WINDOWS 10 EoL Reactions: 2025 The Year of Linux?

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as the end of mainstream support for Windows 10 draws near and an extended support announcement is yet to be made users are becoming more and more vocal about legitimate concerns a lot of them are pissed at Microsoft and apparently some of them are pissed at me you're a tech Channel and you don't even bother to fact check what Microsoft is claiming those on paper requirements are meant to scare people to new Hardware in reality you can run Windows 11 on any of the PCS you ran 10 on you believe the official disclaimer blindly instead of checking if that indeed is the case the Creator was clearly more concerned about making a ragebait video for clicks than educating and informing oh boy so in my previous video I talked about how the end of mainstream support for Windows 10 in 2025 could affect users whose systems do not meet the official minimum Hardware requirements and by God did you guys have some thoughts which is more than welcome because a lot of you touched on some pretty interesting topics that can actually serve as great additions to the broader conversation but before we move on just a quick reminder that this video can be consumed in just audio form and if you'd like to jump to any specific chapter you can do so by utilizing the timestamps in the description also if you find the video interesting please consider supporting the channel by subscribing and turning on Bell notifications thanks a ton now first and foremost I'm happy to say that the overwhelming majority of the discourse in the comments section was carried out in a civilized manner sure you guys had some disagreements and some strong opinions were definitely voiced but at the end of the day the topic in question is something that people in this community tend to have strong opinions about so the occasional heated exchange is totally fine as long as everybody stays decent which you mostly have so thank you for that although the sheer volume of expressed opinions turned out to be rather overwhelming I was able to categorize the majority of the comments I have caught up with into manageable group troops and to prove that I'm not some sort of Microsoft chill or arrogant prick who thinks he's above scrutiny I've decided to start with criticism that was specifically directed at me which is something you've already got a glimpse of in the beginning of this video but by all means here's some more I'm surprised there was no mention of the registry fix regarding unsupported CPUs and TPM requirements what exactly is the problem Microsoft itself has published instructions on how to work around these restrictions you're discussing a non-existent issue it's really easy to install Windows 11 on unsupported machines so by far the most common criticism that I got on this video stems from the fact that I did not talk about viable workarounds that make it possible to force Windows 11 onto PCS that do not meet the official Hardware requirements set by Microsoft now here's the truth while I did consciously exclude this information I want to emphasize that my intention was not rooted in any malicious or nefarious reasons you see when I'm in the process of writing videos like these I typically select to topic research it to the best of my ability determine the angle from which I want to approach it and then proceed to craft a story The reason I didn't talk about workarounds in the previous video was because I was approaching the topic at hand from the angle of matters and possibilities as they pertain to the overwhelming majority of the user base you see one thing that can easily get lost on tech savvy people is the fact that they represent just a tiny sliver of the overall base now that's not to say that the rest of the users are incapable on the contrary they can be Wizards at the specific tasks that they do for a living or as a hobby but when it comes to the platform that facilitates their work everyday users typically expect a streamlined experience which didn't have to depend on them even thinking about it let alone researching for and executing workarounds while going through the comments I came across one viewer who said I can't believe people don't know how to put Windows 11 on older systems well believe it or not a lot of people just don't and it's not a question of whether they're capable of it or not I'm sure that almost everyone could learn how to install install Windows 11 on unsupported hardware and no more than the time it takes to watch a decent YouTube tutorial but the reality is that the vast majority of Windows users neither watch videos like these nor do they consider their PC operating system as something that has an expiration date Beyond which their digital security might be jeopardized given that my objective was to discuss the most likely outcomes in a reality that mostly consists of such users I labeled the workarounds as something that would not be a realistic General solution which is why I ultimately chose not to address them and although I still hold the same opinion I do regret not mentioning them at all it was a missed opportunity on my part and it's one that I intend to rectify by saying the following yes there obviously are ways you can install Windows 11 on PCS that do not meet the official system requirements which is something that even the folks at Microsoft have acknowledged themselves however what also needs to be acknowledged is the fact that there are a couple of caveats to this which have the potential of actually defeating the purpose in its entirety firstly for forcing Windows 11 onto unsupported Hardware may lead to compatibility issues