As if things couldn't get worse for Microsoft... This Windows 11 issue is unacceptable!

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Im not touching windows 11 with a 100’ pole until they sort out the performance set backs.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/H4wkeye47 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I hear they pretty much got rid of taskbar. A boneheaded move if there ever was one. Why would they take away functionality that everyone likes, I’ll never know…

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gamerdoc77 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fix is coming out on the 21st. Of course I'm still not installing W11 for a few years and until we have some good debloater/antispyware scripts.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Gachatar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

If I have to eat a perf hit from the OS I'm just going to finally switch over to a Linux distro and run DCS through Proton. Still take a minor perf hit but also not having to leak personal data to the OS vendor.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_Sauer_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don’t get it. Win10 is one of the best windows ever. Why not iron out the kinks instead of dropping a new OS which is unusable for the first year?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MadArgonaut πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for the heads up

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BagpipeFlying πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Looking forward to Windows Twelve already :)

- 7 was OK

- Took a pass on Vista and 8 and oh boy I am glad I did

- 10 is about OK, even tough the windows update experience has been hit and miss

First impression about 11 is that those early adopters are in for a ride in another Millenium Edition / Vista / 8 rollercoaster.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Cdt_Sylvestre πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

So the every other version of windows is hot garbage still remains true...

Buh buh, we changed the number so its not true anymore... Yeah right.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FlyingPetRock πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

