Do This After Installing Windows 11

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once you guys do this after installing Windows 11. if you're a Windows tweaker and you love tweaking Windows 11 and you'd like a super lightweight system and you'd like to debloat Windows then this video is for you now if you like running a stock Windows 11 setup then maybe this video is not for you but we're going to take a look anyway at some of the programs that you can use so first off it's important that you download all of the latest updates for Windows 11. you can go ahead and download these using the Windows update and we'll get these all downloaded and installed on the system if you're running Windows 10 then you also want to make sure you're fully updated before you continue with the rest of this video now you don't have to worry about feature updates just make sure you've got all the latest security updates installed on your system this will keep your system nice and secure and safe and you'll be running all the latest security updates for that computer you can disable feature updates a little bit later on in a video I'll show you how to do that so once you get all of the updates installed it will restart and basically install these updates on your computer so I just let these install on the computer once you've done all this restart the PC and check for updates and make sure all of the updates are downloaded and installed once we've got this done it's important that you get all the latest drivers on your PC so if you've just done a fresh install of Windows you want to make sure that you head over to the motherboard manufacturer and go to the support page and download all of the drivers for that particular computer there's going to be audio drivers network drivers chipset drivers and a bunch of other drivers that you need to download now Windows does a pretty good job at this but I always prefer to disable that feature and get the drivers from the manufacturer's website because this way you get the best drivers and the latest drivers from them Microsoft drivers aren't always you know updated regular enough and sometimes you can end up installing old drivers from Microsoft there is bios and firmware updates here that you can check out if you've got a brand new system you may want to check for the latest bios update to make sure you're getting the best security and also the best compatibility list for that particular motherboard once you've done all of this it's important that we create a restore point you can go into the search box and type restore and then create a restore point right here by default this is disabled but if you want to enable it just highlight it click configure and then you can then give it some disk space that it's going to need turn on the system protection here and then you can apply this to your computer settings and then basically once we've done this we can then create a restore point this is important because anytime you make tweaks or changes to your PC if you ever want to roll back to a restore point that you created you can do and this way it's a bit of a safety net just in case you mess things up a lot of people love tweaking their PC and I see it so much when they come back to the Discord server and they've always messed up something on their computer so by doing this this will actually allow you to roll back so next up we're going to download this piece of software called X toolbox it's basically a program that's going to allow you to download other programs and other useful software to tweak your system so this is it here you can see here if this program gets flagged as malware it's a false positive the program is literally open source don't worry nope this program won't run on Windows 7 8 or 8.1 you can check out what false positives are if you don't like to have your antivirus flag in this and blocking it then maybe don't use this program but hit the latest and download X toolbox now you can see the browser is blocking this file and that's because it's an executable file and it thinks it's malicious so if you want to download it you're going to have to go to the settings here on the three dots so hit the free dots hit the download button and hit the three dots here and keep now if you're worried about things like this then maybe don't download the program altogether show more keep anyway and this will download the executable file onto your computer so once we got this downloaded here what you can do is you can see it here I'll just get it out of the downloads area and drag this to my desktop now Windows Defender hasn't done anything about this file which tells me it's more than likely just a false positive like the person says I'm going to upload it to virustotal to see how many flags that this program does have now I'm expecting there might be a couple there we go and you can see here Cronus as actually said it's suspicious and that doesn't mean it's malicious it could be just a false positive like the person has said and again the other ones are just not a well-known company all of the other antivirus programs are saying it's okay including mine so I'm going to run it anyway and I'm going to right click on here and run as administrator and say yes to use account control and open up the command prompt box here as you can see you have to agree to their terms and conditions here you just read through this and basically say Wi-Fi yes if you want to run it if you don't want to run it you can say no and don't use the program it doesn't matter to me whether you use the program or not I think it's a force positive and I'm going to use it on this system so here we have access to debloat tweaks apps and cleaning and anti-viruses so right here under the boat we're going to start off with this area here there's a bunch of little ones you can use here and again we've got the tweak section and the apps and we also have the cleaning and antivirus now this is basically an area where we could just download the programs so by putting in for instance d uh say for instance free this is going to allow us to download the actual program now we can go to the website ourself and download it but this is going to save a lot of time when you can basically download a lot of these from here so it obviously doesn't like capital D so I'm just going to do a lowercase D and a free to download shut up 10 which works with Windows 10 and windows 11. you can see it's pulled this down