which can range from minor to severe and secondly you will not be guaranteed to receive updates including but not limited to security updates now should these caveats Arise at some point installing Windows 11 on unsupported Hardware would quite literally equate to installing an operating system in its end-of-life phase which I highly doubt would be of any help to stranded Windows 10 users in October 2025. it's not that difficult for a Savvy user to get around the restrictions one viewer emphasized but the bigger problem is with all the non-savvy users stuck on Windows 10 becoming more and more vulnerable to security issues that Microsoft no longer wants to patch while the system requirements may be bypassed another person pointed out that's not something that someone who only uses their PC for basic uses would want to do bottom line is the official solution for potentially tens if not hundreds of millions of stranded Windows 10 users who mind you were pushed onto the platform through unprecedented distribution tactics cannot be a workaround that may or may not guarantee Security on a mass scale it simply won't work if however you do have the know-how to utilize a particular workaround in order to buy yourself some additional time all power to you and I should have said that in the previous video but by far the most common type of comments on the previous video were ones regarding potential migrations from Windows to Linux distros Microsoft is working really hard to make Linux more attractive one viewer pointed out the Linux Community is well aware of the situation another person remarked tons of updates and changes were made for the sole purpose of making the transition as easy as possible for inexperienced users distros like Linux Mint will really have their time to shine someone else predicted while expressing hope that there will soon be more distros that work out of the box eliminating the tedium of switching for people coming from Windows perhaps 2025 really will be the year of Linux and perhaps it will to an extent I believe it's entirely plausible that certain will experience an increase in usage when Windows 10 enters its EOL phase and I think this is supported by the fact that a substantial number of tech savvy individuals have already been transitioning mostly due to their dissatisfaction with Microsoft's approach to Windows reasons like this are why I switched to Linux I've installed pop OS a few years ago and never looked back for anyone who doesn't want to be hyper dependent on big Tech open source is the only way forward the best thing I've ever done was ditch Windows completely and move to Linux Mint now come October 2025 when presumably Windows 10 will be effectively dead and newer versions will be drenched in AI features that make the Telemetry of today look like baby stuff which by the way people may or may not even be able to run on their machines I can totally see more people turning to Linux distros and many people actually expressed a similar sentiment in the comments like Microsoft once said Windows 10 is the last version of Windows at least for me one person stated I'll upgrade to Linux if I have to maybe even before 2025. I hope to make Windows 10 the last version of Windows I use as my main OS another person wrote the spying it does already creeps me out and it only gets worse with 11. the end of 10 might finally give me enough of a push to switch with all that said I think it's important to remember that more than one thing can be true at the same time even though it's completely reasonable to expect that certain distros will see a spike in usage I feel that it's highly unlikely that we'll see anything resembling a mass Exodus from Windows to Linux or even Mac OS and I think that this user did a really good job in explaining why I like everyone's enthusiasm in the comments but let's be honest the average computer user isn't going to throw away everything they know about Windows and suddenly learn how to use a whole new operating system they're gonna suck it up and get Windows 11. the simplest answer is usually the right one now this is completely unrelated but I just had to include it anyway would it have killed you to utter the word Linux instead of coily hinting about Alternatives well even though I I've already said it a bunch of times just for this guy Linux Linux Linux Linux everyone else I'm sorry okay Linux a number of people have expressed concerns that the end of support for Windows 10 May trigger a chain of events and circumstances that could eventually lead to significant environmental issues the worry is that a substantial number of users whose computers do not meet the minimum requirements for Windows 11 could contribute to a completely avoidable E-Waste crisis by purchasing new compatible machines and disposing of their previous ones Microsoft is making a big environmental mistake the amount of pointless E-Waste this will create will be insanely High it'd be a totally unnecessary financial and environmental problem now the wording of many of these comments specifically phrases like pointless E-Waste and unnecessary problem emphasize just how absurd this whole situation would actually be because if Windows 11 is capable of running on a lot of officially unsupported machines which we know it is thanks to the workarounds that we've extensively talked about previously an E-Waste problem in 2025 technically should be just about the most avoidable issue Microsoft could imagine it would be a catastrophic environmental disaster one person stated especially considering how many people managed to run Windows 11 on older machines I'm using older Hardware which is working perfectly fine another