Winter TBR

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welcome to my channel on the best of fantasy winter is nigh upon us and so it is time for another highly aspirational seasonal tbr from yours truly yes this is my winter tbr video and i have lots of exciting reads ahead some which you might recognize from previous tbr videos but i am getting through the list slowly but surely and enjoying myself immensely fall was really great i had a wonderful fall i had a blast reading all the books that i read during that this season that is nearly over and i'm highly satisfied with my fall even though i didn't read everything that i hoped to that's kind of how it goes so you know that's quite all right with me i'm having a great time on the channel having a wonderful time interacting with other booktubers and with you guys in the comments and it's just a lot of fun i'm having a lot of fun so i'm excited to talk about the books that i want to read and i have here three separate piles these are strategically piled and i have them in according to various categories that i have sort of in here anyway this particular pile is these are definites these are definite books that i will be reading this winter and some of them are just upcoming and some actually this one i've just finished uh but uh i want to talk about that in a minute this pile here these are very highly likely uh in fact extremely likely almost certain and then this pile or these are books that i really really really really want to get to and hopefully will if all things go well so anyway let me get right into it so starting with the pile where i know i'm going to be reading these you know unless something catastrophic happens like the end of the world or something but i'm pretty sure i'll be reading these in fact this one i've read so i can guarantee that uh i finished toll the hounds this is book eight of the malazan book of the fallen and i have not yet had my discussion with ap uh who is of course a critical dragon or professor fireballs if you prefer um but yeah we're gonna have our usual drill where uh we have the the spoiler free chat on my channel and then we have the spoiler filled discussion on his channel and we might we might have some additional i think very exciting videos on toll the hounds so just a little heads up there for you malazan fans and speaking of molasses fans i can pretty much guarantee that ap and i are going to finish our reread together of the molasses book of the fallen so i have here dust of dreams and i'll probably be reading this in about a month i would guess this is book nine of the melasma book of the fallen and the crippled god the tenth and final book of the malazan book of the fallen so these uh you know well probably have about a month in between each of them um so probably sometime around february we'll realistically be when we finish but that is well within winter so i am confident that we will be finishing that and initially i had wanted to finish the malaza book the fallen this year but you know just life happens so uh we get busy and that's perfectly okay because we are doing this for fun we are not on a rigid schedule um and we're having a just tremendous time reading these books the malazan series this reread that i've been doing with ap i've been said it many many times but it's been one of the most meaningful experiences i've ever had period i mean just one of the greatest greatest literary journeys i've ever been on it's not the greatest actually so yeah i mean it's just been tremendous i've enjoyed it and i'm kind of sad to think about it coming to an end this is one reason why i don't mind that we're we're not finishing just yet because i kind of don't want it to end this has been a lot of fun for me um so i have ap to thank for that of course and stephen erickson who's been so nice uh to be involved in some of our chats as well along the way and hopefully we will be seeing more of mr erickson on ap's channel and and i hope mine as well so we will see next thing i'm going to read after i finish uh well actually i've started uh so i finished hold the hounds and i'm starting now wizard and glass this is book 4 of the dark tower series this is a series that i want to prioritize for myself because i just love it i enjoyed the first three books tremendously and i anticipate that i am going to love book four because it is all about roland and there's some great backstory here right here so i am very excited to get further along in the dark tower series to get closer to the dark tower so yeah this is exciting to me that i'm just prioritizing this big for myself for my own selfish reasons because i enjoy stephen king's dark tower series a lot so far and i expect that to continue the next thing i'm going to read is going to be after i finish the wizarding glass i'm going to continue with ian esselman's novels of the malazan empire and so i will be reading blood and bone this is book five of the six book series by esselmont this is the series that is concurrent with the malaysian book of the fallen salmon erickson are co-creators of the malazan world and this has been a real uh just eye-opener for me i have really enjoyed the first four books of novels of malazin empire i had previously read esselmont's path to ascendancy i read that trilogy and enjoyed it immensely really uh in and of itself great storytelling but also wonderful to fill in lots of gaps there in the molassen world questions that i had that get answered lots of cool stuff lots of cool elements of the molasses world get attention in the esselmont books and he is a fantastic writer he is an absolutely fantastic writer one of the best writers of atmosphere i've ever come across and i expect this blood and bone to be very atmospheric so i am excited uh and i probably will finish this before the end of december um i'm pretty sure that i'll be able to get to this before the end of december so this is definite and there's my next one and that'll be followed eventually by a sale which i anticipate i'll probably read toward the end of january so about a month later so very excited to get to the end of novels of the malazan empire and then i will have read everything published in the malazan world by both erickson and esselmont this is a huge goal of mine for the channel and for my just my personal satisfaction and i'm very excited to be very close to doing that so yeah this will be the last book for me to have read in the molasses world ian esselmont's a sale so yeah because i've read all of erickson's molasses book of the fallen before as a reread for me so yeah really really excited to get to the end of that so another one that i might sneak in before the end of the year let's see if things go really well will be book two of the long price