Wish List: Please Fix This!

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and now we are going to do a different segment that I'm going to call wish list and basically everyone has picked a product or software product Hardware product doesn't matter a product or multiple products I don't know we'll see where they're going to have one or two things that they want that will make that product better we don't know what the other person is picking so these are all real time reactions to the stupid ideas that everyone has all right I have exclusively great ideas were from me yeah no I've got nothing but bangers on this list I've got a list too so we can go through we can go through them kind of quick cuz mine are like item that I like but thing that should be better about it mhm that makes sense which is how it should be right yeah that's the game okay here's my first one ready don't you dare mxm 2s or whatever we're on three 3s three s But Metal instead of plastic metal make it high quality isn't it rubber it's already so heavy yeah do you want to be heavy you can make it like thin metal true yeah interesting I wouldn't hate that cuz I'm not gaming I don't need it to be super lightweight mov I lightweight Mouse I just want cuz it looks disgusting after like a year that's true and I think if it had like a nice carbon fiber or metal or something on the outside keyboards are already metal lots of keyboards have metal keys yeah but you don't move the keyboard around like this all the time that's fair but when I edit I'm not I mean I have this the scroll wheel is great like the mouse is great I don't move it quickly that often I just I just want it to be made of metal and not look gross interesting yeah I like it you can agree with me it's great it's a great a banger you can age I I clean my MX Master with 90% isopropyl and a paper towel and it cleans up pretty well like I might try that does that strip anything off the pl stuff come off it hasn't stripped it I've only done it a handful of times so I can't say whether super repeated use would begin to degrade the plastic but I'm going to do that then yeah I would definitely use 90% too and not the 70% cuz that came from me looking at my mouse and being like G I've taken like an MX Master for like a topown shop before and there's only like two in the studio that are not disgusting like with a red camera so okay that's fine totally reasonable you want to like rotate around and do a bunch of other people's can I go next yeah sure all right so hey everybody Ellis here so this morning got in the studio went to take some screen recordings of the Apple Sports feature that I'm about to talk about and uh they fixed it uh I guess last night or a few days ago they fixed it but now when you go on Apple Sports on iPhone Mini it uh displays everything correctly so I got to see just how bad my 76ers lost to the Suns last night uh so yeah pretty much ignore everything I'm about to say so the oldest support supported iPhone is like six you mean that's still getting updates yeah yeah yeah that apple is like we support this device you can reasonably own this it's like six years ago it's like iPhone x XR right 10 damn right well you you said chat gptx skip n so let's not there wasn't a ninth iPhone either yeah there was Windows you didn't say gpt1 you said gptx and well but it's also the 10th one but we I'm just kidding anyway what does support mean right means like if Apple puts out an app if Apple puts out an app every time I go on a date I ask it's an official Apple app it should work on all supported iPhones right yeah you would you would hope so there's a lot of bad examples of that not being true well here's one yeah I'm a sports guy I like sports sports fans so I got Apple Sports when they came when it came out I was like great don't need to go to Google I have an iPhone Mini it is literally unusable on an iPhone Mini literally unusable which sucks because it seems like such a great and when I say unusable it's because when there's not enough space on the screen to display someone's name instead of doing like all the letters they can fit and then dot dot dot they just replace the entire word with dots so I open the box score of a basketball game and I see stats all the numbers no no I see all the numbers and nobody's name is listed so I have no idea who scored what or w oh my gosh can you click into it no no that is the final landing page with literally no usable information I'm just I'm and it's literally I'm assuming it's because my phone is narrower than most iPhones so and they just literally assumed I guess they were like oh I only people who don't like sports own iPhone I guess I don't know there's lots of apps that are like that on an iPhone Mini that like oh the one button I to press especially in Safari you know which I understand if you're a web designer you're not doing it for this little iPhone but come on Apple like this is your app and your phone that's only like what three iPhones old we need screenshots for sure no the screenshots are I think I put one in slack uh a little bit ago anyway that's my I've been mad about this since Apple Sports came out and uh if you have an iPhone Mini and like basketball tweet me I don't have a Twitter right now so your wish list yeah yeah so I can use the app I have a very obvious one that I don't know why it's been added but it's also Google so that tracks um Google Docs does not have block quote formatting and you have to use yeah what does that mean oh so