A Speedrun Guide For: Wizard of Legend

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hello everyone this is a guide to speedrun wizard of legend whether you want to submit a speedrun to leaderboards or just get faster at the game then this guide will help you as for myself i am a speedrunner for this game i have submitted to a few different categories but don't feel daunted about trying speedruns for the first time the barrier for entry is literally just hitting the record button and playing the game i will point out there's a lot of rng in the run like random things that can happen out of your control you can have different council members different map layouts and item shops will have different relics every time however we do have things that we can control like our loadout and preparation before we enter the trials let's take a look at the robes first the venture robe is probably the best road you can have for the trials you have more damage you have faster run speed you have reduced cooldowns but you do have a drawback of less health however because you do more damage your counters will be a little bit shorter and in that way it is a little bit safer the robe is also a good choice you have increased critical hit chance and critical hit damage the other robes i recommend are tempo fury and hope while any build can work i'm only going to show you two very effective builds the first build is the beginner speedrunner build for the akana your basic is going to be bolt rail your dash will be chaotic rift your standard will be phantom brigade and your signature is gonna be chaotic buster this build offers really good single target damage burst and decent crowd control if you don't have chaos akana unlocked just yet don't worry i'll give you an alternate build you can use for bolt rail the enhanced version is extremely good it can stun in a very small area i will admit that bolt rail is pretty hard to adjust to if you're not used to it mainly because you stand still and you have to line up enemies but as you get better at kiting enemies and grouping them together bulb rail will really shine through the best dash you could have for speedrunning is chaotic rift you can jump through the map you can do room skips and you can dodge attacks very safely phantom brigade offers convenient crowd control and is pretty good for mini boss encounters where you have a lot of enemies it also staggers them for a bit to let you figure out your next move and it doesn't need to be aimed you do need to be kind of close for it to activate though otherwise it'll just fizzle out if you're only against one enemy then you still have very good damage bursts when you activate it because every phantom will attack that one target chaotic buster lets us burst down a target very quickly with a high amount of damage you do have to charge it up but it charges up very quickly the second build is the discount speed runner build for those of you that don't have access to chaos arcana for arcana your basic is once again bolt rail your dash is a wave front your standard is twin turbines and your signature is inferno beam this build offers a really good crowd control stuns and utility wavefronts can shield you from attacks while giving you the added bonus of pushing enemies into pits twin turbines lets you lay out a lightning trap in a large area that stuns enemies builds signature charge and destroys projectiles that are coming right at you the one drawback is that it's a projectile itself which means it can be cancelled before you even have the chance to use it by another enemy inferno beam is pretty good against enemies that use a lot of projectiles or they're really far apart also if you find bladed buckler in the autumn shop it can essentially recharge its own signature by destroying projectiles if you don't pick these instead look for a connor that meets the requirements of decent room clearing abilities single target burst and dashes for survivability or utility there's only one relic we really care about bringing along with us and that's the pathfinder's map when you pull out the map in the trials you can clearly see every point of interest there's a few npcs in the plaza that we can talk to for help but we only really need jade she lets us trade chaos gems for 200 gold so if we find a shop on the way to a mini boss we can get a damage boosting relic to help us out let's talk about the trials themselves there are essentially four levels of randomly chosen elements the first three levels are divided into three stages the first two stages have a mini boss encounter at the end the last stage of that level has a council member fight stage 1 is called 1-1 stage 2 is a 1-2 so the boss is on 1-3 after you beat the first three levels then you move on to the chaos rooms where there's only one mini boss after you defeat that mini boss then you get to move on to master sura who has two phases we want to get to each mini boss as fast as possible while getting as many damage boosting rugs as we can find without losing too much time in the process we want as many advantages as possible when we fight the council members because those fights can be very difficult you could start out with a cursor like from knox but we're not gonna need to once we enter the trials let's pull out the map and see every location there are four specific locations that we care about knox the mini boss room the akana shop and the item shop we ideally want to get a good cursed relic from knox especially if it's on the way to the miniboss if it's on the other side of the map there's a slight chance i might skip it if there are too many locked rooms on the way we want to get any relic that can boost our damage without too many drawbacks double trouble is one relic i will grab every single time because it does allow us to skip phases of bosses and clear out rooms really fast so the drawback of taking more damage is basically avoided the longer a fight goes on the more damage you're likely to take and the more dangerous it becomes the other red light to be on the lookout for are keys each key gives us a potentially new starting point when we spawn into a new map so we could end up closer to the mini boss encounter