Woah! Kid Drawings REIMAGINED by Artists (#Prokochallenge)

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Stan: Oh. Yes. Sean: It matches. It matches. Stan: Oh, yes. It sounds satisfying. Sean: Oh, so good. [Intro music] Stan: Hey, guys? Welcome to Proko. My name is Stan Prokopenko. This is my right-hand man, Sean. All day. Today, we are going to be reacting to your submissions for the March Proko Challenge. The rules of the March Proko Challenge were to find a kid's drawing, age 0 to 6 Sean: Zero to six. Stan: Yeah, zero to six. Sean: If your kid can hold a pencil they deserve to be in the challenge. Stan: Interpret it and draw what you think they wanted to draw and celebrate the creativity of a child. Sean: And then like don't smart talk the child. Stan: Yeah, not make fun of kids. Celebrate the creativity. And that's what we said, right? Sean: The diversity of skill levels that a child can have. Stan: Yeah, exactly. Diversity is great especially in skill levels. All right, we got Instagram open we are just going to go to #prokochallenge and start scrolling through. All right. A really cool looking armadillo. "Wherever I saw one as a 5 year old, I apparently decided to draw one". How many armadillos do you see? [laughter] Cool. That's creative. Sean: I see it. I see it. Stan: Yeah. That's creative. I like it. Should I download it? So, right now the bar to the top is zero. Sean: The bar is very low. It's zero. Stan: You made it in man. Congratulations! All right. I am really interested to see the child's version of this. Hey, that's right pretty good. Well, who is this kid? From my drawing I did when I was 11. Dude, you were good when you are 11. But I mean yeah, obviously you are really good now. Sean: You are good now too. [laughter] Stan: I am going to save it. Sean: Yeah. Stan: That's like a horse Charizard. Saber horse Charizard. Sean: I mean it matches. Stan: It's exactly that. Sean: Yeah. Stan: That's exactly that. It's funny. Sean: That's great. Stan: Last-minute submission kangaroo. No. Wait a minute, I know it's about to happen. Yeah. Okay. I mean, you definitely did a better job than I did. I'll give you that. Sean: This one is cool. Stan: Uh, this one is cool. Okay, let me see the kid drawing. This one looks kind of like Japanese art to me, the one on the right, the pink one. I guess it's got a Geisha look. Sean: Yeah. Because it's like a helmet instead of a- Stan: And there is like a smile emoji. Sean: Yeah. Stan: Good job art_of_Andres_Martinez. This is pretty cool so far. I want to see that. Sean: Where is the child? Stan: I want to see the child drawing improved. Uh, I like this child's drawing. This is cool. This is got a good - it's like cave art. Sean: Cave art. Stan: Totally looks like cave art. This is awesome. Okay. Sean: Yeah, I see it. Stan: The princess and there is a heart. Oh, they are married. Two little hearts getting married. Is this a corona virus, though hidden? This is really creative though. Props to the kid. Sean: Yeah. Stan: Who did this? Sean: I am liking this kid's drawing. Stan: Yeah, a pickle doctor or a medic? Sean: I wonder if they- Stan: Oh, there is a virus at the top. Sean: Yeah. Stan: That is awesome. Sean: I love it. Stan: Yeah, that was fun. Sean: Yeah. Stan: I liked it a lot. Sean: Pickle doctor. Stan: Good job alexey_fermer. Oh, okay. There you go. Yeah. That's cool. Sean: So, there is a little portrait in the front. There is some weird things moving left to right. It's got like a surrealist flange to it. Stan: Yeah. Am I saving everything? Sean: You've saved almost every single one. Stan: You guys doing well. If you are not spamming, I like it. Okay. It's beautiful. Sean: Oh my god! Stan: In it's own way. Wait, what! Why, come on! Sean: That's great. Stan: So, it's like a literal interpretation. Sean: It's like a nightmare. Stan: Oh, the other one it is great. [laughter] Oh, what is this? Okay, I am excited. Sean: Oh, wow! Stan: So, a giraffe without a neck? Oh, and then like an a - Sean: Crocodile, elephant. Stan: Elephant with tusks. And then like a - Some - I am super excited to see the kids drawing. What! Yes. The kid ran out of room for the neck. Oh, my god! This might be my favorite so far. Sean: Oh, wow! Stan: This is super creative for the kid and the adult. Sean: Yeah. Stan: There is so many parts to this too. Like look at those tongue like drinking out of it. This got little hats on the horns. Sean: Yeah. Stan: What is it? Oh, yeah. The kid did it. what are these little black things on the- ? Oh, they are like attached. Sean: Are those the hooves? Stan: What! Sean: It's riding him? Wait. Stan: It's riding the alligator. Wow. This is amazing. Sean: This is amazing. Stan: So, many