How To Install A Whole House Generac Generator And A 200 Amp Generac Transfer Switch.

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hey guys fix it John here uh we just installed this Generac and uh that's pretty much a no-brainer just flopping it down I had to build up a bed Fort and uh form it in a little bit throw some gravel down but we're installing this transfer switch and I'm going to show you how you do that uh we have to uh take this uh two inch lb conduit body here and drill a hole right in here through the concrete and it's coming out the other side and a drill drill a hole through the top we also got to drill a hole on this side so we can connect it to the meter when uh they come out to shut the power off I'm just prepping this right now so I'll be ready so when the power guy comes off comes out to shut the power off so I'm fixing to drill this out and uh hopefully I'll be in the center part of the block when I come when I come through the thing I want to say about this transfer switch install it's for entertainment purposes only I'm not a professional electrician nor do I claim to be so uh take this install with a grain of salt all right guys so I'm measuring from the ceiling because I know uh on the other side I have to come down seven feet the Eve is just above me here from seven feet that'll come under a come under an airline so I'm going to start my hole just under here [Music] a little bit loud all right guys Mr Safety man here we go [Music] all right guys there I got to the first uh part uh it looks like I got lucky because I missed the solid part of the block right there and I can just shoot it straight on we're going to shoot through to the other side [Music] foreign box back up I can make some mattresses here all right guys uh initially I was going to uh run the feeder conductors uh I was gonna feed him back through the meter base but I was doing some reading and I found out online that uh a meter cabinet you're not allowed to run conductors from the transfer switch back to the meter cabinet and into the uh into the electrical panel that your meter cabinet is only for electric that is coming from the meter this is okay coming from the meter but I can't double it double it back through the meter from the transfer switch back in here I can't use the meter as a Raceway or a conduit it's a cabinet and I cannot do it guys let me see if I can knock this knock out to the bottom of this panel here all right guys we're gonna put my uh fitting in here with the nut on top of it [Music] so yeah that looks nice and square now what I'll do is I'll take this cover off drill two holes in there in the concrete so it fastens this oh yeah I keep harping on safety don't start a job like this without a hot cup of coffee you might electrocute yourself before I fasten this back on there I'm going to glue this into this and you don't need any primer with this stuff all right guys exclude this last piece these two didn't matter but I do have it marked here all right guys I have this conduit all glued all right guys I got this Mark made here and marked it I'm gonna get halfway closed so I'm going to mark this down here and then cut cut the box out all right guys this I got a hole saw here at 60 millimeter I've got to cut it a hole out for this uh PVC adapter to go in here these Knockouts here are to be cut in the field that means uh it doesn't have a knockout to get yeah I don't want you to make it I got it to work but I cut this hole a little too far back get this hole a little too far back which made it hard for me to put my nut on and the bushing one on easy it just spun right on but I had to put the nut on and tighten it from here that's the 800 box you don't mess that booger up all right I'm just taking a pencil lining that up so I can see that I bought me some Flex tubing uh liquid uh I think it's called liquid type and I got these fittings here well it's an inch and a half this fitting here just about a quarter inch Tube8 I'm gonna go ahead and install it just gonna grind this out here bird dog there guys I don't think I've introduced you scoop Dogg man good boy you like squirrels lizards Birds loves people and dogs that's my hunting dog so yeah uh the uh utility Source will come out of the box through here I'll Loop it up back into the uh into the uh transfer box and it'll come in here I got a cover for this and then it'll come out here at the bottom T1 and T2 connection I was going to run it from here back through here because I have uh two Ott and I think I could have done that it would have been tight but it's illegal uh I can't I can't uh run uh power from a different Source back through the meter so now I if you look on YouTube some of the guys are they're running it back through the meter and using this as a uh uh conduit but it's a meter meter housing meter box whatever you want to call it uh and another reason why I can't run it back through there is because uh yeah if if there's a nicked wire or something like that it could back feed the meter and uh cause problem with maybe uh the electrical guys getting electrocuted power guys getting electrocuted so this is the way uh it says to do it I cannot run it back through that can all right guys I'm gonna do on this side what I did on the other side before I uh before I glue it all right I got a little Fasteners here foreign looks good the hole's lined up all right guys we're going to cut one more hole for this liquid tight fitting I'm going to put it right here I'm not cutting it too far back this time I wasn't happy with this cut here I want to make sure all the gaps are full so I got this stuff online uh if you live in California don't mess with it proposition 65. uh it's