Winning the Battle of the Mind - Louie Giglio

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today I'm so excited to be jumping back into the series where we left off before we went into quarantine I don't know if you can remember all the way back to March the 15th that seems like years ago but on March 15th we made the decision to move our gatherings online and we did that whole nation was in this uncertain quarantine season that just beginning for a lot of us the shelter in place stay at home and we were in the middle of the series called victory and so as we moved into kovat and moved into Mother's Day and moved into the difficulty the few weeks we've been through as a nation we've been thinking in the back of our mind at some point we want to get back to victory because we had a few more messages in that series and so we're gonna do that in the weeks ahead but today we're gonna sit under the opening talk in that series you may have been there on that Sunday in February or this may be the very first time you've heard about the victory series but I want us all to get back to that foundational moment where we started on this journey of believing that God wants to lead us into his victory story for our lives and so even if you were there in February I know you're gonna really be encouraged to sit under the word again today I'm excited to sit under this word again today it was a 5 o'clock p.m. gathering so you're gonna hear tonight even though I'm not sure what time of day it is for you right now as you're watching and joining in on the gathering you're gonna see people in the room you're gonna be wait a minute they're not social distancing in that room that's because we were back in the old days of February when we'd be people actually were in the room so I want to pray for us and I just want to invite you just to open your heart today because I really believe that this message has the power and the potential to change your life starting right here and right now so father I just ask you today if you just open our hearts and open our minds to hear your voice Jesus you are the Word of God so speak to us today Holy Spirit you breathe this word to life so I'm trusting that you're gonna breathe it to life again in us today and we'll use silence any voice but yours so that we can know in this day that it is possible for you to lead us into the place where you stand into the throne on which you sit into the future which you have one for each of us and so we're opening our hearts our lives our minds to your word today shape us convict Asst changes restore us that's our hope in Jesus name Amen [Music] what I want you to think about this where are you and can you see where you want to be and maybe has the enemy convinced you that you can't get from where you are to where you want to be and in this series God is going to say I would like to speak into that question and I want to try to help you understand that through Christ you can move into a place of victory in your life and the way it's gonna happen is when you learn how to win the battle of your mind so we're not talking about victory and some accomplishment or victory and a sporting endeavor we're talking about victory in life we're talking about victory over our thoughts victory in our attitudes victory in our emotions we're talking about mental stability and health and moving into purpose and living the life that God has designed us to live and God wants you to know if you don't get anything else out of this message tonight that you can live in victory because he already is in a story of victory and he's inviting you into that story it doesn't matter what your circumstances our victory is not circumstantial even at the beginning of our story Genesis chapter 3 is a perfect setup situation was great circumstances were paradise Adam and Eve are in God's story but the serpent was also in the story in Genesis three you know the text what it says in the serpent was more crafty than all of the creatures that God had made reading in verse 1 of chapter 3 and then he said the serpent to the woman did God really say now can we just maybe try that really say together did God really say you get the attitude right the accusation the cutting of the knife did they God really say that you can eat from any tree in the garden and then she answers correctly no that's not what he said we may eat from the fruit of the trees in the garden but God did say you must not eat the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden and you must not touch it or you will die he answers not giving up too easily you will not surely die for God knows that when you eat it your eyes will be opened you'll be like God knowing good from evil so when the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food pleasing to the eye and also desirable for gaining wisdom she took some and ate it she also gave some to her husband who was with her and he ate it and then the eyes of both of them were opened and they realized that they were naked so they sewed fig leaves together in made coverings for themselves what did the enemy do in the Garden of Eden he didn't come right up to even say eat the fruit eat the fruit eat the fruit no he planted a seed of doubt in her mind basically saying gods holding out on you God can't be trusted and maybe God's intentions aren't good now we don't know how the timeline worked out here we know six days creation seventh day God rest we know now it's eighth day and we sort of assumed that about 9:15 the serpent came to even by 11:30 she'd already eaten the Apple and everything fell apart and unraveled by lunchtime on the eighth day but we don't know that it could have been that the