elements to it. Sean: Oh, man. Look, we got to see the kid. Stan: That's Coopers drawing. Okay. So, I posted on my Instagram stories if you guys can't find a kids drawing then here is a bunch of my son's drawings. And this is one of them. I like it. Sean: I do see it. Stan: There is - oh, that is cool. Look at that leg down here. Sean: Yeah. Stan: Oh, that's cool. And now I see the face and the hair. The arm in the back. He's got green... Yap. Sean: This is a trip. Stan: Oh, dude. Okay. And we could have another award. Sean: For 'best Cooper interpretation'? Stan: Yeah. Best Cooper interpretation. Sean: Another pickle. Stan: Yeah. What's up with these pickles man? This one's got ketchup and mustard all over. I like it though. This is cool. Sean: Yeah. Stan: "We got a bit of a pickle now". He explained it. It was a daddy pickle carrying two son pickles. They are in the middle of an epic food fight. This is actually - Sean: This is great. Stan: Yeah. Hearing the child's intentions makes it actually much more enjoyable. Uh, you got other good stuff on here man. Yeah, you are good danphyillaier. Sorry. Uh, I think I saw this one. Sean: Oh, this is like some Tintin. Stan: Dude, this kid's drawing is amazing. This is Kim Jung Gi's - Sean: Back when they were like age six or seven. Stan: No way. This is too good. Uh, another Cooper. Sean: We'll see how this one. Stan: You are competing against the other person through the same one man. This is interesting. Sean: Yes. Multiple interpretations of the same squiggle. Stan: What the [beep]? [laughter] All right. Well, I can tell that's me. Ah, man you jerk. Sean: That is some awesome reveal. Stan: You jerk. Sean: I love it. Stan: Trying to butter me up. All right. I like it. I like it. I hope this is a video. It's better be. Oh, this is Cooper's. Sean: Oh, interesting. Stan: Oh, it's like a - Sean: Wow! It is a really - they are really - Stan: Yeah. So, you see the wings and the pink part. Wow! Oh, my god. That is like - that is cool man. Okay. Superhero with triangles. Sean: Nice. Stan: Another bird-like thing? Sean: I think they took their kids at actual like turkey. Stan: I like it. Sean: Yeah. Stan: That's good. Sean: It's pretty cool. Stan: Now, look at the little pigs. And then this little pig shingles. What are they called? Sean: Shingles? Stan: Shingles. Sean: Yeah. Stan: Oh, dude, there is a face. If you look at the whole thing there is eyes. Sean: Oh, yeah. Oh, wow! This is like three layers dip. It's like a bean dip. Stan: I only get the six layer deep. Dude, three layer dip, that's so lame. Sean: It's just beans, cheese and one other thing. Stan: Sour cream? Good job halloweenpizza. I always get scared when I am looking down because I don't see the red dot on the screen, then I remember that you just look at the camera itself. Sean: Oh, the actual camera has a big red dot. It just makes you think of a dog's [beep] [laughter] Stan: It's a Red Rocket. Sean: My parents have got a new dog and [beep] The dog has boners all the time. It's like, oh I want to hang out with you. Stan: All right everybody, this is Sean. Sean: This is getting cut. Stan: No, it's not. Sean: T-rex. Nice. Stan: Is that a T-rex? Sean: I think they are basing off of like our modern knowledge of T-rex. Stan: Like actual T-rex. Sean: Yeah. So, Jurassic Park was wrong. Stan: What! This is really depressing dude. Is this the kid's parents? Sean: This is like the art therapy session. Stan: This is like the kid playing at the park looking back his parents as his parents are sitting there like this. Sean: Oh, no. It's so sad. Stan: What is this? Sean: That is like a Pokémon. Stan: Yeah. It's like - there is like an Iron Man arm, Spider-man face, a bunny and a Batman cape. It's all there. All the elements. Yeah. This is cool. Sean: In a more dynamic pose. I like that. Stan: I do. I like it too. Sean: This is very cool. It's like a snail with the city on his back. Stan: Wow! This is cool. Sean: This person as a five-year-old drew the other thing. Stan: Dude, it's like an ice cream sundae. It's a city but it's like a desert city. Okay. A cat with - Sean: Tentacle legs. Or four actual legs. Stan: Four actual legs. Sean: I am hoping for tentacles though. This is... Stan: No, it's only four legs. No! Sean: Yes. Yes. Stan: It's a robot too. Oh, I love the face on this guy. And it is like one nipple or something? Or a bellybutton on the chest? Sean: A bellybutton. A really high bellybutton it's got. Stan: Oh my god. Oh, that's a really - Sean: The translation is amazing. Stan: Yeah. Very high bellybutton. This is going in the download. Uh, look at this comic thing. Sean: This is cool. Stan: Where do you think you are going? Sean: