Winter Riverside Canoe Camping | Fast River | Log Jams

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I was excited to set off on my adventure for this unusually warm February day I wasn't expecting to be back in the water for months I was also not expecting my first setback to come minutes into my trip of course I should have known better it would be the first of [Music] many is that ice that ain't going to work too good is it well I know that the uh river is Flowing it's well into the 50s U I really wasn't expecting this but I got across the lake before I get to the river to start my destination and it is frozen this Lake Lake the small Lake Pond whatever you want to call it is frozen it's well into the ' 50s so I really wasn't expecting this um I hate to get myself into a pickle by trying to push across so yeah I'll give you the lowdown on uh what the heck we're doing what the plan is for today uh in just a little bit as soon as I figure it out myself so hang tight I'll be right back with [Music] you [Music] [Music] woo oh Nelly oh yeah oh goodness sakes we are rocking and rolling woo what is up everybody welcome welcome welcome back to the channel oh man I didn't know if this was going to come together there's a lot of moving pieces and just putting the simple overnight together but uh all of the pieces seem to be in place and we are moseying on down the river it is so high and it is moving fast it's usually usually not this fast and it's usually not this high so um we had a crazy crazy warmup this week um temperatures got up today almost up to close to 60° and I saw it coming a couple days ago and I thought man I haven't had a canoe trip in February on this channel yet so um yeah might as well take advantage of it um this coming summer I'm hoping to do um a hand full of lengthier um canoe trips at any rate we're out here today I'm just doing the canoe I'm doing some River canoeing I've got an ebike stashed um at the end of the trip underneath a random Bridge oh I've just pulled over and banked on the shore here real quick um I've got definitely got some maneuvering coming up here um there's down trees and I knew there would be hopefully not too many this this is a public park it's also a park that doesn't exactly allow camping I'm going to Camp here anyway not planning on keeping a super low profile I'm just going to find a spot that is out of the way so we're going to go ahead and paddle the river we're going to have ourselves this very small fire I think we'll see we'll gauge it how it is when we get there this is a park where I do a lot of canoeing over the years it's basically like a loop um with a couple of portages in it and I've always wanted to go a little bit further down the river so what I did was I stashed an ebike down further down the river underneath a random Bridge just so I could go a little bit further past where the loop ends I'll then leave the canoe take the ebike back to the car bring the car back retrieve the canoe so all of that should be uh able to be done in a fair amount of time I'm going to tell you guys kind of why I'm doing all of this stuff a little bit later um we'll probably save that for a nighttime discussion for now I'm going to enjoy the river I'm going to enjoy the weather I'm going to enjoy myself I'm going to have a wonderful night but before we do any of that I've got to take a little nip off of the old bana flas trying something new here I don't think I've had that one before it's called Hotel Tango at least that's what it says on the bottle uh and yeah that's going to take a little getting used to woo all right let's do it oh man all right brace yourself and hang tight this is all right whoa [Applause] n [Music] cool [Music] just pulled over to get some Drone footage yeah doing good how you guys doing and uh canoe's parked here I just realized right in front of me I didn't even notice it the whole time what I'm about to have to deal with o Lo daylight on top of it too okay all right well this should be fun oo High silver H looks like I can take a little detour so I'm going to try that whoa oh man the back of the canoe just got swept around woo fun stuff okay now we're going over a log oh boy oh easy peasy pumpkin squeezy lemon squeezy oh nly oh there was a log Jam back that way so now I got no choice but to go up this direction it's all right that is all right woo here we go here we go here we go here we go oh Nelly whoa that's not going to happen that is definitely not going to happen there's no way I'm getting under that got to pull over got to pull over get on over to this roof oh god dog Dar it perfect okay now I'm nice and pinned okay [Music] [Music] woo all right we're doing it we are doing it period oh my goodness six fun stuff yeah I don't think I'm quite into the park enough um set up camp and I am losing light I'm still seeing people people hiking occasionally um but at some point here I'm going to have to make a judgment call so I'm going to uh I'm going to check on the map and I know there's a spot um a little stretch there that's pretty remote once we get in yeah I'm looking forward to getting camp set up that's for [Music] sure oh dog G it man you got to be kidding me we're going to see if we can scooch around that side over there nly oh my freaking goodness okay whoa baby yeah how low can you go there is a um paddling company uh a canoe kayak rental place and I think they typic come up here there's a Park Service too I think that comes out and uh clears the river um but yeah obviously they're not doing it in the offseason it wouldn't make any sense ooh let's go check this out this is it this we have to do oh [Applause] yeah I think I picked about uh the worst place I possibly could be Camp I've seen two older couples walking behind me back over here