How To Create VB.NET Project In Visual Studio 2022 | Create A Visual Basic Project | Windows Forms

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Hello friends today I am going to show you how to create a Visual Basic project uh using Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 if you want to know how to download and install Visual Studio 2022 so I have a video on that so you can I'll provide the link in the description box so that you can look at it uh once you install Visual Studio 2022 you will get a you will that will also install this Visual Studio installer as part of that so you open your Visual Studio installer this will be used to install any Visual Studio related apps on your machine so come here and then you can see like I have installed a Community Edition 2022 it is a free edition so you can uh use this okay uh so here you see this modify all right so go to this modify and uh what will happen is uh then you'll be able to add other components now as part of this tutorial I'm going to show you a Windows Form uh development basically I want to create a Windows Form which is basically a desktop form and I want to show you how you can use this so you can see here there are number of uh you know called as workloads a number of things here or you can also go here and install individual components we are interested here here come back to this dotnet Vector development here as part of this there is Windows Form okay so Windows Form can be developed using Visual Basic using c-sharp using fshap right all all these languages can be used to develop Windows Form now let's install this so it will take 448 MBA space uh and then we we just click on this modify and it will start installing this okay so now the uh the components has been installed okay all the windows form related components so let's open Visual Studio 2022 uh here click on this and in the templates Windows Form template should be available okay so if you cannot see the windows forms template then restart your machine okay or else try to re uh you know go go again to this modify and try to reinstall it okay try to reinstall that uh Windows Form Calculator if you if you go here to the modify uh you should be able to see the checkbox checked but you can uncheck it and again check it back and then try to reinstall uh now this is my visual studio 2022. uh let's go back to this yeah here this is the installer basically I came back here again just to show you that this is now checked right by default because it's installed so what you can do is you can uncheck it and then uh it will initial everything and then again you can recheck it you can also try this removing out of support components okay sometimes it may interfere uh with the new components so you can remove this and then uncheck this and then again check it back and reinstall everything okay uh or you can also then try to restart if you are still not able to see the template uh coming up in your uh here in visual studio today okay so this is your editor where which you can use to write Visual Studio programs as well as you can compile them okay uh so let's go to create a new project all right here so you can see new components are coming up all right so Windows forms app is actually on top because I have filtered it on visual Basics so it's coming up by default it will be or it will be all languages uh this is how it will be but if you filter it on visual Basics so or all the templates which supports Visual Basic will be filtered out here now we are interested here okay on Windows forms app similarly there are other filters here so you can check this other filters so which are coming up now here it is desktop so what you can also do is uh select desktop all platforms you can select Windows okay now this is the combination you can have Visual Basic Windows desktop okay and this Windows forms app should appear on top now uh now what you can do is Select this and next so here let's name this something hello hello YouTube next so I can use dotnet7 or I can use dot net 6 depending depending on what you have dotted 6s squared plus popular okay so I'll select this dotnet 6.0 and then click on create okay now the form is loaded the project is uh the project has also loaded so everything is there you can see on the right hand side in the solution Explorer Explorer uh this files with DOT VB extension means it is a Visual Basic uh project and the files will be created with this extension okay all the files now this is the user interface of the form it will have a designer dot VB file where there'll be some code by default and then you want to write any custom code then you should write it in the uh there is one more code behind file you should write it there okay now designer just double click there so this you can see all this code written by this editor by default okay so ideally you should not make any changes here otherwise it will be it could be overwritten uh so and then you have this form it has some properties you can actually go right click here and then properties you can see all the uh properties of this form okay similarly if you add a control here you can also see the controls properties here you can use this to update uh any uh any of the any any any any of the properties okay you can use this uh property window to update that similarly there is there is a place where you can write your code which means you can handle all the events uh whatever is there in the form or if you put any control you want to write you want to write some behavior of that control or what should happen when someone clicks that all these things you can write uh in the in the course so just double click the form and then you can see this code window coming up which is form uh one dot VB you can also go directly to this here by clicking on this icons and then you can see this form one here coming up right so if you double click this also this window will open up so that is how then you can see some events here coming up uh now here there are three drop downs okay so this is your project and this is your actually the form one object so it has an events so if you select this you will see the events here all coming up right so uh you can then for example if you want when someone clicks the form if you want to handle that or write some code some Behavior what what should happen when someone clicks then you can do that okay you can write you can just select that event that even come up you can you can write the code here so what we can do here is we can do a small demo perhaps uh and go toolbox it will have a lot of controls in the toolbox it is initializing now it is initialized now you can see all windows forms controller so let's drag a button and then drag let's say some text box okay and then a level controller so here uh here I just double click the label so it can here but usually you want to update the name right so uh you just go here properties and here uh in the text you can say uh let's say who are you let's ask the question okay so that's the level controller so it is not saying who are you can align it bit better so button uh okay uh properties and then come back here and say submit and then text text box Again Properties and then here text box we are not worried about the text right now but the name we can let's say txt them okay okay now let's do one thing let's create a uh so when you let's add some Behavior so when you submit it will show hi and whatever is entered here okay so double click this and here message uh message box Dot show I txt name Dot text okay so that's the thing now what we can do is uh we can just run it and see what happens yeah right so this is the form what I should do now is enter a name for example my name Kevin okay you can submit you can see high prevent so you can locate the Box you close so enter anything and then uh okay so like this uh you can do the coding using visual studio 2022 so hope this video has been helpful to you uh please uh hit the like button and subscribe to my channel so I'll come up with more such interesting videos for you thank you
Channel: tutorpraveen
Views: 11,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: visual studio, visual basic, visual basic .net, windows forms,, create project in, create project in VS 2022, visual basic windows form application, visual studio 2022 winforms, vb winforms, visual studio 2022, microsoft visual studio 2022, visual studio code, visual studio installer, Visual basic template, .NET desktop development, VB.NET Button click event, Events in VB.NET forms, VB Winform properties, VB.NET button properties
Id: UwJVnEs33Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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