Yeah, let's see if the kids draw it. Yeah. Stan: What! Wait. Okay, so it's just a character. Sean: Yes. They made a comic. Stan: Going above and beyond. Sean: Yeah. Stan: So, it's like the kid probably is imagining a full-on storyline. Sean: Yeah. It's got some Axe Cop vibes. Stan: Yes. Job gambinothedrawer. Sean: I think this is a Cooper drawing. Stan: Oh, you are right. Sean: Yeah. Stan: Dude, the fact you can tell just from the drawing. Sean: Well, I saw some of these things in the background. I was like hold on a second. Stan: I didn't even see that. Sean: Yeah. Stan: Yeah. I wasn't even thinking of it though, but that is pretty cool. So, oh, I totally see the wheelchair. Sean: Yeah. Stan: With a guy and a hat and a duck. Oh my god, I love it. This is so good. Good job hans.who. Sean: Who? Stan: Hans. Sean: Yeah. [laughter] Stan: Proko challenge. Got some Mario vibes. Do you see the mustache? The eyes? Sean: Oh, I do see a mustache. Stan: I see some people were saying like, "how am I supposed to interpret this? This a bunch of squiggles and blobs". And it's like - Sean: You use your imagination. Stan: This is how you interpret stuff man. You are an artist, be creative. Sean: Uh, this is cool. Yeah, it's like a space wheel. Stan: It's like a the sims. A little floating power thing. Sean: Wait, wait where is the floating? Stan: Crystal, oh it says "crystal for power". Sean: Crystal for power. Stan: He's a cool guy. He also likes to drink soda. Crop from my four-year-old niece. Okay. So, the cool guy who drinks soda. I wonder. Yeah, I like - Sean: It is so cool. Stan: Yeah. See, it's blue with blonde hair. I really think he is the cool guy. Sean: The cool guy. Stan: Call me bird. James Bird. I see a whale back there. Sean: I think that is a sidekick. Stan: It looks like a dolphin in the background. Oh, my god that is so a dolphin. And it's got the pink flipper. Sean: Yeah. Stan: Wow! I like seeing them different interpretations of the same thing. That's awesome. Sean: This is cool. Stan: Whoa, it's got a mountain going up his butt. Oh, that's why - Oh, he's just on the top of a mountain. Yeah. Now this is a top runner. Sean: This is a really cool one. What is happening? Stan: For you. Oh, no! This is who's been sending me the mushrooms that made me hallucinate. Just watch the foot lesson when it comes out. You will know what I am talking about. Sean: I mean it definitely is matching Stan: This is a WTF Award. Sean: This is definitely a WTF. Stan: This is interesting. I want to see the kid drawing. Wow! Sean: Wow! Stan: This is one that you have to look at for like five minutes and just look at all the elements. Sean: Yeah. This is like a classical masterpiece. There are so many things to view. Stan: There has to be some award for just like really good interpretation award. Sean: Yeah. Stan: So, another Cooper one. No one has done this one yet. To me, this looks like a little turtle or dinosaur or something. Sean: It's a still life. Stan: That's still life. I love it. Okay. Sean: That's good. Stan: Yeah, that's funny. All right. Cooper. Sean: Cooper. Cooper. This is the one that everyone else did? Stan: Wait, for some reason that looks like me. Sean: Maybe it's you and Cooper. It actually does look like you. They captured your likeness. Stan: Oh, it is Stan on the back of a bird with his son. Sean: Wow! Stan: Dude, just with a little scribble, I can tell that's me. Sean: This is cool. Stan: This is interesting. Sean: This is like um, who's that guy? William Stout. Stan: William Stout. Looks like one of his drawings. This is pretty cool. Oh, dude. I totally see it. But like also looks just like everything's going down to this one little point. Sean: Yeah. Stan: Oh, it is. Sean: Yeah. Stan: Oh, that's awesome. You totally interpreted it well. Sean: Yeah. Stan: This is another one at the top runner. A robot. That's exactly. Sean: That is, yeah. Stan: Look at the little four pack. What's this big swipe across? Sean: I think that is just a - Stan: Oh, no. It's the grenade chain. Sean: That's the chain gun. Stan: Creative dude. Eggs. Sean: All right, eggs. Yes. Stan: This is actually just a really cool concept of a character like the shapes are awesome. Sean: Yeah. Stan: So, I could totally see is like a speed racing. It's like. Sean: Tension. Stan: The kid drawing. Sean: Yeah. You matched it. Stan: Another Cooper. Okay, what's this thing going to be? A finger. Sean: And wait, holding a bird? Stan: Ah, dude I see the finger. Sean: Yeah, I see the finger. Stan: This is interesting. Steven Silver type shapes. Sean: Yeah. It's like three amigos. Stan: I totally see three amigos. No one has done this before. Sean: This a fresh Cooper. Stan: I like this one. I