and it's now going to open this up and then we can actually run it on this system and make some tweaks now you can do other programs in here I'm just showing you this one so you know how to use it I'm going to go to actions and apply this and say yes the reason why I'm using oh no shut up 10 is because it allows you to make changes to the system to deep bloat it and take out the Telemetry but it also allows you to restore your settings back to default settings if you go up to actions you should see here uh undo all changes factory settings and this will put everything back this is important for me because I like to show people how to apply changes and then revert them back so let's go ahead and uh restart the system once we've done this we can move on to the next one so I'm going to open up another one here there's a bunch of different ones on here you can choose from I'm just going to have a look at one more here but you can go ahead and have a look at some of these now the ones in red I would probably leave alone because these are probably more aggressive and they might not have something to reverse back so that's probably why they're in Red so I'd leave those alone and just use the ones I'm showing you here so Optimizer choose your language this will open up a program this program is pretty useful I've used it before and sometimes I use it on new systems to get things done very quickly once you open this up it's going to allow you to optimize the system you can see here optimize to Performance under the general tab but we've got some other tabs here like Windows 11 uwp apps startup apps cleaner pinga hosts registry Hardware integrator and options you can see there's a bunch of them here you can choose from so we'll go through some of these and I'll quickly show you some of the settings you can actually use here let's go back to the general and I'm going to check mark some of these I'm not going to go really slow here I'm just going to show you a couple and then I'll show the full screen here on some of the selection I've gone for next up we're going to go to the windows 11 tab here and again there's a lot of settings on here you can choose from you can see here disable my people also restore classic Explorer you can choose whatever you like uninstall OneDrive and a bunch of other stuff on here just make sure you know what you're disabling again this is completely reversible you would just go back and reverse these and it allows you to put these back afterwards so make your selection like so and once you've got this done we can move on to the next section so next up we're going to go to uwp apps these are the built-in apps if you want to remove some of these you can do and again I'm not going to be getting rid of ones here I'm just going to basically remove some of the bloat that Windows like to load into windows so when once you've got these selected you can then click on uninstall again your choice will be whatever you want to uninstall you don't have to use this program you can manually go there and uninstall these yourself if you wish but this just makes it super easy having it all done the one Hood I'm going to go to start up here and again this is going to allow you to remove stuff from the startup again this is a new install so there shouldn't be too much on here but one one driver is obviously one of these so I'm just going to quickly uninstall this there's a little one installed on the bottom right and you can restore this and you can make a backup of it as well from here also it allows you to quickly download and install useful apps that you use on your PC there's plenty of other ones that do this as well but if you're like me and you want to use just one thing to do all you can use this program to download Discord your browser and a bunch of net Frameworks uh DirectX and a load of other stuff that you use on a regular daily basis so just put the check marks in the ones you want to use and download and install them and once you've done that restart your system apply these settings and restart now you can do more tweaking if you wish I'm just going to leave it right there because we'll be here all day but basically we've removed a bunch of bloatware and we've also uninstalled a bunch of apps let's have a quick look at the start menu again these settings have all been set you can go to all apps and you can see it's removed a hell of a lot of blow and installed out applications that we wanted and from here also we can also go back here and we can go to settings and take a look at privacy and security and you'll see under the privacy and security it's also made loads of changes here and turned off a lot of these features that you don't need this is very quick and easy to do and it's very useful because it saves you have to manually going in here and doing these one by one this does it all for you so bear that in mind makes it much more easier to use this sort of stuff and the good thing with this sort of method is that it is completely reversible you also have that safety net of a restore point which means you can always roll back to before that time when you made those changes and it should give you back your operating system the way it was now whether you use this sort of program or not now you can go and download these applications but there's loads of other bits in here which is quite useful I've only just showed you a couple of bits if you want to see more let me know in the comments section below but my name has been Brian from just want to say a quick shout out to all my YouTube members who enjoy my YouTube members group I really do appreciate the support I shall catch you on the Discord server for a chat or I'll catch you in the very next video thanks again for watching bye for now foreign [Music]
Channel: Britec09
Views: 108,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: do this after installing windows 11, windows 11, windows 11 22h2, windows 11 tips, install windows 11, how to install windows 11, windows, windows 11 features, things you should do after installing windows 11 22h2, windows 11 should i upgrade, windows 11 settings, microsoft windows, things to do after installing windows 11, windows 11 update, what to do after installing windows 11, microsoft windows 11, windows 11 install, windows 11 debloat, windows 11 optimization, britec
Id: BaAm5dbO5N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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