BOOKTOK PICKS MY TBR | does booktok have good taste?

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maybe i should listen to book talk i don't know why i'm saying that now like i haven't even read the books yet what if they're bad what if they're bad they're probably going to be bad i probably jinx myself [Music] hi everyone i'm haley welcome back to my channel today i kind of wanted to combine like a reaction video slap analysis like i'm gonna analyze book talk like no i mean that might be what i call it but it's not that deep i just thought it would be fun to look at book talks taste my for you page is not book content it's just animals mostly cows and dogs and people falling that's i guess what i'm into yeah basically i'm going to have book talk pick my tbr i have a couple prompts for this tbr because i wanted to make sure i got certain books so basically right now i have no idea what i want to read i just got out of a reading slump so like this is a risk what if book talk has really bad taste and they put me into another reading slump like that would be bad you know basically i'm just gonna be scrolling through book talk and seeing like which recommendations like fit these prompts that's how i'm going to pick the books i'm going to read like i just want the books to come to me you know like this is the ultimate haley being lazy video these are the prompts that i have i have a romance and then i also have fantasy and thriller pick a queer a queer no no a queer book so like sapphic what so you know what i mean i was gonna put sapphic but then i was like i might as well just put queer even though like i identify as topic so i just thought it would be like more relatable to me this one is the one i'm scared of because you know how i feel about this and that is a book by a man so a book written by a man i was gonna say a book with a male protagonist but that's i don't know nope just gonna go with a book by man another thing that i've noticed that book talk does a lot is like these trope videos so the first trope that pops up i'll have to pick a book that has that trope and i was thinking that i could just pick one that i already have on my shelf i thought would be more interesting to go into the comments of that tick tock and see what people recommend and then i'm also going to be doing books that made me cry books that made me laugh books that destroyed me so i want to find one of those compilations and hopefully pick a book from there and then the last prompt is to continue a series that you're iffy about but yeah so there really are no rules whatever pops up i'm gonna have to read it's just that if i've already read it i will not be reading it again so yeah let's get started i downloaded tick tock onto my ipad for this so when you're reading a consent oh god declare book and the characters do something stupid i actually think this would be kind of funny technically this does fit some of my problems if it's the fantasy one and it fits continuous series that you're iffy about her continuous series that you've like already read i have not read chain of iron i should probably pick it up oh every time i film something has to go wrong this book is so big you guys like what the heck and i did say like i need a free chain of iron so i guess for tick tock tick tock um dick talk oh my god what is wrong with i think booktalk really wants me to read this book because i've had it for multiple months and also if you're wondering this is literally just a tbr video i'm not gonna be reading these books in this video you're gonna have to stay tuned for either my july wrap-up or i'll do a part two to this video i'm not really sure eventually you will see me review these books just not now a lot of people ask me why i dnf this book back in march i just i'm not into it right now i was really excited for chain of iron right after i finished chain of gold and then as the year went by i was just like less and less invested and i just didn't care i think being forced to read it is going to make me dislike it more yeah so we'll see we'll see how i feel about it i don't know i saw myself giving it two stars but i mean who knows who knows interesting you guys okay first of all i just want to say why were like 50 of these books calling hoover books book talk they have a thing for calling hoover which is fine like everyone has their own opinions i've read two out of three how many calling over books were there like three i read two of those i read ugly love which like that was actually an okay book it was okay i actually think it was like my first introduction to smut so that was fun it was okay every other colleen hoover book i read went downhill from there like i read november nine terrible one star it was like bad bad and then of course we were liars you guys know how i feel about we were liars and i'm not surprised that that book is on this list because booktalk loves we were liars so obviously i'm not gonna read any of those but like i hate we were liars and every time i see it in these videos i just i question everything also i already read the invisible life fatty lure and i gave it the same rating three out of five i honestly think like out of all of these i have been wanting to read the deal by l kennedy and that is a romance book and it's new adult so i think that that could be interesting because i've never read any of elle kennedy's books and i've heard a lot about their books for the romance pick i'm going to be reading the deal by l kennedy now we have to find a fantasy pick hopefully tick tock comes through this video is kind of fun like i feel super chill like we're just hanging out watching book talk together i love that book that was okay okay so i've actually read almost all those books except for the first one but the first one i've wanted to read for a long time and this one doesn't even wait a minute this is the first book that was on the list i have always wanted to read this book i've started it and i have never finished it and this is written by man this fits my book by a man prompt so i will be reading all the light we cannot see why are they giving me such big books like who do they think i am i already have three books on my tbr this is exciting honestly i'm not that not excited about them like this is kind of going well you guys i'm not mad about it like i should maybe i should listen to book talk i don't know why i'm saying that now like i haven't read the books yet what if they're bad what if they're bad they're probably gonna be bad i probably jinx myself i do this thing called reverse manifestation where sometimes i say things i'm