Apple Versus the Department of Justice

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the Department of Justice has formerly sued Apple Inc over monopolization stuff um and there's a there's a whole big old 88 page Court filing that I read that was hard a little hard to read but also it was kind of written in like a story way which was interesting like it literally starts off with this okay the way this this filing starts off is a story time in a land far away kind kind of it it it's retelling this uh Amazon Kindle ad about how this person was like using the Kindle app on their iPhone and then grabs an Android phone and continues reading on the Kindle app on their Android phone and there's an email from an Apple person which stop sending emails that are incriminating guys like just stop doing this who says look at this ad you can easily switch to reading your Kindle on your on an Android phone that's a bad thing that's a terrible thing and it's like why you know so they're clearly saying we want to create these Gates this is literally how the filing opens to kind of paint this this uh picture of how apple is trying to keep you in their ecosystem that's compelling yeah good story it's like a music video no it kind of is yeah no it it tells multiple started this way yeah uh but it centers around Apple building a dominant iPhone ecosystem and intentionally stifling competitors ability to compete and also locking in users things we all know that Apple just does uh it also complains about sh shifting restrictions and rules with the App Store um and then also it makes all of these allegories to when they broke up Microsoft and well they didn't break up Microsoft but when they uh sued Microsoft way back when and they say that Apple only grew to the Behemoth that they are today because of that lawsuit effectively what was happening at the time is Microsoft was making quick time not work correctly on Windows computers which had like 97% of the market at the time and they had apparently actually intentionally written code into Windows computers that would make QuickTime like break and just not work which basically didn't yeah I feel like I experienced this you probably did you didn't do Windows Media Player with the cool no I had that well you had to I guess I definitely stared at that for a while but I think quick time was one of the early screen recorders and uh it was not good yeah on on Windows and iTunes is like founded in quick time so the way that the apartment of Justice painted this was only because we sued Microsoft and had forced them to allow Apple to create applications on your platform that work correctly was Apple able to launch iTunes and therefore launch the IP OD which they say is the whole reason that Apple like grew to the Behemoth that they are today I I'm sure that's a reason I would say the Mac is probably a more um like valuable product for them but the iPod obviously did sort of start a whole thing for them it allowed them to be a platform you know it definitely did and but could you argue that Mac got more popular because they went after Microsoft and hurt Microsoft in some way which had such market share so like even still so Department of Justice created Apple is what they're getting at yeah that's what they're saying yeah which is funny uh anyway there are five primary complaints in this document and I figure that we go through all of them and just kind of discuss like if they're valid or not because there's a lot of controversial takes in this filing there's a lot of things that I would say like I kind of see what you're saying but I feel like you're reaching in order to just break up Apple you know yeah I would say like before we get into these yeah what would a what would a success look like for the doj for suing Apple cuz breaking up Apple doesn't seem not possible but like what do they actually want to accomplish here I think that I mean there's five different categories and I would assume that it's like winning on all five of these categories and if if they win then they change Apple change Apple's behavior in some way yeah basically changing their behavior I think is what they're trying to do okay okay so let's just go through the five categories in order okay the number one category that the Department of Justice says uh Apple is anti-competitive for is not allowing super apps which I don't really understand this complaint very much um because we just don't really have super apps in the United States what is a super app so we don't but in China there's this app called weat which is a super app and the argument is that Apple does things like delay updates to WeChat and things like that that make it just more difficult to have that on the App Store so WeChat is on the app store which is why I find it confusing a super app by the way is like it's an app that you can do a ton of different things in so in China yeah so in China there's a superp the the super app is called WeChat and you can pay your taxes in WeChat you can order a taxi in we you make a dentist appointment and then when you get to your dentist office you sign in you check in with WeChat and then pay with WeChat yeah you pay with we chat it's like a it's it's everything and so I think that the department of Justice's reasoning here is if you have a single app that allows you to do anything and it's not about the hardware at all you could easily move to an Android phone because as long as you have this app that has all these services on it that are interoperable depending on like and it doesn't matter what Hardware you're using then it would