Wkrp In Cincinnati 223 Venus Rising 22

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you still there good well uh it's a very flattering offer but i got to tell you i'm very happy here sure yeah we can talk i mean no harm in that huh i'd appreciate it though if you keep it uh confidential thanks okay tomorrow at noon fine yeah thanks goodbye now well are you gonna take it or not take what the program director's job at w-r-e-q how'd you hear about that i just finished talking to the guy i heard it from their news directors ow come on venus let's go well les i'd appreciate if you wouldn't say anything to anybody about this oh you needn't worry about me venus besides everyone already knows how could they i told them [Music] a little twerp sticks and stones venus sticks and stones parker's paradise sweet meat treats purveyors of pork-like products to the tri-counties proudly present les nessman and the news hello this is les nessman with the 7pm news the presidential campaign heats up as carter kennedy coffee clutch concludes clash concerning kansas convention caucus but in butte bush baker and brown blast bountiful big business boom i'll be right back after these meef breastages baby if you've ever wondered i've wondered whatever became of me i'm living on the air in cincinnati in cincinnati wkrp got kind of packing and unpacking [Music] [Music] parker's paradise sweet meat treats come here oh hi travis thanks for knocking somebody gave me a ham big sucker in it yeah i know i got one too oh yeah mm-hmm as a matter of fact i think we got uh 200 hands they're in the storeroom why well i'll let the man uh responsible explain you guys heard about venus have you huh tell us about the ham's herb venus has got some big news the hams okay see i've been uh calling on the uh porkers paradise people for about i don't know two years now they just would not advertise on wkrp so i got to thinking what just what could i do got an idea how about a trade-off they bought it nessman's got a sponsor and we've got a lot of ham we're going to spoil it no no no it can't you see because this stuff is well it's not exactly real meat what what is that i don't know but it can't spoil good grief you know i don't get any respect around here you don't get any respect about it hi i know you guys are very busy can i interrupt just for a sec sure well i uh know you've heard so i just want to let you know i haven't made up my mind yet oh you haven't huh no i'm just considering it good well i don't want you guys to freak out anything okay we won't good thanks no thank you what was that all about well i don't know i thought you did i know what venus got a job offer from wreck radio what kind of a job offer program director we can't afford to lose venus can we no then he can't leave we're gonna have to counter offer you get out there and you give him a title all right look if he really gets tough let's talk parking space the req radio that's pretty good station isn't it yeah they uh they make money instead of [Music] me that can't spoil did i mention that well i heard it from les well i heard it from the cleaning woman les dates the cleaning woman hi how's it going nice day today huh some would say it was a little chilly but i think that's nitpicking so you're gonna be a hot shot pd huh i just got a call that's all mm-hmm and you're listening and they're talking and you know what you're gonna get pal hmm you think about it huh you know financial security a palatial home bright future you know you're gonna have a big car with a wine cellar in the glove box matching bracelet and necklaces for every day of the week it's a whole cashmere lifestyle gordon sims young exeggutroid you think about it is that what you want track what do you want to be a program director for venus you are the best dj in the whole wide world one of the best the best nighttime dj it's all right sorry i'll be on the air yeah that is night time only i'm not talking party man oh dear besides program directors do nothing they just sit on their dumps most program directors not all not andy travis here for instance no surrey a very important job you know what i should leave that is a good idea i'm leaving now may i talk to you in the hall sure did you hear about venus yeah don't worry though he's not going anywhere he'll offer him more money and he'll stay that's how it works they love the guy i hope so oh herb by the way thank you for the ham you want another one no i think six will be plenty i'm gonna keep one and give the rest of my mailman he has a bomb shelter you know jennifer you're the only person that's thanked me no one respects me around here oh sure they do well no they don't no one does they do who well for one i do really jennifer what i need a hug [Music] a what a hug [Music] [Laughter] andy i'm just going to have lunch with the guy all right but let me tell you something oh please shoot i just turned 30 last week i'm no kid no more man oh man i'm sorry i forgot your birthday no problem but it started me to thinking i would have gotten you something too it's okay andy it's just a i took a look at my wardrobe and i asked myself does a grown man dress like this [Applause] i gotta remember to write these birthdays down on my calendar it's okay andy just i got to start thinking about my future man i can't spend records all my life hey look before you say yes to anything tell me what the offer is and give me a chance to beat it all right it's a deal okay johnny you are the best dj in the country all right in the whole wide world that's right barna oh god [Applause] wreq the rambling wreck in cincinnati well so far what do you think brother venus nice very nice amanda honey i'd like you to meet our new program director venus flytrap amanda dean hi well i haven't quite actually made up my mind but i'm beginning to it's nice to meet you mr flytrap is it sims it's really gordon sims gordon gordon on the air it's bean is here now just chanting it's gordon i love it [Laughter] so when can you start well i don't know even if i've yes a week give them a week that's all they need two weeks two weeks is fair you're right i'm out of order too [Music] so when do i see the other djs the dj's there's been a couple of changes there too it's top secret stuff we haven't even told the trays yet see venus we are automated just like nasa first class across the board amanda honey why don't you let venus see max sure it's just like the wizard of oz max is our disc jockey 24 hours a day plays all our music you see with you on the air every night people will still think we're live man honey could you turn up venus there are already 1 500 automated stations in this country do you realize that if you buy your news from a national