Winning With *EVERY* Digital Ghost BOSS Skin!

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so I just unlocked probably my favorite superstyle ever digital ghost and today I'm going to try winning with every single digital Ghost Skin in fortnite five skins five wins make sure to watch the whole video cuz this is going to be crazy not crazier than this guys YouTube is telling me that 75% of you watching right now are not subscribe I upload and stream every single day on this channel so do yourself a favor subscribe to the bell for more daily awesome videos and streams let's jump into it guys if you're watching make sure to know this I love you and also know that I stream every single day all right right just want to let you guys know both those facts both those fun facts okay I got to win every game how am I going to do it h a man of my skill has got to put his skill to work honestly let me see I think the drop spot is like here to land where I want to go I got to be smart I got to be cool cold calculate got to be all those things okay never mind my drop's a little low I was tripping oh you know what my drop was supposed to be over there ah you see I know where I messed up I know where I messed up is that are those fists those are not fists it's going to move along Move Along Move Along don't mind me the only problem here is if I get empd oh my gosh that Banana's running at me full force I don't like when bananas run at me full force it makes me feel uncomfortable so I I like to steer away from the bananas the giant pees I don't like them don't like the giant pees I like the small pees the heck a gold Tactical AR I mean I don't want it but I want it I don't know what I'm saying right now okay we're going to make this work what you thinking bro what you thinking bro what you thinking bro you ain't thinking very much are you what the heck drop two different piles of gold I like that I'll take that okay we're going to be able to get all my shield here through cactuses AKA caat all right there we go one more oh look at this guy he's just living his life Meandering think you can just Meander oh no I just hit the barrier oh that guy's going scared okay uh oh my I am flying into orbit ooh yep cold calculated where are you going lady okay okay they were running kind of like a robot I'm not going to lie I got to stop judging people on whether the robots or [Music] not yes if you guys didn't know I am family friendly I don't know how you wouldn't have known that but for your new information if you didn't know I am ooh okay they're fighing the boss oh my gosh bro don't flip it yink bro what is happening over here at this apartment complex there's somebody there oh my gosh they're fighting the [Music] boss I got The Medallion right I got the I'm CH I'm coming back did you get the shotgun he did fudge cakes dude PID sticks there we go going to go into the water oh my gosh I caught him got him let's go dude I'm kind of pooping off wait it's not what I meant I'm kind of popping off there we go it's better okay we're chilling we're big chilling your gold AR should I pick up I don't know if I like the T AR honestly I think it's kind of bad but because it's gold and because it's shiny because I like you guys I will use it okay did not expect that you got absolutely wed keep moving we won't stop moving we won't stop grooving we're going real fast we're getting all this cash we got 40 people left we're doing quite well we need get a car I have shock wav so I'm not I'm okay if somebody jumps me all right I hear somebody over here too I think we should be getting the Pirates of Caribbean update in the next 2 weeks 3 [Music] weeks where we going [Music] BB all right I don't get it why did you just leave the game chat why can someone explain that why did they just leave the game I've been seeing so many people do that like that's I'm playing fortnite reload I'm playing fortnite reload immediately yeah we are big chilling I'm the biggest of chilling right now got Max mats feeling good somebody has The Medallion oh this thing has HIIT fire as well I'm feeling pretty nice about that feeling real nice about it what are you guys playing in fortnite right now are you playing more battle royale are you playing more creative are you playing more super red versus blue or are you playing a lot of fortnite reload let me know in the comments I want to know I need to know can we get a pull I want to see a pull okay I don't have emps unfortunately thanks for the car bro bro where is this guy going how does he how does he have so many things there we go don't do it no the little this one little trick could cost you your game in fortnite yeah and one guy got away I have no idea how he got away that hot rod was he rocking a hot rod the first guy that was shooting at I could not hit him he was just um that hot rod just has an interesting hit box he told me think didn't notice him that thing has an interesting hit box right am I crazy I know no this isn't even H this is the whatever that car is one exploit to cheat them all okay okay look at this do you guys like my bumblebee card does it look like Bumblebee from Transformers come on that's pretty Sleek that's pretty [Music] Sleek can't seem to find that many emps em P there's Dynamite [Music] 's holy smokes and he's out like a [Music] rocket bro that thing's one HP no oh he's moving bro he's moving