Wintley Phipps Fanny Crosby Concert

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[Music] praise Him Jesus Our Blessed Redeemer sing [Music] fire stocking spare mr. this whole [Music] Jesus were God his children Tom's powers the [Music] she's a sovereign sovereignty [Music] ever enjoy the song [Music] I am Jesus Our Blessed reading for our sins and God Oh [Music] - over [Music] Jesus the crucified soundness presence Jesus no more sorrows founded wonderful deep install praise Jesus aw bless every day [Music] every time I saw cheese's ah bless every day [Music] [Music] Raymond forever prophet and priest and Claire Oh [Applause] unto the Lord belong [Music] [Applause] [Music] enjoy who saw [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in 1875 Fanny crossed me was struggling financially she desperately needed some money as her usual custom Fanny began to pray a few months later a gentleman offered her five dollars the exact amount she needed later recalling the incident she said I have no way of accounting for this except to believe that God put it into the heart of this good man to bring the money the poem she wrote afterward became all the way my Saviour leads me [Music] all the way my Saviour needs me what have I to ask beside can I doubt his tender mercy who through life has been my god every piece t- come for here by faith [Music] I know before me Jesus do with all things [Music] since [Music] all the way my Saviour needs me cheers each winding path I tread gives me grace for every triumph feeds me [Music] we steps we may falter and my soul a first maybe got sinful the rock before no spring up your I see got sing for no spring up to ice all the way my Saviour needs me the fool [Music] as promised in my father's house when my spirit wanted wings its flight two ends of a this my soul through endless ages Jesus led me all this my son [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Fanny Crosby could not see with her natural eyes but she could see with her heart she could not explain what a human face looked like but she knew the face of God blind from six weeks old because of a surgical mishap her life was different than most but it was not worse than most Fanny Crosby supported herself as a teacher at a blind school she had her dear and close friends around the world and she wrote and published thousands of beautiful hymns many that are still sung today regarding her plight in life she wrote the following words it seemed intended by the Blessed Providence of God that I should be blind all my life and I thank him for the dispensation of perfectly earthly sight if it were offered me tomorrow I would not accept it I might not have sung hymns to the praise of God if I had been distracted by the beautiful and interesting things about me for those who have natural sight but are blind to the things of God Fanny Crosby's songs bring a sense of his presence [Music] a wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord a wonderful Savior to me behind if my soul in the cleft [Music] my soul in the cleft [Applause] that shadows are dry thirsty land [Music] with the dead and Carver's neither with this [Music] verse me there with his hands [Music] how wonderful Savior is Jesus my he taketh my burden Oh [Applause] behold of Mia I shall not be give me strength as minded [Laughter] [Music] my soul [Music] that shadows at your eye thirsty man [Music] and was me bird rivers [Music] as neither with his hands [Music] when below and his brightness transported mmm Klaus [Applause] this perfect salvation is worn [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're still [Music] and carvers me there with this hand [Music] me [Music] he covers me [Music] yes [Music] behold there is a place by me and thou shalt stand upon a rock and it shall come to pass while my glory passes by that I will put thee in a cleft of the rock and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by [Music] reading now I love to proclaim redeemed by the blood of the Lamb Redeemer is infinite mercy his child and forever I am [Music] redeemed by the blood of [Music] hmm this child and forever redeemed and so happy in Jesus no language Marat you can tell I know that the light of his presence with me dove continually teen by the blood of [Music] [Music] this child and forever [Music] I think of my blessed Redeemer I think of him all day long I sing for I cannot be silent his love is the theme of my song [Music] [Applause] I know I shall sign his new Sicilians Lorelei's who lovingly steps and give it me songs in the night [Music] reaching back up a lot of [Applause] [Music] lady [Music] his child and forever [Music] Reidy mr. [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh I know there's a crown that is waiting in yonder bright mansion for me and soon with the spirits made perfect at home with the Lord I shall be [Music] tell me the story of Jesus Rai on my heart everywhere tell me the story most gracious sweets that ever was [Music] angels [Music] sang as they welcomed this bird - God the TARDIS too [Music] tell me the story of Jesus right on my heart every word [Music] the story most spray sweeps that is once [Music] hell of the cross where they name in anguish hell of the grave well then [Music] [Applause] [Music] in that story so 10 [Applause] [Music] I see stay let me win while you will spell love pay the ransom for me [Music] the story of Jesus right on my heart everywhere tell me the story most fair sweet that is was [Music] many of Fanny Crosby's gospel songs were inspired by things that happen to her or by conversations she had during her long life biographer Bernard Ruffin quotes from miss Crosby's book memoirs of 80 years concerning one such moment Fanny was talking to one of her neighbors who complained bitterly of his poverty if I had well I would be able to do just what I wished to do and I would be able to make an appearance in the world Fanny replied well take the world but give