be a lot easier for people to move to Android phones and they're saying Apple's not allowing that yes which I don't really understand I think it's because even though the app is on the App Store it's a cut down version of the full mobile app it doesn't have full functionality so like I'm looking at the reviews right now in the App Store and one of the reviews is a three star review and it says still very annoying to have to use the mobile version to get the full system to work at all the mob like I'm assuming like Mobile in browser version or something something like that like all these different yeah all these different features that weat has built in you get a sliced down mobile version in Apple's app versus if you have an Android phone you just get the full the full app and The Full Experience interesting yeah I would also guess that Apple has a lot of restrictions on what apps are allowed to do yeah I think that's probably what something else that Apple has been specifically like trying to block is like having too many micr services within an app because then they have to review everything that the app can do right their main complaint around not allowing game streaming services which they now do um which is strange that the game streaming thing is a complaint because they now allow game streaming services their main reason that they didn't allow game streaming services for a long period of time is because they were saying we'd have to review every single game that's on the service to make sure that it's not harmful to the user and every time there's an update to any of the games on a game streaming service we'd have to review every single update to every single title on a game streaming service M the Department of Justice says that the reason that they didn't allow that was that you could use any hardware there's an email from uh an apple person that says here's a problem if a user goes to a garage sale and pays five bucks for an Android phone and everything is cloud-based they don't need high-end hardware and then they don't even need an iPhone that's an issue we should deal with that yeah this is this is coming back again to like I'm sure with each one of these complaints apple has a public facing reason and a real reason right and I feel like we're going to hear a lot in the public of what Apple will say is the reason but we also know that they clearly do not want the walls of the garden to get any smaller yeah yeah the juiciest part of this entire thing is going to be Discovery where the Department of Justice gets to go through all of their emails and we get to find out find the real reasons yeah it's going to be amazing um yeah so what do you guys think about this this super app thing I think it's right in line so the the reason that Apple will say is this super app thing does too many things it takes too long to review and it is not something that we want in our store but the real reason that's also true is if someone uses all of the features of this super app to do everything and doesn't need anything else about the iPhone then they can easily switch to another phone right so theoretically that's one of the reasons that they should change and allow super apps I get it which is kind of like the fediverse just saying it is also kind of weird that Apple's like well we have to look over all of these different things and like come on that's a lot of stuff but it's like you own an insane amount of market share you have plenty of resources like it's a little weird to be like come on we can't do all you can't expect us to do all of that we're just like the number one company no no but you can't expect the game stores to even submit all of that like like on the Xbox cloud gaming thing it's like there's thousands of titles right you know like how are how's that process even going to work yeah in January of this year Apple actually started allowing game streaming yeah so this complaint is kind of moot now um and it's kind of weird that it's in the filing at all but you know they probably finished it before January yeah the government doesn't work quickly by any also Netflix exists does someone at Apple sit down and watch every movie well no cuz a movie is not a game how's that any different dude if you want to know what constitutes a game go watch the Epic versus Apple I get that I me content yeah I think he's saying like but games can be like more harmful with like microtransactions and things that are controlling your phone and stuff for controls and stuff the gutters of steam too have some things that like barely should never be seen by human eyes think about the games that are on the like Google Play Store that actually are just malware you know that gets caught like do you think there's a difference multiple times a month they're like oh this game was malware we had to take it down you know so okay so we sort of went through the game streaming one as well as the super app one the third one is messaging and there was some stuff that I learned here that I didn't actually know um like apple doesn't allow thirdparty apps to send SMS messages so the only way that you can send an SMS on an iPhone is through the messages app okay yeah that's pretty straightforward which is pretty straightforward um and that's a super easy one to have a public and a private me like a the public thing is SMS super insecure we don't want to just let any app go out sending SMS messages or receiving insecure messages but obviously if you allow third party apps to send and receive SMS then people won't use Apple's app to send and receive SMS think about