Winexpert, California Shiraz wine kit | How to create great wine from a kit.

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hey guys welcome back to my channel if you're interested in doing a california shiraz by wine expert stick around [Music] so what we're doing today is a wine expert shiraz it has wood chips in it and it has a few other things it's been sitting around for a while i've probably about six months sitting in my shed and the temperature's been going up and down up and down for that time i just haven't had time to actually get it done so i'm doing it now the only thing i'm changing is i'm actually going to use a different yeast i'm using a mangrove jack's wine yeast so i'm popping that in you'll see the whiny so i'll show you what that's about and uh we're using it because the yeast that comes with it has been up and down in temperature hasn't been refrigerated or kept locked up anywhere basically i just didn't get time to do it so i figured don't risk it use a new yeast and brew your wine so let's get started shall we all right it's been a very hectic week and i'm at the weekend i'm making a beer and you'll probably see me in my beer this is my beer shirt and i'm making this wine so i'm making two at once two videos at once this video though for the wine is going to be a little bit longer winded than the beer video so we're going to add our bentonite today now in the kit i'll just tip out this uh sanitizer in our kit you basically the instructions say use two liters of boiling water [Music] throw that into your fermenter or whatever you're going to work with so i've thrown it in the fermenter and i'm going to grab the benson i know i'm not going to do an unboxing this time usually i do but i'm sure in my old videos that you guys may have seen it's in there as well and you would have seen that i'll give you some light too there you go now poured the water in i'm going to get my packet of bits in this packet i'm going to need the bentonite the other items are going to be explained later on usually with these wine kits you get pretty much everything you need you get the instructions and a whole list of things you can write down as you go i'm not going to use it because i'm so used to doing this now i'm over it i don't need it the one thing i really need right now is bentonite i've got to put it in slowly so that it doesn't coagulate and that's something i've talked about before you basically need to use a plastic span spoon plastic stirring stick like this one and you pour it in and i'll bring you over so you can see what i'm talking about you pour a little in just like that and stir because this is boiling hot water bacteria is being killed continuously in here so i will do this bit by bit until it's fully dissolved now you don't have to have it dissolving or dissolved perfectly but this will definitely help be patient and take your time you'll be satisfied with the results at the end so i'm going to get this done i'll get back to you as soon as i finish dissolving the event tonight and we'll go to the next step so for you brewers out there it is vital that everything is sanitized and if you use no rinse sanitizer you've got a good chance of not having an issue at all no rinse sanitizer will basically work as a nutrient for your yeast now this is ec218 which come with the kid the problem is it's been sitting in my shed for about three months and we've just gone for a big pretty hot part of the season in summer and i don't believe this is going to be any good i think it's going to be dead so i'm going to use my own yeast so we're going to fill it up with our wine concentrate which is shiraz so a good hint if you guys are doing a wine expert kit is to actually grab the handle and poke your nozzle through the handle hole it'll help with pouring it later so this is what i mean i'll pop the nozzle through the handle so it's solid and i can pour it without having to try and struggle with the bag trying to leave my arms every time i try to pour it um i'll tip it on its side now i know you guys can't see this but you'll see me pour it in a sec so what i can show you pretty much the nozzle here sticking up all i can do is pop the lid off and pretty much pour it in so i'll do that now apologies for lawnmower our neighbor decided to start mowing the lawn oh right we're going to pour that in and we're just going to let it run oh that smells so good [Music] so as you guys are aware i've said it already we're doing um what is it a 23 liter batch what i'm doing is i'm putting eight liters of concentrate two liters of water we've been tonight i need to rinse out my container which still has a fair bit of concentrate in it which is going to make a big difference so i'll just fill it back up with water and i'll pour that in which should be another eight liters hopefully around about and then i'll go from there i do have a little gauge on the side of my bucket here to tell me how much water i've got in there i'll get it up to 23 members so [Music] [Music] so as you can see guys the whole bag's been rinsed out it's nice and clean now so i've got every bit of that extract out so what we've got left now is a few more liters we're at about 21 liters i need to put two more leaders in to get to 23 liters [Music] now i can stress to you if you guys want a richer brew and a richer wine you could fill it up to 20 liters that'll give you a richer brew bit more sugar a bit sweeter it'll make it worthwhile actually so now we have to add our grains ones are oak chips uh just medium blend so i'll open that up and we'll throw that in get the bag open get a bit there we go [Applause] there