you have to use uh increase the increase indent function inside of Google docs but if you have a quote from a person and you want to like you know show it that it's a quote there's no no block quote formatting option that's so stupid which seems insane to me this has been out forever can I say another Google piece of software or web- based thing that's messed up but very obvious sure Google Tasks inside of your Gmail if you change the if you change the theme to it I'm just in black the black theme or dark mode theme and the Google task is just bright white on the side of the screen it's infuriating that is a weird one Google task is one of those apps that they forget about for like four years at a time and then one random PM is like oh yeah we've got that they update it like temporarily and then four years to go by again yeah it's okay along those same lines I have another one okay Google keep formatting in the notes I love Google keep doesn't do anything it's either all checkboxes or all text you can't have an H2 and a paragraph and before you start yelling at me in the comments I'm I stand corrected you can do it on Android you can't do it on web or on iOS wow what that's even weird so weird I don't know so like if you I'm trying to make a grocery list and I want to like put the name of the grocery store and then a list of the items I need from that grocery store because I do multiple places you know Costco regular grocery store Farmers Market can't do it it just turns it all into check boxes you need three notes now yeah I need here's what you got to do you got to you got to uh indent the check boxes I put a blank checkbox in between that's an awful that's not fix I just set an alarm but that is a good one okay that's back to Marquez okay here here's hear me out mhm Sigma 24 to 35 okay for for listeners this is a lens this is this is a c lens we use full frame covers a whole sensor not a male but instead it's 18 to 50 so bigger yeah a wider range wait they don't have that yeah is it 16 to 35 they have a crop sensor 18 to 35 oh but the only one that covers a full frame sensor is 24 to 35 which sounds nice but that's not a lot of Zoom that's 11 mm of Zoom it's enough to do like a wide to a midwide it's not that much range so just a little more range with the same power focal like same T2 through the whole thing I would love that to exist I like that and sigma you I bet you could do that that's weird to me that it doesn't exist that lens has existed for like a decade yeah it's been one of the best lenses despite that lack of range so I would really like uh I would really like that they have like a 50 to 100 they have like a couple other wider ones but just if if they made that focal range I would just use that for just almost everything yeah Ellis you got another one Alis no okay I only thought of one real one but I'm throwing a couple extra small ones I got a list baby oh my gosh oh sorry I just realized my next one is really good DAV okay just Brain Blast okay Brain Blast yeah I had a physical reaction to that one um the Nike run Club app is um shall we say a steaming pile of dog water for many reasons it actually has a lot of good things going for it uh but the absolute worst part about the Nike run Club app is if you are wearing a smartwatch that has nike1 Club on it and by the way every Apple watch that you purchase it's not pre-installed but there are Nike rug Club settings in the settings already even when you don't have it installed and there's an install button within the settings so clearly apple and Nike are like come on guys let's like download Nike run Club there I wanted a Nike watch face and I tried to like it was just in my watch app and I hit add it and it was like oh you don't have the Nike run run Club app and I was like what it's a face wow yeah so the worst part about that app is that if you are running with the watch but you start the run on your phone in the in the Nike run Club app on your phone it'll show the metrics on your watch but it won't use your watch for tracking it only uses your phone for tracking so be me scenario you're running on you're running outside or running on tread right your phone large interface pretty decent interface their interface is good a lot of like big buttons and stuff the watch interface for the app is pretty bad it's like you've got four screens you have to scroll a lot there's like a lot of hidden settings it's not great so clearly I want to you know start Spotify on my phone and then I want to go to the Nike run Club app and say I want to do this run hit start on the watch it'll say this is how far you've gone it'll say this is how many calories you've burned but it's taking all of that information from the phone I have to hold my phone in my hand and the watch which is way better at tracking because it's also taking my uh heart rate like all that stuff makes it more accurate for how many calories you've burned and all that stuff it's got dualband GPS where you might not have an iPhone that has dualband GPS uh it just tracks from the phone so the only way to be able to track from your watch is to is to download The Run onto your watch and start the run on your watch and if you do that that means that you have to connect your headphones to your watch which is really annoying already then you have to go into Spotify or apple music on your watch start playing music from Spotify or apple music with your headphones connected to watch and then start the Nike run Club app on your watch and if