getting like two Factor authentication codes anytime you get one comes through the messages app the more your messages app shows up in front of your face the more you're just going to start using it yeah what's their reasoning for not want for only having messages to do SMS it's just like replied they haven't replied okay I would guess that it's privacy But the irony the the intense irony is then like then use the open secure standard use RCS uh yeah which they did say they were going to use but we still don't know what the implementation of that's going to be all these things talk yeah CL tick that's this year it's supposed to happen yeah but that's such a long period of time it was like in January that they mentioned no no it was last year last year and they said it would happen in 2024 December 26 I hope that happens at WWDC but Merry Christmas RCS just like they did with the carplay stuff in the forest where like oh we forgot prom we promis okay fine yeah um so that's a big thing and then obviously they talk about you know the green bubble blue bubble Fiasco and just the insane amount of uh high percentage of teenagers who are planning to buy an iPhone specifically for that reason it is so high in the United States we understand please do not comment just use WhatsApp but also like every time I read the stats I'm like damn yeah and it just gets higher and higher and higher it's crazy yeah yeah um okay one of the other things was that they do not allow the Apple watch to work on Android phones and they make the functionality of other SmartWatches way harder or way worse so an example of this is that on the Apple watch you can respond to messages you know with the keyboard or with your voice or all this stuff you can interact with notifications and it can pull all that kind of stuff if you use an iPhone and you have a smartwatch you can't get a notification and pull up the app on your Smartwatch yeah you can't respond to a message on your Smartwatch if it's connected to an iPhone correct Adam wait I think so say that again if you have an iPhone or if you don't if you don't have an iPhone or sorry if you have an iPhone and you have a non-apple smartwatch then it's it's highly deprecated correct yes this is one of the only ones where I feel like I kind of get Apple's perspective not even perspective I just feel like competitively they're like look we made this phone and we made this watch and we made our phone work with our watch if you're not one of those tough like obviously it would be nice if you could force Apple to make their phone more compatible with other people's stuff but it's like who car like you don't have to actually that's not actually necessary I think the idea is that have such dominant market share in the United States right that they're kind of they're abusing their market share to make everything worse to keep people using their products and which again is like in their right to do kind of but also I think the Department of Justice Just cares about promoting competition and without taking action to allow other people to use other devices the percentage of people on iPhones and Apple watch is just going to go up and up and up yeah this is this is one of those complaints I think that only works because of their dominance yes because you wouldn't even really care if there was another small Smartwatch and a small smartphone and they only work with each other fine whatever go in the corner and do your thing yeah I totally agree with that that part I think it I don't know if I agree or no I don't agree with apple saying like we built this phone we built this watch put them together because there are just other watches that pH specific niches better like Garmin is specifically is so good at so many things that it's been doing for for so long and to just like take away some basic functionality of what makes it a smartwatch then to there are plenty of people who have iPhones that probably want a Garmin watch because of maybe the like way better GPS or ruggedness of it versus I know they did Apple watch Ultra but like that feels really the phrasing is interesting cuz if you say take away it's almost like this was out there and they like took it away but they never had to enable it ever in the first place they never had had to enable ever but like that's that's what they argument I get it but I agree with Andrew though because like there's ways to differentiate your product based on a compelling feature that users want like the Apple watch has Siri I miss that every day that I've been using a Garmin it's actually useful on the Apple watch just setting timers doing random things awesome so the fact that I have a Garmin and doesn't have Siri that's what I get I don't have an Apple Watch but I can't turn off certain notifications from apps because I have a Garmin yeah there's a lot of dumb I would say it would be a much stronger argument for the features of the Apple watch if all smartw watches could have the same access then it would be like all right we're literally that's the whole point of this whole lawsuit but then we would literally just be buying the watch based on which one has the features we like and some people would pick the Apple watch some people would pick the Garment some people would pick this and that or whatever but Apple feels this extra need on top to be like well we don't have to make ours work with others so we just won't and now there's only one choice of an actual full featured Smartwatch for the iPhone right by the logic of Apple made their thing that can only work with their product it's like okay so