peace and love though peace and love I got an idea I'm going to Fizz and explode out this ring there we go I was like oh he's not near me at all oh so he just actually got it to full HP which sucks for me but ooh now you made me angry and I got a battle Bus full of electrics electric electricity and I'm going to blow it on your car Choo Cho here I come this thing would be a lot more useful if it uh moved a little bit faster oh that's what you [Music] get nice shooting TXS oh I'm so dead I'm not there she goes there she goes again Dam okay so I actually don't need this Medallion so I'm going to drop that I'm going to let somebody try to get it just for a little bit of bite a little bit of bite you ever been fishing same concept oh shoot oh shoot we're chilling oo got moving it and possibly proven it yeah I didn't want to say it but it is definitely possible okay got a little bit of damage on him and he's in my gra oh somebody got The Medallion look somebody got The Medallion in my mini map where do you think you're going Bob oh shoot where am I going [Music] Bob he under the bridge okay he legitimately lost me that's actually insane but hey look where forgot The Medallion is right over here somewhere in a tree in this car I feel like you should be exploded bro I'm on an interesting trajectory in life got a bit bit sideways okay I'm going to figure this out don't worry I'm going to leave the Mythic car behind oh no somebody's car is right there they're probably going to steal it it's all good I'm moving it oo that's a good one I sense robots somebody shooting me from the island what's going on o gold sniper sniper ooh sniper oh my gosh samarra just got me a burrito wow Picture Perfect ow bro his little robot just hit me for everything thing why are NPCs actually becoming kind of like a threat in fortnite why are they actually becoming kind of good I don't like that like they're actually Mad Decent somebody hit a rift here but looks like they're not here anymore or they're hiding either one Metallica clab what do you guys think of the Metallica clab W or l w or L bro which one let me know in chat I think he's a w but I think most people because you don't know Metallica you're probably going to hit the hit there with the L rating get the loot young one oh don't get that car dude Mr best oh oh what wo hello hello him with a little look at that the guar is pretty sick I got this from playing fortnite Festival look at that m all right 17 of lim so far doing pretty good don't got a fancy car guys did England win the Euros today or what England played today right did they win oh did I I got the I didn't get the Mythic fist do you die from Fall damage if you take him out of your inventory oh my gosh that was like why did I even test that right now before I was going to win my two boys love super r ver let's go absolute jobble you oh they're playing right now can you guys update me if somebody scores I spy with my little eye oo coming in hot I'm moving it right now I I've actually got some motion right now you guys think I got motion type motion if you do rank you TG un real where is everybody like there's two more individuals what the flip was that why was he on my ramp and why didn't my why didn't I slide kick him Chad why did I slide kick him shouldn't I have slide kicked him there I was going like full speed I literally couldn't have gone more speed than that oh my gosh I just killed a fish gg gg oh my that was a crazy win right there okay seriously how am I alive but also how didn't I slide kick him like I I came at him with some force and I don't know how I didn't slide kick him what was that you know I never back down never h The A Team on the top coming in hot the mean the team the dream in the a okay let me do my math it means I don't need like one of these barrels so I'm break them all anyway EMP here perfect combat AR no that's just an for her don't get twisted ow dude oh nice sorry I oh pardon me oh oh sorry pardon me oh excuse me [Music] I was so close to eliminating him they die from Fall damage by the way if they fall there bro I have ruined the ship there no longer a friendship I am out of here dog I am so hurt that guy really hit me with the Crouch spam I feel like you see the SUVs they have a little bit of a disadvantage you can see everything dude you can see freaking everything that's why you got to rock the overpowered super cars that you can't see squat get your bub back here son you stole what I needed what I needed was what he stole grab some emps I think they're fighting the boss boss still alive he probably spraying them down though boss is not going to live that much longer what do I got didn't shoot anything got some heals got some shock wave shock wav in my six slot by accident wait was that the guy that was fighting me earlier or no there's no shot he had no shield and he was just in there I found that very difficult to believe what is happening I got to be careful not to jump out of the car cuz it's going to keep on rolling for eternity oh oh shoot there's a billy by right there man there's a billy by B and he's right freaking there there's a billy by and he's right there there's a billy by B I got two gatekeeper shotguns I got two gatekeeper shotguns I got two gatekeeper shotguns yeah I got two gatekeeper shotguns Billy Bob Doan I'm a bob Doan everybody's Bob do Billy Bob do everybody Bob do I'm Bob