Kayak Camping A Stunning Texas River

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[Music] [Music] heyo what's going on everybody we are back on the water we have not been to this section like 2 years I think uh so the Lano River flooded pretty bad again like maybe 2 weeks ago um so this is our Redemption trip last trip we went out we fished fished for 3 days straight and didn't catch a single thing so I'm going to catch something this trip but last time we were here this bridge was not here you could load up come right down get straight into the water so they've made it much more difficult to get into the water but nothing uh nothing we won't do to get on the water doing 15 miles for this trip we got 5 miles today 5 miles tomorrow we might do a little more tomorrow cuz uh the fishing's good like the last stretch but everyone's getting their stuff floated up got two guys are moving the car to the uh end so you know one car takes the other car to the to the end and then the other car brings the guy back so we're doing our own shuttle here but should be a good day we got much better weather this time around last trip we were just it was like chocolate milk so it's supposed to be in the high 7s during the day and mid-50s at night so he'll be sleeping like kings but you guys thrown up on the GoPro and hopefully the CH one today I will say that sucked but it didn't suck nearly as bad as last time River's up almost 100 more CFS so the the rapid is coming up right here we took the right last time right yeah but if it's up high enough we should go left and run the rapid all right first rapid last time we could not run it because it was uh way too low doesn't clame anybody last time we didn't run it it was too low oh so I think we're going to try it this time just stay right and don't get pinned against The [Music] Rock [Music] nice oh that's a [Music] good [Music] worried about Fern yeah he said he little 50y yeah so I'm here for the Rescue all right we all well Fern had a little trouble but I K's not exactly the best for this type of situation it's good flat water kayak but all safe No One tipped and we can obviously get all of our gear so that's a win what bag bro has it and I caught a fish that took so much less time than the San Marcus River it's not even funny a fat ass God thank God so that's uh very enlightening news that we can run these Rapids this uh this trip like I said last time we were down here it was 100 CFS slower and I mean you could try and run them last time but you would have just gotten out every 5 foot because you would have just gotten stuck but look at this beautiful place we're spoiled out here with rivers when they're full of water uh grateful that we've had some rain lately so we're able to check off some of our other favorite rivers recently been kind of stuck to San Marcus so got to paddle about 4 and 1 half 5 miles we we got to put in work cuz we got here so late but do a little bit of fishing and uh you know if we catch in any big ones make sure to show them to you and then once we get to Camp we'll get you guys set up and show you show you where we're staying you can see how high the water was like uh 3 weeks ago you a lot of debris and stuff gets washed up and stuck so we would have been here a few weeks ago it would have been uh a little bit different story it would have been like what we were experiencing in the San Marcus but worse I think we got another little rapid set all right this is uh this one looks like a good one boys get [Music] ready oh oh [Music] you good you all right yeah I'm good ah oh that get that whiskers dude sorry about that it's okay man I got damned hey it happens brother I didn't give you enough space I don't think God that was amazing I didn't expect that I was trying to hang on to you for a second and then I started going backwards I knew that was that was the end of it that was a spicy one I got stuck and he had to go down backwards and flipped so the dra this kayak everyone's good lost well we didn't lose a rod we broke a rod but got everything back that was uh that was a good rapid the river is chooching today of course camera's off biggest fish so far ohing 13 and 3/4 in not legal yep you think you could you think you can get up it though yeah you might be able to get up right here Jason actually there's a nice little climbing spot I'm feeling skinny Tony I'm feeling skinny Tony yeah it hurt no it was good woo it's cold give me some space with shallow that was like a direct nose hit P straight into the Rock [Music] happen on the right this our little Island right here we got to go around the thing and then you Circle back and come into it once you come around the edge of this little rapid set there's a little cut shout out to rman here he suggested I try this title my camping stuff to paracord got the cast iron skillet table got the air pump tripod air mattress she's wet chair I think last but not least oh the tube isn't over there should be a tent coming back oh it's stuck all right have to figure this one out can I put some wood on it wood it upy what do the wood Packer wooden