you do anything on your phone while you're on the run while you're on the treadmill or whatever your headphones will be like I'm confused do you want to talk to the phone or do you want to talk to the watch and then the Nike run Club app just comp like all of the voice commands just Disappear Completely and it just breaks so it's bad for a lot of reasons and it's super super buggy but the number one thing that I think they need to change is if it recognizes that you are wearing a smartwatch that has the Nike run Club app on it it's connected to the and shows your metric already it still it opens the curum automatically when you start the run on your phone it needs to track from your phone even if the headphones are connected to your what your your phone yeah pretty straightforward that's that's complex but come it's like it's the the simplest you just say is there a watch on the person's wrist yes okay cool it's not that hard anyway yeah that does sound extremely annoying it's so annoying it's so annoying have way simpler ones on my list okay well my next one's pretty ranty it's something that I realized I've been arguing with myself about for a long time and when Adam posted this I was like I can finally vent about this so oh this is an ember mug demo oh God they're so the Ember mug is this great and terrible product that is way too much money guess do you know how much this is no this is like 200 bucks it's $150 for the 12 O version can you hold up to the camera sorry this is an ember mug I have the copper version that's $180 I believe thank you Michael Fisher great Christmas gift they are great gifts because they're way too expensive but once you start using one you cannot use a regular cup anymore I'm like I have one for work and at home at this point so an eight it's the eight sleep of beverages kind of yeah um it's it is like if you're not aware what it is it's basically just a smart mug that will keep the temperature of your coffee at a specific temperature for like 2 hours or any hot drink or any hot Dr yeah um and it's incredible cuz I like drinking my coffee slow microwaving your coffee sucks and like keeping it warm for a long time I just do stuff is fantastic so I can't live without it at this point there's a bunch of issues that I have with one the app is horrendous yeah the Bluetooth connection is so bad it's so bad and you like every time I would walk past my kitchen my phone would be like oh you want to connect to this Bluetooth I it's like I've connected 800 times already so it's it's awful so every time I've bought one of these or have bought one for someone else I've connected it set the temperature you want to and just delete it from your phone it's the easiest way it'll remember that temperature local memory I'm pretty sure nobody who's ever bought one of these has like continued to use the app they've probably said it and never looked at it again yeah so I think they should make a cheaper version that has a physical dial or temperature sensor on it or the charger so you don't need an app you don't need a chip that connects you get it at under $100 and I just go setting this to 150 or whatever my ideal temperature is and then never touch it again that's such a great point it makes so much sense this is a product that does not need to be connected to your phone there's zero reason you could just have a dial yeah it would be so much easier so that's my like my idea for this being better and making it cheaper that might work my other idea is a little bit of a pipe dream but my other thing I hate about this is I love drinking out of a ceramic coffee mug it's so much better don't they sell I don't believe so they sell a metal version and this I don't know what this is they either need to make a ceramic version which I'm sure they won't because then you're spending $150 on something that can break so much easier yeah or my ultimate pipe dream is if they can somehow create a universal adapter that I can put inside of a regular coffee ceramic mug that I could could keep the temperature through some sort of food safe heating element and then I could use all the fun mugs that I buy on every vacation I have like 20 mugs home from different places I visited that I love I don't use any of them because I only use this that's funny that would be so cool if somehow cuz it's this element on the bottom that's heating it if this could be something that I could put in the bottom of a coffee mug that I have already I get to use different fun mugs and stuff like that but keep my coffee warm for two hours yeah that would be incredible so also for context it has inductive coils on the bottom and you set it on a charging mat that you have at your desk or whatever and so as long as you're leaving it in that mat and you're picking it up taking a sip putting it back your battery is great uh it has a built-in battery lasts about 45 minutes really I've had longer than 45 I thought I I got close to like two hours with it yeah mine mine has been having issues it is a huge bummer when you don't see the light that it died and you're like nice hot cupy cup of coffee a cupy of coffee and then you drink it and it's cold because you've been no you're but yeah Ember mug great gift terrible Bluetooth terrible Bluetooth way too it's so hard to tell someone to spend $150 on a coffee mug that's absurd yeah they drink a lot of coffee I could never live without it though damn wow all right Amber mug but better yeah marz what you got all right which one do you want 1 2 