interview process cuz like they offered me like a host position or whatever and like you got to relocate out to LA you know like if we go through the final selection blah blah blah so I go through the interview process and like the guy that was interviewing me um he goes so why should we cancel Batman and uh what I was like wait what and he's like yeah um why why do you believe we should cancel Batman I was like why are we canceling Batman he's like cuz he's rich and he's white and uh I was like well what what do you what do those two have to do with each other like yeah people believe that he just Skates on the law and that if someone of color did the same exact thing they wouldn't get away with it like he does that's a real ass question that they asked you that's literally what G4 recruiting asked me and um like whatever whoever their manager was or whatever their interviewers were doing so my I think this is one of the reasons why they didn't like proceed me to the next level cuz I was like well I mean to be honest like uh if I was getting like robbed or assaulted in Arkham or something I wouldn't really care who's saving me I don't care if he's rich and white I just care enough that he's like actually like saving people cuz are you going to do anything about it and uh yeah he didn't he didn't like that answer but when people yo Frost killed G4 I was like honestly G4 been interess and then later another question they asked me was okay besides Batman what other superhero would you cancel you know I know exactly who they wanted you to say they wanted you to say Spider-Man because he works with the N uh NYPD Kotaku every time a Spider-Man game comes out I can't believe we're glamorizing this like shut the up you fat white woman who's writing this article as you can see this very weird and moronic way of thinking has permeated for a while now and it's not just suicide side squad or Rock Steady it's industrywide this rot has filled the walls of many Western gaming Studios networks and more this very hateful anti-white male mentality is causing a lot of these places to shut down and be rejected by players and paying customers and for good reason whether it's attempting to hire people by ensuring they're woke enough or attacking people like myself by trying to pay me as a bigot for why a game I had no hand in making is failing these establishments will stop at nothing when it comes to Shifting the blame and ensuring their failures are constantly pushed onto someone else while never course correcting or fixing the problems that plagued them to begin with Suicide Squad failed because of racist anti-women fans apparently that's what they'll say and that'll be the narrative these developers and Industry insiders will take from this while completely ignoring why these things continue to keep happening in the first place and the cycle will repeats until eventually there's nothing left and the industry just crashes and falls into Oblivion we need to keep voting with our wallets rejecting this poison and staying Vigilant and they can call me a bigot all they want the proof is that we are winning and that scares them as always thank you for watching like subscribe and share this video If you enjoyed it thanks to my patrons and have a wonderful day let's make video games great again my friends and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: ENDYMIONtv
Views: 151,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical drinker, rant, woke, endymion, woke media, nerdrotic, woke disney, culture war, marvel, endymiontv, woke tiktok, open bar, South Park, woke bad, exposed, gta6 woke, Warhammer 40k, Henry Cavill, reacher, yellow flash, woke character, reacher clips, baldurs gate 3, palworld, palworld tips, palworld guide, palworld Pokemon, palworld review, Asmongold, palworld update, suicide squad, kill the justice league, suicide squad review, batman death, superman death, rocksteady
Id: 7YT03H6PQVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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