ComfyUI Starter Guide: How and Why to use it + OpenArt $13000 Contest

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how and why you should get started with comu ey today money is always a great reason of course artistic expression to fulfill your creative dreams is also a great Point let me know in the comments if you can see your future as a professional comu ey workflow builder for example right now there's a contest going on for comu ey workflows with a price pool of $133,000 and yours truly is part of the ches for this contest you can see here is me there is also Scott diler who is actually working for stability AI so he is one of the big Minds in the AI World Mato down here who is the developer of the IP adapter akad susia in here she's very good at creating notes for comu I and then also groer is in here he's also a workflow Guru also part of my Discord Community the content is made by open art AI it is running until the 15th of December so you have quite some time to develop a nice workflow and maybe win some money this is the price pool over $133,000 five different categories in four special Awards here on the right side you can see the categories like for example art design marketing fun and photography but then also the special awards for using IP adapter or animate diff or the new stable video diffusion in your workflows you can get a special award for that and then also of course for the most Innovative workflow out there submitting your entry is very easy and free down here you have the upload your workflow button this is going to bring you to this page where you upload the Chason file or the workflow image below that you want to enter the name and then there has a text area here that suggests what kind of information they want about that workflow and at the end of it you can upload a thumbnail now you can upload here jpex pngs and gifs which is also good for video work flows personally I would also make a screenshot of your workflow and upload it also as a thumbnail here so that the chudes but also the other users of the page can easier see what you're building for inspiration you can also go to their already existing data base of comu ey workflows there's amazing stuff on there you can see there's also categories here like SVD LCM animate diff control net IP adapter and so on and you can find amazing workflows like this one here for example that turns an old photo into a new colorized photo that is also higher resolution how amazing is that now in each of these Pages you can see on the right side a download button right below that you have the notes that I used and also a list of the custom notes that I used and when you scroll a little bit lower you can also see here a note diagram that is suable so you can look into how this is actually built before you download it now let's talk a little bit more about the money part apart from this contest so building a workflow in com UI allows to do a lot of complex things inside of one workflow in an automation so it's running through all of these steps and this means this is actually in Money Maker for you because right now out there on the market there's a lot of companies but also individuals that are searching for people who can build workflows for them because a prompt only brings you so far there is a lot more included in getting a nice high quality result from an AI model so building a workflow that has the full process in it is very useful this is great for automation this is exactly what customers want to have from you and of course there is the part of artistic Freedom so let's talk about that for a second as I said inside of comi you can build the process specifically for what you need and then save the complete workflow so you can come back later to that you can share it with the community you can also sell it to customers here for example I wanted to have a workflow that turns a simple drawing into a high resolution image it has also face restore and ultimate upscaler everything in one process being created for Me by One Click now the good thing here is I can also arrange everything that is most useful for me so here I have my prompt input and my render settings and I see the output right away but you can also see that I'm rendering it again with a second model for higher resolution and then I'm doing upscaling and then face detail and even sharpening the image afterwards so that when I found an image that I really like I can turn all of this part here on to get a higher quality and then get this output here from that image that can be super useful here's another workflow that I created this was for the task that I want to have a photo and I want to keep the face of the person but replace the background and the clothing so for that I build a workflow where I using a depth map and then also I using a body tracking and face tracking I'm using face detailer to automatically track the face and then you can see here that the image is rendered in multiple steps again so first it is creating the image with the background and then it is refining it a little bit and afterwards this is again going into an ultimate upscaler with some sharpening so we are ending up with a higher resolution image that is using the original face of the person but completely replacing the setting and also the clothing of the person which gives me a huge flexibility to work with photo models and put them in all kinds of settings so as you can see for artistic reasons this is very useful because the full process is safe I can refine it over time make iterations and I don't have to note down every single step by hand this will conserve everything I have done but also allow me to build solutions for the specific problems I have and of course the interesting thing here is as you've already seen with these applications they can be used in a huge variety of purposes for example the last workflow I showed you is ideal for being used in marketing and advertisement so again there's a nice artistic opportunity but also a money opportunity now that we have talked about why to get started with comu ey here's how to get started with it now one thing I can promise you about comu ey is it looks complex but it's actually very simple the good thing about comi is it is a portable AI UI so on the GitHub page for comi you can scroll down you find here install comi click on that and this will bring you to this section here the first one is about Windows you can see here it says portable Standalone built for Windows so you simply want to download the 7even zip file unpack that and then run it the reason why this is called a portable Standalone build is because this is including its own python you don't have to install that everything is being set up for you and then you can run comi right away now here's the second part that I highly suggest to you it's called comi manager this will help you to install all the custom notes that the