a duck seal it's for uh AC equipment for electrical stuff but I'm gonna paste some stuff on here so it seals it up it's got a little bit of a gap here that I'm not happy with I'm just going to uh put this on the edge of this I think so what I got here is this little sanding disc wheel it seems to be eating it up a little bit so let's hope that works so I can get that liquid type fitting in there because I don't want to send that back that's it right there so that'll work perfect because I put some of that sealer on the uh inside lip of that uh liquid tight fitting let me show you something here all in one cable here and this is from uh this is from uh Ziller electric and it's and it's good for uh Generac generators uh wire 17 kW to 24 KW copper uh and it's got your two hot wires in it neutral and your six uh and your six control wires and your ground wires so when you use that you don't need to use both of those knockouts on the back of this uh generator let me show you so we only have one liquid type uh cable running from it and it'll be through here now it said if you don't use both entrances knock that one out throw it away so when I start a project guys I I just don't jump into it and start slinging things around and like I know what I'm doing I actually read the directions uh right here uh close close unused hole with a n e m a Nema Nema 3r rated plug filled supplied filled Supply means I'll get it and they're talking about this right here so the part number on that is uh x003ce i k so old is two pieces of washer and a butterfly knob so I'm just going to stick this piece in the gray with the gray side out it's got the foam on it and uh this washer on there it is looks good out here so this is an inch and a half liquid tight connector my uh that cable one there is an inch I got it facing down for the drip Loop now while I have you here before I forget uh you can't come off of this with PVC you have to come off of it with uh liquid tight flexible tubing because it's a motor it vibrates and they don't want it to break they want something that's going to give and that's going to go run all the way down here with the loop in it up to the bottom of that all right guys what I'm going to fill this hole up here is with some gray slab caulk [Music] hey guys fix it John here uh some things I want to go over on the installation I know I said it's just a no-brainer to plop this thing down it's a little bit more uh work than that but uh never start a job without a nice hot cup of coffee otherwise you can screw it up badly um so almost everything you need to know will come in your instruction uh packet I highlighted some things for myself so when I get ready to hook the electric up I can go over pretty quickly but uh your installation guide almost everything's there that you need to know so to be an electrician you just have to have a little confidence in yourself and that's what I'm trying to do to give you guys some confidence so you'll want to read all this stuff uh owner's manual the installation guide is really important yeah the owner's manual for the automatic transfer switch all all these are very important I made some notes for myself so like I said I'm not a professional electrician and this is just for entertainment purposes from what I gather it's got to be like eight inches above flood green so I built this pad up some ahj Authority having having jurisdiction will allow you just to plop this uh generator right on the gravel on your gravel pad I live in Central Florida so they require you to bolt it down to a concrete pad for some bullet points I want to talk about here is uh it had it needs to be uh most of these directions are in here 18 inches from the house almost 20 inches I'll call it 20 inches from the house so we're good there you need three feet from each end whether that's a building or a fence it has to be at least three feet uh where we're we're we are required to put a fence right here at the end everything from the exhaust to the intake has to be three feet away meter access so you just can't plop this in front of a meter and call it good this has to be uh you need a four foot leeway from the center of this uh Center of this meter uh I think this jurisdiction only requires 18 inches from the center of this meter but I put it out uh if you're placing the generator in front of the meter you'd have to come out 36 inches which would be right here you would have to place the back of this generator the back of this has to be three feet away from that meter so the meter guy has an access way to walk if you're putting it in front of the meter oh also uh this generator cannot be within three feet of the meter the intake here which is a source of ignition cannot be closer than five feet to the regulator Regulators right here they're seven feet from the regulator uh the ignition point of the generator we also need to be five feet from the regulator the gas company's regulator because there is a regulator inside this generator need to be five feet from the transfer switch and we're well over any any source of ignition 12 feet the transfer switch is going to go here we're 12 feet from the transfer switch so any switches uh source of ignition like an engine and stuff like that has to be five feet away um from the gas gas company regulator oh yeah minimum distance between uh the gas meter and the electric meter here is 36 inches so if your gas company comes in and installs the gas meter within 36 inches of your meter it's wrong chances are they won't do that that's something you won't have to worry about they want you to hook your generator up as close to the power sources you can get only to save you money uh and is close to the uh this