am surprised more people didn't do this Cooper one. Sean: And it is getting shot through the chest. Yeah, the blood splatters. Stan: Oh, good, blood splatters. And there's like this long face. Sean: Cooper is very violent. Stan: Oh, look at the love thing at bottom. Sean: Was it because you have a - Stan: A little love sticker. Sean: Oh, that's right. Stan: Cooper loves stickers. Sean: Oh, yeah. Stan: We get stickers from like anywhere we go. They just give him stickers and he loves to just put him all over the house. He will just like walk up to you and just be... just put stickers on your cheeks and just walk away. Sean: That's great. Stan: All right. So, there is a guy cooking a turkey with his lasers and the sun is amazed by the power of this laser. That's how I am interpreting the adult drawing. Sean: The sun is amazed by the fire of that laser. Stan: Holy [beep]. That's really accurate. Sean: Yeah. Stan: That's really cool man. I love it. Sean: That's good. Stan: That's another like interpretation award. Sean: Yeah. Stan: Whoa. That's what I am talking about. Like stylize it. Make it fun. Let's see what... Damn. That actually looks more like a snake with legs and arms or something. Sean: It makes me think of the creature from Stranger Things. This looks like some BDSM [beep]. Stan: What? Oh, the net? Sean: Like a ball gag and the net. Stan: Oh, yeah. So, his skin is red and he is got net. Oh, I thought it was a costume because look - the hands are a different color. Those might be gloves. Sean: No. You can see his abs. Stan: You can see the abs through it and they are like squared pecs and like a really big gap between them. It's actually pretty cool but it's not as funny. Look at - oh my god, are these some communist? Oh, yeah. It is communist. So, always like a Red Menace or something. Wow! I like this face. Sean: I see the faces. You see this one? And the hand grabbing the lip up there. Stan: Oh, the hand grabbing the lip and the teeth. Two sets of teeth. Sean: This is like a transporter error. Stan: I hope this is a Cooper drawing. It's not. Sean: Holy cow. I see it. Stan: I guess I see a teeth. But yeah, it's a huge improvement. I actually, really like this one. Sean: The other one sucks. Stan: Yeah, the kids drawing is really bad. It looks like a crazy Power Ranger villain. Now, it also looks like a crazy Power Ranger villain. Sean: Made their imaginary real Stan: A Hulk that kind of lost some of his muscles. It definitely, yap. Marching arms. I like that they literally framed their kids drawing. Oh, I am totally framing - like, I am going to replace Aaron Blaises [beep] with my Cooper's amazing drawings. Sean: With Cooper's drawings? Stan: Yes. Sean: Oh my gosh. This is John's. Stan: This is John. John works at Proko. His username is scottsarttots. Yeah. But if you didn't work for Proko, you would win. Wow! Sean: Whoa. This is interesting. Stan: It's funny. Oh, you are only going to cut to the ones that are really good. Sean: Yes. Stan: And every time my reaction is like whoa. Woah! No. There is no way a kid would do that. Oh, you didn't play up the six-pack enough man. You are still in puberty? Sean: I am still in puberty. Stan: I love the arm basketball with eyes and all these buff chicks. Sean: The flaming platypus. All right. Stan: Million-dollar reward, wanted. It looks like evil with like - Sean: A dog. Stan: Oh, yeah. Oh, no. It's not a. It's a pug. Sean: Oh, this same dog with a knife. Stan: It's the same dog. Sean: This is another one of those like classical masterpieces but the kid's drawing, this has to like - this has to match. Stan: Yes. Sean: Oh, it matches. It matches. Stan: Oh, yes. It sounds satisfying. Sean: Oh, so good. Stan: Look there is the dog that is wanted. It has a knife in it's mouth. Sean: Yeah. All the elements are in there. Stan: Where is the basketball? Oh, there it is. Sean: Yeah, there is the basketball. Stan: Basketball with them eyes on the - Sean: This man. Stan: Are these like fighting things right here? They are. Sean: Yeah. Stan: This is amazing. Sean: This is exactly what we were looking for. This is the he-man cat. Stan: Wow! The kid actually wrote that stuff. I want to know what it means. Oh, right here. He's saying, "why doesn't He-Man come here?" Sean: I mean, definitely looks like he-man's cat. This is cool. Stan: Yeah. Sean: Should be on a magic card. Stan: Wow! Sean: Oh, man. Stan: I love the split screen. Sean: Like that is supposed to match. It's seamless. Stan: Oh, this is like a really angry princess spoiled brat. Yap. He is saying, "reminds me of the whole Corona virus thing going on". What! Why? Oh, because spoiled kids are at home like being brats. Cooper has been great. He