Wizard of Legend - Basic Arcana Tier List! (Base Edition)

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well hello there everyone i'm recording this voiceover after the fact because i wanted to say first of all thank you very much for being patient while waiting for me to get this video onto the internet for you all to enjoy it's been difficult what with work and everything but i finally got the chance to get everything together secondly i want to say no you are not imagining things the video really is that long i know it seems pretty daunting but trust me there's a lot of information i go over and not only will it be a good tool to just start a discussion about our opinions but hey for all you new wizard of legend players out there this will be a way for you to see what all the basic arcana do so a little win-win for everybody i feel but anyway i'm going to shut up and let the video get started now again thank you very much for your patience and i hope you have a wonderful day hello and welcome back to the channel everybody my name is dark sage walker and i think it's about time i finally followed through with something i said i was going to be doing for a long time i have done the basic arcana spotlight editions from like a while ago and now i think it's time that we actually start we actually start and finish our tier list now one thing so a couple of things one i thought i was going to be able to do this but this should probably be its own video just thanks to the idea that i don't have doubled up images that i can use to move into place and secondly because of how wizard of legend locks the mouse cursor into inside of its own border while i'm working with it i'm going to be minimizing and raising that window a lot just to make it just so that we're all aware of how that's going to work but that having been said this is a tier list video you know how tier list videos work i'm going to go over all of the different basic arcanas in the game and offer up a summary of them share some information and then and then put them into it into a place ranked from s down through d where s is oh my god this is so good that it should be a part of a part of everything that i do not literally but you get the idea and d being wow this is kind of garbage and of course everything in between so i am well aware that my opinions are going to differ quite a bit from a lot of yours for instance i know that when i get to it my opinion on riptide is probably going to be far different from most people's opinions now this is just i should also let you know that this is basically how the how these work in the pve setting and p i will i'll briefly discuss pve but sorry pvp but that will be probably its own video and not only does that give me more content but it's assures that basically we have ourselves a decent a decent idea for how things are going to work going into this so we've got 23 arcana four of each element except for chaos which only has three and i should point out if you are new to the game the chaos arcanas are minor spoiler territory so if you're really worried about how the arcanas are going to work then maybe skip this video come back to it after you've unlocked the chaos arcana if you're not worried about it then hey welcome welcome to the show we're gonna go ahead and get started pretty quick here all right have all the disclaimers been gotten out of the way have we said everything we needed to say before we actually start ranking things all right then let's go ahead and get into the get into it i will of course be ranking things by how easy they are to use how much they affect the battlefield damage um how much they let you move while you're casting all that good stuff and i'm just gonna go down the list we are starting with we're starting with fire we're gonna do wind earth lightning water and then chaos and we're just gonna go in order and also i have to cough my apologies all right let's go ahead and actually get started we're gonna get started with flame strike now flame strike as you can see counts as melee so it has interactions with dark katana it's a basic of course and even though there isn't a special symbol for it it it is a char it is one of the charge basics basically meaning that if you hold down the button on the third hit it has an enhanced effect in this case greater range and much greater damage so flame strike by itself does 8 8 16 for a total of 32 damage but if you hold down that burst it goes all the way up to 32 for that third hit giving you a total of 48 damage that is nothing to sneeze at and especially if you happen to land a critical hit yeah boy now the enhanced enhanced version of it makes it so that the the final the charged final blast burns enemies and destroys enemy projectiles now i can't show you all of that but i can hold on okay but i can show you essentially how that works [Music] now it says that the final hit is now doing 34 but that's basically just the effect of the final hit plus the first tick of burn damage happening at the same time so the game just adds them together and obviously while i'm in the training area i can't exactly show you how how it destroys enemy projectiles but trust me it does [Music] all right we're gonna go put our horse head back on so how does flame strike stack up now it might be different in pvp but remember we're talking about how it works in pve pvp and by the way fueled berserk are going to be their own territory so flame strike and it's it is better than when the game first released when it first released this was very much an it's at least managed to claw its way up to an a rank in my opinion it's got good range it's got good damage it's got amazing coverage like and i will show that to you in just a moment so that i'm showing it to you i'm showing it to you hitting at the end hitting in the middle of its hitbox but let's now that's basically the edge of its hitbox and you can move a little bit while casting it so you can can you can hit enemies at the very edge of the hitbox with all three hits and the last hit is a much is a larger hitbox for sure but that's especially true if you charge it up and i will demonstrate that as well see the hitbox there is huge [Music] so yeah i don't i don't think it's like the best of the best but definitely i say it's worthy of an a rank it's got coverage it's got damage it f it falters a little bit on the speed front but it's generally made up for by its coverage but especially if you do like i do and play with the retro floor plan on that's those frame those kind of like open frames can be a killer alright let's move on to fiery yo-yo fiery yo-yo is a projectile and that is the full combo [Music] now each projectile hits for six damage and of course because of the last hit it sends out two at once it hits for 12. so it's 24 damage which isn't very impressive by itself but think about this each projectile can hit twice which means that even despite the fact that it's a projectile arcana its range can be a little misleading if you're trying to get the full damage now that's this is great against bosses don't get me wrong but against regular moocs it can be difficult to get the full damage out but once you enhance it it's got much better range it also extends to its full range much faster so it doesn't change the damage though so i can still do damage calculations while it's while this is going on so with each so at full range you've got 24 damage however if you're able to get in there and get all and get all essentially eight hits it's one two three four five one two three four five six seven eight it's a little bit difficult to get all all the hits off but there you go that is 48 damage again not bad that's equivalent to charge flame strike and because it's scoring so many hits this is also particularly strong for critical hit builds and the yoyos by themselves aren't that shabby now you can't move at all while you're casting this but all things considered i would say that's not a huge detriment the other notable benefit of using sorry maybe not benefit but the other notable trait about fiery yo-yo that needs to be discussed is its knock-back it as you notice it sends enemies out on the way it says yeah it sends enemies away from you on the way out and drags them back towards you on the way in now the reason why this is notable is because this makes up the crux of what i call my ultra of what i call my ultra combo build where you get close to the enemy do that and then you just continue doing that and you combo for gigantic damage like that so but even by itself i say fiery yo-yo is an excellent arcana it's i'm gonna leave that up actually it's very good for for keeping enemies at bay it's great for combos it builds damage it builds it builds signature meter admittedly kind of poorly but that's usually not what you're taking fiery yo-yo for and i can honestly say just in my own personal opinion i have to minimize the window again hold on that fiery yo-yo is one of those that squarely belongs in s-tier fiery yo-yo is amazing i i use it for i use it all the time especially especially for like i said that ultra combo build it's very it can be very effective it's and because the fireballs pierce through enemies it's really good for controlling it for controlling a zone like i honestly have nothing bad to say about fire