Without Oil, Ramen Is Just Boring Soup...

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👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

I love that this channel is being featured! Alex has one of the coolest food channels on Youtube! All of his videos are amazing.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

As a guy who makes his own chili oil, i gotta appreciate the work he put into this video with such enthusiasm.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/DontHave2bMad 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

This guy copied Casey Neistat's format to the letter.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] now this is a palpable of Robin listen it's Alexa welcome back to the ramen addiction series the previous episode was all about the super concentrated you know super intensely salty Turay sauce this one is all about fat like how to make the 4th element of the perfect bowl of ramen be a ho ma oil but you know before we dive straight into recipes and a bit of the blue fridge theory we need to understand to us what is the role of the aroma oil in the perfect bowl of ramen usually it is added at the bottom of the bowl along with the turay before adding any broth to it by pulling the savory hot liquid quite frankly all will first get a few extra layers of flavor and then sit on top of the soup and that's the perfect spot to be picked up by the noodles as you slap them recklessly [Music] okay right now let's make the first recipe not exactly making a recipe anyway see Samuel if you're looking to up your ramen game but you are lazy us then see the mirror works just fine simplicity is extreme sophistication see the meal goes with any probe any seasoning any toppings whatever is just so versatile the first thing I notice is that it's easier to slow it simple the seasoning flavor is quite strong you probably want to add just a few drops okay next oil second recipe is a scallion oil a Shanghai staple chopped up a few green onions and heat them up in a cup of neutral oil that is canola oil Rahila remove them when they are crispy and light brown strain and there you go scallion oil it's sweet that is this you know crispy no chip flavors just behind it something very homey I guess we were using loads of onions at my place the third of whom are all is schmaltz you know that deli staple technically it's not oily it's more likely to be fat but also I mix it with oil so it's not fat anymore does that make sense chop up a good amount of chicken skin and fat these are just leftovers from a chicken dish I made earlier good to know you really need a sharp knife of this lucky for you I made a sharpening tutorial very recently on how to get your blunt slab in perfect condition so you have no excuse then you want to boil everything gently in a non-stick pan along with a bunch of onions [Music] after about 15 minutes water will be evaporated and schmaltz will be there as I told you I usually blend it with the canola oil just so that it doesn't solidify in the fridge it's funny cuz I've got the chicken flavor but it's quite subtle [Music] don't just go on recklessly you know talking about the recipe without you know dealing with the greasy dirty theory first okay so the terms oil and fats are often confused by people even by me I mean specially by me but that much mostly by you yeah whatever the two terms are not swappable they don't mean the same thing but they are both parts of the lipids let's just have a closer look oil are mostly made out of unsaturated fatty acids and they are liquid at room temperature on the other hand fact are mostly composed out of saturated fatty acid and they are solid it's not that easy to write on this solid at room temperature and that is fat in the strict sense because fat in the common sense also means lipid just the word is Specter never mind recipe number four shrimp oil a stuff i casick so again I'm using leftovers for this pour a cup of oil in a saucepan and place it over medium low heat add loads of shrimp shells and a thump of ginger cook those for about 15 minutes or until the shrimp's turn almost transparent and then strain what a vibrant color it smells so much like stuffing it's not like okay next aroma oil number five chili oil but not your mama's chili is each one chili oil unless of course your mama come from Sichuan in China then it's your mama chili oil add 2 TSP of ground citroen peppercorns in a heat-resistant bowl then about 100 grams of chili flakes and 1 tablespoon of season C heat up a cup of canola oil along with tarney's cinnamon and ginger slice until the oil is almost smoky remove spices and plate of chilies let that infuse at least 2 hours [Music] I'm sweating already I think it's very good I wouldn't see that in each and every bowl of ramen because it's quite powerful I would love to use that with the shrimp ramen okay next so at the beginning I told you about how to use the aroma oil but don't you bit curious about how does it extract flavors from things so I think we need to go back to like water and alcohol oil is a solvent yes it's the same world as those flow cleaning solution no it's not the same before you want F those solvent are very effective at you know this solving flavors like just stealing those flavors and sneaking them along you know all the way up to your mouth and that works for all of them but oil as this very specific and convenient tendency to stick to the teeth to coat the mouth and so to extend the experience of flavors okay recipe number six anchovy oil I know it sounds way up up there with me we get some bellies from a bunch of dried anchovies and cook them in a cup of oil over low heat along with ginger and coriander seeds after about 30 minutes of super low heat let everything cool down then at a piece of kombu and let the whole thing marinate at least two hours quick sniff very fishy ooh smoother than just you know sniffing it from the butter it said I don't know the roundness of the stock probably and it's funny because it's very good that soft and tough you know vibe brings out so much complexity and so much layers of flavor okay next okay final recipe in number seven black garlic or as known as my you add a cup of canola oil in a saucepan a handful of chopped garlic cloves and cook them over medium-low heat until they start to brown now we just need to low and cook further until garlic turns completely black it's burnt it goes against everything I learnt in cooking but that's the way to make it so transfer to a heatproof bowl along with half a cup of sesame oil blend everything on a high speed don't it's tasting time let me tell you that stuff is wheels that's good it smells like a French dish there is something which is slowly dragging me into this bowl yes please this is the one that brings the addiction to the furthest [Music] so as that I hope you enjoyed this episode of the ramen addiction series and that you did learn a few things along the way I don't think that there is one video over on YouTube with seven different recipes it's difficult to do seven with one hand alike for that so in case you missed it I've got new merch it's available in the shop over on dftba it'll come and put the link in the description box down below in the meantime probably a good idea to subscribe if you want to you know catch up the next take care bye bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Alex
Views: 1,209,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex, frenchguycooking, ramen oil, how to make ramen, ramen, ramen noodles, japanese ramen, mayu, black garlic oil, sichuan chili oil, scallion oil, shanghai oil, chili oil, perfect ramen, instant noodles, instant soup, tonkotsu, mayu oil
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2018
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