Testing our new Generac generator and transfer switch.

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hey hey welcome back friends it's a little bit breezy so i apologize for any uh noise interference in the mic um today's an exciting day we just got our propane tank installed and filled and hooked up gas company came a little bit earlier and i got everything hooked up so i'm going to do kind of a walk through what they uh did so everyone can see how it's hooked up and everything unfortunately i wasn't here uh when they were here to be able to show the process but it's it's pretty simple laid out so thank you all so much for joining us hope you enjoy the video this here's our tank it's a 250 gallon propane tank it's a pretty good sized tank i was actually expecting it to be smaller but we went ahead and bought the tank because the difference in price between renting a tank and just buying it outright was about 500 because you have the initial setup cost for rental and then it's 200 per year for as long as you have it to rent whereas when you buy it it was a couple there's about 500 more and they said we don't have to recertify it we don't have to pay any monthly fees nothing so um it seemed like a no-brainer dust so we just went ahead and bought the tank and that way we own it um so yeah i'm pretty excited so looking around here they've got the copper that comes down and it converts to i'm guessing this is a direct burial flex um and that goes underground which i'm probably going to fill this in a little better than what they did and it comes over behind the generator and comes up into the main regulator so and then out of the regulator it feeds over into the generator of course it's fed with flex that way it allows for any movement from the generator and then they popped out of the side of there with a copper underground over to the house so we've got uh our oven inside is the only thing that we have this gas right now so that that takes care of that so this is uh got a shut off valve on it from the tank of course it's got one on the tank but then it's got one here and then of course we have one going into the house as well so it's pretty simple how they set it up looks like they have a vent over here now i don't understand propane all that much um but i do know that they have vents that they put on the lines and they they have to be away from the electrical panels and the ac vents and our ac condensing units and that sort of thing so so this regulator is uh the outlet pressure is 9 to 13 inches of water column that's the regulator that they used i'm not sure what the pressure is on the lines i'm guessing it's probably five pounds but i don't know i really do not know that for sure now over on the transfer switch side i forgot to do it after i put the battery in the generator but i did it today i went ahead and put my three fuses in so after the battery was installed i put my three fuses in one of the fuses goes to the trickle charger over on the generator so i put the battery in a couple days ago forgot to put these in when i did it which is not a big deal but it would drain the battery because it's got the little indicator lights over here so it ended up draining the battery but it's back up and running now the gas guy called in to generac and went ahead and did the setup process and got the activation code so all i have to do now is take the activation code and finish setting up the generator side here so that's what we're going to do now i'm going to get the registration code and our activation code and we'll go ahead and set this up hmm so this is where we're going to enter the activation code i need to see what time it is all righty that's it so that was super simple but it's on the um it's not on wi-fi so it doesn't work with the app which like i said we don't have home wi-fi anyways so the app's not going to work for us anyway so um set it up in manual it's ready to go we'll do a test uh start of course we're going to have to let the lines bleed because it hasn't started yet it's got to get gas so we're going to give it a manual try here [Laughter] all right so it's gonna give the starter a break but it sounds like it's [Music] [Music] beautiful well that didn't take long at all that's exciting all right let me get uh everything cleaned up and then we'll do a test on it real quick one setting i forgot to mention is right down here there's this little handle this orange handle it comes preset to natural gas you'll want to spin that around to uh for the liquid propane the other thing is you have a switch and auxiliary shutdown switch you want to make sure that's on what some people don't know is right here on the back of the generator there's actually another one hidden up underneath here you want to make sure that one's on otherwise it will not start all right we got it on auto we're going to test it and see usually it's about 20 seconds after the power is off it'll start up and then switch over and you'll see this plunger switch activate so let's give it a try and see what happens killing power and now we wait oh good there we go running on generator power so now what we have to do when the power comes back on simulated that'll switch back over just the second once it realizes there's power it'll switch back and then the generator will power down [Music] there you go so just switch back we're back on utility power the generator will power down in just a minute there we go awesome it is working as it should fantastic it's time to button everything up let's see here i have a record it's not easy doing this one-handed well and all i got to do now is uh bolt it down to the pad now they have holes down in the bottom of the generator uh there's like three holes that you can drill through and and do tap cons i've always just used these guys right here that they hold it down to the pallet with you can just anchor those right there run a tapcon in on all four corners and i mean these work great so i mean that's what i've always done you can do it however you can do both if you want but this is all i'm gonna do just to keep it from vibrating off the pad so hmm so so if you ever want to check just to make sure your generator is working it's super easy just kill your main utility service disconnect that's the main line coming in from the power company from our meter you just kill that and that kills power to the house and that'll send a signal it's got a utility sense in the data line that'll send a signal to the generator after about 10 to 20 seconds it'll start up once it's running for a few seconds it'll switch over and be running on generator power and then once the power comes back on you can simulate that by turning the breaker back on it'll make sure it's going to stay on and not blink on and off so once it stays on for 15-20 seconds it'll switch back over and then the generator runs for about another minute before it cuts off totally um and everything's back to normal so super simple now i haven't yet but i am going to check my power coming in i'm going to fire it up and check my power coming in just to make sure i've got 240 good voltage coming in before i have to rely on it i just want to check make sure everything's working as it should but everything seems to be good and uh we're all done so we're going to wrap this up thank you all so much for watching all these videos this is going to be the last generator video it's been a long process but we're finally done hopefully it's been a help to somebody we thank you to all the new subscribers that we've gotten to our channel welcome aboard and we're glad to have you and hopefully uh you'll enjoy our content thanks for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: Maynard Family Homestead
Views: 146,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Generac, Generator, Standby, Homestead, Prepping, Guardian
Id: kc2a6HUAZh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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