as soon as we spawn in just be careful about picking up the cracked sapphire key from knox it makes every mini boss encounter very difficult if you can safely get to an econo shop make sure you get the enhanced version of bolt rail this will help us deal with groups of enemies a lot more efficiently pits break our momentum pretty easily so we want to run to the edge of a pit and then dash in a straight line over it this might seem like basic knowledge but every time we fall we are taking some damage and losing time when it comes to locker rooms we need to know how to efficiently deal damage with our arcana let's say you have a stationary archer and a moving knight you want to kite the knight towards the archer and then combo them both down this is a very efficient use of your arcana always try grouping up enemies whenever you can to group up enemies you want to move to one wall of the room and then rotate around the perimeter every time you cut a corner you'll notice that they start grouping up together closer and closer if there are pits in the room you should try to push them into the pits to save more time for many bosses and council members you'll notice they have a yellow aura around them that means they cannot be stunned until it wears off it does wear off after they finish their attack or combination as their health gets lower that window for punishing them becomes shorter and shorter each time for every council member you beat enemies basically level up one time you'll notice they have an extra attack or they have a buff or ability and counts members gained one extra attack in their combination enemies and bosses will move faster as they level up this also means if you count the number of tags a council member does you will be able to predict when they can be punished right afterwards so you can get into position earlier a level 1 council member will do 3 attacks and a combination before to become vulnerable a level 2 will do 4 attacks and the level 30 will do 5 attacks if you do want to submit a run to the leaderboards make sure you show the end screen that shows your total time and all the items you picked up on your run i did want to go more in depth with master syria message has two phases in phase one he has a shield while he has a shield out he cannot be harmed or stunned in phase 1 he only has 5 attacks chaotic buster distortion beam mortal coil he can summon 5 agents around him and use null parade after he casts a spell you should immediately cast all of yours he casts three distortion beams in a row and you can literally just run around him when he casts mortal coil you can see that the arena is divided into wedges you could stand in the area of an empty wedge to safely avoid the attack and still punish him he can cast agents but they can mostly be ignored and they also disappear as soon as he enters phase 2. the agents all die in one hit so a basic or a cast from your phantom gate will take care of him when he uses null pred you'll see the ground light up with little red circles just get out of the way of those for chaotic buster you're going to want to dash away from him in a circle a good guideline is to not be too close or too far away from him when he enters phase 2 he will cast five elemental spells and then use a chaos signature and just like in phase one don't be too near the edge of the arena or near the center either the reason you don't want to be in the center is because he'll keep dashing around you and it's hard to predict which side you'll attack you from again just wait for him to cast a chaos spell before you try and punish him if he casts a chaos spell when he's at the edge of the arena you know he's going to dash near the center so you can predict where he's going to end up he will always dash twice until you stop him if you do see him cast aqua beam that is a good move to punish because he stands still for a long time his distortion beam attack will divide the arena into wedges you'll want to stand in the middle of one wedge to safely avoid it when you cast chaotic buster just run in an arc around him when he casts mortal coil running in an arc around it also works when he cast his agents try and find a safe spot and maybe take out an agent at the same time they do linger a bit which is annoying but you'll be able to get rid of them as you're dashing away from sarah no prey is a short delay before it lands and you'll see red circles on the ground it only goes along a center line of the arena so you can get to the edge and be fine i'll try to give you an example of what a run could look like [Music] i will try to commentate as best as i can it might be a little bit harder during the fights though so i'm getting 200 gold from jade and we can get started lightning match up it's not too bad all right so let's pull up the map and i can't even see where the end is but i know on the mini map i see a blue arrow so i have an idea where to go [Music] dodge through okay and now i can finally see it this is one locked room and i grew up the enemies together very efficient usage um i could pop into the relic shop see what i can get nothing too great so i'll just keep going [Music] i want to see if that's knox up there so i might go visit [Music] it's not so i guess i'll just keep going [Music] let's get started sometimes like to prep up this charge group them together i'm going to take care of the ad first now i can just focus entirely on them [Music] and even without damage boosting items i can still deal a lot of damage [Music] a minute and 11 seconds it's not too bad [Music] okay item shop is actually pretty close so we could stop by and we have a key that could be really nice [Music] yeah we'll just keep going jump through the map i want to avoid some encounters so i'll go this way can't avoid this one though [Music] try and group these two together all right i'm gonna check out the arcana shop really quick and fuel berserk is actually pretty good for us [Music] let me see if i can jump through it nope can't jump it oh maybe i can jump here yep that's why chaotic rift is really good [Music] and again no damage boosting yet having feathers really good so i can just run through pits now so i don't have to waste um