all other SmartWatches now can't tell time no they can all do stuff on their own they just don't have the plugs the hooks into the iPhone to take advantage of the features that come from being connected to an but also there's basic features they can explain explain the notifications thing so like if I'm on Android and I have a Garin watch and this actually happened a couple weeks ago because I walked into Andrew I walked into the office and I went up to Andrew and I was like Andrew can you help me figure out this garment thing cuz I can't figure it out and we pulled up our phones next to each other and I was on iOS he was on Android and I followed him step by step in settings to turn off certain app notifications and on Android it gives you a list of all the apps I could turn off WhatsApp I could keep on SMS text messaging I could turn off Instagram I could keep on threads on iOS it's all or nothing I can only get notifications on my watch or I can't get notifications on my watch so it's like little things like that where it's like just annoying insane do we my only question on that is are we sure that's not Garmin making that decision or no that's that's that's an iOS that's Android allows it and iPhone doesn't and on your Apple watch you can choose individual notifications yes that would drive me dude I literally would I would not use a G watch if I had an iPhone the thing the complaint is not that it's like that they're they can't really do it it it's that they're so big that it's the only viable option in the market really it's also just wild cuz like apple is good enough at giving itself differentiating features that like I just think will always work better because you're in the same ecosystem why take the extra step because I think it's because if you if you just do these little things that make it just like Ah that's annoying Ah that's annoying that's the whole headphones thing yeah that's like why airpods are so dominant it's not like airpods are the best headphones ever but there are like two or three magical features that work perfectly with the iPhone yes that are just the reason people buy it question the W2 chip right it has is is that made by Apple but so that's like I think is it H2 now wait is it W2 I thought it was W2 I think it started as W because it was the same chip from the watch but they changed it to H okay so we'll just call it the chip that connects them I think that's an example of actually they made that chip they made that good it's something specific that is something that just is a feature that is better but like or jbird is not going to have that jbird can still connect but rather than just like taking away an easy way to connect from jbird they're giving you something extra I think that's fine and that makes airpods great MH but like to be like hey your Garmin watch can't differentiate notifications is like yeah there's a difference between adding features on top that is like this works it there's additional magic that happens with Apple products and services versus here's a basic feature that you just can't do if you're connected to something else yeah I guess headphones are are more onedimensional where it's like all you really do is does the audio go to the phone and back great does it have a mic does it pair great but with a smartwatch there's 15 or 20 features so it feels much more obvious when 12 of them are nuked and the weird thing too is that they're this is all happening to Apple customers already you already have an iPhone and they're punishing you for not buying their other product it's not like oh you have an iPhone well then sure go buy a Garmin because you're already an iPhone user it's like no you bought a Garmin now you're going to pay because you didn't buy the Apple watch yeah and their other complaint is that the Apple watch is pretty expensive and because it only works with the iPhone if you buy an Apple Watch you're less incentivise to move to an Android phone because then you just have to throw your Apple watch away that's an interesting perspective because theoretically you could switch to an Android phone and then get all of the the features that you're talking about that you want from the watch right you could get all the specific notifications back to the Garmin thing like you okay you have an iPhone and you see the Garmin you want all the features that you get from Android so you theoretically can switch to Android and Garmin right and I guess their theory is the friction of that no you have the Garmin already oh well I mean okay so you have an iPhone you bought the Garmin the features don't work you can switch to an Android phone on the spot but that friction is enough that people don't do it and instead they don't get the Garmin they buy the Apple watch and then the Apple watch further locks you into the ecosystem because then you bought a $450 watch that only works with your iPhone so if you decide to switch to an Android phone your watch is now useless and you have to buy not only are you throwing away yeah not only are you throwing away the $400 that you spent you now have to spend another 300 on a Garmin watch but that's different I'm okay with that because that is them differentiating their thing like our watch only works with our phone and as much as it sucks I get it but taking away features after already bought the thing that's where I have the issue with it yeah yeah it is I don't know I still think the Apple watch should work with Android phones I get if it doesn't work as fluidly with it but like just it should have doesn't work cuz the pixel watch doesn't work