me Jesus she later turned that comment into the song words that also seemed to draw upon the penetrating words of the Lord Jesus what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul or what will a man give in exchange for his soul the value of our treasures depends on who does the counting and what kind of a measuring instrument is used the pleasures and treasures of this world are soon going to pass away but his love abide ahthe ever as the Lord told the people of Israel I have loved you with an everlasting love nothing can compare with that the missionary Jim Elliot once said he is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose [Music] take the world but give me Jesus all its Joy's are but a name [Music] abides forever who use the same [Music] see all the leaves and bread all the fullness of redemption legible this life [Music] but give me Jesus sweetest comfort of my soul with the save you're watching I can see [Music] or the string and breath for the or the fullness of redemption pledge of and this live [Music] take the world but give me Jesus in his cross my trust shall be there with clearer brighter vision face to face my lord I see [Music] [Applause] all the strength and breath or the foolish of redemption pledge of endless life of [Music] [Applause] [Music] the fullness of retention pledge over slime [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus keep me near the cross precious [Music] fountain to all appearance train flows from Caffrey's MA [Music] the Crocs in the crowd [Music] my raptured soul shall find there's beyond [Music] near the cross are traveling soul love and mercy Wow [Music] the bright rooms shit's it's means [Music] my righteous soul shall find rest beyond [Music] [Music] near the cross or Lamb of God Rayette sings before me [Music] from today with its shadows [Music] [Applause] [Music] soul shall find there's beyond [Music] [Music] I am I voice and it told I love to me but I long to rise in the arms of faith and be closer to me draw me nearer blessed Lord to the cross where thou hast died [Music] throw me me [Applause] mirror blessed Lord to thy precious bleeding [Music] consecrate [Music] to thy service Lord by the power of grace divine let my solar car with a staff and my will be lost in the [Music] throw me nearer blessed Lord to the cross with our Hestia from me now bless her Lord to thy precious leaving side [Music] there are dance of love that I can notnot to like drops the now see there are hearts of joy that I may not reach till ah rest in peace [Music] roaming Mira blessed go to the cross whether God throw me Neal a blessing [Music] to the high pressures [Music] [Music] [Music] the Lord inside Raymond lab although three joints and come before his throne of grace with tune for heart and voice the Lord in Zion way and there is spring shower him shall friend c-span to me and Kings their glory [Music] his iron rain and who saw greatness he the deaths of er are in his hands he rules were my he see his name and ladies standard parodist and I asked beyond Gurdeep shall own is power to say Lord in Zion raid these asked to hear me long or enter now his temper gates and fill his courts his soul [Music] every Chuck and salt the king of and brown [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ask me not fortune to say my heart [Music] do not pass me by [Music] my cry [Music] let me at the throne of mercy find a sweet Rindy country my army [Music] [Applause] my [Music] do not pass me by [Music] trusting only if I may [Music] I wonder broken spear [Music] save me by digress the spring of all my car [Music] life [Music] hmm on earth visa [Music] [Music] see [Music] my [Music] one others [Music] not me by [Music] by [Music] all of us [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to 3abn today life thank you for joining us as you do each and every day and as always thank you for your love and your prayers and financial support of 3abn as we endeavor to take this great gospel of the kingdom into all the world I praise the Lord for the opportunity of ministry tonight I have a brother with me in ministry and we want to support each other we've got all kinds enemies on the outside and people out doing all kinds of things but when we're brothers and sisters in the Lord we need to join hands together and share so tonight we have it's my special privilege to introduce pastor wintley phipps brother Phipps it's good to have you here to be with you that a while it's been too long yes and this guy travels I used to think I traveled a lot till I met you that's been many many years ago pastor Phipps has served on 3abn z-- board for many years which we appreciate all the time and the effort and all that it's not easy traveling CA Murray says when you come to where we are as you go to nowhere and turn left yeah something like that but I know you do a tremendous amount of traveling so thank you for taking your time and coming here tonight and you're gonna be sharing and a bit about the dream Academy yes and this is something that everybody should be interested in because it affects each and every one of us so what we want you to do we want you to call your friends your enemies everybody you can think of and say stay tuned to 3abn tonight because we have pastor went Lee Phipps we're gonna have some music here you're gonna be the first to hear this brand new CD it's incredible and I'm just gonna say ahead of time before we get into it I've never heard anything like this in my life I've been around a lot of music produced a lot of stuff but this this CD in general we'll talk about it here in a few moments right but is absolutely incredible done in prog a lot of it and I mean fabulous orchestration so we're going to be hearing a lot of music we're gonna be talking about the Dream Academy and we're just going to be talking about what God is doing the lives of his people and so pastor Phipps it's good to have you again tonight you've been traveling