serpent came planted the seed in her mind a day went by a week went by a month went by a season went by where she's looking at that tree every single day going I don't know it does look good I don't know maybe God is holding out on me I don't know maybe God can't be trusted maybe God's intentions aren't good but the seed that he planted eventually took hold and she did what we do she acted out what she had been thinking about and she took the fruit of the tree and she ate it and she died and I wonder today what seed or what thought has the enemy planted in your mind what thought right now is in your mind planted there by the serpent who is craftier than all the creatures is it a thought that says I can't is it a thought maybe already into the series that you knew is about victory that you already have a seed planted in your mind that says this isn't gonna work for me I mean I'm here I'm at the five I'm in the building but I already have a seat planning in my mind of doubt that this is gonna work for me or maybe you're somewhere halfway in the middle and maybe they thought that the enemy planted in your mind was hey it might help a little bit but don't get your hopes up because whatever change comes isn't gonna last because it never lasts with you I thought maybe that says you are your failure you are your addiction or maybe on the flip side he planted a thought in your mind that said you deserve all your success it's all yours there may be planted a thought in your mind that just said you're not enough you see the enemy knows that the battle isn't going to be external it's gonna be internal and he knows if he can lodge a thought in your thinking that settles in your heart and it goes unchecked that it ultimately will take root and as the proverb writer said as a man thinks in his heart so is he ultimately if you Harbor that thought and you let it take up residence in your heart in time maybe in a day could be a week could be a month he doesn't mind waiting you out a lifetime you will in time act on that thought and maybe now you're saying well it's just a thought it just went through my mind it's just a scenario that I'm playing out in my mind I'm thinking about this story of when they sent two 12 spies into the promised and ten of them came back and their report was deception a seed had been planted in their minds yes the the men that they saw were huge they were giants but what they said two things that stuck out to me they said number one when we saw them we were like grasshoppers in our own eyes and that kind of makes sense to me but the second phrase was like where did you get that and they said and we were like grasshoppers in their eyes and I was like how do you know what you look like in their eyes did you ask them what they thought about you did you have any dialogue any communication no there was no communication between the spies in the Giants the spies just got deceived by the enemy into thinking you're grasshoppers to yourself and they think you're grasshoppers too and a seed was planted in their minds and for 40 years they wandered in the desert and they never tasted the promise of God for their life because of a seed that got planted in their heart what has the enemy planted in your mind your father does not want you to worry and your father is trying to free you from fear so if there is fear on your battlefield to worry on your battlefield temptation on your battlefield I'm not good enough on your battlefield or uncertainty on your battlefield guess what the enemy has showed up and planted a seed on the battlefield of your mind and it may have been sitting there a day a week a month or for some of you have been sitting there as long as you can remember and you can see where you want to be you just don't know if you can get there it's kind of like those spies they they went into the Promised Land they said it is in fact full of milk and honey it is in fact amazing land it is as good as they said it was I mean it's pretty awesome what God has promised to us and we saw it in fact we actually win and walk there for a minute but you know what the enemy won the battle of our minds and guess what we don't believe that we can get to the promised land oh there is one in fact I can see it but I don't believe that I can get to the victory if you're thinking that the deceiver is on the battlefield of your mind and he wants to destroy you see this isn't like another series for the year this isn't oh this will be a fun thing to do for a few weeks this is life and this is death this is your future this is your family this is your sanity this is your calling and your destiny this is your promise this is everything God has made you to be and I'm telling you the enemy is real and he has a real plan and it is to shut you down and destroy your life and he's got no mercy and all the time in the world and he'll waits you out by planting seeds in most people the average Christian does not know what to do with the seed that the enemy plants in their mind but I'm telling you this story tonight is the story of the gospel of Jesus it's not going to be a message about what you have to do to get the superpowers you need to break through the barriers that are keeping you from what God has for your life that's not the message tonight our story is the gospel of Jesus so the message tonight is the Son of God came on planet Earth to get to the place that he wants you to be and he came and actually broke through the barriers himself he didn't say to you come on get some guts and run up there and do that he didn't say to you come on man you know grow up if you will and go over there and take that land now Jesus actually was the one who took the land