with iPhones so there though does the mad because yeah does the Galaxy watch work with iPhones no it's no I know the Galaxy watch works on it works better with Galaxy phones yeah sure and again I'm like which is slippery yeah that's true what are the things it works better with though is it's usually because it's just connected to like other Samsung apps with inside Sams prob won't have on yeah like normal I don't know I used a Samsung watch on my pixel for a year and it was totally fine you can use the Galaxy watch with with the iPhone I thought there was one that so you can use it with an iPhone but you can't set it up with an iPhone so you need to first pair it to an Android phone set it up yeah I'm on Reddit right now then UNP sure it then pair it with an iPhone but in the case of the pixel watch not working at all with an iPhone are we mad because Google should totally support the iPhone or are we like yeah it's a Google phone and a Google watch this is like the abusing Monopoly power question so behind that it we don't really care that said I think we should care because this is how you build monopolies but also though who's restricting the use between them is it Google saying it's Google yeah Google does not cuz you can build smartw watches that will at least connect and work with the iPhone theirs doesn't at all and the funny thing is Google has just been trying to copy Apple's ecosystem play for the last ever since pixel came out yeah but specifically now they're like let's build a watch and headphones and like uh laptop like they're specifically trying to match the ecosystem that Apple has and they're doing it in a very similar way of like the pixel watch only works on on Android phones you know which yeah Goog Google have some has some Monopoly claims as well on them so absolutely they're not scotch free 100% um yeah okay now that we so the the watch is a big one the watch is for sure a big one yeah big uh last thing last major complaint is that access to the NFC chip on iPhones yeah you can only used with like apple wallet and Apple pay yeah and their complaint which Tech technically true is that like if I was a bank I could theoretically offer my own Wallet app that maybe could compete with other Banks because I could say if you use our Wallet app then we give you special rewards and then that incentivizes me to move over to Chase or move over to Bank of America or something like that but because Apple controls the fire hose of Apple pay and you can only use the NFC chip with Apple pay on the on the iPhone uh they don't allow like anybody to do that the other thing is that they also take a cut of every payment that is made through Apple pay yeah that's not that much different from like using a credit card though right don't credit cards have they do but theoretically as a consumer you have the option to like give that money to Chase or Bank of America or whatever like on an Android phone you can use a different Wallet app and a payment and have someone else take a cut and I use a different service and it'll go through NFC and still work like the NFC chip works with it's like a there's an API for the NFC chip that you can use as Samsung or that you Samsung pay could use that or Google pay could use that so you have to sort of compete and I honestly think that that's a reason that Google pay one of the many versions of Google pay that we've had at this point goog like two versions ago or one version ago had this weird reward system going on where like if you use Google pay more you would like build up rewards that you could use for like other things and I don't know this one's a little weak I don't think people are going to go out there and be like yeah instead of Apple pay and apple wallet I want to use Bank of America wallet like people aren't going to do that but still but let them fight for it give them the chance at making that ultimately I think this whole claim come is just about competition in the marketplace yeah like apple specifically makes it so that other people can even compete with them to offer a better deal that would incent advise consumers to go over there um and one note that I forgot about the super app thing was like the big reason why the Chinese Android market is so insane and why there's like two Android phones coming out per day in China is because everything is about WeChat and so people don't really care about the iPhone over there because they're just like it's an app and I can use whatever Hardware I want and it just makes this incredibly vibrant Hardware ecosystem so different that's why xiaomi and and Oppo and like so many other oems over there are in such Fierce competition it's because they're trying to give you reasons to buy their phone over the other one the reason a Naruto phone exists yeah most people are just I'm buying a phone to use WeChat so I don't really care what's on the phone but if you can convince me I'm open to listening so they're they're in Fierce competition over there which is really exciting yeah meanwhile over here we're like no NFC yeah yeah yeah yeah I just remember it was so funny how long other Android phones had NFC and how like this Niche Community around NFC was built up with the little tags you can be like every time I get in my car I like tap it and it goes into auto mode and navigates home and plays the song I like and turns on the heater at home like all this stuff and like the iPhone never had NFC and when it finally got the NFC chip was like what can we do with it it's like oh no it's just there for Apple like God why yeah well now you could do things