breaking momentum now so that's pretty good get to full health twins is really annoying if you get them later on but it's not too bad if you get them super early [Music] that's a good way to dodge it [Music] i'll almost skip phase two all right not too bad i did take some extra damage there at the start but it's pretty recoverable and 41 seconds is pretty good time and right away we get teleported there is glass cannon but we do have 300 health so maybe that could be a bad idea we do have b witching glue which makes us slower um i think i might pick that actually because i can just dash everywhere instead um let's see it's actually pretty close by i didn't manage to skip this one okay my damage is pretty good so i can't really push that guy into a pit because he dies too fast [Music] all right took more damage than i would have liked but i think it's fine [Music] that's pretty good all right let's keep going [Music] stage two so the enemies have leveled up one time they do have extra abilities and buffs now okay that's pretty good teleport pretty close by oh yeah i have defender so i can just run across now [Music] oh i didn't get to buff in time [Music] [Music] okay not too bad what's this do i don't think i want that i like to charge it pretty fast even though it does do a crit um i think i'm fine i don't actually need to [Music] so now we should do four attacks and a combination before he's vulnerable [Music] the second attack that's three and that's four [Music] and now that he's below fifty percent health he's gonna do a signature on this attack [Music] all right not too bad two cycle shock agents that's always nice [Music] 47 seconds not too bad i did get hit once which is kind of annoying um i don't really need this i just get closest to the portal right i keep keep jumping around don't need to [Music] every level up they split one more time [Music] and the fuel berserk is really nice [Music] that's pretty good i got really lucky with this akana i'll pick that up i don't really need to let's see what we get [Music] um this is actually pretty good this is also really good i guess i'll just go ahead and pick it up the dagger actually would have been better but i don't it just doesn't matter [Music] all right [Music] oh that's bad [Music] that's not too bad there did recover had some issues i could get some extra health i am going to the boston so there will be some health to pick up so i can save gold yep zeal's really difficult when it's a level 3 boss just for a signature alone yeah i'm already having trouble [Music] i missed i will she's gonna do a signature now [Music] all right that's pretty tough level three bosses are always like the first wall you probably face it because it's just surviving you shouldn't focus on punishing them during their attacks just dashing around i'm gonna save this heal until after this encounter i like to get rid of the turrets right away and leave these guys last [Music] okay i like to stand here for this mage it's always the same every time okay wait for your cooldowns if you need to this guy teleports twice now you don't really need that chest but you could this is what i would have liked early on this can save you quite a bit this is um this would help us live so i'm going to grab it we are going to get health when we enter but i'm just going to grab this anyway doesn't really matter but that's just an option you have if you have less health than i do [Music] all right let's start out oh i did too much damage i wasn't expecting too okay you can't wait for your cooldowns to come back as you're talking to him i highly recommend doing that sometimes i just like to dash through him but then you do something like that so sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't try not to get on the very edge of the map because of one of his earth attacks will push you to him and it'll just you'll get stun lock completely [Music] so close let me see if i get my agents out [Music] yeah okay that's not too bad not as good as i would have liked but it would have been worse with glass cannon definitely so overall pretty quick run does reinforce some of the things i talked about earlier and things did go wrong which is great shows you what um i might need to cover a little bit better ideally i would like to make a guide for every boss and mini boss i wanted to include it with this but that's just way too overwhelming with when it comes to information 11 minutes all right not too bad not too bad this is glitchless so no tutorial glitch i didn't start out with any relic from knox right away those are really nice you want to cut down your time even more the key really is nice because you start out new places so that's good [Music] all right overall pretty good i'm pretty happy about this run and just to reiterate this is a simplified guide for speedrunning there were a lot of concepts i just did not cover such as room skips trading attacks which means you're attacking and taking damage at the same time and also individual enemies they can have some very dangerous move sets and can stun lock you as well but the reason i didn't include it into this guide was because a lot of these things just come with experience in testing a big thing about doing speed runs is that you have to fail over and over and then learn from those mistakes it's not always enough to have a guide to help you out you should be more prepared now to do speed runs and as you do more and more runs you will see that you're a bit more confident about fights you start seeing which relics are more important and what akana suits your play style a lot better i'll see about making a guide for mini bosses and council members or at least a showcase of all of their moves and how to deal with them i don't know if i'll get to it anytime soon though please let me know if you have any questions about the run or the game in general [Music]
Channel: Avion
Views: 22,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avion, coIossus, wol, speed run, master sura, challenge run, how to, guide, tutorial, help, tips, tricks, strats, beginner, new
Id: gAExX2vZdvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 04 2022
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