Wise Words From Bishop Jeff Arnold / Episode 16

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hey kids it's the old guy again i hope you got my message from last time i didn't get to finish it one thing i wanted to tell you from the last message darkness does not really frustrate us nor the night time the problem that frustrates us is how long the night how long the darkness if we knew when it was going to end we could just cross our fingers hold our breath it'll be all right but i want to start my next message on the same scriptures in acts 27 okay he turns around he says and falling into a place verse 41 where the two seas met they ran the ship aground and the four parts stuck fast and remained unmovable and behind the part of the ship was broken with the violence of the waves i want to talk to you tonight on this subject but today the subject stuck in god's sovereignty because the ship got stuck and couldn't move and when you're stuck in sovereignty you can get beat half to death over the storms of life and things will come apart or you think you're going to lose but you're not job turned around in in chapter 23 says my foot in verse 11. my foot has held the steps this way i've kept i've not declined neither have i gone back from the commandment of his words i have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary friend here it is but he is of one mind and who can turn him and what his soul desireth even that he doeth it here it is he performeth the thing that is appointed for me see god is sovereign i looked up that word sovereign that's that's an amazing word to exercise supremacy to be a subject to no one to be totally over any situation any circumstance and to be influenced by none god does always as it pleases him always in everything he's over everything he is ordering all our circumstances he is the most high he is god almighty and he is sovereign he rules and he overrules that's the way he is and i'd like to tell you this i'm not a liar i'm telling you the truth a lot of times when i've had to get caught stuck in the sovereignty of god one is not something that i would choose two it wasn't something i liked three i couldn't make it end because i wished and wanted and prayed for it god's sovereignty he orders the situation baba said the heavens do rule i read the scriptures psalms 103 19. i want to read this for you because it's powerful uh i hope i'm not bore you with all this but you've got to you've got to let me read these scriptures to you psalms 103 and verse 19. oh i got my thing stuck in the wrong place here psalms 103 19 the lord had prepared his throne in heaven and his kingdom ruleth over all 115 and three look at this but our god is in heaven he had done whatsoever he hath pleased 135 and six 135-6 whatsoever the lord pleased that did he in heaven in earth in seas and in all deep places because he's sovereign nobody can make him obey nobody can threaten him with anything no devil can dominate him he is sovereign almighty god but you got to understand he is unruled in majesty he is unlimited in power he is unaffected by anything outside of himself he's king of kings and he's lord of lords but in his sovereignty he doesn't give you answers he gives you questions consider the sovereignty of god in the life of joseph hated by his brethren thrown into a pit sold into slavery become paddle for part of her slave his wife tries to seduce him he gets put in prison for two years here we go and becomes prime minister in one day why because when god promises problems cannot stop the performance but the sovereignty of god ordered all these situations now to me if you're going to make the guy the prime minister just let him go past go collect 200 and just go get to the throne but the lord says no i'm all wise and i'm all-knowing and i know he's going to require all these experiences to make him the kind of man i want him to be listen to me folks i just look stupid i'm not stupid listen to me god's sovereignty hardly ever makes sense it wasn't designed to make sense it was designed to make saints and saints don't like the schooling but that's just the way it is consider david david is chosen by god he's anointed he's appointed then he's hunted then he's hated then he's pursued and he's living in caves and he's living like a fugitive why god is getting him prepared for god's sovereignty for him to be king but in god's wisdom he said he needs all these experiences so that when he becomes the shepherd of my people he would have a heart of compassion and understanding and so even in our lives there are things that god ordains in our lives and we don't like it when we're going through and if we're dumb enough we'll curse the darkness we'll get mad at everybody and all that stuff but you've got to understand let me try it again you get stuck in the sovereignty of god that ship got stuck and could not free itself and when you get stuck in the sovereignty of god you can fuss and cuss and yell and carry it on scream and fast and all that stuff you ain't getting out of the sovereignty until that sovereignty has completed in your life what god wants done in your life let me go a little further elijah who's standing up for god who's the only guy really standing up for him yet what happens he's anointed he's appointed and then he's attacked by people and he's run out of town by people why because in the sovereignty of god god also wants us to discover our own weaknesses and our own shortcomings that's why i said last time in their storm they started emptying out the ship you'd be surprised what you and i can get rid of when we're in a dark night and there's no sun and there's no stars and we're struggling with our own weaknesses in our own situations but the bible said all they that are godly shall suffer persecution so you have to experience problems and setbacks now there's an interesting scripture in genesis 15 12-14 when abraham is given a promise said no you're not that your seed is going to be slaves for 400 years and after that i'm going to bring them out with riches and wealth but they're going to have to suffer during my sovereignty so i can make them into a nation they were not being destroyed they were being developed into a nation of people but it took god's sovereignty i would have never thought that i would have never sent people to 400 years of slavery in bondage i'd have just blessed them that's because i'm stupid and he's smart that's the difference well the apostles had the same thing they turned around where they're anointed they were appointed and yet they were hunted and hated by people and jailed and imprisoned and beaten and mistreated and yet they were used by god to liberate people and help people and so that's part of the sovereignty of god god's in his sovereignty because he's all wise and all knowing he says no i've got to put you in this situation because there's things i want to develop in you in this situation consider apostle paul he cast a devil out of that old bag in the book of acts that spirit he cast it out you think they'd have a parade they didn't have parade they hold them by the cops and took them to jail and beat him half to death now now where's the sovereignty of god in that i'm glad you asked he had a vision and a dream of a man of macedonia saying come over and help us he doesn't know where the guy is god knows where the guy is guess who the guy is the philippian jailer in acts 16 who had put him in jail god's sovereignty can put you right on location god can put you right in the situation he wants and so when he finally gets this philippian jailer he is used by god to turn that whole family and his whole life around but he would have never got there without the jailing without the hatred without the whipping without the mistreatment don't let mistreatment or injustice steal your victory remember he's lord of all and he's over all david said it this way the steps of a good man are ordered of the lord then he also said my times are in your hands now i don't want to be a hypocrite but sometimes when my times are in god's hands i don't like it one bit i think he's made a bad decision and i don't deserve this trouble and all this problem but god says yeah you do because i got things i need to take out of you and i got things i need to put in you i still have a few minutes left okay god god can put you in the situation babylon needed a witness so he gave him shadrach meshach and abednego of course that included a fiery furnace that include being humiliated damned shamed and embarrassed but guess what god used that situation to turn a whole nation around he did the same thing with daniel he turned the whole nation around but it was the sovereignty of god ask yourself hmm i wonder if i've been stuck in the sovereignty of god and i've been fighting trying to wiggle my way out of it and god ain't gonna let you wiggle out of it he's got something he wants to accomplish like he told paul thou must go and testify me also in rome so the issue is not our victory in success it's just walking fulfilling the things of god well i hope that in your tribulation and your trials and your problems and and your losses and your failures you don't get all frustrated i wish i had time i'd like to sing a song to you we used to sing like till the storm passes over till the thunder rolls no more till the clouds roll forever from the sky hold me fast let me stand in the hollow of your hand keep me safe till the storm passes by god bless these sweet people they're going through a lot of struggles and problems help them to see things more clearly and understand they're probably stuck in the sovereignty of god but it's the safest place to be and it's the best place to be bless your people and encourage and strengthen them let your healing virtue help the folks to the sick lift up the discouraged in jesus name i pray amen amen
Channel: The Pentecostals of Gainesville
Views: 6,707
Rating: 4.9363055 out of 5
Keywords: jeff arnold, pentecostal, upci, apostolic, gainesville, jw arnold
Id: qNB39awCUo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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