Major surgery on aluminum boat.

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hey guys welcome back um Today's Show we have and this is all Ben 10 right here so it's been welded before this is all pushed in we're gonna remake replace this entire top piece with something a little bit thicker than I don't know what is this right now maybe eighth inch we're gonna do 3 16 or a quarter probably going to end up re-bending these tubes I'm thinking we're going to leave this part alone and we'll just tie that back in so just kind of cut that off there all that is gonna get remade for sure this I'm not sure if these are going to get remade yet or not you got to get the motor off and kind of inspect this a little better so we're gonna pull the outboard off and then we'll be able to investigate a little bit further here okay we got the motor off and we just set it in the boat no sense in having to disconnect everything all we had to disconnect was the fuel line so we just set it in there got her strapped in shouldn't go anywhere um I guess you're probably wondering what kind of boat this is this is for uh California National Park and this is their Outhouse boat pumper boat oh you got the outhouses on the lake this is the boat that goes out there and sucks out all the waste in the outhouse as you can see they uh take great care of it [Applause] degrees look it looks fantastic the the gentleman also told me they went through three propellers in the last 45 days so I don't know what's up with that but so after looking at this I think we are going to [Applause] probably just gonna rebuild all of this except for this I think we'll just leave we'll leave that and we're gonna cut all this off and rebuild this entire section let's whole centerpiece and we'll probably reinforce it a little differently all right [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so we got this transom all cut off here plasma made short work of that foreign [Music] I think that'd be a little thinner a little bit thicker for uh 225 horse motor that's kind of how they did it see the failure points right on the edge of those pieces of Channel [Music] all right now we're going to plasma gouge those off and then we'll get that all sanded down and ready to accept new material so a pretty common thing I do a pretty common thing I do for uh protecting Airlines hydraulic lines whatever they use just regular cotton towels and I soak in the water and that seems to work really well to protect from slag and whatnot and if it's like an extreme case I'll do that and then I'll wrap it with a fire blanket like a fiberglass blanket or you know maybe even further than that but something like this just a wet cotton towel it'd be perfect [Laughter] foreign all right just like in a lot of my videos we're gonna be using 3M cubatron with WD-40 that way the wheel don't doesn't load up on it [Music] [Music] [Music] all right all right we got her all sanded down and upon sanding we have some cracks going all the way through that piece there and there I am fairly certain that that will allow water to get into the boat I'm gonna have to get inside there and see if I can pull some panels up or something and see if I can maybe see those from the inside but now we have it all smoothed out with the cubatron now we're going to use 3M backing pad and not sure the technical name for these brillo pads or Scotch Brite pad we're going to use these and I'm going to clean the whole back of the boat with it as much as I can just to kind of clean all the oxidation off there because we are going to be putting some extra gussets and stuff in here and I'm not exactly sure where all my material is going to sit so we're just going to clean it all and make it all nice and shiny [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we got the back cleaned off pretty good so now we're going to work on measuring everything out making sure we order the right amount of material and all that so we can get all that material ordered have all that within a couple days hopefully and then we'll get back on this thing all right here's something I haven't showed you yet this is where I get all my laser cutting and forming done this is for the the boat obviously here's aluminum I got cut take you in here and show you a little bit of what they got going on here's our piece that we cut off and you'll see how we're going to remake it we got two lasers [Music] cut out all these all kinds of different parts whatever they need [Music] you got two press brakes all right we got all the pieces back at the shop we got all the edges deburred and everything and then we kind of started fitting these together you can see how that is going to leave a real nice Phillip weld there still have to tackle these cracks we're going to drill holes on each end and weld it from the inside and the outside and then you can see our top plate still got a deburr that and kind of massage that into place but we're going to work on tacking all this together first and because that piece will just slip on the top when we're done so now we're going to work on we have to notch these out a little bit and kind of get these side pieces on foreign box all tacked together here now this right here this was going to be like a nice Circle well the laser decided it didn't want to cut the circle and you know kind of running behind on this so we just had to get it done so we decided to cut a square out and then we're just going to use this piece to go back in there we're going to cut some pieces that overlap it and then those will have threaded holes and then we'll use the stainless countersunk Allen bolts and they'll go through that piece into that so everything will be flush on the bottom just in case they you know run through some branches or who knows what nothing can really get in there and get caught and then the main reason you even need a hole here is to access the two lower bolts to bolt the motor on because the two top bolts you can get