with it with like shortcuts and stuff but a few more it's all somewhere in Apple's ecosystem yeah yeah yeah yeah so um a few really amazing quotes from this uh there was this quote that someone said looking at it with hindsight I think going forward we need to set a stake in the ground for what features we think are good enough for the consumer I would argue we've we already doing more than would what would have been good enough a few years ago it would be really hard to regress our product features year-over-year so someone at Apple is saying we've actually like we already have so much market dominance that we're we're actually giving you too many new features we should slow down and I actually wish we could take away features so we could trickle feed you these features year-over-year yeah but that would be really difficult so going forward we need to make sure that we don't innovate too quickly it's like holy crap just sending this stuff to each other in in the group chat stop emailing this stuff by your mom and iPhone no that was that's in the document oh I know yeah yeah yeah yeah I think that that quote is going to haunt Tim Cook for the rest of his career it's so perfectly encapsulates everything though it's the question the answer and the way he grins while he answers like all so perfect five words that are going to be on his gravestone it's so perfect for that yeah I feel bad for him for that though cuz he was clearly just joking not really but the only reason it was a good joke is cuz that sliver of Truth is like but actually it's the only way you can see these videos that your mom is sending you yeah yeah I would argue that when you're the CEO of a trillion dollar company you you lose your jokeing privileges like we have the right to take everything you say serious you can make the joke but we're allowed to take it way too seriously that's fair yeah yeah if you have a market cap over with nine digits we don't listen to your jokes anymore we Sol rule yeah n so yeah you're paying enough people to clap for you at the the offense anyways you don't need us to if you rewatch that uh that clip I think it was from code 2023 um it's it's really awkward because as soon as he says buy your mom and iPhone everyone starts laughing like really awkwardly like everyone in the crowd is like H and so we leave buy your mom an Ione it's cuz he like technically addressed the Elephant Room which is like you guys have this huge Walled Garden and I really would like to be able to do this without buying my mom an iPhone so what are your thoughts and you're the CEO of Apple so you can't say anything other than just get your mom iPhone like what do you think I'm going to say so it was kind of funny in the truth of how revealing that was and what precured that statement was on someone saying like hey so it's like very difficult to message between different devices and it's really annoying and like him and his mom like send blurry messages well before he said the mom comment he was just like it's it's difficult to text and Tim Cook just says we haven't heard from our users that they want interop better interoperability with Android phones it's hilarious specifically said our users cuz of course people that use IM message are not the ones that are upset about this yeah so anyway um yeah that's going to go to his grave uh this is going to take multiple years in the court system they're going to appeal it it's going to be a whole thing it's why I think I should start making a video about it because it'll be Evergreen you should because the courts will take forever with this and I I also like I think the analogy of we've said the words Walled Garden so many times that I feel like it's worth like actually painting the wall in color so you can see exactly what's happening you're the W and this the wall youit when can't get customized notifications on anything else so you have another Apple thing you can't get transparency mode on any of these others with one click so now you have Apple's headphones too now you have Apple's laptop too now you have Apple's messaging service too and that I think is worth a video in some way sort of trying to crystalize that even the Vision Pro it only works with apple ecosystem app I said it before it came out I was like when app makes a headset it will be the one that works with the iPhone even though it doesn't connect to the iPhone it's the one that has iMessage on it it's the one that has FaceTime on it it's the one that has the App Store it's just EXA if you have an Android phone and you don't really use an Apple ID that much the headset's basically worthless yeah I me you can still I use an Android phone and I use an uh I can still use apps in the App Store so like there's that if you don't want use multiplatform apps you can jump in use Vision Pro apps in there but you're not going to use FaceTime you're not going to use iMessage you're not going to use probably they're built-in email app or Safari because you have bookmarks and chrome whatever so yeah those walls still exist um and I will say as sort of a a what on that that whole thing about iTunes growing uh because of windows it's kind of a valid point because at the time Windows had 95 97% market share right so imagine Apple's trying to grow this new product Apple's I don't know Garmin at the in this juncture they're trying to grow this new product but the platform that is completely dominating the market doesn't allow you to put out your application for people to actually use it if iTunes couldn't have get gotten put on Windows would iTunes have like grown to the