3 Days Camping at a Mountain Lake | Wet and Rainy Backcountry Camping Trip

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for what is up everybody welcome back to the channel I'm out here for another adventure on my trip in the Pacific Northwest beautiful view of a mountain behind me I'm currently on my way doing a trip up to a mountain lake I'm going to spend two nights up here going to hike around explore cook some good food buddy Rob is supposed to be joining me here he is mostly going to be behind the camera helping me get shots he is uh trailing behind so at the rate I'm going he might catch up to me who knows this Trail is already kicking my butt I'm not that far into it but um that's part of the adventure hoping to get up to the campsite uh before it gets dark who knows if we're going to make that or not I don't know but yeah I got a couple good beers I got some good whiskey I got some good meals we're going to enjoy nature we're going to see what this place has to offer take in the sights do it all up but before I do any of that I've got to take a little nip off of the old bana FL woo oh my goodness say woo that is that uh howler head banana flavored whiskey bourbon deal that I found out here I think you can get it anywhere but not quite sure if I like it yet but I'm a long way from home and that's what we're working with for the remainder of these strips wo I think it might be growing on me let's hit the [Music] trail there is definitely some kind of waterfall behind me um you can hear it plain as day I can't see anything I didn't see anything online about a waterfall but um going to be up here for 2 days so um see if we can't find it I am drenched I'm sweating up a storm it's absolutely ridiculous every time I stop I start getting cold every time I start moving I start sweating again I mean I don't know this one really takes it out of you I'm going to have to get in a better shape if I'm going to be doing this fulltime I am earning that campsite I'll tell you right [Applause] now [Applause] yeah so this is a uh absolutely beautiful Trail so far um it's uh definitely some switchbacks and just an overall upward grade but everything is covered in Moss there's ferns around very well-maintained Trail um and all these little trickling waterfalls just spotted all over the place it's really gorgeous just talked to a nice older couple who is in much much better shape than I am and having a much faster trip of it than I am um gave me a bunch of uh good information about where to go and um things to see up here so uh there's a beautiful Lookout Point I'm going to try to make it there before dark um and we'll see what happens but uh good thing is I got a whole another day to spend up here so very excited woo I'll check back with you guys in a bit oh man right now I'm at this absolutely beautiful Lookout Point um it's pitch black dark so you can't see it um I am missing a ton of really pretty kind of geological stuff and just interesting things to see so I'm either going to come back down tomorrow um and get some shots of everything just so you guys can see what the rest of the trail looks like or I'll do a montage on the way out when I'm finished so um and just show you guys some highlights so either way stay tuned for that you're going to see the rest of what's in the darkness here but for now we got to get to the campsite I need to be very very careful because this is I'll be honest this is a little on dangerous side but I'm being exceptionally careful I promise honey and right on Q there's the rain yeah you got to love it green picked up but underneath this tree it's actually not too bad you can't even feel anything pretty much so I got the pack under there we're pretty much good to go this is the very first campsite I came across honestly it's not exactly ideal um but it's going to work turn that off so I don't bind you guys um I'm going to run a tarp between these two trees just so I got a place to sit and relax and cook dinner here and uh yeah I'll get back with you guys once uh everything's set up cuz it's a little bit of a precarious situation [Applause] here hey there okay so I did get my tarp set up um it's a bit of a puddle forming under here um it's kind of what happens when you show up to a campsite where you're not familiar with you don't have a lay out of land and it's dark and you don't know what's going on so trying to make the best of it it's not that bad but it it's a little bit of a puddle so I got to think for a minute plan my next move and then uh get back with you guys in a little bit okay the best uh filming situation we're going to get here I am in the tent buddy Rob has joined me Rob say hi hi he is uh in his tent over there I got some footage of the outside so I'll go ahead and insert that in now but basically that's our setup and that's what we're working with for the night um he was behind me cuz he had to work today um so he did most of this hike