we go okay one plastic bag of oat chips going in you should be able to see where that how that's going and that's a medium blend apparently and this is the carrot is granular toasted it's a toasted blend of oak chips so that's going to be uh interesting everything's much easier to open by the way have a look at this it's really powdery look at that i will stir that in nicely get it all coated probably this will give you that flavoring that you get through barrels over you know your four week time or what is a two week fermenting time yeah so that'll definitely help create the illusion of a wine barrel flavoring aging and all that stuff so i've got that stirred in the only other thing i need now is to go and grab my yeast that i know is still in good nick this is something different that i haven't done before and if you look at some of my older videos i've always used the ec 118 yeast by leveling but today i'm changing it up because my yeast is old and i think it's going to be a problem i'll just put the lid on for now just to make sure that bacteria don't drop in there while i'm walking away i'm going to go get this east i'll be back in five all right so i'm back what i've got is cy17 premium winely yeast now to mangrove jack's wine yeast that i've never tried before and i'm giving it a go it's good for up to 14 alcohol and the wine fermentation should be between 16 and 24 degrees celsius which is um what i'm going to throw it at is probably about 18 degrees 20 degrees celsius out in my house it's going to sit there and we're going to pitch it like i said everything's being sanitized i'm being a bit more abrupt with things i found that wine isn't so susceptible to problems when it comes to it it's just a little bit more hearty that's the yeast it's got a few different yeast things it's got some nutrients in it to get the yeast running i'm just going to dry rot dry sprinkle it over the top and that will let that will now be sealed into the container i'm not going to stir it the yeast will hydrate and fall to the bottom it'll still work fine i'm going to add an instrument called a plateau airlock it's a electronic air lock i tried this already once before in my one of my beer videos and uh the biggest issue i had with it was so far when i used it once the beer was so rich it it kind of boiled over i seriously boiled over and it fermented that much that the foam came out the airlock and it caused me some massive issues with uh bacteria getting in i've had all kinds of issues um of course when that starts happening this starts this thing stops working it doesn't want to show the bubble rate and how this works is basically it has a rate that it runs through bubbles through it and counts them as accounts it knows how much carbonation has run through your brew calculate it and thus turns it into a measurement so you know how much it's fermented i'm going to put this in first thing though i can show you here there's a line here where your air lock so where your fluid should go so fluid should go about halfway up this is what i found they only go one way if you push it in it doesn't go all the way to the bottom pull it out and turn it until it hits the bottom easily that's something i found so this is the electronic part of it all just to give you some ideas if you wanted to connect to your internet which i've done there is a little three button here this lines this up with the air lock and there's a little sensor that picks up on this end there's a little sensor on this that picks up your bubble right and helps it work and do its job if you want to reset this unit most of the time it just sits like this inside there the sensor sits above the bubble right and it bubbles up and you can see that the bubble point is below the center line if you want to reset it you turn it upside down you find a notch it says reset and you use the notches on the bottom of that and line it up and hold the other one do it hold it down while the power is on and it resets the unit to factory reset and then you can re connect it to the internet and get it running again i've already set this up for my phone so i'm going to keep it up going i've actually set it up for my internet so it should work straight away i'll fill it up with sanitizer to its room i've got a little sanitizer over here so i'll fill it up to the line halfway up throw it into my little airlock grommet and now i'll hook it up to power and we'll see how it works i don't know if you can see it but it is flashing out here means it's trying to connect to the internet now it's getting getting ready i will be moving this into the house today so i can get it out of here because it gets too hot here in the summertime and it's not going to ferment correctly if i do that at least in the house it stays a steady 20 degrees so while it's doing that i am going to throw my rubbish away because we are no longer in need of that right looks like it's finished it's done this connection so i will go into my phone now where's my phone to set up this plateau i had to that's basically glow in your settings i'll show you on my phone how and go about it how i go about it um you got to go into your settings you're going to change it to your batch level to 23 liters that's okay your original gravity which is .099 which is normally what the wine is at that's what the gravity of this wine is which is pretty high of course and you've got to set your yeast as you can see on this sheet it has different kinds of yeasts that you can use it just gives you some minor choice but it's you know a wine yeast so i'm setting it to wine and normally it says here's stop current