on the trail I looked at the map of this park I never really hiked it much I just always canoed and kayaked it and I didn't think there was any Trails back here maybe there's some unofficial ones I don't know but two couples walking by and they're just uh stopping and staring at me the whole time that's why wouldn't they it's not exactly the most uh inconspicuous thing I'm doing here but uh we're in it at this point cuz it's about to get dark um so we're going to keep our fingers cross and hope for the best um yeah I was ever were going to get caught camping somewhere I'm not supposed to this would probably be the time not going wood just going to hope for the best and uh um yeah hello good how are you I have made what can only rightfully be referred to as an error and judgment this was not a smart move I have seen no less than five individuals or groups coming super super close including the ones I believe you saw who walked up 20 ft from me and then turned around and left it is what it is I'm here traffic noise too just the worst what are you going to [Applause] do what yep so this is somewhere that's Rel atively close to my house and I'm trying to work out the Kinks for doing a river trip solo without having to hire an Outfitters Outfitters are awesome and I use uh heras up in uh manness National Forest when I do the Pine River so they're great but yeah I just had a batch of nice weather and I wanted to try one of these cuz I've been wanting to kind of work The Kinks out on a trip like this and um so many people saw me in here and you know I guess I I just figure at this point if I I'm going to um get caught and I'm going to get caught so I'm just going to go through um the rest of my night I'm you know I'm not going to have a fire because I'm not going to add insult to injury I'm camping where I'm not supposed to and a lot of people saw me so no reason to do all of that but um yeah we're going to finish out the camp and I'm going to try to enjoy myself I mean what else can I do [Applause] sh it all right cheers yeah so hopefully I explained that well enough earlier I never know if I'm explaining things that correctly or or not but um I have several River trips planned that I really want to do um that I can do in a couple two three nights um and then and the my strategy is to hide an ebike at the end um back in the woods somewhere and then be able to take that back to my car while I leave the canoe at the end point retrieve my car rig up the ebike on the rack on the back come back with the car and retrieve the canoe so that's my plan I have some trips picked out in uh Appalachian mountain ranges in um Pennsylvania I got some stuff in northern Michigan I got some I want to do for sure I got some some trips um that I'd like to do in Canada not sure how that will work taking an ebike across the border unfortunately I had all these people stumble across me so I'm a little nervous about it but I think everything should work out fine after all I'm Sam bananas we're going to have to be very careful about this [Music] for not sure if I use too much water or exactly what happened but these are super runny I tried this at home and it worked fine so I don't know what happened this time hard to mess up instant mashed potatoes but we're going to eat it anyway cuz we're camping oh my God this is atrocious okay well whatever it is what it is that is awful what a disaster this looks like what you get served if you're in like a science fiction prison that is not even edible uh that is absolutely atrocious oh God I mean if I was starving to death I I would complain what did I do wrong that's not the worst thing in the world well you win some you lose some end of the day you're never going to be able to try anything new if you don't make some mistakes once in a while so I tried it at home I can't eat backpacking meals all the time at home to test stuff out um that's not super healthy you know so I'm I'm already camping a lot eating junk like that a lot so so anyway you know you win some you lose some you know I I got to try once in a while so you know a a big part of this channel is something that I believe in is uh leaving stuff like that in so you guys can see the ups and the downs I think we're going to go ahead and uh hit the hay and I'll check back with you guys one morning h that um nature hike chair broke last night one of the supports um for the legs uh I don't know how it is drive it it it it broke it doesn't work anymore so um got to figure something else out in the future for a chair it is chilly chilly chilly this morning colder temperatures are back on the way I have a feeling that um we're not going to have an overflow of hikers like we did yesterday yesterday was also in the evening when people are off of work this is uh a week day today I'm so just going to go ahead and get torn down ASAP and hit the road um cuz I have a friend's birthday dinner that I have to go to tonight so looking forward to that but yeah we got to get the heck out of here and we got to complete the rest of the thing I still got to go down the river stash the canoe retrieve the ebike go back for the car take the car back for the canoe so this is going to be a fun process I'm filming the entire thing don't you dare go anywhere cuz I got a lot of work left to do and I really really hope you stick around to see it all right let's get it all done [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh rocking and rolling this should be interesting oh down slow it way [Applause] down woohoo all right oh cool this is the normal takeout point so we're going to be going past this all right we got something we got something fun coming up here I've never been this far before so here we [Applause] go w nly [Music] [Music] relaxing cool [Applause] o nil okay