in the dark and in the rain it was only in the dark and rain at the ladder portion for myself um it still has not uh been a picnic I'll tell you that right now I'm going to get the sleeping mat set up and the sleeping bag unrolled and get into some uh dry clothes and then I'll check with you guys when I'm about to hit the hay here and uh go ahead and uh sign off for you for the night we still got all day tomorrow so um uh stay tuned for that there's the boots right inside the vesle there good night Rob good night in the tent here got my pillow trying out a new sleeping mat I'll talk to you guys about that another time um got my sleeping bag here got my puffy coat on me just in case it gets cold there the camera lens there it is okay we had nuts and beef jerky for dinner um sorry I didn't film more of it but it was uh kind of a little bit of a nightmare scenario getting everything situated I'll talk to you more about it tomorrow but I am 100% energy Zapped and I've got to hit the hay so um I'll catch back with you guys in the morning anything crazy happens of course you know I'll always film it otherwise catch you guys in the morning morning good [Applause] night good morning everybody rain doesn't seem to be letting up U I'm going to try to at least get up and get something to eat um that means I got to change back into the wet clothes that haven't dried and um out of these nice warm clothes um but um going to try to make something out of the day here so at least I got to get something to eat check back with you guys when I'm outside of the tent because this is a tight squeeze and it's going to be a little tricky here okay now I got to show you guys this stuff we had no idea that this view was right there that is crazy see so up at the top here I mean this thing just keeps on going it's just some kind of stream that just goes back up in there well let's follow it so that stream comes from back up over there I think it even goes further than that comes all the way down here all the way out there Meander's all the way down and then lets down in our campsite I'll fish for a you know when I get up and going I'll probably try to fish I'll see how easy it is if we can if it's even worth it boom you want some tea I get a bunch I I usually make double Str tea bag cating yeah yeah that'd be cool oh Rob uh was nice enough to make me some tea he's got a jet boil over there like a real professional um and I'm messing around with this alcohol stove I don't know if it's going to work out for me exactly the way I thought it's going to be a bit of a struggle so I might have to uh borrow his uh daily over there but Rob was enough to make me some uh double cap cated you got it buddy all right some double caffeinated tea for the morning oh man yeah that hit the spot oh man yeah that's good that is good stuffo fortune is smiling on us a bit here oh my goodness B sun is poking out it's actually starting to warm up a little bit getting a chance to dry off even if it doesn't hold up for us uh we'll appreciate it while it's here oh this little guy here is called a rose hip and this is supposed to be edible Rob informed me on this so we're going to go ahead and give it a try it's not great tastes like I'm eating like a flower tast like I'm eating like a big bunch of leaves or something it's a bit sour I can't believe you Bel for that oh I think we spoke a little too soon on the old rain there thingss to be coming back in don't want to get any wetter than we were done it let's get all zipped up here M mhm that's that's great I went ahead and used Rob's jet boil that alcohol stove was uh just not cutting it wo how pretty is that oh my god wow really starting to warm up pretty decently I got my boots and uh socks over in the sun I do have a spare set of um socks but I'm saving those to sleep in Rob and I have just been uh chilling out out drinking some coffee having some breakfast chitchatting catching up on uh old times and everything and yes I don't know what we're going to do from here we're kind of game planning it out there's a lot of options and uh definitely get back with you guys in a bit and let you know what we're getting into here in a uh huge dramatic turn of events we have blue sky we have some light clouds I mean it doesn't get much better than this this is not the prediction for today it was supposed to rain non-stop so we'll take [Music] it [Music] all right we're going to go do ourselves a little hike that's what we decided we're going to take lunch up there have a little snack but apparently there is a a Viewpoint Overlook um thing and we're going to try to find it and uh we'll film it and show it to you guys so but before I do that I have a blister on my foot and I'm going to have to deal with it woo doesn't look too bad [Music] wow it's like this times 10 where you're going and like if you go to the hoe that's so cool [Music] [Music] woo sh it's going to look like I did everything and