gonna do things out loud and then it doesn't happen because i said it out loud does that happen to you because it happens to me all the time i actually am starting to believe that it is a real thing convincing you to read books based off their first lines this is the story of how my best friend disappeared how nobody noticed she was gone except me and how nobody cared until they found her this is what happened to monday i mean what happened to monday monday's not coming duh at this point i should be strong enough to resist a cute guy in a well-tailored seat i know this i feel like this is a colleen hoover book hmm is it the hating game no no no no it's not a hating game it's not that it's definitely not a game why do i think this is ugly love it's not ugly love it's definitely not ugly love i see the thing is i can tell it's purple it's gonna be a book i've literally never read but i've definitely heard this line before i've never even heard of that book never heard of it they've never found the body of the first and only boy who broke my heart and they never will the shadows between us because i was not expecting that i thought that was gonna be like a why a contemporary book why do i think a why contemporary book was gonna start out with murder where is my mind what is going on with my cognitive thinking because i don't think it's working so the shout outs between us that was a fantasy and i actually have heard book talk talk a lot about this book i might add this to my fantasy oh i've actually heard a lot relax should i do like a fantasy like shadows between us like i genuinely don't think i'm gonna like that book i know it's enemies celebrities and i have heard terrible things about it i don't know what to do i don't know it's a good question what do i do oh my god i swear book talk is a disease this book first of all this let's continue we were liars let's also talk about that i really don't want to i just i just it's gonna make me mad adult fantasy that isn't talked about enough because i just i have to be honest i don't want to read any of these i have to be honest so many of them are written by men here's the thing i'm scared of epic fantasy books written by men because i feel like they are always just 3 000 pages of describing a rock and i really don't want to read about that i don't know you guys i'm just scared this is another section section this is another section that i wanted to add into my prompts and that's like spicy or smutty books and so here you go sugar daddies credence oh besties why did i say besties ignore me i don't know which one i'm gonna read and that is creek wait credence spicy isn't credence like a dark dark romance well if i get trauma from this i blame book talk wait natasha preston has another book awake i read the seller and i read the sequel to the seller and tell me why the seller was like my favorite what that book when i was like 10 or 12. however old i was i definitely was not old enough to be reading it i loved that book it was disturbing this is why i'm desensitized to literally everything right now like i blame wattpad and tumblr you know how everyone's like oh wattpad i was reading smut when i was like in fifth grade and i shouldn't have been doing it like no that wasn't me i was reading books about people getting kidnapped and that's why nothing faces me anymore everyone's like oh you know smut and i'm like no kidnapping and murder that's that's what was hitting me when i was younger why was i into that like not into it but like that's why i have a fear of that now like let's not talk about it anyway let's continue okay i have heard so many things about sharp objects so we might have to do that one butter okay honestly like i'm really intrigued by a lot of these books i kind of want to read all of them but i'm going to start with sharp objects and then also butter because i don't know what it's about but i i like butter so let's start there i feel like this is enough books like how many books do i think i'm going to be reading but i guess i'll do a couple more i want to find books that will make me cry should i do enemies to lovers no i'm not even going to try i'm not even going to try that's it okay so i've heard they both die at the end and also a thousand boy kisses i'm gonna put them both on my list okay now what else i need i need a queer book i need a fantasy and then i need a trope crave i have had people ask me if i've read that book and not after oh god you guys oh god vicious i was so excited to get recommendations for this trope specifically because i love this joke and the fact that i was recommended after i'm not gonna read after i'm gonna read vicious i've also heard vicious is bad so um it's a lose-lose situation i'm so happy for myself books with sour songs i love she drives me crazy that book is so good okay um okay okay okay okay okay okay which one sapphic main characters okay i might have to do take a hint danny brown i've heard really good things about that one no but i want to do not my problem i don't i love honey girl happier in the stars okay all of these books sound really good i don't even know which one i'm gonna pick see i love this side of book talk i love it [Music] okay i think i'm gonna go with not my problem i followed the sapphic lit bot on twitter and i saw a quote from that book and i was like i need to read okay and i just need one more i need a fantasy book house and this is really insane it's like a knife i already know which one i'm gonna go with oh wait no i don't know okay okay all of those sound really good i have heard of all of them i'm stuck between the tiger at midnight the diviners the last magicians honestly i'm stuck between the tiger at midnight and the last magician i don't know which one i'm gonna go with i'm gonna put them both down because like i why am i gonna limit myself i can read as many books as i want you know it's just a matter of if i will it's a matter of if i can get put into a reading slump so i have all my problems filled out and i have all the books that i have for my tbr i don't know why i phrase the sentence that way ignore it just i have it for the romance pick i have the deal by l kennedy i think this is a part of the off-campus series if i'm wrong i'm sorry i think they have another series like i was going to say on campus i don't think it's on campus i think it's like you you can't i don't know okay it's l kennedy the deal we're reading the deal or i am you can read it with me if you want i don't know do what you want for a fantasy book talk picks for me either the diviners a tiger at midnight or the last magician i'm not sure