to both sides and then the the bottom ones you all have to stick your hand up from underneath to put a bolt or a nut and a wrench on it so now we're gonna do those cracks and then we're probably gonna check fitment of that on there with the top piece and then we're going to weld this out on the table or do as much welding as I can on the table and then we'll put it on there for the final time all right [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] okay so we got hole drilled on each end of the crack and then we've got it ground out about I don't know 80 percent or so so we're gonna weld this side and then I am just able to get to the other side it's going to be a real uh uncomfortable position but I'll be able to clean the other side and then burn back through into that and then you can kind of see see like that line there there here so there's and then obvi the obvious plug weld so there's like a reinforcement behind this so that's really going to help with our uh our new pieces because our new pieces are significantly thicker than the old one I'll go over that in a little bit but it's all that reinforcing behind there is is good it's not just like a quarter inch plate and then we're welding all this stuff to a quarter inch plate with nothing on it because it might appear to be that way [Music] there you go no more cracks all right now we're gonna focused on uh getting this sucker welded out and then to weld this piece out using our Miller 251 you got 21.7 volts and then this is how you adjust the wire speed right here so it's about seven and a quarter or so and then those of you that don't know this is called a spool gun then your wire it sits in there goes right through a set of rollers and straight out into the weld the reason for this is the aluminum is very soft so that little thin wire if you try to feed it through that lead like you would normally use it would just get all bunched up and just you would constantly be having issues so that's why they invented the spool gun and I like using the spool gun four aluminum works out really well and this entire boat was welded together with spool gun so we're just going to keep that same process here all right let's get to welded [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] all right we got our plate on here let's see you've got our countersunk bolts stainless bolts into the plate on the bottom perfect now we can put this sucker on there all right so we got this is just tacked on this is just sitting on there we have do have an issue it's one of those things you run into when we change this to three breaks instead of a long sweeping tube I guess there was no real particular reason it's just what we did so now we have another issue this does not line up so we're going to think of a creative way to make that area work and look good all right so after a lot of thinking on what to do here remaking this is not an option due to time restrictions so I had this piece somehow so we're it's a little bit bigger than what we need so I'm going to fit this piece in there to where it kind of curves up and runs into here thought about a lot of different options of just completely removing these all together and then going straight across or straight in there's lots of different options I think the main reason these are here was because the other one was real flimsy old one was eighth inch this is quarter inch and it's got those Brook edges this is super super stiff compared to the other one way way more rigid so that's what we're gonna do with the tube so we're gonna pull this off and then we're gonna blend these welds here and then this weld here that's going to be visible and then probably that weld I'm going to take load all that and then these we're gonna take both these two all right so we got the TIG water that I'm going to be using all set up I'm going to be using the multimatic 220 AC DC this is the one I usually keep in the Kenworth we're going to be using this one over that one because we get 210 amps of AC power versus 180 and that is a dinosaur machine getting their draws a ton of power and will constantly trip my 50 amp breaker this machine will not and I like the way that it welds all right now we're going to I'm going to break this tacks we're going to pull this offset on the table we're going to blend all this and then we'll stick it back up there get this welded out then we're going to set the motor on there Mark our holes where they're going to get drilled and then we're because this is double wall it probably doesn't need it but we're going to put some sleeves in there where the bolts go so that way when it's tightened down it's pinching the sleeve and the aluminum can't the walls can't Flex like that because aluminum flexing will break this is already 100 times stronger than it was but we're gonna make sure that this lasts you know 100 years at least okay move that out of the way put that on the table all right let me get this all Blended out took about three hours sanding blending I cut it with a cubatron first kind of got some of the marks out with the flap wheel then blended it finished with that I don't think it needs to go any further than that um looks pretty good all right now we're going to put that back up here well we're gonna clean where the welds are gonna go then we're gonna put that back up here some of you may not know aluminum actually does rust it oxidizes and it's kind of a clear oxide and and obviously perfect example is that that's you know oxidizing even though this was sanded down just the other day that now has a thin layer of oxidation on it so technically you should sand that off or brush it off right before you're ready to weld ideally that's what would be done so we'll hit that real quick and then we'll get that attacked on [Music] [Applause] Earth [Music] all right now we're going to just double triple check us in the right spot and then we're going to weld this out About It Outside Inside every everywhere I