builds are using that you're downloading from the internet now this is very easy to do when you have installed comi on your computer you want to go into the comi windows portable folder in there into the com VII folder and then in there into the custom nodes folder when you are in the custom nodes folder in the address bar you want to type CMD and hit enter this will open up your command window in here you will simply type git clone and then add the address from the comu IM manager on GitHub and hit enter this will download all of the files for you and afterwards you simply restarting comu I now when you restart comu I on the right side you see this window here that has a lot of different settings for example save and load different workflows that you have built and now below that you have a manager button click on that and you can see here that you can for example update all which is going to update your comi but then also update all of the nodes and custom nodes that you've installed and then up here you can see buttons for install custom node install missing custom node the missing custom node is always referring to the workflow that you have loaded right now and then you can also install models from here if you want so when you click on that you can see that you find here a long list of different models that you can download for example control net models and so on so with this comu ey manager you should actually be easily able to install any custom node you need if you want to install custom nodes outside of a brf flow you can click here and install custom noes this will open up this window here up here you have a search bar where you can search for what kind kind of note you want to install so for example for the ultimate upscaler I type ultimate and then here I have the fitting note pack for that on the right side here is an install button I already have it this is why it says uninstall or disable if you have already automatic 1111 or other uis installed inside the Ki Windows portable folder and in there in the con VII folder you will find a file called extra modal paths. yaml right click on that and open it up with a text editor I'm using notepad++ which is a very good and free software and in there you have this list here you can see here the checkpoints confix vaes the luras the upscale models and so on and you can set this to custom addresses so that comi is loading all of these models and settings from these specific locations save the file and then restart comi now if you ever run into problems with a not pack simply go in there and then uninstall the note not pack and reinstall the notep pack and this should fix the problem for you also another reason something might not work for you is that it's outdated so clicking on the update all button before you start to uninstall and install nodes is actually a good way to fix problems and get the newest versions of these not packs another good thing about comi is that every time you generate an image like this one here the complete workflow is saved as metadata inside of that image so you can simply drag that image into the comu ey canvas to load the complete workflow now this is really good because when you experiment a lot with different kinds of builds or even different kinds of settings and prompts that you're using this is always saved in the image so you can go back in time look at the image you created and you can always figure out what exactly you did by simply dragging that image into the com VI ey canvas of course another element that makes comu eyes so useful is that this gives you a deep dive into understanding how AI works but also an experimentation kit that kind of works like Lego where you can figure out all kinds of different ways to play with AI but also maybe use AI in a way it's not even intended to be used to arrive at solutions that only you can build because the noes and the workflow is such a big part of the resulting image that you can actually just through workflows create things that look like magic to other people and this is propietary knowledge that you have created while building the workflow now to get you started into a deeper dive of how to use these notes I want to suggest to you to look at the acat sui workflows she built workflows for SD 1.5 that are rising in complexity you can download this from civit AI as you can see here there's a simple template intermediate template Advanced template so it's rising in complexity and these workflows flow from the left side to the right side so that it's easy for you to understand what is happening inside of the workflow inside of the notes so that is a great way to start with comu ey and understand what is going on she also built a set of these workflow templates for sdxl again this is following the same concept going from left to right with simple intermediate and ADV adved this is a very very good way to get started understanding better what you can do now of course you could say I can do all of that with automatic 1111 the thing here is first of all automatic 1111 happens in different tabs so it's not just one complete workflow or process that you can save in an image it is different steps and you might forget what you actually did in the past but the second part is even more important is by experimenting around with these notes you have so so much Freedom you have so much ability to create your own solutions for your problems that you will arrive at new creative ways to work with AI and this is actually a lot more artistic and genuine in the way that you can create things because this is how you want to work with AI and for that reason it is giving you a lot more understanding ability and again proprietary solutions that in the end can also result in money so that is always a good thing if you have more questions about comu I join my Discord server where I have a very dedicated Community talking about all kinds of problems experiments Solutions and artistic Inspirations let me know in the comments what you're using comu I for thanks for watching and see you soon bye oh you're still here so uh This is the End screen there's other stuff you can watch like this or that's really cool and yeah I hope I see you soon uh leave a like if you haven't yet and well um yeah
Channel: Olivio Sarikas
Views: 28,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oliviosarikas, olivio sarikas, olivio tutorials, stable diffusion tutorial, stable diffusion, ai art, best ai tools, stable diffusion ai, ai news, midjourney alternative, free ai tools, comfyui, comfyui tutorial, sdxl, comfyui install, comfyui guide, comfyui getting started, ai money, ai business, ai job, ai making money, ai income, ai future, ai job future, stable diffusion contest, stable diffusion xl, comfyui nodes, stable diffusion install, comfyui workflow
Id: 5dBAIhx28ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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