service you could run an entire station with no people no people think of that one [Music] it's an ugly thought but think of it so what do i do around here not much i mean the music is programmed out of new york so all you have to do is just tape a couple of things interviews and so on so the people who still think it's all coming out of cincinnati and that's about it it's perfect penis just see meglo communications is a well it's a great company to work for the opportunities are limitless we're very proud of our affirmative action program affirmative action hey hey hey you know about that right huh mr elliott's new york new york a call from the largest city in the united states i'll take that one [Laughter] well venice just give me five and then i want you to meet the salesman 14 of the most gung-ho guys that you would ever want to meet huh cincinnati city council crosses county commission and clancy causeway controversy consequently critical caucus cancelled casually correct me if i'm wrong lass but uh have you developed a recent fondness for uh obliteration i'm trying to find a style johnny all good newsmen nowadays have to have a style in order to stand out from the crowd les uh you always had a real style of your own how many newsmen call chichi rodriguez chai chai rodriguez what is it you call the little mexican dogs chihuahuas that's stylist hi guys well guess what somebody else around here has just gotten a job offer who me 71 i met with a guy last night no kidding right no kidding well that's great congratulations that's just really great how long are you gonna hang around here there's no reason to just you know stay here for nothing right you gotta like throw them a going-away party or something i think congratulations it's great i'm really happy for you drop us a card okay what kind of job is it herb sales naturally and for a sizable increase in salary now listen to me less and listen to me closely do not tell anyone about this particularly carlson or travis okay i won't and les don't tell them soon herb you know me like a book hey bailey i need to get your advice on something it's about your suit nope i'm sorry now look this is strictly on the qt i do not want you to tell anyone and i mean it okay okay last night i dropped by channel 71 to see my old friend fast bob musham about a job opening and you know what he had one assistant sales manager and fast bob offered it to me well that's wonderful herb are you gonna take it i don't know i just don't know know how upset everyone gets when someone tries to quit nonsense herb grab it go for the bucks we ought to have a party something you told him no i didn't ah well i i i might have alluded to it some hint of it might have dropped out in our general conversation yeah well perhaps mr carlson could read between the lines you know sometimes people just kind of find out stuff oh heck hi herb hi venus well you gonna take that job offer i don't think so they offered you a lot of money to stay huh no i never talk money with andy do you realize that w-r-e-q was fully automated and you know what they wanted me for some token black on that carpet roster well i told them to stuff it man i'm not taking that job and to paint max brown you understand what i mean what do you mean i mean they wanted to pay me just to sit around and do nothing but be black sounds perfect to me do you think they would be interested in talking to a white guy i don't think so i did meet a nice lady though how'd you uh do you hear about my job offer no you got a job offer oh yeah television station well i marched right in there to the big guy's office you know thinking that maybe he would uh try to top it but he didn't he just congratulated me and he hugged me and i think possibly even kissed me i don't know told me how proud he was of me and said i'm gonna give you a big going away party sounds great huh yeah it does except that i wasn't quite honest with the big guy you lied about the money no i lied about the job there was no offer oh well hell i thought maybe i could uh get a raise you know they were ready to offer you more money but all i get out of it is i'm sorry i'm i'm i'm sorry uh just didn't work out at all what are you gonna do here i don't know tell them the truth man oh no no sir can't do that everybody would laugh at me and then they'd know what a real liar i am no sir i can't do it and you know the funny part about it is i i can't even tell my wife so where you going man i don't know home i guess venus so do me a favor and uh don't tell anybody i won't i promise herbert you old dog you congratulations no thanks andy it's um it's television you know that's where it's at you know you just gotta you gotta think into the future well i can't say i should argue with you on that no sir excuse me is that something yeah that's something all right well uh tell me how was uh how was lunch oh uh good very good it was interesting how much 35 000. well you know we can't top that all right look here's a deal i'll give you 2 000 more a year and make your assistant program director what do you think two thousand let me tell you something about wruq radio okay look 2 500. i'm telling you man now that not that that's as high as we can go now that's almost what jennifer makes and there's more to a job than just money 2 600. but that's it i mean it sure i'm a hard man to get along with but in these days hey you got to be tough 2007 [Music] how about 1 700. i'm sorry man sorry am i missing something here no hold on see you going down instead of up so y'all was going up i know oh well in that case how about 1 200. one thousand seven hundred with a catch what that you uh you offer tarlick a thousand dollar raise if you'll come back huh yeah we're a package deal oh yeah yeah we are soul brothers herb tart like the guy that sits here now wait a minute uh look herb told carlson that he was gonna get ten thousand dollars more each and every year at the television station now what good is it is a thousand dollar raise you make him a thousand dollar off and uh he'll come back see herb is a spiritual man he's not into the material things of life black hair funny suits the shoes match the belt all right thanks man thank you what i can't say come on what is it we got a deal right yeah sure between you and herb that's 2 700. i could have gone as high as 3 000. it's slick for me travis hey told me about it right wkrp in cincinnati will be back after [Music] this hi er hi uh venus i am huh [Music] you want a ham [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey
Channel: Radio181
Views: 81,850
Rating: 4.8777294 out of 5
Id: UjL8kE-3Wjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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