can get it did not have a piece here originally so it'll have all that extra piece kind of pushing just have a real big surface area pushing against the bottom and pulling on the top compared to how it was you know just weld everything in here so after we get this welded then we're gonna pull it outside use the crane set the motor on there to get our holes [Applause] oh foreign get welded on the inside as well all right now we'll repeat the process on the other side all right got it all welded all right now it's time to set the motor on there and get our hole position all right so we set the motor on there and we got our holes I was able to use a drill bit a tight fitting drill bit on the top holes to get my exact center couldn't get them in the bottom the bottom hole has a slot so I was able to scratch it with a scribe so I have those marks so now we're going to drill through maintaining 90 degrees to this face draw all the way through and then we have some inch and a half here we're going to drill uh slightly bigger than a half inch hole I'm not sure what bit I have yet so we'll drill a hole through that we got a half inch hole saw so we will hole saw this out probably have to come back on this side to wholesale that side and then we will put a taper on the bar and then the bar will be the same thickness as the outside faces that way it's pinching it when it gets bolted down so you'll see what I'm talking about when we get a little further into it [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] all right now we're gonna do the same thing to the other three holes [Music] bye-bye [Music] [Music] all right so we got all over spacers or whatever cut beveled here foreign of course after drilling the holes I did think of a flaw in my design here and that is drilling holes through both sides I should have left one side with just a half inch hole and then slid this in and butt it up against the inside of that that way it will pinch it basically what I'm getting at is the washer is only that big so it's going to be pulling on that and it's going to be pulling on that weld right there versus pulling on this entire piece so we're gonna either make washers bigger washers or I have some stainless flat bar I will put across all the way that way it's not pulling on just those it's pulling on the entire thing so didn't make a mistake on that but it's easy easy fix all right now we'll get these welded in foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] got those welded out now we'll sand them flat and On To The Next Step [Music] foreign [Music] pretty close now we can put the top on and get all that make sure it's all fitting correctly and then start welding that out [Music] looks pretty good like that all right this is a little bit of uh massaging we have to do here on top of this everybody's gotta kinda push and twist a little bit and get it to sit just right and then we'll start TIG welding it out [Music] all right we've got that top piece tacked into place now we're going to deal with this situation [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right [Applause] I've played with this thing for I don't know like two hours this is what I like the most of everything that I've done it doesn't match that side I'm gonna kind of can't really I don't know I'm just I don't like it but it's uh is what it is I was originally gonna try to do something like under it like that but that didn't seem to work right I think that kind of carries the line of the tube I mean if they completely hate it then I'll change it but I know they need this thing back so we're trying to get it get it back to them all right now I think the only thing that's left is uh start stacking some dimes on here all right I got those well it's probably gonna be more of the difficult bigger Gap kind of a weird angle well this out and then I don't know just keep plugging away this thing with aluminum is it gets hot aluminum like just soaks up the heat that's why you need like a ton of amps just to get it hot enough to even like start your puddle so we might preheat a little bit of that area just to kind of take out that initial heat input that neat is needed so if you like preheat it it just really helps with getting the beads started and going when you have a smaller machine this one's only 210 amps and we had like a 400 amp Dynasty or something this would be just it'd blow blow right through this like nothing all right let's roll this out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] all right we're just gonna keep plugging away at this thing [Music] all right got her all welded doesn't look too bad all right now we're gonna call it a day [Music] try to figure out how to kind of blend some of this in until it doesn't look as crazy I was gonna sand blast like the whole bottom area but I think I might just wire wheel it with a stainless brush on a grinder I think that might blend it in pretty good so we'll probably do that you know both Bolt the motor on but right now that's it foreign that's it this project is done Motors installed everything is all put back cracks are welded on the inside she is good to go all right you can see the old one you can see this is eighth inch eighth inch quarter inch a quarter inch for these and then whatever those eighth inch tubes are we've got quarter inch 3 8 double Wool with sleeves all tied in significantly better than this one the main failure point was there and down here buckling definitely not going to have that [Music] because ours goes all the way down and then you can see our nice cover on there keep all the debris out should be perfect all right well that's it for this video thank you for watching stay tuned for the next one
Channel: On Fire Welding
Views: 478,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jyGV30J88SA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 8sec (3308 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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