batch but um you can just start batch and it will actually start your batch from this point on at the moment the temperature of my wart is 26.6 degrees because that's where the temperature outside in the water is at our house it will cool down the wine can take that it'll activate quick so i'll end up putting that in the house itself and getting it out of the way so you can make a bubble and it will pick up the bubbles as it goes past i can push on it really yeah so there's bubbles happening there it will pick up that send it to your phone and record every bubble you that is made during process of fermenting up to whatever time you want to stop it the idea of it is to count the amount of co2 that has been extracted through your wine or your ferment going on the calculation of how much yeast or what kind of yeast it is and how many bubbles are bubbled that means that the amount of co2 has gone through or passed through the sensor it will give you an idea on how much alcohol it's made how much co2 is put out in the atmosphere and how long it hasn't been doing that it'll give you if you if it stops doing it it won't calculate fermentation for you know four days if it's four days your wine's ready and you can you can clear it out and transfer it once it's finished fermenting we'll get back to you and we'll start working on clearing it out and transferring it into a secondary so we'll see you then guys cheers not too bright yep you're fine so what we've got is our cycan we have also got a car boy this is our car boy that we're siphoning into now i've got a few videos on this already so the first thing i have to do is open this up now i have sanitized this i'll just pop that aside i'm going to spray it down because i put it on the surface it's not sanitized so i'm going to open this lid and as you can see i've got a plateau air lock which failed on me so i'm going to figure out why that happened probably should spray around i haven't opened this yet at all so i'm hoping that it's not there's nothing growth no growth on it or anything like that which i doubt there will be i've been pretty careful so we open her up be gentle taking it off and there's our finished wine it's got a few floaties in there which are just wood chips part of the wine making so what i need to do now is place my siphon into my bucket now remember there's sediment at the bottom of this bucket which is going to cause problems if you don't if you're not careful quickly give this a quick spray down and the wine actually smells alright it's not too bad at all so i gently put this into the bucket as you can see like so don't want to stir it at all a good hint is to actually tilt your bucket to one direction for a couple of hours just to let it um let it settle to the back of it or to the front wherever you're going to be away from and we'll start the pump looks at the bottom there and the transfer begins a little bit of sediment went through then uh it's not too bad and now it's clearing out so once it's finished transferring i'll come back to you guys [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty now what we're going to do is we've got a v gasset now i've got a little paddle i ground down this thing here just made a little wing out of it and it works really well for this purpose so i've sanitized it and put it in the bottom of the bottle what we need to do when you get fermentation when you ferment things basically yeast poops out uh alcohol and carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide makes our wine fizzy so we need to get rid of that fizziness first thing we do is add your sulfate uh soil bait and sulfate which is in one packet nowadays prove that in that is a chemical a bit of a dust there sorry right these little balls hopefully you can see that they need to be mixed in for about four minutes with a drill and about 10 minutes without a drill as you degas the actual wine this will kill all the yeast and create stop the fermentation from carrying on so i'll do the gassing and i'll come back to you for the last part [Music] just pop that back on there so nothing gets in uh we need to gas it don't stress about oxygen uh while it's degassing it's pushing the carbon dioxide out of the little hole you're doing you're working with a little bit of oxygen should get in but mostly carbon dioxide will be in the chamber anyway so it won't get oxygenated that badly um it doesn't seem to be a big deal with wine for some reason now the next thing i have to do is add my kaiser sole now this kaiser sole is pretty much what clears it all out we need to add this in now and stir it in so what i've done is i've just cleaned my scissors uh with with sanitizer just so we can minimize the amount of bacteria we're putting in just squirt around the area especially the implements that i'm using i'll just cut a little slot on the top and most of the time i have a lot of issues with spilling this and knocking it actually into the cowboy properly so i'm going to really concentrate on doing this right that looked a bit nearly nearly buggered again but this time the whole lot went in the last one i did i spilled most of it out the side of the cowboy and it really made a difference the wine was definitely not as clear and not as clean tasting so that really makes a difference so what i'll do now is i'll grab that stirring stick it says to just quickly give it a quick gentle stir so i'll just quickly clean this off again make sure that there is no bacteria on it so stir in our kaisersole like so all right then again it's uh how you do this is how you clear out your wine and that will sit now for 24 hours and in 24 