is if you're hiring it done or it'll keep you from buying material too uh you want to get it as close to the uh gas meter and the electric meter as possible now sometimes it's not possible because you may have a window or a door here you may have to set the generator down there and run cable to your meter and your transfer switch and pipe to your uh gas meter it has to be your generator has to be five feet away from the property line hey guys installing this generator is not uh terribly complicated uh the hardest part for me was pulling a permit uh our uh permitting Department that we work with is a really easy and helpful so they made it easy for me uh once they wrote it down in crayon for me I was able to understand it and pull my permit for my uh all right guys fix it John uh before trying to get a permit don't do anything without a hot cup of coffee might Overlook something uh first you're going to need a survey and that doesn't mean that you need to have the survey crew come out and spend 500 000 whatever they charge dollars for a survey of your property because they want to know property lines and where you're going to place your generator uh you can print this survey up online and uh submit that so we're this is how you uh work towards getting your permit your permit uh the company uh submitted this to the city that did the plumbing now if you're going to do the plumbing yourself you'll need to submit something like this uh I I don't have a thread cutter and all that and it just too much too much trouble renting one and uh just to not cost effective it was pretty cost effective to have those guys come out and run this gas plumbing to my generator hot water tank and the fireplace so you can do it yourself or have them do it so this is a diagram of what their work now don't laugh because mine is the next diagram I did the best I can I'm not a professional with this kind of stuff but uh so I got my job name here and it's uh just my my name and it's right there so I just want to show where everything was like number one number two uh number one regulator uh oh yeah it's not to scale either number one regulator number two gas meter because they're interested that your intake to your uh generator is at least five feet from the uh uh regulator and The Regulators right here and it is seven another thing they'll want before you can get your permit is uh specification sheet uh that way they know what kind of uh generator it is and this this page here is probably the page they really need right here the spec sheet uh you know the rated amperage and stuff they probably don't want you putting a big diesel generator in your house that you'd never get a permit for anyway uh that would run a hospital so uh they want that the spec sheet and oh yeah one more thing if you guys live in Florida a friend of mine had uh had a generator he put a generator in and uh he said John they're gonna they're gonna want this uh spec sheet here for your Precast pad and this is probably only in Florida I mean if you don't live in a wind wind Zone like hurricane wind zone or something you probably won't need it because you know this is acceptable for uh Fort Myers Palm Beach Broward Miami-Dade and that's 165 Monroe 175 mile an hour wind wind risk there's a license number for the guy that made this thing but I'm sure you can go online because that you don't get this you don't get this uh sheet here when you get your concrete pad uh so that was approved by the city once you have all that stuff the city will give you your permit so uh what I am doing is the building and electrical and the gas company is doing the gas piping if you see here contractor says owner Builder that's me the inspector gave me his personal number so when the guy the power guy is coming out tomorrow it's called the inspector and say boom we're ready for inspection and that way I'll get the electrical guide yeah one more thing guys you wanna you'll want to call the city after you do the first rough end so like you saw that uh conduit I had out there all roughed in uh you want them come out there and uh sign that so when uh they come out again they can do the final electric and that's 204. you call them you tell them what number you call them up you tell them and they're real good here I got it from uh AP electric and generators uh they're out of uh Pleasant Prairie Wisconsin they were the cheapest place I could find it and that was with free shipping and liftgate service to your house uh I ordered this as a package unit to get the Gen pad the four inch hurricane gen pad uh you guys in Florida may want uh May one because then you come to this page page 14 and they asked for the fault current uh label and it looks just like this and they want that it says on the outside of your transfer switch but you want to put it on the inside but if you live in a jurisdiction uh that recognizes 2017 you'll need to fill this out uh residential one and two uh family home dwellings I think it is this is not required this fault current rating is not required for residents if you're a ahj Authority having uh jurisdiction goes by the 2020 NEC they did away with this for uh residential homes still applies for commercial businesses and uh big uh you know apartment complexes and stuff like that but for one and two family dwellings uh this is no longer needed but our jurisdiction recognizes 2017 NEC so I have to fill this out the available fault current for uh ours is at 240 volts it's 13 900. [Music] and at 120 volts it's 20 800 and to get this information you'll need to call the builders uh Builders uh line the fault current rating is 22 Ka Ka rating is a is the short circuit withstand capacity so uh this number should