that was lost so when the Eve ate the fruit she died when she died it permanently barricaded man from reaching the potential that God had for their lives unless God would make away and he did I love how the story of Genesis 3 is sort of sad and frustrating in the first few verses and it really doesn't end all that amazing but there is this little hope in verse 15 talking about the fruit of what's going to happen God says okay to the land this is what you're going to get to Adam and Eve this is what you're gonna get and then he says to the serpent and this is what's coming to you are you ready verse 15 I'm gonna put enmity between you Serpent and the woman between your offspring and her offspring and that meant not the son of Adam and Eve but it meant in the line of Adam and Eve was going to come someone named Jesus and that's who was already being spoken about in the Garden of Eden and he said there's gonna be a war if you will between your offspring and her offspring but here's how that war is going to end that if the war is going to end the last verse with you're gonna bruise his heel but ultimately he is gonna crush your head ultimately in the first few pages here's how it's going to end for you Satan Jesus is gonna win the victory and he's gonna win the victory by crushing your head now he's gonna take some blows that ultimately he's gonna crush your head so we read in 1st Corinthians 15:57 but thanks be to God he gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ now we talked about dissipation 2020 this Greek word victory Nicko's this is how you peel open this greek word it's victory particularly the results of a conquest in the New Testament this victory always refers to the conquest accomplished for the believer by Christ which conquered all the powers of darkness and all the powers of sin accordingly death cannot exert conquest over the believer and so while we were stuck and trapped being able to see where we needed to go but not able to get where we needed to go Jesus comes on the scene and this is the big message tonight Jesus storms the gates of hell if you want a victory you got to have a war and there was a war on the cross there was a war in that tomb there was a war when Jesus went down into the depths of the earth and there was a war when he came raised up out of the grave alive forevermore the first born back from the dead and this is why we sing and it's not hype we're taking back our freedom the battle has been won we have been liberated and back from the dead we've come Jesus storms the gates of hell break through the barriers and does something amazing for you and me he puts a flag in the ground it's called victory he's not in a process of putting a flag in the ground he's already put the flag in the ground he's not on his way to conquering sin and death he's done conquering sin and death he didn't say on the cross I'm getting close to doing what I came to do he said on the cross it is finished my work here is done what you couldn't do I have I've stormed the beaches if you will and I've created a beachhead for you you now are free if you choose to think right to leave where you are and cross over onto the beachhead of the victory that Jesus has established for you you can right now come on to the place of victory it's like d-day 1944 June 6 Normandy and the beaches of Normandy the Allied forces they storm these various beaches that great sacrificing cost why to establish a beachhead whereby all of these amphibious vehicles can arrive with hundreds of thousands of troops tens of thousands of pieces of armor and a hundred thousand tons of equipment now moving in to free a nation and to change the destiny of the entire world why because some valiant people pay the highest price to establish a beachhead and once they did everybody else knew there's still a war to be fought but we're good to come to the beachhead called victory and from this one victory we now can move out into the fight and that's what this verse is all about thanks be to God who gives us the victory through Christ Jesus who gives us the Nicko's who gives us the finish and accomplished work of overwhelming the enemy so that now we can move out from victory into victory and that's the mindset that's the mindset that God invited you here tonight to embrace and to carry all the days of your life it looks like second Corinthians 10:3 through five and what a promise it is it says in verse three of 2nd Corinthians 10 it says for we though we live in the world we do not wage war as the does the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world on the contrary they the weapons we fight with have divine power to demolish strongholds we demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God we take captive hello every thought to make it obedient to Christ we take captive every thought so nothing is free floating through our minds anymore because we know we're standing on a beachhead of victory and we've got divine weapons at our disposal to tear down strongholds and every pretense that comes up against the knowledge of Jesus and to take every thought captive in our lives to the obedience of Christ do you understand that you have the capacity in Christ to win the battle of your mind and if I can just be so bold tonight nobody else is going to do it for you nobody else is going to come into your life and say man let me get up in your thought life and take captive all the things that are coming against you in your mind this is the time for you to step up and go Christ already established a beachhead I got to wake up and I've got a clue into what's going on and I've got to take responsibility for my destiny in my future I've got to take