hours time i'll add my kite sand which will increase the ability for it to clear out better all right [Music] we'll see you tomorrow well okay it's the next day guys and i've got my kind of sand i need to sanitize it just sanitize my scissors here just make sure everything's clear and clean no matter what it's been in a lot of people's hands this one and uh we want to put it in the um the wine has now uh settled a little bit with kaiser soul no yeah with kaiser soul and bed tonight and all that other stuff that we put in there to clear it out and preserve it i'm going to pop the lid off you probably can't see what i'm going about what we're about to do here so quickly cut you can't see where i'm pouring it sorry a lot of time i've been videoing today this week has been me pouring stuff where you can't see but it's all right it's uh all about clearing out and making our wine clear and nice so now i poured that in i've stirred it around and mixed it in a bit and now we're going to wait for another 14 days to let that clear out properly at 20 degrees celsius we can leave it in the house so it doesn't get too hot and the fermentation will stop we have about 13 alcohol and a really good one all right cheers guys see you later hey guys welcome back we are at bottling time i've set myself up for bottling this is my wine that's been sitting inside this bag keeping it dark so it doesn't get it get to um sun bleach or light bleached so today i'll reveal what we've got here's our wine so what i've done is i've cleaned all the bottles out i have recycled bottles i use used bottles and keep reusing them just check the lids sometimes there's a bit of gunk under it but mostly i've just cleaned them with a proper cleaner from mangrove jacks and it's like a detergent that they supply with a little bit of cleaner in it it's really good actually it works quite well uh and then i rinsed them with cold fresh water and at the moment all i have left is a bucket of sanitizer with my siphon and everything else ready to go to siphon it out of here into my bottles so that's the next step i haven't told you that i don't like bottle bottling but i'm going to do this anyway like this and hopefully you guys will get something out of it i'll show you how i do it and maybe something will come of it so what i have set up is all my bottles and they're all clean but they just need to be sanitized and this is something i have to do i've got a bucket of center size there's about five liters of sanitizer in there made from this stubble sand i have a bottling injecting rod thing this thing um works a treat and all i'm going to do now is grab one of my bottles remove the lid place sanitizer inside them so they're nicely sanitized and then put them into the big bucket here so that if i have any spillage it doesn't make a mess on my floor i have towels down here as well rags and cloths and things and all that so how this works is basically this fills up with sanitizer inside it and when you push down on the bottle you push down and the fluid injects up into the bottom so you should should be able to see that sanitizer injector in the bucket water injector bottle sitting on top of it got a little ridge here on the end that's there that pushes against the bottle and we push and all the sanitizer just squirts up inside to the bottle like so once that's done we rinse out we just shake out what we don't need and put that into our container which is sealed so if we do have a i don't know a mess it won't go all over our nice tile floor so what i'm going to do is i'm going to do 28 bottles of these and just basically throw it on time-lapse just so it's not so boring for you guys all right here we go [Music] i've cleaned out my siphon it's all nice and sanitised ready to go i need to attach the bottling wand which is this is my bottling one there's some sanitizer in there i need to attach it to the end of this so that should be quite easy yep there we go because the pipe has been used for this before it's been stretched a little to help me do that so it makes it a lot easier to get it back on so what i have to do now is feed my siphon into my car boy without stirring it it's been sitting for weeks and weeks clearing and i want to really be careful that's the reason why i haven't moved this into my brew shed because um i didn't want to stir it i just put it up on the table and i'll leave it here until i've done it now so here goes and open the lid that's sanitizer by the way in the airlock throw that in very gently drop it in very gently try not to stir it up all the way to the bottom until you hit the bottom really gently gently that's it's touching the bottom don't want to move it what i need to do is inject some fluid into the tube just to clear it out before i start putting into bottles so i'm going to need a bottle to put that into now this is all gravity fed so it's going to be down on the floor so i've got the spare bottle this is something i just keep aside just for this sort of thing i'll place my bottling wand into the bottle and push down on it and then i'll lift my siphon rod gently i'm going to stir this up so what will happen is it will start to flow just like that i'll just let it flow a little bit just to get some fluid through stop it there so that's actually quite clear it's not too bad at all what i'm going to do now is just feed that into one of the bottles so i don't lose all the wine and that i will just test later for the gravity so we'll now get started the siphon has started the fluid is flowing the gravity is working and we'll start bottling all our bottles so you can't see too well i'm going to show