quartet i have here the omnibus edition so book two is a betrayal in winter i read the first book a shadow in summer and enjoyed it immensely and i'm involved in a group read of the long price quartet by daniel abraham and i'm so excited about that we had our first chat on andrew's wizardly reads and it was a wonderful time had a great time talking about a shadow in summer with my fellow booktubers there on andrew's channel he was a very gracious host had a lovely time talking with nico and sarah and and of course the impeccable allen from the library of alexandria so yeah we had a great time with that and we will be continuing and adding zara to the group as well i believe so when we have our next discussion there will be six of us which is very very exciting to me and so yeah i will be definitely getting to a betrayal in winter and continuing with the long price quartet because i'm in a group read i need to prioritize this so it is definitely going to happen so i will finish the long price quartet before the end of winter so yeah so that one in january february march yes so i will have finished just before the end of winter uh the long price quartet i have here the second the third and the fourth books in the series rather this is the uh the omnibus edition again so an autumn war and the price of spring so and dave daniel abraham just impressed me to no end with his writing in the first book so i anticipate that i'm gonna love this quartet very much so yeah that'll be definite those will be done before the end of winter yeah another one that i'm pretty sure i'll get to because i'm i'm reading this with along with uh another booktuber none other than mike from mike's book reviews he recently asked me if i would be willing to read beowulf with him and not just beowulf but the tolkien translation of beowulf which i am delighted i mean this is a uh a combination of some of my my greatest passions here so tolkien uh was my favorite author growing up until uh uh you know uh the molassen books and i still love tolkien's works and i also became a medievalist because of tolkien i learned old english in large part and you know that sounds really geeky doesn't it but it's true i actually went into my career because of tolkien and so yeah i i love beowulf it is my favorite thing to teach i of course it's best read in old english but uh for mike i will read uh happily the tolkien translation i might just torture him a little bit with some excerpts of old english when we have our discussion so we'll see how much uh tolerance he has for that but uh it's gonna be a lot of fun it's gonna be a blast and i'm gonna read this whole thing i've read this translation before but i haven't read everything in here because this does include some commentary and other things as well so i'm excited to actually read the entire book so i'll be doing that with mike and i'm not actually sure about the date on that yet i just know that i'm going to be doing it and i assume it's going to be at some point in the winter so yeah beowulf nice so that inspiration for so many fantasy writers as well so let's get to the books that i'm pretty sure i will get to during the winter in some form or other i have three self-published books here and i actually have another self-published book coming i'm very excited to be reading these self-published work books that i'm going to be working into my schedule i have talked about this one before i just haven't gotten to it yet but i'm excited too this is a fellow booktuber miles binding it stings great title great cover so it is a a collection of pros and poetry so that that has my interest already because i do love poetry the the one that's coming as well which i don't have yet is also uh contains poetry and i believe short stories so yeah that's going to be fun and i also have a book sent to me by david singh dead boys game and the broken bow so this is part of the magical rome universe so yeah this should be fun uh i don't know a whole lot about it except that it is inspired by ancient rome so yeah that uh it sounds like a uh there aren't a lot of fantasies out there that are roman inspired so i that got my interest so i thought let's we'll i'll give it a try why not and then i have another book sent to me by self-published author this is called paladin unbound and it's part of the archives of ivelium uh so and it's by jeffrey spate so here it is and i am looking forward to reading this very much these self-published books it's part of my mission on the channel to shine some light on some self-published authors that is something that i want to do it is something i feel is important for us to do as booktubers to help out these people who don't have the same ability to market their work as someone published from a traditional publisher and there are some really i'm really kind of hoping to find the next great fantasy that way i i expect there to be some really talented authors out there so that is one reason i'm doing this i'm searching in hopes to find the next great fantasy author by reading some self-published works so other things that i'm pretty confident that i will get to that will start i may even get further but i'm very sure that i will be reading legend and i make it further in the draenei saga or dranai series i forget what it's called exactly but yeah david gemmell it's just long overdue for me to read some gemma it's uh this is a gap in my fantasy reading and my buddy ap a critical dragon is uh getting me to read this i'm going to be buddy reading this with ap at some point i anticipate it'll be after we finish all of the malazin stuff so probably it'll be late i don't know well we'll see how that goes we'll see how it goes i haven't actually fixed our schedule yet ap and i we haven't decided exactly what we're going to do post molassen but uh gemmell is definitely top priority there um so i i anticipate that i will be reading this before the end of winter i hope so we shall see another one that i'm going to be reading along with ap and i'm not sure about the order of all this so i do want to read the johnny words raymond feis trilogy that begins with daughter of the empire so i'm very excited for that i am not entirely sure though if we're going to read this first or if we're going to read johnny wartz's uh series the what is it the wars of uh shadow and light or wars of light and shadow i think i think that might be right um but what is something by words at least uh and i don't know which we're gonna start with yet we haven't worked that out but i will definitely be reading something by johnny warts uh whether it's this trilogy she wrote with feis or whether it's her own series which is i think quite quite far along now and i don't know exactly how many books but the wars of light and shadow