authority over what goes on in my mind and in my heart in Christ I have been given the opportunity to stand on a beachhead called victory why am i living in defeat and the only reason the only answer is because you're allowing yourself to live in defeat no it is not because of your mother it is not because of your dad or your stepdad or your grandparents or where you came from or what you can do or can't do or this condition or that condition that is not why you're losing the battle of your mind you we're losing the Battle of your mind because you're not willing to step up and say there is a fight to be fought and I'm gonna fight it and I'm gonna win the battle of my mind because I have the power of the finished work of Jesus I am standing on victory and I'm gonna move from that victory and I'm gonna change the story I am changing the story of the Battle of my mind so how do you take every thought captive number one and you I want to write these down because your life might depend on it number one you identify the thoughts where we are so agreeable I mean you are worthless really why do you say that well look at you you're pathetic well I mean I know but you don't have to you'd like to say it like that I mean what do you expect me to be I mean you know what I've been through right I deserve to be pathetic if you've been through what I've been through you'd be pathetic show me a little mercy here where's the compassion and we just host that thought would you like to eat a cappuccino I'm really feeling pathetic right now and it's really bringing me down would you be willing to fight for my patheticness because I'm certainly not so I need I need a friend to come along in one more time fight the fight of me feeling pathetic why don't we identify the thought to start with and say before you like Pichet it and start a little campfire let's talk number one where'd you come from and number two are you congruent with the Word of God two simple questions where'd you come from well I just want you to know you're pathetic and I know you knew that already but I just wanted to remind you don't you feel pathetic well I kinda actually do feel pretty lousy right now exactly but you asked the question where did you come from well let me ask you the question does your heavenly father want you to know that you're pathetic let's see he ran into the fire of hell to establish a beachhead for you called victory where he took all the bullets and shed his blood so that you could come through him in staying in victory so that that God wants you to know that you're pathetic wrong so I know right away you didn't come from God so you might want to not get that 10 out quite so quick number two are you congruent with God's Word God's Word says I'm chosen I'm adopted I'm a son I'm a daughter of a king that's what God's Word says and sons the daughters of the king are not pathetic in the eyes of God so a you didn't come from God and B you don't match up with the Word of God so number two thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna have to bind you in the name of Jesus I'm gonna have to find you and that thought in the name of Jesus at oh look out Louise now you're standing like oh you know crazy yeah crazy crazy like telling the devil he can't pitch a tent in your mind and in your heart just nuts man totally off the off the rails wacko did a murderer can't pitch a tent in your mind not because you're like hey I'm not gonna hear it I'm not blah I'm not listening to that man no you got to get a little bit stronger than that you got to use the name that is power you got to use the name that is Authority you've got to use the name that the demons in Hell fear not your name but his name and you got to say right away you didn't come from God and you don't match up to the Word of God therefore I bind you in the name of Jesus I bind this thought and where it came from let it go back to the pit of hell where it came from bound up in Jesus name you're like yeah this is called taking authority in bringing every thought Oh B D n't or some translations say captive to the obedience of Jesus because one of two things is gonna happen that thought is either gonna bind you or you're gonna bind it so you better think quick somebody's getting bound and you've got the power and the authority standing on victory in Jesus to use that authority to bind that thought the enemy says oh man don't buy into all this business try it first give it 30 days first start using the name of Jesus with authority first and bind the thoughts that don't come from God and don't match the Word of God and how do you bind them you bind them with the name of Jesus and with truth that's what Jesus did Jesus on the way to do the greatest thing that's ever been done Jesus on the way to win victory and a beachhead from which you can go and live out your life and victory but as he's getting ready to do this great thing he's going to be tested refined and put in the fire so that he can come out pure gold and ready to step into the greatest thing that's ever been done on planet Earth so you would guess doing the greatest thing that's ever been done on planet Earth you're gonna go through the greatest testing on planet Earth little lesson from Jesus today by the way if you want to do something great get ready to be tested greatly we get tested greatly really Jesus what do you mean you gotta get me out of this he's like excuse me did you read my story Jesus this is really really hard right now go into a really hard desert testing time I need you he's like did you not read my story God wants you to do something great you better get ready to be tested greatly so that you can be trusted greatly and in the the