this week this is not the first place you know I've been on a plane every day this week sometimes about but I want to tell you I've been all over old as you know I've been blessed like you to travel and come into 3abn is one of my one of the special places in the world for me and I I love coming here and I'm always glad when you invite me because it is a very special place and I love being here praise the Lord and we love having you here thank you and what you do to reach out jesus said go into all the world and and many of us don't take that very seriously sometimes there's reasons that we can't physically go but we can support others what brother went Lee is doing and going into all the world doesn't have to be to go to the opposite side of the world but go into this all the world that needs to know about Jesus Christ and go into the part of the world that needs someone to make a difference and so what you're doing with the Dream Academy we're gonna be talking about that in just a little bit but I want to give it a little bit about went Lee for those of you who'd if I'll just call him Whitley well I usually call him pastor because I like to give that real respect to him but but I'd like to give it a little bit of background we want to talk about you where were you born I was born in Trinidad Trinidad Caribbean and I grew up in Montreal of all places so I went from palm trees Wow I grew up in ice they I wanted to be part of my new country so guess what I joined the hockey team oh really yes oh and of course I couldn't skate very well they made me goalie that's the ballet shoe just drop down and hockey and that's a little different it's not like you joined the basketball team going to hockey team no more said about that I figure that well it's the equivalent of Jamaican bobsled so you went to school up there yes I went to school up there and I had the dreams of my voice really changed when I was 15 years old about and and I've been talking like this and singing like this ever since and but I wanted to be another Sly Stone which is a most Homo know who that is but a big rock star I was a kid yeah and but I met sly and he was stoned and I said no something not okay but it was a very important moment for me because I was able to through God showing me where that life would take me okay and I figured out real fast that's not where I wanted to go and at the age of 16 I was a student at Kingsway College in Oshawa Canada Adventist school and it was a culture shock because I didn't go I had never been anyplace where lights had to be out at a certain hour and you know you couldn't hold hands with the girls on campus it is a long time ago so I went to the Dean of men I said I can't take this I'm leaving he said is this what you really want to do I said absolutely and then he said to me words that changed my life he said why don't you do for once not what you want to do but what God wants oh wow and I went up to my room Danny I got down on my knees and I said Lord or whatever you want me to do I'll do mm-hmm I said you know I'd love to be you travel the world and use my talents for you and if that's your will from me you opened the doors and Danny what a ride it has been you know I took be careful how you pray you tell the Lord you want to travel you better be careful how you pray you mentioned earlier you've been on a plane you know every week for the last whatever 30 years but one of those I remember you telling me in telling us at a board meeting one time one of those plane rides in the early years had a tremendous impact on your life and you were on a plane and there was somebody sitting there that you recognized with the Billy Graham yeah well actually moniece's but one of them was this is this flight attendant yeah okay he was really look discouraged and I got a cassette I've seen yes back there Eastern Airlines and I took it there and I said God has impressed me to give this to you she said thank you so much I've been having a rough time this will be a blessing well three days later he's working another flight and sees a man by the name of cliff barrows yes who directed all the music and the choir for 50 years and she said mr. barrows has been an honor to have you on my flight she said but have you ever heard of a young man by the name of wintley phipps he said no I've never heard of him she said hold on a minute I went back to her purse and got that cassette and handed to him said this has been been a blessing to you I want you to have it three weeks later I got a call from cliff Bauer saying we want you to become one of the soloists with the Graham Crusades and you've been working and I happen to know this for sure with the Billy Graham Association and the Reverend Billy Graham as they call him for all of these years because even this not too long ago I know you were down it is placed because Reggie and ladye loves smell that's right dear friends of ours there with you yes and so you're still associated and working with this the elder Billy Graham and and one of my heroes from that organization because of his voice was George Beverly Shea oh okay and he just passed away yes this year at a hundred and three Wow what a long life he lived now so you started with that but then there's something very interesting and maybe we'll take just a few moments and talk about this because we want to get quite a few songs in yes but before you know it here you come from Trinidad you go to Canada come to America and it seems like without a long time in between and through different connections you're asked to sing before a President of the United States well if you go back and so 1965 when I'm ten years old okay and I'm moving to Canada in 1972 I go to Huntsville Alabama to Oakwood college okay 1976 I'm married I've been married almost 38 years now okay my beautiful wife Linda and and so 1972 76 and then 79 a man calls me and says sir I heard this song you sing about giving your life to God and I want