Wintley Phipps in Concert - A Black History Celebration

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[Music] good good evening everyone thank you so much for returning we know you will be blessed by what happens here this evening before we start I would like to give a public service announcement some of you may have received a parking ticket today let not your heart be troubled the our security team leader is a retired police officer we won't even get into why you got a parking ticket in the parking lot but anyway that you do not have to worry about paying the ticket he is securing the copies from the officer that wrote them and trying to find out why but anyway if you know of anyone make sure they know do not pay the ticket because I $85 and 100 more if you don't pay within five days so anyway just want to let you know your good God is God is good that God is good let us start with the word of prayer to God we thank you for this opportunity of being a part of the ministry of Whitney Phipps Lord you've blessed him just in an awesome way and he has for so many years let the the talent of his force to you and the blessing of others and so this evening Lord we have come to continue receiving a blessing of part 2 of what we experienced this morning it was this evening that the Holy Ghost be felt seen and heard and everything that happens today for it is in Jesus name we pray amen praise the Lord I think I'm going to start out with just a few hymns and then we're gonna have what I would call my celebration of Negro spirituals and some of the most amazing music ever written on the face of the earth listen to the first hymn [Music] [Music] I see this I hear the Rolling Thunder thy paths believers distally emcees my soul my Savior God [Music] much [Music] Mars [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's awesome guy you know I it's been my joy and privilege to open this mouth of mine and praise to God since I was 16 years old and I'm now about sixteen years away from 80 hallelujah I'm just trying to get there is a big number of real number but God is good I got a call from a friend of mine that longer by name of Danny Shelton and Danny said went Li we've written a song just for you it's a song that captures our last day message and it's a powerful song about the church and it's triumph over Babylon when I heard the song I said absolutely I'm gonna record that song as a matter of fact we put an album together it's the first time that album will be made available here is tonight it's entitled glorious Church hallelujah listen to the message in the song I hope you're blessed listen to the words watch the words [Music] the shining jewel of the ancient world babylon worship gods of stone our pride would twins the room her heart and throw she was likened to a harlot fornication was in the wine that fill the cup from which she dried sins of every [Applause] the golden head of Daniels vision would topple given time as with nations kings and merchants intoxicated by [Music] the prophets tried to order he bribed turned from away cableways before the day the wrath of God would fall oppressor GOx people Doblin so powerful and strong she thought she was invincible but God [Music] [Applause] an angel filled with glory shall descend where the shout proclaim Babylon the Great is fallen she will die in sin and say I'm uh horse [Music] we'll be across where to give a warning and clear to those who claim to be God's to [Music] be not partakers of her sins forum for a glorious church on the fire and here within to him that worships me in spirit and truth and this fateful to the air [Music] well done you [Music] yeah to him that worships made in spirit and truth and is faithful [Music] [Music] ah ha Hey [Music] [Music] a man raised the law did you hear those words to him that worships me in spirit and in truth and it's faithful to the end I will say well done a crown of life you've won come sit and reign with me O God through our eternity thus saith the Lord what an awesome guy so forgive me as I just get excited all by myself oh there's another beautiful hymn that I love once you listen to the words I hope you're blessed by it praise God thank you lord thank you for [Music] why should I feel discouraged why sure the shadows why should my heart feel no [Music] and longed for [Music] when Jesus [Music] stun free [Music] as much over ah the spine [Music] he's watching I say [Music] watch sang Oh [Music] the spam and I know he's watching Oh [Music] his eyes are brown and I know he's watching over me he's watching over me he's watching Oh [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Applause] he's watching Spa and I know he's watching me [Music] I know he's watching over [Music] [Applause] once I started to do that song and the Lord spoke to me as I start he said have you ever seen a sparrow with a worried lion they don't worry hallelujah and when you trust the Lord neither should you I wish I could tell you all of the miracles God has done for me but some miracles you can't tell some reminds me of a story I always tell about this preacher was who was supposed to be in church but he decided he didn't feel like it that day so he was playing hooky was out on the golf course and the members were in the church and looking for him and he's out playing golf and according to the story the angels reported him to the Lord and the Lord sat on his throne and smiled and said I tell you what give him a hole-in-one you know where you hit at one time he goes in the hole and the angels protested Lord while we give him the hole-in-one you know he's not faithful he's not where he's supposed to be lost smile and said give him a hole-in-one cuz that way he won't be able to tell anybody the point is there are some blessings you can't tell us so okay you don't know what I'm talking about when the doctor walks into that room and says