you did nothing in the video off camera I can like yell words of encouragement cut right through it Sam push yourself past the max wow good job it's so nice to have your words of affirming wisdom oh yeah we got a fire I don't know if we I'm going to give you like some small pieces if you want to tuck them in underneath there yep about right or what yeah that looks good I'll take it do another a b back Mrs Banana's chili rehydrated cheese green onions and a Taco Bell hot sauce can't go wrong thanks babeo it's beautiful night Rob and I are going to walk on over to the lake and see if uh we can do some little night photography [Music] here hold on where go stand where you're going to stand you got to focus there we go perfect Rob was nice enough to hook us up with a uh Snickers bar for dessert so we're both having Snickers cheers Rob cheers buddy cheers eat all of that you don't want to store that in your tent in Bear Country buddy num num num yeah there we go go woo really enjoy it I'm trying hard M cool man oh I'm going to crack into this uh storm surge hazy IPA because we definitely want this gone as we hike out tomorrow um we want as little weight as possible so we've eaten as much food as we could and um I had three of those uh chili burritos good stuff um we got a little mouse running around here I keep trying to capture it I don't know I'm hopefully I'm going to get a little get our little friend on camera here but um I had my tortillas sitting here and the little sucker came up around the bag jumped on here while we weren't looking chewed through the bag and um took a little bit of bite out of that tortilla so that's all junk now I'm not going to eat after that but yeah so I mean he's an aggressive little little fell yeah cheers do you see him oh we're going to have 8,000 videos of trying to catch this freaking Mouse okay made short work out of that first one got a second beer here Red Hook Long Hammer IPI yeah good stuff get you did I get him yeah I I got him oh we got one there's another where'd he go he's gone oh my God there's a bunch of them is it Mating Season or something just it's the forest he is just staring right at I don't know what's going I don't want to SC that was just wet like no matter what I was going to do so we are in be country here um trying to be as safe as possible hopefully this is a good uh hang here we're going to get the uh food and every trash and everything up into the tree and then we'll get it down to the midle morning here I think that should be pretty good it's up there hopefully that bear doesn't try to climb out on that L limb like that but it's pretty slim so I think it's a pretty good move all right everybody I got my uh pillow tucked in the sleeping bag boots are outside of the tent there um Rob and I had a nice night hanging out looking at the silhouette of the mountain been a wonderful trip this is our last night and then tomorrow we'll be packing up and heading out so I'm going to enjoy a uh nice night here nice sleep anything crazy happens I'll definitely film it for you guys but otherwise I will uh I'll check back with you in the morning good night [Music] everybody [Music] oh for breakfast this morning I'm just doing a bar r 's doing a bar too a little piece of beef jerky and uh we're going to pack up and head on out of here Rob's got to go back to work and I got one more uh night at camping but I got to move to a new spot so after this we'll head on out of here and I'll get you those shots that uh I promis on the way in that's crazy there's just a cloud right there yeah I mean that's a cloud yeah that's a cloud it's a wild hike out but definitely got some gorgeous views and uh yeah as promised I'm going to show it to you that's beautiful yeah I'm wow woo goodness sakes oh man hopefully the audio is working out okay here um yeah crazy storm came in crazy rain um it's all right it's just all part of the fun um we're going to wrap this video up here that's another one in the books I'm so happy I did it I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you liked this video go ahead and click that banana it would really mean a lot to me and we're going to catch you on the next one everybody bye now
Channel: Camping with Sam Bananas
Views: 22,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wild camping, woods, bushcraft, backpacking, wild camp, overnight, bushcraft shelter, solo camping, alone, survival, banana flask, tent camping, camping in the rain, solo overnight, sam bananas, tarp camp, campfire, tarp, wilderness, improvised shelter, wilderness camping, bushcraft camp, asmr, rain camping, rain sounds, rain and thunder sounds, nature sounds, heavy rain sounds, rain sounds for sleeping, solo bushcraft, heavy rain camping, rain camping tent
Id: Hqw0pjZi94I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 48sec (2448 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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