do and everybody Bob do I'm Bob do yeah you're dead and now I'm alive you're dead and now I'm alive I spy with my little eye [Applause] ABD Abdul we rank you again I am the of the unreal rank yeah I'm running I don't want to get the car I just don't like getting the car look what I did to the bro I don't like getting the car because um I don't know every time I get it somebody else just like steals it from me and then I just have to chase them for 8 hours and I don't like it so that's why I don't get it and that may seem like a silly excuse to you but to me it's valid all right to me it's valid how many Crown WIS do you have a lot W rotation yes sir I got e to the m to the piece electric electro electric magnetic pulses got some imps yeah looks like we got two bosses near me are you all good I'm not going to lie what did I just walk into chat what did I just walk into to what am i w what did I just witness one dude was doing donuts and the other one was watching him do donuts ABD this car is all electric turn it into into a Tesla you know what I'm saying got that Mythic load out now that Mythic okay this is what I'm going to do I'm going to destroy this other car I'm going to live my life in this car now we're chilling oh no that's a metal wall oh no oh my gosh y'all really fighting over here huh squish wait what Eminem what the flip I don't want a One V one bro that's hurts that's just you're hurting my feelings like that and I don't like that I'm in and out like the burgers ow dude everyone's hurting my feelings stop it stop shooting me it hurts all right yeah one guy got away think there a guy who has my uh car I don't know what the car is anymore I think it has a radius of which it appears we'll take the this little this thing we'll take this thing I don't know where you went with the Mythic car I don't know oh I guess I could have guessed it he's by the we call this a boonka no no means no do you have a good gatekeeper you might have uh looks he had a blue gatekeeper I'm just going to keep mine see this is why I delete these cars so people can't drive around with them they're so fast they're incredible they go super speed they go super sonic [Music] even can I get a 20 bomb in this game that is a real question oh my a gold drum GateKeeper oh my gosh bro I almost messed it up oops oh there's a heart beautiful that's a beautifully designed heart I'm just going show you that fortnite's all about love all the shooting stuff just uh it's just fake all the shooting stuff is fake fortnite's all about love has always been about love love love love love love he cures it magnificent bout as the island spawns in going up going up going up going up got bombs got land I'm rocking now I'm rocking out yeah oh yeah oh let me hit it again oh yeah yeah yeah this guitar is pretty sweet you have to play a lot of fortnite festival for it though I love how I know it's kind of awkward cuz oh somebody asked how many crowns app let's say 162 this season I want to use the deagle N I don't think I will actually should I I don't think I will but should I but I don't think I will but should I let me get it to like me let me fully a few more people how do people like I know for a fact that some people just like run through this whole building for fun there got to be something wrong with them right takes a while it didn't used to take a while but it does take a while now let H the rft where' the guy go rifter yes I mean whenever I see a car with like a library on it makes me think somebody's there but oh looks pretty recent I don't know like I don't really need the emps right now do we think somebody stole my uh beautiful deagle think anyone stole it there you go going in scored let's go let's go get a burrito mid game oh I know where they are let me drink that nuola let me push it back I'm surprised he didn't drop like a Fallout vault dweller skin that actually surprised me to be honest like it's such a simple looking skin you know like the Vault outfit but it's so iconic and cool like why is that not in fortnite I'd be rocking that skin like nobody's business bro hello oh wish I hit the trick shot custom customizable Vault wer skin would be awesome even if they like did it so it's Cannon so it's you can only pick the numbers on the back from actual vaults in the game or show everything [Music] the heck was [Music] that 20 bomb official it's the official 20 bomb [Music] stop running you pesky banana stop running you pesky bananana oh my gosh it's typical gamer oh my gosh stop shooting at me what my Amor just went I just eliminated Typical Gamer it's huge ouch dang bro you thought I was going to use a normal gun the deagle they call me the deag Mr Dee you know how much accuracy you got to use to use the de like that oh my gosh bro stop stream I me if you make a heart you make me sick don't make a heart don't make a heart don't do it a I'm going to throw up in my mouth bro oh shoot oh my gosh bro Splish Splash he was having a bath gold is here to be used kind of a weird spot land [Music] Offroad tires sure we grab ourselves a spike bumper and a machine gun turret is the boss here already what's happening oh what the heck the boss is here dude I came out of nowhere dude I feel really weird trying to grab all the loot I don't know howse to describe it he feels like I got somebody watching me you know shotgun right now you guys don't like the do