it's not cancer Oh or when the doctor walks in the room and says you don't have AIDS you don't care nobody walking up on this platform shouting that testimony I don't have AIDS y'all nobody gives that testimony you understand some blessings all you can say the Lord is good that's all that's all you say the Lord is good II you can't tell everything I rescued you and brought you a child back from the brink of hell you know just just all you can say thank you Jesus some years ago and some of you may know that I've been singing a long time I've been recording a long time and I'm just so glad God gave me a bass baritone voice i alto would not work for me that wouldn't be it just wouldn't work for me and and I've recorded with some amazing people I recorded duets with Lorne L Harris who was a friend of mine and recorded duets with tramaine Hawkins Melissa Manchester CeCe Winans this song I recorded as a duet years ago I'll tell you who it was some of you may already know listen to the song hope you're blessed thank you [Music] memories light up the sky when life for me meant holding [Music] find my way I see Ron [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] straight up [Music] together [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I think I might need another mic or the adjustments cuz this kind of fading when I'm I'm holding my note when I'm you're doing in in and out so that's I know that's not me a man I'm gonna doing is a long time now you know I I admit I've never preached a sermon like I preached this morning in my life I've never preached to the hearts and struggles of black women in my life that's saying something because it kind of tells you sometimes as men we're not as tuned in and they're sensitive to the struggles you know anybody learned something this morning I didn't no no really you see researching and I've said I learned something I didn't know pastor pastor look at this hold this he's the folk saying they learned something this morning they didn't know what did you learn that you didn't know shot one word now pick up on it sir journey truth you didn't know she was a seventh-day Adventist Wow and that's something and she's buried not far from Ellen White Wow what else did you learn he didn't know the team did about the teeth y'all got the teeth no y'all got the teeth you understood now you know my friend pastor Walter Pearson is here and his beautiful wife was so glad to see them and I was telling him I said he said can you imagine they didn't eat mine the pain just take him out give me my money take well you can understand you you worked twenty thirty years you don't get no money somebody offer you a few dollars take my team one more thing somebody learned he didn't know uh 150,000 black female slaves started all african-americans and and and what did you learn that did you know that did you realize that you couldn't bring any more slaves in after 1808 folks didn't know that and that the only way to get new slaves so sometimes they would actually cage a black man they would cage him so that when they wanted another woman impregnated just put him in the cage so you can imagine them brother si sister come in the cakes that's some real stuff now and and and I'm asking God if I should say this say it and I'm listening to the Lord I'm not listening to here but let me let me say this tactfully as I can they were breeding for a reason not just for new slaves but for strong ones so they're not gonna put no kind of weak weak wimpy man and send women into that right they get some big old mandingo brothers right so why do you think the NBA looks like it looks have you ever stood beside second Shaquille O'Neal I have lord have mercy I think I don't even come up to hit his shoulders above my head they they did that and so 1808 there were so you so you got from the beginning of slavery to 1808 only 384 only 384 thousand slaves but were brought in to America by the time you hit 1808 there were 1 million slaves now remember what happened in 1808 they stopped you could not bring in any more new slaves right so by 1865 at the end of the Civil War without any new slaves brought in there were 4 million slaves without new slaves but they sang through their bondage you know the children of Israel they too were in slavery you remember they said by the rivers of Babylon we sat we wept we cried in slavery we remembered home we just cried we hung our harps that meant we couldn't make any more music we just but then God showed me help me Jesus how amazing the African American slave was when the African American slave was taken into slavery he didn't hang his harp he sang through his bondage and crate it created created the largest volume of music ever created by a race of slaves that were held in slavery now let me tell you something else important I hope that my I was born in Trinidad I'm one I'm a West Indian and I hope I hope that all of my Caribbean and Africa and African brothers and sisters learn to have what I have developed a reverence for the struggle of what African Americans went through I have a reverence for I am I am awed I am awed I am awed I can't imagine how you could be chained and still feel loved by God that was the African American experience I am humbled to be able to sing these great songs that were created and and God is impressed man is something else I want to say about that so we need as immigrants to reverence that history because guess what this is what and I knew the law to bring it back can I say in in in an African American dialect ain't no Negro spirituals in Trinidad ain't no Negro spirituals in Barbados ain't no ain't no Negro spirituals in Jamaica the Negro spiritual is an African American spiritual product nothing like it in the world and now I listen for the next few moments I'm gonna do a few of them is that Alright this one I love because when they told them that they