yo-yo aside from that you can't move while casting it now moving on we are going to move on to flame cross this is another one where you can't move while casting it but how much of a problem is that well let's look so fire flame cross has has an extended but rather limited hitbox [Music] the first two hits do six but then the uh but then the last two will do nine a piece so it'll do six six and if you do it right 18 or if you score a critical hit a little bit more than that that means that you're basically getting 30 damage out of out of a full combo on normal circumstances when upgraded the flames travel faster and further giving you just a little bit more range to work with the damage doesn't go up at all unless you have the luxury handbag but as you can as you can see you get much more range out of it and the damage it travels faster so it reaches the enemy faster and thus keeps you just a little bit safer that having been said not a fan of flame cross i've like if you win if you've been seeing what's what's been going on with flame cross here it just doesn't get the range is nice but the hitboxes are very narrow which means it's easy to get ambushed from either side now don't get me wrong it does hit off to the side a little bit but the enemy has to be very close to you and that's that is well within striking range of lancers you're i mean it's see you'll probably you'll probably catch ghouls before they get too close to you off to one side but it's a risk that's really not worth taking like there's a reason why i don't use flame cross in many of my runs it's like do i think it's the worst of the worst probably not but it's not good either i'm gonna put it in c and i reserve to i reserve the right to move it down to failure tear if i so see fit all right we're going to move on to bouncing blaze now now this is what i like to call the mario fireballs and you can absolutely see why it's it's like you came it's like you went to the mushroom kingdom grabbed yourself a fire flower and then just came right back here now as you can see damage is about 12 per fireball which for single hit damage on a basic not bad there are better and we'll be getting to that but i think the the real benefit of bouncing blaze is its range like you see how far those fireballs travel like the enemy has to be knocked pretty far out of bounds to not get hit by one of these so definitely works very well for a projectile based build it also is just good for other types of build where you just want to keep enemies off of you uh you can strike from quite a range and interestingly enough if you throw a bouncing blaze into a pit it for some reason bounces off of the pit as if there was something there to catch it to catch its mass don't ask me how that works it just does so what happens when bouncing blaze is upgraded well it now has a piercing effect so now it's just an it's just a nice ranged control and it's fantastic there isn't much more to say about bouncing blaze honestly you pretty much are seeing what you get now i really like bouncing blaze but i am aware of some of its faults namely that it also has kind of a narrow hitbox you can't move while you're casting it at least i don't think you can let's find out nope you can't move while you're casting it but you can always break off in the middle of it to dash away i think like flame burst i'm gonna rate this at an a it's got solid damage although it's really more so there for control i would say this works well in ranged in obviously ranged builds control builds and power builds because 12 is actually a pretty significant amount of damage for a single hit off of a basic and you can get some work done with that like think of it this way every 10 damage increase you get with one of these with one of these is an extra 1.2 damage so 13 then 14 then it'll jump up to 16. and these numbers sound small but every little bit helps especially with a basic so this is good range damage is certainly nothing to put down let's get back to our house here change back into our obligatory horse head and we're gonna move on to the next element which is air and we're going to start with the very first the very first basic you get in the game which is windslash now obviously this counts as melee yep there you go the range is kind of pathetic but you can move a little bit while you're casting it damage comes in a damage comes in a pretty respectable 8 10 12 so again you can use this for power builds if you so desire this is not exactly the greatest thing to use for critical hit builds but if you're okay with melee this isn't bad obviously obviously you get just a little bit of an arc in front of you but nothing nothing that's going to save you in a mass melee but notice the second and third hitboxes do get a little bit bigger [Music] i'm just trying to demonstrate what i was doing before see so the hitboxes do get a little bit bigger as you go further into the combo so now what happens when you upgrade it well now each wind slash has a secondary kit you can see it slashes now create extra wind projectiles and those extra wind those extra wind protect projectiles add on three then three then four so it goes from 8 10 12 to 11 13 16 for a total of 40 damage and with and with those extra wind projectiles which as you can see are also covering more distance as you're going on with your combo those extra hits can also be critical hits in and of themselves making this a pretty decent candidate for for both sidewinders badge which already is good for just about any basic now i can't show you both at the same time without doing the starting relic glitch so never mind that but it's also just really good with critical hit builds in general like this is actually a pretty decent one to start to go into a dark katana run with just because once you get it enhanced that's a big damage boost so where do i rate windslash with all of those positives having been said i think winslash is just kind of okay like they obviously did what they could to make it more interesting after as they were updating the game but it's one of those things that i think falls squarely into the average category like before it's upgraded it's really not that good and after it's upgraded it's good but it may come too little too late depending on when you can upgrade it in your run like it's it's one of those things where it's not bad but there are better melee based basics out there that you can use for for that very same concept but do i think it's absolutely terrible not at all i just think it's eh all right let's move on to severing slash severing slash looks exactly how you think it would look just a bunch of claw strikes this is one of the charge basics so there's a little bit more to go over so now you can move while you're doing that and if you charge it you get a lot of movement matter of fact yep severing slash actually counts as a movement arcana so you can pair this with the soccer cleats to get a little extra damage or a little bit of cool down reduction or obviously you're not getting cool down reduction with this but if you use it with let's see where is it okay so yeah jumper cables isn't going to get you much out of this but like i said you can get you can get a decent amount of damage out of the soccer cleats with it but this is also what i would call a dark katana item so let's let's go over the damage so each claw swipe hits three times for two damage so that's six twelve now the last one is is a little bit tricky but i mean it looks like it's getting six damn six damage three times so it's six six eighteen if i've got that right that should be about 30 damage yep and it can hit a little bit off to either side for some amount of control but now you can see now you can kind of see a little bit more clearly how it's doing how it's doing its damage when you hit when you do it like this so on the first two hits each one of those wind slashes counts as two but on the third one the wind slashes count as three and because you're doing two of them crisscrossing enemies in front of you will take six per hit so it's just adding them up again now the third hit once it's when it's charged [Music] gets a good number more hits so once again you got six six but then it looks like it does six was that five times now i got some got a little interference from critical hits there but [Music] if if i can get this to go right yeah the damage is a little inconsistent but you can see the idea because you're doing three of those slashes at once in a forward dash what you get is three down what you get is each one doing three damage and that happens three times so it's possible for it to do a lot of damage [Music] but it's also nearly impossible for all of those two for all of those to hit so theoretically you could potentially get 30 damage off that final hit but that's very theoretical as the hit boxes are narrow and you can't and it's really hard to line that up [Music] so you're basically looking at roughly 42 damage which isn't bad obviously damage ups aren't going to do much with this so you want to line this one up with critical hits and because it's because it's movement based one of the things you can be doing is j is gently repositioning yourself like it doesn't help much when you've got nights bearing down on you but if you're in the middle of an attack and can't