Wings on an excavator bucket!!! But will it Fly?

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hey guys welcome back so we've got us a small excavator bucket here not nothing crazy big basically what we're gonna do today is we're gonna put some wings on it have the sides here and we're going to add 12 inches coming out here at angle put some gussets on the back side kind of tie it into the top here basically they're trying to go from Two and a Half Scoops to fill a truck to Two Scoops so they just want this is a hair extra material it's soft material it's not gonna like beat it up too hard so that's what we're doing the uh the guys in here they've got a lot of the plates already cut out I got all those cut out now we're gonna probably bring the bucket inside and uh tack them on there and see what it looks like [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] all right so we got the first piece tacked on here's the idea kind of see the gives you a little extra width got some gusts on the back side hold it in there got plenty of room you could still change this out not be in the way of anything I'm gonna do three gussets right here and we'll probably do two gusts up here is a lot less should be a lot less stress and force up here all right now we're going to work on getting this other piece fitted but the idea the idea with how this is going to work trying to do this with one hand is we have a piece of three quarter inch here I'll be able to get a nice weld right here in that crack we're going to put another piece of three-quarter over the top of this so that it slides kind of past like that and then I'll be able to get another another weld in there and then that will also protect this edge of this bucket because it'll kind of it'll just be nice and smooth transition right there and then we'll have a nice fill it weld on the end here so that is the idea so now we're gonna cut this other piece and get her on there foreign okay so I had the guys cut these plates out they're all square cut but right here because we're changing angles so this is no longer 90 degrees so I just use this to find my angle that I'm going to transfer that over here to get that angle cut that off bevel that a little bit and that'll that'll be our piece fits in there all right so this is kind of the look that we were going to go for cut it on the white line quickly realize there's an issue not going to be able to get that pin out so we're going to lower this down to here tie it in right there good thing I didn't weld it on there all right so after a couple back and forth pitchers with the customer this is what we decided on because we made this one so much shorter we're gonna put a we're going to move this gusset down a little bit kind of make all those even we'll add a gusset here some in here I'm not exactly sure but there will be definitely gussets in here but now you can see you can definitely get that pin out without any obstructions I'm not sure what to do about this area over here I'm worried if I put something overhanging this that without a gusset behind it right there it's gonna get messed up I'm already worried that this corner might get messed up as it is but it's supposed to be lightweight material but we all know how that works out I might I might put a piece in there we'll see it'll do all that towards the end okay so what we're going to do is move the gussets around kind of get this side all dialed in and then once we're done with that then we'll mirror that side do a time lapse of the of that entire side but I just kind of wanted to figure out what I was going to do on this side because I didn't really know that I know knocked that other side out pretty quick all right move the gusset down how to discuss it and then we added these two gussets that's pretty much this entire site tacked up can't put the second layer layer on right here until I get this one welded out but we're gonna get that side all tacked up up to this point and then we'll start welding everything out all right so here's a little uh CAD from the other side we'll see if it fits on this side oh yeah it's pretty close cool cardboard assisted design love it so we could waste the cardboard instead of wasting a big old chunk of three-quarter all right we're gonna get that sticker cut out now get her tacked on [Applause] thank you thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] okay here's our uh templates we use for the other side see if they fit this side perfect [Music] that was a little bit off but definitely weldable okay now we get those cut out plate here perfect look at that [Music] foreign [Music] this one's a little a little bit off but it's fine just pulled the difference weld it I'm probably gonna attack this one in and I'm going to wait to tack this one in until after I get that corner welded out down there goes down in that corner probably going to be fairly tight spot to get in there so weld that corner out and then we'll do that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well that's everything tacked together [Music] got the these uh shin guards unbolted that way I can get in there and get that a little bit right there [Music] and then in the corners got a nice Gap nice bevel fill that up full of weld should work out hopefully still thinking about something to put right here I'm not sure yet but I think that's good for a day I'm going to call today and well this out tomorrow all right we're gonna weld this thing out we're going to use the Miller multimatic 200 with er70 S6 solid wire just to kind of bridge the gap in between those two plates and then after that we're going to switch to a bigger machine Maybe probably the 251 we're gonna run dual Shield for the Dual Shield I'm gonna run Lincoln 71 a75 1 16 