you guys like the Mythic combat I like it in zero build I don't really like it in build mode I have to keep my fist in the fifth slot no matter what or else I just can't use him in my brain I just I physically can't use him I don't know why let's do it so he flies that way I did not oh Sho oh my gosh bro I don't want anyone having this even though it's not really that great there we go we're chilling shot at me oh my gosh BR why why don't we fight why are you running away let's just fight oh no you shot me it really hurted ah okay that's why you didn't want to fight I get it now sorry yeah you actually should have kept doing what you're doing before it makes more it makes more I get it now I actually do get it my my bad 20 bomb this round I feel it I can feel it coming in the air tonight oh Lord [Music] I like that song this song has got me copyright claim like eight times I'm be honest it's called like hot seven hot dogs at the fair I think the song is called I'm not even trolling I think the song is called seven hot dogs that prair I'm not even trolling I can look it up you want me to look it up I think it's called seven hot dogs at the fair I'm going to look it up give me one sec I have it here I'm n it's called ladies and gentlemen I'm looking for a whole hold on oh shoot I just hit something it's called grandpa 87 hot dogs I'm not even trolling it's called grandpa 8 s hot dogs that's actually a better title that song chat legit that song is called grandpa 87 hot dogs and I I don't know why it keeps copyright claiming me for that put in the wood chipper no fighting no fighting no fighting only love no fighting wait what what Blink 182 song I think it's a generic song called the grandpa 87 hot dogs probably like they made it for fortnite here the go oh no there's a banana called treap Betty actually don't think this Medallion works here cuz I think it's covered it'll work better maybe like over here what in God's green earth is this structure high this is high that's a simple it doesn't get more simple than that just a simple gesture of hello wait where are bro I like guys even if you just put a sign this is high I want to get as many eliminations as possible and you're kind of ruining that by just trying to steal all my limbs and then you're running away no no back down and give up back down and give up you know why back down and give up there's a nice high sign though you know I back down and give up lots of builds here interesting okay3 will be hearing about this don't put me in front of the canadi Canadian Council of kindness Canadian Council of guidance dude there we go you always know it's a robot when they just like pop a Nitro and just just mid midf fight just squeeze that thing 20 bomb complete something across the water oh my dude I got hit with like a rogue DMR shot well they definitely nerfed that I can tell you that 22 is this custom games no this is normal BR games Roo playing rocket League that's basically what fortnite is this season isn't it it really took that to heart I want to keep this car a bit damaged in case somebody steals it so this thing could shoot through just a straight up wood wall like instantly actually didn't know that how doesn't that eliminate them sometimes it eliminates people sometimes it doesn't see it feels pretty inconsistent 26 of Limbs lot of robots though lot a lot of robots today oh crap oh my oh no that's me and Bumblebee that's me and Bumblebee that's me and Bumblebee that's me and my bum be bumblebee upgrade you able to walk through walls or be able to move things with your mind probably I'd probably move things with my mind like walking through walls is a little dangerous cuz you don't have immunity to fall damage right you could get cooked pretty easily oh oh oh 1 V one 27 Lim du coming up served hot on a platter I really do I I glad to hear you're in a better spot and I'm wishing you all the best brother all right all the best n we won let's go I couldn't do my 360 no scope special but I'm on the tip of the blade let's go with my buddies let's go yeah I stayed up late cuddling with my buddies you know the Nick A3 yeah yeah yeah I'm a digital ghost I'm a digital ghost okay I'm a digital digal ghost yeah I'm a digital ghost okay all right I'm a digital ghost trust me I did the math this is how I land before everybody else you going to land on this house you going land on this house seem like a good idea seem like a good idea huh laser blast strike activate let's break this down break this Break Down The Walls who whose intro song was that in uh WWE anybody know Break Down The Walls was it was Chris Jericho nice is he in the WWE Hall of Fame I know he's Canadian he's not is anybody in wait is there even a WWE Hall of Fame it has to be my gosh bro I swear these vending machines didn't exist they existed you know but they didn't exist there is can you name a you Pedro Pedro Pedro ped ped ped yeah yeah yeah I got to offo tires on a bumblebee now he's geared up yeah he's a bumble see yeah he's Bumble bead is Undertaker in the Hall of Fame you guys think Logan Paul's going to be in the Hall of Fame one day that would be prime get it that would be Prime Logan Paul's actually uh he's pretty great like at uh the things I've seen he's done a pretty great job anyone saying otherwise just being a hater honestly like [Music] he's a pretty darn good wrestler uh there's a gray