i'm very excited to be reading this author especially since ap has spoken highly of her and i am i'm excited uh because i'm just getting to know more great fantasy authors so this is great and speaking of great fantasy authors ap and i also are going to be reading robin hobb's realm of the elderlings and we're going to take each trilogy well there's one tetralogy as well but each one at a time so we're not going to read straight through the realm of the elderlings it would probably take us a couple years you know um but we will read the farseer trilogy first and then we'll read the lives of traders and then tawny man at some point you know interspersing them at points different points throughout the year so i would anticipate that we'll probably uh get to at least the first uh book of farseer by before the end of winter we'll see before the end of winter i hope so those are all the ones i'm fairly sure that i'll be getting to and then here are my highly aspirational really want to do this uh and maybe i'll work them in even sooner than i think but um i really really really want to read these books so we shall see but high up on the list now actually is blood of elves and i am even considering uh uh bumping this up on the tbr because of the new witcher season and even season two i didn't watch the first season so i'm kind of intrigued though i i i find myself having a lot of fun at the moment watching the wheel of time series six episodes in i've been having a really fun time watching it i'm surprised at how much i'm enjoying it and so i'm thinking well maybe i should give more fantasy television a try so i might just read blood of elves and i understand that the second season of the witcher is based uh largely on the blood of elves so i did read the first uh the the two short story collections so i am familiar with the witcher world know the characters at least some of the important ones so i am uh kind of intrigued and excited to actually start with the witcher series proper so yeah so uh we'll see how that goes it would be lovely to read that and then catch up with everybody on the show so we'll see another book that i really want to read i thoroughly enjoyed reading last year mark lawrence's red queen's war trilogy and i am very excited to continue to read some mark lawrence he is a top 10 author for me in the genre very smart author i really loved the the two trilogies of his that i've read the broken empire trilogy and red queen's war and now i want to read the book of the ancestor so and i have all three books ready to go uh beginning of course with red sister so that is something i hope to get to in if not in the winter then certainly in the first half of the year so that's where these probably the rest of these are going to be and same thing with uh josiah bancroft's books of babel beginning with sendlin ascends i am eager very eager to read this tetralogy i have the first three books already oh it even has a little endorsement by mark lawrence there on the cover it's yeah that's kind of cool speaking of mark lawrence um but yeah so i i'm very very excited from what i've heard i'm pretty sure that i'm going to love the books of babel similar to what i was hearing ahead of time about long price quartet i've heard similar things that make me feel like i'm going to really love the books of babel so it's something that i'm really eager to get to so yeah and i understand something a little different which is definitely i'm up for it so and speaking of something different our scott baker's this one i've been these last three have been kicking down the the road quite a few times i will get to our scott baker's the darkness that comes before at least in the first half of the year uh so i i maybe things go really well and if i feel inspired i might even grab it before winter's end but it is something that i definitely need to read and i've heard so many people say i probably will like it based on my love for malazan and and other types of fantasy uh i love the philosophy in my fantasy so i you know baker is a trained philosopher so i will definitely probably appreciate reading this very much um so and i will continue reading the prince of nothing trilogy this is book one the darkness that comes before so i will get to it the first half of the year you heard me say it i am committed now and other two books that i really want to get to these last couple one is the city of brass by essay chakraborty another one i keep trotting out it's been on a few tbrs at this point i will get to it first half of the year you heard it and also same goes for rage of dragons i will read this and if i love it i will read the second book in time to read the third uh by evan winter i have rage of dragons you know that because i've brought it out several times on my tbr i will get to it um so yeah there it is these are my that is my aspiration oh yeah and i didn't even bother bringing out the rhythm of war by brandon sanderson first of all it's just heavy i keep having to carry it up and down the stairs for these tbr videos plus i know i'm not gonna get to rhythm of war uh anytime soon not because i don't want to i really do you see all these books i have to read uh so what i'm thinking i'm gonna do with rhythm of war is i'm going to read it shortly before the fifth book comes out in the stormlight archive that which will be the first arc i know sanderson is planning two arcs ten books but the first five book arc i'm definitely gonna read i've read the first three i enjoyed them i'm going to read rhythm of war but i'm gonna push it off a bit until it's a bit closer to the uh the fifth book so yeah that's my plan it's a good plan i think because then i'll be fresh for the fifth book so yeah that i think i meant that all along right so so anyway those are my plans and my aspirations and uh thank you for watching this and i'd love to hear your thoughts on any of these books and which ones you would prioritize and i hope that you will will uh listen in when i am reviewing some of these books and discussing these books with my fellow booktubers and i just i thoroughly enjoy hearing all your thoughts and thank you to all of you who are watching this and who have subscribed and liked my videos i really appreciate your support very much until next time
Channel: Philip Chase
Views: 3,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Malazan Book of the Fallen, Steven Erikson, Novels of the Malazan Empire, Ian Esslemont, Dark Tower, Stephen King, Beowulf, JRR Tolkien, Daniel Abraham, Long Price Quartet, David Gemmell, Drenai, Robin Hobb, Realm of the Elderlings, Janny Wurts, Mark Lawrence, Josiah Bancroft, The Witcher
Id: AkV9jn9UJNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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