shut up and can't get out of it you can certain you can certainly i'm distracting myself but yeah if you want to stay aggressive while still while still getting out of the way of an attack you can do something like this and embarrass archers and lancers with their terrible aim now when it's upgraded the final strike is way larger and i will show you that see now does it do any more damage though it does just because the hitboxes overlap more easily so you can get a little bit more damage out of it that way bringing it up to a roughly 50 to 54 range like i'm i'm hitting 52 pretty pretty consistently and with a little bit of critical hit i get up to 57. so yeah damage wise it's not bad and the idea that it allows for movement is actually pretty nice although you'll notice that most of the melee basics allow for movement the knockback isn't too great so you can combo with it pretty easily my problem with with this one is that it's a little inconsistent [Music] and because of that your your damage isn't going to be as great as you would like it to be in a live combat scenario where the enemies are all around you and throwing crap and oh hey just it's so again i don't necessarily think it's terrible but i do think that it falls in kind of the same average tier as windslash i would say it's probably a little better than windslash but do i think it's absolutely amazing not really the best thing it has going for it is that it allows you to move which allows which allows you to cover more space control more area basically things like that all right let's move on to air spinner you all know this is one of my favorites air spinner first of all you can move while using it which is pretty interesting for a projectile but it works like like a melee so that's probably why they allowed you to move while casting it now it hits in a 360 degree arc and we'll sometimes do it twice now one thing that i just noticed is that it looks like the [Music] it looks like the hitbox for the second one starts at around around the timing that you i don't know i'm actually really confused about that because it's very clear that they're both coming out like like in front of you [Music] but basically what it what it means is that you've got a source of 360 degree damage which especially when you're playing with the retro floor plan that can be super super helpful as far as damage is concerned it's it's a little different depending on where where you're hitting so enemies off to your peripheral will take about 22 however if you can get the enemy to if you if you get the enemy in front of you you so 12 that means that each one of these is hitting twice and that last burst does quite a bit of damage like it's actually kind of hard to see how much that final burst does by itself like i'm pretty sure it's just one hit for 10. but that means that close up it's close up with the enemy right in front of you it's doing roughly 32. or maybe 34 but in this case you're seeing oh yeah no that makes more sense so 6 12 18 24 and then 10 is 34. now when you upgrade it you go from having one air spinner to two at the same time that cover either end of you so as you can see it's much easier to get more consistent damage off it's also not too hard to go infinite spin where you just delay it in such a way that that you just never get that third hit out which will put the enemies on pretty consistent hit stun it um and i also just now noticed that the knockback of the attack is based on what direction you're facing regardless regardless of where in the animation the enemy gets hit now the reason why i'm even pointing out that semi-infinite is because there is a frame delay after the third hit so it's possible for enemies to sneak in there if if you do this on the other hand you can continue to creep into the enemy's space now it's not the easiest thing in the world to pull off but if you do it right you can keep enemies in constant hits done and keep pushing them back now that is possible when it's not enhanced but it's it's definitely less consistent having two discs at the same time is much more consistent with it [Music] so thanks to its coverage it's combo ability it's just it's potential to go semi-infinite i would actually rate air spinner very much at an s rank it's one of the best basics in the game for a reason like the only two things i can say that are bad about it are the frame delay on the third hit and the idea that it doesn't count as melee so you can't abuse dark katana shenanigans with it that having been said it's still extremely good like again i have nothing bad to say about air spinner whatsoever definitely worth trying out like this this keeps you so safe just remember that that the enemy's knockback is influenced by what direction you're facing not where they get hits not where they get hit with the disc or what direction the disc is moving it's all about what direction you're facing and it's always going to be mildly away from you now that that's been said let's go talk about perforating jet perforating jet is one of those that first of all it's got decent range and almost no knockback each hit as you can see does three damage because of how the hits spread though it's really hard to get maximum damage so if you if you can count it with me you can see that you're getting three hits there potentially four hits there [Music] yep which is a total of seven for 21 and then if everything goes right you should be able to get 36 damage at range [Music] there you go now the thing about perforate help well let's keep talking about the positives of perforating jet because it scores many multiple hits this this is really good to set up with a critical hit build and especially nice to pair with vamp with vampires eyeglasses you've essentially got a ranged blood drain so to speak now each hit is very light in damage but it scores so many hits and the jets the little perforating jets do go through enemies it pierces but it also has almost no knockback so it's hard to keep enemies under control unless you're pairing it with your dash or your standards well what about your signature well yeah but that's until it's until it's all charged up it's just an enhanced standard now that does mean that you can use perforating jet as as a part of ultra combo as you can see that's pretty juicy damage now its ability to work with ultra combo makes it makes it a little bit better in my eyes and i would go into a butt but first let's check it out enhanced so you've got the same the same range on it but now you're capable of scoring more hits so now instead of doing three hits even though it's hard to see you can now get four hits out of it each activation has an additional hit so instead of doing three hits four hits and five hits for a total of 12 hits you can you can now do four five and six for a total of 15 hits problem is unless your opponent has a particularly large hitbox you're never going to get all those hits off [Music] as you can see even while enhanced it's not doing much and the idea is sound don't get me wrong but i said unless your opponent has a particularly large hitbox you're never gonna hit with all those hits like as you can see i'm i have it enhanced but i'm still only getting 12 hits [Music] so even though the idea of the enhancement is sound because the the this one's entire point is number of hits you didn't it's almost like enhancing it basically does nothing so unless you're using perforating jet as a combo piece it's almost not recommended to use it that having been said when you are using it as a combo piece it's really nice but i would still say that there are better routes to take for for using it's nearer i'm not saying it's a lack of knockback it's a near lack of knockback doesn't exactly work well and even though it's got decent range it's range that's equaled or overshadowed by a lot of the other basics so for me perforating jet comes off as almost pure disappointment from it's from each individual hit doing very little damage to the inconsistency of the very narrow hitboxes on the jets to the idea that the enhancement does basically nothing like i like i'm not putting it in d tier but it's only slightly better than flame cross like it's to me it's just it's not good it falls short of being absolutely crap-tacular but it's not good it's really not all right let's go ahead and put our horse our horse head back on and we're gonna move on to the next element we've got a lot more to go and this video is already getting a little long but i'll be damned if i'm not going to explain things properly all right earth knuckles is next this one's kind of a fan favorite and i can't really blame them when when you get just the big slugger punch like that look at that it's so it's so big and beefy and each individual hit is not exactly shy on damage you get a a one two for 16 and 18. like this is really good for power builds if you're if you're okay with the short range and that's the thing the fist is a little misleading and how and how off to one side it hits from here no go but if we go down just a little tiny step now it works so the hitbox is just a little bit more narrow than i would like now you can reposition yourself with each individual punch so you do have a little bit of movement to work with it's not a huge amount of movement but it's something [Music] now once