gatekeeper somewhere wasn't there one of those guys had one all right let's get to the desert is he on your cuddle buddy list no I I've never spoken to Logan ball Tyson or Jake bro that one's actually a hard one because like Mike Tyson of course in his prime over everybody Mike Tyson's like old now dude Jake's in his prime and you know Jake doesn't have the the record that Tyson has by a long shot or has fought the difficult opponents that Tyson has but whole different era whole different training techniques now improve things I don't know it would be really hard I would want Mike Tyson to win but I wouldn't put it past it if Jake won a do not slow Tyson down age slows every on down man although Tyson is a beast of course [Music] is that a renegade Raider oh my gosh it is oh when to get waited wow that's easiest when to get waited to defeat never defeat an easier W to get waited [Music] and some movement assistance wait what how aren't you dead I'm out the car do you have all the I don't know what that means Cooper CP Coler I don't know what that means can you repeat your phrase your question you have all the medallions I have one Medallion how'd you guys know what he meant [Music] [Music] is bro are you actually hanging on a guitar he has a guitar checks out whoa why does that one oh it reloads so fast cuz I'm on Nitro huh yeah it's actually really cool it's got have to eliminate all these little bobies here huh is that really what we're talking about you eliminate all these little bobes these bobes and [Music] Bobs what's up jit tzz you know in can we say z a Nazi how long have you been playing I've been playing since before the game even released so over 7 years right yeah I think over seven years oh my gosh when the aim's too good you know it's a robot almost have ear gotcha [Applause] all why does it sound like an ad when the aim so good you know it's robot robots in fortnite Grandpa ate seven hot dogs what I don't need seven hot dogs I five I I'm pretty good at that that's my arc I just discovered my grandpa Ark I didn't need no seven hot dogs I wouldn't do that what the why is The Medallion guy over here oh he's in the [Music] ocean you think you can win against bugga um no he'd beat me in most circumstances for sure he's insane World Cup champion dude you got there by accident I probably win a maybe a couple we're just playing box fights definitely have a chance to win a couple out of like 20 you know what just happened [Music] there are you kidding me bro I just got a hole in one I literally just got a hole in one do another collab with speed anytime he wants to play I'm down bro anytime he wants to play him down he drove all the way out here to leave The Medallion you want to play that stream sniper we're getting a Mr scruffles junor in GTA 6 we got it right is there a setting in GTA to turn off the sus stuff no I don't think so wait what did did I hit the loot what just made me take damage there wow this thing had like nothing I like it big I like it chunky that that guy's literally doing car wheels are you seeing this what am I looking at bro homie was so excited to get theim that he was just doing cartwheels I respect that oh my gosh slurp Cactus time 10 it only gives you XP for the first one you do though easy way to get 1,000 XP though why didn't I get the Boost the heck this lackluster feel like somebody's on this North Side this should be the outside like a comp game so let's hit it I've been playing Super red versus blue a lot let's go dude glad You' been enjoying it guys haven't already make sure you go check out super red versus blue it's a good place to train practice warm up have a lot of fun get a ton of XP doing it [Music] per marking a sniper should I use your uh Creator code yes code typical gamer in the item shop two people left I like your super red versus blue map W that a purple enforcer the enforcer is actually nuts I think it's almost too good wait bro am I tripping oh no there was sniper good should they had a Mythic sniper they could it's not really the problem with Mythic snipers unless they have a special effect that no other weapon has doesn't really make sense because you want to get like a Mythic combat AR over a gold combat are because it has better stats right because you're shooting it so often I mean same thing with the shotgun the sniper you're shooting it like once every 5 seconds or something extra five damage isn't really going to wow me you know did you remove fornut cuz I can't see in Creative no it's still there [Music] why you live so early I got to fly out today so [Music] stop that you sded for Despicable me4 yeah movie looks lit Mythic sniper could have extra ammo yeah I'm saying like without anything special like that say for example more ammo two shots in it or something it just doesn't make sense to me why they would add a Mythic sniper all right I got to weaken this guy why is this so much harder than it looks bro what the it's so hard to hit him am I crazy those are on him they're on him I'm so confused they're literally on them is it is it bugged there we go okay I do it to him do you want a brother I have a brother ah let's go Emma big shout out to you I'm glad you're enjoying the game and thank you for tuning in oh shoot fiddle sticks is that Raphael that might be Raphael booking it going for gold we're examining the little ant from above when should I ni [Laughter] strike everybody hit the Subscribe button and follow right now do it and I'm going to hit the best trick shot ever here goes nothing I can't see where he is hold on [Applause] what was that where did he go I think I think he knew what was coming and he just ran into the storm I guess I don't know I just what's up a shorts what's up tbz are you already married not yet me and S are engaged we're not married yet all right we got digital ghost Megalodon the final digital ghost I need two people Landing with me I basically never find fists off the bat it's kind of wild no why is this guy riding like a little toy let's get this win this game and I'll use your creator code okay there's a lot online here seing a lot of [Music] promises guess I got to win some fighting over here bro what was that just hit me with every shot wow didn't even get all this more fist let's go get the boss you win this I'm going to send you bits you win this you're the go okay I see it all I see it all guys I'm expecting a gift itself from everybody Grandpa ate seven hot dogs whoa whoa whoa whoa bro leave me alone bro uhoh [Music] [Music] he's not giving up the chase [Music] tripping him out he can't handle the heat oh gosh that guy almost hit with a tow hook like nobody uses tow hooks anymore [Music] [Music] bro have no ammo this is a rough game where am I going to get ammo [Music] who how does he he just used it he literally just used it let me through bro the season is like insane dude it's wild it's so fun and wacky sometimes so fun and wacky sometimes everyone can just run away from everything all right let's get it I got an interesting load out I mean medallions helps a lot that didn't need some vehicular [Music] Transportation I oh my gosh bro think that was a guy oh shoot let me drink a coal On The Run oh shoot nope no coal On The Run bro can I please get out of here and now the escaping works for me you hate it and you love it the Fisher they so cheap dude they're actually so cheap they're so cheap there's no way I should be alive there just running at somebody with melee [Music] TJ are you okay I'm good I'm good lizard thank you for the Dono and then we have one Blended bunch thank you for the gifted membership all I need is a coconut all I need is a coconut all I need is a coconut a Coconut's all I need yeah that is a bus yeah that is a bus yeah it is going to don't worry I'm going to follow you wherever you go Splish Splash I was having a bath popping a med kit right when you land not a good idea I've seen better ideas for sure what you do turn that whole jalopy around hello hello oh my gosh can you can you show everybody your nails Samar wait give me one second Sam's got her nails done sorry her nails did all right all right show them your nails up to the camera oh my gosh look at put it yeah yeah this might be my favorite oh my gosh oh my gosh everyone type slay everyone type slay holy smokes battle bus just busted here everyone's typing slay you Slay Slay Queen yes yes slay Queen yes oh who's over here oh oh you want the Woof oh he's up there I think I will not give in Michael Myers oh man I'm getting slam dunked I'm going to run through your wall and eat your brains I'm going to do it I'm going to do it let me free I'm going to do it I'm going to freaking do it let me in I'm going to do it let me do it just let me do it please let me do it I'm going to eat you there you go hey howdy how are you Bob yes Queen slay yes 2 V one or one V One V one I guess cuz we're in solos I will not stand I will not fall somebody took the Mythic hand Canon after all what can I modify on this thing make this hand can great oh my gosh wait has anyone ever tried a thermal scope on the hand Cannon we can get wacky with this thing for sure oh yeah oh yeah look at this thing oh holy smokes look at this thing look when I reload it oh that's a chunky monkey right there holy smokes through his pants [Music] the car is stuck should we free the car I feel bad I got to free the car you're free you're free to live the rest of your life go oh shoot never mind I guess this is meant to be I got to leave it psych tranquilized oh the last guy's a medallion no he's going to see it the Zone pulled right to it there no bu I see him dude no don't do it really look at this guy give me this guy the fun police huh going to teach him a lesson oh shoot this guy makes me sick this oh that's it for this win I need nothing more than just this I got to take down this rival this adversary with just my deagle who's got a sniper buddy I do come on come on you weak coward you n Turtle seal you in here this is your fate this house is now your home oh he's in the twe he's in the twe he's in the twe let's go oh my gosh double you oh look at this Beast I took you down with bro come on y'all really thought huh y'all really thought it do be one way but then it do be another y y'all really thought that y'all really thought it do be one way and then it do be another yeah hit that subscribe button hit that follow button hit that hit it right now right now right I deserve it hit it right now right now yeah hit it holy smokes
Channel: Typical Gamer
Views: 156,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gQv964XrNSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 33sec (5853 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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