person explained I can't imagine it becoming unusable within the span of two years the end of support for Windows 10 will turn an unimaginable amount of perfectly usable Hardware into E-Waste and the whole situation becomes even more absurd when we know that Microsoft is a company that as one viewer pointed out supposedly cares about E-Waste problems given their zero waste goals and policies so how can this be dealt with well one possible solution would be for Microsoft to build upon their existing recycling program by partnering with manufacturers and retailers in order to create programs that would facilitate the refurbishment of incompatible PCS as well as the recycling of older components but given the fact that such an action would be to put it my really financially questionable I'm not quite sure about the likelihood of it taking place on a mass scale however there is one factor albeit unfortunate that will probably keep the potential E-Waste problem contained and it's what I'm afraid many people are still overlooking some might consider this a hot take but I think that we probably won't see a full-scale environmental catastrophe take place in a very narrow time frame because a substantial portion of the Windows 10 user base will almost certainly continue using the operating system even after October 2025. now the more tech savvy users who feel that their online security is entirely dependent on reasonable browsing habits we'll not see this as a problem but for the more common everyday users who don't think about these kinds of things it's highly unfortunate now I'm not quite sure what the correct literary device would be here but as it turns out one problem might actually help reduce or at least water down another now the next topic that a number of you guys brought up is something that I'm kind of reluctant to give personal opinions about as it pertains to legal matters which is something that I know so little about that it's hard for me to even attempt making any sort of coherent statements that wouldn't sound like I'm pulling them out of my rear end but it is a very interesting topic and I wouldn't want any of you Skeptics out there thinking I'm sweeping something under the rug for that sweet sweet Microsoft cache so here's what some of you had to say I'm surprised Microsoft was never hit with a false advertising lawsuit one person said as Windows 10 was advertised as the last version of Windows Microsoft never said that someone else replied that was just a rumor started by a single employee it wasn't just some random employee another person added it was Jerry Nixon and Microsoft was happy to never correct his statement I feel that if enough people's PCS get compromised Microsoft could face legal trouble one person commented to which somebody else replied if there was a severe enough vulnerability they just patch it just like they patched XP well after it was dropped this com is of course alluding to the 2017 Windows XP update that was released due to a rise in global ransomware attacks but the following sentiment at least in my opinion raises the most troubling concern here I think that the situation where one company could potentially disrupt a world economy because of a lack of support for their products is very concerning there should be no such dependency governments should step in and do something about it okay so here's what I have to say in a time that was so long ago that it now feels like a previous life I used to be a journalist and as a journalist I used to report on a lot of political events and happenings now through my experience I've learned how to recognize obvious illegalities like when a government official is in a conflict of interest or when such an individual is using government money and power for personal gains or when something is simply so morally deplorable that you know it has to be illegal simply because you've been alive on this Earth for more than two days but when it comes to things like antitrust laws or whatever might be in question here I really can't sit here and pretend like I have any authority to give out meaningful opinions however what I do know from my own time as a journalist is that these sorts of things often depend on political moods in organizations that have the potential of starting legal actions if a group of very influential people have some sort of higher incentive to legally go after a particular entity they might do it even if it's objectively difficult to make a case if they don't well it's anyone's guess but again this stuff is Way Beyond my pay grade so that's really all I have to say about that in the end I think it's important to remember that most people just use their computers to get a job done now I know that advancement is important and tech companies certainly have every right to make new products and run their businesses however they see fit but when your product becomes so deeply fundamental for the proper functioning of other people's businesses and personal activities there comes a point where you have to ask yourself is it really Justified to force people onto something new when the previous thing works perfectly fine so here's just a thought maybe that whole Windows as a service idea was the way to go after all thanks for watching and as always stay strong thank you
Channel: CHM Tech
Views: 128,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Windows 10, Windows 10 end of support, Death of Windows 10, End of Windows 10, Windows 10 EoL, Windows 11, Windows 11 requirements, Microsoft, Microsoft Corporation, Linux, switching to linux
Id: aYzrn--CEtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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