3 four five six or seven seven yeah wow two through four two through four all right okay two Kia ev6 GT but with good range solid solid wish 3 320 350 two 220 no bad is that what it's on20 ev6 GT is 220 miles of range good god of EPA rated range oh that's two okay you want three yeah give me three three the Cyber truck but with a screen instead of a rearview mirror no that makes too much sense because the tunel cover covers the entire back window so you can't use it if you drive with the T open you can see out the back but a couple things about that one it's still kind of a slot because the back of the truck is so high you don't really see much and two you lose like 25 miles of range per charge because of the aerodynamic disadvantages of all that turbulent air through the trunk so people drive with it closed most of the time that should have been a screen but and they know it but there is the screen on the screen wow there is the screen on the single screen that is down out of your normal field of view and you can train yourself to get used to that but there is a mirror a dinky useless mirror there that should have been a screen and everyone knows it should have been a screen why is it not a screen it is also the smallest you said dinky but I cannot believe how small that mirror is compared to everything else in that truck yeah so that's three uh and you wanted four yep do it Galaxy s24 but small yes oh okay yeah you just I thought you said Galaxy s24 Ultra but small and I was like wait that would have been cool too but yeah since we go through those pretty quick I feel like we could get one two and six and seven one or five six seven five six and seven just finish the list we'll just all send our lists after you One airpods Max but light and also USBC oh yeah and has an off and has an off button that was power button on the freaking airpods Max airpods Max but power button USBC and lighter that's it that's all you have to do Apple second that's a lot that's not that much those are reasonable things though they are heavy metal headphones Apple all you got to do is like take those metal cups and do something like magnesium or carbon fiber and just do the USBC Port we all know should be there well titanium is kind of heavy too oh you're right but and then yeah obviously a power but it's lighter than stainless steel but I think they're aluminum currently so anything lighter than aluminum would be real nice hel David no you'd Fly Away it lift you off the ground okay I can keep ranting um MacBook Pro Mar got this from me but face ID how do you have a notch this big yeah that was just a selfie camera when the first MacBook Pro M1 came out uh that was the number one complaint I truly think that is the only thing that doesn't make sense about this laptop I think this is the most well polished product to come out in the last like 10 years considering that's my only thing I would change about it yeah it's pretty good I'm like I spent $4,000 on my personal one and I don't I I really don't have any complaints about it and mine's like two three years old and I still only want one thing about it yeah definitely men only want one thing and it's just face ID face ID in their macb Pro yeah so that's that's an easy one for me right that's a good one Final Cut Pro on the iPad but with plug but good and I know that there's not going to be a whole bunch of like I don't think it's going to replace Final Cut Pro on the Mac and I think there's some intentional deficits uh separating it from Final Cut Pro on the Mac but plugin support would really be great for me and also like better color controls but I don't know I'm probably asking for too much plugins what if you ask for Adobe with faster exporting and not cring I would like to see that I would like to see that and to be fair I haven't used Premiere in years so it could be way faster with apple silicon now yeah when M1 first came out I was still a premier user and I edited my how they telling Renaissance can save the smartphone camera video on it and every single time I would export it it would take about 2 hours to export and there would just be random green flashes and different parts of the video to be fair this was like the beta version of Premiere that's just started supporting Apple silicon and it was in beta still probably a lot better but I exported that like eight times and it took like 16 hours I didn't sleep for 3 days and then the one thing that fixed it was just moving the project to fer Intel Mac quick Pro and exporing it on the int what machine were you on before that did the flashing it was the M1 Max 16in MacBook Pro but it was right after premere Beta had come out supporting Apple silicon so it was like super early this is yeah interesting yeah so it'd probably be better now um but I also don't miss how much it crashed all the time yeah and there's no autosave Premiere but autosave wait yeah Premier is auto save doesn't itut integer every like half an hour yeah you can change that I'm Prett sure yeah shows like a loading icon on your screen every time it does it okay that's better than losing half an hour is worth of that's totally that's true my last one that I've written down Apple watch but with group fitness competitions yeah okay I don't know how we didn't think of that I yeah okay but I have a theory okay I have theories do you want to hear the theories about why they don't do it yeah have we have to wait for are we getting an exclusive right now exclusive exclusive if only to bring more