weren't going to heaven because of their color they they composed protests songs that said I hear what you say but let me tell you what God said this is one of those listen to the message [Music] go to go to one after that there's another happy way that's alright thank you I wasn't looking at my list amen thank you in the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah I hear what you say but he got everybody guys got everybody in his hands amen praise the Lord praise the Lord now again one of the things I was and really I've struggled with to understand the african-american experience is how do you go through slavery and not be bitter against God how does that happen well one of the reasons is that not even the slave could look at Jesus and say you didn't understand what I was going through because Jesus could always look at a slave and say did you see me on the cross wait a minute did you see them stretch me and put nail prints in my hand so the slave said oh okay now that's the kind of Savior that understands what it's like to be born in poverty in a manger and to be crucified and so I have visions of black women slaves sitting around a campfire just rocking it was the only piece they knew just rocking because they were savoring the peace of God and the presence of God just Rocking and so I went through the Negro spiritual lyrics and there are a lot of them that talk about the power of God and the purposes of God and the will of God once in a while you'll find one talks about the love of God and loving God listen to this this is one of those spiritual [Music] talk about a child Jesus [Music] talk about a child Jesus ever since I heard the Gospel story I've been traveling on the path to glory talk about a child of Jesus [Music] talk about a child that's been converted here's one talk about a child no Satan snares I once was falling the voice of mine about a child [Music] about a child Bound for Glory here's one [Music] that's pop star [Music] a child [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] as I started to sing that song I said a prayer Lord let me get through it because I can't imagine y'all not listening to me to be in slavery and still sing talk about a child that do love Jesus here's one here's one ever since I heard the Gospel story I've been traveling up the path to glory praise His Holy Name one of probably the most well I guess I can tell you this the slaves had more sense by accident than some of us have all purpose and they wrote some lyrics that were chess check this out when they sang swing low Sweet Chariot coming for to carry me home swing low Sweet Chariot [Music] coming for to carry me home that slave was saying for that chariot to come all the way from glory and get me a slave it's gonna have to swing really but what was the slave also saying the slave was also saying for that chariot Massa to come and get any sinner massa is gonna have to swing low to get you to you've got to understand oh yeah and then the preachers as am i fact back back then it was against the law to teach slaves how to read you remember so what did they do they packaged the gospel in songs and taught it to the next generation and the next generation and that's how the Negro spirituals got carried out and carried on because that was the way they taught the gospel to people who couldn't read they would teach Bible stories that way so the preacher would get over said I got a home in that rock I don't you see I got a home in that rock I don't you see between the earth and sky thought I heard my Jesus cry you better get a home in that rock I don't you see now poor man Lazarus poor as I don't you see a poor man Lazarus far as I I don't you see a poor man Lazarus for as I oh when he died I found a home on high he had a home in that rock I don't you see now rich men die of us he lives so well I don't you see a Richmond dynasty lives so well I don't see rich man died as he lives so well when he died I found a home in he had a whole moon that rock I don't you see now God gave no other rainbow sign I don't you see a God gave no I don't know sign I don't you see a God gave no other rainbow sign no more water but fire next time you better get a home in that rock you gotta get a home in that rock you're gonna get a home in that rock I don't you see now how more poetic and you get then debt to talk pastor about knowing Jesus as finding a home in that rock that'll preach all by itself I got a home in that rock mm-hmm and then some of the spirituals were really tough to hear but they were plaintive and touched just very soul listen to this video I hope you're blessed you can bring the lights down a little bit thank you [Music] sometimes I feel like a motherless child sometimes I feel like a mother sometimes I feel like a motherless child [Music] Oh [Music] hello from sometimes I feel like I'm almost raw sometimes I like a home sometimes I feel like a Volvo strong below from the hole [Music] hello [Music] like a mother [Music] sometimes like um [Music] haha [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one of my favorites it really talks about this the slave understood that when you got baptized you needed to get rid of your anger when you got baptized you needed to get rid of that spirit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] study sword and shield down by the riverside [Music] [Music] study decidable study [Music] none [Music] No study study [Music] study water ain't gonna study for study [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah oh if we could just get that message when you get baptized you don't study War no more Amen somebody I'm not trying I'm not trying to get you back right somebody say Amen on that so I know you got that message raised God I'm gonna do one more song it would have or just a quick cuz I know you've been clamoring to for the moment that you can give an