you enhance it something weird happens first of all you get a lot more range and even though once again the hitbox is a little misleading you get pretty you get pretty decent knockback and each hit is doing 28 damage problem is there's no combo with this it's just one big hit which again not absolutely bad for power builds but when you can be hitting a 16 and an 18 it's almost not worth it to enhance earth knuckles now because each hit is relatively strong it does generate a decent amount of a decent amount of signature charge and stun but again you're also dealing with something where where each hit is decently delayed and [Music] as you can probably as you can probably guess that's not exactly great for when you're from you've got a ton of enemies bearing down on you now i can already hear some of you typing in the comments but dark sage it's meant to be used with fuel berserk you have to use it with fueled berserk first of all no you don't and second of all i'm already aware that fueled berserk is kind of the intended way to play earth knuckles but this tier list isn't about using fuel but it isn't about using it with fueled berserk it's about just how it works on its own remember fueled berserk tier list is its own thing and by itself just the end and that that frame delay is a very real thing by the way so just to give you an idea like if you can hear it i am going to be mashing the dash button and you will see what the earliest point you can dash is when using this so you have so when you use the fist you are kinda committed now does it have that same drawback when you've got the one two punch let's find out yes so this is one of those things where if you're using it you're either committing yourself to fueled berserk or armor build now i get why people like it it's it's very visceral to just lash out with just a big old punch i mean it's it's relatable because we all have hands we can ball our hands up into fists and just go wacky wacky woo i get that i'm very much in understanding that it's that forming a giant fist out of stone and punching is really cool looking that having been said it's somewhat narrow hitbox it's gargantuan at least in terms of how things work in a relative action game frame delay and the idea that it actually gets worse when you upgrade it i mean do i put it in c or d like even if i take into account the 34 damage that you can do with it when it's not upgraded that's still that's still um that's still less than blazin than blazing thing but what is it bouncing blaze i my brain went away there for a minute it's less than bouncing blaze at 36 and that has more control over the battlefield i reserve the right to change my mind but i think we might have our first actual d like this is an arcana that i cannot get behind it's too slow it has too much of a frame delay to escape from using it and it doesn't generate it doesn't generate enough stun to make up for that so yeah i'm thinking that's our first d but i do reserve the right to change my mind and remember when fueled berserk comes up it might be in a different place so just chill don't get angry with me yet remember you did come here looking for my opinion alright bladed vine is next bladed vine is very interesting to me because it was it was one of the it was one of the first options from earth that i saw that you could actually use for a decent dark katana build now why do i keep talking about dark katana let's really quickly go over it i'm not going to spend a lot of time on it i'm just going to show it to you and move on dark katana triples your critical hit rate for all melee arcana so whenever you have something that's that comes off as melee you have to stop and ask yourself is this going to be good for a dark katana build should i choose to use it for that and the answer with bladed vine is yeah i would do that first of all it's got pretty decent reach now it doesn't hit off to one side super well but it does it well enough that that you can definitely keep enemies back from hitting back from from you for for a decent distance it's obviously reaching further out than off to one side and as you can see its reach isn't bad actually reaching a little further than earth knuckles now obviously nothing is going to beat the kings of reach when it comes to the basic arcanas which would of course be which would of course be bouncing blaze and stone shot but we'll get to that and i might even be wrong about that that's just how i'm remembering it so first now let's look at damage bladed vine does seven seven and then the final hit does 15 and that of course is a total of 29. not great like even i can admit that's not great but let's enhance it and see what happens so now your damage goes seven seven wait for you to reset and then 27 so now you're hitting 41 pretty reliably and that's much better plus with the final hit now doing three hits it's much better for critical hit prospects like there isn't a whole lot else to say about it but yeah it works out very effectively and when you have a decent critical hit build and even though it's not exactly the king of range when you're using a melee build you do want to at least have some range on you and this definitely delivers so where do i put bladed vine having said all that well let me put on my sensei horse head and i will tell you [Music] bladed vine to me falls [Music] it the shortcoming of course is that it has kind of a narrow strike zone it can hit off to one side a little bit but its control of the field is based upon how clone is based upon you know melee logic so for for my purposes i would put bladed vine in low a low a maybe high b i might change my mind on that and actually let's reverse the position of bouncing blaze and flame strike bladed vine is kind of an is kind of a knit is kind of a niche in that it's earth-based earth-based melee that's more focused on multiple hits than just smashing things in the face it's not absolutely terrible it's not what i would consider to be the best earth-based arcana matter of fact why don't we move it down to high b [Music] but it definitely gets the job done it's fun to use at the very least we've all wanted to at some point in our lives be indiana jones right well in this game you can we now move on to the dwarven battle axe the obsidian splitter this is another powerful single hit and obviously it counts as melee this is the earth based charge arcana it only does two hits so you get into the charge pretty quickly it's one two as you can see that last hit does a lot of damage like that's that's the thing this this arcana is great for just straight up power like even if you just do the one two swing you're getting 30 damage out of two hits which is not bad you can still get more damage out of the full combo from bouncing blaze but if you charge it up which you see that the charge is kind of slow on this one it goes up to 50 because that second hit does 35 it's like oh my god that's amazing so this is your obvious top tier contender for just straight up raw damage [Music] but now what happens when we enhance it well the first hit doesn't change but what about that second hit well uncharged it doesn't change charge charge hit on the other hand gets up and gets a burst of earth for an extra 20 damage a 70 damage basic combo like that is nothing to sneeze at and that third hit is that third hit has range on it like that part and that's all really good the bad part is the frame delay that you have to deal with like this is another one that in exchange that sacrifices speed for power like as you can see there's a frame delay between when you can use the axe from when you use the axe and you can start moving or do something else now that might not seem like much but when you're surrounded by enemies or you've got a boss getting ready getting ready to bear down on you with attacks after coming out of their like hit stun cooldown that can make all the difference and as one would expect it's pretty close range although it does have a decent sweep about it so so you can hit at range with it pretty hard you can hit enemies around you pretty reliably with it so it's not bad control control-wise like i would definitely say it's better than earth knuckles all right sensei horse come back out that having been said i do think that because of its lacking speed and the idea that in order to make a really decent build out of this you basically need the chrono glove i would put it at high c it's got the it's got the damage to get work done and it hits in a circle pretty effectively but how slow it is keeps it from really getting any higher in my opinion that having been said i get it it's a big visceral tool that you're whapping people with and i know that there are people that like it because of that and there's nothing wrong with that but from my point of view it doesn't have enough control to make up for that lack of speed the damage is nice don't get me wrong i will i will defend obsidian splitter's ability to to smash holes in walls all day long but that doesn't necessarily come close to making up for how slow it is especially when you're when you have enemies bearing down on you and especially in a retro floor plan scenario oh forget about it alright let's move on to stone shot now stone shot unlike all of the other earth arcana is projectile let me make sure i have