Winners & Losers of the 2023 Paris Airshow

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so the 2023 Paris Air Show just wrapped up for the first time in four long years the aviation world has descended onto Le Bourget this Mecca of Aviation Boeing Airbus embrarian others made sure to pull out all the stops showcasing their latest and greatest Innovations and also selling an absolute boatload of new planes I've been here covering it all and in the next few days I'm going to bring you some exclusive interviews with Boeing and Airbus leadership in addition to a sneak peek of what's inside the triple 7x but before I do any of that I have to uphold what's become a bit of a tradition I have to tell you who walked out of the show a winner and who walked out a loser so who are the winners and losers of this year's Paris Air Show let me explain foreign before hopping into it some of you might know I've been dabbling in aviation photography I'm not gonna lie I think I've taken some pretty awesome pictures so far but I haven't been able to do anything with them except for to post them on Instagram but then I had an idea I haven't updated my merch store in a while so what if I turn these pictures into posters and that's exactly what I've done I've teamed up with display to make my Aviation photography available for everyone to enjoy now there's a reason I chose to work with this plate on this project simply put they make some of the best posters out there they are made of sturdy metal which not only improves the quality of the print but it also makes it super easy to mount they attach to the wall by magnet meaning you don't have to drill any holes and can easily swap out posters whenever you want if you visit my display storefront you'll see a few of my best Aviation pictures and while you're there make sure to check out some of this Plate's other collections they've partnered with Brands like NASA Star Wars and a number of sports teams so they have posters to match pretty much any interest right now if you go to Kobe explains and use the code Kobe explains at checkout you'll get 20 off your order of one to two posters and if you buy three or more you'll get 30 off so be sure to check it out doing so really helps to support my channel kicking things off our first winner of the show is the A320 Neo the A320 Neo has long been a success story having sold over 8 000 units to date but at last year's Farm Bray air show it was out shown by the Rival 737 Max the max racked up over 217 orders and commitments which was three times as many as the Neo and just a few months later United placed an order for an additional 100 Maxes and all of a sudden it seemed like the max was gaining some serious ground on the Neo well Airbus completely wiped out those gains in the very first day of this year's show it struck a historic deal with Indigo for 500 A320 family Jets all of which are firm orders this marks the single biggest aircraft order by volume in history and it reaffirms the Neo's place as the leader in its segment sticking with planes named Neo the A330 Neo also came out a winner now let me ask you an honest question if I asked you before the show started what wide body would land the biggest order what would you have said well I think most people probably would have said the 787 or a350 but no it was the humble A330 Neo that took home that honor securing an mou for 20 units from Avalon leasing the A330 Neo has been a bit of a slow seller so far but I recently published a video that predicted that sales would soon pick up and it appears that that prediction might be coming true so maybe this is a win for me too the third winner of the show is also related to Airbus but it's not an Airbus plane rather winner number three is airbus's relationship with Qatar just a few months ago katarn Airbus were sworn enemies and it all stemmed from issues with the a350 50. several of qatar's a350s were experiencing premature paint peeling which resulted in their grounding of course Qatar wanted Airbus to take responsibility but Airbus deflected any blame legal battles ensued orders were canceled and the relationship completely fell apart it actually got so bad that I made a video speculating whether Qatar might become an all-boeing airline well things have taken a complete 180 not only have the two settled their differences out of court but their relationship seemed stronger than ever Qatar actually partnered with Airbus to Showcase one of its a350 1000s at the show demonstrating their renewed confidence in both the type and an Airbus it seems the two sides have completely made up and are ready to get back to doing business alright that's enough Airbus let's talk about an engine maker arguably the biggest Underdog of the week Pratt and Whitney he came out a surprise winner I say surprise because Pratt and Whitney has had a tough 2023. over the course of the year the reliability of its Flagship pw1000 has been called into question most alarmingly it's experienced several in-flight shutdowns which has led to rains being grounded and obviously lots of costs being incurred but despite these headwinds Pratt got some really good news on the first day of the show United Airlines announced that it would select the pw1000 family to power its future a321 Fleet of which they have a 120 on order this came as a bit of a surprise not only because of the pw1000s issues but also because United has over a hundred 737 Maxes on order which are all powered by the competing CFM leap engine United could have easily just stuck with that power plant with its a321s and retained part commonality but they didn't which is a major coup for Pratt and Whitney and its beleaguered engine wrapping up the winners of the week we have Embraer now I don't know about you but every time a big air show comes around it seems like Embraer gets overlooked at least on the commercial side of its business but just like at last year's farnborough