was sad for the first week that he couldn't go to Chuck E Cheese. He goes like every week or like twice a week. Sean: What! Really? Stan: Mostly I takes him. He loves it. Sean: I guess there is no entry. There is no entry, right? Stan: No. There is no entry. Sean: You just go in and you can buy pizza. Stan: And then Chuck comes out and dances and that is his favorite part. And that is free. Sean: Wow! Stan: Yeah, dude. He loves Chuck E Cheese but he can't go. So, he thinks Chuck is sick. We told him Chuck is sick because of Corona virus. Look Cooper also thinks Mickey Mouse is sick. Sean: Because you can't go to Disneyland. Stan: He can't go to Disneyland or the Disney Store. So, he is sad that Mickey and Chuck E Cheese are both sick. This is fun. Oh my god. Sean: Oh, it's the kid from - I think it's called the Christmas Story. Stan: Yes. Sean: This is a Christmas story. Stan: This is the kid who shoots his eye out. Oh, yes. And those are the icicles? Sean: Yeah. Stan: I love the interpretation that these are just icicles. Sean: Yeah. Stan: That's really cool. Mr. Roboto. Domo arigato. It's actually really cool. I like this a lot. It's a cool kid's drawing too. I like the combo. Sean: Whoa. How's this interpretation? Stan: Is this a tail or a drill? Sean: A drill. That's exactly what I was thinking. Stan: No, but the lines aren't diagonal. Can't be a drill. Sean: A very ineffective drill. Stan: Just destroys. It's a jack hammer. Sean: Yeah. Stan: I guess this is a tail. Sean: It is a tail. Stan: Yeah. Answer our question. This looks more like a Pokémon. Whoa! Sean: That's a nightmare for you. Stan: That's a what the [beep] disturbing. What's wrong with this kid? Sean: Yeah. Oh my god. Stan: What's wrong with this kid work? I don't know why but I am really liking the not realistic approach to the adult drawings because it still keeps like the child quality of it. Sean: The spirit of the kid. Stan: Yeah, the spirit of the child. This is fun. Sean: Yeah. Stan: I like it. Good mech. Oh, there's the drawing of the kid's... Lara age five. Dad age five plus. Sean: Age five plus. Stan: Whoa. Oh, you turned my kangaroo into a robot? This is cool. Kid's drawings pretty cool too. Sean: Yeah. Stan: It's got like a 3D quality to it. Sean: I like this. Stan: I like thinking of like tattoo design type stuff, right? What! Oh, they did used it as a negative shape. Oh, I see the creature is coming up. Sean: Yeah. Stan: Oh, that's fun. Sean: That's an interesting take. Stan: Hands. That's fun though. It's like doing hands studies. It's like a page of hands. Sean: Nice. Stan: Oh, this is great. I like it. Sean: It's like Voldemort. Stan: Yeah, totally Voldemort. Voldemort with uh, what is this type of collar called? Sean: Oh, it's like a spawn cape. Stan: Wow! Sean: Wow! They matched. Stan: Wait, where do the kids get this idea of doing this collar type thing? That's pretty good. Sean: It's very good interpretation. Stan: Yeah. Which kids trying are we going to do? Oh, it's the other kid was drawing the other kid's drawing. She like really improved it. Sean: Not that much older either. Stan: Yeah, good job. Sean: Oh, it's this dude again. So, this is their initial drawing. Stan: Oh, that was the concept? Well, dude you took it to a finish really well. Whoa! Sean: What! Stan: Whoa! They labeled it daddy. That is kind of creepy though. Sean: It is creepy, yeah. It's very menacing. Stan: It's like walking on his arms and he's got a floating body and stuff. Sean: It's like he's being hung. Stan: That is creepy award. What the [beep] award for sure man! This is Tiger King stuff right here. This is Joe Exotic with his lion. It was a lion but - Sean: It's from Black Panther. Stan: Oh, it is a girl. I mean you can see the bra. Oh, man I don't think you played up the tumors enough. The kid really - Sean: It's hella tumory. Stan: It's not a tumor... It's like a Minecraft creeper. Okay. What's going on here? So, they are being very literal with this and they are taking this as like an isometric drawing and they are just putting it in 3D. And it's like that is what the kid meant to draw. Is just actual boxes in 3D. I like how the face looks like it's actually the same character that's a little bit 3D. Sean: Yeah. That's great. And then they put a Wolverine's body on it. Stan: Look at the hair. Yeah. Look, that's cool! Sean: This is good. Stan: You did a really good job interpreting the face. Dad, this is cool. Just this part. Sean: Oh, this is what? Stan: No. No. That's crap. Oh, it was just those three characters. Sean: It's like the Avengers squad of this kid's planet world. Stan: I like that. Oh, okay. So, this is a previous winner. Oh, wait, what is it? Whoa! Sean: It's