that right because i don't yeah it's the only earth-based projectile basic because of that it's got really it's got pretty decent range especially on that third stone and the damage is nothing to sneeze at either 12 12 15 gets you a nice 39 that is more damage than than bouncing blaze although bouncing blaze has more range if we enhance it so the damage technically goes down but you're now firing two stones at once which means instead of 12 you're doing 16. so 888 and then the then the last hit still does 15. i'm trying to show that the third stone still has the most range but not the easiest thing in the world to do that and it's just barely after you enhance it so i guess it doesn't really make much of a difference but yeah five hits at range for for what is that 47 damage that is really good the downside this does not pierce through enemies so it can get a lot of hits off it can be really good in critical hit based builds but in a mob situation you're gonna have a hard time because it's only hitting one enemy at a time with the exception of that last stone seemingly [Music] like this is really difficult to justify in a any scenario with a lot of enemies that having been said really good against bosses and in pvp i imagine it's a basic that can get a lot of work done if you can if you decide to enhance your basic with your one relic but i even in pvp i think there are better solutions to your problems and in pve you're getting a decent amount of damage being outputted at a distance at the cost of it not being able to not being able to have a piercing effect good against bosses not so good against moocs so let's go ahead and put the teacher head back on how do we feel about stone shot well it's its damage and range are good its control factor is bad [Music] but it does allow faster reactions than the other earth-based arcanas so that's something at least for my money i'm going to minimize this so i can manipulate this stone shot falls pretty squarely in the high b area like i actually think it's kind of about equal to bladed vine it's got good damage and range and it's slightly above average in reaction in reactionary speed but as far as control is concerned that's where it starts to lack for me all right that's it for earth let's move on to electricity and for electricity we've got spark contact you will not find a you will not find a melee or a melee basic with worse range than this like look at this the last hit has range and because of that last hit it pushes it just out of usefulness for like you have to start your combo nearly overlapping the enemy's hurt box in order to use it for ultra combo unless you do the variant on ultra combo that uses fading pedal [Music] oops if you use that variant then you're okay now despite how quickly it comes off this does not count as a movement arcana you're basically just going full martial arts on your enemy now the obvious downside is that to using this combo setup is that fading pedal can knock your enemy off off course so it might be a little inconsistent but it is a way to do things now let's see what happens when you enhance [Music] there you go let's see what happens when you enhance spark contact actually first let's talk about damage i'm sorry i'm getting ahead of myself so the first hit does six second hit does seven third hit does eight and i got a little ahead of myself fourth hit does nine [Music] and the fifth hit comes out automatically from the fourth hit so you might as well just say that the fourth hit does 19. so six seven eight nineteen so 13 21 40. the damage is good don't get me wrong it's just that it's [Music] it's just that it's range is so short that doesn't get remedied when you upgrade it but when you do upgrade it the final blow creates a shocking electric blast so that's that's a little bit bigger at the very least and it and it it inflicts shock which unless you're going up juno going up against juno and suman's elemental moocs it gives you a second it gives you a second to rethink and reposition which is nice and because of the multiple hits this is not a bad this is not a bad contender for me for dark for dark katana based melee i still recommend blade bladed vine over it just because its range is not great but again this is one of those things where it's not so great on moocs especially since you're out ranged even by knights but it's really good against bosses and if you can get if you can get someone into a corner then you can do ultra combo with it so there you go the other thing i should note is that it does change the damage of the fine of the final hit it still goes six seven eight nine but now the last hit does 12 and adds shock which is a few ticks of 2 damage it looks like 5 ticks oh wait no that's because of shock so never mind it's not doing any more actual damage it's just that the first tick of shock damages happening at the same time as the final hit [Music] so yeah it's five ticks of shock damage right so let's go ahead and put the teacher head back on dork sweeps that's a horse and you know it shut up [Music] all right spark contact it's flashy it's it's fun it's a nice it's a nice series of martial arts palm strikes but it's range does not save it from how cool it looks i should rephrase that it does not it does not save it from the problems that it obviously has it's it does strike fast and it can rack up damage quickly but that only really makes it just slightly better than wind slash and several than severing slash like i st i think bladed vine and stone shot are definitely better than it if even if just because they have a little bit more range to keep you safe if you're willing to sacrifice a little bit of safety range for damage then by all means like i said it looks cool but i don't think that short range is doing it any favors all right moving on from spark contact we have radiant blast radiant blast is the electric charge arcana so again it looks a little glitzy you've got just flashes of electricity those flashes of electricity aren't doing a lot of damage though you get 8 8 12 which comes up to 28. it's pretty lacking it's obvious that they want you to use the charged attack so what does the charge attack do plus a few bursts of five brings your damage up to 43 which is certainly not bad and those and because it's a nice circuit it's a nice circle it does it does have a decent amount of coverage even if it's not an absolute ton of it now if we enhance it see the charge blast deals extra damage and stuns for a longer duration so the first two hits don't change at all but you're getting a lot more damage out of that charged hit which pushes the damage up to 56 that's really impressive in this case sorry about that 60 and it's and again it goes it's a melee so it goes pretty decently with dark katana if you can put up with how slow that is now the charged ones are all about how much you can take advantage of the charged hits and here i think it works really nicely because it's scoring a lot of extra hits which gives it some viability in in dark katana builds and also it just gives you some time to reposition and get away from what's going on you're still outraged by lancers but overall it's not bad i guess i should also point out that when it's enhanced that third hit does 15 instead of 12. like it's not a huge difference but it's something worth pointing out so where does radiant blast fall so radiant blast is very consistent at the very least it has the burst the burst that can hold enemies back it can do decent damage i think if there's anything that's holding radiant blast back it's that the is that the bursts themselves are kind of slow and and they have the third hit has that same frame delay as earth knuckle but not to the same extent the first two hits do not have the frame delay i don't know i think honestly i could put radiant blast as an a rank it's low a to be sure but i mean it's still it still gets the job done in spectacularly flashy fashion like i personally really like radiant blast but admittedly it's not one of those things that i like to rel i don't like to rely on the charged ones because getting getting the most out of the charged hits requires either having the right time to do it and it's easy to fall into a sense of hubris when you're using that so you'd be like look at my charged hits i am invincible and then you get dog piled by like five ghouls and they call you an idiot but whatever it's that's where i feel radiant blast belongs i don't think it would do very good in pvp but against enemies that's not bad you can kite enemies into it keep them stunned it's i pretty much i pretty much am willing to go to bat for that one bolt rail you know what let's come back to bolt rail we're gonna do volt disc first volt disc is a ranged attack as you can see now it's not it's not hitting with the kind of range that stone shot or bouncing blaze are hitting at and it's not it's not doing as much damage as either of those either but there's basically no frame delay after throwing after throwing any of them and they move pretty fast now a 27 damage combo isn't exactly what i would call great but once you once you enhance it then it can bounce from one enemy to another the damage doesn't go anywhere though now my understanding is that volt disk is really good in pvp just because of how quick and how quickly it comes