always be bigger than this number to be approved so I mean if you're throwing a uh 20 amp breaker on there that's obviously not going to be big enough let me show you how I found the 22ka rating uh I read this stuff and I just zoomed right by it so back on page five right here a 200 amp rated switch is suitable for use on a circuit capable of 22 000 RMS symmetrical amps so all that means is a 22 000 RMS symmetrical amps is uh it's just a unit of measure and it describes the fault not in the book like it is here it'll be on your breaker so that's one way to find show you on the transfer switch here guys the fault current rating is 22 Ka guys there's Duke Energy they showed up I've been waiting on them not too long they're actually here earlier than I thought and what they're going to do is they're going to de-energize the power to the house and open up that uh Transformer so we don't get electrocuted working on that generator so all my safety stuff but I'll get in trouble gloves here oh mate a gallon of paint so I'll show you over here it's a blue zip tie yeah so that'll identify when I go into the Transformer hopefully somebody left the blue zip tie on the other hand oh okay and I can they'll tell me which one is yours over there so don't stick your finger in there that's hot wow the old days I haven't had a new one off but the old days you just you had to take that front cover off there and then uh it dependency all these uh they got different style meters some meters come off first and some the lid comes out lock off and screwed it this is usually where all the black racers shoot up between my legs when I open these and there it is guys I've never seen in one of these myself there yeah I'll see death right there what's that Mark let me grab my meter look at that box we got X1 X2 and X3 and I imagine one of those is the neutral X2 is your neutral that's three and X1 or it's your hot legs could be this all right telephone style is a little easier isn't it telephone pole style where you just unflip the yeah a lot easier check I got the right one stay clear of this thing yes sir check make sure one of the legs are all Hot Leg so there now he's marking it for the next guy that comes this is a newer Transformer so whoever's here when the King of the South should have went through and marked all these but [Music] too much to ask this must be good insulated gloves yeah these are good up to uh primary seven thousand volts of these what this is the bus bar so this is 120. 120. you get your 240 between them and then that's your neutral down there okay could be uh you have eight hole blocks you can add like Eight houses coming out of one Transformer this is single phase right yeah single phase this is your 7200 comes in to this transfer oh wow I see comes out and goes to your next one oh okay it's a big one around the whole neighborhood right there it is guys testing both legs zero zero good to go all right move that uh that's a surge protector there guys that's an old same same thing it's a different style they call it a lightning arrester or surge protector and they're wired in there all right guys I'm gonna try to stay out of your way I'm testing double checking just double checking for the power coming in here that's a Hot Leg there that's neutral we're at zero only got one hand here so I'm trying to got a Hot Leg here this is coming in from the uh Transformer neutral zero he knows what he's doing you just want to double check and make sure that the power is all right guys we're taking these conductors off these are the two hot leads these are torqued at 250 pound inch [Music] [Music] all right we can no longer use this conduit uh Raceway here anymore uh uh once the power leaves it can't return through this box that was my initial uh thinking that I could just shoot this power shoot the wire through this uh meter box back through here up to the uh transfer switch down and back through here and in but no such luck I found out that I have to take it a different route you can't you can't cross two two hot lines from two different power sources one power sources being the Transformer the Transformer and the other power source being the generators all right guys let me give you a close-up in here if you can see that see that ground wire moving around that uh lug that's pretty loose so I bought this handy dandy Torx screwdriver on Amazon and yeah way loose all right guys I'm gonna I'm Gonna Knock this knock out here I want to be careful I don't take the top one I only want this Center piece here [Music] all right guys here's the scary part for me uh gluing these pipes in because it's need three arms to get this thing in there I've got a shim behind it and it lined up there so I know where to so I know where to put it [Music] all right guys I got it in there the glue's drying and what I'm doing now is uh taking these uh screws here with these rubber washers see it right there that way it'll seal out the water this thing will smash down and seal any water that will come in and fasten it in there so we've got one in already got another one right here all right guys I'm gonna try to feed uh three out cables and one uh four four gauge uh copper all right guys that was a little bit of a job pulling that cable through there uh we're using some soapy water to lubricate that stuff up lubricate this cable up so I'm just going to run them one at a time now [Applause] [Music] foreign 275 foot inches there it is she's on there way there we go all right 275 foot inches [Music] all right guys this grounding uh put it right up here [Music] we're going to torque that down to 50 foot inch pounds there we go put my neutral in all right guys this is uh 275 pounds also there