you on this camera yep how i bottle basically it's been flowing because it leaks a little you just push down and gravity does the rest when i fill it up i'll fill it up to about here i hope you can see it and then we'll go to the next bottle and cap it later so it should be alright to sit there so it'll flow up to the top until it comes out at the top a little that's it go into the next bottle you've got to be gentle doing this all the time it smells really nice so i'm going to do that to each and every bottle but this time i'll just leave the bottle in the actual uh what do you call this in the esky so that i don't make a mess it's flowing beautifully all right gonna speed it up i'll get back to you soon [Music] well here's something unexpected the actual bottling tip came off in the bottle i did not expect that to happen a bit of a shock i never had it happen before so it's okay i've got it back out of the bottle and i'm gonna proceed [Music] you know something i've noticed um with this one it smells really good it smells really fresh and yeah and you wouldn't believe the wood smell i can get that i'm getting oat chips smell and scent it's really smelling good quite happy with that so i thought i'd just report that as i was filling the bottles alright see you soon [Music] so pour ourselves a glass and uh we see what it tastes like what am i doing that's not even on probably all right oh look at that already looks good now remember this hasn't aged it it's not ready it's it needs a while sometimes up to two years to age properly of course it's not gonna last in my pantry for two years this glass is pretty clear um looks like it's really lacing up or you probably can't see it really well i'll probably show you a bit closer there you go give you a bit of a closer look at that it's lacing on the sides nicely [Music] really good actually it's a little bit of oil in it i suppose that's what you would call it smells fresh so it's not perfectly new yet perfectly aged it so it's going to have a bit of time to mellow out a little bit but so it's going to have a little bit of a bite to it but i can smell the oak in there and of course the alcohol but it's really really looking good um very clear let me see if i can see a light i'll pop a light on it if i can oh now i'm just blinding myself you guys probably can't see that maybe in here you will nonetheless it's really clear um i've got the wrong angles for color so what i'll do is i'll take a photo of it and show you right now it's looking really clear and it's nice beautiful looking it's really nice looking very happy with the smell of it like i said it's got a new smell so it's got a little bit of time to age yet but it doesn't smell off in any way it has no bad taste or smells i should say i will taste it now oh that's gorgeous wow that's going to taste so good when it's finished that is already nice but the flavour that's beautiful it's sweet it's a little bit sweet but i did use a different yeast than i had in the kit which was a mangrove jacks yeast and still it is a very very tasty wine very nice um quite happy with that today the truth it's good cool all right live with you all i'm going to do now is leave you a bit of video on where i store it and how i store it and uh we'll see in the next one thanks guys so just to sum it up i have my bottles i brought them into the shed i'll show you my son help me carry them in there they're pretty heavy i'm going to take them out and i'm going to place them in this little case here so that comes out this sits in underneath my desk for a bit just to make sure that uh you know little critters can't get to it and you know because that can be a problem what i'll do now is i'll actually stack all of those into here with this insulating stuff around it and leave it sitting in there i'll put a little top on it so it doesn't get affected and uh hopefully the fluctuation temperature won't be too much and we can get away of it so that's how i store all my stuff i basically store it to um leave it there i won't drink it for at least three months and then from there i will start pulling it out and put it into my little wine rack i have in the house and share it with people so it's about three months before i start drinking it properly i have one bottle sitting there that i need to drink straight away because it's got a dodgy lid and it's going to go off if i don't get onto it now but other than that i won't touch it for a while so i'm going to end it here thanks guys for watching thanks for subscribing if you'd like what you saw please give me a thumbs up because um that really helps with the video and the channel growth and if you have any questions just pop in the comments whatever you need to talk about i'll try and answer them if i can i'm not a professional as you know i'm an amateur and i'm just doing this because it's a beautiful great little hobby cheers guys we'll see in the next one bye
Channel: Simple Home Brew
Views: 2,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wine making, do it yourself hobby, wine expert kit, homemade wine from fruit, how to, how to basic, how to make wine, making wine at home, homemade wine, wine making process, how to make wine at home the easy way, do it yourself (hobby), wine kit, kit wine, wine expert, winexpert kit instructions, winexpert kit, winexpert, California Shiraz, grape wine, how to make, wine making process explained, wine expert kits reviews, Shiraz
Id: wj5UiMxoypk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 43sec (2143 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2022
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