Winstons "Modular" Comfyui Workflow

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greetings to all the guys and gals out there from Winston okay so this is going to be a quick and dirty video uh showing the use of node templates and how you can effectively use it as a modular workflow system so for those of you that don't know within comy UI you have something called node templates this allows you to take any number node you want so let's uh select all three of these and then if you right click on the canvas outside of the selected nodes you have this option here to save selected as template if you do that and then give it a name and then I'm going to delete these and at any point then in your workflow you can just right click on the canvas come down to node templates and select the relative one and there you go and what I like to do at this point was I've still got them all selected it's right click again and add group for selected node just to make it easier to move them all around together so I say very simple and it's a great way if you're doing your own workflow of of modular modularizing it that's not easy to save when you haven't got your teeth in right let's delete this then let's load up my uh basic generation based around LCM so I say add group and the only reason I do that is it just makes it so much easier to move around so say this is my uh basic LCM generation workflow uh which has been an absolute godsend for me on a 1080 TI yes it's got 11 gig of vram but it's not exactly the speediest one in the world uh sdxl image generation at the size I've got selected you 896 by 1152 would normally have taken around about 65 to 70 seconds and if I click on Q prompt here I'm actually this is a cold start so it will take a little bit longer because it just loaded up the model and this LCM method only in five steps produces in my opinion some really nice images there we go that was 19.69 seconds on a cold start and if I run it again it should come down to about the 12 second Mark what we would do if I didn't have it on fixed let's increment that run it again one two three four and five steps and done so that's 13.9 8 seconds so I say that's one element of this that's my uh basic generation sequence now let's say I want to add in um an IP adapters input this if I zoom out I come over to a blank bit of canvas somewhere so I don't uh load this up on top of what I've already got I'm going to right click click on no templates again and I'll add in a simple IP adapters and again add the group so I can drag it around this does see require a little bit of knowledge of where to plug where things plug in um I've left some notes to remind myself so in this particular case I want to take the model so the first place the model goes into uh from the load checkpoint is into my apply Lura stack so I want to move that to the model input and then I want to take this model and plug that back into the apply Laura stack and then choose a file to upload so if I pick an image let's pick this young lady and then Q prompts um so this is applying IP adapter with a strength 0.75 using the sdxl and here's the image that's coming out the other side okay just that easy to add in a a quick one like that now let's say I want to use what I've call Poor Man's Laura let me just remove these remove this group now normally if you're doing this you'd have to remember to uh plug your model back in over here otherwise things won't work ask me how I know so let's just come over to blank space no templates Poor Man's Laura add a group and I've got the images already selected here again similar sort of thing take the model bring it over to the apply IP adapter model input and then take that back to where it was originally connected and then generate your image okay so that's one step two steps three steps four steps five steps and there's my output of image now you might decide at this point oh I I want to apply some sort of uh I want to apply an upscale onto this so again what I've got is I've got a uh where are we an upscaler routine saved as a template and in this particular case it's a case of plugging in the images to the crack PL now from my workflow I know I need to bring it from this face restore step into the pixel up scale one I need to drag the vae down zoom out a bit this by the way is my default uh desktop view when I'm working with any of this uh comfy UI stuff okay so let's bring the vae down connect that up I'm going to bring the conditioning across positive and negative and in this case um because I want to keep using the LCM method for the upscaler as well well I'm going to bring the model over from this free view node because that's the last place that it goes to before it goes into the case sampler so there you go you can see there if I go from the case ampler it highlights and click on the dot it highlights the node it goes to so I'm going to take that model connect it up there let's just zoom out a little and then let's generate my image with upscale this will take a little bit longer because obviously of of the upscale even with using LCM so that's the five steps of the uh Standard Generation done and now we're running to a pixel up scales so that's a one a one times upscale using this art Clarity uh upscaler which I like to use and then I do a second pixel up scale using a four times before downscaling it to give me an overall two times but rather than having to put in decimals and stuff up here the way I've written this is you can just enter in the um final upscale value down here it does the math for you so anyway that's uh chucked it into the K sampler and that's running through the five steps on the K sampler I me this is a little bit slower at this stage because obviously the uh encoded image going into the case sampler is uh is a lot larger because it's now four it's currently two times the original size okay so that's two steps done three steps done again bear in mind this is all being run on a 1080 TI six in fact nearly seven year old card now and that's the last step done so just decoding it so a a t decoder it's a little bit quicker and more memory efficient there you go and then that's the upscale done so say node templates are a very simple way to uh plug in extras to a standard workflow and then build it up for what you need for that particular occurrence I mean for argument sake i w demo this but if I wanted to plug in a control net group bring this over in this particular case I want to bring the positive over from here the negative into there and then I want take the positive out from there plug it into the cas sampler and the same with the negative and that's my uh control net module plugged in if I wanted to add a second control net module all I have to do is no templates control net add group bring this up over here somewhere now I'm going to take the input from this side drop it in on the second one drop it in on the second one and then take these two back to the case sampler and the other thing finally before I uh say good evening to all these I always get the question how do I get the straight lines it's really easy click on the little gear icon come down to link random mode and change it to whatever you want so that's the default which is the spaghetti that you all know and love uh most of the time if I'm not doing development work I actually prefer to run it in Hidden mode but straight works for me the rest of the time right cheers guys
Channel: WinstonWoof
Views: 6,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RZjyg9QNKkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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