we're going under all right cool very [Music] cool I'm not getting past that wait can I can I go around the other side I think okay yeah I can go I can or I can't nope that is a straight up Log Jam there is no getting around there oh yeah no getting around that okay we got to go over here Y no getting we on that that's for sure and there's another one up past it so I'm going to hike around it yeah we want to make a quick work out of this so let's be Snappy about it it's like a nice little Trail here takes me part of the way around it anyway so that's helpful w my guess is that's a deer blind makeshift deer blind fell down okay oh duck on it oh well there's that well um the canoe is right there I got this and then I'm on the other side of the Log Jam there that's the big Old Log Jam behind us there's no way there is no getting through that um I don't know if the camera's picking it up or not but just trust me I'm not doing this for fun um I think I can just drag the canoe and go right over all of this a little treacherous but I don't I don't think it'd be too bad so uh we're going to give it a try without even unloading everything I'm just going to try to drag it and see what I can do it's working out okay oh shoot okay well I had a feeling something like that would happen come on come on yeah yeah well that's both shoes soaking wet and muddy but we are moving and that's all that counts woo no oh and there's no way to get around that oh crap shoes are already soaking wet so this what it is how deep are we right here oh we're deep all right probably up to my waist so I do not want to fall what's the best way to do this oh what made me think this was going to be a good idea I swear been meaning to do this for a while [Applause] oh going in the water nothing to be done about it I wanted to see what was on the other side I guess I got my wish here [Applause] just to show you what I just did here there's the land here's a big log it's not exactly the easiest thing to sell but the whole point of coming out here is to is to make a video so I want to show you guys so I'm doing my best so hopefully this is turning out good and hopefully uh you know you're enjoying some type two fun on the old YouTube here ah don't forget to uh click that banana and then as soon as I put back in I'm going to have to deal with this so that'll be fun all right so everything's secured so if I tip I tip should be fine that wasn't too bad making something out of an nothing it's kind of fun there it is ladies and gentlemen there it is not a moment too soon either for crying out loud okay now I just have to make my way through all this mangled mess way back over there is that ebike hopefully it's still there I'm going to leave the canoe and everything chilling right here if I shouldn't be gone that long and I just really doubt anybody's going to come down here and investigate it so [Music] yeah [Music] yes okay ebike is still here um we're going to take that back to the car hook it up do all the hole you get the picture of what we're doing here yeah fun day unfortunately I did forget to bring a helmet that's a big no no you really don't want to ride these things without helmets normally I would never do that I'm in a little bit of a pickle here um I could walk I guess but we got to we got to do what we got to do so um in the future you'll see me with helmets in the past you see I started wearing helmets helmets helmets I promised Mrs bananas I would wear a helmet so sorry babe I will wear a helmet on the next one I promise woo all right let's do it [Applause] oh I had a feeling that would happen I almost had a heart attack cuz I thought I had had the car towed all right I I got to like the the first parking lot and I thought the car had been towed because I don't know if you're allowed to park there overnight or not um and I called the police department and they didn't have it this and the the office that was there didn't know anything about it cuz I moved it here I completely forgot about it ah woo man Big Time relief all right let's get this puppy uh rigged up here full review for this ebike on my other channel and I'll link that in the [Applause] description oh man gosh [Music] darn when I say that was another one for the books that was really another one for the books oh man what I thought was going to be a simple thing I really wasn't and I definitely have some stuff to think about but um that is Mission success it's such a big wave of relief when I do these tough ones and then just having everything good to go and ready to head home going to go uh out with Mrs bananas tonight a friend's birthday dinner I'm going to need a good shower but I'm definitely looking forward to a good meal oh all right everybody I I greatly appreciate everything thank you so much for watching these videos it really really means a lot it makes it possible for me to do this if you liked what you saw today and you haven't done so already I would greatly appreciate it if you could click that banana and we're going to catch you on the next one everybody [Music] bye [Music]
Channel: Camping with Sam Bananas
Views: 47,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wild camping, bushcraft, backpacking, wild camp, solo camping, survival, banana flask, tent camping, camping in the rain, solo overnight, sam bananas, tarp camp, campfire, wilderness, improvised shelter, wilderness camping, bushcraft camp, rain camping, rain sounds, rain and thunder sounds, nature sounds, heavy rain sounds, rain sounds for sleeping, solo bushcraft, heavy rain camping, rain camping tent, canoe camping, river camping
Id: c6LB9Wl_Xxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 37sec (2917 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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