you to sing that song on Soul Train I said how is this man Soul Train I don't know what Soul Train so he called up the host Anka nearly said I want you to put this young man on Soul Train darkness I can't put anything religious on this show and the man said well you know I've been back in your show for the last eight years okay so the next thing I knew I was the first gospel artists on Soul Train how about back in 1979 mm-hm and and then we moved to in 1978 we moved to the Washington DC area where I pastored my first church the brink low church now most artists in the music industry when you want to make it you go to New York or you go to Nashville right you go to LA yeah I ended up in Maryland but what happened I started getting asked to sing for official government functions and presidential functions mm-hm and it is it has changed my life because I've been blessed now to have sung for and ministered to and met every president of the United States since Ronald Reagan Wow we've got we've got pictures as you can see up there that's me with hair okay all right President Reagan and Nancy Reagan yeah and then Jimmy Carter my honor to sing for him as well and also we have some other really all the six best yeah that's Jimmy Carter there all right then President George Bush yes the father and that's their Georgia yeah that's my wife there with the Barbara Bush and after that was President Clinton at the Oval Office and I could tell you about that later when we went to talk to him about helping us speedart the dream Academy and that picture there is when he came and spoke at the first opening of our dream Academy and I remember elder Paulson was there because I invited me here for that and then after President Clinton came president george w bush and I had a chance to he's helped us with our work we are minutes tracked I went on your shirttail to the White House and met President Bush with you go six or something and then and you know there's some prayer breakfast is and other programs and then I've been asked to sing for not only his inauguration but the inauguration of President Barack Obama and that's their in in in Florida where we live and and just recently the next picture is when we were at the White House for a function T what being a president does to you you didn't age near as much and those two pictures as he had so if you want to age you've become a president of the United States because there's enough reason to but the thing that's very interesting but Benny is I could not have opened those doors there's no way that you can sit down and say let me orchestrate how I can meet mm-hmm the next six presidents of the United States that's almost impossible but God can do anything and that's really the witness III didn't do that God did it and and the other thing that's interesting Danny is that I've been able to do that no matter what the weather it's Democrat or Republican in between because I'm focused on ministry right and when you forest on ministry and not politics following and following God and not the man exactly and just ministering to whoever is in office that's right and they're what God's called you to do absolutely and they're they're their men they have ministry needs they have needs of their own and and so we Minnesota everybody one of my favorite stories is that I had a chance one day to sing for a big function in Washington where President Clinton spoke mm-hmm and the very same night I had to rush across town and sing for this big Republican function the same night right so when I got there I announced that I had just come from singing for the President of the United States and there was this boo and rumbling wait a minute I said I always go where people really need the Lord polite applause and I said and that's why I'm here yeah because we all need they all need the land and nobody needs them more those six men that they need when you become a president of the United States you need you need prayer absolutely and you've been able to minister to not only men but some great women in your life and a couple years ago I was in out and I think New Jersey with dr. Yvonne Lewis and and we were able to meet through circumstance that wasn't always the best but funeral later a lady that you are very good friends with yes and probably some of the folks have heard her name is Oprah Winfrey yes tell us a little bit about that history yes well I was singing in Baltimore Maryland about 32 years ago I came down off the platform this young lady was standing there she said excuse me sir I just heard you saying I feel like I can talk to you do you have time to talk to me that's sure so she came by our home we talked with her prayed with her and after praying with her I looked at her and I said you know before you go I don't know why but God has impressed me to tell you he's gonna bless you let me give you an opportunity to speak to millions of people and she said you think God would do that for me you know and 32 years ago II two years ago and so I was talking to her not long ago I said do you remember those years because she's been by my church and and we've had a wonderful opportunity matter of fact some of your folks may remember when the wake whole thing yes absolutely and they were trying to connect us Adventists with that and and she was the one I'm gonna wait him and that that has nothing to do with seventh-day adventists because some of them some of my best friends are Adventists and but one is just an interesting thing because you know she is now a very very prosperous and had very very wealthy woman and I was definitely a prophecy that you gave world whether you intended to or not and god I was talking to her and I said do you remember all those years when we met she said yeah she said I said you were making twenty five thousand dollars a year she said yeah and then she said and went Lea I still have my tithe stubs is that right yes okay and she has been one of the most generous