a walrus. Stan: Isn't that awesome? Sean: Oh, that is really good. It's like a patchwork really. Stan: People would be so pissed if she won again. Two in a row. Sean: Two in a row man. Stan: But I mean, come on guys, look at this. This is really good. Sean: Yeah. Oh, dude, he drew another one afterwards. Stan: Look, his previous pose before that was this here. He was the winner. He did that one too. And that was one of the ones we were like what! Sean: Yeah. Stan: So, this is a sun, I wonder how you will interpret it. Oh, not a sun. Sean: Very different. Stan: Subverted expectations. You surprised me. It's a giraffe licking itself. Oh, man the pose makes it better for sure. Sean: Yeah. Stan: Where is the kid's drawing? Ah, dude, I love this pose too. He is totally dancing. Sean: Yeah. Stan: This is funny. Sean: This is a good. This looks like Mobius. This a Mobius. I must say it, this isn't actually a Mobius right? Stan: That's a compliment. Casual scene. Looks like a dog with a robot, some astronauts and some apples. A dog, a ro - Sean: Yeah. The astronaut is selling the apples. Stan: Oh, my god. Sean: Wow! This is really good. This is a great scene. Stan: I love it. Let's pry some close-ups. Ooo [Laughter] Sean: Yes. Stan: This is nice. Sean: Yeah. Stan: I like this style. This is my entry that my brother wanted to paint my parents happy together at a time where everything felt like a holiday trip to Italy. That's cool. I like it. Sean: Yeah, that's a good style. Stan: What is this! What the heck! Dude, that looks like if Joe Exotic was a turtle. Sean: Wow, you really are into this Tiger King? Stan: Yeah, we have been watching Tiger King every night. Sean: Okay. I see it. Stan: I see it. Sean: I see it. Fire-breathing and ice breathing monster. Stan: Oh, wow! Fire and ice at the same time? Oh, damn! Sean: Wow! This looks like Jack Black. Stan: Yeah. Dude... Sean: Yeah? Stan: Yeah. Sean: I see it. Stan: That is exactly what I was thinking. Sean: Good likeness of that to you. Stan: Okay. Sean: This is cool. Stan: All right. Now we are getting creative here. Sean: This is cool. Stan: Okay. Sean: In classic gameboy colors. Stan: There's a video. Oh. Okay. So, let's see the kids drawing. This is great! Sean: Yeah. Stan: Oh, that's so creative. Oh, man. You get the best video game interpretation award. It's a cow, right? Sean: It's a unicorn. Stan: What! Wow! Sean: I see it. Stan: Yeah. Sean: I see it. Especially like the tongue. Stan: The tongue right there. The two eyes. That's pretty good. Sean: What is this? Stan: No, I don't support this. No. Sean: You know, I don't know what I was expecting. Stan: Why is there so much hair on the butt? Sean: Baby hit puberty man. Stan: Oh, it's a tail. Oh, you [beep] right as I start insulting the kid. Just a little reminder that I suck too. Sean: From a different perspective. Okay. Let's see what they did with it. Stan: Oh, yeah, he turned it around. Sean: This is really freaky. I get that they are trying to keep the shapes the same. Stan: He says he is a Filipino young artist. Why does it matter? Sean: I am only 30. Please be easy on my critique. Stan: "Dear Santa, I would like some candy canes for Christmas, please. Love From Amei". So they drew Santa. Sean: This child is easy to please. I was asking for Nintendo 64's. I never got one. Stan: I got one. Oh, that's cool. Look Santa's holding the letter. Sean: This is interesting. Some fairy stuff. Anthrowis the umbrella term. The anthrop? Sean: Yeah. It's like anthropomorphic. Stan: Dude, how do you know these stuff? The day is about to start. It's a cool concept. Sean: Yeah, I like it. Stan: Nice. See, okay. So, here is when like a kid just draws like a random creature, some object, and you add to it, you enhance it. Use it to make a story. Something that a kid would come up with, right? It's not just like a better version of a rooster. Sean: Yeah. Stan: This is cool. It's a 17 year old Filipino guy. "I am Filipino young artist". We already know you man. You can't say that for that much longer. In a year you are 18, you are an adult. You are still young but... Sean: Yeah. This is a Cooper one. Stan: I see it. Sean: I definitely see it. Stan: That's cool. Sean: This is very interesting. Stan: I like this leg a lot. Sean: It really does - Stan: Yeah. Sean: Like it works. Stan: It is that. Yeah, it works. Sean: Oh, this is someone we looked at before. Stan: We saw that. Yeah, danphyillaier, with a guy with his kid and "delivers bad notes and people say, 'hey who delivered this bad note to me?'" Dude, I know what this is... Yeah this is such an old picture. "I am 17..." It's the dude... Dude, it's you again. The young Filipino artist. He has got Filipino pride