Winter Adventures Part 1 | Happy Holidays! | Wild Kratts

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[Music] nothing personal bro but you are barding like a total newbie okay maybe I'm a little worried kick it bro a polar bear can hit a charge of 48 km per hour yeah I see that and they've got the longest legs in the be world and [Music] gaining whoa we've got a monster drop coming up bro Che out this figure right behind you [Music] CH that's no newbie [Music] move nice phas plant [Music] bro dance mov don't worry I'll get you back what me [Music] worry whoa she's hunting she knows her prey needs to surface to breathe so she lies in weight Ambush style for what's swimming below to Papa could be a beluga whale or a seal or maybe I think the crew might want to see this deploy fly [Music] Canam a war Martin usually wears blue but he looks pretty good in green if the crap Ros had a comedy show I'd totally watch it I think we just did oh do we have a lock on their coordinates Ki yep 66° North 65° West now looks like there's a hectic blizzard to the West but the Brows are all clear ready for lift off Jimmy Z not yet the joystick is stuck so that's where it went teleportation delivery is out of here polar bears need to be patient and focused unlike you Martin but they can wait for hours for their prey to pop up what do you think wait's [Music] over huh what's that hey guys did you get the package yeah but your delivery was a little off nice reaction time dude our we Pi or one [Music] yeah okay whenever you're ready I've modified your creature power suits for Arctic survival you know know the drill touch the animal hit the button and liso You' got creature power what I was almost chewed by a polar bear and I have to touch one to activate my suit ciao navigation systems [Music] online viewing Port [Music] activated all right let's take this new amphis sub for a test [Music] drive woohoo yeah woohoo [Music] yeah this is an awesome sub it's so maneuverable and what a view you can see everything going on all around us and who knows what's happening down there in the depths there's the question can this sub go deep enough to find out wa incoming Arrow squid and they're feeding on little OTS tiny microscopic animals floating in the water wa these squid are squishy and slimy oh and their suctioning cups kind of tickle hey Aviva I love this exploration valve feature oh yeah this ampas sub rocks the deep sea Fantastico got one more thing for the sub before you deep dive just hang out there until I and finish up this robot arm where's my mango juice oh in the fridge might as well test the robot [Music] [Music] arm guys this robot arm is going to be a great add-on to the sub perfect for deep sea Discovery I like these exploration valves better I can pet wild squid pets this is squido squid tacular squids Martin are you squiding me squidding me good one Chris there's no way you can come up with names for a thousand squids we'll see this little guy is ah he nipped me you're fangs whoa check that make it beaks a squid has a beak like a parrot waa Aviva are you sure this sub has what it takes to take take on the mystery of the deep sea I mean really deep sea well that's what I'm designing it for small squid attacks are one thing but what about bigger ones or the water pressure I know the deep sea is harder to explore than outer space I'm working on it we need a sub that can go as deep as a sperm well and keep up with him nobody has ever followed a sperm well into the deep before I love the challenge but it might not be something I can crack in a day not unless I have some big inspiration ation uh how about this sperm well at 6:00 waa all mapped in from North America to Nepal great steady driving Jimmy remember we've got Precious Cargo she's not kidding these hispid hairs are one of the world's most endangered mammals there are only 100 of them left if that that's why we have to get them home safe and sound no problem just just one stop to pick up Chris and Martin and we're out of here pick up Chris and Martin where are they now they said something about testing an improvement to their Adventure sleds improvements oh Brothers I wonder what that [Music] means told you these rocket jets would take sliding to a new level woohoo oh yeah wait to lash on the Jets bro this is awesome woohoo yeah de [Music] blast Ryo the tortuga has landed this supposed to be somewhere around here well I don't see [Music] them now do you see them MH uh-oh got the Jets no no stop we can't run how's that for a stop H uh so you guys ready to go yes let's tell Jimmy we've got the brothers Jimmy let's go headed [Music] out [Music] waa weird looking walrus check it out the herd is doing something in the mud and look at that blubbery little guy I'm going to call him Blobby and I'm going to find out why walrus's look so weird I just got to get in for a closer [Music] look Chris turn around you're about to get a look at a giant Pacific octopus huh oh