offering and I don't want to hold that back amen but I want to do this this song the next one on the list you heard the pastor this morning talk about the blessing that I've enjoyed for over 38 years having a friendship with a lady by the name of Oprah Winfrey and you can say Amen because it's nothing I could have orchestrated in other words when I met Miss Winfrey she was making $25,000 a year some of y'all making more than that but that's all she was making and I remember praying with her and saying the Lord has impressed me to tell you girl he's gonna bless you and give you an opportunity to speak to millions of people she said you think God would do that for me and the rest is history you heard me tell my testimony about my strong a strong black woman I'm married to that taught me treat all people with respect when you don't know who they are where they're going or what they can do for you one day she taught me that lesson and I've been blessed my phone rang the other day last year and she said you can find us on on the internet so I'm gonna tell you anything out of school and she said my mother's dying would you be willing it was Sabbath morning would you be willing to FaceTime and minister to my mother just Satan precious Lord and so we FaceTime and I got a chance to minister to her mother singing precious Lord take my hand well she's probably been the most generous philanthropist in modern times among black people that nobody and I think that's why she's blessed she loves to give let me tell you something she invited us to her last show and to the program that was celebrating the end of the Oprah show I'm gonna tell you a story about it too it was at the United Center in Chicago full of people my wife and I and my son was in the in a box next to what's the name of that somebody by name of what Tom Cruise somebody named Tom Cruise and and I'm gonna forget I'll tell you this funny story I never forget everybody was coming out it was a it was a surprise so we're all waiting on pins and even gentlemen having a great time ladies and gentlemen now Beyonce and my younger son jumps up I said son settle down settle down it's just Beyonce son he said daddy how can I explain this to you he said daddy Beyonce is to me what Tina Turner was to you I said I got it I got and and then I'll never forget I'll never forget it would seem like hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of Morehouse men came out with candles all the ones that she had scholarship and they all had a candle hundreds of Morehouse man y'all did nothing but most people don't know they're hundreds of them she pays for hundreds of girls to go through high school and to any College of their choice from South Africa well I called her one day and I and and sometimes we I get to joy as a girl remember when the Lord impressed me that you be speaking to millions of people I said I didn't think it was gonna be every day and I said your girls in the school they play their drums that the girls play the African drums and they sing I said to her can I I want to record a song with your girls she's okay let's do it let's do it so what you're about to hear is awkward's girls or oprah's girls playing the African drums and singing Amen listen [Music] [Music] by [Music] [Music] some more [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] have you been blessed have you been blessed when your pastor asked me to come and it was Black History Week I wanted to share this music that God has given me and I want you to know all of the music through the years that I've recorded it's made possible by the generous gifts of people many outside of this church and those inside the church as well now anybody have an idea of what I've recorded that about 30 albums anybody have an idea of what about what one album costs to create easily anywhere between fifty thousand and a hundred thousand so when you do the math what is fifty thousand times thirty what is that any mathematicians in the house huh well let's say a hundred thousand times 30 is what three well three million amen and so you do half of that ask no matter how you say that's a lot of money but it has brought a lot of joy to people all over the world I don't have the time to tell you the stories of my phone ringing and just like an Oprah or a phone ringing Anna and a man says sir I just heard you singing Amazing Grace I'm a minister Parliament from Finland would you be willing to come and do a program at the European Parliament and so for two years in a row they flew my wife and I into Brussels just to sing and minister and so it has been an amazing journey but it only can happen when people are truly truly generous now what I mean by generous is kind of more than a dollar I know somebody already pulled that dollar out they put that dollar and and now you're feeling kind of bad cuz you've been sitting with that dollar in your hand dollars dollars $1 can't really get us there amen anybody understand that right so it takes when you need millions it's hard when you just get him dollar by dollar and one of my favorite stories is is the dollar bill that had a conversation with the twenty dollar bill you know that starting at 20 dollar bills the dollar bill said to the twenty dollar bill hey man good to see you where you been he's aw man I was at Six Flags the other day and and I was down at the restaurant and I've been having a good time and then the 20 sets of the one dollar hey where you been he's a man is the same old thing to church to church to church to church ain't that the truth so here's what we're doing and the past is gonna come and pray but we're we're asking for those who are able to make a significant gift now for somebody a significant gift might be a hundred dollar gift for somebody a significant gift might be a thousand dollar gift and there are people in this church who can do that and it's a