great testing what happened the enemy comes with torpedoes at the weakest moment turn the stones into bread jump off the top of the temple make a big show and watch the Angels catch you let everybody know how great you are and then hey here's here's the ticket you don't have to go to that cross you just bow down right here worship me I'm the Prince of the power of the air I'll give you control over everything you see Jesus is like me you don't understand I'm gonna crush your head do you don't understand I'm gonna shut you up you don't understand I am here on a mission from the very first word spoken in the Garden of Eden you don't understand you're about to give me some body blows but I'm gonna take you out and how did he do it how did he do it he did it with the word of truth and he bound to every lie with truth it says don't live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God it says don't put God to the test it says love the Lord your God and worship Him only I'm binding you up Satan with the truth so how are you gonna bind up every thought and take it captive with truth so you're gonna have to learn some truth oh I know you're destroying your CrossFit box then that's amazing I am too surprised I haven't seen you there I must be leaving before you get there but while you're destroying your CrossFit box you don't know twenty-five verses of Scripture and you're like man I'm telling you I got all these crazy thoughts going on in my mind man I mean some real crazy ones I even had one the other day like man it'd be better off for everybody if you weren't here and I've been thinking about that why cuz you didn't examine that thought where did it come from definitely not my Heavenly Father does it match up with God's Word 100% contrary to everything God has to say about my life therefore I bind that thought in the name of Jesus and I'm gonna start rapping truth around that thought because I know the word and I know the truth and I'm gonna use the truth now to bind it up that thought before that thought binds up me if you want victory you're gonna have to fight if you don't not ready to fight you are not going to win and if you don't want to fight then you are going to lose the battle of your mind and once you lose the battle of your mind you are done but you can start winning the battle of your mind sitting in the chair right now you don't even have to wait until tomorrow morning you can start winning the battle of your mind sitting there right now Deuteronomy I love the picture he gave us check this out in chapter 11 be careful or you'll be enticed to turn away and worship other gods and bow down to them then the Lord's anger will burn against you and he will shut up to heaven so that it will not rain and the ground will yield no produce and you will soon perish from the good land the Lord is giving you that sounds like story we just told so what's the solution fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds tie them as symbols on your hand and bind them on your foreheads teach them to your children talking about them when you sit at home when you walk along the road when you lie down and when you get up write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gate so that your days and the days of your children may be in may be many in the land the Lord swore to give to your ancestors that land as many as the days that the heavens are above the earth the Orthodox Jews took this literally some of them still do and they wrap with the leather strap the little box of the promise of the Torah on their hand and on their arm have you seen that and then they take another strap and they wrap the little box with the promise of God's Word right between their eyes on their forehead now I don't know that you need to literal eyes Deuteronomy 11 but we better get ready wrapping some of God's Word around our hands and wrapping some of God's Word around our forehead so that his promise is right between our eyes so that when the enemy comes to take up residence and the thoughts and the minds of God's people he's met with a strong resistance people who were standing on a beachhead called victory Beach and who said oh no no no now we're not going to harbor that thought here because that is not from God and I refuse as the son of a king as a daughter of the Almighty to spend one more day with you pitching a tent in my mind you can pack up your tent and put out your fire and roll on out of here to somebody else's mine who doesn't have the Word of God right between their eyes identify the thought bind it up with the Word of God in the name of Jesus and thirdly change the narrative change what you're thinking about man I'm stuck in this thing I'm stuck in this deal I'm stuck in this sphere I'm stuck in this worry I'm stuck in this temptation I'm stuck in these feelings about how I'm not good enough I'm stuck in all this uncertainty and and in fogginess in my life will then change what you're thinking about hello you get to control the playlists of your mind you're the DJ of your own thoughts and you need to take control and you need to do what Philippians 4:8 says simple and clear but a fight nonetheless finally brothers and sisters whatever is true can you say true whatever is noble whatever is right whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things in other words change the narrative don't sit back and go I don't know what kind of thoughts are coming today change the narrative I woke up today friend of mine told me at lunch today shocked when I said this this morning it just makes me laugh I woke up today unsettled early I didn't even look at my phone because I didn't want to I'm coming in here to share this word and the