who I can't see anything oh who wao Chris hang on I'm going down wao oh hey bro little help a big brother to the rescue again who nice rescue bro looks like the guys ran into a snag aiva are your manta Riders okay I mean are you guys okay we're having a blast uh just a little Tangled Up you mean tentacled up giant pacific tentacles can can grow up to 9 M that's as long as a fire truck it's like an eight arm arm wrestle come on guys I need some data here when you're ready to find out more about the walrus's features I'm ready to integrate them into your suits uh can't hear you aiva we have tentacles stuck in our ears Yep this girl's definitely Stuck on Me spinning to the left I'm free was free you know it takes the strength of 10 people to release the grip of an octopus the size of my head now that's a creature's superpower who oh yeah let's find her something to eat besides us just got to access my creature pod they won't eat us Martin octopus eat clams I think I found some now that's using your head there you go okay suction Cubs grab onto the shell tentacle muscles pull the shell apart then the octopus uses his beak to eat it and then it wins a prize a pretty Pearl do you want to give it to aiva for a present uh no do you want it stuck up your nose no didn't think so wa sorry turkey oh we're getting used to the controls of this new toy of ours it may be only the size of a thumb but this mini rocket jet has huge flight capability Martin oh yeah waa Boose on the loose woo when we get miniaturized there are always unexpected obstacles but the opportunities can blast us straight to the stratosphere who else has a chance to miniaturize and see the birth of a snowflake up close a cloud and us it sounds like a creature mission to me Ki aiva we're heading up to the clouds good but remember no Dilly dallying this is our 34th Adventure mission in a row and I am ready for that vacation no problem just a quick trip to the clouds and we'll be right back quick trip I've heard that before don't worry this won't take long we've got lift off woohoo great we're in the cloud tiny little water droplets and dust and if they Collide wait hold it hold it and there that droplet it froze into an Ice Crystal hey wait up you can't outfall us ice crystals yeah we fall at least twice every every Adventure look it's changing yes woohoo a snowflake is born I've always wanted to see a snowflake being born and I've always wanted to ride one woohoo what a cool snowflake design when you see them up close every single snowflake has its own shape then they need their own name I'll call you chili you are definitely icer oh and freezy and a Snowman Frosty yeah they're definitely cold uh-oh they don't like warm Hogs you killed freezy sorry freezy help hang on Turbo [Music] engaged I knew a fall was coming please land in soft snow please land in soft [Applause] [Music] snow I still don't see them well they're up there somewhere well all I see is [Laughter] snowflakes please land in soft snow please no no no no no no [Music] no gotcha weird snowflake polar bears octopuses honey badgers cool yeah but way do you see my new invention the Octopod I'm still working working on it but with this creature inspired Super Sub the Bros will be able to get some real work done oh yeah woohoo oh that's [Music] air woohoo all right check this out yeah um guys what are you doing with my Manta Riders we just invented a new extreme sport Manta boarding they're designed for water travel not flying over rails well I happen to be an ace Manta Rider so there's nothing to worry about famous last words oh yeah watch this Martin slow down uhoh [Applause] [Music] oh no nice landing [Music] bro have you got my creature power suits uh no but I did find a giant Pacific octopus hey he only has seven arms okay so that's what I'm going to call him seven hey seven not one of your Wilder names bro but hey at least we know you can count Brothers cat I'm sure seven is very nice but the suits are gone don't worry Aviva I'll find him hang on [Music] seven they got sucked down by the current oh when I lost 72 I'm so sorry aiva it took me 11 months 14 days and 3 hours to develop that technology they're prototypes that means they're the only ones don't worry aiva we'll just grab our Scooby gear and no we can use the Octopod it's not finished yet but it'll take us down further and fight the water currents we've got to get my suits back to the creature power suit rescue yeah
Channel: Wild Kratts - 9 Story
Views: 233,180
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Keywords: Kratts wild, wild kratts, wild kratts episodes, the wild kratts, kratts tv show, kratt brothers, zoboomafoo animated, wild kratt, wild krat, wild krats, krat brothers, martin kratt, chris kratt, wild kratts official channel, wild kratts full episodes, full episodes, animals, wild animals
Id: HqYkIubYgPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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