which one i'm gonna read yet but i love fantasy i tend to read a lot when i am not in a slump so honestly i could read all three it really depends on my mood it really just depends what's available in my library because i'm not trying to buy books that i don't know if i like so let this be a surprise ah this is kind of exciting for the thriller we have sharp objects which i'm excited for but i'm also gonna write down the other one butter because i like butter i love butter and i don't even know what it's about but obviously it's not gonna be good because it's a thriller and it disturbed this person so butter like butter is smooth butter is delicious how could butter be disturbing let's think about that what is butter about what do we think butter is about i have no idea so you know i really want to read butter take a shot every time i say butter don't do that don't do that you'll die okay so for the queer book i have not my problem i believe this book has a sapphic main character so that's really exciting ah that person had a lot of good recommendations so like i feel like i could read any of those a book written by man we have all the light we cannot see for a trope the trope was bad boy that's only soft for the girl or the good girl the choices were not good they weren't good i haven't even read those books but they weren't good so i went with the safest one which is vicious which honestly i feel like i shouldn't read either like i heard that the author might be problematic i'm really not sure i don't know you guys i'm sorry i've heard a lot about this series on book twitter as well so that'll be interesting is this also considered dark romance i mean with a title like vicious we gotta make some assumptions here that's what i'm gonna be reading for books that will make me cry they both die at the end and a thousand boy kisses i feel like i kind of want to go with a thousand boy kisses because i hear less about it like they're both popular but i hear less about a thousand boy kisses and like they both die at the end i know they're both gonna die then am i gonna be sad people say yes you're gonna be sad like i still cry even if i know what's gonna happen but like which one do you think is actually gonna make me cry because i don't even know what a thousand boy kisses is about that's what's so exciting about it and that's what's gonna like shock me is because i don't know what it's about the emotions are going to be really strong with them like they're going to be extra strong continuous series that you're iffy about chain of iron i also wrote down credence oh credence is supposed to be for a spicy book i feel kind of disturbed about that you know why because i heard this book is very very dark and disturbing so like if you're getting turned on when you read this book and it's also like the most disturbing book you've ever read what does that say about you genuine question what does that say about you what does it say about me but i wanted to read credence for a long time like this is kind of exciting i want to give predictions for how i think i'm going to like these books what do i think is going to be a five star i think all the light we cannot see might honestly be a five star five star or like really high four star like maybe four and a half honestly i also think the last magician i think i'll really really like the last magician like i don't know what it's about but there's a slow burn romance in it and it's fantasy so a tiger at midnight i could like because based on indian mythology so i think that's really cool so i feel like that could also be four stars and i also think i will really enjoy the diviners i think all the fantasy books i'm gonna really enjoy so we're gonna say four stars or above for all the fantasy picks the queer pick not my problem i think that'll also be a four stars maybe five like i don't want to say it's gonna be five stars because then i feel like that's having like too high of expectations and like if i don't like it then like you know i don't like having expectations because i usually get disappointed i don't want to be disappointed and for the books don't make me cry genuinely i don't think either these books are gonna make me cry usually books that maybe cry are books that are in a series and it's usually like towards the end or like i don't know just in a series because i i'm already so attached to the characters but if it's a standalone am i gonna care enough to cry i don't think so but will i enjoy them i probably will give these books a three just knowing how obsessed booktalk and book twitter are with these books i don't think that our tastes align so i'm gonna go with a solid three chain of iron i already predict i'm gonna give it a two or three that's my prediction for jade of iron sharp objects and butter i think that these will be four stars solid i think that the deal will be a solid four stars or three stars i don't have super high expectations that one but i do think that i will probably enjoy it enough to continue the series oh vicious i think that'll be a two star i gotta be honest i was gonna say one star but i'm trying to be nice and then credence i don't know like it could really go either way i've read three penelope douglas books one of them was five stars another one was three stars and another one was one star so credence could go either way i'm gonna say solid three stars because i i don't know i don't i don't know i'm so excited though to read these books and to look back on this video like i should do this more often comment down below what you think i'm going to think about these books like if you know me and my taste i'm really curious to know and also comment down below what you think about these books yeah let me know what other videos you want to see from me thank you so much for watching remember to like this video comment down below and subscribe to my channel and i will see you next time with another video bye
Channel: Pages of Hayley
Views: 33,780
Rating: 4.9605522 out of 5
Keywords: booktok picks my tbr, tbr, august tbr, reacting to bookish tiktoks, reacting to booktok, booktok, bookish tiktoks, tiktok, tiktoks, reacting to tiktoks, reacting to my favorite tiktoks, reacting to tiktok, pages of hayley, bookshelf tour, bookshelf organization, book haul, book recommendations, booktube, booktuber, tiktok compilation, funny tiktok compilation, readwithcindy, reading vlog, nanowrimo, shadowhunters, throne of glass, acotar, book talk, book review, unpopular opinions
Id: 3krF3tZWGmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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