out and just having some range is is good is good in that format against enemies this is kind of garbage like even even when you get the upgrade so it rebounds it only rebounds to one other enemy and even then only if they're standing really close and even that's really inconsistent like i haven't found a decent means by which to by which to use it properly and you know what i just noticed that for me volt disc is so forgettable that i didn't even put it in the list what the hell okay well imagine me clicking volt disk and moving it over to low c makes sense all right i will probably do a revised version of not of the entire video because at this point i'm an hour and 10 minutes into this i don't want to go all the way back to the beginning but i will put up a revised version for like the picture of it so once i save once i go to save and download the tier list then i will then i will change it up but yeah just understand that volt disk goes into the low c tier for me all right let's now move move on to move on to bolt rail there's a reason why i skipped over this one because i could talk about volt d i could talk about bolt rail for days volt disk does a total why do i keep saying volt disk god dammit bolt rail does a total of five hits for five ten fifteen so it's five ten or five five five five and ten now i admit its hitbox is very narrow but it's got a decent amount of range and for what it's worth it does pretty decent damage but as you can see its strength would come in critical hit builds [Music] it's also not bad at charging up your at charging up your signature meter either it's also very very easy to aim precisely like if you're using mouse and keyboard or your or you're using the control stick on a on a controller you can aim this very precisely and you can aim it through walls which is not something that a lot of the other arcana can boast that actually i've actually used this in runs before where i've sniped enemies through walls with the bolt rail because i've been low on health and i was like you know what i think it's time to put this to good use now what happens when you enhance it [Music] the final burst gets is larger and it shocks and i believe it puts the total damage up to 40. if i can get this without a critical hit god damn it 45 never mind [Music] now it doesn't look like it should be hitting that number [Music] but i can see that the last hit now does 12 which to me should bring it up to 42 and not 45 but i'm definitely missing some some number in there some extra three that i'm not accounting for but because of the shock because of because of the idea that it can go through walls has multiple has multiple hits of hits stun like like the one bad thing you can say about it is its narrow hitbox and even that isn't as narrow as it looks like bolt rail is a personal favorite i don't know how it fares in pvp real honestly it's one of those things that i need to ask people who know more about the meta of the pvp player base than i do about but from what i do know about i would say this is definitely an s grade it actually i would put it just below air spinner and fiery yo-yo i think it's very good very very good i have very few bad things to say about it you can basically dash out of it at any time so you're not fully committed it just it comes out quickly it ends quickly it's reliable it pierces even through walls like bolt rail is just the full package to me and i absolutely love it we now move on to earth not earth water my brain does not want to work today i apologize all right let's actually start on this end with aqua arc aqua arc as you can see is a projectile so this works with projectile synergies including chaos visor and gloves of gambit the damage is not bad it goes eight eight and then two eights so if they both hit it's 16 which means that your damage at range is 32 not horrible you're still getting more out of bouncing blaze but not horrible so you've essentially got a total of four hits because that last hit is essentially two of them at once it does pierce through enemies it does not go through walls and because it's an arc it has just a just a little bit of a sideways hitbox so it's decent at controlling now if you upgrade it it now unleashes a burst of ice on impact which looks like that which really ups damage so now each arc instead of doing eight is doing 13 and the third hit might be even different from that it isn't so you've actually got a yeah it actually gains range and control from being upgraded so yeah it's when you first pick it up it's about as average as average gets but after you upgrade it it's doing a it's doing four extra hits for five damage each it's got range it can control it's like aqua arc is actually probably way better than anyone gives it credit credit for it's probably the best basic arcana that you're not using so where do i rate aqua arc i think well first of all let's minimize this now i admit that its range is a bit lacking and it doesn't quite have the overall impact of the ones at s grade but i think it definitely belongs in high a like it doesn't to me it doesn't have the range or the overall usefulness to overtake bouncing blaze but it's really strong in its own right and i can i definitely say use aqua arc if you haven't before i think you'll be pleasantly surprised now in pvp i can see why you wouldn't want to use it because if you have to use your one good relic slot in pvp to upgrade your basic then either you have to have a really good a really good strategy like maybe fueled berserk or you have to be maybe just a little bit mad that having been said i think it's really good in a pve setting and definitely recommend you try it like i said that's the best basic arcana that you're not using we're gonna move on to frostblade now frostblade is a personal favorite and like a lot of like a lot of how these basics work you get a one two three combo that that goes hit left hit right and then twin slash so that does 28 damage in total seven seven and then seven twice but it's your charge arcana so you can do the third one this creates a nice icy icy burst in front of you that scores two more hits for seven and so that puts your damage up to 36 sorry 42 because apparently i can't math right now 7 14 28 oh yeah you're getting 14 more damage out of that so yeah 42 i'm done now the obvious downside is is the is the time it takes to charge which of course makes it less effective against bosses but it's plenty good against moocs and i will say that that throttle that that frosty burst has covers a nice a nice wide range in front of you and off to your sides a bit it's just this lovely little arc as a matter of fact the you can get full damage against an enemy that's directly off to your side so it's got a great arc even if it doesn't reach super far in front of itself but what happens if we enhance it well as you can see the blades are a lot bigger now so they have a much a much wider scope of the scope of what they can do damage isn't any different but now if we now if we use that now the damage is much different we go from 42 to 56 and the enemies stay frozen longer so before it was just kind of a momentary get off me option with the duration with which the enemies are frozen after the enhanced frost blade hits now you can actually set up combos which means that this is an ulta this could be an alternates an alternate albeit slower ultra combo so it's got good damage it's got good range it's got good reach and a good arc now i will openly admit though that good damage is entirely based around the charged hits and that charge hit can be a little bit questionable meaning that more often than not in order to get frostblade to be really effective in the long run you kind of need chronoglove or just good timing so where does frostblade fall on the tier list like i say just because of the ice effect and because and because of its wide arc i would put it at just below flamestrike now i could also justify putting it at high b instead of low a but i don't know like i said i have a bit of a bias towards frostblades like i've gotten this arcana to get a lot of work done for me and i just think it's cool running around with twin ice swords i don't know maybe i'm maybe i'm just weird but next up on the list oops wrong one we're gonna talk about riptide riptide is really weird [Music] so riptide as you can see throws out these kind of waves these kind of walls of water and each press is one thing so it shares it shares that with earth knuckle and that's you know the enhanced version just does one big hit except for this is one series of three hits for kind of garbage damage goes eight seven five so that's 20 damage that is the lowest damage of any of any basic we've seen so far and yeah that should that should tell you an awful lot about about what i think of riptide it's got a decent arc but it's an arc that travels directly in front of you and that's not the only thing it shares in common with earth knuckle once again you kind of have to wait you have to commit yourself to the full thing before you can move or react now you can throw out another arcana after it but if you're just trying to throw that out and then and get away just to make some space for yourself you really have to be willing to commit to that riptide thing [Music] so how does it fare when it's upgraded as