Air Show Embraer had a low-key but solid showing they secured commitments for six e-2s from binter seven e1s for Envoy air and 20 converted Freighters for launcho Aviation and this flurry of activity comes on the heels of a recent E2 commitment from scoop now is this the best air show performance that we've ever seen no it's far from it but it must feel really good for Embraer to secure meaningful Commercial Business on such a big stage especially when it sometimes struggles to do so let's hope that they continue to build off this momentum because more competition is always good now picking an air Show's winners is always fairly easy what's harder and in my opinion more interesting is picking who lost so without further Ado let's turn our attention to the losers loser number one the golf carriers specifically Qatar and Emirates neither Qatar nor Emirates made moves at this year's show so why am I characterizing them as losers well while they stood pat their competition was making waves on one hand you had Riyadh air a Saudi funded airline with Deep Pockets and major Ambitions they made a major Splash at the show convincing Boeing to paint a 787 that wasn't even theirs in their Livery and display it front and center at the show second Indigo placed that gigantic order for A320 NEOS which will enable their aggressive expansion goals it's abundantly clear that competition in both the Mideast and India is quickly increasing and for men many many years Qatar and Emirates have dominated these regions without having to face real competitive pressure before long these carriers will experience new competition in ways that they frankly have never seen I'm gonna be covering this topic in detail in a future video so make sure you're subscribed so you don't miss it the second loser of the show is the triple 7x now don't get me wrong the triple 7x is an incredibly impressive machine I actually spent a fair bit of time up close and personal with both it and its new cabin mock-up during the show and the innovations that Boeing has brought about are very real and very cool that said we can't ignore the fact that it didn't secure a single order during the week and it holds the unfortunate distinction of being the only plane out of Boeing and airbus's Commercial stack that didn't secure a deal this comes as as a bit of a surprise we've all seen the headlines airlines are in a capacity Crunch and are turning to bigger and bigger Jets like the A380 to fill the void given these market conditions and given its place as the biggest plane on the market the triple 7x seems like it should feast and yet no deals came to pass now I have two hypotheses for what might be happening one Airlines might not be confident in the maturity of the triple 7x design and they want to wait and see how the flight test campaign evolves two Airlines might view today's market conditions as transient and that the capacity demand mismatch will eventually stabilize but no matter what the reason the result was still a goose egg now all that being said the triple 7x has a golden opportunity to redeem itself there are rumors that Air France KLM is gearing up to place a massive order for either the triple 7X or the a350 if Boeing can win that order the triple 7x will find itself back in the winners column very soon now if you're a Boeing fan and you're mad that I've given Airbus a bunch of wins and bowing a big loss don't click off the video just yet you're gonna want to hear what I have to say next because the final loser of the 2023 Paris air show is the a350 during the show Philippine Airlines ordered nine a350 1000s that should be a win right well during the announcement I made a point to ask Philippine leadership whether this a350 would feature a high density tenor breast economy setup and sure enough it will making Philippines the first Mainline carrier to adopt a tenor breast a350 now I think we all knew that this was eventually coming in my recent 10 breast a350 video I predicted that some mainliners would adopt the setup and honestly the configuration makes sense for Philippines for one they have to compete with Cebu Pacific who already flies high density wide Bodies In addition the average Filipino stands only 5 feet 4 inches tall making the Philippines one of the shortest countries on Earth so most of its residents probably won't take much issue with this slight reduction in space but even so the a350 remains a loser because of how Philippines will deploy them they'll operate between Manila and New York a flight with a duration of up to 17 hours now I actually flew a tane breast a350 to the Paris Air Show and while that plane didn't have the new production standard that has slightly wider seats the setup was totally fine for my seven hour Journey but 17 hours I don't know if I'm about that again I don't necessarily think that a ten abreast a350 is a bad thing I still stay and by what I said in my tenant breast analysis the configuration can make flying more affordable and open up travel to way more people but if other mainliners look at what Philippines is doing and deploy ton of rest on these grueling ultra-long missions it could cause the A380 to lose its status as a fan favorite so that's about it those are the winners and losers of this year's Paris Air Show before signing off I have to give a huge thank you to you you specifically it is your viewership that allows me to come to incredible events like this and bring you exclusive behind the scenes content from the aviation world so leave a like leave a comment and subscribe it's what allows me to do what I do and bring it all back to you stay tuned for more great Paris Air Show content in the coming days and until I see you again don't forget to look up thank you
Channel: Coby Explanes
Views: 313,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NpYGll7hOGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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