for sure. Sean: Unicorn blob. The Narwhal. Stan: What's that pink Pokémon? Little - Sean: Which one? Stan: No, no. No, it's not from - it's from Mario. Sean: Kirby? The thing in a Kirby? Stan: Yeah. Wait, that is not in Mario. Come on. Sean: It's still Nintendo. Stan: This is why Sean is here. That's funny. It's great. Hope you guys enjoyed your quarantine working on this challenge. The next challenge also has to be something that they can do in quarantine. Sean: I mean, can't you always draw in quarantine? Stan: Yeah, but this one specifically was like with your kids, like redraw one of those thing, you know? Sean: Have you ever had a cow tongue before? Stan: I haven't had cow. I hope this right here sucks. Sean: The tongue is part of the cow. Stan: Oh, that is funny, I forgot. Sean: It's definitely a - Stan: I really enjoy this for some reason. Sean: It looks like something that would be on like - Stan: Cuphead? Sean: Yeah, Cuphead. It's like Cuphead creature. Stan: It totally does. I like this. Winner. Sean: Yeah, that was cool. Stan: Wow! This is funny. Sean: Oh, this is - oh, says brother's drawing of their mom. And then they actually drew their mom. Stan: It's funny though. Sean: It's so funny. Stan: It's got like a funny 90s vibe to it. Sean: Yeah. Stan: The "I love you mom" award. Okay. There is a lot of little details here. Okay, this isn't great. All right, look at this. We got to analyze this. Okay. The first thing I noticed right away is first of all, there is four legs and then there as a little knob coming out of one of the other ones. And then look at this. He's got a little foot coming out of the knee cap. Sean: That is great. This is really cool. Let's see. This is okay so it's basically just a business rhino. He is wearing like a tie or something. Stan: What's with the balloons though? That would have been fun to see balloons. Sean: Yeah, add some of the environment in there. Oh, nice. Perfect. Stan: Okay. Okay, this is some kind of creature with red stripes and yellow knees. Oh, that is great! Sean: That is awesome. That is a great drawing. Stan: Congratulations. You did a great job. Wow! Sean: This is the kid drawing. Stan: This is cool. Sean: This is cool. Stan: I actually really like it. Sean: This an interesting... Stan: Really good shape design on that one. Cool stuff. Sean: Oh, it's this guy. Stan: It's the genie guy. This was one of my favorite. Wait, didn't this win the Proko Team Choice or something? Sean: I don't think it did. It was in the running for Proko Team Choice though. Stan: Fire green. Oh, his ten-year-old drawing appeared on X-Mikey in fan drawing section. That's a cool story. Sean: Yeah. Stan: Where his kid drawing ended up on some actual thing. Sean: Yeah. Stan: And now the same one in on Proko Challenge. Sean: Now it's on a Proko Challenge. Stan: Wait, a unicorn mermaid? Look how many unicorn mermaids there are. It's totally a thing. Whoa. Wait, is that an umbilical cord? Is it in the coffin? Oh, it is a seed. Because look, the umbilical cord is like a vine. So, it's like a child growing out of a plant. That's actually creative. Let me see the kid's drawing. That's a really fun interpretation. I like it. Super creative. Sean: Yeah. Stan: All right. All those other people that got what the [beep] awards, we got a new winner. Oh my god! Even more WTF in here. Okay, well yes. When kids try to draw a horse they draw a dog. Sean: Yeah. Stan: When I was a kid my horses were dogs for sure. Sean: So many entries. Stan: That was The Hungry Hungry Hippos. Sean: Nice. Stan: Ah, love it. "We are random people". "We are random people". "Attack!" They're just random people attacking each other... Well, that's not too far off of real war isn't that right? It's like, ah I don't know you. You are differrent. Let's fight. This is fun. Sean: This is cool. Really keeping the details. Stan: Yeah. Oh, man. The details give you a lot of brand new points. This someone is like sim. Okay, yeah. Sean: This matched. Stan: Yeah, this is great. It's like a kid trying to draw like a pretty girl. Sean: Yeah. Stan: Right? And that's what happens. Okay. Anday. I love you Anday. Sean: I was going to do the same thing. Forrest Gump: "Why don't you love me Jenny?" Sean: Teddy bear with the switchblade. Stan: They are about to fight. I like the butt on the unicorn though. It's a nice butt. Sean: Needs more butt man. Sean: It's cool. Stan: Yeah. Sean: Why did you take a picture of your... Stan: You did it digitally. Why didn't you just submit the file as opened in your Photoshop right now? Excellent. Dude, press save and upload those pictures. You took as screen shot. Wow! What the hell is that? That looks like a photograph that's been