wouldn't you believe it wouldn't you believe it to we got a huge shout out to bramman for uh the table bro Tes yeah we love you and miss you I didn't wake up until you saw me wake up morning everyone started day two had a successful night Fernando smoked brisket the night before and we reheated it in that Skillet right there you can see all the fat still chilling in there it was super delicious we had a green beans brisket and potatoes got a little chilly last night had' everyone sleep great that was good uh besides forgetting my socks for half the night bry's literally forgot everything this trip so we'll find out what he forgets next tune in next time tune in next next update uh it's about 8:00 we're going to try and get on the water before noon today that that's the goal we made pretty good time last or yesterday considering we got on so late we got to Camp by like 4:30 probably had plenty of time to set up here's the shooting range we'll obviously take it down but Fern and I had a a sling off if you will I was giving Fern all the benefit of the doubt and he still couldn't beat me it was the winner oh Jason yeah he went four for four on plinking um going to make some breakfast tacos then hop on the water so it's going to be some good breakfast fishing should be good again I think it's like a little colder today than it was yesterday but not too I think it's supposed to be like 68 or something but it'll be another beautiful day he's got antlers on the front and the back double an boy I like his little Furs all right we're off day two on the water at 11 like 45 we are not very efficient in the morning that's okay River's choing all right switching up the color Fern see if that makes a difference switching up the color going old watermelon red but that's like steaky like those catf gotad do they caught did you tell them about that no they caught this fish we were down at the yacht club and we got on my parents ebikes like an electric bike go back up to the house and put it I don't remember put it somewhere and he dropped it is this a white bass no no okay it it oh nice he's in the boat he's a fat guad little chunker first one for me took quite a while I had to follow Fern everywhere he was going to get it Fern's killing it today how big a boy is he 14 and a half yeah nice Fern's on fire bro oh stick fish that's a good fish I thought it was a stick cuz I saw a stick come up he's almost 3 lb see being good out here dude that grass is that where you're were fishing off that grass line M this right should be throwing like a craw or something then smoked it immediately we're going to paddle up to HL Bluff and have a little lunch there and then we'll start looking for Camp you know within the next hour after that so good old rapid set right before well not right before we're like a mile and a half away but the water's moving it's really nice that have to try as hard to make up miles oh hey fancy seeing you here oh I had one see him show your face you doing show your face might have been the same guy that I hit the first try but he didn't get stuck probably a little 12 it's already 411 it's already 411 this TR look for so we going need to look for a spot soon up here on the right there's like I think there's some looks like it's all Gravel Bar up on the right yeah that looks pretty good up there yeah yeah think work on today's episode of one match one fire do we make one fire with one match I don't know if we're lucky we will if not the helicopter comes to take us home we failed if you don't have service you probably don't have I didn't damn one match one Fire episode complete any could do a Jason time look some really Yellow Smoke why is it so yellow that Bird's you put a PE in are you trying to put smoke signals out so let me get rest pump it up there we go now something's caught on fire the Chooch Meister 5000 thousand this is camp for the night nice Little Rock Gravel Bar right this super sweet Cliff here so we're uh getting camp set up um yeah it's been overcast all day it got what time is it like 5:30 yeah overcast all day and it seems just we never got any Sun Fishing was better yesterday I think better better today right yeah we had better I caugh nothing today but the day is not over a lot we got a really good spot to fish the water's coming in through pretty quick right here so we're going to make fajitas tonight with uh some veggies guys back there cutting up wood and just kind of getting the last finishing touches to Camp set up but pretty sweet little spot is like a building sight you have a lot of light here oh the chicken still got a little bit left that should be good I'm going to get a little crispier on the back side has been so many times got it yeah boy oh I got that one a little twisted my bad that one well that one kind of T the beginning yeah there you go we're just cing it twisted spiral Style battle spear kind of thing my head over dor oh look at that dor that's that's mine I claim that one good hold good luck holding on and then we're going to test him versus the skillet tortilla the lonely Skillet tortilla there one the he