philanthropists in the history of the United States because she's got a great heart to give absolutely and it's it's been incredible as you mentioned earlier the road which God has taken you down and it's for a reason and we're not name-dropping I'm not name-dropping because you met individuals but God has put you there for a reason and I know you know that and that's to minister to people wherever they are and not everybody can be in positions to have rubbed shoulders so to speak to be in a place of influence because I know you've actually on numerous occasions Oprah's had you come and sing and actually give a devotions for even in her home and other places and so this is a great respect that they have for you and so that is the Lord knew that when you were in Trinidad watching all those planes flying by you could you you could have only dreamed right that's all and never imagines that this little boy who then gives his heart to the Lord at 16 and God said to me I've seen your dreams mm-hmm give me your dreams I'll let you see what I've been dreaming for you mm-hmm and the most amazing thing that could ever happen in a life is to live out the dream God's been dreaming for you you know you you are here the Lord raised you up and you were living Danny Shelton is living the dream that God was dreaming for him praise you can't get anything better than that yeah absolutely speaking of dreams you just did a production recently and I want to talk about that a little bit and then we're gonna have him sing here tonight it's gonna be the first time I think this has been done we're gonna have you or try to get five or six songs this first hour and maybe do some more later but tell us about this new project I just heard it I've never heard anything like this anywhere tell us about it well some years ago some folks came to me and said I want to do another record and I said I would love to do the hymns of Fanny Crosby and as you know Fanny Crosby was blind but she was the most prolific songwriter in American history between five eight thousand hymns were written by this woman who was blind mm-hmm and and we know them we sing them you know blessed assurance all right Jesus is mine you know that's Manny Crosby Fanny Crosby wrote to God be the glory great belong don't know she also wrote don't forget the Sabbath I don't know [Music] you know she's written so many incredible songs and I said I want to take those songs and give them the best orchestral treatment that we could ever do so it sounds better than a movie and so we were able to get the orchestra from the city orchestra of Prague and the Czech Republic and some of the most incredible arrangements I have ever recorded with and this is one of my favorite records of all the ones I've done we had something very interesting happening happened this afternoon as this evening actually brother Phipps and I went into town we took Trinity and her little friend Farah and so brother Phipps put in the CD we turn it up loud and the music he said to me these kids will relate to this yeah and when it was over as soon as we turned around I said well you girls think Ferris says these are the biggest goosebumps chill bumps I've ever had and I'm about to cry Trinity was in the same they were just just literally I don't know if the term is proper but what they they blown away by it but absolutely and you said there's a reason for that you did music because in the world they put so much whether it's Disney or all of these soundtracks for movies they put everything and to give it the best don't they and the kids I say the music is cross-generational because the kids they when they listen to cartoons you don't realize that they're listening so John Williams Boston Pops there live there big Orchestra when they were watching cartoons or or the video games they put this orchestration in these things and so I said and here we come along doing it for the Lord and we're doing it on the cheap yeah usually you know I said but let's let's do a big orchestra and fortunately it was funded by these this wonderful ministry and and it has come out so incredibly well and the kids are listening you know I was playing it for some young people and they turned to each other they said sounds like Disney well I made a comment this evening I said this is the first time that I've seen Disney on the run whoa I mean I've seen Disney come in second because some of the they're those kids movies the animated ones and all of those and I haven't watched a lot of them but I've heard the soundtracks and whether it be this Madagascar or this Pocahontas some of these you hear that you walk by and you say that music is fabulous yes yes and I said you know we're always not quite there this is the first time I can tell you I've ever heard gospel music and of all things done on hymns of Fanny Crosby and his brother Phipps already said he and I both noticed the young people it wasn't something that they listened say oh yeah these older folks adults they were both wow that is incredible it brought their attention brought them back to our roots as Christians and back early adventism if you go back and look at all the hymns that's been saying through all the years and Fanny Crosby of course is one of the greatest writers of all time I said to brother Phipps I said she would have no idea that her music would have ever sounded like this God is not only giving you a great gift a vocal gift but now to put that together your your incredible gift voice that God has given you with this incredible orchestration and and and not just the producers we're talking about not only the orchestra the rhythm sections the arrangements all of it is an incredible production
Channel: Wintley Phipps
Views: 111,882
Rating: 4.7961631 out of 5
Id: iQFerfYfnBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 21sec (4221 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2018
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