like stretched out. Sean: Oh my gosh. Stan: The child's drawing is probably this - Sean: A direct match, yes. Stan: Yes. Oh, yeah look at it. Sean: Oh, yeah. Stan: That is awesome. Sean: Yeah. Stan: And it's got like bat wing. You can see the skin is stretching over stuff. That is pretty cool. Sean: Yeah. Stan: Oh, that's sad. It's like a little kid who people keep telling him no. Sean: Yeah. Be nicer to your kids people. Stan: No. No. It is Trump. And is that Bush? Sean: I think that's Mike Pence. Stan: That actually looks like Trump. Sean: Yeah. The silhouette is very true. Stan: The face is totally Trump with the hair right there. It's really clever. Like I wouldn't have seen that but now when I see the interpretation it's like it's exactly that. Sean: You can not see it. Yeah. Sean: This again. Stan: It's the young Filipino artist again. Is this yours? Dude, this is cool. This is your best one. Sean: It's cool. I like this. Stan: This totally looks like a creature a kid would imagine, right? Sean: Yeah. Stan: That is the exact creature that they are probably have on in their mind. Sean: That's nice. Stan: Oh, man. Yeah. This is also really creative. Sean: Yeah. Stan: I want to see how much the kid came up with. So, he's got shoulder pads. The floating, yeah. And then this is like an oven. Oh, yeah, there is fire in .. Sean: Oh, yeah, looks like there's an oven. Yeah. Stan: Good job bernard_eisner. Oh, nice. Ah, man, I wish you had posted like a high-res version of that. Oh, there it is. Lots of things going on. This is totally something a kid would come up with. Oh, these are ribs. Nice. Sean: It's like bulging. Stan: It's a big bulge. Oh, man. I am getting delirious. It's just so many. Okay. Back to business here. Sean: Hey, I like this kid drawing too. Stan: This is very creative. Sean: Yeah. Stan: And I love how like - look at how like dynamic and like ribbony the legs are. Sean: And he kept it. Stan: And look at that. Sean: Yeah, this is good. Stan: That's real cool. Sean: Oh, it's like a squirt bottle or something. I wonder if it's like a disinfectant man or something like that. Those are germs. Stan: Oh, these germs. Yeah, look at all these germs and then a ball of water and then these are like spray bottles. Dude! Sean: This is a good one. Stan: Will you win the Corona Virus Award? There's a bunch of people trying to do a corona virus thing. Sean: Batman? Stan: Where's this going? This is weird. This could be amazing. Ah, the simplicity of this. Bigphilster... Wait, this person has arms. Like the arms are very obviously in this drawing. Yeah, bigphilster. Ah, dude, this is fun. This is like a squiggly guy because like kids love to draw in squiggles. Sean: Ah. So squiggle man. Stan: That's fun. That is cool. We did it. We did it. Should I say like... alright guys, congratulations here is the winners and then it goes like [blast]. All right, so here's all the winners... The Comedy Award, The WTF Award, Video Gamification Award, Youngest Filipino Artist Award, I love You Mom Award, The Corona Virus Award, The Tiger King Award, The Best Interpretation Award, Cooper Interpretation Award, My whole team voted... Here's the Proko Team Choice. A random generator chose it but I actually really like it. The Random Winner Award. And here's the final three. Third place goes to @tarikmrk. Second place goes to @the_instacalpal. And first place, my personal favorite goes to @looslines. There were so many honorable mentions. There is too many to mention. Okay. All right, guys. Thank you for making it through this long ass video. I hope you are not as tired as we are. Thank you for watching. Thank you to everybody who participate in the Proko Challenge. Sean: We looked at every single one. We didn't even scroll by. We literally looked at every single one of them. Stan: I hope to see you participate in the April Proko Challenge. In the comments - Sean: What should our next challenge be? Stan: There you go. Sean: Please tell us. Stan: Let us know in the comments. We don't know what April Proko Challenge is going to be. We would love suggestions. All right, guys. See you.
Channel: Proko
Views: 309,740
Rating: 4.9012399 out of 5
Keywords: Kids drawing, creativity, redrawing, drawing challenge, kids art, how to draw, anatomy for artists, figure drawing, artist, artistic anatomy, anatomy, draw people, art, tutorial, drawing tutorial, learn to draw, video tutorial, art school, art class, human anatomy, art training, art blog, art vlog, drawing lesson, art lesson, learning art
Id: 71tNCxvPIds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 7sec (2347 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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