We Switched to Dumbphones So You Won't Have To

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Marquez what is your daily screen time uh my average for last week is 2 hours and 45 minutes 2 hours 53 minutes 3 hours 40 minutes 1 hour 18 minutes 4 hours 52 minutes let's see let's see YouTube Studio load is 3 hours it depends on if I fell asleep to YouTube or not and and 2 hours as well so 4 hours 45 minutes my screen time yesterday was 7 hours and 11 minutes I have a problem we're on our phones they're too accessible we want to get rid of them but not entirely we want to keep the good things from the phones and there's plenty of devices that can help us get off our phones whether they work is yet to be seen look at it it's so little look at it this next to my watch like it's almost the same freaking size and your phone is already tiny this is a small iPhone but this is like unbelievably small so this is the Palm Phone this was an interesting idea Palm if you're unaware was this PDA company that was extremely popular before smartphones were really a thing and then some X Samsung engineers in 2018 decided to buy the brand name because they kind of figured that if they did that a lot of people who really loved their palms back in the day would probably buy the Palm Phone were they right no yeah it was $300 and you had to have a data plan and it was your second phone you have to figure out like when am I going to bring this with me versus when I'm going to bring my other phone with me and you have to specifically figure out like what limiting features you want to have the problem with this phone you can install almost anything on it and that's my problem is I wanted to use apps L but I could install all the exact same apps on this and you couldn't help yourself well how could you it's so cute it's so small it's pretty cute picture playing like tiny Angry Birds it's a cool idea I still think you could just have self-control and not put social media apps on your phone phone but yeah what's to stop you from installing Instagram on this nothing cool what what's the camera like it's actually pretty decent the contrast I feel like is really where it's like struggling with like dynamic range it does not work at night like literally it could not see at night yeah that's that's not a picture but overall pretty decent those are some good borbo picks also Steph Curry is like the brand ambassador of this and is heavily invested in it they had a necklace that you could wear where it would like dangle around your neck and he used to walk he used to walk to Warriors games with it dangling on his neck dope nope dope dope what's next what in the hell is even that that's amazing wait did we Design This or was this like a template somewhere we made Alex design yo shout out to Alex if you want Link in the description you could print this out yourself so you can stop using your phone yeah yo I kind of like this wait Samsung should make this Mak it doesn't open well the real question is would this do you think this would be enough to limit your screen time cuz I know that I I would simply just take this off and open it I don't think I would take it off that said this would not limit my screen time I'd be I'd be apping my way through it's the perfect way when you're eating lunch to like set it up to watch YouTube you can prop up YouTube I do this at home but I literally put my phone against like my cup and then I watch it on my kitchen table see that's not bad it's pretty annoying although it would be annoying if you're trying to read the message like if people are texting it's only worse because this thing is on it like you could just keep it close Joe NOP nope dope okay this is an iPhone there's nothing dumb about this wait just wait ooh hey okay what is this they're are they widgets and you just set like the text size to super high okay I'm I'm assuming there's like guides on how to do this online if you go to the other screen there's an app called blank you'll see how to actually configure it oh okay how much do they try to charge for this you can pay month $4 a month or a lifetime fee of $23 it's just a widget you're paying $24 for a widget and also like it's no fun you don't it we're not using our phones too much because they're too fun we're using them too much because they put worms in our brains or a big thing that I was dealing with during this experiment was all of my accounts have like two Factor on them and stuff so I need my MFA codes and whatnot in an app so at least this you'll still have the things you need but the first instinct your first look at the phone isn't hey let me like click something that I'm not trying to do right now totally we you should have put like hardcore child locks on every dude I could I could bypass this immediately I wouldn't use this yeah I don't think I could I need more self-restraint if the goal for me is to limit screen time I don't think this is going to do anything this is just like a quick access like I need to open this app right now dope dope nope nope So Adam and I both have a very detailed history with the Light phone too we've been trying to make a video about this phone like switching to it for x amount of days years for years did you get to use this at all over the weekend I used it a little bit mhm it's really frustrating it is really frustrating and it's not frustrating because of the ink like I love ink yeah that's the cool part yeah the music is a big problem though yeah 1 gigabyte of internal memory is crazy yes yeah that's wild it's like it's basically unusable for music like you can put I don't know a running playlist on there maybe like that's the only thing I could think of like a couple songs to get you going on your run so you can leave your phone at home yeah but that's about it yeah someone on the verge she wrote a really great article about using this for a full year a year a year and she had a better time with it than other people I had heard for me I feel like the deal breaker is the camera or the the lack of a