tax-deductible gift it comes to the church but it will help our music ministry I've got musical projects I want to continue to create as long as God gives me voice and let me tell you I give him the glory I give him the glory I give him the glory to get up and preach in the morning and do a concert in the afternoon and a lot of people doing that did you hear what I said there are a lot of people doing that because it's not easy to do that but God has given me the strength and the ability to do it and as long as he's given that to me this old man is gonna be saying to the glory of God Here I am calling myself an old man never did that for my life amen so if you if you've got the ability to do it and someone said well you know I don't walk with chequebooks and some people still do but most people don't say but pastor I'm gonna take out my the envelope is there an envelope in front of elopes in there say I'm gonna just take out that envelope and I'm gonna write in on that what I'm going to give through the church to your music ministry it may be a gift of a thousand or more somebody says pastor you don't know how to love us been good to me I'm gonna tell you one more amazing giving story anybody know I run an organization called the US Dream Academy do you know what it does it provides tutoring and mentoring to children whose parents are in prison the warden that you saw this morning we were down in his prison that's what we did we provide tutoring and mentoring after school we have after-school learning centers in Washington d.c Baltimore Philadelphia Houston Salt Lake City Indianapolis Orlando next week we're opening one in San Bernardino California it's the poorest city in California with the greatest amount of crime and difficulty homelessness is terrible and and so we're gonna be opening there our most generous helper and benefactor is Miss Oprah Winfrey she has given to our ministry our charity millions and millions and millions of dollars one day she wrote out she she shocked me she wrote out three checks and when I opened it up the first one had a it was an envelope open it up had a check for 1.2 million dollars and behind that there was another envelope open it had another check for 1.2 million dollars and behind that was another envelope it had another check for 1.3 million dollars she sent about four million dollars and three envelopes and then she emailed me did she get it I said oh thank you and then she she email me and she said you know giving and I figured out those who give get more did you hear what I just said those who love giving get more that's that's how God works and she said I love giving and I love making it fun that's why I sent you all three together I was gonna send you one like every day three days in succession like Monday you get the first check Tuesday the second Wednesday the third she said but I figured about the fourth day you'd be chasing the FedEx man down you know so that's why I send them all together and I'm gonna take a funny story around that see God is so good she's when my assistant she had she had dated them for three years in a row so when the second one came around and I was going to my my executive director called me said I'm about to cash that second check I said no no no no wait a minute let me call Miss Winfrey of course I might call her and you know I just want to make sure so I called her I said my executive director was about to deposit that second check Oprah I told her no no no don't put it in yet cuz I might call you and you say to me oh yeah yeah don't put that in yet I get paid Friday some of us don't live on that level amen don't don't deposit that million-dollar check yet I get paid Friday well my point is God has always sent people and there may be somebody sitting here who said you know pastor I've been blessed by your ministry for years and years and I've never had a chance to say thank you to the Lord and I want to say thank you in a tangible way and up on the screen apparently they put up three ways that you can give you can give in person now online does that mean that somebody can actually go online right now they can go online where do they go to cuz I can't read it Atlanta if you've got your phone out and you got your credit card out you just Atlanta Berean calm and then what do they do click on giving pull your credit card out some some reason that I see you know a lot of older people getting into this technology thing too you know so and then the third way is what the cash I know I can't read it so what does it say what do you do dollar sign y'all can read that can you read it dollar sign Atlanta Berean Church so you just put that in your app knowing your phone text that or something and somebody will text you back say how much you want to give something like that no no it's not quite like that I don't want to get too messed up all right so I'm gonna ask the pastor to come and pray because somebody out here I don't know who you are but if you want to bless this music ministry and it is different it is unique there aren't a lot of people doing what God has called me to do amen all right thank you pastor pastor I brought the expert to help us with the giving because they can explain Melissa can explain it a lot better than I can so Melissa tell us what okay those of you who would like to give on the using the cash app it's a green square with the white dollar sign and if you just put in the amount first and then down in the corner it says pay and then when it says to like an you're writing an email it'll say to the first thing you need to put is the dollar sign if you all tweet and do all that other stuff it's called it's the hashtag but for cash app you have to put the dollar sign first and then put Atlanta Berean Church no spaces you can do it all lowercase letters that's okay and then you can put in the subject line what it's for went Lee Phipps