Woke Hollywood Strike Goes NUCLEAR + Disney’s CEO Bob Iger EXPOSED! He Wants Actors & Writers GONE!

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what's up everyone it's indemion and there has been so much new things being uncovered and exposed during this Hollywood strike that I figured I just compile all of it into a video so we can all keep track of this Insanity easier to quickly recap in case you haven't seen my previous video the writers and actor guilds are on strike because the studios don't want to pay nearly as much in residuals due to streaming the other huge issue is of course AI which the reveals in this video will show just how bad and shady is quickly becoming to start I want to look at Lena Hall one of the series regulars on the show snow piercer to give you a better understanding of what's going on this is coming off the Revelation that studios are already scanning actors for their likeness to keep in digital form this process of scanning an actor would result in one day of paid work but the loophole here is that Studios would then never have to pay residuals to use that actor's likeness ever again meaning a background actor in a television Vision show or movie could be digitally replicated then they're paid a fee one time and their services and career in the industry would end there and that's it no longer would a studio need to hire dozens of background talent to fill out a scene they could just digitally place a bunch of them then this would of course lead to a future where content can be mass produced without having to hire catering services or makeup artists or clothing designers because why spend money on food to keep your talent fed or make up to touch up your actors when they all exist in a digital space anyway getting back to Lena Hall the actor recently said on Twitter that during the filming of snow piercer her alongside her co-stars like David Diggs Sean Bean and Jennifer Connelly they were all asked one day during filming to come to set but not to work instead they were told the studio needed to scan their likeness for CGI purposes in a ton of background Talent were told the same thing the entire single day of work confused the talent on set but with this startling Revelation it turns out the studios may have found a loophole to digitally preserve the likeness of Hall and her fellow actors without their consent not only is this gross but it was presented for CGI purposes but in reality Network TNT which made the series basically stole the likeness of working actors without telling them by the way TNT is also owned by Warner Bros so as you can see this deception was done by a major company which makes it even more disgusting not only does this mean Warner Bros now owns the digital likeness of Lena Hall and her co-stars but this means all the background Talent on snow piercer are now rendered useless and this is but a small taste of how studios are undermining and replacing people with AI this blind sighting of actors is of course incredibly immoral and downright disgusting at best actors like Sean Astin recently voiced his concern saying that residuals from shows in movies are essential to working actors since residuals allow actors to pay their rent while they're not working since many working actors are constantly fighting to land their next job mind you this may not exactly affect your big time stars like Leonardo DiCaprio or Scarlett Johansson since of course they make millions from every project but this does affect the people whose names you might not know but they're still important regardless while we're on the topic of residuals in my last video I explained how the writer of she-hulk's Daredevil episode has only received around 350 dollars in residuals from that episode this Revelation shocked many since She-Hulk is obviously a show made by Disney yet even then they couldn't muster more than a few hundred dollars to writer Cody Ziegler now it turns out another person tied to Daredevil has spoken out this time it's Stephen tonight he was the showrunner of Daredevil when it aired on Netflix you know the guy who made the best live-action Marvel TV show ever anyway when tonight made Daredevil for Netflix his contract detailed that he get a sliver of the profits from the show's earnings however once the show was brought to Disney plus this contract got overruled and denites residuals from Daredevil were pulled now the Knight has been in an audit process for years to get the residuals from Daredevil for themselves and others who worked on the show the night goes further to explain that the last time he had to audit a company to get his money the process was expensive and it cost a night around seventeen thousand dollars out of his own pocket and it took over two years before he saw any of the residuals from the content that he was involved with Stephen tonight ended his Twitter rant by saying that entertainment corporations will do anything to keep from paying people what they're contractually owed so yeah there's a lot of dirty laundry getting aired out due to these strikes then there's Clark Greg who you probably know as Agent Coulson in the MCU well he spoke out against the use of AI Greg said it's only a matter of time before studios are able to replicate all Hollywood actors and that people are not just information to be fed into a computer Greg's biggest concern is that the strike's ultimate core struggle is the battle to save the human soul within the art form then you have actors like Ron Perlman who recently went viral after posting his clip so please watch the one thing before I get off this the [ __ ] who said we're going to keep this thing going until people start losing their houses in their Apartments listen to me [ __ ] [Music] there's a lot of ways to lose your house some of it is financial some of it is karma and some of it is just figuring out who the [ __ ] said that and we know who said that and where he [ __ ] lives there's a lot of ways to lose your house you wish that on people you wish that families starve while you're making 27 [ __ ] million dollars a year for creating nothing be careful [ __ ] be really careful because that's kind of [ __ ] that stirs [ __ ] up peace out what's really interesting about this clip is that people are asking who Ron Perlman is talking about and the consensus many have come to is Perlman confirms this person to be none other than Disney's CEO Bob Iger Perlman claims the person who wants to starve out the strike in a battle of attrition makes 27 million dollars a year making nothing themselves and we know recently it was revealed that Bob Iger makes 27 million dollars a year running Disney now while he could be speaking about someone else I think it's fair to say that Pearlman is likely speaking about Iger and it's no surprise that Bob Iger would be totally fine with letting his workers starve and lose their houses due to the strikes because in his eyes everyone beneath him is replaceable and once Disney pushes the use of digital replication with AI into high gear his supposed Utopia of owning thousands of actors and not needing to pay a dime could one day come into existence Pearlman wasn't the only actor who called out Bob Iger with Sean Gunn also doing this gun is the brother of James Gunn you know the guy who directed The Guardians movies and he's doing Superman now anyway Sean Gunn basically just killed his MCU career by saying this so watch uh what a shame