you can see the third hit is now a much wider hit and the damage is now upgraded to 30 because you essentially got two more hits going off if you hit with it square on otherwise your damage is reduced by whichever part of that are up whichever part of those three overlapping arcs didn't hit which yeah you're only missing out on on a couple of five damagers but damages damage so what's the deal with riptide why does the damage seem so low why do you now why does it why does it have such a such a long reactionary window well riptide is unique in the idea that it's in that it's more of a shield than a sword sword so to speak this actually does a pretty effective job at stopping projectiles and can knock and can knock enemies out of a lot of things so that unique aspect of it is really cool i'm not gonna lie and it counts as a projectile so you can get some extra damage out of the gloves of gambit or or a little bit more critical hit chance with the chaos visor but the low damage the giant frame window reactionary gap like that all lends itself to me really not liking riptide like i've when i did the arcana spotlight episode for riptide i had flat out said this might be the worst basic in the game and i am so so far i haven't found anything to make me change my mind on that now i know that there are some of you that like riptide and would end want to defend it please if i've missed any detail about riptide please let me know but as of right now it just seems so unwieldy i i can't i can't rip tide i'm sorry i can't rip tide with y'all i got i gotta have my air spinner so sorry no riptide for me and i still say it's pretty much the worst basic in the game but there is one that might be that might be a contender for worst basic in the game and we'll talk about it when we get there but yeah right now riptide sorry but you are the absolute worst all right let's get back into it with ice dagger now ice dagger has a ice dagger has a very has a very notable distinction of allowing you to move very quickly while you're attacking with it so even though the hitbox is narrow it's made up for by how quickly you can move when you have this and this is not affected by your own movement speed so you can have something like the silver spinning top and still zip around the battlefield with ice dagger so because of that movement it's actually a pretty good arcana to to use with the combo gloves just because one you can keep moving a little bit more and two as you can see the damage kind of escalates with it so let's look at that the first two hits both do six the third hit does eight and then the last hit does 10. so 6 6 12 20 30. the damage in and of itself isn't that great but it's the idea that you can move so much while you're casting this like this is i would say it's a secret movement arcana but it's not much of a secret it even says so right on the right on the basic arcana window there it's it's a movement arcana and thus you can get quite a bit of extra damage out of the soccer cleats so 7 7 10 12. it brings it up to 36 which again doesn't seem like a huge amount but consider that the numbers in this game aren't very high and that 36 can make a difference i'm sorry that's six i should say so now what happens when we upgrade it well now you get two daggers at lunch which which i think it doesn't do any extra damage but it now makes it so that you have a wider hitbox the movement aspect hasn't gone away so 668 as before but now because you throw the daggers on the last hit now you've got a little bit of range to work with and though and that throw does its own damage so it's 6 6 8 10 12. so you are now oops critical hit so you are now getting 42 damage so that one little change gives it a little bit of extra range and way more damage now let's combine that with the combo gloves so that is something that they don't tell you about with the with the ice daggers it's that essentially each hit each hit kind of escalates in damage so the first two don't count towards that but every hit after that does so it's six is eight ten twelve and that does continue to stack up when it's enhanced so it'll be six six eight ten twenty two len i think it goes 12 14 after that but i can't really check that just yet like but i've used it in a run like that with the combo gloves and it was doing really impressive damage like to the point where i was going wow how come more people aren't talking about this just the escalation of damage on the ice dagger in and of itself is already very interesting it's got decent knockback which means you can push enemies with you on it because you can of course choose to or not to move while you're using it it also does a because it does good damage it does a pretty decent job of of building up your signature meter too so this is an example where the unique feature of the arcana i think gives it and gives it quite a bit to work with like this is one that see where do i want to put this i think low a like i still put it above radiant blast what keeps me leaving radiant blast where it is instead of moving it down to beat here is that it does really good damage but it's only with the third hit and only ends well especially when it's enhanced you know what i'm gonna put radiant blast down here there we go so those of you who are complaining about my placement of radiant blast i hope that makes more sense now yeah ice dagger i think is way better than people give it credit for because while you're using it you can first of all you get the escalating damage you can easily reposition like it's just i don't know it's good it's it's unique feature actually actually makes it worth using all right so at this point minor spoilers abound because we're going to be talking about the chaos arcana why is that a big deal because you don't unlock the chaos arcana and until you until you beat sura and even then you don't unlock all of them you unlock one at a time what makes the chaos arcana interesting is that they do the same damage to every enemy except surah surah actually resists it but that means that there is one enemy in the entire game that takes reduced damage but that also means that there are no enemies that take enhanced damage from it so what that means is that chaos arcana have to have some sort of effect that makes them special like using chaos rift as the example it doesn't have an attack at all but it basically moves you from point a to point b ignoring everything in between and that does include walls so you can if i can if i can use a suitable example here let me go out into the plaza see if i can show it to you out here oh they don't want me to use it in here apparently but pardon me believe me when i say that the ability to phase through walls and ignore the space in between point a and point b of your dash gives you a lot of defensive options as well as just more movement options like you can teleport into rooms that you buy all right shouldn't be able to reach you can you can surprise enemies with that you can take massive shortcuts like there's a reason why chaotic rift is so great but we're not here to talk about dash arcana we're here to talk about basics and the next basic on the list is chaos crusher now chaos crusher does cast crusher's unique feature is that it counts as both melee and missile so anything that affects either either close either melee or projectile arcana will affect this so you can do crazy things like use the gloves of gambit to improve its base damage and then use dark katana to give it a huge critical hit modifier like the versatility that you can do with chaos crusher is pretty neat now as far as the arcana itself as you've as you've been able to see it comes in two points the the burst of energy and then the compression into a chaos bullet each one of those has its own damage so the initial the initial burst of energy does 10 the bullet does five that means that if you can get all three hits at close range you can move while you're activating this to keep the enemy in range by the way you can get a total of 45 damage that is definitely nothing to sneeze at [Music] which and because it has decent knockback you can use this at range to push an enemy into a pit you can strike enemies from afar safely or you can get up close and do large damage now this is already enhanced so i can't show it to you any differently but trust me when i say the versatility of being able to get benefits out of both melee and projectile bonuses is really nice i've done that once and by all rights i wouldn't mind doing it again because it is a really neat concept as far as where it ranks in the tier list now it does have unique features it does have a decent damage output but the delay between the delay between the burst and the missile can be a little annoying now one thing i forgot to check is how much commitment do you have while you're doing this none basically you can dash out of it at any time yeah actually chaos crusher is pretty good like i know a lot of people make fun of it but honestly i think it's all right i don't think i would quite put it above ice dagger but i think it's really good definitely worth checking out and because of that little delay i think it might be decent in pvp because it creates a momentary just kind of area denial a lot of fun definitely something that i think is worth checking out all right