people to wave for this is an exclusive okay so I have this theory around uh the reason that apple is intentionally kneecapping the fitness features on the Apple watch and it has to do with their relationship with n ke um just so the kids out there don't know what I'm talking about um wa what I don't know Nike uh sorry suei okay so so basically Nike run Club is a thing that like I said is like not pre-installed on the Apple watch but there's settings for it on the Apple watch and there's an install button in the settings of the Apple watch so it's basically native uh I have a theory that because Nike run Club is inherently like has social features built into it where you can like run with your friends and have competitions and stuff you can join like clubs and all this stuff Nike and apple have this agreement that Apple will not double up on certain features that Nike run Club also has so that when people want to do something with their Apple watch but they're like why don't I have this they can just move over to night to the Nike um stuff and it's not just like there's the Run Club but there's also Nike I think is it called Fitness club there's another app that's not just running um that is a bunch of Nike stuff that was that was the one I needed for my watch face I I remember wrong okay so it it just seems insane to me that over the last couple of years Apple has added like stride length vertical height automat automatic track detection dualband GPS so you can run in a city published a bunch of ads with ultra marathon runners and they don't have things like they don't have um any half marathon training programs they don't have any full marathon training programs the most they have is a 10K training program but it's not even a training program it's just a bunch of random Apple Fitness Plus videos that are not even linear it's like season 4 episode 2 of run with me season 9 episode 7 of r with me and it's just eight random episodes so my theory is that like Nike is is basically telling Apple like don't do too much of what people come to Nike run club for so that you can funnel people into Nike run club and I think that's why they don't have group competitions that checks out and to which I would say apple just ignore that one feature and build it anyway yeah that's my suggestion yeah please so please nice David do you have any more um well I did and then I was going to say the Facey thing too but um gosh I mean everything's perfect life is beautiful you know beautiful I don't know what what is bad H H there's a lot that's bad but you should be more specific do you do any of you have another one while I can think I have one more small one do it okay sure the Dyson stick vacuum I think is the most accurately hyped product ever ever I thought it was way too overhyped I bought one I'm obsessed with it which one did you buy whatever one was at Costco cuz I almost there's a bunch I almost randomly splurged on the v15 to detect I don't even know oh they're all the same thing in my eyes I'm sure little bit bigger and more powerful I think some of them are what attachments it comes with like I think mine like was specifically had the like pet hair attachment at Costco it's too short I wanted to there needs to be a tall version or like longer pole that I can get for it I'm sure if you're over 6 foot when you're reaching out you find yourself like your hand is under your hip at that point when you're pushing it and it's not Fue there's yeah it's I'm getting older we're past 30 now back starting to hurt I need a longer version they are from the UK and UK does have a shorter average height than the US that's really funny I think I think you know obviously Dyson are the suction experts but there's another form factor of stick vacuum where the compressor and the CH like like collection chamber are down at the bottom next to the head and that enables you to put elbow bends in the stock to get under the couch easier no Dyson has that I I have one I have it at home I have two at home do you have the same one no I have the V8 I have one that I can attach to the top I can do between the chamber and the pole and then it has a joint so that I can go perfect 90° and then push it under my the problem is is just using that as a taller adapter and locking it it just feels a little weaker when I'm pushing full strength from the top with something that's supposed to be bent yeah I do not mine does not have that I don't use it do you want mine yeah yeah what do you mean to know use it how do you vacuum it under your couch I like dirty sometimes facts I don't want that in the episode not respect we're leaving it in keeping it we're going to bleep it just so it's way worse than what you actually say the vacuum is one which one do I buy any of them the V8 is like the v8's like 350 bucks which I know sounds a lot started scrolling through so many dude there so many there's so many it's just like I vacuum more because I'm more okay with like just vacuuming a single room at a time rather than like plugging the vacuum in and I would just do the whole house I can bring it into my car and vacuum my car out all the time it's just so nice my apartment in two and a half years and I you might need something a little more heavy duty then I would like have you heard of a power washer yeah yeah all right what so I got two little ones so thanks a collar that's not lar a collar that doesn't do that um okay so as we mentioned I switched to Samsung I'm now a Samsung boy so I can only see the