never stood a chance the date is pretty weak all right the bad is good do we want to put them in the pocket and then we yeah party pocket you got the party pocket right here oh this one's that oh yeah what are you making right there I'm I just steered my cheese making a taco I was going to make cadilla but I pivoted pivoted look at that I pivoted God damn hit the spot so good I appreciate you guys for cooking thank you guys Jason honestly he's cooked every [Music] night two for two on kayak camping with it raining every day morning day three it's another overcast wet day three of the guys slept on mats just outside of the fire and it's interesting how woke up to them dealing with dealing with rain I don't think we're uh I don't think we're going to get any more rain but pretty overcast it's got Aon miles on much warmer today than it was yesterday we were all wearing long sleeve so nice little spot make some breakfast and then uh get back on the river we got like 5 and 1 half miles to do today and uh got to get off the River try and get off the river a little earlier today than yesterday see if the fish are chowing today those legs he's just coasting oh my hands hurt my fingers hurt oh well now your back's going to hurt cuz you just P Landscaping Duty you're my world now grandma we either go to sleep or we quick to sleep and here we go 1207 yeah we're really good at getting on the water late there's like a blue haon following us the entire time is that a deer feeder uh no it's like a fish feeder around the fish Feer that's weird why does it work like that want to cut First Strike I had to get a fish feeder fish it's like cheating got to get in queue for the rapid you going down rapid one or two oh Jason's going down rapid one how did it go for Jason flawless I've caught one yeah I've caught two every day got to make it true do what so make it just did indeed my friend oh I was recording too not a bad one not bad could even be my biggest for the whole trip at 15 might be my biggest only 14 but I'll take him that's my second for the day that's on par with what I've been doing oh look oh that's a b another little fish little dinker oh got a good one Fern a de one bro I got a catfish bro [Music] what are you kidding me I don't want to deal with you tasty this is when the confusion starts on the maze it would help it helped a little when it was sunny cuz you could see kind of Deep Pockets yeah we had a lot more of that a whole lot of that yeah kind of like a I kind of like the the Devils yeah yeah just don't get close while someone's choosing an adventure part one of the labyrinth complete the next one is much longer is probably going to suck extremely bad it's like just the last tail of a worm another one probably my biggest always at this little end spot oh got another one boy another fish to the to the left [Applause] that's very deep how long how far do you think it is oh uh I think we might have one more like little shitty section to go [Music] through we made it we're there come from you know it took a lot less time to get here than it did last time it was like two miles away the last time I looked at it we made mince meat of that little cropping this is going to be a show going slipping and Leash to a leash to a leash and then we all well guys it's going to wrap up this week's video we had a great time out on the Lano River it was good exploring that section uh with all the rain that we had recently been getting was a kind of section that we wanted to check out again last time we went like I said it was super low it's kind of a pain just to get down the whole river just considering how shallow it was and then that last little section the little little Labyrinth that was always a pain and this time it was like 50% easier we also chose a better route so if you ever doing that section you get to that Labyrinth make sure you take River left gravity's obviously doing all the work so helps to to utilize gravity but also good good time seeing Jason it's always good when he comes down just happened to come down for his birthday and we happened to be going on a trip so he's right at home in my old Ascend and then Junior that was his first kayak camping trip and he did an excellent job he did he got hurt on that first rapid where he flipped but a trooper through the whole thing never really complained and uh was good having him out there but if y'all are new here you want to see more stuff like this go ahead and hit that subscribe button and we will see youall on the next one peace
Channel: W.E.T - Water Entertainment Television
Views: 2,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kayak, kayaking, how to kayak, how to kayak camp, kayak camping, kayak llano, llano river, kayak camping llano river, kayak fishing, fishing, kayak camp fishing, survival, texas kayaking, texas kayak camping, texas kayak fishing, river fishing, river kayak camping, river kayak texas
Id: x4Ak59lM_LE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 40sec (1900 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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