before and i know the one that everyone wants to hear me talk about but before we get into it let's talk about phantom division so this is one of this is one of the one of the arcana in the phantom line and every there is a phantom arcana in every in every area as a matter of fact in standard there are four there are four phantoms summoners form phantom guild archers form phantom company uh lancers form phantom squadron and knights form phantom brigade and that one can be a signature spell by the way now they're all pretty good but it's kind of reached a consensus that phantom brigade is the best one and i would more or less agree with that so how does phantom division fare so as you can see you summon it you summon a road and if it strikes the enemy it turns around and hits him again two more times each hit dealing five which means that its damage is a center for a full combo is 30. now i know you saw a 10 in there but that is because of two rogues hitting at the same time so yeah 30. [Music] so let's let's get the positives out of the way it hits multiple times and works very well with works very well with critical hit setups [Music] it's a disconnected hitbox so it's got some range to it [Music] and that's kind of about where the positives end for phantom division i'm sorry this one isn't very good at all it's neat that there's a it's very neat that there is a phantom basic and i like the idea of it being the robes because they're supposed to be stealthy sneaky and quick all of that is fine and dandy what i don't like first of all i think they should have kept up with the with the uniquity of chaos arcana and made this count as a summon arcana and that would give it synergy with things like oh i don't know maybe with him let's let's look over it it would definitely gain synergy from where are the summon based relics anyway hey are they all here yeah they're all here that makes this easy it obviously it would have made it's like grimoire grimoire of ruin does more damage the hardcover textbook wouldn't do much let's be fair um reducing cooldown to me just to me that means you would get a third hit on your combo and act like the combo gloves increase the summon duration that means that each rogue would score an extra hit pop-up primer that could potentially mean that you summoned two robes at once instead of one vampire's cookbook and that's obvious that wouldn't change regenerate health every time one of your summons defeats an enemy like i think that would have made that would have made this unique and very very fun to play with as is it only counts as basic so it only gets interactions with things that have interactions with basic arcana so i mean it's ok it's an okay interaction with with the um sidewinders badge that's really about it it's got okay range but unlike bouncing blaze or stone shot or bolt rail it doesn't do much to control the field as you'll as you'll notice even when it does hit two enemies at once it doesn't hit them for the same number of times because the first one that it hits is the one that is the one that the rogue is gonna turn around and hit in the back so it's hard to control a group of enemies with this it's not that it doesn't happen but it happens more or less by accident and range-wise you're not getting as much out of this as you are out of bouncing blaze bolt rails stone shot even just an upgraded fiery yo-yo gets more cover and gets more range and coverage than this like as you see you can't hit in much of it in much of a wide arc [Music] and even though 30 damage sounds like an okay metric even other arcana that do that only do 30 damage have easy ways to get you well above that or have other methods of doing damage of getting their damage up that's really impressive and effective so yeah to me phantom division is a huge disappointment it is easily one of the worst in the game and i would say you know what i think it's worse than riptide riptide can at least hit multiple enemies reliably phantom division can't even do that it doesn't block projectiles it doesn't have much in the way of knockback phantom division in my opinion is the worst basic in the game so i'm not gonna apologize for hating on riptide because i still think it's terrible but it's better than phantom division and it's the only thing phantom division has going for it is that it can do more damage otherwise everything else is done better by riptide yeah that's it it's the worst arcana in the game well worst basic arcana worst arcana entirely that's a whole nother bag of worms i'm not sure i want to go into that but yeah phantom division well we found the absolute worst do we have so how how does fanta sorry chaos reaper stack up well first of all you're attacking with a cool ass sight and yeah there's a little bit of a frame delay between the second hit and when you can move again but you can but there's almost no frame delay after the first hit so there's that but remember remember every element has a charge basic and this is the chaos elements charge basic so how does it work kind of like that so basically you hit them once for 10 then the so okay let me go through things in order so you get 10 20 so you get two hits with a really nice mark that does 30 damage and comes out relatively quick and it counts as melee so you get you get your dark katana synergies and because the second hit does 20 well because all the hits do 10 and above with a minor exception it oh it also works really well with power scaling but that's not all the charged hit does three hits for 10 10 and 15 so that's 45 right there and then the so let me let me see if i can demonstrate this all right so the third hit of the of the three-hit charge attack lays that gravity well which doesn't which knocks enemies around and does an extra 20 damage now that didn't used to be there that is something that was added on after the phantom update but as you can see it really makes this arcana stand out now there is a 5 damage hit somewhere that i'm missing because it should be doing 65 but instead it's doing 70. but i'm not complaining so 70 damage just just for that and it's always and it's already coming as it does with a i keep doing that it's already coming as it does with a really nice wide arc decent range for a melee based arcana and then the charge isn't exactly super slow and you get so much out of it like this is like in that little gravity well still this still adds stun so you can hit a boss with that and then start comboing off and not and not lose too much of your stun time for using a charged arcana against them like that's the one weakness that all the charge arcanas have and charge basics have in common and that's that you're using time that you could be using to combo off on a boss to do to do the charge and you're just losing out this mitigates that somewhat by having that gravity well at the end so for those for those reasons because it does just so much damage because it's got a huge arc because because the charge isn't too slow and is also damaging and controlling like this is pretty much the full package right here and i would go on record as saying that like i don't know where to put it is it the best or the second is it the best second best or third best basic in the game like i really don't know it could be in any of those spots like i really just feel that chaos reaper is pretty much some of the top it's pretty much one of the top tiers so whereas chaos crusher is awkward but effective and chaos division is awkward and ineffective chaos reaper is the full package and because it works so well with dark katana builds like i would say that chaos reaper is is one of the best things to use for one of the most popular archetypes in the game so that about does it that is the tier list and i know volt disk is missing but remember i said i was putting it at low c so it should go right there like actually it should go up it should go above flame cross but below perforating jet so what do you think agree with my list disagree with my list whatever the case may be give me a comment let me know hey share this video with your friends i'm rea i really feel as though wizard of legend deserves a bigger community and hey with your help we can make that happen i really enjoy this game i've been enjoying it since 2018 and four years later here i am making content about it it's kind of surreal actually so remember this is not necessarily how these fair and pvp or how they fare when using fueled berserk that is its own list and i will be getting to that in the near future but for right now i say thank you very much for watching i appreciate your continued support um like comment subscribe share the video i've said all of that already and by all means let's have a discussion about this maybe i was wrong about some things maybe not who knows but i'm interested in hearing what you guys have to say and i will of course see you in the next video my name is dark sage walker and i will be seeing you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: DarkSageWalker
Views: 9,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #WizardofLegend, #Contingent99, #Indie, #TierList, #Basic
Id: iWqBTpt2b5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 0sec (6720 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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