camera really let's say I'm on a first date you know and I think I'm about to impress someone with my super sweet Light phone like I'm disconnected babe I'm like I'm free Mark Zuckerberg doesn't have control over me you know and then and then I get there and the menu's on a QR code oh you're screwed then I look like a big dummy yeah I did hear that the directions got a lot better recently so I used it yesterday I don't have a SIM card in it so I used Wi-Fi here I got the directions and then when I was driving out of the parking lot it went into offline mode and it actually navigated me to Costco perfectly fine with the voice looking at it on the map was completely useless because it's refreshing out of time and it's like not really working and then last night so I'm driving from Brooklyn all the way uptown in New York City and I tried to do it again and it just completely failed oh really like it did not work at all but I think that was because there were so many things happening quickly and it was in offline mode so all of that like there was just that too much of a delay for me to react in time before missing turns I am a big Google Maps gal so this might be a deal breaker for me if I can't fairly search something at any given moment to see where it pinpoint the exact location yeah it's kind of useless like I don't give a about calendars like I don't use a calendar are you serious where's YouTube there's no YouTube on here you don't use a calendar what do I need a calendar for everything what what would you add to the Light phone 3 besides USBC I'd say USBC more storage more storage crappy camera uh a higher refresh rate I'm not see I'm not even well no I am a little mad at the ref a little because typing on this was typing is hard but I guess that's kind of the point though I don't want this to be a fully usable Super E used phone yeah but if you are text people text nope nope nope so I've been dailying not this one I've been dailying mine this this is the books Palma fairly new e-reader you wouldn't think because it looks like a smartphone yeah you know you can use it as a Kindle but the cool thing about the books Palma is that you can also do any other Android based things yeah it looks just like an Android phone try the camera oh my God I don't know if this is going to show up let's see if we can take a video of Mariah all right so how much is this uh I think this is $280 okay which is like not bad yeah that's really good that's very entrylevel Android phone right it's obviously not going to be fast it's like a pretty decent like the fact that that is polarizing a bunch of uh ink and moving it around on the screen that rapidly is crazy wow I would 100% watch something like this I could see why this would be annoying after a while but for 280 so the thing about the boooks Palama is that it is not actually a phone yeah oh so you can't like make phone calls no but if it's just an Android device can I like download signal and WhatsApp and tell yeah I'm an iPhone guy everyone knows this about me at this point I feel like I set up a air Message server on one of the Mac studios in the back of the office that gets all my air messages and then forwards them so I have full iMessage on this device I can react I can send pictures but okay question would this stop you from using your phone at all I don't know I think I'd use it for different things I'd use it for things that Inc is more geared towards right yeah like watching a YouTube video is going to be a little Annoying definitely wouldn't watch like Tik Tok on this no um it did exactly what it was supposed to do where I'd pull out my phone get done the task that had entered my brain and put it back in my pocket this thing is an actual joy to use as someone who used it as their phone for 3 days I was like out with a bunch of people and I would take a picture of them with the phone and they would ask me like please take pictures of me literally all night my favorite part about this like dinky camera is that it's SDR only it will only do one exposure per click so you do not get multiple exposure High dynamic range it doesn't look like a phone it looks like a camera they're like these super dope black and white pictures you shouldn't use this as a phone unless you're like me and you are incredibly patient and and have like literally 3 or 4 days to get it working and if you go on Reddit and you look at this thing the books Palma you'll see tons of people asking for the exact same thing cellular books Palma so I really really wish that books would actually make an Android smartphone but basically it needs to be connected to Wi-Fi yeah okay even after saying all this I don't know if I would daily this well hold up now I don't know if I would daily it if it was a standal device I think I like it as a phone companion interesting because there are certain things that are just better on my iPhone I think you're just a two phone person don't be scared you can be a two phone person I felt like Michael fiser all weekend do dop nope if we took different parts of all of these dumb phones and made one Mega dumb phone yeah it would be perfect like the size of like the Z flip with like the screen of this with like stuff from like the Simplicity of like the Palm phone like App Hub maybe one day there will be a perfect device all right well this has been fun much fun we got some other uh interesting videos on the studio Channel I just did a video with Marquez where we went over and talked about some phones that got cancelled and why they got cancelled that was a fun trip down memory lane yeah if you want to check out other videos we did recently about other weird technology you should check out my cooking video from last week absolutely it's a banger
Channel: The Studio
Views: 299,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MKBHD, The Studio, Boox Palma, Boox Palma MKBHD, Light Phone II, Dumbphone iPhone
Id: HMyurkqaddc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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