wire and then for the gas on both processes 25 carbon dioxide 75 Argon and in here even with the fan blowing a run about 30 that one's closer to 40 right now cfh and shouldn't have any issues thank you [Music] [Music] foreign guess you can call that the root pass then on the back side so imagine if this was you weren't able to see this back side or if this was you know boxed in that's the back side of the Weld and that came out pretty good not right here where I had attacked but the rest of it came out pretty good a lot of times I will if I have a big gap on something I will run hardwire to close that gas Gap up even if it's downhill I mean you can see the result on thick plate and even welding relatively cold I'll weld that Gap with hardwire and then I'll follow up with dual Shield 7018 whatever the case may be okay now we're gonna do the other side same same exact way [Music] thank you [Music] okay got a dual Shield set up we're running 26 volts 331 inches per minute same thing 75 25 about 35 cfh Miller 251 Bernard gun pretty much every single MIG welder wire feeder I use has a Bernard gun on it well these are the only guns that have lasted from being drug in the dirt and everything you can see this one's all beat up it's got tape on it still weld's really good and I think a lot of the uh me being able to weld in the wind or outside or even with that blowing in here it's because I don't know if you can you can't really see it but the way they have their nozzles designed I really think that is just the way to go so we're gonna just kind of start welding I'm gonna get all the all the easy spots I might try to just weld everything out in position I'm not sure if I'm going to rotate the bucket yet or not we'll just kind of see what happens so hot welder's overheating usually doesn't do that all right it only does it every now and then only does it in the summer when it's like over 100 degrees outside I think it's like 105 today outside I'm not sure and then I'm inside this metal metal box so it doesn't make it any better but this definitely uh does help doing this all right keep on plugging away at this foreign [Applause] all welded out nothing too bad it's a good old dual Shield welds now right here it would have been nicer if this plate overhung this plate just a little bit so I'm going to put some hard facing right here on this well just to help help with the wear there shouldn't be a whole lot of way right here but we'll throw a hard facing beat over that to help to help with it [Music] all right now we'll put that get the area cleaned up bolt that shin guard back on and then off to that side this took me this side took me about three three hours or so just for the welding not too bad probably take about nine hours stick welding it all right let's finish the sucker okay shin guards back on um not going to film all the welding on this side you just watched me do that side I weld all that and then show you what it looks like all right got them all welded out so now we're gonna run some hard facing right here over this weld because as this did because that weld will be the softest point in between the two pieces of AR or a hardox 550. the only thing I thought I had some wire but the only thing I have is these 532 study stick rods so give these a try you can see the inside there it's got extra goodies on the inside and then it's got the flux and all that all kinds of stuff mixed in with this there's all different types of options and different things different types of hard facing rods you can get for different applications but I've used these before work really good so we'll put a couple passes on each side and should be done okay we've got the heart facing down usually heart facing is kind of difficult to get to weld to make it look decent or straight lines or whatever I mean it can be it really depends on the situation and that's not too bad I was running at 225 amps it seemed like it liked going downhill more than uphill see the uphill the uphill wanted to fall back on itself so it liked the downhill a little bit more it doesn't really matter just needs to stick on there so that's the this is the finished product I'm not gonna do anything else to it I'm Gonna Knock all the slag off off of everything and probably why are we all the welds before it goes back other than that that this is complete I'm very curious to see how this lasts especially right in here if they only use it for soft material like they said shouldn't have any problems they start using it in rocks and stuff those are probably not gonna last too long all right guys well let me know what you think of this project this is a little different I've never done anything quite like this and to me I think I would just I would buy a bigger bucket Maybe I don't know or maybe make those bolts on instead of weld on so you could just unbolt them with a bunch of one inch bolts I don't know I'm not sure how I feel about it I like the way it came out just not sure about the practicality of how they wanted it done but it might work fine I don't know but let me know what you think because I'm I'm curious if anybody else has done this or if anybody uses a bucket like this and how it works out and does it really make that big of a difference because the whole goal here was to go from Two and a Half loads to two loads when they're loading the trucks so hopefully this will get them what they're looking for all right well that's it thank you for watching stay tuned for the next one
Channel: On Fire Welding
Views: 76,181
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Id: iLbsYljvb7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 40sec (1900 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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