the point where it was you know if it couldn't have been put on Windows yeah cuz it couldn't at first like quick time didn't really work with Windows first do you think Apple like saw that lawsuit and understands like the line they have to skirt to kind of not turn into that which now they pretty much have but like they're skirting it real close they're skirting it real close I like seeing all of this and seeing all the things if all five of these things change all I think of this is like apple one already like what all of these things happened to put people in this garden and they're in the garden already they're not coming out with all of these things change which I don't even think all of these things will change but like let's say every single thing happens for the doj here because it should happen yeah and some of the walls have holes in them now there's a couple holes 25 ft up and you can't buy a ladder on the app store to get up there but um it's just like it feels like all these things happen to stifle competition and they stifled it up to their winning in every aspect yeah I don't it's not going to change very much depending on the implementation of RCs uh next year I will very likely be switching to an Android phone so which is why they will be doing everything in their power to implement it in a way that makes that less compelling right I think even that though is such a small user like it doesn't mean anything to them the amount of people that would think that is absolutely nothing it do does feel a little bit like too too late I think your point is there there are lots of people who already have the MacBook and the iPhone and the Apple watch and everything but there is a world where there are like 12-year-olds right now who are about to get first two devices and maybe they'll get the G Watch instead I guess that's what I should say it's too late for probably maybe in like our lifetime or in like a couple Generations whereas I'm sure when Microsoft got hit with this people were like well they own 97% already it's too late but now we're at a point where it's like oh there is some competition so maybe they're hitting it now get her first or when Lane's when Lane's kids get their phones they might have something different yeah I mean when when you're growing up as a kid and like you're a parent and you need to get a phone for your kid you don't want to get them a new like an iPhone 15 Pro and they're 9 years old right please don't would say Tim would say that iPhone 15 Pro Max but if your kid's 9 years old and all their friends have iMessage and they're getting bullied for not having iMessage they're going to go to you and be like but I need the iPhone dad and like if that's not there their dad's a nerd and it's going to have some very funny answers you're going to love this one but no no sorry that's again like super anecdotal if that barrier isn't there and it's and it's less like those kids can get anything that their parents will give them and also you know people tend to stick with brands for a long period of time throughout their entire life I remember when the LG G8 thin Q came out and it was like damn throw back at least three generations into people just not buying LG phones anymore really and I was in Uber and the Uber guy had it and I was like why did you pick this phone I literally asked him oh I had an aunt yeah yeah she and he was like I've just always used LG since like the flip phones like people just stick with Brands yeah I have the same thing I have an aunt that was on um I swear I had this conversation at a wedding it was like I have a S6 what which Samsung should I get like that's the question they're asking should I get the s20 s22 like and that's all they they're like I don't really want to learn a new thing with the LG or the HTC so like which one should I get yeah that's very valid right so yeah buy your lane uh android phone should the new quote see there won't be phones there buy your kid an Android phone um anyway yeah like we said it's going to take probably a few years for this to actually get through the courts uh on the Verge cast I was listening to their their talk about this and they made a bet whether it be over under 2030 by the time this gets resolved oh my God which feels pretty Rel guess I got some time to work on this video then what gets resolved first this or like all car manufacturers switching to EVS cuz right 2030 is like when almost everyone's promised they'll stop doing that's also when it's supposed to be zero emissions from All Tech companies right yeah I'd say there's at least legislation in place that would I bet you 2030 looks exactly like it does right now for cars for all the things we just talked about for everything we do another podcast episode we talk about the exact same PS we make more bets yeah hey thanks for watching this clip make sure you leave a like also ring dingding da ba ba ARA ba B ba BBA ding ding this is crazy frog it's b m somehow oh it's different every time though then it's ding ding then back to B yeah then it's uh long bottom at the bottom of the Google lyricss it says translate to English it's the exact same no no no it's not da da translate to yes yes oh it's Russian yeah d da crazy frog is Russian that's [Music] incredible
Channel: Waveform Clips
Views: 68,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Waveform, WVFRM, Podcast, MKBHD, Marques, Brownlee, Andrew, Manganelli
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 28sec (2308 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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