dream Academy see the donation school donation wintley phipps concert any of those things will work and then hit send and then whatever it is attached to whether it's attached to your bank account whether you have money on your balance on your cash app then that will work if any of you are technologically challenged if you would raise your hand someone will come and help you with either cash app or Atlanta Berean comm or PayPal works as well or if you need me to help you find your wallet in your purse I'll help you with that that was my leg because she has the technology piece which I'm just not good at at all but Melissa thank you we appreciate it let's buy hits everyone eternal father today this evening we have been blessed by the ministry of passive Fitz you have used him down to the years in a mighty way there are souls that are rejoicing because of the knowledge that has been imparted through the spoken word and through the word through song we ask Lord that you will touch our hearts in a real and powerful way this evening so that as we give we are continuing to support and perpetuate Administrators proven itself to be a blessing there's so many around the world the Lord grant us generous hearts in giving spirits because there come a time Lord when we won't be able to do it like this anymore so while we can help us all to join our hearts hands our wallets all gifts bless us now we pray bless the offering bless the givers in Jesus name father offerings we receive I think I'm gonna just this the song that we skip brother I want to do that that's my happy him is that okay if I do a happy him amen alright listen to this happy him as we and then I'll do a couple of more to close praise God amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] would you be free from your burden thus in this power in the blood power in the blood Virgil Abel a victory win is wonderful power in the blood [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] would you be free from your passion and pride this power in the blood power in the blood come for a cleansing to Calvary's tide this wonderful power in the blood work [Music] Oh [Music] one in the brain Oh [Music] we're to do service for Jesus your king this power in the blood where'd you learn day me this place is to say there's wonderful power in the blood you know it come on yes this [Music] [Applause] [Music] power wonder-working power in the blood [Music] blah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen I want my friend to go to the second the last song it will be one more spiritual before we go now this spiritual I love it I love it and you can sing it if you know it to listen to the message in the song hallelujah [Music] praise God praise God I love this neighbors thank you thank you God good oh yeah there's all my favorite spirituals okay let's enjoy this one [Music] wade in the water wade in the water children wade in the water God's gonna trouble the water [Music] [Applause] in the water trouble [Music] who's that bad all the stairs why God's gonna trouble the water you love my speeder children of the ears alive God's gonna trouble the water and we know that God's gonna trouble the world [Music] who's that man all dressed in red God's gonna trouble the water you must be the children that Moses made God's gonna trouble the water and no children away the way in the God's gonna trouble the water [Music] in the [Music] the trouble God's gonna trouble the water that God's gonna trouble the water I don't let God's gonna trouble No [Applause] [Music] ah oh yeah mm-hmm praise God on your way out tonight anywhere I don't know if they set it up you know in the lobby you'll be able to get two of my latest recordings the one called glorious church lots of fantastic beautiful hymns on that one and then for the first time here also is another CD entitled the best of and it's the best of the last five or six recordings that I've done and it's got amazing grace it's got lots of other some of the songs you heard me sing tonight and it's a price that's easy on your wallet but we thank you for your support think of somebody who you wish was here you want to take a little gift to them somebody on your job that you want saying you know she might like this and he might like this and and bless them with a gift and I'm gonna find somebody can find me a sharpie amen and I'll go in the back and anybody who wants me to sign I'll be happy to sign it for you amen praise the Lord thank you now I didn't get to march in any of the civil rights marches but I'm I can tell there are people here who probably marched in some of the marches with dr. King is there anybody here who participated in any of the civil rights marches just raise your hand oh I'll praise the Lord praise alone praise the Lord can you shout out any any which of the mantras where you in huh Oh Benny I said it the way they say it in Albany Albany Georgia anybody else anywhere in Atlanta here anybody in Birmingham yes in Savannah my god now you got to understand these were some brave Adventists because we didn't do much of that huh and it took some courage to step out in some of the social justice now I didn't get I was too young to March I was born in 55 I came to Canada in 65 and so I didn't get a chance to participate but let me tell you how good god is you saw this morning some of the civil rights leaders that I got a chance to meet and minister to but I didn't tell you all of them I can't tell you all of them I will tell you just a few more at the White House when the Little Rock Nine were given the Congressional Gold Medal I had the privilege of singing there to the Little Rock Nine I'm gonna do that song too close I'm going to do that song just a moment I had the honor of being at the bedside a Ralph Abernathy singing and ministering to him after he had heart surgery in Baltimore and the Johns Hopkins Hospital