it is uh we've got two more hot cables around [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys I got it shortness I knew I'd have to but suckers hard to cut with that too tiny thing yeah you may want to step up and get something a little bigger [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign ahead and uh approved it uh it's a partial a partial approval uh that way we can get our power on he said we got all the wires hooked up but uh what he told me was this ground wire that I ran all the way from the service panel he said I do not need it and I wasn't for sure on it so I ran it anyway uh he said it won't hurt anything he said what I need was this right here he said it won't hurt anything but it's just double uh double grounding he's a nice guy I'm right here that hole there that where the uh other wire went through he had me uh he wanted me to spray foam in it or put this uh duct sealer in it the electrical guys know what that is uh duck seal so yeah glad I had that I didn't have any foam so yeah we're all hooked up out here we're waiting on the power guy and uh foreign guys I'll try to keep my big head out of the way here but I doubt it's gonna happen trying to get done before uh Duke gets out of here perfect man tell you what I just barely got enough wire here all right guys this is SEC SCC cable again so I can go through here all right guys we're stripping this uh SEC wire this stuff is out [Music] hopefully you can see what's going on I'm gonna start with this black wire and it's going into E1 so I had to put the black wire up there on E1 I always cut off I can't put on okay guys remember whenever messing around with electricity I always have a hot cup of coffee save your life hmm Mountain grown I like using this to cut the cable because it doesn't smash it leaves it nice and unusable we got three more wires one blue two yellows he's just clip and stick that's all these are all right guys we're going to run this ground up here I guess first all right now we're going to put our neutral up here uh coming from the generator put that right there in that one oh that's pretty [Music] all right guys we're going to cut these wires because they're way too long you don't need all that move a little bit too okay say settle okay so it settles now if you had to run these longer they they would need to be a bigger gauge wire like these are 18 gauge like 14 gauge and on up 12 gauge if you got a real long run we don't have a real long run that's why uh I was able to get this all in one cable all right we're going to do the white one first here guys let's see if I can get this sucker hooked up here I was right there I got all my sensor wires in there now I got to work on the power from the generator and I'll be done with this so E1 is black E1 is black down there [Music] now this these two wires here guys this is a uh hot wires coming from the generator so when this power goes out here at the meter uh 10 seconds five seconds whatever the generator will pop on and then power will current through here and then go through the uh two uh hot cables right here into the house and to the service panel uh now I'm going to throw my fault current label on here and uh I think I'm just going to throw it right under the breaker that little sticky thing right there power neutral wires coming from the meter going up here two hot legs right now going into the breaker one neutral right here coming around this neutral here goes all the way down and into the uh surface panel and here these will be two hot legs when I flip that breaker on now when the power goes out uh the power will come from these two legs from the generator and proceed down these these two legs here so uh you can make the generator run by shutting it off we've got the power off right now so it's not going to run and the breaker off guys we're ready to put some juice to our transfer switch now let's go inside here and see if we got any power [Music] all right we got power there there's my surge protector I just put in guys that'll be on another video I look up in the comments and you'll see the search how to install surge protector you got lights just like the rich kids down the street all right guys fix it John here uh I hope you like this uh generator a switch box install if you did like And subscribe give me a thumbs up and thanks for watching if you have any questions within the next year or two while this is still fresh in my mind uh go ahead and give me a shout I mean I'm doing all I'm doing different stuff all the time so I don't constantly do the same thing all the time and I may forget a little bit but uh I'm going to try to see that the generators on auto the first time for me I'm going to try to see if the generator runs so I'm going to hit this circuit breaker it's on on I'm going to turn it to off so this thing should start within five five to ten seconds there it is all right thumbs up car back on should shut off that's supposed to run uh cooldown period for like five or ten seconds after it transfers never want the transfer switch
Channel: Fix it John
Views: 90,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How too install a hole house generator, how to install a transfer switch, ganerac genterator, =generac genorater, how to properly install a generator, generater tranfer switch, genarac trannsfer switched, natural gas generator, naturalgas generator, propanegas generator, propangas generator, gass generater, how two pull a permit for a hole house generator, genpad, generac genpad
Id: tqDDkqc4vcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 5sec (3305 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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