world in terms of Samsung products now so what I want is the next fold small speaker on my desk I want the next fold to be not a candy bar shape yes I to be more like one pixel F something along those linesport I wanted to also have the pen in inside inside the freaking that's got to be coming that's crazy that you have to buy it separately with a case I don't I don't understand well and it's bigger right and it's yeah it's it's weird yeah the other thing is if they want to ignore that completely because they probably will I want Google to and we saw rumors of this already happening where if you plug in a pixel into a display it'll give you like a deck experience display port out I want that but to be just Chrome OS just give me Chrome OS dude you can already run Linux on Android the dream of fuchsia and fuchsia just kind of well I don't know if it technically did they end it um it's still somewhere in Google I'm sure but a lot so those are those are my two I just want I'm a simple lad just give me Samsung but Google things and Google but Samsung things yeah I like those David we've been waiting I have oh I have one all right I want them to completely axxe the Apple watch charger and just switch it to mag safe wait and I know the I know the circle's too big circle Puck cuz yeah cuz So currently currently you can charge the airpods with wireless charging with mag safe or with the Apple watch charger which is really dopee you can yeah what yeah right no are you sure I think you can the Apple watch charger is is the only nonch charger but I think you can charge the airpods isn't it that the Apple watch charger like is chi but it's like I I would like to try it but I don't I proprietari I think you can you can also charge your magc safe charging case with an air Apple yeah you can wow I okay yeah which is which is cool which is cool so but right now the the thing that charges the most things is the regular mag safe charger because it charges your phone and it charges your airpods everything that's not the watch yeah but the watch you have to bring a specific charger for but if you just bring the watch charger it can charge that in your airpods but not your phone so there's this awkward thing where it's like you have always have to bring two yeah and so if they could just unify and mag safe seems to be the thing they're unifying around obviously the watch probably isn't really big enough to fit on the mag safe thing but it also seems like it even if it didn't magnetize it should be able to do charging here's why I think that might not work the weird thing about charging watches on not those specific pucks is because of the way can you take your watch off for a second not the coning but the way the watch trrap comes down generally doesn't let something sorry you have a normal watch can I see your for those listening this is a Casio a1200 so see how like see how because the strap is facing down when you put it on a table it's not it usually is like floating above a little bit so depending the this is a little more flexible but some other ones like it would possibly be sitting because the puck is bigger it would be sitting above the puck which is why if they added magnets it pulled it down very slightly it would almost be cool if they made an adapter that could fit on top of the puck yeah and then just go like that and hold it that's my guess why that's hard I'm sure Apple could figure it out it's just awkward that if you want the Holy Trinity of Apple devices what's that the mag safe Duo yeah I have when you when you said ugliest it's awkward to bring this around I thought you were talking about the mag safe Adam has a way better mag safe Duo product that is not the mag safe Duo but it's cooler and better it's the it's called The Butterfly from 12 South and it's freaking awesome it's really awesome but it's so expensive it's like $130 anchor just make a little yeah but it's not pretty is it is it the is it the square the brick there's the brick that folds into three that's your phone your airpods and your watch how about uh mag safe Duo but USBC is it lightning it's lightning oh my God yeah that's another one well they don't sell it anymore right the mag safe Duo I think they maybe it's 27% off on Amazon so only $94 yeah that's one of the don't yikes it's also ugly it's the dumb it's one of the Dumber things they the thing I hate the most in my backpack yeah so yeah I would I just I I just want a unified charging system also one more for me any phone with ch2 agree hard agree hard hard agree place to end it a lot every phone listen up figure it out somebody please please do it please do it hey thanks for watching that clip I think uh for my wish list actually I'd like to add one more thing this video but you liked it oh can I add one more thing too yeah this channel but you subscribe to it wait wait let me add one thing a good one wait what else is there between like and subscribe there's comments oh right I I have one more thing sorry um every video on the way for podcast Channel but you commented on it comment microfiber that's a that that's perfect we have to end it there that's it thanks for watching bye [Music]
Channel: Waveform Clips
Views: 116,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Waveform, WVFRM, Podcast, MKBHD, Marques, Brownlee, Andrew, Manganelli
Id: cdQ_sYakoLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 6sec (2046 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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