it is he needs to uh remember that in 1980 um CEOs like him made 30 times what the worker with their lowest worker was making now Bob Iger makes 400 times with his Lois worker is and I think that's a shame Bob and maybe you should take a look in the mirror and what ask yourself why is that and not only why is that is it okay is it morally okay is it ethically okay that you make that much more than your lowest worker and if so why why is that okay if your response is that that's just the way business is done now that's just the way corporations work now well that sucks and that makes you a person if that's your answer so you should come up with a better answer than that Sean Gunn is right as well it is insane that the CEO of Disney is making 400 times what his workers are and doesn't care that his actions will lead to thousands of people and their families losing their livelihoods Hollywood is of course a machine but there was yet another startling exposure by Brian Cox who you might know from succession anyway listen to what he says here our essential payment is every time something is repeated now with streaming shows it's endlessly being repeated you know we're still streaming succession still being streamed and we need to cover you know we need to cover the expense that that we are not getting from that and that's that's that's the biggest problem is that the residuals go down and they're paying less and less now in a way the kind of streaming services have shot himself in the foot because they said oh we're doing very well on this one very well on this front and when we called them to task and said well look uh you know what about our residuals what about our money of course now everything kind of closes down and says well you know it's not going to happen and uh that's that helped precipitate the SAG stripe but also the side strike I say was very much in support of the wga unlike the Director's Guild who did not support the wga which I found astonishing so now not only are we learning how bad residuals are but that the director's guilt does not support the strike which is crazy and honestly baffling the more I looked into it it turns out the Director's Guild has a no strike policy in their contract meaning they're legally not allowed to join the picket lines alongside the writers and actors and instead as the Clause puts it via The Hollywood Reporter requires that the union will not call or engage in or assist any strike slowed down or stoppage of work affecting motion picture production over the course of its current pack which expires June 30th the clause also requires that the DGA will use its best efforts in good faith to require its members to perform their services for the employer even if other industry unions are on strike so I wouldn't take what Brian Cox said as the Director siding with the Studio's 100 percent as it's clear the directors are legally contracted to obey their corporate overlords although the more I read about this the more brutal it becomes the DGA or Director's Guild of America goes on to explain in their statement that our no strike Clauses are clear members cannot be forced to work if you as an individual refuse to cross a picket line and perform your DGA covered Services then your employer has the right to replace you if you have a personal service agreement you may be subject to claims for a breach of contract holy [ __ ] dude so the directors are basically being held by the balls and told they must comply to the Studio's demands or they will be replaced by other willing directors wow so the directors are just pawns that must bend the knee or face Annihilation basically good God that's Grim but I think that's important to say so we all understand it's not that all directors are bad they aren't allowed to speak on this or they will face being ostracized from Hollywood I knew this was Bleak but God damn is the mask of Hollywood falling off during the strike and due to these strikes many large Hollywood Productions have all been put on hold as well films like Deadpool 3 have been shelved along with the Gladiator Sequel and the third Avatar the final season of stranger things has also been halted and the last of Us's second season was only able to write its first episode before the strike went into effect and now events like the Emmys or Comic-Con have all been delayed halted or scaled back due to this even Susan Sarandon was spotted on the picket line fighting for the rights of workers she was quoted saying AI will affect everybody there's definitely always been the feeling that if it isn't solved now how do we even solve it in the future if you don't have the foresight to put something in place for the future then you're screwed it's clear that nothing is going to change from the top down it's going to be up to us at the bottom end quote kind of crazy to see someone as prominent as Susan Sarandon saying this but it tells you how dire this situation is becoming oh my God and now even more information has come to light while I was making this apparently the Studio's Stranglehold on the well-being of its workers has caused more info to release The Hollywood Reporter had more to say so I'll just try to condense it turns out Studios for years now have been denying pay increases for individual roles for actors meaning thousands of actors are clamoring for multiple roles with diminishing returns meaning compared to less than 10 years ago the majority of actors are making less money but they're working five times as hard on multiple sets because Studios refuse to pay more as well as writing contracts being neutered with the usual contracts nowadays becoming shorter lived and paying far less as well as not paying extra when writers are tasked with rewriting materials so they're basically working harder for free is what they're saying and because of these strikes and failures for negotiations it's why currently there's an explosion of live sporting events and reality TV since reality TV is basically a corporate loophole for Content creation since there aren't scripts involved when making them it's why you're seeing a ton of new series popping out that are just real life equivalents to a filler Arc in an anime they're just there to fill content holes for Studios while the strike goes on so that's all reality TV is huh it's literally just corporate soulless trash designed to waste your time while real talent gets screwed I think we're all learning a lot today aren't we but anyway as of right now that's what's going on it's kind of insane but as always let me know what you think in the comments below thank you for watching subscribe to keep up to date have a great day and I'll keep my ear close to this whole strike and until then I'll see you in the next one
Channel: ENDYMIONtv
Views: 209,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diversity, men media, critical drinker, rant, woke, endymion, RK Outpost, woke media, post woke, nerdrotic, white people, woke disney, Star Wars, disney is dying, Kathleen Kennedy, Star Wars sold, disney selling Star Wars, disney woke, why no one likes woke characters, Witcher, Henry Cavill, Witcher season 3, Witcher season 3 review, writer strike, actor strike, Oppenheimer, barbie, Hollywood strike, bob Iger, writers guild ai, she hulk writer, Snow White, daredevil, AI, Guild
Id: gYfpfz1GXwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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