enemy isn't going hey man good job working on the talk hope it goes awesome today I'm guessing you're gonna like knock the crud out of me today somebody's gonna get set free good on you man No when I woke up this morning whatever time it was laying in bed before I ever put one foot on the ground the enemy came with a barrage of negative thoughts and planted them in my mind you're like that's crazy Louis surely that didn't happen didn't the Angels play the trumpets when you woke up and you came flying over here to 5:15 in a chariot well a chariot part I did do but the trumpets did not this morning and then I was like mm all this negativity downloading isn't that the way the enemy does he just comes before we even get on our feet and downloads negativity into our minds he ruins some of your days before you ever your feet on the floor your day is ruined and I was like man I need help I said that I said lord I need help he goes well you need a new narrative I was like I do need a new narrative and immediately the Word of God came to me you're like yeah that's the part I'm having trouble with how did that happen will it happen cuz I'm doing a soap journey through Joshua right now did all five days this week only do it on only do it five days a week not on the weekend my partner only did three pray for him I love you if you're listening to this man in my five days of reading in Joshua the word of the Lord came to me as I was with Moses so I will be with you and I went can I can I can I get in on that today I want to be a Joshua anybody else want to be a Joshua I want to be a Caleb anybody else want to be a Caleb in the house right now can I get in on that as you know can Jennifer get on that and care and get in on that and care I get in on that yes if you want to be at Joshua in your generation you can claim that promise for your life as you were with Moses so you will be with me so my new narrative before I got a bed was as you were with Moses so you'll be with me as I'm driving to church today as you were with Moses so you'll be with me every time the ending we were trying to camp out with one of those negative thoughts again as you were with Moses so you'll be with me as you were with Moses so you'll be with me as you were noses so you'll be me I don't know what's gonna see another circumstance situation but I know this as you were with Moses the same God you will be with me I'm gonna change the narrative for my life I'm not waiting for the circumstance to change or they Italy I'm gonna give you a pass today Louie you might be too lazy to do this cuz this ain't Netflix this ain't sitting back and just pushing buttons you gotta like get involved you got to like get up you got to like get in the fight you got to like get an attitude you got to get some kind of situation going in your mind that's saying I'm changing this I'm sick and tired of living defeated I'm not living defeated anymore I am NOT living in fear anymore I'm not living like this because there is a beachhead of victory one for me I'm not gonna be like this the rest of my life all the rest of y'all can but I am NOT but you don't have to you can choose the wilderness mentality we look like Giants in their eyes when you don't know what you look like in their eyes hi Zuri and Joshua they sent two spies into Jericho when they got right across the river Moses died Joshua is now in charge I'm closing with this since two spies then they went to Rahab remember and what did Rahab say you look like grasshoppers we're just gonna step on you and grind you into the floor you little grasshoppers no she said you guys have no idea everyone's hearts are melting because of what your God did at the Red Sea everyone is shaking in their boots because of your God can you imagine being one of those spies that going are you kidding me we live 40 years and died in the wilderness and the whole time we did not look like grasshoppers we were those who the God who made your hearts melt at the testimony of what he has done don't you let the enemy lie to you about who you are whose you are what kind of capacity you have in Jesus what's been one for you and what has been done for you do not let the enemy convince you that you cannot when God already has told you that he can and he can through you now you can walk out of here you can walk right out the door tonight and say I choose to go back to wilderness mentality I'm gonna wander around and hope I get mana hope I get some assistance program because I'm just not willing to fight the fight cross the river believe God take down the walls of Jericho praise in the middle of the difficulty in the battle till the soil cultivate the land plant a seed see the harvest bear the fruit see the crops and live in the life of the promise of what God has done for me you can live in the wilderness mentality but I'm telling you Jesus has stormed the gates of hell and if you want to you can come up onto the beachhead called victory [Music] you
Channel: Passion City Church
Views: 288,497
Rating: 4.8969812 out of 5
Keywords: louie giglio, passion city church worship, louie giglio sermons, passion city, giglio louie, city church, passion, giglio, passion city church sermons, Atlanta, temptations, passion church, louis giglio, cumberland, victory, winning the battle, the battle of the mind, anxiety, anxiety war, louie giglio 2020, passion city church, pastor louie giglio, louie giglio messages, passion city church online, victory in jesus, passion sermons, jesus, depression, passion messages
Id: p_hJw7w2Yso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 37sec (2557 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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