Microsoft Makes Switching to Linux The Only Option

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[Music] I am a Die Hard Linux Fanboy I don't think that that will come as a surprise to anyone who has seen my channel I literally have tucks hanging on my wall back there and have had for a few years now so I really like Linux I make videos about Linux I talk about Linux constantly on my social media channels I like Linux a lot but I try not to be too judgy when it comes to people who use Windows because a lot of people don't like Windows but they are forced to use it for various reasons and you know I understand that from a certain perspective because like I have to have a Google account because of work and stuff so I have to use Google so I too have to spend my time with an evil Corporation we all have to make sacrifices to do the work that we have to do in order to feed our families and all that stuff right so if you have to use Windows I try not to be too judgy about it but there are surprisingly a number of people out there who genuinely like Windows I don't understand these people it's like people who don't like Star Wars or Star Trek like I can understand like in one or the other but liking neither of them doesn't really make sense to me or people who don't like pizza like I'm sorry but pizza's God's food you should definitely like it I don't understand if you don't right people like Windows or some people at least some people really like Windows and I don't understand these people and well most of the time I try to think well you know people like what they like and that's just fine it doesn't pain me or cause me any real issues if other people like what they like so just let them go about their lives and be wrong and you know it's fine right I'll just continue on making my Linux videos and be happy I'm a Linux nerd I can be considered a Linux elitist I won't deny that but I try to at least just let it flow by me right but that doesn't mean that I don't try from time to time to get people to use Linux if I possibly can it's one of the reasons why I make so many videos is I try to with my videos make it clear how good Linux has become over the years to try to fight back against some of the stereotypes that have developed because of the poor hard work compatibility and software compatibility of yesteryear a lot of that stuff is no longer present you can use Linux basically like you use Windows now on basically any hardware and it works out of the box now do we still have some software blind spots sure you know we don't have the Adobe products we don't have easy access to Microsoft Word so there are a couple big ones that don't aren't here but we have alternatives to those things that are at least almost as good or at least good enough right so I try with my videos to put forth Linux in a positive light in hopes that eventually or at least sometimes it will draw some people in to Linux from Windows because I think that Windows is a terrible product not in that it doesn't function well but that it doesn't treat its users humanely it's an evil piece of crap if you will and there are many different examples of this so what I want to do today is talk a little bit about or at least let's let me put it this way I'm going to today I'm going to talk about one more reason why you should definitely use Linux and not Windows and that reason is this one right here so we're starting to see more and more blog posts in the mainstream media like this one where people who have been covering windows for a very long time are slowly Awakening to the idea that Microsoft isn't a good Steward of their operating system that Microsoft is more focused on building up their market share in certain pieces of software and services than actually creating a good product we're seeing more articles like this one now this one in particular is just another example of Microsoft doing something Shady on Windows in order to get you to use their software or their services so in this case what Tom Warren is saying from The Verge is that he has discovered that Microsoft is creating pop-ups inside of Windows when you have Chrome installed and are using Chrome as your default web browser and your default search engine they're putting actual pop-ups like 90s style web pop-ups on your desktop in order to try to get you to use Bing instead to try to get you to use Microsoft Edge instead and this is something that they've actually pushed out to a lot of people a lot of people have seen this it's been going on for months but it's obviously not new Microsoft has basically since Windows 10 if not before tried to push their products onto you in a shady fashion so they've gone so far as to make it almost impossible to switch from Edge to Chrome or Firefox or whatever if you want to do so you have to basically walk across coals in order to get that to work and they've actually after an update switched you back to Edge sometimes they do that at least once or twice a year to some people not everybody but some people right and that's obviously just one thing that they've done they've also gone and put a ton of advertisements inside of Windows now some people will argue well yeah I'm getting windows for free I probably shouldn't care that there are some ads that Microsoft can make money to do this whatever right that was some of the arguments when Ubuntu decided to put Amazon referral links inside of Ubuntu I'm getting Ubuntu for free therefore I should try to support piss a lot of people off but some people really understood the problem with Windows doing it is that windows isn't free actually just because you don't pay money you know directly to Microsoft doesn't mean that you're not paying somewhere along the line the manufacturer of your PC has no doubt paid Microsoft you know a hundred dollars or more for the license that is on your machine that money is then baked into the cost of the hardware or if you've built your own PC you'll know that you've had to buy a license in order to use Windows on your PC or if you're like me you probably have only bought Windows exactly one time in your life and you just keep using the same mostly legally obtained license over and over and over and over again I don't do that anymore so Microsoft if you're watching this I got away with it I'm a Linux user now we don't have product keys we don't need product keys we don't need no stinking product keys so uh there's that but anyways the point of this video is that Linux doesn't do this Linux just does not do pop-ups okay Linux doesn't push software on you at all okay and now some people would say well Matt yeah they kind of do if you're using Ubuntu they do kind of push snaps on to you and if you're using Fedora they kind of force you to use flat packs but do they really I mean if you want to you can uninstall snaps on Ubuntu I've seen people do it I've done it myself you can easily