i would rather castrate myself then install Shit 11. Ive had enough of window's shitty updates disabling different parts of my pc in BIOS, thanks.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Su-37_Terminator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] all right guys i've been putting off talking about windows 11 for a while now and i'm kind of glad that i did because it's kind of like the story that just keeps on giving uh especially if you're on an amd system so there's a few things we'll talk about with windows 11 why maybe you don't see it as an option maybe why you shouldn't install it as an option and we're going to talk about the negative effects that's happening with many people's systems because clearly microsoft has dropped the ball on this one we interrupt this video to bring you a special message from ifixit no we interrupt this interruption with this interruption about new stuff from ifixit pushing the graphics card but inventory sucks fix the inventory problems with ifixit whoa don't drop it can't fix that with ifixit just kidding yes you can wish you could take ifixit with you anywhere but your pockets aren't big enough introducing you more and the new nino take them with you anywhere it's okay i fix it for your loved ones or just get them for yourself so before we talk about the latest drama around windows 11 let's go and talk about why you may not even have noticed that it's available to you first of all windows 11 requires tpm or trusted platform module to be able to run now a lot of modern motherboards made in the last couple of years do actually have a tpm mode where you can go into the into the bios turn that feature on and then what will happen is when you log into windows 10 you'll actually see a pop-up then saying congratulations your system can run windows 11 would you like to upgrade now and if it's anything like windows 8.1 was i'm kind of curious as to whether in fact sound off down below if this has happened to you i've none of our systems here actually have tpm turned on so we haven't been seeing any of the uh windows 11 congratulations you can upgrade for free kind of a thing just like we saw with windows 8.1 or windows 8 to windows 10 where you'd see the pop-up and then you basically could say yes install now or install later or snooze or remind me kind of like other pop-ups that happen in windows but what started happening is microsoft was not they weren't happy with the adoption rate i mean they were giving away windows 10 and they weren't happy with the adoption rate remember windows 10 also included a lot of the spyware features that we turn off every single update now where they want to cookie everything then serve you ads and take information take your data and take your location and just have cortana constantly listening like all that sort of stuff was on by default and one of the reasons why people like myself and and barnacles and and almost everyone in this space specifically barnacules because he really knew the inside inner workings of what windows was doing at the time because he helped write all that prior to uh you know his his departure from microsoft is that they wanted to sell the customer data which is why they were giving it away for free the real business was selling your data and so people weren't adopting it fast enough and what started happening was it got really aggressive to where if you didn't say no well they didn't say no therefore that kind of means yes and it would auto install and that's why it ended up happening with one of my systems where it auto updated to windows 10 because i wasn't there while i left the system on to tell it no don't update so it triggered an update that night and i woke up in the morning and it was like welcome to windows 10. and i was like son of a biscuit so anyway fast forward now windows 11 i'm curious if they're going to start doing that but the tpm mode i mean that's sort of basic that that's a hardware level security thing that i don't know if i necessarily agree with or don't agree with i don't have a lot of experience with tpm but you may not be seeing windows 11 option because your motherboard either may not support it doesn't have the mode or it's not enabled i don't really want to do a video showing you guys how to enable it because of the reasons i'm about to show you i don't necessarily want people upgrading to windows 11 at this time so first and foremost you might have seen this in the news already when windows 11 official launch came out it was noticed that amd ryzen cpu users specifically those in the 2000 series ryzen now we've had obviously one thousand two thousand three thousand four thousand which was like laptop only and then five thousand which is the latest zen architecture has been seeing slow downs up to 15 percent cpu performance loss in various single threaded performance or applications that use single thread so if we were to do like a cinebench single thread run we would actually see a before and after score decrease and latency improve increases in the way the infinity fabric and the memory is working with ryzen specifically and what's funny about that is in the initial launch it was noticed that that's a thing and people started raising their flag and going what the hell why are we seeing massive slowdowns our amd cpus only now we know microsoft and intel have been collaborating heavily on uh windows 11. that's the way all the windows launches have gone it's always like they collaborated with intel specifically on this one they're collaborating the launch of windows 11 a little bit ahead of alder lake because of the hybrid cpu that we already talked about alder lake it's a hybrid cpu you got e-cores which are efficiency cores and p cores which are performance cores that operate independent of each other and they need a specific scheduler inside of windows to handle that up that handoff so that it knows what tasks go to ecore what tasks go to pcor so that's why intel and microsoft are collaborating heavily on windows 11. the problem is it looks like they spent all their time collaborating with intel and basically making that handoff as efficient as possible when it comes to the scheduler to where the scheduler is almost penalizing amd users specifically on the ryzen platform i haven't seen many reports of people talking about older intel cpus being affected by this so i'm curious if you have an older intel cpu or i guess any current intel cpu or older are you seeing any sort of slowdown or is it kind of like across the board now to put this in perspective as to why 15 is a major deal when we saw slow downs of up to five percent on intel and amd cpus when it came to the spectre and meltdown issues back in like 2017 that people were absolutely outraged the fact that any sort of code change slash security hole fix would slow down your hardware was a massive issue to most people now the funny thing about that is amd was less effective than intel at that time because amd's microcode architecture was a lot newer than intel's or intel had kind of been just copying it over for decades well not decades but many generations of cpu that just copy and paste it over to the newest gpus or cpu assuming they had a bigger effect where amd was able