and there's so many other civil rights leaders that it was my honor to minister to and minister with some people don't remember but run Jessie run y'all somebody's still old enough to remember it runs yes Iran in 1984 Jesse Jackson who was also a civil rights leader started taking me all over the country with him traveling and if you've got a good memory you remember that he gave one of the most amazing speeches at the 1984 Democratic National Convention anybody remember that and I sang a song anybody remember the name of the song I sang right after his speech just ordinary people anybody remember that sang that on national television and then I sang god Bless America at the 1988 Democratic convention that was held in Atlanta Georgia and so it was my honor and so I want to oh and finally a friend of mine I got a friend by the name of Chris Tucker who's from here chris is one of my buddies I was doing a concert in in New Jersey and my phone rang and I picked it up and it was Chris I met President Clinton's library the Presidential Library and he's got a video of you singing that plays every five minutes in his Presidential Library and I saw it myself I went to visit the library going up the stairs and I heard myself singing so that's quite an honor to be in the president's library and praise God we're also featured in President Bush's library yes because he was a friend to I've sung for Democrats and Republicans and I one day I had to sing at this big function in Washington where President Clinton spoke same night I had to rush across town and sing at this big Republican function when I got there I announced that I had just come from singing for the President of the United States and there was this boo and rumblin that went to the audience I said wait a minute wait a minute I said I always go where people really need the Lord and there was this polite applause and then I said and that's why I'm here because you all need a lower dude right I don't care if you're a Democrat or a Republican you need Jesus too right so I want to close with this song this is a song that plays in President Clinton's library I hope you're blessed it's been a wonderful joy I hope you've learned something I hope you've been edified and inspired praise God [Music] deep in my heart I do believe someday we'll all be free we will be free I may not know how long we'll be someday we'll all be free we will be free someday we're all [Music] hold on my brother dear me someday we'll all be free we will be free learning to we'll find our way someday we'll all be free we will be free something befriend me shower over [Music] we shocked [Music] [Music] [Music] we south so Oh [Music] ow [Music] we shall [Music] Oh [Music] we shall meet sow ah son I do believe someday we'll all be free someday we all be free we shall overcome [Music] [Music] praise the Lord praise the Lord be seated [Music] when you sing a wintley phipps song you have to take 4 breaths but you end with him just like you held it as well it's been over 40 years ago I first heard when they fit when we were students at Oakwood college so many have come and gone with the talent as well but because God could trust him with the guiltiest blessed him for over 40 years of singing and going all over the world and he has blessed us this evening and so as you leave make sure you stop by and let him know how much you appreciate the gift that God has given him and also our students are waiting for you downstairs with some baked goods if you would like to stop there and support the school we would appreciate that as well pastor Jack where we blessed today oh come on now we're we blessed today thank God thank God for each and every one of you we thank you for coming back for staying by and for lending your support please avail yourselves of what pacifist has brought to us the things that God has blessed him to produce that you can take with you we want to support his ministry we want him to know that we stand behind him and as al-alam says we have all young people downstairs they expecting us to stop by they've labored so please go downstairs avail yourselves what's down there as we support our schools God has been good amen and we're looking forward to having pacifists back with us in the fall he may come back before then but you'll be with us for two weeks and I tell you I'm looking forward to it a lot of planning has to go into it a lot of prayers and support let's pray for each other that God will bless us in such a way that we can do all that we can to hasten is coming amen let's all stand father God in heaven we just want to thank you for the blessings of this day father we asked you to bless each individual each family those who came in person those who were looking at the program via livestream we thank you for the generosity of your people o God and we ask you to continue to bless them so that they will have the means whereby to continue to support ministries pastor Phipps ministry the ministry of our school we ask your God to take us from this place to our places of abode and as you brought us safely take us back in safety and whatever lies ahead for us this week Lord we know that you've already gone forth and you have made a way whereby we can be protected and be provided for so take us now to our homes in peace and safety in Jesus name Amen god bless you each one please stop by the lobby and avail yourselves of the things that we have been provided for you your support is needed and then go downstairs stop by downstairs and support our young people in our schools god bless
Channel: Atlanta Berean Church
Views: 6,339
Rating: 4.8499999 out of 5
Keywords: worship atlanta berean church berean, wintley phipps, concert, music
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 14sec (6914 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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