do it and once it's done no more snaps you can just uninstall snap D and it's gone from your machine forever it's fantastic now obviously there are going to be some situations where you kind of do some workarounds if you're going to install something from a different certain repository that may end up pulling snapde back in as as a dependency so it's a little funky and I would say that that is kind of shady of canonical to do that but if you don't really like that you have other Alternatives you can go use Fedora or Arch or Gen 2 or Linux from scratch or whatever you want to do you have tons of options if the distro you're using does shady crap with Windows all you have options are is Windows or moving to a different platform like Mac OS or Linux and obviously Mac OS has its own problems so the point is is that even if you think Windows functions great and I'm not going to argue that when you're trying to get work done as long as the tool works well for you that's all that anybody can ask for and a lot of people prefer the way Windows works and you cannot deny even as a Linux Fanboy you can't deny that Windows has a ton of software available to it and a lot of that software is not available for Linux and that is something that draws a lot of people into using Windows you can't deny that but what Windows Fanboys can't also deny on the other side of things is that Windows has become a Dumping Ground for shady tactics to get you to use as many Microsoft services and products as possible and even if you don't see a bad thing about that which I don't understand how you couldn't possibly think that that was bad the worst part about it is that you can't disable any of this stuff even if you during install choose no Telemetry whatsoever Microsoft is still sending Telemetry outside of your network to their servers and using it for whatever they want they've always been doing that obviously that's nothing new but they continue to push the envelope to do more and more stuff in order to get you to use as many of their service as possible basically what you're seeing here is the internet on your operating system on your local operating system and what I mean by that is that the internet has become inundated with advertisements so much so that people created ad blockers can you imagine a day when you have to have an ad blocker to use your operating system before you even get to the internet I can imagine that data happening quite soon the problem is that I don't think that you could do that very easily without a whole bunch of registry edits and of course Microsoft just like Google does without ad blockers would try to constantly play whack-a-mole with that piece of software to get the your their ads shown to you no matter what because you can't turn them off this new pop-up that they're talking about you can't turn it off okay at least without doing I'm sure some things will violate their terms of service I'm sure any of the advertisements that you have on there you can probably get rid of them but that's not the way Microsoft wants you to use their product right it's basically like using an ad blocker it definitely violates the terms of service so the biggest issue with Windows the number one reason why you should not use Windows and you should at least consider using Linux is that Linux isn't Shady they're not run by evil corporations yes we have some corporations yes we sometimes call them evil but if you compare canonical you compare Red Hat to Microsoft they sure do look not so evil in my opinion at least right and also even if you don't want to use a corporate District we have other options for you we have Arch we have Debian we have things like that that aren't corporate backed so if you want options like that you can find them and that's really the dot the whole point is that on Linux you have options and none of them are really evil options so if you are one of those folks who use Windows and you are sick of Microsoft doing their damnedest to ruin your experience with all the pop-ups and the advertisements and the Telemetry give Linux a try it's really not that hard to install anymore it's not something that you're going to have a hard time getting running on your computer if you're using a mainstream distribution everything is probably just going to work spend the first couple weeks trying to find alternatives to the software that you use because you will have to find Alternatives that's probably the biggest hurdle for most people is you know you have to if you're if you're a Photoshop user you have to go find an alternative Photoshop if you're you're a Microsoft Word user you have to go find an alternative to your office suite all those things are possible it just takes a little bit of effort and the willingness to do so and the willingness to learn new things as I always say so if you are a Windows user use Linux you'll be happy you did so that is it for this video if you have thoughts on this you can leave those in the comment section below I'd love to hear from you I was without power for basically six days five or six days and that's why this video is a little bit more rambling than normal it turns out if you take five or six days off you'll learn you completely lose the ability to talk in a straight line so Things become circles what can I do about it anyways if you want to I don't even remember the ending how do I how do I do the how do they do with endings anymore I don't remember uh oh I totally forgot if you haven't if you haven't already leave a thumbs up on this video we'll start there it really does help the channel I do appreciate it you can follow me on macedona Odyssey those links will be in the video description you can support me on patreon linuxcast you can support me on Kofi the linuxcast that's KO Dash the linuxcast both of those platforms are good if you want to support me thanks to everybody support me on patreon YouTube and coffee I really do appreciate it thanks uh you guys are all absolutely amazing Without You The Challenge just won't be anywhere near where it is right now so thank you so very very much for your support I truly do appreciate it so once you do this it's like kind of riding a bike you just kind of get back on ndi the first food times are a little bit wobbly but after that you just go on and it's smooth as a you know whatever so that's it for this video thank you for watching I'll see you next time [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: The Linux Cast
Views: 105,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linux, open source, apps, the linux cast, thelinuxcast, switch to linux, how to switch to linux, windows vs linux, winodws sucks, why does windows suck, windows 11 sucks, windows 10 sucks, windows 12, linux is better, why is linux better
Id: XiYgLyKi-mM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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