to actually pivot and it wasn't affected as much because of the newer architecture on this one here it's specifically affecting amd cpus so if you were mad about three to five percent you'd be limited about 15. well you'd also be livid considering the fact that there was a there was a network bug inside of windows 11 that was specifically affecting the killer network cards as well as and i didn't even heard of this one if you know the truth maybe i'm that's because i just i'm not an n plus administrator or network administrator i've never heard of smart byte but another smart byte uh networking card was getting slow downs in windows 11. so microsoft really recently submitted a patch that's designed to fix that and amd users noticed an even greater slowdown where they slowed down even farther than the 15 initially and the sad part about that is the fact that amd was amd was already working on a fix to try it on their end to fix whatever was happening with the scheduler and the microcode to bring that performance back that users had lost the latest patch slowed it down even farther causing them to now have to go back to the drawing board and work directly with microsoft to get this figured out so if you're an amd ryzen user on windows 11 and you haven't actually tested this you probably don't realize you're anywhere between 15 to 20 slower than you were before you upgraded to upgraded to windows 10. so here's a this is from tech spot specifically and they did a test on this so i'll put a link to their article down below i'm a little afraid to do that i don't want to accidentally ddos their site but i'm going to actually read the quote here so that maybe we don't bring their site down but they said to put things in context they tested a 2700x by the way they heard the reports of the 2700x being affected by this they tested it and their results uh were exactly in line with what they were seeing online so this is their exact quote from this article it says to put things in context the release build of windows 11 slows down amd cpus by up to 15 in some workloads such as esports games and single threaded applications esports titles tend to be really high fps type games that's obviously a cpu load that's why you would notice esports having an effect with a slower cpu it's like literally gonna reduce the max fps that you can get and high fps game is definitely cpu loaded the folks over at tech powerup were curious enough to fire up the ada64 cache and memory benchmark and see if anything has improved after this first update what they found was that the l3 cache latency of the ryzen 7 2700x cpu which is around 10 to 11 nanoseconds on windows 10. had increased to 17 nanoseconds on the release build of windows 11. pause that's 70 slower already in terms of the latency at the cash latency and you guys know cash heavily affects your performance the cash latency from windows 10 to 11 right off the bat and currently after this latest patch sits at 32 to 34 nanoseconds after the first monthly patch that is greater than three times slower or or three times higher cache latency so that's where you're seeing a lot of the slowdown come from so that's not looking too good for the tin foil hat and i'll put my tinfoil hat on i have no doubt intel and microsoft has spent so much time optimizing windows 11 for the alder lake hybrid cpu design that no time has been spent truly optimizing for any of amd ryzen's chiplet design and so i feel like because of that infinity cache and that latency that we're talking about that is completely been left out of the equation in terms of optimization which is really sad concerning the fact that we all know that right now amd and ryzen although still not the greater market share if you look at the growth over the last five years is absolutely the fastest growing cpu adoption rate that we've seen in cpus in a long long time so there's clearly a bias happening between microsoft and intel that's why i asked earlier if you're on an older intel cpu are you seeing these same slowdowns or is the scheduler literally affecting amd only moving on amd and microsoft are working together at this time for a fix maybe they should have worked together prior to launch to make sure a fix was never actually necessary so we all know microsoft is a company we all know that microsoft is is terrible when it comes to its policies when it comes to its its ideologies and the way that they handle the operating system when it comes to to user data and they'll do whatever it takes to make money obviously and working with intel intel have i don't want to believe that intel strong armed in some way microsoft to just not make amd slower but not spend time with them i i'd like to believe that's not the case but we've seen this sort of stuff happen in the past where there's biases that happen and money talks and if the money's there microsoft will follow the money so that's just kind of the perfect storm to be that goes against um you know amd unfortunately amd adopters now the nice thing is well i say nice thing but you do have 10 days from the time you've updated to windows 11 to be able to roll it back there is a go back button that you can go you guys have to google search this but there is a there is in the settings where you can go back and actually literally go back to windows 10. you only have 10 days to do that though so this is specifically for those updated to windows 11. i always say update i hate that term but installed windows 11 decided they don't like it you have 10 days to go back i feel like that should be longer especially with all these bugs and stuff that usually take time to be worked out with the first versions of any sort of os uh until we see major surface packs and stuff come out i feel like they should get 30 days at least maybe 60 days but microsoft wants you to adopt it because who knows what they've thrown in windows 11 that hasn't been uncovered yet when it comes to spying on you and stealing your data anyway sound off down below with your comments on windows 11 if you're a user i'm not interested in your opinion about it if you haven't used it sound off down below if you've been using it what has your experience been like what's your hardware have you noticed any sort of slowdown did you roll back and your honest opinion about whether or not you would recommend it all right guys thanks for watching this talking head video hopefully i saved someone a headache from dealing with this monstrosity so far that is windows 11 which is going to suck because i do want to use alder lake and test out that hybrid cpu and if i want to test out the hybrid cpu i kind of have no choice but to run windows 11 or i won't get any of the hybrid handoff scheduler that is the whole benefit to it so anyway i digress it's part of the job and i'll suffer through it for videos for you guys thanks for watching and we'll see in the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 1,151,601
Rating: 4.8634701 out of 5
Keywords: windows 11, is windows 11 worth it, should I get windows 11, windows 11 vs windows 10, windows 11 slowing down amd cpus, windows 11 slow down
Id: Mg5xJtmCZbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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